01x15 - Melinda's First Ghost

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x15 - Melinda's First Ghost

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married, just moved to a small town, just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Andrea. Melinda.

Sit over there.

Hello. Welcome to Room Three's Talent Night.

One of our students, Dylan Cho, has written a very imaginative play.

We hope you enjoy Room Three's production

of Ghost at the Crossing.

You know what they say, "Write what you know."

I'm so bored. My dad has gone away, and my mom's too busy to even talk to me.

Hi. Wanna play?

Who are you?

I'm a ghost.

No way.


Wanna come to the railroad tracks?

I'm really not supposed to.

Oh, come on.

We can put pennies on the tracks and watch them get squished.

Melinda, help me.

Scene two: The railroad tracks.



How was work?


How was the play?

Spookier than I expected, actually.

Good for Dylan.

You know, I haven't had a chance to look through this new training manual, so I'm just gonna go do it downstairs.

No. Stay. I can sleep with the lights on.

All right.

Oh, hey, I forgot. Your mom called this morning.

What did she want?

I don't know. She didn't say.

I'm thinking, you know, maybe it's birthday-related.

Well, you're not going to plan anything, right? Promise me.

We're not planning anything.


Me. No one. No one is. Promise.

Right. 'Cause you know how I feel about it.

Yes, I do.

Although I was kind of hoping this year you might be over it.

I'm not.

You okay?

Yeah. I'm just tired.

Mel, I know you have some issues with your mom.

And this birthday thing...

You wanna talk about it?

Oh, what's there to talk about?

Single mother, didn't do a very good job.

Pretty common story.

But she raised a pretty uncommon daughter.

Yeah, that's part of the problem.



Do I know you?

Why didn't you help me?

Who are you?

Don't you know?

Trouble sleeping?


Big trouble.

Can you see us?

We're just open. Come on in.


Do you see someone in the store?


Besides her.


Wow. It must've been Dylan's play.

I just got the weirdest feeling, like...

Like someone was watching me.

Can a civilian catch a ghost vibe like that?

A civilian?

Well, maybe, but it'd have to be a pretty powerful ghost.

Excuse me. How much is this?

Mama! Mama! Mama!

Oh, just thought I'd wind them up.

I bet you thought they were antiques.

Oh, God. Ma'am, there's great candles...

I can't do this. Just get in the house.

Children, I have something very, very sad to tell you.

Some of you may know that Sarah Applewhite has been ill this year.

This morning, her parents called to tell me that Sarah passed away last night.

I know this is kind of a shock.

So if any of you want to talk about it further, I'm here for you.

Yes, Melinda.

Mrs Riley, Sarah's not dead.

She's standing right over there.

I want to talk to my mom and dad.

Then why don't you go talk to them?

I can't find them.

That's because you're at school. Go look in your house.

Melinda, this isn't funny.

You heard her. She can't find her parents.

Why aren't you helping her?

That's enough, Melinda.

Are you saying you don't see her?

I don't believe you!

If you don't stop this, I'll have to send you to Mr Corbett.

Why are you all lying? She's right in front of you.

Oh, I am so sorry.

I was in the middle of my shift, and the traffic was horrendous.

And then I had to take the bridge, which made it even worse.

It's fine.

So, sweetie, what's wrong? Are you sick?

No. At least, we don't think so.

I don't know if you've heard this, but one of Melinda's classmates has passed away.

Oh, no. Sarah Applewhite?

That's right.

Oh, sweetie.

I am so sorry.

No, Mom. They're wrong.

Sarah's alive. I saw her. And nobody believes me.

She's been saying this all morning. It's upsetting her classmates.

Some of the other parents have had to come down.

I'm so sorry.

Well, she's just... She's just emotional.

But it's true.

We thought it might be a good idea for Melinda to go home for the day, maybe rest.

Of course. You're right. It's...

But Mommy, you have to believe me.

I am so sorry. Come on, Melinda.


Mom, why won't you talk to me about Sarah?

It isn't fair.

Melinda, please stop doing this.

I suffered through years of it with my mother.

I'm not going to go through it again.

Go through what? What are you talking about?

I can't do this. Just go to your room, Melinda. Go on.


It was just amazing how it all flooded back to me, how confused I was, how scared.

I had no idea why I could see this girl and no one else could.

I thought your grandmother told you about all this.

Not until later.

My mom was so angry and embarrassed about the whole thing, that she kept it a secret, like we were trying to make her miserable.

You know I hate that.

I hate that that had happened to you. I wanna go back in time, and I wanna find that little girl, make her feel better.

