02x01 - Love Never Dies

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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02x01 - Love Never Dies

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married. Just moved to a small town. Just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. "Earthbound spirits" my grandmother call them. They stay here because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Previously on ghost whisperer...

there's a plane in the air... no one is flying it!

Yeah, I really don't get the feeling that he was on that flight.

I mean, what are the chances?

I can't lose my brother, melinda.


They're mine.

I've been trying to work up the courage to go in there, look at the passenger list.

Andrea... there's something I have to tell you.

You saw mitch.


Don't! No. No.

But I'm not sure--

no way. It's not him.

It was 250 people, jim.

Do I really have the right to ignore that?

What about the thousands people you could help the rest of your life?

You can't trick those souls into staying here.

I will release all your precious souls.

And in return, I'll take...you.



I'm so sorry, Mitch.

I was supposed to be on that plane, Melinda, I can't believe Andrea it's dead.

How'd it happen?

She was driving to your apartment in the city.

She tried so hard to reach you.

I guess her car got caught in the path of the plane.

Do you think she suffered?


No, I don't think so.

This can't be happening! she's mine!

Andrea! Andrea!

Melinda, I don't know what's happening!

Please, help me!

I've been looking for you, where are you?

At the store. I'm so scared!

Well, can you get to my house?

I don't know!

Ok. I'll come to you. I have really good news.


How is she calling you?

She had her cell phone with her. You know, maybe she can tap into the energy fields.

I'll come with you?

No, she's gonna want to talk to me alone.

She's gonna be so happy!


The light hurts my eyes.

Andrea, I've been so worried about you!

Tell me everything's gonna be ok.

I think maybe it is.

You may not really be dead.


It's truim found you, Jim found you, your body.

You're in a coma at mercy hospital, but you're gonna be ok.

You're just out of body until ypu come out of the coma. Doctors are working so hard.

You're not lying to me? You're not just trying to make me feel better?

Look, you're not out of the woods. You have some injuries. but the doctors think that you're gonna pull through.

We've been with you at that hospital every day.

It's scary here.

What's it like?

I don't really like to look around too much. There...there are people here.


Not people...

I guess, maybe, um, beings or something? They're dark, and they're always watching.

I can't really see.


Melinda... Open the door!

Open the door, let me in!

I can't!

The door!

It won't open!

Andrea!... No... No!


It's ok, it's ok.

Shh, just a dream.


Want some water?

I dreamt that she was alive, that you found her body and that she was gonna be ok.

Think she's trying to come to you in the dreams?

It doesn't usually work that way. Scared the hell out of me, though.

No kidding.

Sorry I woke you.

Yeah, me, too.

I was dreaming that I was floating on a river of beer and I had a big cup.

Are your dreams always that complex?

Pretty much.

Gonna be able to sleep?

I don't want to keep you up. You know what, I think I'm just gonna go downstairs and read.



Help me.

Death is nothing at all. It does not count.

I have only slipped away into the next room.

Everything remains as it was.

The old life that we live so fondly together in unchanged.

Is andrea here?

Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

I am but waiting for you. For an inverval, interval, somewhere very near... - No.

I just don't understand why she's not coming to me.

Maybe she's crossed over.

No, she hasn'T.

I would know if she did.

I just can't figure out what's keeping her here.

...How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again.

Maybe she's still in the department. I will be going to see later Thanks for everything you did, melinda.

I hope you know how much andrea loved you.

I loved her, too. So much.

You were like her sister.

Do you ever...feel like she's with you??

In some ways, you know, like she's near you?

No. Not really.

Do you?

I'd like to.

Andrea said that you understood death in ways that most people don'T.

What else did she say?

Just that you knew how to help people who were grieving.

Now I'm one of them.

We both lost a sister.

Here in the stricken town of grandview, residents struggle to resume their normal lives after the tragedy of flight 395.

We're here today to see how they're doing. Excuse me, We're here in grandview today to see what kind of progress the town is making in the aftermath of the plane crash.

How do you think things are going?

Um...I can only say that the people in this town are really strong, they're survivors.

We're gonna be ok.

Thank you.

