2x14 - In the Realm of the Basses

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gossip Girl". Aired: September 2007 to December 2012.*
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Privileged teens living on the Upper Eastside of New York City. You know you love me. xoxo
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2x14 - In the Realm of the Basses

Post by bunniefuu »

Gossip Girl's here, your one and only source Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

Serena, where's charles? Mom, what's wrong? Bart's been in an accident.

My father's dead because of your father.

My father met with you right before he died.

I want to know what you told him that night.

It's no one's fault.

Yes, it is.

It's your fault.

His blood is on your hands.

I want you to come to buenos aires with Me.

I don't want to say no, but I have to My family is a disaster.

Are you sure it's your family you don't want to leave I don't want you to go with him.

Wellllyou're too late.

I already told him I would Tell him you're not.

It's not about aaron.

It's about our parents.

What about our parents? They're in love.

I already asked my mom Not to follow her heart once.

I'm not gonna do it again.

Come away with me Let's take that trip we didn't take last year, Figure things out.

There's something you need to know.

Just tell me one thing.

Was it or boy or a girl? I will stand by you through anything.

Why would you do that? Because I love you.

Well, that's too bad.

��C �� B ���ԣ� Gossip girl here, welcoming you to the new year, When manhattanites who flew south for the sun Return to their park avenue perches, Which means I have a lot of catching up to do.

Word is serena van der woodsen tangoed in the new year In the plazas of buenos aires.

I guess that means lonely boy was all alone When the clock tolled 12:00.

And what of little j.

? There it is.

Thank god.

Rumor is she's given up couture for tartan.

All right, go learn something.

Has she also renounced her rebellious ways? So what did your dad say when you told him You wanted to go back to constance? Ha.

Well, it wasn't so much words as a whoop.

No he actually called headmistress queller At home at night on christmasve.



So you know, I still don't Understand your sudden flip.

I don't know.



I guess it was the snowflake ball.

I just felt 15 again For a second, and it felt kind of good.

I don't know.

Blair waldorf has been spotted Making inroads at the colony club.

With high school nearing its end, Has queen b.

Found a new social ladder to climb? So there's still no word from chuck? M.



Since the day after the funeral.

Uncle jack went to go look for him.


Since when do you have an uncle jack It's bart's younger brother.

He does something for bass industries in australia.

He landed and kind of took charge.

Somebody had to.

So the only real question remaining Is where in the world is chuck bass? And is he ever coming back? Mm.

Dad, hey.

I was just e-mailing vanessa.


Let me take that.

Is she still up with her parents? Yeah.

Yeah, you know, I didn't expect you bac Until this afternoon.

The search for my sculptor hit a dead end.


Thought it was a painter.

Sculptor, painter Uh, he's sort of into mixed media.

Or she.

Still not sure about that.

I can't believe you didn't find him or her.

Hey, it's good to see you.


Where's your sister? Oh, she left for school already.


Yeah, sigh of relief all around.

In fact, I should get going myself.

Why don't I go with you? Well, because I'm not a third grader anymore.

Come on.

We can catch up.

Today's the first day of your last semester.

Allow me a trip down nostalgia lane.

All right, that's fine.

But no hugs.

Of course, the colony club is The oldest, most prestigious ladies' club in the city.

I'm honored just to be considered.

Oh, miss blair, they must take you as member.

They must do nothing, dorota.

It's the colony club, the most exclusive club in new york, Which means the world.

Now when the selection committee comes over tomorrow, Things have to be perfect.

It's my first step to building the kind of life I want-- One without Mr.

Chuck? It's a new year, dorota-- Time to focus on a new, unencumbered future.

��Jack Bass�Ķ��ţ� Then again To deny one's past is to deny one's self.

We'll discuss the party on our way.

So you really haven't thought about it? Jenny.

Yeah? I asked if you were nervous about penelope And the mean girls.

Please, eric.

Really, in the past four months, I have faced down eleanor waldorf, I've h*jacked a society gala, I had my entire collection Torched by a crazy model and was basically homeless, So I can handle high school.

Okay, I'm a little nervous.

Jenny, you're really here.

I was so happy when I heard you were coming back.