You know what? You do. Every day.

I'm stealing these.

All right, so, what are you gonna do about Sarah?

Well, she was shy. I remember that. So that can get a bit tricky.

And ghosts have no idea how much time is going by, so I'm going to have to go looking for her.

Cool. Your first ghost hunt.

Yeah. And if she's like most ghosts, that means she'll be haunting places that are familiar to her.

Which means?

Which means I have to go home.

It isn't fair.

Just get in the house right now.

Mrs Riley?

I hope that you remember me.

Melinda Gordon.

Of course. Melinda!

Look at you. You're all grown up.

You look just radiant. Life must be agreeing with you.

So far. You look great, too.

Oh, aren't you kind. What brings you back?

Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about a little girl in my class.

I know it's been a long time.

But do you remember Sarah Applewhite?

Yeah, I do. It was terribly sad.

Do you remember my reaction that day?

I do.

Little children have big imaginations. So don't you be embarrassed.

It undoubtedly was your way of processing your grief.


You know, I was wondering, do you know what happened to Sarah's parents?

Because I tried to look them up in the Hamilton phone book, but they were unlisted.

They broke up shortly after Sarah passed away.

You know, I understand that it often happens when a couple loses a child.

Do you know where either one of them went?

No, sweetheart, I don't.

And if I did once, it's gone now.

Time is a funny thing, isn't it?

Yeah. It sure is.

I'm running out of time.


Come on, Zoe. You're gonna miss the bus.

Okay, I'm coming.

I looked everywhere.

All the places we used to hang out as kids. She was nowhere.

Just that one glimpse, and that was it.

Can these be engraved?


These soaps. Can I have them monogrammed?

Why would you wanna do that?

Yes. Actually, I know a place online that'll do that.

I will write down the website for you.


You know, I think something triggered her reappearance.

Something that she's not aware of.

And all I have to do is... Hey, we've got lotions. Back there.

Not interested.

Okay. This is their website, and they will monogram anything.

Just e-mail them.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Melinda, that was a customer.

Oh, what did I say?

You know, what I can't figure out is why she's being so elusive, 'cause she was shy when she was a kid.

But it's like a constant game of hide and seek with her.

Well, maybe she's self-conscious.

Andrea, ghosts are not self-conscious.


Now, don't forget to subtract...

Melinda, you can see me, can't you?

I know you can. Why aren't you talking to me?

Go away. You'll get me in trouble.

Well, talk to me first.


Why are you wearing your nightgown in school?

Oh, my God. You're right. You're right. She is self-conscious.

That's why she disappeared when I pointed out that she was in her nightgown.

You're a genius.

Thank you.

Now can we move these dolls?
'Cause they are freaking me out.

Oh, bedtime already. The things I have to do.

You stay and study. I have to meet someone in the bedroom.

Say again?

My little friend.


What makes you think she's gonna come?

I'm playing a hunch. See you.

Sarah. It's me. Melinda.

Nobody's here but me. Can we talk for a second?

So, here I am, getting ready for bed in my nightgown. Just like you.


Hey, you know, why don't you come visit me?

And it'll be like a sleepover.

Or not.


You know ghosts don't sleep.

So you know you're a ghost.

Well, I don't feel sick anymore, and I've been wandering around for, like, two days.

Okay. So when you look at me, do I look older to you?

Why? Is it your birthday?

It will be on Friday.

You'll be nine. Like me.

Nine. Right.

Why were you so mean to me yesterday, Melinda?

You wouldn't talk to me at all.

I am so sorry. It was just, you know...

It was math. I didn't wanna make Mrs Riley mad.

Yeah. She's pretty strict.

So what did you wanna talk to me about?

Are you trying to find the light?

Oh, no. I see the light. It's over there.

Well, then why don't you go into it?

You know, you'd probably feel more at home over there.

I can't. I'm worried.

About what?

My mom and dad.

I could hear them getting into a big fight the other night outside my door in the hospital.

And it was really scary.

They sounded like they hated each other.

Well, you know what? I bet they were just worried about you.

I went back home. Some other family lives there now.

They got scared when I tried to make them talk to me.

I bet.

So I don't wanna do that light thing until I know where my mom and dad are.

And I'm running out of time.

What are their names?

Jack and Grace.

Daddy builds buildings, and Mommy...


He lived in Hamilton. Is it the same Jack Applewhite?

It is.



Well, I really need to see him.

I don't think we're going to be able to do Melinda's party.

I was going to say exactly the same thing.

I don't get it at all. I mean, she's not vain in any way.

Why does she dislike her birthday so much?

