02x13 - Tiny

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Once Upon A Time". Aired October 2011 - May 2018.*

Moderator: baileybelle

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A woman with a troubled past is drawn to a New England town where fairy tales are to be believed.
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02x13 - Tiny

Post by bunniefuu »


(Mr. Gold knocks on the door to Mary Margaret’s apartment. Emma answers.)

Mr. Gold: Ready to go, Miss Swan?

Emma: Almost.

(Mr. Gold enters the apartment, and Henry enters the room with a suitcase and his coat.)

Henry: Do you think we’ll be cold where we’re going, or warm?

Emma: I think layers are always a good idea.

Mr. Gold: I thought the terms of our agreement were quite clear. You owe me a favour – you alone.

Emma: I’m not leaving Henry here with Cora lurking about, so either we both go, or we both stay.

Mr. Gold: Then, we’ll have to purchase another plane ticket, won’t we?

(Mary Margaret enters and helps Henry put on his jacket.)

Emma: Wait. We’re flying?

Mr. Gold: Don’t worry, I’m covering expenses. Even the new ones.

(David overhears the conversation as he comes down the stairs.)

David: You’re a real gentleman, aren’t you? Alright, Gold, you’re going out there with my family. Just know, if anything happens to them…

Mr. Gold: Then you’ll what? Cross the town line? And David Nolan will hunt me down in his animal rescue van?

David: I’ll be devastated. This isn’t a threat. It’s a request. Take care of them.

Mr. Gold: I promise no harm will come to your family. After all, we have a deal.


(Mr. Gold, equipped with the shawl around his neck, is driving. Emma is in the passenger seat, and Henry is in the back seat. They are heading down a deserted road in Mr. Gold’s car.)

Henry: So… Where are we going?

Mr. Gold: Logan International Airport.

Emma: I think he meant after that.

Mr. Gold: Let’s just take things one step at a time, shall we?

Emma: You really think that shawl’s going to work?

Mr. Gold: Well, if it doesn’t, and I revert to my cursed self, we’re all going to have some problems. It’ll work.

(They pass the ‘leaving Storybrooke’ sign and a wave of magic passes over Mr. Gold. There is a brief pause.)

Emma: So?

Mr. Gold: My name is Rumpelstiltskin. And we’re going find my son.


(At Mary Margaret’s apartment, Mary Margaret is in the kitchen when David enters wearing two g*n holsters.)

MMB: You like the holster, huh?

David: I miss carrying a sword.

MMB: Well, it looks good on you.

David: Come on. Leroy has the dwarves on Cora watch. They’ve got eyes everywhere, but they could use our help.

MMB: Really? How hard can it be to find a powerful sorceress in a small town?

(They go to leave. When they open the door, they find Regina, who was just preparing to knock.)

David: Apparently, not very hard.

MMB: Regina. You’re back.

Regina: I know you think I’m responsible for poor Dr. Hopper’s death.

David: He’s… Alive.

Regina: What?

MMB: You were framed.

Regina: Who would do that?

MMB: Your mother. She’s here.

Regina: But… But that’s… That’s… Not possible.

MMB: When we found a way back, so did she. We were wrong… And we’re so sorry.

Regina: I know. But, if Cora’s here, then we’re all in danger. Please, you have to let me see my son. I can protect him.

MMB: He’s not here.

Regina: What?

David: Mr. Gold asked Emma to help him find his son. They left town about an hour ago with Henry.

Regina: And no one told me?

MMB: We didn’t know where you were. And, to be honest, Regina, I don’t think Emma has to run anything by you.

Regina: No, I suppose she doesn’t.

(Regina exits.)

MMB: That went well.

David: With her, it doesn’t get much better. Come on. Let’s go find Cora.

MMB: Where?

David: No idea. But I know who to ask.

(David hands a quiver of arrows and a bow to Mary Margaret, and the two of them leave.)


(David, Mary Margaret, Leroy, and Hook are at the docks. Hook walks with an obvious limp.)

Hook: You didn’t even ask me about my recovery.

MMB: How are you feeling, Hook?

Hook: Come closer and feel for yourself.

(David hits Hook.)

