01x08 - On the Wings of a Dove

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x08 - On the Wings of a Dove

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married, just moved to a small town, just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Help me!


Thank God you're home.

This is not the kind of movie you wanna watch alone.

Wait. You've seen this before.

How is it still scary?

I don't know. It just is.

You okay?

I had a hard day.

I'm fine now.

Will you hold my hand and watch this with me?

Sure. I should hop in the shower first.

Okay. Hurry up.

You ever have one of those days where everything just feels weird?

Don't go in there. I mean, why?

Why do you do that?

You know, it's like I'm...

Like I'm wearing the wrong pair of glasses or something.

Which is weird since I don't wear glasses.

Turn the lights on, bimbo!


What the...


No, I'm fine.

It's just the plumbing job I did yesterday.

Must've knocked some rust into the pipes.

Oh, I should've told you. I'm sorry.

Washing my face? Gross.

What's the matter?

Nothing, I'm just gonna lock up.

Watch the movie. I'll be right back.

Can you see us?


Yeah, I got it.

It looks like smoke-induced asthma.

All closed up. Agonal respiration.

Let's get a paediatric mask, start an albuterol treatment.

Come on, get that mask.

BP 140 over 90.

Do you see any burns?

Blood pressure is dropping.

Oh, Jim. Hey, Jim.

Jim, BP's dropping. We're losing her.

We're not losing her.

Come on, man!

Yeah. Come on.

We're not losing her. Breathe.

Let's go.

Okay. Respiration's stabilising.

She's coming back.

Take her out.

You sure you're okay?

I'm all right.

Okay, let's take her in.

Just take her up.

Did you say something?

Me? No. I ran into...

Do you tell me... Sorry.

Go ahead.

No. You.

Do I tell you...

Do you always tell me, you know, when you see spirits, or are there so many of them, you don't even mention it?

Door number two.

I just...

I don't know how you deal with that.

I just factor it in, move on.

I guess I'd go crazy if I didn't.

Is there someone here now?


Are you sure?

Jim, what's going on?

You've been acting really weird lately.

Is something bothering you?

Okay. I don't know if it's just being with you, you know, if it's rubbing off on me or something, but lately I've been having these feelings.

What kind of feelings?

Like I'm being watched.

And when it happens, I'm just flooded with this sense of anxiety or, I don't know, with despair or something.

And it's like I'm in the presence of just...

Talk about going crazy.

Why, has something already happened?

You know, it's probably just nerves. I'm fine.

Do you want some more?


All right.

He just seems so different.

Different how?

Distracted. Moody.

Maybe the romance is fading.

Are you serious?

Jim is nuts over you.

You can feel the chemistry from, like, Pluto.

Then what's wrong?

Excuse me, but this...



What are you doing here?

I live here.

Well, this is incredible.

Come here, hon. Give me a hug.

So, what are you doing here?

I'm writing a travel article for a magazine.

Hi. Lexi Fogarty.


Melinda and I were best friends for, like, ever.

Right, Migs?

Andrea co-owns the store with me.

Yeah. It's nice to meet you.

Wow. I...

I have so much I want to say to you, Migs.

I know we left things a little bumpy, but...

Hey, can I take you to lunch?

Oh, I can't, Alexis.

I'm very busy right now.

Tell you what.

I'll be here all weekend, so give me a call.

Here's my cell phone number.


Whoa. What was that?


You just totally iced that girl.

No, I did not.

Melinda, I have like freezer burn over here.

Okay, we used to be best friends and we're not any more.

I got that.

What happened?

We just drifted apart.

Oh, hey. Hey.


What brings you here?

Bringing you lunch.

Well, what happened? A cheque bounce?

No. Just felt like feeding my husband.

And, you know, seeing how you're doing...

You know, I'm fine. I think actually, I figured it out.

You did?


My dad died this week, five years ago.

You know, about this time I always start to go into a kind of funk.

I think the only difference is this year I forgot, so, you know, maybe it's just been weighing on me and I didn't even notice it.

Okay, so you're feeling better now?

Yeah, absolutely.

You sure then?


You worry too much.

I worry just enough. I'm going to work.

All right.

Love you.

Love you back.

Attention. A mandatory training video on standard care will be shown at 11:30.

All personnel are required to attend.

