2x19 - The Grandfather (1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gossip Girl". Aired: September 2007 to December 2012.*
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Privileged teens living on the Upper Eastside of New York City. You know you love me. xoxo
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2x19 - The Grandfather (1)

Post by bunniefuu »

gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

Yale has rescinded your acceptance and given the spot to nelly.

Doesn't hurt nearly as bad as waking up that morning in santorini and finding you jumped on a boat.

That night wasn'exactly what I signed up for either.

When yto dominica,he could only get his hands on enough money to get himself set up.

Weon't have any money.

the van der bilts do.

But why would my grandparents pay us to go live with him why they can't even help us out here? Isn't it just breathtaking? mom,your art consultant has ent has exquisite taste.

You've got a good heart.

You should give it to somebody who cares.

Miss blair is out,mr.


I'll wait.

Carter,what are you doing here? Buying you a drink.

spring time on the upper east side, where the winter chill is supposed to be so last season.

But when mittens and scarves are still all the rage, the best thing you can do is just button up and hope for warmer days, and hope for warmer days ah,there's nothing like summer in the eastern bloc.

Just a eurail pass and a backpack full of failed socialist policies.

and nate.

The vienna state opera one day,ay,pierogies in poland the next.

No map,no reservations,just total freedom,and nate is super excited,too.

Probably not as excited as he is about our day of college basketball.

I know your mom's out of town,but if you came-- hey,guys.

Hey,this is my cousin tripp.

This is my girlfriend vanessa.

This is dan.


Nice to meet you.

I'm trying to convince nate here to make an appearance at the family hoodoo this weekend-- lunch today,cocktail party tomorrow.

Hey,maureen will be there.

We're engaged now.

I didn't know that.

That's fantastic.

Yeah,well,you missed a lot.

Hey,why don't you drop by? Grandfather would love to see you,too.

You know,I appreciate it,tripp.

I do.

There's just a lot of stuff going on.

Okay,I can take a hint.

Call me if you change your mind,all right? I will.

I will.



It was nice meeting you.


Nice to meeting you,tripp.

You--you're gonna skip out on your family reunion? I appreciate the commitment to the game-- no,listen,man,I'm not gonna go pretend to bond with the people who shut me and my mom out when my dad got busted.

Let's go inside.

The game's starting.


Chuck,I have been looking for my phone all morning.

I was checking to see if blair changed her number.

Well,if she's not calling you back,you should probably take the hint.

I went to see her last week.

She never came home.

It's not like our girl to be out all night.

I know something's going on.

This is more than her having her dirty laundry aired on "gossip girl.

" She,um she got rejected by yale.

The only thing she wanted more than me.

That would be painful.

Chuck,she's embarrassed,so we just need to give her some time to lick her wounds.

Maybe I can lick them for her.

blair,hey,it's me.

Now here's an extraordi pry newiece I can get from a private collector-- I thought perhapsthfor e bedroom.

Oh,I agree.

It's perfect.

oh,excuse me one moment.


Oh,I wish I could talk,my darling,but I'm right in the middle of something.



Lily I just want to thank you for handling this so gracefully the whole rufus thing the whole "rufus and i used to date" thing? Oh,god.

Please tell me that I'm not putting an enormous foot in my mouth.

He told you,right? Well,of course he did.

It's fine.

So you were thinking above the bed? I think it'll look fantastic there.

I figured out the split screen.

All right.

Now we can watch all four games at once.

what were you guys talking about? Are you sure you don't want to go to your family reunion? We know they weren't cool to you and your mom, but,I mean,it seems like your cousin is trying to make up for it.

Yeah,well,unless he's armed with an engraved apology from my grandfather, I do not care.

Nate,they're making an effort.

Yeah,sure they're making an effort now.

But where were they when we needed them? You've told me about your summers with your cousins, about your grandfather teaching you to sail,how much you used to look forward to christmas.

You loved them.

Now if you really don't want to go,fine.

But don't pretend you don't care.