David: You want to lose the other hand? Where’s the ship? Come on. Archie told us. It’s shielded somehow, isn’t it, mate?

Hook: Aye… That it is. Follow me. I don’t know what you expect to find. Cora won’t be there.

David: Well, maybe she left something behind that will tell us where she went. Let’s go.

Leroy: No funny business. I’m watching you, pirate.

Hook: Yes, Dwarf. That should deter me from any maleficence.

MMB: Oh, don’t worry, Leroy. He’ll help us.

Hook: What makes you so sure?

MMB: Because you’re a pirate. You know which way the wind blows, and, right now, it is gusting towards us.

Hook: Oh. I see where your daughter got her gumption. Follow me.

(They arrive at the pier where the ship is anchored. Hook walks up the invisible stairs and disappears behind the shield. The rest of them follow suit.)

Leroy: You sailed this ship from our land. Can you sail it back?

Hook: My ship? She’s a marvel. Made from enchanted wood. We weathered many a storm together, seen many strange, glittering shores. But, to travel between lands, she must go through a portal.

David: Yeah. What do you know about Cora’s plans?

Hook: Cora’s not the most communicative of lasses. I will tell you this – whatever malice she has in mind, her w*apon of choice is in here.

(Hook gestures to a tarp covered box. Leroy and David pull back the tarp, revealing a cage. Inside, is the shrunken giant from the beanstalk. He is unconscious/sleeping.)

MMB: Who’s that?

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(At the giant’s castle, the giants have gathered for dinner. One of them rings a bell to summon Anton. Anton enters.)

Arlo: Ah. You’re late, Tiny.

Abraham: Missed you out in the fields, Tiny.

Anton: It’s Anton.

Abraham: But you’re just so damn tiny, Tiny.

Arlo: Alright, enough squabbling. Now, today, we celebrate. After a century of hard labour, the time of the bean harvest has finally arrived.

(The giants, save Anton, pound their fists into the table and cheer.)

Anton: …Yay.

Arlo: But is a blossom more than its root? Is a harvest more important than a hard day’s work? No. Each has value. Just as each of us has value. Hear, hear.

Group: Hear, hear.

(The giants stand up to toast, but are interrupted by a loud bang. They look over at Anton. A human-sized harp has slipped from his sleeve onto the table.)

Arlo: You’ve been spending time in the treasure room again, haven’t you?

Anton: No. Maybe. So say that I was. So what?

Arlo: Your fascination with the humans and their artifacts is misguided. No good can come of it.

Anton: How can you say that, when you’ve never even been to their world? And you won’t even let any of us go down there.

Arlo: Have you forgotten what the humans did? Why we no longer trade beans with them? They weren’t content merely traveling between the realms. They had to conquer and pillage.

Anton: Because a few humans did some bad stuff, doesn’t make them all evil.

Arlo: They don’t abide by the same laws that we do, Anton. We giants foster life. They destroy it. That is why they must never know that we still exist, or that we still grow the beans.

Anton: But why do we keep growing them… If nobody ever uses them?

(There is an awkward silence at the table.)

Arlo: It’s what we do.

Anton: We don’t do anything with them!

Arlo: It is the labour that makes us who we are. Not the fruit that it yields.

Abraham: What is this? A human toy?

(Abraham picks up the harp and inspects it.)

Anton: Put it down.

(He crushes the harp in his hand and drops it to the floor.)

Abraham: Not much fun, is it?

Arlo: Abraham, that is enough.

(Anton gets up from the table and runs out of the room. Arlo calls after him.)

Arlo: Tiny!

(Anton exits the castle until he comes to the beanstalk. He looks down and ponders. He then decides to climb down to earth.)


(David and company are still on Hook’s ship. They are gathered around Anton’s cage.)

Leroy: So, Cora used magic to make him travel-sized.

Hook: Whatever she intends to do with him, it’s important.

David: Oh, I think you know exactly what she intends. You’re holding out.

Hook: Well, either have your lovely wife t*rture it out of me, which I promise will be fun for both-

(David grabs Hook by the throat and shoves him against the wall.)

David: Why don’t you and I have some fun?

Hook: I don’t know what she’s planning. Why don’t you wake the bloody giant and ask him yourself?

