2x15 - Gone with the Will

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gossip Girl". Aired: September 2007 to December 2012.*
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Privileged teens living on the Upper Eastside of New York City. You know you love me. xoxo
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2x15 - Gone with the Will

Post by bunniefuu »

Gossip Girl here.

Your one and only source Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

I broke up with Aron.

I needed to make sure that we still felt the same.

Soon as that will is read and I get my money, You won't ever see me again.

what are you doing? Or is this not you With my 15-year-old sister? Truth is, I wasn't ready to have a baby.

I understand why you gave him up, But it's that you didn't tell me.

You can't ask me to hide this From Serena.

This is too big to keep secret.

Son, this isn't your secret to share.

It was my dad.

He and Lily are going away for a couple days.

Chuck, your father wouldn't have wanted this.

UnfortuNately, all I know is what he didn't want, Which was me.

I do.

I'll always be here.

�ȼ��� blackeyepea Isaac lucinda �ڶ��� ��ʮ�弯 When most people lose a parent, they inherit sorrow, Loss and a closet And a closet full of outdated clothes.

But on the upper east side, Death's sad chapter comes with a silver lining Or a gold one, If your relatives invested wisely in precious metals.

Good morning, Jack.


Chuck asked me to come To the reading of the will for support.

The only thing he's gonna need support for Is the massive influx into his bank account.


Come out with me tonight.

I told you I'm not interested.

Didn't seem that way on new year's.

Whatever may have transpired between us, What's important is what it means to me, Which is nothing.

Do you think it would be nothing to Chuck? Let's ask him now, shall we? Let's not.


No one wants to play today, huh? Let's get this over with.

Courage, nephew.

I'm going to be running Bass industries, And you're about to inherit a billion dollars.

I know my father.

There'll be so many strings attached I'll look like a marionette.

He wouldn't miss his last chance to put me in my place.

Hey! Thought you might need some backup.


Let's go.

Hey, let's go.

Okay, wait.

Come on, admit it.

Dad and Lily are totally hooking up On this trip to Boston.


Lily--Lily just lost her husband, And dad is getting her out of town So he can clear her head.

Okay, if that's what you want to call it.

Ooh, headphones on.

No, come on.

You know it's true, And you just don't want to admit it Because you and Serena are back together, And that's the last thing you want Is your parents falling in love again.


they're not in love.

How can you be so sure? because I-I am.

I wouldn't have come to this party if I knew I wasn't v.



The important thing is that Chuck knows we're here for him.



I can't hear.

Now that we're all settled, please let me express My deepest condolences.

As Mrs.

Bass is unable to be here today, Her interests are being represented by her counsel.

Now, Charles, Your uncle Jack Bass is your closest living relative, And, as such, has been named your legal guardian.

Are you comfortable with this? Curfew? None.

Girls sleeping over? Yes, please.

With regard to mr.

Bass' personal assets, Moving on then.

They will be put in a trust which you, charles, Will have access to on your 18th birthday.

And as for Bass industries? Yes, I was just getting to that.

And a 20% stake in the company has been left to Lily Bass.

Okay, but that still leaves 51%.

That's the controlling interest.

Charles, Mr.

Bass asked me to give you this letter.

If I don't read it, do I still get my inheritance? Well, yes.

Then I'll pass.

Chuck! Is everything okay? Chuck, this letter represents your dad's final words.

Your dad wrote you a letter? you have to read it.

Ye, aren't you curious to know what it says? Think I can guess.

"You're a disappointment of a son.

"I'd die of embarrassment if I wasn't already.

Why do you wear so much purple? "Then you'll have the satisfaction of being right.


I'll read it.

"Dear son, - I know I've always been hard on you.


But my goal was always to prepare you for this day, To help you go from being a boy to a man.

" The italian au pair took care of that.

Chuck, please.

"Sadly, there is nothing like the passing of a father "To aid in this rite of passage for his son.

"Ultimately, I do feel that I did my job "And you're prepared for this next chapter of your life.

"Therefore, I'm bequeathing to you The majority share of Bass industries.

" Surely that's a mistake.

No, it's not.

he believed in you.

That son of a bitch.

-Jack! -no Jack's right.

My father can't be one way my whole life Then all of a sudden, it's okay.

It's nice that he finally decided I'm worthy, But I don't want it.