Well, there you have it from a local merchant.

This town is grieving, but determined to get back to business as usual.

Andrea?... Are you here?

I just want to talk to you, please.

I know that you're scared.

Where's andrea?

I'll be glad to take a message.

What are you doing to her?

I don't have to do anything.

She's doing it all to herself.

Who are you?

I was alive once. Just like you.

...I had names, I had lis.

Romano... Is that your name?

I'm just a humble teacher.


Trying to spread the word.

Much like yourself.

What are you doing here? What do you want?

I have what I want.

No. No, you don'T.

Andrea will not go with you. I know her. She's going into the light.

I'm going to have her, and I'm going to have you, too.

It's just a matter of time.

Andrea, you have to cross over. Please let me help you.

I can'T. - Why not?

You could never understand why!

Cloudy and cold in the seattle area tonight. Possible showers tomorrow, but the rest of the week looks like we might see some sunshine.

In other news across the nation, the small east coast town of grandview is still recovering from that tragic plane crash.

Um, all I can say is that people in this town are strong. They're survivors, and we'll be ok.

Thank you.


That brings us back to the power of the mind.

Something so powerful that it creates that which we want to be true.

That's why athletes are taught visualization techniques because if you imagine it, it will happen.

Now, how do we extrapolate this theory to the world of the supernatural?

Specters, demon n tities, poltergeists, hauntings.

Well, what do we do? We say that all these things are complete bull, or they're all explainable in some way or another.

Now, my question to you is this--

could it be all of these phenomena are just an extension of brain function, an extension of our collective minds creating myths, filling in the blanks, if you will... And that is what we will be studying in this class.

Professor payne, hi, I'm melinda gordon.

Good for you.

No, we spoke on the phone, remember?

About what?

I read about your work.


I need some help.

I need a lot of help, too, more than you can imagine, but I don't come to your workplace and ask for it, do I?

Look, you're supposed to be the expert on the history and beliefs of the occult and the supernatural--

As it pertains to contemporary psychology. If you want to find your dead aunt's will, I can't help you.

Is it necessary to be this rude?

Necessary, no. Amusing, always.

Hey, you're the go-to guy, and I need somebody to go to.

They say you're a genius.

I can't believe you can't spare half an hour!

Makes me crazy the way they throw the word "genius" around, all right?

Although, coming from you, it does give me a certain tingle.

Will you buy me food?


Follow me.


I don't teach the supernatural.

I teach society's need to believe in the supernatural, the myths and the legends throughout the ages.

There are lots of myths about dark spirits and light spirits.

I'm just trying to find out more about them.


Because I really need to.

Well, most cultures favor the same motifs.

Basically, it's demons, dark entities, shadows, phantoms.

You know, the relationship between good and evil has always been symbiotic.

You can't have one without the other... And speaking of evil, don't try that shrimp.

What function do they serve?

Apparently to make us violently ill.

Are you still talking about the shrimp?

Aren't you?

Spirits, dark spirits.

Dark spirits. Dark spirits and light spirits are linked--

at opposite ends, obviously, and the dark spirits are here to create evil, not only create evil but to grow it.

And the light spirits?

The light spirits make sure that the dead pass on to the other side.

The light, heaven, whatever you want to call it.

They're the protectors of the souls.

They, uh, they just go around spreading all things good.

Love, happiness, blah blah blah.

And can one dark spirit become more powerful than the others?

Well, that depends on how many souls they can take up, and that's why the dark spirits hate the light spirits so much, because the light spirits are always taking souls away from them.

Well, uh, there's an east african version where if a dark spirit can take over the soul of a light spirit, that's like triple bonus points right there.

By engulfing the soul of a light spirit, the dark spirit becomes invincible.

You ok?

Yeah. Have you ever... come across this image?

Heh, a villain from old-time radio?

That's not funny.

Do we have a name?

Romano, maybe, I'm not sure.

Ok. Is your romano a dark spirit or a light spirit?

Oh, you're right. They are too careless with the word "genius."

That's harsh. Who are you again?

Just someone who wants some help. Someone who needs to learn.

