01x03 - Ghost Interrupted

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x03 - Ghost Interrupted

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married, just moved to a small town, just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Okay. We're here.

Now remember, you are all to stay together.

Do not leave the immediate area of the farmers' market or you will lose your outdoor privileges.

Now, we had our little problems last time...

Are you still there?

You better be.


I don't wanna do this alone.

Okay, everybody, watch your steps.

Over this way. Be over to the left.

James, come on.

Okay, let's all stay together.

Stay together, remember. Remember what I said? Come on. Okay.

What's the big deal? It's just a casual dinner some night.

And I gave up blind dates a long time ago.

Jim says he has a great personality.

Isn't that code for, like, "chubby and a comb-over"?

Firemen are hot. That's all you should be thinking about.

Okay. Wait. No.


Have you always been this decisive?

I'm not sure.

Hey, who's that?

Very smooth change of subject. Well done.

Is this your grandmother?

Wow. She looks exactly like you.

In fact, I think I've seen this bathing suit in your closet.

She was very special. I miss her.

What, like "special" special?

Her birthday is Sunday. She would have been 80.

Hello. May I help you?

No. Yeah. Do you guys have a bathroom?

Sure. There's one in the back.

I'll show you. It's there.

Big mistake, sister. Bathrooms are always the first place they look.


You can see me, can't you?


Wow. Twins.


Hi, I'm sorry, ladies.

Did a young girl come in here?

Pale-looking, pretty, probably seemed a little nervous.

Don't tell him.

Look, she's a patient at a psychiatric clinic.

If you're trying to hide her, it's a mistake.

She's in the bathroom in the back.

This way? Thank you.

My God. Poor girl.

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

He's gonna drag her straight back to the cuckoo's nest, you know.

Let go. You're hurting me.

You know I'm not.

Please. Don't take me back to that place.

You know what, Nat? I really don't want to go back there, either, but what are we gonna do? Thank you. Have a nice day.

I'm sorry. I had no choice.



Are we with ghost?

What the hell are you looking at?

Oh, yeah. We are with ghost.

Can you see us?

So you're just gonna ignore this whole situation?

I was hoping to, yes. I have lunch plans with my husband.

Why did you have to rat out my sister?

I wasn't about to lie.

For all I know, the clinic is a safe place for your sister to be right now.

Well, it's not.

Why don't you try and help instead of passing judgement?

I don't pass judgement on anyone.

And did it ever occur to you that maybe you're the reason she's there in the first place?

I mean, attaching yourself to her?

I'm the only reason my sister hasn't completely lost it in there.

We'll agree to disagree.

Look, if you want to cross over, I'm glad to help you.

You mean, like, "Go to the light"? Not an option. My sister needs me.

She's barely half a person without me.

I've got to get her out of there.

What do you expect me to do?

I cannot interfere in your sister's treatment. It is not my place.

I'm sorry. I really am.

By the way, my sister grabbed some fancy letter opener off your counter.

So, if she does something, say, slit someone's throat or maybe even her own, I hope that doesn't eat away at your conscience too much.

Hey. You must be Will.

I'm Melinda, Jim's wife.

Right. Jim talks about you all the time.

Didn't I just see you talking to yourself on the corner?

No... Cell phone. I was talking on the cell phone.

That's what I thought.

Hey. Hey, wrong girl. This one's mine.


Don't hate me, but I can't have lunch today.

What's up?

Something came up.


Girl from Green Grove came in the store and stole a letter opener.

I called them. I have to pick it up.

No, no, I'll go pick it up for you.


No, no, no. I don't like you going to a place like that alone.

Hey, it's not a big deal.

Besides, the girl's being haunted by her dead twin.

Oh, now I'm really going. Come on. I'll drive. Let's go.

I'll come in with you if you want.

No, I'm fine. I'll be right out.

I've seen worse places. Looks kind of peaceful, actually.

They're coming!

They're coming to get me! Please! Please help me! Help me!

I was afraid you might file a complaint with the police.

No, I was just worried, actually.

I wonder if you wouldn't mind.

I'd like to create an opportunity for Natalie to make amends to you for what she did.

Call it a sort of therapeutic intervention.

I want her to learn to take responsibility for her actions.

She's not dangerous.

She just wanted something to pry open her window with.



I'm sure you remember Ms Gordon.

She runs the antique store that you took the letter opener from.

Is there something you'd like to say to her?

I'm sorry.

So I see you decided to grace us with your presence after all.

It's okay. You have good taste.

It's art nouveau. My favourite. One of the few things I won't sell.

