01x13 - Self Portrait with a Bandaged Ear

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x13 - Self Portrait with a Bandaged Ear

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at birth"...

I'm coach Medlock. Do you have a second?


I decided to take coach Medlock's offer.

I'm going to join the Buckner team.

I know you're mad, but I'm doing it.

Dale, I know you're a member of the hospital board.

We probably shouldn't be talking about this.

But the hospital is part of this community.

You really wanna be the guy who puts it under because you feel you're entitled to a huge payday?

All of these people can write books about their lives, why can't I?

Oh, he... hello.

She is not just your mom.

She's my mom's best friend.

I can't have her hate me.

There are some people that love you so much.

And then there are others that even the tiniest reminder brings you down?

That's my dad. I hate even thinking about him.

You did that?

Are you Emmett Bledsoe?

Are you Emmett Bledsoe, sir?

We have a warrant for your arrest.

Drop that w*apon, sir.

Drop the w*apon, sir.

I said drop it!

Trying to add "Resisting arrest" To your charges, huh?

Do not resist, sir. Come on, let's go.

What, you got something to say, kid?


Get in there.

Where is my son?

Excuse me, are you Emmett Bledsoe's mother?

Where is my son?

Hale. Your son is in the conference room.

Does he have an interpreter?

Did you cuff his hands in the front instead of the back?

Miss, miss, I was with him during booking.

What the hell are you charging him with anyway?

Follow me.

What exactly did he vandalize?

Why are you so sure he did it?

He tagged the billboard on elm.

It's amazing the details these digital cameras can capture.

Okay, you scared the hell out of him.

He won't do it again.

Can we go home now?

Yeah, you can go, but we take these crimes very seriously.

And we are pressing charges.



That's... uh, okay.



Oh, that's right. I come sans Kennish.

And they were okay with you to see me alone?

They finally realized you weren't gonna kidnap me...


And neither of them could wrap their brain around a cuban-chinese place.

How was your day?

So how was your d...

No, you. You first.

You, me... Okay.

So is it just me or is this like really weird?

It's like a cross between an interview and a date.

Yeah, I'm sure the most we see each other the better it will be.

Oh, the espresso here is incredible.

I think they add a little gin in it, you'll love it.

Oh great.

Oh, is that okay, that I ordered this for you?

Oh yeah, of course.

I mean your parents... they let you drink coffee, no?

They're not the biggest fans of me having caffeine.

And they're right. Let me order something else for you.

Oh no no no. No.

You gotta stick with your decisions, be consistent.

That's, like, parenting rule #1.

I'm sorry. I'm not sure what a father of a sixteen year old girl should be doing.

Maybe if you'd been around to raise Daphne, you'd probably have a lot more practice.

You're right.

For what it's worth, I've been trying to call her, texting.

If you have any idea of what else I could do, it would be great.

Okay, what's the sign for pick and roll?


And what does this mean?

Jenna takes the ball out, inbounds double-stack play.

What, is that wrong?

No, it's just, you know, Jenna, double-stacked.

You're laughing 'cause she's stacked?

She's blessed.

You need to stop hanging out with Wilke.

I know, and start hanging out with Jenna.

Come on! This is my first game with Buckner.

I really don't wanna mess it up.

What's the sign for "Give and go" again?

Oh, hey, how did your dinner go with...

Angelo. You can say his name.

You know, he really wants to see you and explain why he did what he did.

Don't you two have anything better to talk about?

He feels really bad and you know, you might wanna hear what he has to say.

Let's go over the zone defense again, yeah?

Hey, hon, can you give me a hand?

So I was looking through an old album and there are a lot of photos missing.

Yeah, they fall out sometimes.

All the ones of Angelo?

Um, yeah.

Do you still have them?

I do.

Could I see them?


I'm just admiring my very own Willa Cather.

Way to pull a name out of thin air.

I pay attention at back-to-school nights.

I just... I don't know where to begin...

With us sitting in that lab office, when Bay took the blood test or when we first met Daphne.

Why don't you write about all of it and decide the order later?

Huh. Well, that's not a bad idea.


Did you happen to tell our lawyer that you're writing this book?

No. Why, do you think I should?

Well, it could impact the case.

It might not be a bad idea.

Is that your way of saying you want this whole book thing to just go away?

No, it is my way of saying I think this book is gonna be a best-seller, but I don't want the hospital to find a way to use it against us.

That's all.

Here are the ones I could find.

Emmett's been arrested.


Did you know Emmett was arrested tonight?

Wait. What?

Yeah, they arrested him for trespassing and vandalism.

I don't understand. What was he doing?

They have photos of him tagging pictures on a billboard or something.

Oh no.

What, did you know about it?

Uh, I have to go.


Not a good time, I know.

That's why I'm here.

I... I heard about Emmett getting...

