02x06 - Tallahassee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Once Upon A Time". Aired October 2011 - May 2018.*

Moderator: baileybelle

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A woman with a troubled past is drawn to a New England town where fairy tales are to be believed.
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02x06 - Tallahassee

Post by bunniefuu »

–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

(Emma, Mary Margaret, Aurora, Mulan, and Hook approach the base of the beanstalk and look up, seeing that it extends through the clouds.)

Emma: It’s a little freakier than I remember from the story.

Mulan: Reminds me of death.

MMB: Encouraging.

Hook: Well, your compass awaits. Shall we?

Emma: Wait. If these beans create…portals, why not just pick one and go home? Why the compass?

Hook: Because there aren’t any more beans. Whatever story you think you know, my dear, is most certainly wrong.

Emma: There was a guy named Jack, and a cow, and something about evil giant with a treasure and a golden goose. …Or harp.

Hook: Sounds like a lovely tale. But the truth’s a little bit more gruesome. The giants grew the beans, but, rather than use them for good, they used them to plunder all the lands. Jack, was a man who fought a terrible w*r, defeating all but one of the evil giants. The beans were destroyed by the giants as they died. If they couldn’t have their magic, then nobody could. It’s really very bad form.

Emma: Evil giants, who made magic portal beans? Why doesn’t anyone just go up and grow some more?

Hook: Because one giant survived. The strongest and most terrible of them all. And we’ll have to get past him to-

MMB: The magic compass.

Hook: Indeed. The treasure remains, and amongst it is the compass. Now it will guide us to your land. Cora has the means to open a portal with the wardrobe ashes, but she can’t find your land without the compass. Once we get it, steal the ashes from her and we’re on our way.

Mulan: How do we know you’re not just using us to get the compass for Cora?

Hook: Because you four are far safer company. All I need is a ride back. I’ll swear allegiance to whomever gets me there first.

Emma: Then we’d better start climbing.

Hook: Right, so… I failed to mention that the giant enchanted the beanstalk to repel intruders.

Emma: Alright, so how do we get up there?

Hook: I’ve got a counter spell from Cora. If you’d be so kind.

(Hook holds up his wrists, which are still tied together. Mary Margaret unties him. He holds up one of his arms, showing a glowing cuff.)

Hook: Thank you, milady. I’ve got one more of these. Cora was to accompany me. So… Which one of you four lovelies shall take her place? Hm? Go on, fight it out. Don’t be afraid to, you know, really get into it.

–[Past Real World]–

(The text indicates that it’s Portland, Oregon and eleven years prior. A younger Emma approaches a parked yellow beetle and pulls out a metal rod, which she uses to open the lock. She gets inside, and then uses a screw driver to start the transmission. Emma drives off, but is soon interrupted by a man in the back seat. He leans forward and holds up a pair of keys.)

Neal: Impressive. But really, you could’ve just asked me for the keys. Just drive. It’s fine.

Emma: I just stole your car. Your life could be in danger.

Neal: Neal Cassidy.

Emma: Yeah, I’m not telling you my name.

Neal: No, I don’t need it to have you arrested when the robbery’s in progress.

Emma: Emma. Swan.

Neal: Good name.

Emma: So, do you just live in here, or are you just waiting for the car to be stolen?

Neal: Why don’t I tell you over drinks?

Emma: Excuse me?

Neal: Hey. Eyes on the road.

(Emma runs a stop sign.)

Emma: I am not having drinks with you. You might be a pervert.

Neal: I might be a pervert, but you’re definitely a car thief.

Emma: I said I was sorry.

Neal: You didn’t, actually.

(A police car turns on the siren and begins to follow them.)

Neal: Oh…

Emma: Damn it.

Neal: That’s why I said ‘eyes on the road’.

(They pull over, but Neal notices the screwdriver still in the transmission.)

Neal: Screwdriver.

(He quickly pulls it out and replaces the screwdriver with the keys. A cop approaches the window.)

Cop: License and registration.

Emma: Hi.

Neal: Terribly sorry officer, but this is actually my car. I’m… I’m trying to, uh, teach my girlfriend how to drive stick.

Cop: She’s got a lot to learn.

Neal: I know. But, you know… Women.