If you want it, you can have it.

Three times this week I planned a dinner with Jonathan, And every time, Jenny just happened to show up.

Well, she doesn't have anyone else.

All the mean girls hate her.

You gotta give her time to make new friends.

But doesn't she understand the whole point Of having a boyfriend is to be alone? Yes.

seems to be a problem with the entire Humphrey clan.

Dan is avoiding you Because he thinks our parents are getting back together.

You can't really blame him.

Well, I happen to know they're not, So he needs to stop being paranoid.

Okay, so as far as you know hey.

be nice to Jenny.

Hey! hey, eric! okay, guess what? Jonathan and I decided that tonight we are gonna have An edith head film festival.

She says edith head, I say hitchcock.

Same difference.


count me in.

yay! Oh, wait.

oh, my gosh.

Oh, did you guys know that you have matching backpacks? That's so cute.

oh! Dan.

Dan, hey.

Sorry, I'm a little out of it.

Look, I know you've been avoiding me, But my mom called from boston this morning, And I asked her point-blank.

you have nothing to worry about.

Well, who said anything about being worried? Why, what did she say? That there's nothing going on between her and Rufus.

Well, isn't that what you were worried about? Yeah.

uh, yeah.

I just I was really convinced, But you know, if your mom says nothing's going on, Then that's good.

yeah, well, she usually is Pretty honest about these things-- A little too honest, actually.

Supposedly sarkozy was a bad kisser.

Yeah, well, that's, uh, that's a relief-- Not the thing about sarkozy.

That's kind of disappointing.

So we're good then? Yeah, we are.



I'll see you later.

Hey, Dan, what's up? You do realize the whole reason Serena and I broke up Was because she was being so secretive, And now I'm the one keeping secrets.

Lily's gonna talk to Eric and Serena As soon as we get back.

In the meantime, you have to wait just like we do.

I-I just--I don't like lying to my girlfriend.

You know, Serena has a right to know what's going on.

Oh, my god.

We have to tell Serena.

What? we don't know what he's lying about.

Why are you talking? Last time I checked you were still on probation.

We should at least tell blair.

We can't.

Blair's with Chuck again.

I'm really getting sick of how much time She's spending with him.

but his dad just died.

Yeah, like a month ago.

Afraid we're on our own for this one, ladies.

Chuck! stop! It's like he's setting me up to fail from beyond the grave.

Do you really think bart would leave his whole company to you - If he didn't think you could do it? - It doesn't make sense.

My father never trusted me with anything.

He's trusting you now.

he left you his legacy.

I know you can do this.

I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Start by reading the rest of this.

Is lowly lonely boy cheating on our queen? Sound unlikely? Does the name Georgina ring a bell? Get out your shovels and start digging the dirt, kids.

Gossip girl's gonna need a little help Getting to the bottom of this mess.


what's up? forget something? I took a walk around the block, read my father's letter.

If it wasn't notarized, I'd think it was a fake.

Look, I owe you a lot, Jack.

You saved my life when I didn't want to be saved.

Well, you noticed that thai waitress I was gonna take home the other night had a penis.

So consider us even.

Look, I've decided to follow my father's wishes And take over Bass industries.

Well, we can discuss that when you turn 18.

Anyway, you're in charge in name.

It's better--all the fun, none of the work.

I want to start now, learning at least.

This isn't an after-school job.

You have no experience.

You're not ready.

If you want to stay in New York, I'll find a place for you in the company.

I know it's going to be a long road But I'm ready now.

You missed one.

Wait, blair.

Do you-- -What do you want, jack? You, obviously.

Hanging up! But barring that, to apologize.

This whole process just wasn't what I was expecting.

I, uh, I want to make it right.

Chuck's the only family I've got.

I know.

Poor Chuck.

Luckily, he has me.

What do you say we throw him a party To celebrate him running the company? Why not celebrate Bart dying? That would be just as tasteless.

Just something to show he has our support.

I'm having dinner with Chuck tonight.

He knows he has my support.

Blair, you know better than anyone how rough Things have been for Chuck lately, And unfortunately, I didn't help the way I reacted this morning.

I really want to do something nice to celebrate.

I'll bring Chuck.

you round up his friends.

And, blair, let's make it a surprise.


Brunch tomorrow at the palace.

Sorry for the delay.