Can you just check the sketch for me?

I'm already on it. Good-bye.

I'm just not sure what you hope to get talkin' to this professor guy.

I'm not exactly sure, either, but at least, if I can find out who this romano is, then I can keep her away from him.

Does he know what you can do? The professor.

Why don't you tell him?

I don't tell people.

You told andrea.

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have.

Maybe this whole spirit thing evaded her life just as it has ours.

Maybe she would have been better off not even knowing.

Hey. Slow down. You gotta realize you're hurting, too. You've been through... a terrible shock. Take a beat.

Yeah, I can'T.

Why? - Because, if I stop and think, I just feel so guilty.

You know, like maybe what happened to andrea is my fault.

I mean, it's only because of me that she knew about the plane.

It's only because of me that romano went looking for her.


Maybe... I unleashed something that even I don't understand.

Just do the best you can do with what you know.

I can't believe that she's gone.

I can't believe that she's not gonna walk in this door at any minute with her coffee and a joke.

I would give anything just to hear her laugh one more time.

She never doubted me.

Even for a minute. - Ok, there's something that you should know about me.

Ooh, uh-oh.

Yeah. And it's gonna sound crazy.

And I'm telling you for 2 reasons.

One, because I have a good feeling about ypu. You don't seem like you're judgmental.

Ok... ok, so here it is.

Uh, sometimes when people die, their spirits don't leave.

They stay earthbound for all kinds of reasons.

And, well... I can see those people. Those...spirits.

They talk to me, I can help them.

You should say something soon.

That...is... the... coolest thing I've ever heard.

You don't think I'm nuts?

Ooh, ahh, no more nuts than I am.

I mean, I buy it. I like it. I knew you'd get it, I just knew it.

Yeah, but you said there was another reason that you were telling me.

Yeah, you have a ghost attached to you.

I'm sorry, what? What--where? Where?

I thought you could see me!

He's, uh, behind you. He's been following you for the last 2 weeks.

What--why? What does he want?

Finally! Ok, it's like this all right-- you don't have to shout! Just because you're dead doesn't mean that I can't hear you.

All right, all right, what do I know? I thought I was talking from the great beyond or something.

Anyway, the point is, I used to live in the apartment she lives in now.

Ah, he's an older man who used to live in your apartment.

Ok, please tell me he didn't die in my apartment.

I didn't die there. I crapped out on a bus one day coming home.

Heart attack. But I digress. The point is this.

There's a stack of pictures of my grandson that fell behind the stove, and I never got around to gettin' them out, and my daughter would love those sh*ts.

Oh, there's pictures of his grandson behind your stove.

My daughter's name is nancy howard. She's in the phone book.

He wants you to send the pictures to his daughter. I have her name.

She's in the phone book.

Hey, you're kidding, right?

Ok, I am so gonna love this job.

Got here about a half hour ago.

My key won't turn in the lock. I knock, but no one answers.

Hello? Who's in there?

Try your key again.

Who could have done that?

That's sick. I don't get it.

The words... that name, romano. I have no idea who that is, do you?

Everything just seems a bit crazy right now.

Should I call the police?

If it'll make you feel better, but I don't--

Melinda, if you know something, please, tell me.

I really don't know what's going on.

You feel like you could know a person...

I mean, really know who they are through and through?

I do.

I do, too.

And I know my sister. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like something's wrong. Like she's not at rest somehow.

I can't shake it.

You probably know things weren't always great with us.

She told me you didn't talk for 2 years..

It's worse than that.

There's somethin'
I never told her.

Something she should have known.


What difference does it make?

It's too late.

Andrea? Are you here?


He told me not to believe a thing you say.


I don't want to be dead! I shouldn't be dead!

Please...help me. I don't want to be here. But I deserve it.

No, you don't!

What'll happen to me if I go with him?

He'll turn you into something, something just like him.

He makes me want to be with him!

Andrea, it's all lies! Please don't let him do it--

I have to go.


Back to the beginning. Oh, my god.

Andrea, please!

I have to go now.



Hi, melinda, it's rick payne.

Uh, I just got back to my office.