What is the sign?

Is he okay? Can I see him?


No, wait. I...

I'm sorry.

This is my fault.

I'm the one the police should have arrested.

Because it was my... piece. It was my...

Okay, a little slower, please.

Yes, help Emmett... yes I-I... That is what I am saying I want to help h... I want to help him.

Uh, what are you doing here?

I needed a trim.


And I can't come to the house, and I really wanted to talk to you.

If you wanna make plans with Bay, you need to talk to the Kennishes.

It's not about Bay.

There's a space for rent around the corner from my apartment.

You already have an apartment?

I told you I was here to stay.

I... I guess so.

Anyway the place I'm talking about would be perfect for a salon.

Um, that ship has sailed.

The bank thinks I'm too much of a risk.

But I don't. I saved up enough money to cover the lease and whatever you need for the equipment.

You and I going into business together sounds like a very bad idea.

No, just come with me.

Look at the place. It's big, full of light.

You'll love it.

I need to go to work.

What are you doing?

Oh, I really do need a haircut.

Um, I'll see what I can do. Come on.

All right, come on, girls!

I can't believe Daphne quit Carlton for this.

Honey, I know it's hard for you to watch her play for another team.

No, it is hard for me to watch her not play for another team.

You know how good she is. I'm sure the coach'll put her in soon.

Oh oh oh oh oh!

Oh, hey!

Uh, hey.

Hi, Regina.

Did I miss anything?

No, you missed nothing.


Okay, subs, next dead ball we've got Jenna, Lucy, Gaby, Ava, Amelia... you're going in.

Oh, sorry. That's what we do at Carlton when the team scores.

Like this? Yay!

Yes, just like that.


Mom, you can stop doing that now.

It's so much fun embarrassing them.

Hey, mom, don't you have to go home and write or something?

Oh, what are you writing?

Oh, I'm just trying to write about our situation, what it's like to be the mother of a child who was switched at birth.

You're starting a blog?

Uh, no.

A book.

About the switch.

Well, that's the plan.

Well, as the other mother whose child was involved in the switch, I'm not okay with that.

Well actually, Regina...

It's not gonna be salacious or anything.

It's gonna be honest. It's gonna be real.

I don't care what it is. I don't want it written.

I... I don't think I need your permission.

I don't see how you're gonna write it without my cooperation.

I guess I'll find out.

I just don't understand what the point is.

I wanna tell my story.

But why?

What, you need more money or you just wanna humiliate me?

Of course not.

Then what?

Sometimes you just get sick of sitting on the bench.


Hey, I've been texting you like crazy.

Are you okay?

Did she tell you that I came by?

I wanna go to the police and tell them that I'm responsible.

But it was my piece.

Right, but maybe if I tell them, they'll give you like a lighter sentence if I just go...


That must've hurt.

Are you okay?

What about us? Are we okay?

You guys all made me so proud today.

You left it all on the floor. We got the victory, and that's the way a bulldog does it. Bring it in.

Bulldogs on three. One, two, three.


Hey. So coach Medlock can take some time to warm up to somebody.

So just hang in there. You'll win him over.


You will.



Saw you at the game yesterday.

You guys did good.

Tyler country day is tough.

You know, if you're planning on making it a habit, I could hook you up with some pom-poms.

Oh, I'll pass. Unless Daphne gets some more playing time, I'm not gonna be at too many more games.

That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.

I think I know why coach Medlock's not playing her.

Hey, sorry to bother you.

Do you have time to go over the inbound plays again?

I think coach Medlock's worried that I don't know the plays.

Um, I don't think that's the problem.

What do you mean?

Coach Medlock's kind of a jerk.

You know, he just has his favorites.

I wouldn't take it personally.

I'm trying not to. That's why I want to run the plays with you.

What? What aren't you telling me?


You know I can tell when you're hiding something.

I have a friend whose dad is on the Buckner board and said that they've been trying to raise money to upgrade the locker rooms.


And by putting you on the basketball team, Buckner qualifies for a $20,000 grant.

How did that get them the grant?

It's... it's for schools who encourage students with disabilities to participate in sports.

So the only reason that they wanted me on the team was because I'm deaf?

But when coach came up to me, he acted like he thought I could play.

I think the principal made him put you on the team and now he's not playing you because he feels like you were shoved down his throat.

Shoved down his throat?

But hey, in a couple of weeks, it's not gonna matter anyway.

You just gotta show him how good you are.


Hi Amanda, it's Kathryn Kennish.

I just stopped by your office 'cause I need to talk to you about something.

But I guess both you and your assistant are out to lunch, so I guess I'll... oh!

Wow. Uh...

I guess I'll just schedule something for another...

Okay. Uh, bye.

Hey, you boning up on your souffle recipes?

Just k*lling time before class.