I was able to track down the adoptive family Through your mother's lawyer, Mrs.


Unfortunately, that's as far as I could take it.

What do you mean as far as you can take it? You haven't taken it anywhere.


Rufus, please.

With a closed adoption, The only way the birth parents Can track down and contact their child Is if he registers with a search service.

Your son has not done this.

Look, I wasn't aware of my child Or his adoption when it happened.

I have rights, too.

I'll find my own lawyer.

Rufus, he has a whole life that we are not a part of.

Think of someone other than yourself.

What if I try to get in touch with the adoptive parents? I can't guarantee If they're gonna want to talk to you, But at least I can ask.


tell them we're in town.

We can meet them immediately Wherever they want.

Yes, of course.

Are you sure this is The best time for a flare-up of Chuck fever? I'm having no such thing.

we're just friends.

He's gone through a lot, and He needs someone to be there.

Anyway, you're the one who told me To help him out in the first place.

Hey, what's up with "gossip girl" Putting out a hit on Dan? excuse me? Apparently, "gossip girl" Is looking for evidence To prove that Dan's cheating on you.

Not that anyone else would Ever want Dan Humphrey.

No offense.

Wait, let me see that.

"nothing yet on 'lonely boy,' But we did find out "He brown bags it for lunch, And today's plat du jour? "A tuna sandwich.

"Disgusting, but not enough for a conviction.

Keep digging, kiddies.

Tuna fish? Why does he make it so hard for himself? Blair, who did this? I see they act alone now.

It's so hard finding obedient minions.

But right now I have to go get ready For my absolutely nonromantic Dinner with Chuck.


I'm thinking one paint can of gummy worms And another of swedish fish.

Is this how you and Nate want to celebrate Two months of dating With all things gummy? Is he dragging you to Chuck's brunch, too? We're skipping.

Nate says Our anniversary takes precedence.

Ooh! should I get squirrel nut zippers Or some b.


bat strawberry? I don't know.

candy's candy.

Okay, enough.

You've been walking around for days With a storm cloud over your head.

What is going on? it's annoying.

I really can't talk about it.

Dan, clearly something's up.

So let me help you.

All right, well, if If I tell you, you Can't say anything to anyone Not Nate, not Jenny Especially not Jenny.

No one.

You swear? - Swear.

Swear on your simple machines 7 inches.





You know that trip to boston My dad and Lily are on? Uh, they they are They are looking for their son.

What do you mean, "son"? I mean their child, the one tha They had together 19 years ago.

What?! Okay, first of all, lower your voice.

What are you talking about? Lily gave the child up for adoption And dad never knew.

Now I can't say anything to Serena Because Lily wants to be the one to tell her.

I can't believe you're telling me this Now in a candy store.

Well, you begged me to, so please help me.




For starters, stop avoiding her Or you're gonna wind up Ruining your relationship all on your own.

So unfortunately That means you go to Chuck Bass' brunch.

Oh, no.

how could you do it? How could you cheat on Serena again? I didn't.

Brooklyn pig.

How could you let him do it, v.

? You know who I am? Please.

dating Nate archibald After striking out with Dan Humphrey? Talk about failing upwards.

Who are you cheating with? Nobody.

I'm not ch-- no, I-I'm not.

I'm not doing this again.

I can't deal with this.

You, stay.

I'll catch up in a minute.

All right.

I hope you don't mind.

I let myself in.

I've made my decision, Jack.

I know.

And I owe you an apology.

The fact is, you're Bart's son, and it is your rightful place.

Your blessing means a lot to me.


Now before we start spooning, I want to take you out tonight to properly celebrate.

I'm having dinner with Blair.

Reschedule Blair.

I can't.

She's been a good friend to me.

Yeah, I saw you two talking this morning.

The last time I had a friend like that, - I wind up with gonorrhea.

Suprax? Rocephin.

I mean, Is this who you imagined Chuck Bass to be-- A man who spends his day at the office And then goes home to the wife? it's no coincidence Your father had his most success when he was single.

I, uh, invited a few friends to join us.

I guess I'll have to entertain them on my own.

Last chance.

What's it gonna be, Chuck-- business and Blair Or cocktails and coquettes? Serena, hey.


I just dropped Dan off at the loft if you--

Oh, no. I came to see you. I'm here on a rather pathetic mission. I'm boyfriend snooping.