She wasn't my girlfriend.

We just went out a few times.

You might have mentioned that,considering that she works for me.

It was humiliating.

Well,I've been meaning to tell you.

You know,it's a shame we never see each other.

Are there any other exes I should know about-- my trainer,my accountant  I'm sorry.

But it's not like I ever asked you to make a list of everyone you've dated.

Yes,well,I'd be happy to make one.


Do you think I wouldn't? - I don't think about it.

I think we should just drop it.

Let's make lists.


Look,you clearly have some idea about my past and I'd prefer to dispel, and this way I won't be blindsided again unless, of course,there's something that you don't want known.

All right.


Tonight,then,at dinner.

Be ready.

This has disaster written all over it.

oh,there's tripp.

What? Nate,you said it was a mansion,not a country club.

Nate changed your mind.

Six times,actually.

**** - Hey,tripp.

it's flying low.

There must be a hospital nearby.

It's not a medevac.

It's,uh,grandfather's ride.

He's gonna be so surprised to see you.


I thought this was his idea.

Not exactly.

So I came to give him a chance,and he didn't even want one? - No.



You've come this far.

Come on.


I'm so delighted you're here.

My boy! we've missed you.

Looks like V.

Is leading a lost lamb back to the flock.

And C.

Is coming to B.

Sheepishly bearing gifts.

I would have been here sooner.

I stopped to pick up a little something.

How thoughtful.

Serena thinks you're in some kind of trouble.

Seems to me your only problem is having a party all by your lonesome.

Except she's not alone.

What are you doing with this insect? Having the time of my life.

Thank you very much.

Well,as much as I enjoy bursting your bubble,he's just using you to get at me.

Ask him about his role as a kidnapper for a certain secret gentleman's club.

I should know.

I had him expelled.


All I did is bring that girl to a waiting pile of cash, which I understand she gladly took before leaving town without you.

Blair this guy-- what? Dishonest?Bad news? He can't be any worse than you.

I'm the one trying to help you.

Help me? Is that what you were doing at your little gentleman's club while my life was going up in flames? I'd rather take carter's help.

We hear carter baizen's dealt chuck another losing hand.

This is a little seat,Secretary of state simon van der bilt.

Governor hamilton van der bilt.

A family history of distinguished public and it all began with johannes van der bilt.

He came to america 250 years ago.

Found coal in pennsylvania.

You n understand why we're proud to be celebrating our family's anniversary this weekend.

We started with almost nothing.

Finally something I can relate to.

And now all this.

Or not.

Nathaniel,let's show your friends the presidential medals of freedom.

finally! So tell me,nathaniel,what are your plans next year? Well,I'm waiting to hear back from colleges.

The only thing is,when everything went down with my father, it was around the time applications were due.

So I didn't exactly knock the essays out of the park.

Another unfortunate by-product of that regrettable situation, which,I might add,you handled admirably.

Admirably? I thought you were ashamed of me.

Oh,on the contrary.

I've never been more proud.

You stood by your mother.

You got your father to do what was right.

I used to worry that,um,you got her looks and his brains,but you proved me wrong on that.

you're a part of this legacy,too,nathaniel.

So who's up for some touch football? Come on.

Do you know how exhausting it's been being blair waldorf for the past 18 ars-- all the work,the planning? You mean plotting? Yes,exactly.

I'm glad it all blew up in my face.

It was a wake-up call.

I was such an overachiever,I was headed for a quarterlife crisis at 18.


You've had a couple of setbacks, but there must still be a way to get into a great college, and if anyone can do it,it's you.


,I've learned the hard way.

I can't control everything,plan everything.

Now with carter's help,I'm trying something different.

Inact,if I'm somewhere,and I can say,"blair waldorf would never do that," guess what?I'll do it.



You have to pay for those.

So call security.

We have a problem.

Let me guess--carter baizen? As usual,you're a step behind.

He's encouraging the worst in her.


Unfortunately,my P.