Young lady, I'm looking for my carriage and driver.

Have you seen them?

No. Sorry.

Good Lord. The theatre's been out for ages.

What will I tell my wife?

I only saw him for a second, but this guy scared the hell out of me.

And I don't scare that easy.

Please. We saw The Ring together.

You spent the whole movie under your seat.

That was fiction. This is real life.

I've seen a lot of ghosts. This guy made my blood run cold.

It was like the evils of the universe were just seeping out of him.

And you think one of these things has attached itself to Jim?

Well, it makes sense. He's moody. He's not eating.

He has these waves of despair.

I mean, nothing like this has ever happened to him.

So, assuming you're right, what do you do to get rid of a malevolent spirit?

I don't know. My grandmother never walked me through this one.

Melinda, not comforting.

You know what? It's time to open.

You finish up. No hurry.

Be prepared to provide resuscitation if the patient stops breathing or experiences sudden cardiac arrest.

So when available, bring an automated external defibrillator to the patient's location.

A professional medical-care provider should evaluate anyone suspected of experiencing a heart problem.

Jim. Help me, Son.

Please, Jim!


Jim. Help me, Son.

Please. Help.

Please, Jim.



In here.

Are you okay?

They told me you were sent home.

I saw my dad, Mel.

In this stupid training film.

I mean, it wasn't him at first, but then it was clearly him.

And he's yelling for me to help him. What is going on?

I think I was wrong.

There is a spirit attached to you and...

But you didn't see one.

Well, no. Not now.

But I saw someone at the firehouse this morning and he really scared me.

What did he look like?

Shaved-down hair, dark eyes, and completely covered in tattoos.

Mel, it's the patient who died when we flipped the rig, when we blew the tyre, remember?

That guy who was on his way to k*ll his wife?

What does he want?

No wonder he attached himself to you.

You're the last person that he saw as he died.

Does he blame me for his death? Does he want revenge?

I don't know.

At least I'm not crazy.

Hey, we're gonna figure this out, all right?

And I'm gonna stick to you like glue until I see this ghost again.

Hey, guys.

Everything okay?

Yeah. Everything's fine.


No reason.

You know, I just came to fix the cabinet.

Wow. Thanks, Jim.
'Cause it's driving us crazy.

Oh, God. What happened?

You ran out of here so fast.

Jim had some kind of an episode.

Thought he saw his dead father.

Jim is seeing ghosts?

No. No. I just think the spirit, or whatever it is, is messing with his head.


What are you gonna do?

There's nothing I can do except wait until I see the ghost.

You know, that's why he's here.


Do you want us to go?
'Cause I don't wanna freak you out.

No. Of course not.

What's a malevolent spirit or two between friends, right?

Hey, where did those come from?

Aren't they pretty? Lexi brought them by.

She is really trying to reach out to you.

I mean, I don't know why you guys drifted apart, but...

Okay, I lied. We didn't drift.

It was more like crash and burn.

You wanna talk about it?

Freshman year college.

Lexi, she started telling people about my abilities.

And before I knew it, I had become some kind of laughingstock.

It got so uncomfortable, I finally left school.

Oh, Melinda.

You know, the funny thing is, there's a part of me that wishes Alexis and I were still friends.

No! Are you kidding me?

You can never, ever speak to her again.

Never, ever.



I thought attached meant attached.

Why do they come and go?

They feed off our energy, off our emotions.

It's like recharging their batteries, you know?

And then they're free to wander off for a while.

Well, do they ever wander off and never come back?

Not that I know of.

I thought you were gonna say that.

Oh, you're chilly. I'm sorry. You're wonderful.

I'll turn on the space heater.


I blew a fuse.

Oh, really? Well, why don't you come back to bed and we'll fix it tomorrow?

Why, honey?

You're afraid, are you now?

No, I'm not scared.

I'm gonna come with you, though.

I just blew a fuse, you know. I overloaded the circuit.

I'll be right back.


You keep it.

Are you there now?

Not yet. I'm just feeling my way down to the basement.

You wanna do me a favour? Can you unplug the space heater?


I can see you.

And you don't scare me. You don't.

Who are you? And what do you want with my husband?

It's not your husband I want.

It's you.


What do you want with me?

I need help.

You see us.

All the lost souls.

I feel very dark things coming from you.