I see.

yeah, - it's not something I'm proud of, But i-i don't know what else to do.

Something's going on with Dan, And I thought I knew what it was, but i-i don't.

I was wondering if he said anything to you.

No, he didn't.

I'm sorry.

Oh, I figured if-- If he would've told anyone, he would have told you.

Um, whatever it is, I'm sure he'll tell you.

Dan's not really one for keeping secrets.

Yeah, I-I I used to think that, But, um I-I don't know anymore.


Well, thanks anyway.

When R Lily & Rufus back? S need to know their child You stole Dan Humphrey's phone? Not bad, Nelly.

At this rate,You'll be off probation Before your second marriage.

Is that candy? When R Lily & Rufus back? S need to know their child It's not fair Lily and Rufus are their parents.

What child is she talking about? - it--it can't.

I mean, that's Oh, my god.

make that your first marriage.

From Chunk Bass Sorry, working late.

Next time Looks like Chuck Bass made his choice.

But careful, Bass.

now that you're a big fish, There are a lot more sharks in this pond.

I can't even pretend to read this anymore.

How long are we gonna sit around here waiting? Hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

Just give it a chance.

Yeah, but they may not make a decision for days.

I've already missed the reading of Bart's will.

Hello? Yes.

She's right here.

And what did they say? Well, did you tell 'em we're not looking for anything, Just a conversation? Yes, well, I'm sorry, too.

They don't want to meet.

They don't want us to contact them ever.

Rufus - well, that's it, then.

I guess I'll go back.

Who are those people? Members of the board of Bass industries.

Jack wanted Chuck to be able to get to know them In a more casual setting.

so how was your non-date with Chuck last night? He had to reschedule.

Spare me those expressive eyebrows.

I can't wait till you get botox.

I'm just saying-- You're just saying nothing.

Chuck is taking this really seriously, And I'm proud of him.

end of story.

This is Jack.

he's pulling up with Chuck.

Now you'll see we're just friends.

Dan, it's okay.

whatever's going on with you and Serena, It's still good that you came.

And you know I wouldn't pass up an opportunity To celebrate Chuck Bass.


um, I'm gonna go find Eric, But text me if you need any moral support.

I can't.

I lost my phone.

I'm stuck with dad's old cell.

It practically has a rotary dial.


well, good luck.

Hey! you came.

I love brunch.

you had waffles and eggs And little kipper-looking things in the same spot.

I-i love this meal.

it's perfect.

I know.

Not to mention you're here.

uh, I'd be crazy not to come.

Excuse me.

please be quiet.

Chuck and his uncle Jack are on their way up.

Where's Chuck? Relax.

he's in his office.

I don't know how much he'll get done after the night we had.

What? I thought that he was working.

Blair? we need to talk to you.

it's important.

We put a hit on Dan Humphrey on "gossip girl"-- Why are you bothering me about "gossip girl" right now? Go! we wanted your okay before we release what we have.



release it.

go breathe somewhere else.

Bombs away, girls.

What do you mean Chuck was out with you last night? Jack, where's our guest of honor? Pete, alice, glad you could make it.

Blair, this is pete holmberg, alice cashman, Members of Bass industries' board.

Nice to meet you.

Chuck's hard at work upstairs, actually.

You should go see him.

Perhaps Blair could show you the way.


So what do you and jonathan want to do tonight? Actually, uh, jonathan and i Were thinking of just hanging out tonight, Just the-- just the two of us.

Oh, okay.

Come on, Jenny.

we hang out with you all the time.

So? don't act like you're doing me some big favor.

Okay, you're acting ridiculous.

Me? I wasn't gonna say anything, But ever since you started dating jonathan, It's like, "my boyfriend this and my boyfriend that.

" It's okay, we get it.

You have a boyfriend but-- yes, I do, and I'm sorry that you don't, But it doesn't mean I have to invite you out every time we have plans.

You are so conceited.

You are so annoying.

So, uh, my question-- And it's been bothering me for a while-- Can you reserve eclairs? I know.

cruel, right? why--why put them out? I'm so glad you came.


What now, people? it's not like I brought a tuna sandwich.

Hold on to your floppy cable-knit hats, kids.

Lonely boy's secret is out, and this one's a doozy.


wasn't cheating, But there's definitely a third party involved.

