01x21 - Free Fall

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x21 - Free Fall

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married, just moved to a small town, just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.


That's not funny.

Poor little guy crashed into the window.


A 16-hour shift can wreak havoc on your empathy.

Look at how beautiful he is.

I feel terrible.

Tell you what. I wake up later, we'll give him a proper burial?


Hey, you don't see a spirit or anything, do you?



Crossed over and everything. Happy, hon?


Oh, no. Somebody slept in late.

Yeah. Andrea opened today.

Hey, you want some eggs?

No, I'll just have some juice.

I took the new guy out to breakfast this morning.

Oh, how's that going?

Hey, what can I say? He's new, he's green.

He wants to see blood.

Great. Another household appliance choosing a life of crime.

Why does this happen?

This is how it ends.

We'll just leave it.

I'm just gonna go to bed.

I have to be back at work at 2:00.

I could stick a frozen chunk of bacon in your mouth and let it melt while you're sleeping.

Good night.

Morning, good evening, whatever it is.

There"s something wrong. It"s too cold in here.


Can you see us?

When you're out here, that usually means there's something in there.

No, no, no.

Tiffany Cogan said she's gonna retire and close the bakery right next door to us.

No more apple cobblers? That's a good thing?

It means we can expand. Think about it.

We can knock down the wall in the middle and combine the fronts.


I thought we were just settling into what we have.

Oh, come on, it'll be great.

Think about all the extra floor space.

We could take much bigger consignments.

You really have a lot of free time on your hands.

I really do.

You know, my sensitive poet is touring the deep south this week.



It's just hard to put those images together.

Ashton, poetry slam, Alabama.

I'm okay now.


Do you see that?

Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you.

There is something really weird going on with the AC and it was, like, 25 degrees in there when I came in to open up this morning.

Wow, we should call them.

I already called the repair guy and he promises to be here within the year.

Hey, I made this amazing sketch, so let me come show you.

Yeah, I don't feel like going to work yet.

You okay?

Yeah. I don't know. It's just...

It's been a weird day so far.

Do you want some coffee?

No. I don't need to be any more wired. But you should go, okay?

Well, come with me.

Just stay out of the store, you know, until they fix the AC.

I'll be fine. I got sweaters and a snowsuit if I need it.

Hurry back, okay?

And your biscone.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

I know. The usual.

What can I get you, doll?

Uh, latte, please.

A latte it is.

Your latte?

Keep the change.

Sure. Next!

Can I get a large?

When are these repair guys coming? Christmas?

Yeah, I know. I'm about to break up some furniture and make a fire.

Hey, look at this.

See, what I'm thinking is that we could leave half a wall here and then maybe leave the edges to look like they're serrated?

I think you are really amazing.

Your brother must have rubbed off on you.

A real estate mogul in the making.

Speaking of my brother, it's his birthday tomorrow. Look what I got him.

I know how much he loves watches.

Wow. That's incredible.

Thanks. I'm gonna give it to him on Saturday.

Why not tomorrow?

He's on some big business trip overseas, some huge timeshare deal or something.

Well, it's great that you guys are really close.

I wish I had a brother or a sister.

Well, it wasn't always that way.

We did not get along when we were kids.

We've always been more different than alike.

Do you know we once went for two years without speaking?

Really? Why?

It was just...

He was always such a go-getter, you know, so ambitious, and I just... I like to lay back and let things come to me.

We had the most terrible fights.

I once called him a sellout and worse.

Wow. That doesn't sound like you.

Yeah, that's the way it was back then.

He thought I was a rebel and a loser.

Okay. Note to self.

Be grateful that I don't have angry brothers and sisters.

You know what the great thing was, though?

He was always there for me, no matter what kind of trouble I got into.

He saw that I had some growing up to do and he was patient with me.

I didn't see it back then, but now we're best friends.

Look at the inscription.

Do you think it's weird that I wrote that to my brother?


No. I think it's just right.

You might want to set it to the right time.

Oh. I thought I did.

That's weird.

What time does it say on the clock in the square?


Sorry. Yeah.

Um, it says 25 after 2:00.

Wow. Must not have wound it enough.

So, want to talk about architects?

I tried so hard to work in the city, man, but the waiting list, forget it.

Why the city?

Are you kidding me?

'Cause I don't want less than, you know, like, 10 calls a night.

You used to work in the city, right?