I guess if you let on you can see me, the good doctor might lock you up, too.

Anything else you'd like to say, Natalie?

Can I talk to her for a minute?

Sure. It's okay.

You see her, don't you?


I knew I wasn't crazy.

She's sitting over there by the bed.

I feel her with me all the time, just like when she was alive.

I feel her energy, her moods, just like they were my own.

Sometimes, I swear, I know exactly what she's thinking.

She's mad, isn't she?

Because of that night.

My family has a cabin by Lake St George.

We snuck out there, me, Zoe, and my boyfriend, Tom.

Tom is a total scuzzball, FYI.

I got a bad sunburn and so I went to sleep early.

I guess Zoe got bored without me. She stayed up drinking, and then she went swimming.

I tried to swim out to the buoys, like when we were kids.

We used to try to swim out to the buoys.

We were supposed to tap one of them three times.

We could never do it.

Every June, we'd be determined

that this would be the summer one of us would make it.

Well, I tried again that night.

I should have known it would have been bad luck to do it without you.

What happened?

I just didn't make it.

I knew she was dead.

It was like I drowned with her.

You know, the best thing here would be if Zoe crossed over.

You mean, like, leave forever?

She doesn't belong here any more.

She can't leave now. I need her.

As long as she's in this nuthouse, I'm not crossing my legs, never mind crossing over.

What about your parents?

They're divorced. My mother's the one who put me in here.

I made the mistake of telling her that I thought Zoe was still with me.

She thinks I'm psychotic.

Talk about the shoe on the other foot.

Natalie was always the golden child, the one who could do no wrong.

What was I supposed to do?

Make believe she's not here? Lie about what I feel?

No. You shouldn't have to do that.

Even my boyfriend hasn't been around in a while.

Oh, please.

My parents think the sun rises and sets on that moron.

I need him to tell my parents that I'm doing better.

They'll listen to him. They think the sun rises and sets on him.

I hate that they put you in here.

I love it. Don't have to do a damn thing. Some cute guys, too.

You're too young to be in a place like this.

An old folks' home?

Grandma, why can't you come live with us?

Girl with the biggest heart in the worid.

Melinda, sometimes you have to look at life as if it's a big clock.

The clock keeps going no matter what.

What are you saying?

Oh, I'm just saying that this is all temporary.

I know what time the big clock says it is.

Oh, I hate it when you talk like that. You better not be going anywhere.

Well, I'm excited to see what's on the other side.

Do you have any idea how many people I've helped cross over?

I'm beginning to feel like a travel agent who's never been on a plane.

You're the only person that understands me.

You're the only person that doesn't make me feel like I'm crazy.

You have to promise me something, sweetheart.

Promise me that you'll be strong when I'm gone.

I can't have you wallowing. It serves no purpose.

Grandma, you just had a minor stroke. You're gonna be fine.

Just promise.

Okay. Promise.

Come on.

I'll see you giris next week? All right.

Tom Warren?

Hey. You're gonna have to make an appointment.

They don't let me do walk-ins.

I'm a friend of Natalie's.

Are you a social worker?

Something like that.

She's upset because you haven't been to visit her lately.

Yeah, well, I started college in September, and I'm doing this coaching thing.

Do you think she belongs there?

Do you?

I think she feels cut off from everybody, especially from you.

Yeah, well, maybe they can help her there.

Maybe you can help her.

She needs to feel connected to her life outside the clinic.

She needs you.

You look really good, Natalie.

Thanks. I'm feeling better.

Well, I'll let you guys talk.

What is he doing here?

So, how's college life?

You know. I've got a pretty heavy course load, plus I'm rushing a few frats, and I'm doing the tennis thing, so...

I'm dead, Natalie's stuck in a nuthouse, and he's going to keggers, trying to score sorority chicks.

Give him a chance.

How about you?

Let's see. I'm catching up on my reading...

Sandwiched between about a billion hours of staring at the wall, broken up by the occasional therapy sessión.

Blah, blah, blah.

So why haven't I seen you lately?

You know, I've just been really busy.

Yeah, it's really time-consuming being a selfish jerk.

I'm always thinking about you, though.

Are you? Really?

Why don't you just break up with her?

You know you're scoring with your tennis groupies.

Face it, you're just dying to cut this nut job loose.


Are you sleeping with other giris?


You know, I think visiting hours are almost over.

Are you?

Where did that come from?

I don't hear a denial.

You know, she's tired. You can come back tomorrow.

Didn't you say that we'd be together forever, Tom?

Didn't you tell me that college wouldn't change that?

Nat, come on. I mean, a lot has happened since I said that.