You wanna hang out tonight after practice?

I don't think so. I've got a lot of homework to do.

Toby told you about the grant.

Wait, you're the friend?

The one whose dad's on the board?

You went to Toby?

Why didn't you just come to me directly?

I know I should've. I'm sorry.

I just didn't know what I was gonna say to you.

Is that why you want me on the team?

I would never do something like that.

I wanted you to join the team because you're an amazing player.

Does everyone know?


Look, I just happen to have a dad who spends a lot of time and money on Buckner and is blessed with a loud phone voice.

Seriously though, nobody else knows and we all think that coach Medlock should play you.

It's just a matter of time before he realizes that too.
Some light reading I see.

Do you want something?

This is awkward and believe me, I wouldn't be coming to you, but I do not know who else I can ask so...

I have to read three more chapters of this before tomorrow so...

Has Emmett said anything to you about me?

Because I have been texting him and he has not texted me back, which you probably love, but I really need to know, okay?

Is he mad at me or does Melody have him on some sort of lockdown?

You really think that everything is about you, don't you?

When someone is avoiding me, yeah, I do.

He's upset about the arrest.

I know that but...

You're never gonna get it.

Okay, seriously, will you just stop lording the whole you're-both-deaf- and-I'm-not thing over me.

The fact that you even think it's something to "Lord over" just shows how really ignorant you are.

Thanks for clearing everything up.

It was a kiss kiss.

Not a I-just-kicked-your-ass- in-negotiations-on-behalf- of-the-Kennish-family- and-now-I'm-giving-you- a-patronizing-goodbye kind of kiss?

Unless that involves a fair amount of tongue, I'd have to say no.

This is a huge conflict of interest.

Why didn't she say anything?

You really think she'd let it affect how she handles the case?

I don't know. Who knows what she told him about the nurse or Angelo or...

I just can't get over it, and Dale of all people.

I thought she was a lesbian.


What, 'cause of the haircut?

No, I kinda thought she had a crush on me.

Sweetie, I think we've been way off about a lot of things.

Hitting the beach reading already?

There is obviously a Kennish joke book.

Shouldn't you be at basketball practice?

What's the point?

Coach Medlock's never gonna play me and it's not like he's gonna cut me.

I'm their $20,000 ticket to new showers.

Hey, I know it sucks, but try not to go to the bitter place.

I'm not bitter.

I'm disabled.

It's a miracle I can even talk to you and hold this book at the same time.

You never talk this way about being deaf.

This is way more than one douchey coach.

What's really going on?


Did you leave because I went deaf?

Come in. Just come in.

I just need to know.

Did you leave because I lost my hearing?

No. No, of course not.

This was a stupid idea.

Of course that's what you're gonna say.

Daphne, come in. Let's just talk.

Daphne, you hungry?

I'm making soupe au pistou.

Pesto soup?

No, a vegetable... vegetable soup.

And I heard you are a vegetarian, so it's perfect timing.

Uh, I don't want any. I'm not hungry.

You used to love it when you were a kid.

You would scoop it up with your hands and put it all over your face.

Did you used to sing when you were cooking?

Yeah, the crocodile song. I mean...

Ah, les crococo, les crococo, les crocodiles sur les bords du Nil.

I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I didn't mean to...

It's okay. You can sing in front of me.

I mean, can... can you remember sound?

I'm sorry. I'm nervous.

I don't wanna say the wrong thing.

I really want this to work.

Then tell me the truth.

Did you leave because I lost my hearing?

Because every time someone treats me like there's something wrong with me, I go back to that place...

A place where I blame myself for making you leave and ruining everything.

No, I left because you didn't look anything like me and I have Regina telling me over and over that you were mine, and I thought...

I thought she was lying.

So as soon as you found out I wasn't yours, you just took off.

No, it wasn't that simple.

Regina and I always used to fight all the time.

She... she was saying...

And that's what happened.

You found out I wasn't yours and you left.

Yes, but you have to understand...

No no no, You have to understand.

I was three.

I didn't know anything about D.N.A. tests or affairs.

The only thing that I knew is that the father that I had was there one day and gone the next.


It was a mistake.

Tell me the truth.


Did you leave because I went deaf?

Maybe a little.

I'm sorry.

Daphne, look, I'm sorry.

Just... let's talk about it.


But thank you for being honest.


Do you have a minute?


I heard a rather unfortunate rumor that you were thinking of opening up a salon of your own not too far from here.

That's ridiculous.

The real estate broker whose bald spot I sl*ve to hide on a weekly basis would beg to differ.

Even if I were thinking something like that, there's no way I could afford it.

I took a chance hiring you.

Stealing my clients and becoming my competition would not be the way to repay me.

Well, that's funny. I thought the fact that I was booked solid and brought in at least

10 new clients was my way of repaying you.


