01x09 - Paradise Lost

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x09 - Paradise Lost

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Switched at birth...

Is that the sign for love?

What is this?

There are pictures of Bay when she was four years old.

How do you have these?

I found out 12 and a half years ago when Daphne was three.

All those years you knew about me?

And you never once came for me?

I did what I thought was best for you.

We are going to get custody of both of our daughters.

I want her out of here.

Honey, how are the scones? Any good?

I don't think I had the right kind of cream.

Bay, earth to Bay.

I'm sorry. What did you say?

How are the scones?

They're good, though I think I like your blueberry better.

Good morning.

Hey, dad, did you hear Brad Murrow signed with the Jayhawks?

Really? How'd they get him away from Syracuse?

Probably his jump shot. Oh!

Hey! All right, you guys, hurry up.

Have a good day.


Bye, honey, I love you.

I love you too.

Hurry up, Bay.

He's surprising me with tickets to the Ray Barretto Tribute.

He doesn't know that I know.

And you, Daphne Paloma Vasquez, are not gonna tell him.

Thank you.

Hm-mm. It's my first cup.

I was letting everybody cool down.

I told them everything.

I don't know how else to explain it.

She made that team and won them the freakin' championship.

This is different.

I have never had my daughter hate me.

Both daughters.

I am hiding.

Good morning.

Are you making a cake?

Or two.

I didn't know how you wanted to celebrate.

Maybe we could just let this birthday slide.

But it's the first birthday that we'll all be able to spend together.

We have to do something.

Well, it's Bay's birthday too.

What do you normally do for her?

Usually we buy her something, which she returns for store credit.

Oh mom, don't worry. I won't be returning this year's gift.

And what is that gonna be?

Don't act like you don't know.

She wants this Volkswagen thing.

It's this dune buggy.

It's an amphibious four-wheel-drive convertible.

It's a t*nk, but way cuter, and I can haul stuff around without inflicting another S.U.V. on the world.

What exactly do you need to haul?

I don't know. Stuff.

I just like the idea of a car that's so weird they didn't know what to call it, so they just called it "The thing."

And what makes you so sure you're going to get the thing, hmm?

Don't joke, please.

They got Toby a car for his birthday.

They have to get cars for us too.


Your signing's gotten really good.

Do you want me to talk with her?


I'll take care of it.

What are you doing here?

Watch your tone.

That is your mother you're talking to.

It's okay, Ma.

Look, I know you're mad, but you still have to treat me with respect.

I kept my secret because I didn't want to lose you.

And I am not gonna let that happen now that it's out.

I'm gonna be late.

Thank you for taking over the past couple of days.

No problem.


I just can't understand why you never told me, Regina.

Because... I didn't wanna be talked out of what I decided to do.

And I didn't wanna implicate anyone else in my decision.

What did you think, Ma?

All these years Daphne growing up so blonde and blue-eyed?

I always assumed Angelo was right...

That she wasn't his.

And you never asked me?

I know... that you don't understand why I did what I did, but... I could really use an ally right now.

You have one.

Thank you.

What about getting custody of Daphne?

Well, we can certainly try, but it's a lengthy process, one that Regina will fight all the way.

It can be years before it's resolved. and by then it's likely Daphne would be 18, which would make it a moot point.

Daphne doesn't even want her here.

There's got to be some way to get Regina out of the house.

You can evict her, but she has a legal right to take Daphne with her.

There we go. Come on now.


Okay, everybody. Everybody, gather round. Come on.

Here we go. Here we go.

Good good good. Good good good.

Okay, we are all improving.

It's great.

Our rebounding is getting better.

Our passing is improving, but we have to make sure that that translates into points on the board.

And I've also found out my new name sign...

"Hard-ass with a 'J.'"

I have no idea where that name came from.

And I'm also planning on living up to that name, all right?

So let's go out there and work on our offense, okay? Go!

Go go go! Goodbye, go.

The food is crap, but luckily, that's not why I brought you here.

The view.

What do you think of that?


You like axe girl?


You don't think that I could do something that awesome?

Thank you. I've been dying to tell you.

Daphne doesn't know.

Toby doesn't know.

No one knows.


Okay, look.

It's the billboard near Buckner.

It's been blank for weeks.

And it just keeps calling to me, "Bay, Bay, b*mb me."

And that's what I want for my birthday.

To wake up and know that thousands of people are driving by my... art.

They're thinking about it. They're commenting on it.

They're wondering who did it.

How am I going to do it?

I'm so glad that you asked.


Go go go go go!

Work it down. Do one, okay? Good good good.

Oh! Good good good! Hey, whoa, whoa!

Two two two two two.

Okay, all right, one more time. One more time.

Ladies, one more time. From here. Number two.

All right, here we go.

Good good good.


Hey, Daphne!

Sweetie, what are you doing? You can't do that.

You know what this is about?

That woman's back.

I heard you got into a fight.

No big deal.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

You come here expecting me to pretend like nothing happened?

No, I came back here so we could work it out.

If you are here, then I'm leaving.

What do you mean?

I'm moving in with my real parents.