(Hook extends the key to the cage. Mary Margaret takes it and unlocks the door. She crouches down and touches Anton on the shoulder. He startles awake.)

MMB: Hey… It’s alright. You’re safe now.

(Anton crawls out of the cage.)

MMB: What’s your name?

Anton: Anton. Where’s that witch?

MMB: She’s gone.

Anton: What did she do? She made me small.

David: Come on. Let’s get you out of here.

Anton: You.

David: Me?

Anton: You!

(Anton punches David in the face, causing him to fly backwards.)

MMB: David!

Leroy: Hey! Hey, over here, you big-

(Leroy attempts to distract Anton, but is thrown down the stairs of the ship. Anton lunges at David, who has drawn his g*n. He easily hits it out of his hand. Suddenly, Mary Margaret sh**t an arrow past Anton’s head.)

MMB: Step away from my husband.

Anton: You may have me outnumbered, but this isn’t over. You think I forgot what you did? I didn’t. You’ll pay for your evil. I promise! You’ll pay!

(Anton flees the ship.)


(Belle is watching television in a common room at the hospital. Ruby enters with a basket of items.)

Ruby: Hey. You don’t remember me, do you?

Belle: Sorry, no, I… I don’t.

Ruby: I’m Ruby. You used to come into my Granny’s diner a lot. Before. I thought you could use some comforts from home. You were always telling me about Jules Verne, so I brought you my favorite – The Mysterious Island.

Belle: Thank you. Were… Were we really friends?

Ruby: Yeah, we were.

Belle: Then tell me the truth. Before I was brought here, I was hurt. I was bleeding, and then this man came. And he… He healed me. Then, I saw him hold a ball of fire in his hands. How… How is that possible?!

Ruby: The nurse said that the tranquilizers can give you wicked nightmares.

Belle: No, I know what I saw. And I don’t need any more tranquilizers or-

Ruby: Belle…

Belle: Don’t call me that. Why does everyone keep calling me that?

(A nurse enters to restrain Belle.)

Belle: I don’t… I’m telling you, I don’t…

Nurse: Take it easy. Take it easy.

(The nurse sits her down in a chair and injects a sedative into her Belle’s arm.)

Ruby: Has she been like this the whole time?

Nurse: More or less. We’ve had to keep her heavily sedated. Okay, let’s get you back to bed.

Belle: No…

Nurse: Here we go. There.

(The nurse escorts Belle out of the room. Meanwhile, Greg has entered and has seen the outburst.)

Greg: Everything okay in here?

Ruby: Everything’s fine, Mr. Mendell. She’s alright. How are you?

Greg: Much improved.

Ruby: Well, then, rest up. The sooner you’re better, the sooner you can be out of our quiet little town.


(David, Mary Margaret, and Leroy are sitting in a booth at Granny’s Diner.)

MMB: David… Did that giant just say he’ll make you pay? For what?

David: I have no idea. I’ve never seen that guy before.

Leroy: Well, he sure knows you.

David: No. It’s not about me. He just thinks it is.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(At his castle, James and barely-clothed Jack are having a make out session.)

James: You are a true wonder.

Jack: I know.

(James picks her up and carries her to the bed. He drops her onto it, and the two of them resume where they left off. However, King George enters and interrupts.)

King George: I didn’t know you had company, James.

James: Father. This is my father, the King. Father, this is-

King George: I don’t care. The kingdom is teetering on bankruptcy. The name of your latest dalliance is of little concern to me.

Jack: Pleasure to meet you, too, Your Majesty.

King George: Good day.

James: Care for a drink, Father?

(James goes over to a side table to pour himself a drink.)

King George: There’ll be time for that later. Right now, there’s trouble afoot. I just received word that there’s a giant running amok in the outer village.

James: I thought giants were extinct.

Jack: I’d love the chance to battle one.

King George: No. No k*lling. Not yet, anyway. This giant could be of use to us.

James: Just tell me what needs to be done.


(The trio is still at Granny’s.)

MMB: Your brother. That’s who he thinks you are.

David: It’s the only thing that makes sense. Come on.

MMB: Where are we going?