Cop: Alright, I hear you. It’s a warning…this time.

Neal: Yeah. Thank you so much.

(The cop leaves and Neal gets in the front seat.)

Emma: What are you, some sort of a misogynist?

Neal: You’re welcome. Oh, go. We got lucky.

Emma: We? This isn’t your car either, is it? I stole a stolen car?

Neal: Now, how about that drink?

–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

(The group is still at the bottom of the beanstalk, and the four of them are arguing while Hook watches.)

Mulan: All due respect, I’m the best equipped to go. How many wars have you been through?

MMB: My share.

Aurora: It should be me.

Mulan: You? You haven’t fought in a battle.

MMB: This is about us getting home to our loved ones. Why would you-

Aurora: Because I have no loved ones. If I fail, you can still go on.

Emma: It’s me. I’m going, and I’m not going to fail.

MMB: You’re new here.

Emma: It’s about getting back to Henry. I don’t care what I have to face. You’re not going to argue with me?

MMB: Would it do any good?

Emma: No. Anything in that bag that’s going to help me with a giant?

Mulan: A hook?

Hook: Hey!

Mulan: Come with me.

(Mulan takes Emma aside. She pulls out a cloth satchel and hands it to Emma.)

Mulan: This – powder made from poppies. He has to inhale it.

Emma: And your sword – how strong is it?

Mulan: The most powerful blade in all the realms.

Emma: Is it strong enough to cut through that beanstalk?

Mulan: Indeed.

Emma: Give me ten hours. If I’m not back, you cut it down and keep going.

Mulan: Snow won’t like that.

Emma: That’s why I’m asking you. If I don’t get back, you get her home.

Hook: Ladies. In this world, we are slaves to time. And ours is running out. In other words, tick tock.

(Emma joins Hook.)

Hook: I was hoping it’d be you.

Emma: Just get on with it.

Hook: Put your hand right here.

(Emma puts her hand on Hook’s shoulder. He snaps the second magical cuff to her wrist.)

Hook: That’s a good girl. This will allow you to climb. There are other dangers. Thankfully, you’ve got me to protect you. I can’t climb one-handed, can I?

(Emma hands him his hook from the bag.)

Emma: Don’t think I’m taking my eyes off you for a second.

Hook: I would despair if you did.

Emma: Let’s go.

(The two of them begin their climb up the beanstalk.)


(Emma and Hook, who are still climbing, have managed to reach the upper part of the beanstalk.)

Hook: First beanstalk? Well, you never forget your first. You know, most men would take your silence as off-putting, but I love a challenge.

Emma: I’m concentrating.

Hook: No, you’re afraid. Afraid to talk – to reveal yourself. Trust me – things’ll be a lot smoother if you do.

Emma: You should be used to people not trusting you.

Hook: Ah, the pirate thing. Well, I don’t need you to share. You’re something of an open book.

Emma: Am I?

Hook: Quite. Let’s see – you volunteered to come up here because you were the most motivated. You need to get back to a child.

Emma: That’s not perception. That’s eavesdropping.

Hook: Ah, but you don’t want to abandon him the way you were abandoned.

Emma: Was I?

Hook: Like I said, an open book.

Emma: How would you know that?

Hook: I spent many years in Neverland – home of the Lost Boys. They all share the same look in their eyes… The look you get when you’ve been left alone.

Emma: Yeah, well, my world ain’t Neverland.

Hook: But an orphan’s an orphan. Love has been all too rare in your life, hasn’t it? You ever even been in love?

Emma: No. I have never been in love.

–[Past Real World]–

(Emma and Neal are in a convenience store. Emma is faking a pregnancy.)

Neal: I think this little guy is hungry. Go ahead and get whatever you want, sweetie. I’m going to get directions.

Emma: I will.

(Neal walks up to the clerk.)

Neal: Hey, man.

Clerk: How are you?

(Neal pulls a map off the shelf and opens it, attempting to block the clerk’s view. Meanwhile, Emma is swiping food.)

Neal: I’ve been better. Listen, my wife and I are really lost. I’m trying to get to Eugene, and I think we’ve been going the wrong way. Can you show me what’s going on here? Where are we, first of all?