I can't decide which one I wanna put on the billboard.


Bad? You think they're bad?

Badass. Badass.

Okay, I get it.



You too.

Oh why am I here? why? I'm... I'm... I'm...

I'm visiting Emmett.

Art. Art. I like art.

Oh, oh, oh, photos. Yes he takes great photos.

Do you want some nails... foot?

Drink? I don't know what is happening right now.

There she is moving her hands. Dancing around?

Mom. I know 'mom'. I don't push, I...

...confuse. Daphne!? Daphne!? Daphne!

Oh I know Daphne.

I don't know what this means.

She's nice.


I can't tell if I'm hungry.

Anything good in there?

Oh yeah. Oh yeah.



You're a vegetarian.


Maybe you wanna make an exception one time.

No, not for veal.


There's chicken parmigiana.

I just made this. This is really good.

Linguini with shrimp.




I eat shrimp.



Okay, well, a big bowl or little bowl?

Big bowl.

Can we just talk?

Sorry, I'm a little bit busy.

Maybe we should have scheduled something, oh, I don't know, 13 years ago?

I did try.

Hiring a private investigator to take creepy photos of me does not count as mother-daughter bonding.

Okay, one time I snuck into your piano recital when you were seven.

During the intermission, you were trying to get a drink of water from the water fountain, but it was too high.

I asked you if you needed help.

I gave you a boost.

You were so beautiful in that little blue dress.

With the butterflies and the big sash.

Yeah, I wanted to just grab you and take you home.

But Kathryn came, and she took you back inside.

It was so hard for me to watch you go, but I was not gonna tear you away from your family.

Or you didn't wanna look at me and didn't want me.

Of course.

Of course I wanted you.

It was just too painful to be around you knowing that you could never be mine.

Painful for you? What about me?

My whole life I felt like I didn't belong.

And I didn't know why and I thought it was my fault.

It wasn't your fault. It was mine.

No! You don't get to do this.



I wanted to talk to you about the girls' birthday.

Can I come in?


Okay, I know how awkward this is, and I was hoping that we could just push past it so we could celebrate Daphne and Bay's birthday.

I'm not really sure what we're gonna be doing.

I mean, a cake at least. Or should we do two?

I know that Daphne loves red velvet.

Like I said, I'm not really sure, but...

Kathryn, I know you.

What do you have planned?

Cake, presents, family.

I believe I qualify.

I'm not the one who got us here.

Regina, you did.

And if it were up to me, I'd be willing to push past it for the sake of the girls, but it's not me who doesn't want you here.

It's Bay.

And Daphne.

Finished, honey?

Thank you.


You're finally here. Good morning, honey.

So, girls, how we doing?

No fevers? No sore throats?


Daphne: No.


I wouldn't say that if someone from Buckner or Carlton calls, 'cause I just told them that you're both sick.

We're going car shopping.


Oh, mom, don't do that.

You're speechless. That's okay.

You don't need to say anything.

All you need to say is thank you and think about what you want your vanity plate to say.

You guys have done so much for me already.

We wanna do this for you.

We got a lot of birthdays to catch up on.

It's okay. I'll work on her. Hey...

Let's get you dressed for car shopping.

Your new front wheel drive chariot awaits.

I'm sick too, right?

Honey, you already have a car.

Hurry up, it's time for school.

Move it.
Oh! What's that?

You wanna come home with me? Okay.

Honey, can we get something that's younger than you are?

It was designed for the military, and it's kinda cute, in an ugly baby sort of way.


Come on, honey, it's what she really wants.

Like I'm gonna say no.

You guys are gonna thank me if we ever get invaded by Arkansas.

Daphne, what about this one? It's not too fancy.

This could be your Daphnemobile.

You don't have to call it "Daphnemobile."

It's nice.

Let's see. It's got low mileage and good safety features.

I really appreciate this, but I just don't need a car.

When I was your age, I would have k*lled to have a car.

Honey, we wanna do this for you.

You're gonna save them a bundle on the audio package.

Looks like we're gonna need some more garage.

Or a full-time valet.

What the hell is this?

Melody said you weren't in school and now I know why.

John: It's a gift, Regina.

Oh, this is going back.

No, it's not going back.

You knew about this and you didn't say anything?

It's not a secret.

Raising someone else's child, that's a secret. This is a gift.

Regina: I should have known about this.

John: Can we just calm down?

Ok, the car stays. If you don't like it, you can go.


If I go, she goes.


That's so nice, threatening us on our daughters' birthday.

You're making decisions for my daughter.

I'll just take it back.

You want her to ride on a motorcycle?

My choice, my daughter.



I just wanted to see how you're doing.

I'm fine.

Are you sure?

I said I'm fine.


Okay, now trust me.

I know that she's in a bad place, but there's never gonna be a good time to tell her about us.

I just wanna tell her before she stumbles across it herself.

Because then it's gonna look like we're hiding it, which we kind of are.


Help me.

Just I don't know how to deal with her when she's like this.

She apparently got her temper from me.

I say just let her work through it.

Well, okay, that's fine, but it just can't be like world w*r III around here anymore.