David: To find out just what kind of trouble my brother got himself into. Leroy, get your head looked at and gather the dwarves. We need to keep an eye out for this giant.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(Anton has successfully climbed down the beanstalk. He comes to a tavern, where he leans down and peers inside the window. Seeing as he can’t fit, he gets up and turns to leave. However, James and Jack have noticed him and chase after him.)

James: If you want some ale, you should ask! They’ll serve anyone who can pay, my friend. I’m James – Prince of this realm. I wanted to make sure you received a warm welcome.

Anton: I’m Anton. I’m a giant.

James: Yeah, I can see that. What brings you to our land?

Anton: I’ve always been fascinated with your customs. I just… Wanted to see it for myself.

James: Well, we would be more than happy to show you around. Of course, there’s the matter of your size.

Anton: I’m too small for back home, I’m too big for here.

Jack: Don’t despair, Anton. I have something that may help you.

Anton: What is it?

(She pulls out a small piece of mushroom.)

Jack: Magic. A piece of mushroom from a far-off land. I once slayed a Jabberwock that was terrorizing a village, and they… They couldn’t pay me in gold, so they paid me with this, instead. If you eat it, it will change your size. Its effects are temporary, but we have more.

(Anton reaches down and Jack drops the mushroom piece into his hand.)

Jack: I’m pretty sure this one makes you smaller.

Anton: Pretty sure?

Jack: Well, I haven’t had the occasion to try it, but… The wise woman who gave it to me swore by its power.

James: Go on, Anton. Give it a try.

Anton: I have no way to repay you for your kindness.

Jack: No need. If it makes you happy, that’s all the payment that we desire.

Anton: Well, then at least tell me your name.

Jack: Jacqueline. But… Most people call me Jack.

Anton: Nice to meet you, Jack.


(Emma, Henry and Mr. Gold have arrived at the airport. They pick up their boarding passes from the desk, and then enter the line for security.)

Henry: Have you ever been outside of Storybrooke before, Mr. Gold?

Mr. Gold: No.

Henry: Are you nervous?

Mr. Gold: No.

Henry: Are you worried about meeting your son?

Mr. Gold: No, Henry, I’m fine.

Emma: How about we talk about all this later, kid? We’re next.

(Henry and Emma begin taking off their shoes to put in the boxes.)

Henry: It must be really hard not to use magic – being like everyone else.

Emma: You’ve got to put your shoes in.

Mr. Gold: How terribly uncivilized.

(Mr. Gold takes off his shoes and Henry goes through the metal detector.)

TSA Agent: Uh, scarf and the cane go in the basket.

Mr. Gold: What?

TSA Agent: Scarf and cane go in the basket.

Mr. Gold: I can’t.

Emma: You have to.

(The man behind them interrupts.)

Man: It ain’t rocket science, buddy. You ever been on a plane before?

Mr. Gold: Have you ever been impaled upon a cane before?

Emma: My… Father’s a little nervous. We’re headed to a family reunion. Sorry.

Mr. Gold: Father?

Emma: Just put your shawl in the bin. I’ll help you get through.

Mr. Gold: If I let this go, I could forget who I am.

Emma: I’m not going to let that happen.

Mr. Gold: Okay.

(Mr. Gold takes the shawl off and puts it in the box with his cane. When he does, his hearing becomes distorted and he stumbles. He goes through the metal detector in almost a trace-like state, until Emma has a chance to grab his shawl out of the box on the other side of security. She puts it around his neck and his hearing and mind go back to normal. Mr. Gold gives a slight nod and the two of them begin to put their shoes back on. Henry is there waiting for them.)

Henry: Guys, there’s a Cinnabons here!


(Hook enters a deserted alley near the docks. He places a card – the Queen of Hearts – onto the ground. When he turns around, Regina has appeared behind him.)

Regina: Hello, Hook.

Hook: Regina.

Regina: Expecting my mother? The one you were supposed to k*ll?

Hook: Oh, that. Well, I didn’t want to deprive you of a happy reunion.

Regina: Well, it’s your lucky day. She and I have made amends.

Hook: And you’re here to thank me? How sweet.

Regina: She wants to know if they’ve found the ship.