Has yet to dig up an unpaid creditor or a jealous husband that would clear baizen out.

Tell him you want to see him.

Why?What do you have? Just do it.

did you and blair find anything you like at V.



? Well,blair certainly did.

Are you reorganizing? Oh,no.

Just reminiscing.

Why is bart's name next to trent reznor and the klauses? Oh,my god.

It's,um-- mom,what is that? - It's-- no,no.

Please don't answer.

It's a long story between me and rufus.


You're not showing rufus that,are you? Well,we agreed to be up-front with each other.

Up-front?Okay,but,mom, it's gonna take him 20 minutes to get through the '90s alone.

I know.

I know.

We got into this tiff because he hadn't told me he dated bex.

And then the next thing I know,I was saying yes to lists.

And how am I gonna back out now? Besides,I'm not ashamed of my past most of it,anyway.

Do you think he'll judge? I think you should just sneak a peek at his little black book before you drop the yellow pages on him.

Just make sure your numbers are on par.


Slash?Seriously? what,there's no penalty? You want me toall that? I thought this was touch,not rugby.

I forgot how the van der bilts like to play football.




Do you quit? No.



I remember my first time here.


I'm maureen,tripp's fianc.


Nice to meet you.

And "yes" on the intimidating front.

I feel like a republican at the kennedy compound.

Oh,don't fret.

Everyone loves you.

They're probably already designing the campaign posters.

What do you mean? - I assume you saw the hall o' governors? Politics is a van der bilt birthright.

And with nate's charm and your background - excuse me? Nate mentioned you're kind of an activist in your community-- a documentary filmmaker? Oh,yeah.

Well,I think you've been misinformed.

The only thing nate's ever voted for isamerican idol.

" Tripp was the same way.

He wanted to be an archaeologist in college,like indiana jones.

Now he's law review at yale and about to clerk for the supreme court.

Grandfather can be very persuasive.

welcome to the next 30 years.

I'm surprised.

You waved the white flag so soon.

Goes down almost as easy as you did.

So it was all just a game.


Though I have to admit,blair surprised me.

that girl certainly knows how to let loose.

Victory never tasted so sweet.

Speaking of which,do you mind if I take this? Blair's meeting me at a party,and it's not the kind of place she should be left alone.

Actually,I don't think you're gonna be making that.

what's this? Good cop/bass cop? Blair needs to regroup,so you need to bid adieu.

Dubai again? nice try,but I'm having too much fun.

Nothing's gonna get me to leave town.

What about santorini? Do you think blair will want to hear about that? The greek guy--spiros? The greek police? I still have all of their phone numbers from when they questioned me.

You wouldn'T.

I would,but I won't if you leave town now,alone.

E therare a few things I could hold over your head from that trip.

But consider us even.

If the two of you think that getting rid of me is gonna magically change back your friend,think again.

I'm just a symptom of the disease,not the cause.

What happened in santorini? Let's find blair.

I want to make sure she's okay.


Taking one small step for new blair one giant step towards a strange townhouse.

Enter at your own risk,B.


whatever your style.

The new schick quattro I think we've made a cle possible small talk.

I think we should just get it over with before the kids come home.

I will,uh,go first.

Is it all right? Yes,of course.

Um and this is the whole thing? That's it.


Well,then,that's just,uh okay,I'll just get mine.

oh,here I am.

I'm sorry.

It's just,well,I'm-- I'm relieved please don't take that the wrong way.


It's just you've dated more people than I have, and I wasn't sure that we'd be in the same ballpark.

Well,I'm glad that that is behind us.


I'll get dessert.

What happened to you? It's called,uh,getting to know the van der bilts.

Turned out to be less "gatsby" and more "fight club.

Don't worry.

I'm okay.

I'm fine.

Well,you'd better recover by tomorrow.

Nate told his grandfather we'd come to the reception at the country house.

Oh,reception at the country house.

That's very blazer and chinos.

Do you want me to overnight you a rep tie from bluefly? Thanks,no.