I can't help you if I don't understand what I'm feeling.

I k*lled a man.

What's your name?

Julian Borgia.

I don't pretend to be a good man.

Who did you k*ll?

Someone innocent.

We had just pulled a robbery and we were trying to get away.

Get out of the car!

Okay. All right.

I didn't mean for it to happen.

There are a lot of things I never meant to do.

Go! Come on!

My partners were arrested, but I ran.

I Knew my wife had moved away, but I managed to find her.

I saw my child, Joseph.

The son that I never Knew.

And I thought maybe that the three of us could start over.

But I'd lost Rachel's love a long time ago.

She didn't want my son exposed to me.

I shouldn't have been surprised when the police showed up at the house that night.

In prison, I started to see the truth.

I had wasted my life.

I hurt innocent people.

And people who loved me.

And I made a promise that when I got out, that I would start over clean.

The day I was released, I was asked to do a job on the outside.

I refused.

My mind was on only one thing.

To find forgiveness and to begin again.

I truly believed that I could do this, that I could make amends.

I was wrong.

Give us a hand. We need help in the back here.

I think that you're haunting my husband because he was the last person you saw before you died.

No. It's because of you.

Is it your wife and son? Do you wanna see them again?

No. Rachel doesn't even know I'm dead.

Then how can I help you?

The day that I died, I was going to find the family of the man that I k*lled and I was gonna beg for forgiveness.

I wanna see that through now.

With you.

Will you help me?

I don't know if I can trust you.

I've heard that you wanted to hurt your wife.


I never...

I never...

Whoever told you that, lied.

I loved my wife. I never wanted to harm her.


I just need... Would you please just believe me?

You're my only hope, man.

Hey, honey, go ahead and plug in the space heater.

I got to rewire some of the circuits...

Is he here?

Tell me what he wants.

No, no. Tell me what you want!

I'm sorry.

This is not a benign spirit, okay?

Not after the stuff I've been feeling.

Okay, so maybe "benign"
was a bad word, but the man is obviously deeply unhappy, tortured and has had a horrible life.

That does not mean that there's not some spark of good in him.

Honey, I know you wanna believe that, but this guy...

This guy wants us to drive halfway across the state and help him find the parents of the man he k*lled?

Yeah, and that's exactly what we're gonna do.

How well do you think that is gonna go over, okay?

When you tell them you represent the man who k*lled their son?

Oh, well, I don't think it's gonna go over very well at all.

But that is not a reason not to help him.

You know what? You are... You are as stubborn as a...


I just don't want this guy attached to me any more or in my house.

I'm sorry. You're right.

You don't have another choice.
Hey. Wait up.

So you're an early-morning jogger, too?

Uh, yeah.

I just love this time of day.

When Migs and I were in high school, we used to do this...

You know, I really prefer to run by myself.


Okay, then.

Look, I'm not trying to be a bitch.


I guess I'm just one of those people who thinks that loyalty is a personal asset.

Oh, this is about that costume party.

God, I wish she'd get over that.

I don't know anything about a costume party.

It was a joke.

Some kids decided to throw this costume party, and everyone was supposed to come as their favourite fantasy.

At least that's what they told Melinda.

So you humiliated her in front of her friends.


I kept her secret all through high school.

I was practically her only friend at her grandmother's funeral.

I've listened to all of her problems, all the time.

Alexis, that's just what friends do.

What a shame.

Our first chance to get away, look what we're doing.

It's not exactly a romantic getaway, huh?

Is he here?

Yes. He seems very preoccupied.


Look, I just wanted to say I was sorry for the way things went down on the night of the accident.

I was already dead. I don't blame him.

He says he doesn't blame you.

Thanks, Julian.

The truth is clear to me now.

This was all meant to happen because it led me to you.

And so to my salvation.

He says you're welcome.

Uh, Mrs Farrell?



My name is Melinda Gordon. This is my husband Jim.

You don't know us, but we've recently become acquainted with...

With someone who was familiar with your son.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Who did you say you were?

Melinda Gordon. I...


My wife has a gift.

And this is going to be kind of hard to explain, but she has the ability to talk to and see people who have died.

She can help them...

Wait a minute.

Are you telling me that you've been in contact with my son?

Actually, no.

I've been in contact with the man who k*lled him.