Hook: Well, you can tell her, she can ask me herself.

Regina: She decided it wouldn’t be prudent for her to be out and about.

Hook: Well, then it is my lucky day. And you can tell her they found the ship.

Regina: Well, did you get her things off it?

Hook: I’ve been tied up in bed – not in the good way.

Regina: She needs her things.

Hook: Oh, I’ll bet she does. Well, there’s good news, then. A giant got loose from the hold.

Regina: You lost a giant?

Hook: Well, a shrunken giant.

Regina: How is that good news?

Hook: Because, when he got free, he took one look at the Prince, and became extremely murderous.

Regina: Hm. A giant in town who wants to k*ll the Prince. This is just the distraction we need.

Hook: That it is, dear.

(Elsewhere, Anton is attempting to navigate the streets of Storybrooke. He dodges cars as they honk at him.)

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(Anton, who is now small, James, and Jack enter the tavern. James pulls out a chair for Anton, and the three of them sit at a table.)

James: Much better to be on the inside, huh? Please. You’re the guest of honour.

Anton: No fighting for a seat at the table. If my brothers could see me now…

Jack: I’m not so sure about this family of yours, Anton. It doesn’t sound like they appreciate you.

Anton: They’re not so bad. Except for the… Making fun of me. And the pushing me around. And the harsh words. Well, yeah, it’s sort of bad.

James: Sometimes, you have to leave home to find the people you…truly belong with. Your real family.

Jack: It’s like you were always meant to be here, Anton.

James: Now, make sure our Anton has all that he needs.

(James gets up and heads to the other side of the pub. In the corner, a group of people are playing music. One of them is playing a harp.)

Anton: I had one of those once. I never knew it made such beautiful music. My brothers are so wrong about humans.

(Anton overhears James arguing with another man.)

James: It’s unacceptable! Go back there and tell him what I said. Promise them anything. I don’t care-

Anton: Is there a problem?

Jack: He didn’t tell you, did he? The royal coffers are empty. James and his father are deeply in debt to a neighboring kingdom.

Anton: I don’t understand.

Jack: If James can’t pay back what he owes, they’ll plunder this realm, and burn it to the ground.

Anton: Now I understand.

Jack: It’s bad.

Anton: Will the other kingdom only accept gold coins?

Jack: Well, it depends. A magic bean, for instance, would be worth a thousand coins, but… You don’t have any of those back home. …Do you?

Anton: No. No beans. We do have treasure. Enough to pay off your debts, I bet.

Jack: You would help us?

Anton: Without question. If I’m going to stay here for good, might as well make sure it’s a nice kingdom and not, you know – burned to the ground.

Jack: You are our hero.


(In the woods, Anton is sitting on a log and looking forlornly at the river. Regina approaches him.)

Anton: Get away from me!

Regina: I’m here to help you.

Anton: No. You’re human. I hate humans.

(Regina continues to walk towards him.)

Anton: Don’t come any closer! Or I’ll k*ll you.

Regina: Look, I hear you’re in town cause you want to k*ll someone. I can help. I have no love for this Prince, either, and if you want to destroy this town to get to him… Well, I’m happy to do my part. This will make you bigger. It will return you to your former glory.

(He takes the proffered mushroom and takes a bite. In a puff of blue smoke, he returns to his former giant size.)

Regina: Now, get to work! As I’m sure you’re aware, that mushroom won’t last forever.


(Emma, Mr. Gold and Henry are waiting by their gate. Mr. Gold is pacing back and forth.)

Emma: Do you want something to eat?

Mr. Gold: No.

Emma: Is something wrong?

Mr. Gold: Stop asking me that! I’ll be right back.

(Mr. Gold leaves and enters the public washroom. He enters one of the stalls and locks the door. Still anxious, he starts to pace back and forth, until he suddenly drops his cane and begins violently punching the toilet seat cover dispenser on the wall. Afterward, Mr. Gold leans against the wall and looks down at his bloodied hand. He waves his hand over the wounds, but nothing happens. He tries again with the same result. Henry enters the washroom and calls out for him.)

Henry: Mr. Gold? Mr. Gold? We’re boarding soon. Are you coming?