Um, thanks, nelly.

That's really nice.

Nelly? I think you need your prescription checked.

Do you realize who you're talking to? And I don't see you holding My double tall no foam dry cap with two splendas.

We'll have to punish her.

Is that always how they treat you? Why would you put up with that? She's been gone a-a while.

If I even dreamed of defecting, Penelope and the others would make my life hell Or more hell.

I-i better go.

I'm glad you're back.


So nelly yuki is The new old jenny humphrey Hey.

Uh, you can't get involved.

I know.

It's I know.


You came to greet us.

No you, jack.


You said you found him.

In bangkok.

He was staying at our hotel there.

I mean, you hear the term "den of iniquity," But until you really see it-- do you have him or not? Nephew mine? >on est arrive.

Tell his teachers he'll be taking a personal day.

Why are you following me? Go home and get ready for my party.

Yes, miss blair.

You got me here safe and sound, so Yeah.

Uh, l-let's, uh, make a plan for tonight I missed you on christmas and new year's.

Hold on.

Rufus humphrey.


Humphrey, this is beth From child services in dorchester.


Thanks for calling me back.

Uh, in response to your query, Unfortunately, we don't have any record of such an adoption.

I spent the last two weeks striking out At every adoption agency in boston, So I'm not exactly surprised.

You know, Most likely, this was a private adoption Your only avenue is to check with the mother, The one who gave up the child? Yeah, I know.

I-i was actually about to do that Um, I guess I was just hoping there was another way.


You're back.



I literally drove here from the airport.

Well, you look tan.

Well, it is summer in buenos aires.

That's right.

Southern hemisphere, Beauty of a round globe-- I broke up with aaron.

When? How about three hours afr we left new york? Which was maybe not the brightest idea On a 15-hour flight.

When I landed, I got an e-mail from my mom Saying that she and your dad weren't gonna be together, Now or ever.

I know.

I tried calling you before you left.

If you knew, you--i-i mean, you know, you could have Called or--or e-mailed.

Of course, unless you didn't want to.


I needed to make sure That when the dust settled, we still felt the same.

And do you? Yes.

Do you? Spotted--s.

And lonely boy Kicking off the new year like it's last year.

Who knows, maybe 3rd.

Time's a charm I wouldn't crack open the bubbly just yet.


! Oh! I missed you so much.

Not as much as I missed you.


Hey, did, uh, jack ever find chuck? Yeah, what was left of him.

I'm surprised they made it through customs.

Chuck's body odor could have given a contact high To half of manhattan.



, I have to tell you something.

I did something so stupid.


, what is it? I told chuck I loved him.

Oh, my gosh.

That's great.

Great? No, it's awful.

Not only did he not say it back, But he disappeared for a month.

If I could just go back And strangle myself as the words come Out.

No, I'm sure chuck will say it back He was probably thinking about you the whole time he was gone.

Not unless I was a thai hooker named bo.

And there's something else.




This is my news.

When I was in buenos aires-- A postcard would have been fine.

I'm really happy for you.

I'm gonna go vomit now.

Happy new year.

She just needs time.


Hey, listen.

I have an idea.

Uh, your last class today-- is is--is it, By any chance, incredibly "unmissably" fascinating? Why? Do you have something in mind? Mm-hmm.

Hello, rufus.


How was your-- I want to know where my child is.

We already talked about that.

Do you realize I had to say, "my child" Because I still don't know if it's a boy or girl? I shouldn't have come.

I just spe the last two weeks Knocking on the door of every adoption agency in boston, Hoping to avoid this conversation.

But they all told me I had to ask the mother, so I'm asking.

I told you before christmas.

When I gave him up-- So it's a boy.

That's something, I guess.

I also gave up the right to go looking for him And I'm not gonna allow you to bulldoze into his life.

It's not fair.

How is that fair to me? When was I asked if I was okay with it? 'cause it's just you not wanting anyone to find out.

Oh, no.

I've given up on that.

Charles already knows, Although I actually believe he won't Say anything.

I have a right to know my son And he has the right to his own life, Just like you've had yours.

I was gonna be a rock star, remember? Instead I had two kids, and I was there to take them To school every morning and talk about their days at night.