Could you get me something for my ankle? Sure.

So? - Spill it.

Spill what? Come on,the minute we dropped nate off,you just-- you clammed up,and you got that look on your face.

What look?I don't have a look.

He's right.

You definitely have the look.



You're right.

Thank you.


When I encouraged nate to reconnect with his family,I had no idea it came with such expectations.

And it just sounds like nate's grandfather lays out your life for you.

They're the van der bilts,not the corleones.

This may snd silly.

It's just I don't want nate to get pushed in to the family sausage grinder and come out a clone of his cousin.

Why don't you just tell him that? Because he just got his grandfather back in his life,and he seems really happy.

And the last thing I'd want to do is say something that might keep them apart.

Nate's a pretty understanding guy when he's not maiming people on the football field.

So if you're worried,yeah,you should just tell him.

What do you mean,she's not here?She went to that pty alone? Look,you have to tell us where she is.

I am sorry,but miss blair very specific-- no tell miss serena,no tell mr.


But if mr.

Chuck come,tell him mr.

Carter is more attentive to a woman's-- enough.

I'm not going to play where's waldorf? All night.

How much is it gonna cost? How much? miss blair dorota,dorota,please.

Can't you see that blair has changed? Yes.

It is old miss blair then new miss blair, like it was old miss serena,now new miss serena.

Very hard to keep track.



Blair is at a party right now alone with some very bad people.

We just want to help her.


I know grandfather's pretty strong-willed,but if you're worried I'm gonna be pushed into anything,don't be.

Because I am really happy that you've reconnected with your family.

Just-- Nothing's gonna change.

hold on just one second.


What's going on? Wait.

Where,in the city? I'd love to,but I'm on a date right now.


All right,just tell grandfather I said I'm sorry.

All right,thanks,man.


You should go meet them.

But we're eating pierogies.

**** ********* ****
don't forget we have the party tomorrow.


All right.

Have fun.

may I help you? - Great.

Looks like polanski's in town.

please don't do this.


Chuck? What are you doing here? Miss waldorf,as I was saying,I met with you as a favor to your headmistress.

But sarah lawrence cannot accept someone who has hazed a teacher.

But,dean wheeler,that was a - dean wheeler? - looks like we may have made an error.

Colleges stopped accepting applications months ago.

Please?I don't have any other options.

I'm sorry,but you have my answer.



,Why didn't you tell us? What,that I was coming to debase myself by begging to be accepted at sarah lawrence? Gee,you're right.

Why didn't I update my facebook page? It's nice to know the old blair is still in there somewhere.

I knew you wouldn't give up.

You're wrong.

I just did.

Don't follow me! Poor B.

Couldn't spin this one in her favor.

Looks like now she's spinning out.

why are we crashing nate's family reunion? And why would blair be here? Well,dorota tipped me off.

She's coming.

Maybe she's ready to relaunch herself into blue blood society.

Blair! Hey,you--you look great.

I feel great.

Why? Because I realized that while we can't tear out a single page of our life, we can throw the whole book in the fire.

George sand.

She understands me.

And what better place to go up ismoke than in front of the cre de la crme of new york society? Blair waldorf.

How are you,dear? I heard you've rejected the colony club.

Too stuffy for my taste,as well.

That's because your tastes include sleeping with your driver and popping prescription meds.

Okay,not good.

Not good--like dan having sex with rachel carr in the costume closet during the school play,not good? By the end of tonight,the old blair waldorf will be dead and buried with no chance of resurrection.

Hey,you,garn with the bubble butt.

Arr! - That was - yeah.

Go find dan.

I'll make sure this social eulogy doesn't get out of hand.


Security check? I can't even put my lipstick in here.

What could I possibly be trying to sneak in? I don't know.

Liberal agenda? Universal health care?Education reform? Increase in the estate tax? well I see you got my delivery.

Ah,yes,I did.

Thank you.

It fits perfectly.

Of course it does.