(He ignores Henry.)

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(Anton has returned to the castle and is gathering treasure. Arlo finds him there.)

Arlo: Anton. Anton, where have you been? We were worried.

Anton: I needed to get away for a little while. So, I went down below to see things for myself.

Arlo: You went to the human world? Do you have any idea how dangerous that could be?

Anton: I met friends there – friends who understand me. Who like me. And I plan to go back for good.

Arlo: Anton… I know we tease you. But we love you. You’re our brother. You know that. You expect these humans to just welcome you with open arms? You could crush them.

Anton: There’s magic that can change me to their size. And, with this treasure, we can all be happy.

(Outside, the sound of birds can be heard.)

Arlo: Sentry birds. Someone has trespassed on our land. You told the humans you were coming here, didn’t you? You showed them the beanstalk.


(Mary Margaret and David watch from a distance as Anton terrorizes the town.)

Anton: That’s right! Run! Run!

(He picks up a car and throws it in David and Mary Margaret’s direction, then continues his path of destruction. The citizens of Storybrooke scramble for safety as Mary Margaret and David follow Anton.)

David: Head to the town hall! Bring anyone you find on the way! Somebody get Leroy!

MMB: Guess we found our giant. I just didn’t think he would be so…

David: Giant?

MMB: My mistake.

David: Ever stop one before?

MMB: Nope.

David: Well… Here’s to new firsts.

(David yells to Anton to get his attention.)

David: Wait! You don’t have to do this!

Anton: Yeah, I do. You destroyed everything in my life. Now you’re going to know what that feels like.

David: The man who hurt you? That wasn’t me. That was my twin brother James. We were separated at birth. He was raised by a… A ruthless King.

Anton: You’re not James?

David: No!

Anton: Then where is he?

David: He paid the ultimate price for his arrogance. He’s dead! There is nothing more you can do to him.

MMB: We’re on your side, Anton! We’re good! We’re here because of you. You know our daughter Emma. You gave her the magic compass.

Anton: Emma? Let me talk to her. She says you’re okay, then I’ll stop.

(Leroy has arrived and joins Mary Margaret.)

MMB: She’s kind of out of town.

Anton: Really?

MMB: But when she gets back, I know she’ll really want to talk to you.

Anton: How convenient. Everyone I’m looking for isn’t around! All you humans do is lie, and cheat, and k*ll, and I’m sick of it!

(Anton charges after them.)

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(Anton and Arlo head to the beanstalk, where they find James and Jack.)

Arlo: Humans. Let’s k*ll them.

Anton: No, no, no! It’s not like that. Arlo, these are my friends, James and Jack. Guys, you didn’t have to come up here. The treasure’s ready to go.

James: Oh, we’re not here for the treasure. We’re here for the beans. All of them.

Anton: But… You’re my friends. H-how-

(Jack draws her sword.)

Jack: No, we’re not. If you and your people want to save your lives, take us to the beans.

Arlo: No. We may live in peace, but we will fight to protect what is ours.

James: Then a fight is what you shall have.

(James draws his sword. Jack and James charge towards the giants.)


(Mary Margaret, David, and Leroy run down the streets of Storybrooke as Anton chases after them.)

Leroy: So let me get this straight – you got a twin brother?

David: Yeah.

Leroy: His name is James?

David: Right.

Leroy: Well, your name is James.

David: No, actually, it’s not.

Leroy: It’s Charming, then?

MMB: No, that’s the nickname I gave him.

Leroy: Hey, hold on. What the hell is your name?

David: David.

Leroy: Your curse name?

David: My real name!

Leroy: What, you’re David, James, and Charming? Is David like a middle name?

David: No! It’s my name-name.

Leroy: You know what? I’m going to call you whatever I damn well please! Is that okay?!

David: Sure, Leroy.

Leroy: So what’s the plan?

David: Lead the giant away from here, so he can’t hurt anyone.

MMB: Wait. If we keep heading in this direction, we’re going to hit the town line.

David: Okay, new plan.

(The three of them stop near the docks. David approaches the giant.)

MMB: What are you doing?

David: Giving him what he wants. Anton! How about we make a deal?

Anton: I don’t make deals with humans.