Is there any chance you can come over here? Right away?

Could this wait till morning? It's been kind of a long night.

Hmm. I don't know. Maybe not.

Ok, I'll be there in like 15 minutes.

Is there any chance you'll pass a noodle parlor?


Fair enough. when did this happen?

Today. I'm teaching a class, and then I go out to dinner--polynesian food.

Have you ever had tongue and papaya? I don't recommend it.

I come back to my office to get some books, and all this has happened.

I--who could have done this?! Some disgruntled janitor? No. No. No.

Please. I don't think so. And then--ooh-- check this out.

Here's a drawing that I didn't even know I had.

Do you know what it means?

Yeah, sure.


Oh, sorry, uh, basically it's a warning. It's a dark motif favored by the incans.

"Back off or die" being the fundamental message.

Who are you really? Come on, you come here asking me some very interesting questions.

Next thing I know, my office is redecorated. And I'm on the wrong end of an incan death threat.

Look, I'm really am just kind of a student.

There are some things that I know and some things that I'm trying to find out.

Ok. That's--
that's great.

But are you going to tell me this all happened because of a supernatural event?


Come on! That's crap!

Who--who sent you here? Who put you up to this?

Is it spiegelman from princeton, that son of a bitch?

Ok, the sketch that I gave you. Did you find out anything about him?

Oh, yeah. I did actually.

There's an obscure sect in algeria, sort of a quasi devil worship... sort of a quasi devil worshiping group. They use this image as the object of their reverence.

I also found another group in morocco, and there's another one in portugal.

Wow. This is amazing.

Come here!, you maybe want to see this.

Is this... that's an american cult leader living in Spain-- went by the name romano.

This guy had 115 followers.

And he convinced them all to commit themselves to their dark sides.

And like you were telling me that dark spirits like souls to be angry and toxic.

Toxic is an understatement. This guy convinced these people to commit the ultimate dark act...

That would assure them a place alongside him in eternity.


On a grand scale.

You say you've seen this guy recently?


You know, that's fascinating to me, this happened in 1939! And romano k*lled himself with all the others.

And became a dark spirit?

Let's say the sake of argument that dark spirits are real.

I would say your friend romano there was a dark spirit long before that happened.

A living one?

As these entities get stronger, they have the ability to take over a weaker human.

Literally take over their bodies?

In theory-- look, that's a picture of some loser named romano with an evil heart and a weak will., But once the spirit got ahold of him all the negative energy from that mass su1c1de--

he was 100 times stronger. And then when he died, he was released back into the ether badder than ever.

And now?

Now... regrouping for a bigger bite.

Maybe he's just sucking up soul after soul and building more and more strength until the next human being he takes over he could do some real hurt to the world.

And this guy's not gonna stop until he destroys everything that's good.

You sound like a believer.

I'd like to believe.

I'd like to believe there's more than this short rocket trip to the grave.

I'd like to believe in an afterlife.

I believe in science. I need proof. I need facts and figures.

I can't just take it on faith alone. And there lies the rub.

No faith, no belief.

I--I have to plan breakfast now.

Um...romano-- he didn't k*ll anybody himself, did he?

I mean, he just convinced them to k*ll themselves.

That also fits in with the dark motif.

In order for these things to win, they have to take over a soul that acts with its own free will. They have to cooperate in their own destruction.

Hey, where the hell have you been, kyle?

Well, I've been busy.

I can see.

Man, what's with you and this chick...melinda?

Like you're obsessed with her.

She and I--we have some unfinished business.

So the fact that romano never physically k*lled anyone means that he has less power than you thought.

Means he has more power.

Imagine being able to convince people--
100 of them-- to k*ll themselve Gets in their heads, huh?

No, he gets inside their souls.

Makes them feel like they're worthless, that they're bad.

He poisons their spirits. And the weaker they get, the stronger he gets.

He's doing this to andrea?

Yeah, he's trying.

And it makes me so frustrated, because she's the only one who can turn him away.

And I have to make her understand that.

You don't know where she is?

She said that she was going back to the beginning, but the beginning of what?

Your friendship? The store?

Wait a minute...