So why did you even come here?

Yeah, Tommy boy? Why?

I just wanted to see how you were doing.

Here's how I'm doing.

Stay away from me! Stay away from me!

You don't care about me! You don't care about me!

You don't care about anybody!

Settle down, okay?

Oh, dear.

When was this taken?

Junior year, field hockey game.

My grandma never missed an event, no matter how small or how far away.

I could always feel her eyes on me.

I think you still do.

Closest thing to a twin I've ever had.

You know, this might sound like a stupid question, but do you wanna do something special on her birthday?

You know, like visit her grave or something?

It's too far away. You're sweet, though.

And you're sweet and...


It's a Dr Tanaka from Green Grove.

We're a little confused about the purpose of your visits.

It's not that we don't appreciate your interest. We do.

When Natalie talks about you, she seems...

But we don't know you, and as of last week, Natalie didn't know you.

Melinda has been very helpful...

Excuse me, Doctor.

I totally understand your concern. I'd feel the same way.

I met your daughter by accident, really.

But we connected on a level that...

It's just that we have some things in common, and, if you don't mind me saying, I don't think that Natalie belongs here.

And you speak under what authority?


Just experience, I guess.

I've had to deal with a lot of grieving people, and sometimes, all they need is closure to move on, and I think that Natalie, in some way, is still very attached to her sister, and if she could get past that...

I'm not sure I understand.

You run an antique shop in Grandview, isn't that right?


And you're an amateur psychiatrist in your off hours?


Mrs Harper, there is no doubt that Natalie has responded positively to Ms Gordon's visits.

Natalie's boyfriend, Tom, called me last night, and he described a very different picture.

He said that Natalie became very agitated the last time Ms Gordon was here.

Well, that's not quite true.

I'm sorry. We don't want you here any more.

Do we understand each other?

Of course.

That's it? You have nothing else to say?

So you'll find another way to get to her.


I'm only good at the encouragement part. You're the how-to-do-it girl.

Can we talk about something else? Anything else?

Thank you.

Well, I talked to Will about Andrea.


Look, he wants to meet her before the actual date.

Meet? Does he know that we're talking about a dinner date here, not a prenup negotiation?

The man's g*n-shy.

This is worse than junior high school.

Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'll set a dinner date.

You tell Will, I'll tell Andrea.

If they don't like the looks of each other, they can run in the opposite direction, but at least you and I will have some nice pasta.

Damn, you're good.

Love you.

So, you're just giving up on us?

Not even a little fight?

I can't keep having conversations with you in the middle of town.

You do understand I'm the only one who can see you?

I'm not gonna leave you alone unless you help.

You're the one who messed up things with Tom, Zoe.

He slept with me.

On the night I drowned, we slept together while my sister was sleeping in the other room.

I felt awful about it, but I was drunk, and feeling sorry for myself.

I don't know what his excuse was.

Do you think I want my sister to be with a guy like that?

Why didn't you tell me this before?

I don't want her to hate me.

Look, I know you think I'm some kind of pond scum, but I love my sister.

I've always looked out for her in my own way.

Pond scum, no. Misguided, yes.

And if you really care about your sister, help her take care of herself.


We're having dinner Saturday night. Lento's on the Square.

You, me, Jim, Jim's friend Will, 8:00.

He's tall. Feel free to wear heels. Any questions?



Can I make a statement?


There's someone waiting to see you.

Sorry. Hope you don't mind.

Owen at Green Grove told me I could find you here.

Of course not.

You know what? I'm gonna go shop for some heels.

I will talk to you later.

I assume you're not here to talk about a Chippendale dresser?

No, I suppose not.

Listen, I want to apologise for my ex-wife, the way she spoke to you.

No need.

I went back to see Natalie after we met.

She was very upset that you were asked not to come.

Well, I hope you told her it wasn't me.

I did. I did.

Yet, she was really, really down.

Withdrawn, as they call it.

She told me that you can see Zoe.

That you're the only one that knows that she's not delusional.

What do you want me to say?

The truth.

I have seen Zoe.

She's what I like to call an earthbound spirit.

I can communicate with her, with spirits who haven't crossed over.

Are you telling me that Natalie...

Natalie can't see Zoe, but she can feel her.

She can feel her just as much as she did when she was alive.

And Natalie knows that she's here.

Can you see Zoe now?

He looks so sad.

It's k*lling me.


She's beside you.

Now she's moving over to the couch.

Just so he knows, I was in his car. I left him a message.

All right, if you're playing around with me, this is really a very cruel joke.

She wants you to know it was her in your car.