Seems d.

and s.

share a sibling.

While I'm always a fan of star-crossed lovers, At least romeo and juliet didn't share d.




That is Chuck Bass? Yeah.

who the hell are you? Pete holmberg.

I'm on the board of Bass industries.

Oh, Chuck, didn't your father teach you? Never mix business with pleasure.

This can't be true.

I need you to tell me this isn't true.

And you knew.

What the hell? Look, I didn't realize you were going to be here.


We knew this was your reputation.

When we learned your father had left you the company, We had hoped he knew something we didn't.

Apparently, that is not the case.

I don't know what bart was thinking.

How could you? Did you do all this? What? Throw you a brunch? Try to do something nice, supportive? yes.

I don't need your help.

stop trying to play the wife.

Serena, please.

Look, my dad made me promise not to say anything.

Your mom wanted to tell you herself, okay? That's why I was avoiding you before.

i-i couldn't bear To be around you if I couldn't be honest with you.

I'm--i'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


No, I get it, okay? i-i just don't und-- We should probably call them now and let them know that you know.


just--not yet.

Is that why they're in boston? Yeah.

Is this true? Yeah.

Yeah, it is.

Well, I guess it makes sense that we fight like siblings.


look, it's obviously a lot to absorb, But I think we should wait until we get all the facts.


Dan, i-i'm sorry.

I just need some time to process this alone.

Oh, hey.

I was just gonna call down And have our car brought around.

I don't think I'm ready to go.


What, Lily? the family could change their mind.

We should write them a letter And explain that we just want to meet the boy.

The parents don't want that.

What about what I want? this works out well for you.

You don't want to meet your son.


you don't think I haven't thought about this boy Every day of his life? You want to meet him.

Have you thought about what happens after that? What if we find out he's had a horrible life? Or what if we instantly love him, And then it's very clear that we've made a terrible mistake? My only fear is feeling like we failed to try everything.

Well, we can keep trying from new york.

We don't have to stay here.

why, not, lil? it's another day.

Is that too much to ask?! Yes.

yes, it is, because this whole search has been So excruciating, I don't want to go through it anymore.

I don't want to spend another day, yet another minute, Trapped in this hotel room, Scared that you're gonna hate me forever, When I'm still in love with you.


I just can't believe you--you don't remember.

It--it was our first show in Paris And you decided to stand on the front of the stage No.

and then you got really mad Because the drummer from buffalo Tom groped you.

no? - No.

you- -no? okay.

now you're starting to scare me.

I just can't believe we were in Paris together, And we spent the entire time in a dirty club in marais.

Maybe we should go back, do it again.

Oh, I would love that.

Me, too.

Hello? Yeah, this is he.

All right.

thank you.

Thank you so much.

That was Chris Rosson, the adoptive father.


He doesn't want his wife to know, But he wants to meet with us.

You're my only family.

How could you do this to me? You did it to yourself.

Clearly, I was right, but you aren't ready.

You have your own life, your own company.


in Australia.

My dear brother literally placed me On the other side of the world.

I did everything right.

I ran that place without complaint, And it thrived under my watch.

And this is how he repays me? By giving the company to a teenager Who can't keep his pecker in his pants for 24 hours? At least I can keep mine in service - For longer than five minutes.

You can have that.

I'll take Bass industries.

It's not yours to take.

my father gave it to me.

Actually There is one stipulation attached to your appointment-- Morality clause.

Bart knew his son.

He specified that should you in any way act inappropriately, The board has the option to replace you With your legal guardian, Which--wouldn't you know it? is me.

I already talked to the board.

I'm in charge now.

Are you sure you're okay with this? Yes.

yes, it's time.



Humphrey? Miss Bass? Yes.

it's uh, so--so nice to meet you.

Thank you so much for calling us.


please, sit down.

I have something I have to tell you.

Can I, um, Can I come in? Have you, uh, have you spoken to mom yet? No.

it went straight to voice mail.

Yeah, me, too.

are you okay? Not really.

I'm so mad at her for keeping this from us, But at the same time, I feel incredibly sad for her And Rufus.

Yeah, I know.

sounds like it's got grandma written all over it.

It reeks of gin and chanel no.


It is so weird that we have a half Something.

And so do Dan and Jenny.

Are you and Dan gonna be okay? I don't know.