Glad you could join us again,daniel.

I hope we weren't too hard on you yesterday.


I've always wanted a football injury to impress the ladies with.

Touch football injury? Would you two mind if I borrowed him for a while? No,you two go and talk and we'll,um,catch up with you later.

Drink? - Drinks.

You think the humphreys have a crest? Maybe something jenny could stitch on to one of my cardigans? And,uh,don't for tthe egg rolls.

Very important.

All right,thanks.

Lil? Do you have,uh,cash for tip? rufus,do you need something? how about the truth? Vanessa.


You look like you're having fun.

Top-shelf all the way.

so you excited for nate's big adventure this summer? He told you about our backpacking trip? I was talking about the internship at the mayor's office.

It's why william wanted nate to meet him last night.

You didn't know.

There must be a misunderstanding.

Nate and I are traveling this summer.


I-I guess there must be.

anything you want to say to me? Who ld you? Tripp.

tell me that you told your grandfather you already made plans for the summer.

Look,I haven't made any decisions yet.

No,you haven'T.

Your grandfather made this decision for you.

It's not like that.

Then tell me what it's like,because two days ago you were so excited to get away from everything,just the two of us.

I know,and I still am,okay? But it is an amazing opportunity.

For what?To turn into tripp?Is that who you wanna be in five year I don't know who I want to become in the next five years.

That's the point.

If this is something I honestly thought you wanted,I'd be happy for you.

But can you really tell me this isn't about what william wants you to do? As opposed to what you want me to do? I didn't mean that.

It's just my grandfather believes in me.

so - Oh,blair.

What are we talking about? - It's good to see you,blair.

Is your mother here? No.

It's a shame,though.

She should be here to see this.

oh,you must have her call me.

Gerald and I just got engaged,and I need an eleanor waldorf design for the big day.


Though,I think she discontinued her "third-trip-down-the-aisle- only-took-the-plunge- for-money" line.


I think you've had too much to drink.

Oh,you would know.

Three D.



S now,is it?Now that I blame you.

Her way to escape the whispers that you made your money in adult entertainment web sites.

***** - Bye.

big fan of your sites.

You about done? No.

What are you doing? Trying to destroy thu,old yo burn every bridge? It won't help.

Believe me.

I've tried.

Well,maybe I should head up to the roof,make it a little more dramatic.

This isn't you.

How do you know? Because I know you better than I know myself.


You can see right through me can't you,chuck? Right to my core.

Do you remember the first time you saw the real me? The blair that danced for you that night at victrola? The blair with none of the hang-ups,none of the frustrations-- that's the blair right here.

take me now.

Why? To prove that nothing matters.


This isn't you.

It's not the blair I want.

That's right.

And I never will be again.

The danger with calling someone's bluff is that even if you win good-bye,chuck.

You risk them walking away from the table for good.

And who likes to play with themselves? What are you doing out here? I don't know.


Take that.

Do you remember the first time you brought me here? When we first started dating? - We were,like-- we used to talk about our future.

How perfect everything would be.

Remember? Yeah.

what happened? when did.

everything get so screwed up? This isn't how it's supposed to be.

I don't know who I am anymore,what I'm supposed to do.

I feel so - lost.

Do you remember when you used to make us watch your favorite movies over and over again? Like "tiffany's" and "holiday"? It used to drive me nuts.

Is this a pep talk? Well,I finally asked you why you liked watching movies you've already seen, and you remember what you said? I like knowing how things are gonna turn out.


You know,growing up,I never knew who I was supposed to be so I'd spend all my time apologizing for the privilege and the wealth and the opportunities I felt other people deserved more than I did.

And you know what I'm finally learning? You can't fight against who you are.

And you are blair waldorf.

What happened to the nate archibald who just wanted to get high and play "halo"? I don't know.

Well,I better,um,I better head inside.


Don't forget your jacket.

Thank you.

Nasere,How are - What was that for? I don't know,newland archer.

Try to rack your brain a little.