She left you a message.

I wanna tell him something.

She wants to tell you something.

Tell him I'm sorry I was such a disappointment to him.

I really didn't mean to be.

She's sorry that she was a disappointment to you.


How can you say that, Zoe? Never. Never.

If I could live it again, I'd be his favourite.

I'd do anything to get him to smile at me like he smiled at Natalie.

She feels like Natalie was your favourite.

No, no, no, no. Zoe, Zoe, please.

I love you. No different than Natalie.

I thought you were disappointed in me.

I could never talk to you. You... I mean, you seemed so angry with me.

I wanted you to see me, Dad.

Me! Not Natalie's twin, not the girl who couldn't spell as well or be nice to company as well or do anything as well as she could.

I just wanted you to know that I was there.

Your daughter who loved you, and hung on every word.

Just once I wished that you would've said Natalie looked like me, instead of me always looking like Natalie.

What is she saying? Please.

Don't bother.

He can't hear me now any better than he ever could.

She's gone.

What did she say?

I can't promise that it'll be verbatim, but here it is.

I'm so glad you could come.

Mr Harper called and gave you full visiting rights.

And Mrs Harper?

He said to call him on this cell number if she tries to interfere.

Go on down. She's waiting for you.

Your grandmother had a rough night, Melinda.

I thought she was feeling better.

Yesterday, she was out of her wheelchair.

There's good days and bad. It happens.

She's out like a light right now.

Well, I told her that I'd stop by after school, so I don't want to disappoint her.

We should really let her sleep.

I'll let her know you came by.

Do you mind if I wait a bit?

Would it matter if I did?

Make yourself comfortable.

Thank you.

There you are.

Hey, they told me you weren't feeling well.

Just needed a nap. I was afraid we'd missed our visit.

Grandma, you see those people?


The one that keeps looking at me, is he...

A spirit?

No, he probably just thinks you're cute.

The man talking to Joan is long dead, though.

No smoking, sir.

I don't feel like I'll ever be able to tell the difference.

You will, sweetie. Trust me.


Well, you'll feel it.

You'll look at someone, and you'll feel what they feel.

Confusión, sorrow, relief, fear.

You might even feel curiosity. Maybe sometimes joy.

And it will all happen in a split second, and you'll know.

Grandma, I feel some of that right now.

No. No.

It's all right, sweetie.

No, please don't leave.



I don't know what came over me the other day.

Zoe came over you.

I'm writing Tom a note of apology.

Wanna take a look at it for me?

What do you think this is gonna accomplish?

I want things to be okay between us.

I wanna know he's gonna be there for me when I get out.

You've been talking to Zoe, haven't you?

What did she tell you?

She's worried about you.

There's something else, isn't there?

I knew there was something. She's keeping a secret.

She slept with Tom the night she died.

It's not true.

Tom would never do that to me. She's lying.

I think what she needs is your forgiveness.

Could you please leave now?

Everything okay?

Not really.

I think I should come back another day.

Her mother's getting a court order to transfer her to the state hospital.

Does her father know?

I'm sure it's gonna be a fight.

I'll tell you one thing. That kid'll never survive there.

Are you ready? If not, I can...


I kind of wish we didn't have to go to dinner tonight.

I can cancel that reservation right now.

After all the work we did to get Andrea and fire boy together? No way.

You still worried about those twins?

You know what? It's supposed to be a fun evening.

No shop talk.

See these rings?

They mean you and I are bound together.

Your problems are my problems.

So talk to me.

I think I may lose this one.

You can only do what you can do.

Maybe it was meant to be.


I'm not hungry, Mom.

You can't stay in bed forever.

You're breaking your promise.

Where have you been?

You saw me at the funeral.

I saw you standing by the casket, and then you were gone.

I was very pleased with the turnout.

Why are you still in bed?

I don't feel good.

Sweetie, I know you're sad.

Your mom's sad, too, but she's not in bed all day.

She knows you have to go on.

Grandma, it's just different.

I feel so alone now. Mom doesn't understand.

I miss you so much.

I'm gonna miss you, too, sweetie.

You're a very special girl. Remember that.

I don't feel special. I feel weird.

That means you're human.

But you have a gift. You have to know that.

I don't know if I want it.

You do. It may not seem like it now, but you do.

You have a chance to help so many people.

Your heart won't let you turn that away.

I don't really know how to use it.

Just take everything I've given you and make it your own.

And remember this.

Every time you help someone, you honour me.

Maybe there was, like, a small brush fire or something on the way and he won't be...

No, no. There he is.