David: Just hear me out. I’ll surrender myself to you, if you spare the lives of everyone in Storybrooke.

MMB: David, you can’t do this.

David: If I don’t, the whole town will suffer. I can’t allow that. Well, what do you say?

Anton: Deal.

(Anton lunges towards David and tries to jump on him. However, Mary Margaret pulls David out of the way at the last second, and Anton ends up jumping straight through the ground. Stuck, the mushroom’s effects then wear off, and Anton seems to disappear in a puff of blue smoke. All that’s left is a large hole in the ground.)

MMB: Where did he go?

David: I’m not sure.

(They head over to the hole to investigate, where they find Anton hanging on to an underground pipe.)

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(Anton runs through the castle as the battle rages outside. He meets up with Arlo.)

Arlo: Anton. The human armies are overrunning us. Abraham and Andre have fallen. The human swords are poisoned.

Anton: This is all because of me. I’ve ruined everything.

Arlo: No, you still have a chance to save us.

Anton: How?

Arlo: The beans, Anton. You must raze the fields.

Anton: No!

Arlo: If the humans take the beans, they will bring their v*olence to every realm. It is your birthright to protect the beans. Right now, that means destroying them.


(The dwarves, Granny, and Ruby have arrived on the scene with a truck and some rope. Anton is still hanging onto the pipe below.)

David: That better hold.

Leroy: It’ll hold.

Granny: I got this.

(Granny ties the rope to the back of the truck and Leroy throws the rope down the side of the hole. Mary Margaret then kisses David.)

MMB: Most people would let that giant die after what he’s done.

David: You wouldn’t.

(David wraps the rope around his waist and begins to shimmy down the hole.)

David: Alright, Anton! I’m coming down!

(He gets down to Anton and extends his hand.)

David: Take my hand.

Anton: No!

David: No?

Anton: I don’t want to go back up there. I should just let go!

David: You’ll die.

Anton: Maybe death hurts less than life.

David: If you really wanted to die, you would have let go already. Now take my hand!

(Anton finally grabs David’s hand and the people above pull them out of the hole.)

Leroy: Come on.

MMB: Almost! A little more!

(David and Anton are successfully pulled up. Mary Margaret hugs David.)

Anton: You saved my life.

David: That’s what we do.

Anton: Thank you.

Leroy: You’re welcome.

David: We’re not all the same, Anton. I don’t know what my brother did to you, but… That’s not us.

Anton: You have no idea.

–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

(In the treasure room, Jack is fighting Arlo, while James stuffs treasure into a sack. Jack stabs Arlo in the ankle with the sword, causing him to yell in pain. However, Jack isn’t quick enough to get away, and Arlo grabs Jack.)

Jack: James!

(Arlo takes Jack’s sword and stabs her with it. He then tosses her and the sword onto the ground. He falls over due to the poison, just as Anton enters the room.)

Anton: Arlo? No… No, no, no, no!

(James, having filled the sack with treasure, goes to leave. Jack is dying on the floor.)

Jack: James! Please…

James: I’m sorry, Jack. But I have a kingdom to run. I’m sure you understand.

(James exits, leaving Jack behind. Anton tends to Arlo.)

Arlo: Anton… The poison. It’s in my blood. Did you…

Anton: All destroyed. The fields and every last bean.

Arlo: Oh, good. Good. That’s what’s important.

Anton: No. Everyone else is dead. You can’t die, too, please!

Arlo: I know your path is hard. But someday, you will know which road to choose. And when you do, you will need this.

(Arlo takes out a vial with a piece of beanstalk inside. He hands it to Anton.)

Arlo: A preserved cutting…from the stalk. Plant it. New beans will grow.

Anton: You had me salt the land. Nothing can grow here.

Arlo: Then someday, you will find… New land.

Anton: How? Arlo? Arlo?! No…


(Anton and the rescue group enter Granny’s Diner.)

Leroy: This is Granny’s. She makes a mean lasagna and runs an inn, so I’m sure we can set you up with a room till you find a place.

Anton: Thanks, but I think I’ll set up camp in the woods.

Leroy: The woods?

Anton: Yeah, I’m better off alone. I’m not too good at fitting in.