Something to do with her mother.

They had a falling-out before we ever got together.

I've only met the woman myself a couple of times.


If the past is any indication, until this birthday thing is over, we're going to have a very gloomy Melinda. Brace yourself.

Jack Applewhite is an architect.

I thought he was a contractor.

Then I looked up "Architects."
There he was.

Sarah is gonna be so excited that I found him.

I have an appointment to meet with him at 2:00.

Can we have lunch tomorrow instead?

Yeah. Sure.

Okay. Bye.


Or she's going to be really happy.

Good afternoon. Applewhite Architectural.

One moment, please.

Excuse me.

My appointment with Mr Applewhite was at 2:00, and it's now 2:45.

I'm sorry. He's running a little bit late.

Okay. I just have to get back to work, so...

Marie, change of plans. I have a 3:00 with the board.

Yes, Mr Applewhite.

Oh, Mr Applewhite.


Hi. I'm Melinda Gordon. I had a 2:00 appointment.

I'm very sorry. You'll have to reschedule.

I have a meeting across town.

Actually, I've come on a personal matter.

Oh, well, tell Marie I said to give you whatever time you want.

I went to school with your daughter Sarah.

You knew Sarah?

Yeah. We were in the fourth grade together.

Sarah would be just your age.

What's this about?

Well, I had a dream the other night about Sarah, and then I kept thinking I was seeing her everywhere.

Yeah, it happens to me, too. Has for years.

And then last night, I saw Sarah.


She's coming to me.

Not just in dreams. I can see her spirit.

I see. I see.

That's very interesting. Good luck with that.

Mr Applewhite, I'm serious.

Well, I'm very late. And, like I said before, why don't you just call my assistant...

Oh, no, don't tell me.

Melinda, don't let him leave.

What the hell?

You have to make him believe.

All right, what have you done to this elevator?

Nothing. Nothing. I swear. Sarah's here.

Don't say "Sarah. " Say "Cookie. "


Because I liked Oreo cookies.


She loves Oreos, and you called her Cookie Monster, and then you shortened it to...

He remembers.

Who are you? How are you doing this? How are you doing this?

I swear, Mr Applewhite, I just wanna help Sarah.

It's easy to say someone was the love of your life.

Didn't even come close to Grace and me.

She knew everything about me. Good, bad, indifferent.

We were poor together, successful together.

Let each other down, propped each other up.

Thank you.

I could never figure out how I got so lucky.

Then we had Sarah. It was like a fairy tale.

And then Sarah got sick.

It became unbearable watching her waste away, watching her suffer.

We saw it every time we looked at her.

We saw it every time we looked at each other.

And pretty soon, we just stopped looking at each other.

Sarah said that you were arguing outside her hospital room the night before she died.

She heard us? I didn't even know she was conscious.

What were you arguing about?

It was new treatment.

It was experimental. I wanted Sarah to try it.

Grace was against it.

She felt Sarah's little body had been through enough.

Of course, she was right.

The treatment had side effects we didn't even know about then.

If I had known she could hear us...

She's been trying to find you.

I know you're divorced, but I didn't know what to say to her.

I never got over what happened. I never got over Grace.

Then, last year, I ran into her again.


It was like no time had passed.

Went for a walk, had coffee, then dinner, went for another walk.

It was like a miracle.

We had found each other again, and it felt, you Know, new.

We made plans to have dinner that Friday at a restaurant we both love.

But Grace never showed.

I called her, but all I got was her machine.

She called the next day,
and I knew she'd been crying.

She said three words to me.

"Too much pain."

I'm sorry.

She took a job in another city. Wouldn't tell me where.

That was the last I heard of her.

Sarah was hoping to talk to the two of you together.

Is she here now?


She's afraid that she was responsible for your anger at Grace.

I should tell her.

You know, I'd like to find Grace first, if you don't mind.

It's important to Sarah that she talk to both of you together.

What if you don't find her?

Well... Then I'll come back.
Melinda, what did he say?

You don't have to hide, Sarah. No one can see you.

You can.

Yeah, well, there aren't a whole lot of people like me.

Maybe none, for all I know.

Look, Sarah, your father loved your mother very much.

But you were right. They don't live together anymore.

Because I got sick.

No, it's not your fault. They love you.

Then where's my mom?

Moved away. We don't know where.

Maybe your mom knows.


Our moms were friends once.

They knew each other in high school.

Why don't you ask her?

I can't go see my mom.

She's never made me feel anything but ashamed and embarrassed of what I can do.

It's like she's jealous that the gift skipped a generation or something.