Clerk: Okay, wait. Do I look like a tour guide? Why don’t you buy the map, then I can help you.

Neal: Okay.

(He pays for the map.)

Clerk: Okay. Now, your problem is…

(Neal steals a keychain while the clerk is distracted. Another customer, a man, enters.)

Clerk: Is you’re way up here. You see that?

Neal: Oh my God. That is a problem.

Clerk: Yeah. Now what you have to do, is you have to take five all the way south towards Salem. That’s right down there. You see that?

(The man sees Neal pocketing a chocolate bar.)

Man: Hey!

Clerk: That’s where you’re going. You got it?

Man: Hey, mister, that guy’s stealing that-

(Emma creates a diversion by pretending to be going into labour.)

Emma: Oh God! Oh God…

Neal: Honey?

Emma: I think… I think it’s time.

Neal: He’s ready?

Emma: Oh, yeah.

Man: You didn’t see him take the-

Emma: Oh, it hurts really bad!

Clerk: Do you guys need help?

Man: Mister, you didn’t see him take-

Emma: It hurts really bad!

Neal: Okay, okay.

Clerk: You want me to call an ambulance?

Neal: No, it’s fine! My car’s out front. I know, I know. Breathe, baby.

Emma: Oh God.

Neal: Breathe! Let’s go! Come on.

Emma: Oh! Oh!

(Emma and Neal exit the store.)

Man: You know they were stealing.

(Outside, Emma and Neal run to their car.)

Neal: The little guy saved us.

Emma: He sure did. The miracle of birth!

(Emma pulls the bag out from under her dress and throws it to Neal.)

Neal: Wow. Good haul.

Emma: Thanks.

Neal: I got you a key chain. Do you like it?

Emma: Yeah.

(They kiss.)

Neal: Okay. We got to go.


(Neal and Emma wait in a motel parking lot as a family leaves their room.)

Neal: Twenty minutes till housekeeping.

(The two of them enter the motel room.)

Neal: You want to shower first?

Emma: Oh, look. The granola family left this.

(Emma grabs the dream catcher that was left behind.)

Neal: What is that?

Emma: It’s a Native American dream catcher. It’s supposed to keep all the nightmares out, and only let the good dreams in to protect your home.

Neal: It’s flypaper for nightmares?

Emma: Mmhmm.

Neal: Let’s keep it.

Emma: Yeah, hang it where? The car?

Neal: It’s not much of a home. Maybe it’s time we get a real place.

Emma: Are you saying…

Neal: Why not? We’ve been on the road long enough, baby. It’s time we retire the Bonnie and Clyde act. So, I think… I think it’s time.

Emma: Together?

Neal: Don’t you want to?

Emma: Like where? Neverland?

Neal: I’m serious. We could do this.

Emma: Where?

(Neal grabs a framed map of the United States off the dresser and lays it on the bed in front of Emma.)

Neal: Where? I’ll tell you where. Close your eyes and point. Whatever spot you pick, that’s our home.

(Emma closes her eyes and randomly points to a spot on the map.)

Emma: Tallahassee.

Neal: We got a winner.

Emma: Is it near a beach?

Neal: Yeah, it’s Florida. Everything’s near a beach.

Emma: Okay then, Tallahassee it is.

Neal: Tallahassee it is.

Emma: Are you sure? Is this… What you really want?

Neal: What I really want, is you.

–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

(Mulan draws a sundial in the sand with a stick.)

Aurora: What is that?

Mulan: It keeps the time.

MMB: You have somewhere to be?

Mulan: We can mark watches – take turns sleeping. We’ll most likely have to walk through the night again, so we should rest while we can.

MMB: I’ll take first shift.

Aurora: I’ll stay up with you.

Mulan: Okay.

(Mulan leaves.)

MMB: When’s the last time you slept?

Aurora: I don’t really sleep now. Not after what I’ve been through.

MMB: Sleeping curse.

Aurora: The one time I did sleep, I had horrible nightmares.

MMB: It’s a side effect. Same thing happened to me.

Aurora: It did?

MMB: I had them for months. Charming – my husband – he used to wake me. When I cried out, he’d light a candle. He said it would capture the nightmares. He’d watch over me as I fell back to sleep.