And if someone came to me and said I could trade that For the life I wanted when I was 19, I wouldn't.

Being a father's who I am.

Don't take that away.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

Then I'll find him without your help.

They treat her like their servant.

And it is none of your business.

It's a new year, remember? New leaf, new jenny humphrey.

Um, nelly? Okay, no.

That's not okay.

And here we go.


Penelope, can I talk to you for a second? So I don't mean to intrude on your authority or whatever, But Could you maybe be a little nicer to nelly? Sure.

Why not? Really? We're not monsters, j.

Nelly's our friend.

Oh, look at that.

Nelly, can you help me As a friend? Oh, not with a napkin.

It smudges.

Use your finger.

Okay, no.

That's enough.

Nelly, let's go.

Do you know what you're doing, little j.

? I'm not little j.


Thank you so much.

Just keep walking.

Hazel? Clean my shoe.

You want to get kicked out? Hello to you, too, lover.

Long time no see.

Put that out.

You didn't say the magic word.

What are you even doing here? You should be passed out or hooked up to an i.


I didn't want to miss the first day of school Though it looks like I already did.

That's the only reason you came here? Not because you had something to tell me? Like what? You know like what.

Look at me.

Who are you? Chuck bass.

Please tell me that's not what I think it is.

Hey, dad.

Um, you know, serena was She was We're busted.

, mr.


Happy new year.


So you two are back together? Yeah.

Right? I mean, we--yeah, we are.

We're back together.

I think serena should be getting home.

What? Uh No.

I don't like the two of you being here alone when I'm not.

Are you-- are you kidding? Dan, this is my home.

I-i would appreciate if you respect that.

Yeah, i-i should go.

Um, it's a school night, And I haven't seen my mom yet, so Okay, yeah.

I'll--i'll get you a cab.

Good night, mr.


I'm telling you This is a mistake.

Miss waldorf, this is not normal.

Headmistress queller, Charles is in no state to represent himself, And as mrs.

Bass is-- Van der woodsen.

My father is dead.

Is indisposed with grief.

Someone has to be here, so I am.

Sorry I'm late.

Jack bass, chuck's uncle.

How are you? Uncle jack.

What a surprise.

How have you been? Uh-huh.

So you don't remember our rickshaw ride Down selon road? The 15-hour flight? That was you? That was me.

Thank you, jack, but I've got this covered.

I figured, principal's office, A boys needs a parent or a guardian.

Parents being dead--sorry, chuck--i'm the closest thing, So what seems to be the problem? I found charles smoking marijuana on school property It was hash, actually.

I find it gives a softer high.


The evidence seems questionable.

Would you stop? I think we can all agree That charles has been through an ordeal.

He's clearly out of his right mind And can't be held responsible for his actions.

It's temporary insanity.

Headmistress, No court of law could find him guilty of a crime.

How can we? Mr.

Bass has been through a lot.

Do you promise me That nothing like this will ever happen again? Pop quiz--what do you get when you cross chuck bass, A billion dollars and bart cold in the ground? For you, headmistress Anything.

Free fall Everyone It has been a pleasure.

So what kind of suspension are we looking at? Hey, dan.

Morning, jen.


What's with the cold front? Nothing.

Eat your breakfast.

Dad doesn't want me dating serena.


What? You guys are back together? How did I not ow this? I'd rather we didn't discuss this right now.

Dad, serena's, like, the best thing That's ever happened to dan.

I mean, she's smart, She's funny, and she's, like, Nine levels hotter than him.

Thank you.

But she's right Come on.

Get onboard.

Dan, serena.

Dan, serena.

Whoo! Okay.

Dad is not into cheering.

Am I really supposed to pretend like this has nothing to do With what happened between you and lily before Christmas? Wait.

What happened with him and lily What happened between you and lily? It's none of your business.

Oh, so you can tell me not to date serena, But I can't say anything about you and Lily? Him and lily what? Somebody, please I think you need to leave for school.

Oh, you're not gonna walk me today? I'm heartbroken.

Okay, dad.

Seriously? You're gonna be late.

No, I'm not.

Yes, I am.