Leroy: You’re in the right place. Storybrooke’s got all kinds – dwarves, fairies, werewolves, you name it. Ruby, beers all around!

MMB: We all miss our land, Anton. But this is our home now.

Anton: You never think about going back?

MMB: Of course we do. It’s just not possible.

David: We have no way to get there.

Anton: How’s the farmland here?

David: Pretty good. Why?

(Anton takes out the vial with the piece of beanstalk.)

Anton: The stem is from a beanstalk. If I plant it, it should be able to grow some magic beans. And then, you just may have a way.


(Mary Margaret, David, Anton, and the dwarves have gathered in a field. Anton checks the soil.)

David: Well, what’s the verdict?

Anton: Soil’s got a nice loamy feel. Lot of minerals. The beans should grow well here. Only one problem.

MMB: What’s that?

Anton: Cora. This is why she brought me. She wanted me to grow beans. So whatever she plans to do with them… Can’t be good.

MMB: Then we won’t let her get to them.

Leroy: No one touches our crop.

Anton: Your crop? I thought you guys were miners?

Leroy: Work is work. It’s what we do. So what do you say? You up for some help?

Anton: Okay.

Leroy: Happy!

(Happy hands a pick axe to Anton.)

Leroy: Here. To help break up the earth.

(Anton looks down, and the name ‘Tiny’ appears on the handle.)

Anton: ‘Tiny’. My brothers used to call me that.

Leroy: Axe never lies.

David: Wait a second. I did my time in the mines. How come I didn’t get one of those?

Leroy: Cause you ain’t a dwarf. Welcome aboard, brother.

(The dwarves and Anton begin to hack away at the earth. They whistle.)


(Belle is reading in her room at the hospital. Greg enters.)

Greg: Hey. It’s okay.

Belle: Who, uh… Who are you?

Greg: My name’s Greg, okay? I… I’m a patient here, just like you. I… I’m really sorry to bother you, but… I’m the one that was driving the car in… In the accident.

Belle: Oh. Are you okay?

Greg: Yeah. Yeah, they, um… They patched me up pretty good. Look, I… I overheard you talking. About how you saw a guy with a ball of fire.

Belle: And you think I’m crazy, too. Well, I did see it. I-

Greg: Hey, I know that you’re not crazy.

Belle: You do?

Greg: Cause I saw it, too.


(David exits Granny’s Diner with two coffees. He hands one to Mary Margaret, who is waiting outside.)

David: Here’s to not getting squashed by a giant.

MMB: I’ll drink to that.

David: Sometimes I wonder how things would’ve turned out if I had been the one raised by King George instead of my brother. You know, would I have been…corrupt like him?

MMB: Never.

David: Same blood ran through our veins.

MMB: Mm, but your hearts are different. You may not believe it, but trust me – I know you, Charming. I had a lot of fun today.

David: Fun?

MMB: Uh-huh.

David: Almost getting k*lled is fun?

MMB: Yeah. I missed our adventures.

David: Me, too. It was kind of fun. You know, we could do this all the time. When the beans grow, we could go back. Everyone could go home.

MMB: I don’t know.

David: What don’t you know?

MMB: Home is where our family is. And that’s here. I don’t know if Emma would come with us, and I am not going to be separated from her again.

David: You’re worried about her.

MMB: Aren’t you?

David: Of course, but… Emma… Emma can take care of herself, and I’m sure wherever she and Henry are, they’re safe.


(Emma, Henry, and Mr. Gold have boarded the plane and are waiting for takeoff. Henry has a box of cinnamon buns on his lap.)

Emma: You good, kid?

Henry: You kidding? A trip with you, first plane ride, and we’re going on a quest like in the book. The only thing that could make this day better? Is more frosting.

(Emma looks down and notices Mr. Gold’s bandaged hand.)

Emma: It’s going to be alright. We’re going to find your son.

Mr. Gold: I know.

(The take off announcement begins.)

Announcement: Welcome, folks, to Ajira Airlines regional flight fifty-three, with non-stop service to New York City. Our flight time tonight is forty-two minutes. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

(The plane engines start. Mr. Gold stares ahead blankly.)

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