Aurora: Sounds like he lives up to his name.

MMB: Yeah. Um… Why don’t you try… To sleep? I’ll watch over you. You’ll be safe.

Aurora: Thank you.


(Hook and Emma reach the top of the beanstalk, to find a giant, destitute looking castle.)

Emma: What happened here?

Hook: It’s where the final battle was. Give me your hand.

Emma: What?

Hook: Your hand – it’s cut. Let me help you.

Emma: No, no. It’s fine.

Hook: No, it’s not.

Emma: So, now you’re going to be a gentleman?

Hook: Giants can smell blood. And I’m always a gentleman.

(Hook uncorks a bottle and pours its contents over Emma’s bloody hand. She cringes in pain.)

Emma: Ah! Ow! What the hell is that?

Hook: It’s rum. A bloody waste of it.

(Hook ties a piece of fabric around Emma’s injury.)

Hook: Now here’s the plan – we wait for the giant to fall asleep. And when he does, we’ll sneak past him into his cave. It’s where the treasures are – where the compass lies.

Emma: And then?

Hook: And then we run like hell.

Emma: I don’t have time to wait for a giant to fall asleep. The powder Mulan gave us – we need to use it. We got to knock him out.

Hook: Well, that’s riskier.

Emma: Than waiting for a giant to fall asleep when we need him to?

Hook: Point taken. Oo, you’re a tough lass. You’d make a hell of a pirate.

Emma: Who’s Milah on the tattoo?

Hook: Someone from long ago.

Emma: Where is she?

Hook: She’s gone.

Emma: Gold. Rumpelstiltskin. He took more than your hand from you, didn’t he? That’s why you want to k*ll him.

Hook: For someone who’s never been in love, you’re quite perceptive, aren’t you?

Emma: Maybe I was, once.

–[Past Real World]–

(Emma is waiting for Neal by a tree. When he arrives she holds up a paper bag.)

Emma: I got doughnuts. I got jelly. What’s wrong?

Neal: Nothing.

Emma: No, no. Hey. What’s wrong?

Neal: This was on the wall at the post office.

(He hands Emma a ‘wanted’ poster searching for Neal Cassidy.)

Neal: I didn’t even know they did that still.

Emma: When did this happen?

Neal: I was a janitor in Phoenix – this high-end jewelry place. The manager was a drunk. He would forget to lock the case to the expensive watches.

Emma: Neal…

Neal: I resisted – twice! The third time, this guy’s just asking to get took. So I… I grabbed a couple cases of watches, and I hopped on a train to Portland. The store’s got insurance. Anyway, I stashed ‘em in a locker at the train station. They’re still there. It’s not… It’s hardly stealing.

Emma: So, you got away clean.

Neal: I didn’t get away clean. The manager may have been a drunk, but the security cameras are stone sober. I thought this heat had died

down, but it hasn’t. I’m sorry. Tallahassee’s out. I got to go to Canada.

Emma: That’s fine. I like maple syrup.

Neal: I got to go to Canada alone.

Emma: Why?

Neal: If I get caught and you’re with me, you’re in trouble-

Emma: You’re not going to get caught.

Neal: How can you say that? You think crossing the border’s easy?

Emma: We get fake IDs and passports.

Neal: Those cost money. We have a stolen car.

Emma: We make it legit. We take a VIN number off of another car.

Neal: Emma, I’m not going to have you in the seat next to me with twenty thousand-

Emma: Wait, wait! Seriously. Wait, wait, wait. What if I go and get the watches out of the locker? No one’s looking for me. We can… We can fence them, and then we have the money. We can do whatever we want. We can go wherever we want, right? We could change our identities and go to Tallahassee.

Neal: So you… You want to steal the watches, to help me with get away with stealing the watches?

Emma: Yes. That is exactly what I want to do.

Neal: I can’t let you risk everything-

Emma: I love you.

Neal: I love you, too. You think you can do it?

Emma: I know I can.

–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

(Emma, armed with the poppy powder, has perched herself on top of a statue near the entrance of the castle. Hook, still on the ground, has found a bone.)

Hook: You ready?

Emma: Yeah.