You must have seen some stuff, huh?

What do you want from this job, John?

To do good. Help people, save lives.

And to drive that bad boy real fast.

Right. That's why the keys are gonna stay in my pocket.

What's your background?

Two years med school at Columbia.

Columbia. Nice. How about the real worid?

Oh, I did some time in the ER. Loved it.

Life and death, ticking clock, the whole thing.

So I wanted more of that and less classroom lectures in chemistry, so I trained for this.

See, I think this is gonna be more immediate.

Well, right now, immediately, we need to check the tyre pressure and the oil.

Your heart racing yet?

That's what I mean. I can't believe they sent me to a place like this.

I'm on the job two days. So far I've gone on one call to help a lady who couldn't find her way home.

Feel like you're wasting your time?

That's not what I'm saying. It's just...


I'd like to help her find her way home.

Stand down, Sparky.



John, this is my wife Melinda.

Melinda, this keg of adrenaline right here is John Gregory, probationary paramedic.



Hey. You brought me soup.

Yeah, I thought you could use a visit.

We're gonna take a little break. Keep an eye on things.


That's the new guy?

Yeah. He wants things to be immediate.

That's why he moved to Grandview?

His point exactly. Hey, how was your day?


What, like ghost weird? Are they back?

No. I mean, there was something this morning while you were sleeping, a voice.


Oh, it's just... I can't shake this feeling of dread, you know, like something terrible is gonna happen.

Have you had this before?

No, not really.

There's just a heaviness in the air.

Sure it's not the kitchen vent at Lento's on the Square?

You know, I am trying to be serious here.

Too serious.

I don't wanna go home without you.

My shift's almost over. I'll be home by 10:00.



Unless, of course, the heaviness in the air slows me down.

Yeah, you're going down, Clancy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, my chief promised me two days off.

After my shift tomorrow, we can play a little hooky, maybe go catch an afternoon movie.

What do you think about that?

Sounds good.

I better go check on the rookie.


Well, at least the ghosts are back.

Something's back. I'm just not sure what.

Oh, oh, oh. We have to keep this pizza.

It has freezer burn.

What's wrong with freezer burn?

It makes it taste gross.

No, no. We can burn it off in the oven.

No, we won't.

Melinda, you've got to give a pizza a fighting chance.

Okay, fine. We will save the pizza Frisbees.


What do they want, these ghosts?

The ghosts want you to throw out that damn pizza.

Beside that.

I don't think they know what they want.

Well, at least you're seeing them now.

I mean, last week at this time, you thought you'd lost your gift.

Yeah. You thought I had, too.

I was hoping. Kidding.

You're a liar.

It's just still so quiet out there.

I don't know where they've all gone. It's like a huge vacuum.

You mean, like Grandview is a ghost town?

You know what? I'm gonna spank you and hard.

Stop it.

You know, I wish I could help you more.

I really do.

You do. You listen.

Yeah, and what I'm hearing right now is that you're scared.


I'm just not sure of what.

You"re the one.

Who are you?

We're so cold.


See, this is what I'm talking about.

If we had that space next door, we could build some really cool displays with trunks like this.

I found a flyer for this architect over at Village Java and he's gonna come by later and take a look, okay?

And then I hope he rips off my clothes and has his way with me in the claw foot tub.


Welcome back.

I'm sorry.

Where were you?

I was just thinking about this little visit I had last night.

So the ghosts haven't totally abandoned you!

No. I saw the one last night and heard one yesterday morning.

I just can't figure out why they are here and the rest are just gone.

Well, can't you just ask them?

It's weird.

It's like they're half in this place and half in another place.

Like so many men I know.

Sometimes they're talking in the present tense, sometimes they're talking in the past tense.

Now, wait a second. Are these ghosts that died, like, suddenly or violently?

Is that why they're so confused?


You know, usually I can solve a haunting pretty quickly.

I mean, the spirits have something they want to say to me or a problem that they need solved, but not these two.

They're not making any sense. It's like a riddle.

Maybe you're not meant to solve it yet.

I just can't shake the feeling that it's more important than ever for me to figure this one out.

Do you hear that?

Hear what?


What? What is it?

Hell if I know.

I'll be right back.

Melinda, this is Charlie Filbert, the architect that I was telling you about.

Oh, he's the one you were hoping would come by before his lunch.

I love your place. I walk past all the time.