Dan, wait up.

Nelly has put in a full year of loyal service.

She should be allowed to leave without reprisals.

For example, people breaking into her locker And smashing her glasses.

I see.

Rebuttal? First, there has been a long tradition Of newer members being subjected to more Attention, Some of the things I had to do? Disgusting.

Oh, I remember.

I made you do them.

But more importantly, once people find out you can quit, The girls at the steps will be finished.

Come on, blair.

What's your decision?

Tonight I'm hosting the selection committee Of the colony club.

You're getting into the colony club? They never take girls from high school.

I know.

I was surprised, too.

That's not entirely true.

The point is, enough of this high school nonsense.

Nelly or no nelly, who cares? I have enough going on already.

God! Blair's leaving us behind.

It's like the end of an era.

We're more than any one member, And the only way nelly is leaving is in a body bag.

God, p., tone down the crazy.
When I left for argentina, my mom acted like she and your dad Were riding off into the sunset together, Then three hours later, he tells you it's over.

We were so happy for ourselves.

We--we never asked what happened between them.

And so--so what do we do? I don't know, but we have to do something, dan.

I need to talk to you.

Yeah, I'm-- I'll see you later.

Have you seen chuck today? No.

Why? Did he come home last night? No, blair, I don't know.

What's wrong? Yesterday queller caught him smoking hash at school.

There was a meeting, And to say it went badly would be an understatentnt.

I'm worried.

Blair, it's chuck.

He's somewhere blowing off steam.

It's what he does.

He'll show up in a couple days Minus a few million brain cells and some liver tissue.

That's true.

He always disappeared.

Marrakech, prague.

And he always came back, Tie perfectly knotted.

But this time, When I looked in his eyes I couldn't see him anymore.

You're really worried.

Okay, um, okay.

Uh, just give it till tonight, And if he hasn't shown up, we'll help you.

I gotta get to class.

I'm sorry.

Dorota, is everything ready for the colony ladies? No, not yet.

I have somewhere to go first.


Watch it! Sorry.

Oh, my god.

They've got our table.

Here they come.

Just let me do the talking.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Yeah, try not to do that.

Isabel's gonna count to three.

If you've not vanished by then, I will not be responsible.

One Actually, I'd grab a table.

They're filling up pretty fast.

Sit anywhere, guys.

The tables belong to everyone.

Two? You're gonna pay for this, jenny humphrey.

I promise.

You will pay.

So should I keep counting? Oh, shut up, is.

Daddy? I need you to call headmistress queller.

There's a girl bullying me.

Hello, chuck.

I thought I'd find you here.


Ladies, could you give us a moment? I thought you sold this place.

I bought it back last night.

Owner took me to the cleaners, But some things are worth the price.

You should go home.

Lily, serena, eric-- That is not my home or my family.


Go to the palace.

Just get out of here.

Well, that would be rude Since I'm throwing a party here tonight.

I just posted it on "gossip girl.

" Maybe you'll grace us wi a aanan.

Chuck, stop.

All this doesn't help.

It isn't you.


Bart may have been a bastard, But he saw me better than anyone.

I'm simply living up to my potential.

It's time to let go of your fantasies.

I don't believe you.

That's your business.

Now is that it, Or were you going to tell me you love me again? Why did you even come back? Dad? Dad? So what are we looking for again? Uh, notes, messages, anything that seems tied to my mom.

I don't--i don't see why I had to come.

He doesn't want me here.

I figure he's less likely to m*rder me with witnesses.


That makes sense.

Oh, my god.

He asked my mom to marry him, and she said no.

That's why he's angry.

Yeah, that's my mom's ring.

She gave it back to him before christmas.

It was a-- it was a good theory, though.


��Blair�Ķ��ţ� It's blair.

She--she needs me.

I have to go.

Call me if you find something.

And what if he tries to k*ll me? South boston adoption agency.

New year, schmoo year.

Nothing ever changes.

The darkest secrets Are the ones buried closest to home.

Hello? Miss blair, where have you been? The colony club ladies will be here.

I just need ten minutes.

What happened? Penelope and the girls Got their parents to call queller.

They say I'm bullying them.