Honey, it's not like we fired the first shot.

That's what my mother said about the divorce.

He started it.

To the kids it doesn't matter, it's still w*r.

Daphne wants to be here.

What are we gonna do? Throw her out?

Of course not.

But we can't let her hide out here either.

I wanna help her.

But she doesn't need me right now.

She needs her.

I should have gotten a partner in crime years ago.

What are you doing?

You're bleeding.

I just wanted one thing that wasn't ruined by everyone else.

Hey! There she is!

There's the birthday girl.


I'm sorry about the whole...

Stop right now. Cars are easy to fix.

All I want you to worry about is having a happy birthday.

That was really good.

Thank you. Thank you.

Hey, Daphne, I made some peanut-butter-chocolate-chip pancakes.

They're Bay's favorite.

We also have something for you here on the table.

It's kind of a Kennish family tradition because we do strive at all times to be as corny as possible.

Do you want syrup or whipped cream?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I just don't like peanut butter.

I'll make you blueberry.

Oh wow!

You guys are in full gear this morning, aren't you?

Good morning.

Happy birthday, honey.

I made you your favorite pancakes.

Thanks. I'm sorry.

They still think that I'm five.

Where's the smiling face?

Honey, what happened to your hand?

I had an unfortunate incident with the rose bushes that I'd prefer not talk about actually.

Okay, guys, I think we need pictures of the birthday girls.


Dad, seriously.

We want Daphne to stay.

That's fine.

No, it's not. No matter what they say, you don't have to wear the hat.

I think you have to wear the hat.

All right, ladies. There we go.

Toby: Come on, cheese!


John: Very nice!


Thank you.


Thank you.

Oh, it's nothing.

It was just me being stupid.

So I just got off the phone with the auto body place, and they quoted me $2,700.


But I talked them down to two grand.

How'd you do that?

Same way I talked you into grounding me for one month instead of two.

Good man.

So does this mean I get to keep the extra $700?

Don't push it.

What were you guys talking about?

No, seriously, tell me.

She doesn't like me, does she?


As in she doesn't now.

Okay, here it is. The other one.

John: Wow!

Wow! That looks fantastic. Just have to light 'em.

Here. I can help you with that.

Thank you.

I never missed any of Daphne's birthdays, and I am not gonna miss any more of Bay's.

I'm not okay with this.


I'm sorry.


I want her here.


Come here.

Thank you.

The cake is delicious.

Thank you.

The trick is to not be shy with the butter.

You know what would lighten the mood? Presents.



I just wanted to say something.

16 years ago, I gave birth to a beautiful little girl.

And I brought home another beautiful little girl.

And even though it's hard right now to make peace with everything that's happened.

Tonight, I feel very lucky to have two incredible daughters.

And all of the people that come with them.

So happy birthday, baby.

John: Happy birthday, girls.

Toby: Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, sweetie.

Presents. Presents.


"From Emmett."

It's a scarf.

Thank you.

Daphne, your turn.

Oh no, you didn't!

You did! You did! I can't believe it.

And you got Charles Dane to autograph it.

What's "Deafenstein"?

It's an all-deaf version of "Frankenstein" done all in A.S.L.


"He can't hear you scream."

This looks terrible.

It's so bad, and the sequels are even worse.

What's that?

She said we're obsessed.

How did you get Charles Dane to autograph it?

He was at a horror convention in Springfield.

That's like 150 miles away.

"Remember six months ago when I told you"

"I couldn't go to your basketball game"

"'cause I was writing a paper?"

"That's when I did it."

That's a very thoughtful gift.

Oh hey.

Thanks again for the scarf.

It's not a scarf.

It's a blindfold? It's a blindfold.

My art! How...

You did that?

It's perfect!

This is badass.

It's okay.

Maybe it's better coming from me.

Can I come in?

I didn't wanna give you this in front of everybody.

It's all your favorite recipes and favorite takeout menus and a couple of cereal box tops.

Are you kidding?

This is seriously the worst present on earth.

Cereal box tops and takeout menus?

This sucks!

I'm terrible at birthday presents, aren't I?

No wonder you didn't want to give it to me in front of everybody.

So I've been thinking about this car.

And I think you should keep it.

It's a nice, safe, moderately-priced- for-them car.

And... you deserve it.

Thank you.

I miss you.

I keep wanting to forgive you and make everything how it was before, but you kept this huge thing from me and every time I think about it, I just get mad all over again.

I guess I'm just stubborn.

Of course you are.

You're my daughter.

Don't you think you could go a little easier on her, dad?

You're not a parent, buddy.

You can't understand.

People screw up.

Haven't you ever made a mistake?

Got scared and did the wrong thing?

It's not the same.

I just wanted to make sure you made it through the day in one piece.


Weird day, huh?


What's up?

It's just that I always thought my mom would be the one constant in my life.

The one person I could always rely on, but I was wrong.

I know. It sucks.

No, there is one person who's always been there for me.

I just can't believe I never saw it before now.

Who are you talking about?


Are you saying you're into him?

Yeah, I think I am.




Happy birthday.

And you too.
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