I'm glad you called.

There's something I need to talk to you two about.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that you're involved with a member of the hospital's board of directors?

You mean Dale?

Are you seeing more than one member of the board?

We don't talk about the case or anything that could conceivably be related to it.

It is a giant conflict of interest.

John, we've known each other since I was in law school.

My dad negotiated your first major league contract.

There is no conflict. I am always on your side.

But see, we're sitting here and we're wondering why you were so eager to take the hospital settlement, and why you didn't want to believe that nurse and why you were so reluctant to join forces with Angelo and his attorney.

Okay, now wait a minute... wait. I was reluctant because I had concerns about Angelo.

I still do.

Yeah, it's just I don't know how we don't second-guess every piece of advice you've given us, every move you make.

So are you letting me go?

I think we are, Amanda.

Okay, umm, I'll have all the files and relevant material sent over to you today.

Make the hospital pay. They deserve to.

Stopping by to remind me how insensitive and ignorant I am?

I just thought you should know...

I saw Angelo.

How did that go?

It was hard.

Did he apologize, explain why he left?

He tried.


There's really no good way to say you're sorry for being weak, that... you didn't bother to fight for somebody else.

So you still hate him.

Why is it so important to you?

I don't know! I...

I guess 'cause, you know, he technically is my dad and...

I want to know what you think.

I guess...

I feel sorry for him.

I'm not just trying to dump on him to make you feel bad.

I know, but... it's just you happen to hit the jackpot in the bio-dad department.

Hey, sweetie.

Do you have a second?

Yeah. What's going on?

You saw it. I'm kind of having a tough time on the Buckner team.

Those girls are a little tougher to play with than you might have thought, huh?

I don't think I'm gonna get to play a game all season.

What are you talking about?

Do something to piss off coach Medlock?

No, it's not something I did.

I found out...

I was just wondering if you'd be willing to coach me, because if I'm not twice as good as every girl on that team, I'm gonna spend the entire season on the bench.

I can maybe find the time, but you know, I do have to warn you certain ex-players of mine have been known to call me "Hard-ass."

That's okay.

So will you do it?

Of course I'll do it.

Be a pleasure.




Trying to get your attention.

Okay, just come down here, okay?

I have something that I want to show you.

Was that "Rap sheet"?

Love it when you speak con, but don't worry, okay?

It's not illegal and I am not taking "No" for an answer.

I wanna give the salon a shot.

You do?

I can't work for Geraldo anymore.

He's patronizing, vindictive and...

Gina, wait, don't quit your job.

I don't think we can do it...

I mean together Daphne came to see me today.

She did? She came here?

Yeah, and it was a disaster.

What happened?

I tried to explain to her that my leaving had nothing to do with her, but that made her angrier.

Huh. I can't believe she came here.

You heard me saying it was a disaster, right?

Of course it was. She's been mad at you for 13 years.

It's not gonna go away in an afternoon.

Think she will ever forgive me?

I think so.

I hope so.

Okay, wait wait, look look... I know that getting arrested sucked and you're mad at me, at the police...

I don't really know at who and according to Daphne, I will never really get it.

But I wish that you would try and explain.

No, I do.

Try me.


But here's the thing.

Nobody is better at being mad at the world than I am.

I've had 16 years of practice at it.

And it's a lot more fun being angry together than alone.

Just 'cause we can't do street art doesn't mean we can't do street art.

Those files arrived from Amanda's office.

Do you want to put them in the study or the garage?

You should look at that one.

Why? What's in it?

Amanda's private investigator ran a report on Angelo.

After October of 2009, he just disappeared.

Disappeared? What do you mean?

He's here.

I mean there is no record of an Angelo Sorrento anywhere.

No credit card charges, no phone bills, no mailing address... nothing.

It's like two years ago he just fell off the face of the Earth.

What was he doing?

Obviously something he didn't want anybody else ot know about.

So what I was thinking is that you could put the waiting area here, the sinks over here and it would leave you all this space to put the chairs and the mirrors.

And it has skylights?

Yeah, it has everything you always wanted.

Now the only question is, what will you name it?

Gina's? Paloma's?


How do you know what I'm thinking about?

Do you remember all those times we were walking down at that old barber shop on 8th street?


And you'd stop by it and say what would you do to this place once you have it?

Are you sure you can afford this?

Yes, and it's the least I can do after leaving you to take care of Daphne all those years.

Gina's... that's what I'm gonna go with.

All right.

What... is that...

Oh. Yeah.

"I like it like that." Do you remember at your cousin's wedding?

Yeah, we didn't realize it was supposed to be the first dance.

We didn't know. Everybody was staring at us.

Oh, she didn't talk to me for a month.

Nope, she didn't.

Oh no.

Come on.


What, you forgot?

No. Maybe.

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