She called again.

You have to tell me that?

I think she just wanted suggestions for a birthday present.

Well, that's touching, considering that she ruined birthdays for me forever.

Mel, don't give her that kind of power.

It's your birthday. Take it back.

I would if I could. Believe me.

Well done. I love you. My big girl.

I love you, too, Mommy.

Tell you what, why don't you giris go inside and get her presents while I'm cutting the cake?

Did you make a wish, honey?

Was it what we talked about?

What did you talk about?

Oh, we had a little chat about the importance of birthdays and how it gives us the perfect chance to be grateful for the most important gift that we have together.

Mother, what are you doing? It's her birthday.

It's not a day for celebrating death.

We're celebrating life.

By taking her on macabre field trips to funeral parlours?

Don't think I didn't hear about that.

Melinda needs to be educated.

I am trying to protect her from that.

Mommy! Grandma!

Melinda, why don't you go inside and join the giris for a moment, okay?

No, Beth. She should stay right here.

Melinda's gift is nothing to be ashamed of.

And you can't avoid the reality of it forever.

Okay, Mother, fine. I give up.

From now on, you just celebrate her birthday any damn way you want and leave me out of it.

Melinda, I'm going to go lie down.

I'm getting another migraine, thanks to your grandmother.

Hi, Mom.


Is everything okay? Are you all right?

Yeah. Everything's fine.

I just wasn't expecting you.

Yeah, it was kind of last-minute.

You look beautiful.

Well, come in.

Sorry about the mess.

I've been so busy lately, the house has gotten kind of out of control.

Not that it was ever in control.

Anyway, you know what I mean.

How's Jim?

He's fine.

I've been meaning to come out and see what you've done with the house.

It all sounds so wonderful.

Somehow I just haven't had the time.

Hey, well, come sit down. You want something to drink?

No. Thanks. I can only stay for a minute.


I was...


That's just fine.

It's so good to see you. You cut your hair.

It's very becoming. It really is.

Why is she so nervous?

You know, I came here because I needed to get some information, and I thought maybe you'd be able to help me.


Do you remember Sarah Applewhite?

She was in my fourth grade class.

Of course, darling. I went to high school with her mother.

We used to get together when you kids were babies.

Of course, then poor Sarah got sick, and Grace and Jack kind of closed ranks on the outside worid.

But then, you know the rest.

Actually, I'm just now remembering the rest.

First time I ever saw a spirit, remember?

Melinda, do we have to?

Do we have to what?

Why does everything always come back to spirits?

Why do you hate talking about it so much?

Because it upsets me.

All I ever wanted for you was a normal life.

Why, Mom? Why is "normal" so good?

My life is fascinating.

It's extraordinary. I've found a way to really help people.

Why can't you just be happy about that?

She can't, Melinda.

Ghosts scare her.

I really don't wanna get into this conversation.

You came for information. Just tell me what you want.

I was right. Your mom knows where my mom is.

Let's go.

You know, maybe I should go and talk to your mom alone first.


Well, 'cause there might be grown-up talk.

Melinda, you're a kid.

She's not gonna talk to you about grown-up stuff.


Well, you wanna talk to your mom and dad together, right?

Your dad might be hurt if he knows that you talked to your mom first.

Well, okay.

But how will I know it's time?

Wait for me at my house.

You're all grown up. I can't believe it.

It was so good to talk to your mother. How is she?

Good. Fine.

We had a lot of laughs, she and I.

I used to bring Sarah over, and you would have a ball.

You'd play for hours.

I'm sorry. I don't remember.

Oh, well, why would you? I mean, you were only two or three.

But for us grown-ups, those memories, they never fade.

Your mother...

I'd never seen a woman more in love with her child.

Unless, of course, it was me.

We would sit there staring at the two of you in amazement.

So perfect, so beautiful.

The picture of health.

Grace, are you all right?

I... Forgive me, but you don't look well.

Oh, don't I? Well, I suppose there's a reason for that.

The fact is, is that I'm dying.

You're sick? I'm so sorry. I didn't know.

It's a genetic illness.

Which means, of course, I'm the reason that Sarah got it in the first place.

But I don't understand.

There's treatment. People are cured now.

I wouldn't let Sarah have the treatment then, and she died.

How could I survive the thing that k*lled my little girl?

Yeah, but you have your whole life ahead of you.

Yeah, you know, for some people, Melinda, that's not particularly good news.

Did my mother ever tell you about my grandmother?

She had this gift to be able to see people and talk to people after they died.

Beth never told me. Do you believe it?