Oh, my God.

He never meant to hurt your son.

It was an accident. I would never take a life.

He said that it was an accident and that he would never...

It doesn't matter.

I know I'm guilty.

You see, because I'm the cause for their pain.

He was on his way to beg you for your forgiveness when he was released.

He was let out?

Why didn't they tell us?

I don't know.

But he changed his thinking, everything about the way he lived.

He wanted to start his life over, but it didn't work out that way.

Why not?

He was k*lled.

The night he came to ask you to forgive him.

Don't tell them about my troubles.

You tell them that I would give anything, anything to bring back their son.

You okay?


I'm fine. Go on. Tell them.

He wishes that he could bring back your son.

That's enough.

I have one question.


Why do we have to listen to him?

Why can't we talk to our son?

Well, most likely, your son passed over easily without issues to keep him earthbound.

Julian, on the other hand, is tortured by the memory of what he did.


I'm sorry?

I'm glad he was tortured.

Does he have any idea how many times we wished we were dead just to stop the pain?

He was a good boy, our son.

He cared. He wanted to help people.

He was going to build things. He was going to make a difference.

And that's who that m*rder*r took out of the worid.

I believe him when he said that the sh**ting was an accident.

He had a loaded g*n, he pointed it, it went off and k*lled our son.

What kind of an accident is that?

And he wants forgiveness?

From us?


Are you okay?



How's your headache?


That was horrible.

I warned you.

I just feel so badly for the Farrells.

I can't imagine what they went through.

Well, what did you expect?

Their only son was k*lled.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm saying.

I don't know who I am. Is he here?


I mean, it's like I'm infected with him or something.

Why is he still doing this to me?

Because his energy is really powerful.

But I don't think that Julian is an evil man, Jim.

At least not any more.

I just wish the Farrells could have heard him speak.

It wouldn't have made any difference.

I know you see me.

Hello, Alexis.

You don't like me, do you?

Does it matter?

Look, you were right.

I shouldn't have told anyone about Melinda's gift.

It was my first year at college.

I was desperately trying to fit in and...

You know how it is.

Okay, maybe you don't know how it is, but that's how it was to me.

What I'm trying to say is I wonder if you could set up a meeting between me and Melinda.

I know it's not easy to forgive sometimes.

Maybe just try to talk to her?

What can I get you?

I'll have the tuna sandwich. What do you wanna order?



I'm not hungry.

Well, you have to eat.

I am not hungry.

Tell me what you're feeling.

It doesn't matter.

It does matter. I can help you.

I feel totally, completely alone.

It doesn't matter who I'm with.

And I feel like it will always be like this.

Those are not your feelings, you know that. They're his.

They're strong.

I love you so much.

You know that?

Well, then, just focus on that.

Keep Julian at a safe distance.

He just feels hopeless, you know, 'cause the Farrells denied him.

And he feels lonely because...

We have to find his wife and son.

No. We can't. We can't.

Beyond hope with them.

It is not beyond hope with them.

Maybe if his wife knows that he's dead, you know, she'll have a change of heart.

My wife hates me and I don't blame her.

I betrayed her in every way that a husband can betray a wife.

What about your son?

I think about my son all the time.

Do you know, I didn't even try to know him.

Isn't it worth a try at forgiveness?

I lost my son.

And I don't have the right to expect anything from him, okay?


You have to trust me when I say that there is hope.

I've been through it with others.

I've seen how the loss of a loved one can affect the survivors.

But I don't care what you say.

It is not beyond hope.

Julian, this is your chance, huh?

You got to take it.

Julian, come on.


Hey. However this goes down, I just wanted you to know that I respect what you do.

I mean, this calling and...


No, I...

And so if this doesn't go well...

Hey. It's gonna go well.

You're gonna be okay.



Excuse me.

Rachel, hi.

My name is Melinda Gordon. This is my husband Jim.

Can we talk to you for a few minutes?

How do you know my name?

Through your husband, Julian.

What has that son of a bitch done now?

Oh, he hasn't done anything. He...

Except die.

Well, uh...

I knew it would happen sooner or later.

I guess it's sooner.

Hey, I told you this was a bad idea.

He has some last words to share with you.

You were with him when he died?

No, but my husband was.

It's more complicated than that. Can we...

Can we please come in?