Well, it's better for us when people come in, not just by.

Well, it's my loss. So, you guys want to expand?



Well, I mean, it's really very simple.

I mean, you've got one, two, three, four support columns including the brick and you could punch a hole between any and, or all of them.

I mean, your biggest headache's gonna be getting permits from town.

You know, the planning board's not exactly business-friendly.

How long would something like this take?

Charlie, I mean, do you think that we'd still be able to stay open?

Well, we could do a lot of prep work on days you're closed, but you'd probably have to shut down for a week or so.

Or... Or you could knock the wall down while we're closed, and then we could put up some curtains or something, and you could just, you know, keep doing your thing on the other side. And...

Curtains. You mean, like plastic sheeting and tarps?

Uh, yeah, that.

Is it always so cold in here?

I'm sorry. You know, we've been waiting for the workmen forever, and, in fact, they were supposed to be here by now.

Damn! It stopped again! You saw me set it.

What time did it stop?

It went ahead this time. To 10:30.

I'm gonna have to take you back to the jeweller.

We could replicate this facade.

I don't know if you like it or not, but you didn't have to put it up anyway.

I mean, you know, it hasn't really...

It"s cold.

I can hear you.

It"s cold in the cabin. We"re all cold.

Where are you? In the woods?

Are you trapped there?

No, something"s wrong. I have to find the door.

No, no, wait. Tell me who you are.

I have to find the door.

Uh, I was just listening.

For termites.


I can't believe you did this.

Yeah, well, you were asleep when I left and I didn't want you to eat alone.

Breakfast of champions.

You know, they're closing soon, so enjoy it while you can.

Oh, it's a tragedy.

Sit down.

No. I have to get back.

You're really in a bad place, aren't you?

That obvious?

That's that smile.

It's the "I'm trying to make it seem like everything's great

"when I'm really dying inside. Help!" smile.

It's disgusting how well you know me.

Better than you think.

I added the "Help."

I just have never really felt like this.

Like what?

It's a million different feelings, really.

Not just dread, but I feel like I have to...

Rush, you know? Like maybe there's not enough time.

Time to what?

To live.

What are you saying?

No, don't be worried. I'm just telling you how I feel.

I look at this room and it is so beautiful.

The colour, the light.


And I feel like we don't spend enough time in this room.

We don't spend enough time together.

Like maybe we're working too hard.

Just rushing through our lives instead of living our lives.

Maybe it's too late to even matter.



Everything we do, we're doing for a reason, doing it for the future.

Yeah, that's the point, I think.

What are we doing for the now?

Well, I'm holding you now.

I love you right now. What else matters?

Oh, just forget about it. I am talking crazy.

What did I say?

Don't even worry about it.

I don't really get it, either.

I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you soon.

Where is your sense of adventure?

Underneath my sense of biting off more than we can chew.

Thank you.

Well, I just don't know if this is the right time.

Why not? We'll get great tax breaks for property improvement.

Yeah, but how can we stay in business with them knocking down our walls?

I mean, the dust alone.

Well, I mean, it'll be a challenge, yeah.

It'll be an adjustment.

But we'll do it and it will be so worth it.

I don't know.

Hey, you gotta spend money to make money.

That's the first rule of business.

Look, somehow I just feel like, deep down, we might be tempting fate.

You know, to make a big move like this, commit to so much money when we don't know if we can absorb it.

What if it backfires?

Okay, you know that's classic scarcity mentality.

Yeah. Guilty.

Let me just get Charlie over here, okay, and he can show you his plans and walk you through how we would do things.

And then, if it's still too scary, we can wait.

Whoa, I am not scared. I'm cautious.

Whatever you say. And can we please not let Charlie see you listening to the walls this time?

Good point.

I don't know how much more of this cold I can take.

I called the repair guys again.

What do you want?

The captain goes down with the ship.

I don't understand.

We're all asleep.

We? Who's with you?

No one yet. They're all still sleeping.

Where are you?

We're close.

A uniform?

I'm not sure what kind but not military.

He said, "A captain goes down with the ship."

Are we talking about a boat?

I think he was a pilot.

It's the only thing that makes sense with the noises that I'm hearing, and...

If there was a plane crash, wouldn't we have heard about it?

Unless it happened a long time ago.

Or it happened a little while ago and it's not on the news yet.

He said he was close.

What about these ghosts that keep rattling your doors?