(Hook bangs a metal shield with the bone, the noise causing the giant to awaken. The giant exits the castle, and Emma realizes that the giant is far taller than the statue she’s sitting on.)

Emma: Oh, damn it.

(Hook begins to provoke the giant with taunts as he slowly leads the giant to the direction of Emma.)

Hook: Hey! You big git! Yeah, you. Huh? You want to k*ll a human? Huh? You want to k*ll a human? Well, I’m the worst human around. Come on. Come on, then! Come on, then!

(When the giant leads over to grab Hook, Emma throws the poppy powder in his face. The giant is knocked unconscious and falls to the ground. However, Hook is nowhere in sight.)

Emma: Hook? Hook!

(Hook appears from behind the giant.)

Hook: He’s out cold. I don’t mean to upset you, Emma, but I think we make quite the team.

Emma: Let’s go steal a compass.


(Mulan checks the sundial and sees that it has almost been ten hours since Hook and Emma left. Aurora thrashes in her sleep, seemingly in the throes of a nightmare. Mary Margaret wakes her up.)

MMB: Hey. Aurora? It was just a dream. It was just a dream.

Aurora: It was horrible.

MMB: Why don’t you tell me about it? Do you want to tell me about it? Come on – let’s stand. Tell me.

Aurora: It was the same as last time. I was in this room. This… This red room. It was bright. Blood-red curtains. There was no windows or doors, so it didn’t make sense, and I couldn’t get in or out. I was trapped. The curtains – they were on fire. It was horrible.

MMB: It’s okay.

Aurora: I was hunched in a corner, and I looked over into the other corner. And in the shadows, there was someone else there. I just see his eyes. He was looking right at me.

MMB: It’s okay. It’s over now. These nightmares… They will fade away. I promise.

Aurora: Did they for you?

MMB: Yeah. Come on. Come on. I’ll sit with you until you fall back asleep. Who else do I have to take care of?


(Emma and Hook enter a room filled with treasures.)

Hook: They hoarded all of their greatest stolen treasures in here. Piles of jewels, and every room filled with coins.

Emma: Let’s get to it. The compass.

Hook: What’s your rush?

Emma: How long do you think magic knockout powder lasts?

Hook: I have no clue.

Emma: That’s my rush.

Hook: Too right, lass. Come. Everything we need is right in front of us.

–[Past Real World]–

(Emma nervously stands in front of the lockers at the train station. Nearby, she sees two cops talking. Holding the key, she scans the locker for the correct one. She hesitantly unlocks the locker and pulls out the bag of watches. Successful, she then exits the station.)

–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

(Emma and Hook continue to explore the treasure room.)

Emma: They k*ll all the giant housekeepers, too? How we going to find a compass in this mess?

Hook: By looking. Start searching. I wonder how much treasure we could carry down the beanstalk. …In addition to the compass, of course.

(They come across a skeleton holding a sword. ‘Jack’ is etched into the blade.)

Emma: What the hell?

Hook: That… Would be Jack.

Emma: As in Jack…

Hook: The giant k*ller.

Emma: With that toothpick?

Hook: Well, it packs quite a wallop. You’d be surprised.

(When Hook goes to keep walking, Emma stops him by pulling him into her arms.)

Emma: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Hook: It’s about bloody time.

Emma: It’s a trip wire. Quite a security system.

(They look up to see a cage attached to the trip wire.)

Hook: Well, that’s a plausible excuse for grabbing me, but next time don’t stand on ceremony.

Emma: Let’s find the compass and go home. After you.

–[Past Real World]–

(Emma rushes into the car, where Neal is waiting for her.)

Neal: Oh, thank God.

(She hands him the bag and they kiss.)

Emma: Let’s see ‘em.

(He takes out the case of watches and opens the lid.)

Emma: That’s not as many as I thought.

Neal: Yeah, but they’re super pricey. This is twenty thousand dollars, easy.

Emma: Twenty thousand?! Tallahassee…

Neal: Listen, I’m going to go meet the fence. I’ll meet you with the money. Remember where? The parking structure by the tracks.

Emma: Yes.

Neal: Nine o’clock, sharp. This is so there’s no mix-ups…

(Neal takes out one of the watches and fastens it around Emma’s wrist.)