My grandma helped a lot of people.

My mom never understood.

It seems it skips a generation.

Which means you can do it, too?

Sarah came to me two days ago.


Don't say it if it isn't true.

It is true.

And now I think I know why.

Your sickness, the fact that it's gotten more serious.

It's triggered Sarah to come and find you.

She needs to talk to you and her father together.

Are you willing to do that?

Melinda, I'll meet with Jack.

But you have to promise me that you won't tell him I'm sick, or I can't do this.


Hi. Come on in.

Hi. I got your message, but I don't...


I don't...

Are you back?

I never left, Jack.

I'm sorry.

I don't understand. You...

You lied to me?

Please, don't be angry.

Mommy, Daddy.

Sarah's here.

Are they still mad?

She wants to know if you're still mad at each other.

No, honey. At least, I'm not.

Of course we're not.

Would you tell her?

We're so sorry that she overheard us arguing that night.

We never meant to hurt her.

She can hear you.

Ask them if they still love each other.

She wants to know if you're still in love with each other.

I'll always love your mommy, Sarah.

I always have.


Grace, she's asking you.

Oh, yes. I love your dad, honey. Don't ever worry about that.

Does Daddy know that she's sick?

How did you know?

Know what?

I can feel it. She's sick like I was.

You have to tell Daddy.

I can't.

What is she saying?

I can't tell you.

What? This is ridiculous.

You call us together to talk to our daughter, then you can't tell us what she's saying?

Grace, she knows.

And she wants Jack to know.

About what?

I knew this was a mistake.

I'm sorry. I can't.

No, Jack.



How long have you known? Since last year?

Why? Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want you to watch someone you love...

I wanted you to be happy.


Don't you know the only time I've ever been happy was with you?

I don't wanna fight it.

I don't wanna survive if she couldn't. It's not right.

I want you to come with me, Mommy.

I miss you so much.

She misses you so much.

I don't want you to die yet.

I want you to stay here, with Daddy.

She wants you to get well, Grace. She wants you to be with Jack.

Tell them it's okay to be happy.

Tell them that I'm happy.

That everything is the way that it's supposed to be.

She wants you to know that she's happy.

And that everything is the way it's supposed to be.

They're not mad anymore.

No. Thanks to you, they're not.

I feel like I want to go there now. To that light.

Well, I think you're ready.

She's going into the light.


You'll always be with us.

We'll never forget you, Cookie.

Bye-bye, baby.

I love you.

It's not scary at all, Melinda.

You can tell your mother that.

Why can't you see value in what I do?


Two people who love each other very much are together again, and that should be worth something.

But for some reason, you just judge me. Why?

Let me make this very clear. I have never judged you.

But you have to understand, I went through the early years of this thing with you.

I remember your nightmares. I remember how scared you were, how lonely you were, coming home from school crying.

How do you think that makes a mother feel?

How do you think it made me feel?

Horrible. That's my point.

You know, I haven't always wanted this gift myself.

In fact, sometimes I absolutely hate it.

But I do good with it, Mom.

I help. Grandma helped.

I understand that, Melinda.

You don't know how...

I am happy for you. I am.

No. What is it that you're not telling me?

Why is it that I always feel like there's something you wanna say and you never do?

Well, I'm not scared of ghosts, if that's what you mean.

I don't even know why you said that to me.

I didn't say it.

Yes, you did. Yesterday.

No, Mom, I didn't say that.

Sarah said it.

You saw her. You saw Sarah.


Yes, you did.

Stop it, Melinda. I didn't see her.

I heard her.

Can you see them?

No. I don't know.

Sometimes, maybe.

I hate it. It makes me feel like I'm crazy.

Makes you feel crazy?

Think about how I've been feeling this whole time.

I was lied to by the one person that I'm supposed to trust the most.

God, no wonder you've had headaches all these years, 'cause you've been trying to just push it away.

I could help you.

I don't want you to help me. Okay?

I'm glad that you have made your peace with this. I really am.

But please, don't ask me to feel the same.

Now, it's getting late. I've got things to do.

Happy birthday.


Okay, Mom.

That is unbelievable about your mother.

And all these years, you never knew.

Strange, huh?

Wait, do you think your grandmother knew?

You know, I was just thinking about that. I wonder.

Do it.

All right, look, can I just say it?


All right.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

You know, I was thinking that it would be fun to go out tonight and celebrate.

You were?

Yeah. Life is good, you know, and racking up another year, well, that is... That's big stuff.

Damn straight.

Big stuff.

I'm going to go round up the usual suspects.

Sounds good.
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