I used to tell andrea all the time that death isn't the end, it's the beginning.

That's where she is.

She went back to where she died--

where this began.

I can't cross over.

Why not?

Romano said I'd be punished.

For what?

That night when mitch came to the store and when you told him I was dead.

When I realized that was true--
that mitch was alive and I was dead... for just one minute I wanted to trade places. I wanted to live so badly that I wished it was mitch who had been k*lled by the plane and not me.

I prayed for it.

We were all in shock.

But you have to talk to mitch. And he has something that he has to say to you, too.

My own brother, and I wished him dead!

I can't be forgiven for that.

Yes, you can.

I don't want to be.

I know you're packing, but, I have to talk to you.

I know this is a lot to take in.

Ahh, you think?

You tell me how well you know andrea.

That she's not at rest, that something's wrong. You can feel it.

Did andrea know about this? That you could... that you see the dead?

Yes. I used to talk to her about it all the time.

I can't believe she never said anything to you.

Did she believe you?


She was so open and curious.

She had lots of questions, always wanted to know more.

That night... in front of the store, when I saw you and you told me what happened to andrea.

Are you saying that andrea was there?

That you saw her? She saw us, and she couldn't--

she couldn't let me know she was there?

She was confused, mitch.

She thought that you were the one that was dead. It was hard for all of us.

She's in a bad place.

She can't cross over into the light, and you're the reason.

You have one last chance to do something good for your sister.

There's a lot of her in this place. It'll help us to be here.

So...how do we.. what am I supposed to do? - The best way is tell me something about andrea.

Just tell me a story. she was traveling all the time, always away and never too good about being in touch.

My father was sick, and it got bad real fast.

And I think my dad was hanging on so he could see her one more time.

But we couldn't find her.

I was with my pop the night he died.

He knew andrea would be heartbroken about not being with him... how guilty she'd feel.

And he wanted me to tell her that it was all right, that he loved her, and that he knew she loved him.

And that he'd see her again.

He didn't want her to hurt.

You never told me that.

She's here, mitch Now?

In here with us?

She wants to know why you never told her what your father said.

Because I was so mad about her not being there.

And I know it's wrong. And I'm sorry. I was going to tell her someday.

I just--I never thought it would be too late.

Will you tell him, melinda?

Mitch, the night that you came to the store, andrea was there.

She was watching when I told you that she was dead.

And for a moment, when she realized the truth she wanted to change places with you.

She wanted to be the one who was alive even if it meant that you were the one that was dead.

It was only for a split second.

And she feels full of shame about that.

It's part of what's keeping her here. She needs your forgiveness.

Tell her I--

she can hear you.


I wished the same thing. I wanted it to be me on that plane, and you still safe--

still alive.

I mean you were always the one who lived.

I was always so cautious, and so worried about the rules.

And what people think... you always charged ahead. You're the one who should have gotten more life.

She needs to hear you say that you forgive her.

There's nothing to forgive. She didn't do anything wrong.

Can you forgive me?

Let's just say we're even.

She says you're even now.

He says I'll be judged in the light.

Don't be scared. Don't let him into your head.

Why isn't he coming inside?

He can't now.

There's too much love in here.

And that's what's in the light, not judgment.

Look, we all feel guilt about what happened that night.

But it's time that we let it go. It doesn't mean anything anymore.

I'm scared.

I know you are.

Just try and remember l the good things that you're leaving us with.

Remember that every person that knew you is better for it... especially me.

You taught me to be fearless.

And you loved really well, and you were loved. And that's what you're bring into that light, nothing else.

Ahh...I see it.

The light...ohh.

It's more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.

Then go into it.

You're free. This is how it's supposed to be.


I'm gonna miss you so much.

You'll see me again.

And when I get to that light, you better be waiting.

You better be the first face that I see.

I'll be waiting.


Say hi to pop for me.

He says hi back.

She's gone.

Let's see, you're going to driscoll county, connecting in chicago.

You're all set. Just need to see a photo I.D.

Oh, sh**t. I left my I.D. In the car.

Got time. Go and get it, and just come back to the front of the line.
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