Oh, my god, i--th-that is kind of genius.

She wants me to try to handle it by myself, Which basically means, roll over and take it.

I don't even understand.

Why won't penelope just let you quit? She's probably afraid I'll tell people she's sleeping with her dad's junior partner.

I mean, the things I know No.

Penelope would k*ll me Literally.


We'll see.

How much do you know? Dan, if you're here to argue-- what were you looking for in boston? I-i know it's not a painter and I know it's not a sculptor, Or--or whatever story it was you couldn't keep straight.

H-hold on.

How do Uh, did, uh, chuck bass say something to you? Chuck ba--what? Wh--so wait, y-you're telling me That chuck bass knows something about our life, And I don't know? I can't talk to you about this right now.

You know, if it was just your lif I would say fine.

But it's not.

It's--it's mine, and it's serena's.

I think we have a right to know.

I agree, but there are other people involved Let me take a wild guess and say lily.

Just give me a day.

There's a right way for all of us to talk About this.


Well, we're--we're past that Hey, b.

, is everything okay? I came as fast as I could.


False alarm.

Wait, what happened? Chuck.

He's holed up at victrola In some jim morrison downward spiral.

Sai a way.

Luckily, it's not my concern.

Thank you for coming.

Dorota! I think my guests from the colony club are here! Wait, if chuck is really in trouble, Then we need to help him.

He doesn't have any brothers and sisters.

We are all he has.

You are all he has.

He doesn't want my help.

Oh, hello.

Please take my jacket.

So that's just it? You're gonna abandon him for a bunch of society matrons? Those matrons, as you call them, are helping me build a life.

All chuck can do is destroy one.

I'm not abandoning chuck.

I'm just saving myself.

Now if you'll excuse me Hi, ladies.

Glad you could make it.

Come on in.

That's the problem with an open invitation.

You can't keep out the hoi polloi.

What do you know about my dad and lily? So the cat's out of the bag.

I-i found some numbers.

My--my dad was supposed to be in boston looking for an artist.

He was, uh Apparently visiting some orphanages.

How dickensian.

Chuck, I need to know this.

You know, the funny thing is, I was going to keep lily's secret.

You buried the arson story on my dad.

This makes us even.

You're not the first-born humphrey, So if you were planning on inheriting the family estate, I'd make other arrangements.

Um That--that-- that's not possible.

I mean, my dad-- lily and her mother kept it a secret, Gave the kid away.

I imagine your dad just found out.

And now there's only one more person to tell.

Of course, as soon as you do, it's over between you, isn't it? Sharing a sibling? It's a bit much, even for me.

Spotted-- lonely boy at the victrola, And Chuck Bass, having a heart to heart What or who do they talk about? And will serena be the last to know�� I've always felt The colony club exemplified the highest ideals of character.

Public service-- I frequently feed the ducks in central park.

And read to blind children.


However, for better or worse, We are known by the company we keep.

Tell me, Was that serena van der woodsen who came earlier? Yes.

She's an old friend.

I see her quite a bit on page six.

And Quite a bit of her.

Well, when I said she was an old friend, It was Habit.

I don't-- Can't approve of how she lives her life.

And her mother married bart bass.

The man was all new money and models.

If you ask me, that car hitting him was a mercy k*lling.

I hear bass junior is a piece of work.

You wouldn't have anything to do with him, would you? Well, i Blair, the answer is "no.

" Yes.

I mean, no.

I have to go.

That "piece of work"-- chuck bass--needs me.

And serena and her mother are wonderful, kind people.

Blair Do you know what you're doing? I thought I was leaving high school behind.

I guess you never do.

Dorota will get your coats.

Welcome back.

How was thailand? I honestly don't remember.

You should come home, chuck.

I think I'll take the view from above.

It was nice having you as my little brother.

��Jenny�Ķ��ţ� Eric, where's little j.

? I imagine busy cleaning out her locker.

Actually I just got done writing a "gossip girl" post, Saying how, penelope, for the past six months, You've been having an affair with your dad's junior partner.

And, hazel--you got drunk And hooked up with your cousin Twice.

Oh, my god.

And, isabel Do I even have to say? No.