Emma: So, I guess we’re keeping this one?

Neal: How can we not? Look how good it looks on you.

(They kiss, again.)

Neal: Tallahassee, baby. We’re almost home.

(Neal exits the car with the bag.)

Emma: Home…

(Neal is walking down a dark street with the watches. A man appears, and begins to follow him. Neal attempts to appear composed, but then decides to make a run for it. The man chases after him into an alley, where Neal tries to jump a fence. The man grabs him and pulls him to the ground before he can scale it. The man turns out to be August.)

Neal: You got the wrong guy, officer! I wasn’t even jaywalking!

August: It’s not like that. You want to protect Emma? Come with me.

Neal: What?

August: Get up.

Neal: How do you know Emma?

August: Name’s August. And it’s a long story, but trust me – you want to hear it.

Neal: Alright, August. If you’re not a cop, who are you? You got two minutes.

August: Think of me as Emma’s guardian angel.

Neal: Guardian angel? I’d say you’ve been doing a pretty crap job.

August: I’ve been looking for her for the past two years. Now I finally find her, and she’s robbing convenience stores with some deadbeat. Tell me again who’s doing the crap job.

Neal: Let me tell you something. I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to her. Two years? Where were you the rest of her life?

August: I’m not perfect. This world? Full of temptations. Turns out I’m not that great at saying no. I’m not built that way. But, I’m here now.

Neal: So who are you?

August: We were in the same home as kids, and I thought she’d be safe inside the system. But now that she’s out? Back then, I promised I would take care of her.

Neal: Well, we promised to take care of each other.

August: You love her. Good. That means you have to do right by her.

Neal: That’s all I’m trying to do.

August: Then leave her.

Neal: Never.

August: She has a destiny. And you? This life? You’re going to keep her from it. Okay? You believe in magic?

Neal: I take it you do.

August: So will you. Trust me. I’m going to show you something… Something that’s going to make you look at everything differently. And, when you see what I have in here, you’re going to listen. You’re going to believe every word I say.

(August leads Neal to his motorcycle, where he has a box attached to the back. He opens the lid.)

Neal: Yeah, right.

(Neal looks at the contents inside the box. August shuts it before it’s shown what’s inside.)

Neal: Okay, I’m listening.

August: There’s a curse… And it needs to be broken. Emma, is the key. I was tasked with keeping her on track and you, my friend, just got caught in the crossfire. Now, I’m going to tell you a story. And, at the end of it, you’re going to have to make a decision. Will you do the right thing, or not? So… Are you ready?


(At the parking structure, Emma is waiting for Neal. She attempts to call him, but gets an ‘out of service’ error.)

Emma: Damn right it’s an error.

(A cop appears, armed with a g*n.)

Cop: Unless he set you up. Hands above your head please, miss.

Emma: Wait. Why?

Cop: Possession of stolen goods. Left you holding.

Emma: I have nothing.

Cop: Sorry to tell you, but your boy took off. Probably in Canada by now. He called in a tip – told us to take a look at the surveillance footage at the train station. Give me the watch. Now!

(Emma begins to unfasten the watch.)

Cop: You know your rights?

Emma: Yeah.

(She hands the watch to the cop, and he goes to handcuff her.)

Cop: Good girl. Turn around. Where’s the rest of the watches?

Emma: They’re gone. They’re not coming back.

Cop: Let’s go.

–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

(Hook and Emma are still in the treasure room.)

Emma: So it’s just…in here somewhere?

Hook: Allegedly. Give me a boost would you, love?

Emma: So I can’t see what you’re pocketing? No way. You give me a boost.

Hook: Try something new, darling. It’s called trust.

Emma: We do it side by side and fast. Who knows how long before the-

(The giant’s footsteps are heard in the distance.)

Hook: Someone’s up. Quickly. Get under something.

(The giant charges into the treasure room, the stomping causing part of the ceiling to cave in. Debris falls onto where Hook is standing.)

Emma: Hook?

(The giant then charges at Emma. He reaches down to grab her.)

–[Past Real World]–

(Two months later, in Vancouver, Neal meets with August.)

August: Been a while. Where’d you go?