Joseph? My son.


All grown up.

Just for a minute.

Okay, okay, back up here.

You're telling me you're talking with Julian?

Like his dead ghost or something?


Even I feel his presence.

Oh, you feel his presence, yeah?

Bet you've had a few sleepless nights.

Look, I left Julian behind a long time ago.

I got a life, I got a job, I raised my son.

She can feel me. I can tell.

Julian says that you can feel him.

I don't believe in that spirit stuff.

You did.

When we went to see that fortuneteller on Coney Island.

You know, the one who told us that we were gonna get married?

What about the fortuneteller at Coney Island?

Who told you about that?

Julian's telling me about it.

Said it's the best day he can remember.

You were so beautiful that day.


Stop it.

In your sundress and sandals.

Did a sandal break? Did he have to carry you?

Stop it!

How do you know about that? You can't!

You can't know that!

You tell her that I love her.

He loves you.

Tell her everything.

And he's sorry for the pain he caused.

Tell her that I deserved to die.

I can't say that.

Say what?

Tell me.

He said that he deserved to die for hurting you.

And he can't hurt anyone any more.

And tell her that I forgive her for turning me in to the police.

Tell her that she did the right thing.

He says you did the right thing, turning him in to the police.

I didn't turn him in.

Is that what this is about? Are you trying to get me to admit that I blew the whistle on my husband?

No. No. Julian thought...

I don't care what he thought!

I'm telling you, I didn't turn Julian in.

I did.

Joseph, you called the police on your father?


Because I didn't want him making you miserable.

I couldn't stand to watch any more, but I didn't know he'd die.

I just wanted him to go away for a while.


Don't touch me!

Because of me he's dead.

What's happening?

Julian's laughing.


Because it was my son who turned me in.

Not you, Rachel. My son.

Protecting his mother.

He's happy that you were protecting your mother.

He's telling you you did the right thing.

You know what? That makes me wanna hug him.

You're lying!

No, I'm not.

You see him?


Then what's behind his right ear?


Behind his right ear!

He put a tattoo there that he said was for me when I was born.

What is it?

It's a white dove.

Wings outstretched.

What else does he say?

He wants you to become the man he was trying to be.

To learn forgiveness.

He says that being unforgiving...

Is like drinking poison.

...is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

Ask Rachel if she got my letters.

He's asking about some letters.

I didn't open them.

I was mad at him.

Do you still have them?

He wants you both to read them.

He said it'll help you understand.

Look at them.

My beautiful wife and son.

I had it all, you know?

And I just threw it away.

He's sorry that he threw your love away.

He didn't throw it away.


Even though you tried.

God knows, when you went to jail, I tried.

But, damn it, I always loved you.

He needs to cross over now.

But he can't do that until he knows that you forgive him.

We do.

We do forgive him.

And tell him that I love him, too.

I wish there was something I could do.

Tell him there is something he can do.

Go to the parents of the man that I k*lled, find a way to befriend them.

But don't tell them who you are.

Do good things for them.

Make their lives easier.

Make a difference.

I'll tell him.


Is he gone?

I am so glad Andrea talked you into having this lunch with me.

Actually, Andrea told me not to come.


But it's been an extraordinary weekend and...

I've just been doing a lot of thinking about forgiveness and what people do to each other.


That is so cool of you, Migs.

So then, now, I guess, would be a good time for us to talk about what happened freshman year.

Migs, look...

The thing...

My thing is, don't dwell, you know?


No matter what happened back then, I totally, totally believe in what you can do.

In fact, it's why I'm here.


Do you remember my aunt Ruth?

Kind of a pain in the butt, bad breath.

She lived outside Grandview.

She got sick last summer.

I put in some long, hard weekends with that woman toward the end, and she totally promised me she was leaving me this emerald necklace.

Like real emerald, Melinda, with diamonds all around it and everything.

Anyway, she died.

And guess what? No necklace.

I combed the entire house.

So when I saw you, I thought...


I suddenly feel much better.

Oh. Good.

Good. You know, me, too.

Yeah, because I realise that what you did to me is nothing compared to what you do to yourself every day.

And it gives me some perspective, you know?

Wow. Time has just zoomed right by.

I got to run.

This was fun, Lexi.

And as far as the necklace goes, well, I would...

I would keep looking.
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