Those things were told to you in confidence! No, more like stupidity.

And unless you get your parents to back off And you start leaving nelly alone, I hit "send.

" duh, you win.

I know.

So what are you gonna do about the collegiate party tomorrow? What? What are you talking about? Don't play the innocent.

You wanted queen, you've got it.


That's what you think I did all this for? Didn't you? No.

No, not at all.

You're telling me this was just a good deed? Oh, my god.

I'm so bored.

Okay Big miscalculation.

See, I kind of thought, coming back to school, You did wanna be queen.

Oh, that's not good.

And I was never gonna move past hazel and is, But I thought maybe if there was a new regime-- wait, you played me? You Nelly yuki? And now she wants to go to the collegiate party.

I'm sorry, jenny.

Penelope! Really, though? So everything Is exactly the same.

Nothing changed.

Everything but you.


Hot chocolate? Let me get my coat.



Your message said it was urgent.

Has something happened? Dan knows, or He doesn't yet, But I think he will soon.

And then I imagine he'll tell serena, And I thought you should know.

Rufus, wait.

What will they think of me? Who, serena and eric? Well, it's not my problem.

We're each on our own, remember? Look, you already hate me.

What if they hate me, too? I gave away their Their brother.

I wasn't ready.

I was young and scared Heartbroken over you.

And cece kept pressuring me.

But the truth is, I wasn't ready to have a baby.

And it's been a hole in my life ever since.

I understand Why you gave him up.

But it's that you didn't tell me.

Oh, rufus, please I don't hate you, lil As much as I want to.

Neither will your kids.

But you've had 20 years to make peace with this.

It's gonna take me some time.

What do you wanna know? Hey.

What are you doing here? Uh, weirdly enough, i-i came to see chuck.

Me, too.

Is everything okay? Did you find something in the loft? Kind of.

Uh, can we--can we go to--somewhere to talk Privately, without all of This? Okay.

Blair! Aren't you a little old to be here? Hmm? I heard my nephew is throwing the first big party of the year.

And I have to say, he does the bass name proud.

I can see you've been a wonderful influence on him.

Oh, hey, eric.

Have you seen chuck? Uh, a while ago.

He said something about wanting to take in the view from above.

He probably meant upstairs.

Clearly, you don't know chuck.

He has a thing for rooftops.


One thing about being on top of the world-- It gives you a long, long way to fall.

Chuck! No! God, you idiot! You don't surprise someone Standing off the edge of a building! Chuck, come away from there.

Let's go down and join the party.

I was at the party.

I'm not really that into it.

Chuck, your father wouldn't he wanted this.

Dear old dad.

Unfortunately, all I know is what he didn't want Which was me.

I'm chuck bass! No one cares.

I do.

Don't you understand? I'll always be here.

I don't want you going anywhere.

I couldn't bear it.

So whatever you want to do to yourself, Please don't do that to me.


I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Hey, what--whatever it is, you can tell me.

No, yeah, i-i know.

But it's Uh, it's our parents.

They-- Hold on.

Just Yeah, dad, what's going on? Do you know? Yeah, I do.

Have you told serena? W-well, I was-- I was about to.

I'm with lily.

We're about to go look for our child.

Dad, that-- lily wants to tell serena and eric herself.

Dad, no.

I--you can't ask me to hide this from serena.

This is too big to keep secret.

Son, this isn't your secret to share.

This is between mother and daughter.

I know it's hard, but you have to respect that.



Thanks, son.

I'll call you soon.

He should go back to lily's.

He'll just take off again.

I've got a better chance keeping an eye on him.

So you know, I don't trust you.

All I want is what's best for my nephew.

And as for trusting me, do you really have a choice? He can't know what happened on new year's.

Good night, blair.

Ah, me.

The year's scarcely turned, And already the secrets have begun.

Where will it end this time? What is it? Uh, it's--that was my dad.

Uh, he--he and lily are going away for a couple days.

And--and you're worried what'll happen to us.

It's fine.

We're gonna be okay.

The new year is not about what happened It's about what's to come For the past is always with us, Just waiting to d disvered, And when it is, I'll be watching.





, gossip girl.
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