I don't know. Someone else from the flight?

If it is a plane, something went seriously wrong.

Hey, what's wrong?

My brother is supposed to fly today.

From where?

South Africa.

When I spoke to him last, he was gonna go to Johannesburg for a couple of days for a...

Some kind of real estate conference.

He wants to be back by tonight.

Andrea, what are the chances?

What the hell is going on?

It went ahead again.

What happened at 10:30?

And where?

So, I'm gonna take this back to the jeweller.

Take your time.

John! My bag.

Stop him! Check him out!

Okay. Why don't you come sit over here.

How you doing, sir?

My name's Jim. Are you doing all right?

I've been better.

What happened? Can you move?

My hand.

What about your hand? Can you move it?

It's gone.


It came off.

John! John!

Yeah, what's up?

Get over here.

The driver's hand's been severed, okay? We need to find it, get him to the hospital, see if they can reattach it.

He's also in shock. I'm going to treat him. You find the hand.

He said it's over there. It could be anywhere. Go. Go!

Look at me. Hey.

You're gonna be all right.


John! Damn it. Hey, come here. Officer, come here!

Keep that on his hand. Go.

Got it.

Hey, hey, hey! You all right? What's the matter?

Oh, hey. I got up too fast.

Where's the hand? Where's the hand?

You take it. You take it.

Take him out the passenger side door.
Hey. I was told to come over here and convince you.

Is this a good time?

Not an easy task, but sure, come on in.

Before I walk out of here, you're gonna be ready to take over the block.

It's just, we're still such a new business.

I get it. So am I.

Have you been in Grandview long?

Not really. I was with a big firm in Chicago.

But my wife's from here. She was dying to move back.

I took one look, said, "I'm in."

I want my daughter to grow up here.

Would you like a hot cup of tea, Charlie?

Yeah. Thank you.


You know, how old is your daughter?


Do you have kids?

No. No, not yet, anyway.

But my husband, he is chomping at the bit.

Exactly the opposite with us. I didn't think I'd ever be ready.

Thank you.

My wife couldn't wait.

So how is it, being a parent?

It's great, although I have to admit, my wife does most of the heavy lifting.

I've always been a bit of a workaholic.

Hence your visit here today to convince a sceptic.

I'll do anything to snag a new client.

My family's travelling this week, so I figured, keep extra busy.

They're not flying, are they?

No. They're driving from upstate. Why?

I was just curious.

I hate planes, you know? All the hassles.

Me, too. I mean, I figure it's dangerous enough out there without leaving the ground.

Okay. This is your new storage room, right?

Here's your front door.

Hi. Catch you at a bad time?

No, no. I'm good now. I just had a little rookie trouble.

Oh, Mr Adrenaline?

I'll tell you later.

Look, is there any back channel way of you finding out if there's been anything with a plane today?

Anything, liKe a crash?

Yeah, I think so.

Do you know anybody at the airports or...

Or where?

Oh, I don"t really Know. L"m thinKing the East Coast.

I checKed the news on the Web,
but there doesn't seem to be anything coming up for a recent crash.

What about farther back?

I don"t Know.

You know, the more I think about it, this ghost is so confused, it really feels like somebody newly dead.

You Know, they both said something about being really cold.

Maybe they crashed in some far away, remote place and nobody's heard about it yet.

It's possible, but how would they know to come to me?

Well, that is the $64, 000 question, how do they ever know to come to you?

Can you just make some calls?

Yeah. I will. I just thinK if, you Know, nothing"s on the Net, then...

I'm gonna have to call you back.

Andrea, I have to go across the street.


What are you looking for?

Don't you know?

I thought you knew.

Is it an aeroplane?

Did an aeroplane crash?

I don't know yet.

What was the last thing that you saw?

The sky.

Do you remember anything?

Anything about where you went down?

There's been no crash.

No crash? I don't understand.

We're still flying.

We're still up there.


The captain goes down with the ship.


Excuse me! Excuse me!

What are you, crazy?


Charlie, I am so sorry to be rude, but would you excuse us?

Okay. I need my pencils.

Yeah. We're gonna send them over later.

Andrea, there's a plane.

It's still in the air. The pilot is dead. Maybe the crew.

What? How do you know this?

The pilot just told me.

Well, what airline? What flight?

Hey, he was gone before I could ask.

Okay. What do we do?