Blair told you about me and rachel.

And the costume closet,yes.

Well,you and I were broken up.

Oh,so that makes it okay to have sex with a teacher? - She wasn't my teacher.

No,she was mine, and you slept with her at school,during a play,with me probably 20 feet away.



Yeah,when you put it like that mm.

What?why are you smiling? I don't know.

I am mad,but that was invigorating.

well,that's good.

It's good to know that you enjoy hitting people.

oh,and look.

That's wonderful.

I'll be sure to check that out on bitchslappedagain.

Com later.

Let's go get you ice.

This looks great.

And you remembered the egg rolls.

Make sure I only eat a few.

I'm gonna feel guilty.

T likely.



What's going on with you? I'm sorry.

I was going to tell you.

Let's just pretend like this ver ha.

Ened that's obviously what you wanted.

That's not fair.

No kidding,which is why I didn't show you some condensed version of my list.

Your list was a dozen people.

How much more condensed could it have been? embarrassed about my past.

No,you're just embarrassed about mine.

When you saw the condensed version,you told me you were relieved.

So I think we found out everything we needed to know about each other.

I've been looking for you.

About before,what I forgot to tell you is I believe in you,too,just a different you.

Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention,please? As we celebrate our family's past this weekend,we also look to its future.

Our grandson,nathaniel,is graduating from st.

Jude's this year,and,I'm proud to announce, has been offered an internship in the mayor's office.

Nathaniel? - I'm sorry.

Well,our fami has many traditions.

Some,like touch football,come at a steeper price than others.

but what they all have in common is commitment to bringing out the best in yourself, your potential,even if you're not sure what that is.

I hope to find out this summer in the mayor's office.


That's what I wanted to hear.

How about that? Call your travel agent,kiddies.

Looks like nate archibald traded in a summer of love for a one-way ticket to his legacy.

You left early.

What happened with blair? chuck? Okay.


Have fun drinking by yourself.

I'm losing her.

Well,then fight for her.

She did for you.

I tried.

I failed.

Well,then try again.

She's scared,chuck.

Her plan hasn't worked out for her,and she doesn't know what's gonna happen next.

If you want to be back in her life,make her feel safe.

You know what to say.

I can't believe you guys broke up.

We didn't exactly break up.

Or maybe we did.

I don't know.

I just left.

It was bad,whatever it was.

Welcome to the world of upper east side grandparents.

I've gone up against them myself,and they're a lot tougher than they look.

So what do I do? Well just give him some space.

I mean,he needs time to work through everything.


Yeah,space is key.

I mean,you guys belong together.

God,I'm hungry.

why do rich people insist on tiny food? Well,that's how they stay rich.

They only buy small food.



It's gonna be okay.

I thought you'd left.

I did.

Well,why don't you try it again?Maybe this time it will take.

I made a new list.

It's not what you think.

Murphy's "Romance novels,sonoma cabernets,christmas tree ornaments" that's the only list I need to know-- things that you make you happy or sad or crazy.

Althou that last one would be kind of hard to condense.

Just know that I'm--I'm sorry.

Why? This whole thing was my fault.

I'm the one that wanted to open the door to the past.

Well,consider it closed.

I don't get it.

I mean,I know you were married for 18 years, but you were the lead singer of a not entirely unpopular band, and I remember beautiful girls throwing themselves at you every night.

That's true but the majority of that time,I was pining for a certain blonde photojournalist.

Springtime--a season for rebirth and new beginnings.

For some,it's a chance to turn over a new leaf I told doorman no visitors.


Chuck it's late.

I just need a moment of her time.

Miss blair asleep.

I'm sorry.

Can you tell her that I stopped by and that I have something I need to tell her? I will,in morning.

thank you for making sure I got home okay.

You're welcome.

I just want to make sure you're fine,which you are,so I should go.


For others,it's the surprise of seeing something bloom.


but for yours truly, it's aeminder that on the upper east side, everything old can be new again.

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