I had enough trouble With the idea of mom and Rufus dating, But now I share a sibling with my boyfriend? That's--that's a little more hillbilly than I can handle.

It is a little twisted.

but so what, right? Well, what if we can't get past it? I don't know.

But you can't push Dan away right now.

Whatever you are going through, He's going through the same thing.



I was just, uh, I was looking for Vanessa.

Oh, she's just in the back.

she's getting ready.

We're about to, uh, about to head out.

That's right.

your anniversary.


you wanna wait? Um, no.

just tell her I came by.


Dan, Dan, hey.

I saw the blast, and I know what you're going through.

Really? you found out you and your girlfriend Share a sibling you never knew you had? Well, uh, no.

at least not yet.

But hey, I do know what it's like To have the most painful details Of your personal life made public.


Yeah, it kind of blows.

And i-i-i know it feels like nothing good can come of it.

Going through all of that, I found out who my real friends were.


well, I mean, she-- vanessa really cares about you.

I was actually talking about you.

And I'm I'm really sorry about what happened -I never meant --oh, you know what? it's--it's okay.

I mean, this whole thing has actually made me nostalgic For the days when Jenny was the problem.

Speaking of which, I should go check on her.

I mean, today's been tough on her, obviously.

-Uh, uh, tell v.

that I came by.

Yes, I-I will, man.




It was last year.

Andrew was sailing with some friends.

They jumped in the water.

Andrew got caught in a riptide.

We're so sorry.

um Yeah, if we had known, we Wouldn't have even bothered you.

It's my wife.

She's had trouble with it.

It was too painful for her to tell you, Because, uh Well, it's too painful for her to tell anyone.

This is from the newspaper.

Um, I just need to know.

Was he happy? Very.

He always had a smile on his face from the beginning.

I'm sorry.

I screwed up.

It's too late, Chuck.

I have stood by you through all of this, But I can't watch you self-destruct any longer.

Jack set me up.

There's no one to blame but yourself.

I believed in you.

Your father believed in you.

You Are the only one who didn't.

All I wanted to do was Just be there.

But today, when you called me your wife, You made it sound like the ugliest word in the world.

Blair please.

I'm sorry But I'm done.

Have you, um, talked to Serena? Uh, no, and i-i don't expect to anytime soon.


Well, I say we could both use a distraction, So I say we play boggle or watch a trashy movie.

I rented "showgirls.

" - Oh, no, boggle.

I don't think I can sit through "showgirls" again.

again? seriously? Okay, so are we really not gonna talk about it? No.

You know, and-- and the worst part of it was That all I wanted to do was spend every minute with you.

I-i couldn't because I had to keep this huge secret.

Well, it's--it's okay.

I--i wouldn't have known what to do either.

You know, i through all this, I-i had so many thoughts going through my head, But the one that kept popping up again and again What--what does this mean for us? I don't know, but--but we'll figure it out.

Because I know no matter what, I want to be with you.

Me, too.

And there's gotta be some kind of precedent for this, right? Yeah.


there's got-- in literature.

Uh, toni morrison, maybe, Flannery o'connor The--the russian aristocrats, Before they all became hemophiliacs or "clueless.

" Alicia silverstone's character dated her ex-stepbrother, And they made it work.

that's super skeevy.

Thank you.

that makes me feel so much better.

-I'm really -no, I'm s-- Sorry.


I said it first.

ha ha.


But, uh, I really should be the one to apologize.

I mean, you have every right to want to be alone with jonathan.

Yeah, but it doesn't mean you get on my nerves that much.

It's okay.

I want to get on your nerves.

-Oh, really? -uh, yeah.

that's what family does.

Hey, can we get some sandwiches? sure.

two p.


and j.

coming right up.

The problem with inheritance is That it's not always as simple as it sounds.

Sometimes you get more than you bargained for Is it over? They won't be back.

I feel awful.

We had to do it.

they have money, lawyers.

They wouldn't have stopped.

We've already lost one son.

We weren't losing another.

Or you discover that in gaining one thing, You've lost something else.

You know, I guess the idea of this child Always made me feel connected to you, And I guess A part of me never gave up On the idea that we would Finally come together eventually.

But Maybe we weren't meant to be a family.

But every once in a while, the fates smile upon you And you get the one thing you really need.





, gossip girl.
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