Calls. The FAA for starters.

Maybe you should try some of the airports.

And say what? We're gonna sound like lunatics.

I don't know, okay? Don't even try explaining.

Just keep telling them until somebody listens.

Okay, okay.

Yes, hello. I need the Federal Aviation Administration.

Thank you.

Hello. There is a plane in the air.

No one is flying it.

The pilot is dead and maybe the crew.

Mitch, hi. It's Andrea.

Look, I know... I know you're on a plane right now, but can you please just call me when you land?

There's some really crazy stuff going on today. I just...

I just really need to know you're safe.

Look, we can talk about how crazy this sounds later.

I'm just telling you what I know.

I need the number for Driscoll County Airport...

Please, is there somebody else that I...



Hi. I need to speak...

Damn it!

I need to speak to somebody about a plane.

There's a plane, it's over the East Coast.

The pilot is dead, maybe the entire crew.

There's nobody flying it.

Yes, I know, it sounds crazy.

Where am I?

You have to tell me.

Are you on a plane?

I was. I think I am.

What is the flight? What is the airline?

There's no pressure. We lost pressure.

It was a long flight. Lots of head winds.

We were more than an hour behind.

It was liKe the air just got sucKed out of the plane.

We couldn"t breathe.

What's happening?

Open up. It's too cold out here.

What's going on in there? It's too cold out here!

We lost pressure.

What is the flight number? What is the airline?

Trans-Eastern Air 395.

Where did you take off from?


The captain needs me.

Well, is there someone else I can...

Look, I'm serious. This plane may crash any minute.

Damn it!

These government people!

I've been hung up on three times already and one of them actually asked me if I could get my mommy or daddy to come to the phone.


Andrea, the plane...

The flight, it took off in Johannesburg.


No, it's... It's too weird.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go to my brother's apartment in the city and the doorman will let me in. I just...

I'm sure there's something about his flights on his computer, I...

I have to know if he flew today.

Andrea, we should stay on the phone.

I'll come back!

What the hell happened back there?

Like I said, I must have gotten up too fast.

Come on, don't treat me like I'm stupid.

All right, look. It's just a problem I have sometimes.

Things like that, they get to me.

How'd you handle it in med school?

You didn't handle it in med school.

I kept passing out in gross anatomy anytime I saw blood.

I was invited to leave.

What the hell are you doing this for?

Because I gotta get over it.

I can't let it stop me. I don't want to be weak.

Look, this job isn't for everyone, okay? There's no shame in that.

If you can't hold it together out there, you're no good to me and you're no good to the patients.

I have to be able to count on you.

I just gotta learn to get hard about it and how not to care.

No. We're all gonna see things we don't want to see.

Blood, gore, a severed hand sometimes.

What you have to learn is to be able to look past it.

You know, you get that tunnel visión where the only thing you see is the person suffering, the person who needs to be saved.

Focus on that.

Did you hear that?

... jetliner is heading in from the Atlantic towards the East Coast.

95% probability it will come down in Driscoll County.

The plane has not responded to controllers.


Mel. It"s all over the news.

They said the plane's heading right toward us.

Did they say when?

I don"t thinK they Know.

The pilot said, "We're close."

Mel, go out on the square. Warn people. Tell them to get inside.

We're heading back.


Check and see if people are all right!

The plane went down. The plane went down.

Are you okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Get inside. Get inside.

Hey, are you all right?


Come on.

Jim, that flight came in from Johannesburg.

Andrea's brother might be on it.

Where is she?

She drove in to the city to check his apartment.

No, no, she'll be right back.

They're gonna close all the bridges and tunnels in a couple of minutes.

Come on. You gotta get inside.

Be careful.

Dispatch, dispatch. Grandview medic 56.

I have a visual on an aircraft down about a mile, a mile and a half from the main street, due south.

Look, start a first-alarm assignment to that location and show us responding.

Roger, Clancy.

Come on.

Hey, look, you're on this one now, okay?

Are you ready for this?


And you're not gonna prove anything to yourself on my dime, understand?

I'm gonna do all right, I swear.

Let's go.


I was driving, and I saw it.

It went down right over me.

There were cars everywhere.

Melinda, if my brother was on that plane, there is no way he survived.


We should call. We should call someone.

The phones are out.

There's no signal.

I... I'll... I'll try mine. We'll use my cell phone.

I know you see us.
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