Guys, I'm sorry I'm late.

It's fine. We just got here.

Honestly, I was trying to figure out what shirt to wear.

My ex usually made the final decisión.

Your table's ready.

I have zero fashion sense.

Well, you made a great choice.

They are totally cute together.

I take complete credit for this match.

Unless it all blows up, then it's my fault?


You're getting really good.


And I'm serious, even I'm afraid of your backhand now.

Well, I'll call you later.


Drive safe.

Bye, Tom.

Nat, what the hell?

Did my sister ever tell you she hates being called Nat?

Put that down.

How could you do it, Tom?

How could you have sex with me with Natalie sleeping in the other room?

Stop! You're not Zoe! Zoe's dead.

Out of the car, Tom.

Just hold on.

I'm gonna smash something!

All right. Just hold on.

Get out!

Okay. Okay!

Will you just stop this? You're freaking me out. What do you want?

Just a little payback.

That was insane, Natalie!

I didn't know you had it in you.

Where are you going?

Oh, no.

So it was the third time in a month this woman had a kitchen fire, and that's when it occurred to me.

Either she was a really horrible cook, or she was so hell-bent on trying to land a fireman, she was setting these fires on purpose.

Oh, my God!

Yes, we dated for two years.

Oh, my God. That's just sad.

Dessert, anyone? I have tiramisu, chocolate cake, tortoni...

You know, I am thinking one of each.

Okay, I am officially in love with you now.

My ex never ordered dessert, but if I did, she'd end up eating half of mine.

I hate when they do that.

Melinda, yo. I need your help.

Not now.

And I will take the chocolate cake.

Chocolate cake.

Yeah, one tiramisu, two spoons.

I'm afraid she's gonna do something crazy.

Your timing sucks.

You know, I have a work emergency that needs to be taken care of.

Do you need me to help?

No. No. Yeah.

That's a great idea. Do you guys mind?


I'm taking you. See you.

I'm sorry.


Okay. Have you ever heard of an antique-related emergency?

I mean, why would she go to the lake?

She and her sister used to go there when they were kids.

It's where Zoe drowned.

Wait, you don't think she's gonna...

Who are you calling?

Her father.

Can he drive any faster?

Where is she?

I don't know.

Oh, wait, I think I see her.

I'm going in after her.

No. Wait.


What? What are you talking about?

She's gonna drown.

Just don't!


She's doing it.

She's swimming out to the buoys.

Look, Dad, she's gonna make it.

One of us is finally gonna make it!


Tap three times.

I did it, Zoe!

I did it for both of us!

So, do you like living in town?

It's fine for now.

Yeah. Me, too.

This is... This is me.


You want to have some coffee or something?


It's fine.

It's late.

Why would I take the basement key with me?

I don't know. Check the top drawer in the kitchen.

I gotta go. Okay? Bye.

Let me guess. Your ex.

I gotta get a new cell number.

Will, you're not single.

Yes, I am. We broke up three months ago.

Yeah, but you've mentioned her at least a half a dozen times during dinner, and then she calls you on the phone late on a Saturday, and you don't tell her you're on a date.

Yeah. I'm sorry. It's...

It's a bit of a process and...

I understand. I do.

But, you know, it's your process, not mine.

When you... When you put the "break"
in the break up, you call me. Okay?

Smooth, Will. Very, very smooth.

Are you all right?

Yeah, Dad. That's what I've been trying to tell you.

That was amazing.

Zoe wants you to know you did great.

She's here?

She's here?


Can you hear me, Zoe?

She can hear you.

Zoe, I always saw you.

I always, always loved you.

And I guess I just thought that somehow, deep inside, you knew how I felt.

I didn't know.

I never, never thought you looked like Natalie.

I thought you always looked like you.

Tell him it's okay.

Tell him better late than never.

She says it's okay. Better late than never.

Ask Natalie if she can forgive me for what I did with Tom.

Ask her if she can forgive me.

For what?

I'm sorry for not realising how lucky I was to have you.

My best friend. You knew all my secrets.

And you knew all mine.

I'll never be that close to anyone ever again.

Tell my dad to get her out of that place, okay?

I don't think I have to.

Is that light out there for me?

You're the only one that can see it.


She's saying goodbye.

I love you, Dad.

Bye, Zoe.

Just like looking in a mirror.

Tell Natalie to have a great life.

Work at it. Be that close to someone again.

Live it for both of us now.

Goodbye, Zoe.

This is pretty intense.

She's gone.

Thank you. Thank you.

Hey, what time is it?

A little after midnight.

Happy birthday, Grandma.
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