Neal: Tried to lose myself. It didn’t work. I want to talk to you about Emma.

August: I hope you’re not trying to reach out.

Neal: I just… I feel like… If… If I knew that she was okay, then I could move on. Is she?

August: She will be. She got eleven months.

Neal: That should be me! I should be doing that time.

August: No. We went over this. It’s good.

Neal: How’s it good?

August: It’s a minimum security place in Phoenix. And no, I am not going to tell you which one. She’ll get out of there, and she’ll be fine. You keep your promise and steer clear, and she can have a good life. She can do what she’s supposed to do.

Neal: And if I can’t be there for her, man, you got to promise me that you will be.

August: I promise.

Neal: Then you should do something for me. I was able to fence the watches. Don’t judge me. I’m giving it all to her. And the car – I got a clean VIN number for it, so it’s legit. I just… It’ll feel like I’m there with her, you know?

August: Money is not what she needs. Not for what’s ahead.

Neal: Can you just see that she gets it?

August: Sure.

Neal: And one more thing – if anything changes, and she does her job, this insanity ends, and she’s free…

August: I’ll send you a postcard.

–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

(Emma is struggling in the giant’s fist.)

Emma: I’m not what you think!

Giant: You’re a thief, and you poisoned me. So yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re exactly what I think.

Emma: No. Look, you have a compass. I need it.

Giant: I don’t care what you need.

(The giant tightens his grip, as Emma struggles to breathe.)

Emma: No, for my son! To save my son! Don’t you have a family?

Giant: No. Because humans k*lled them all.

(Emma’s vision begins to fade, when she bites the giant’s hand. He drops her, and she runs in the direction of Jack’s skeleton. She jumps over the trip wire and grabs Jack’s sword, which Emma then uses to set off the trap. The cage falls onto the giant, trapping him.)

Emma: Nice security system. Efficient.

(She points the sword towards the giant’s face.)

Giant: No. No! No! No! No!

Emma: I can tell by your face you know what this is. Let me guess – it’s dipped in some sort of poison. You have a compass. I need it.

Giant: You’re going to k*ll me either way. Go ahead. k*ll me.

Emma: You don’t know me.

Giant: I know your kind. They massacred us, and destroyed our beans.

Emma: I heard it the other way.

Giant: That’s because the victors get to tell the story.

(Emma pokes the sword closer.)

Giant: Okay! Stop. Here.

(He slides the compass across the floor. Emma retrieves it.)

Giant: See? I’m not the bad guy.

Emma: Maybe you are telling the truth. Doesn’t really matter. I have to go. Are there any more of you?

Giant: No. I’m alone.

(Emma spots a shriveled looking bean attached to the giant’s necklace.)

Emma: What’s this? Is this a bean? Can this make a portal?

Giant: Not anymore. It was destroyed like the rest of them. I wear it as a reminder… A reminder that you’re all K*llers.

(Emma points the sword towards him, again.)

Emma: You’re wrong.

(Emma lowers her sword and starts to walk away. When her back is turned, the giant breaks free from the cage. The giant grabs a boulder that is covering a tunnel that leads outside, and throws it across the room.)

Giant: Go.

Emma: Why?

Giant: Because you could’ve k*lled me, and you didn’t. You get one favour. Now go, before I change my mind.

(Emma turns to leave, but stops.)

Emma: Actually… I get two favours.

Giant: What?

Emma: Well, the way I see it, I could’ve k*lled you twice – the poison and when you were knocked out. I didn’t.

Giant: What do you want?


(Emma pulls Hook out from under the debris.)

Emma: Hook.

Hook: You are bloody brilliant. Amazing. May I see it? The compass.

(Emma holds out the compass for Hook to see.)

Hook: It’s more beautiful than legend.

(Suspicious, Emma withdraws her hand and pockets the compass.)

Hook: Come. Let’s go.

(Hook extends his hand to Emma, but, instead of taking it, Emma grabs a nearby shackle and chains Hook to the wall.)

Hook: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Emma: Hook, I… I… I can’t…

Hook: Emma, look at me. Have I told you a lie? I brought you here. I risked my own safety to help you. The compass is in your hand. Why do this to me now?

Emma: I can’t take a chance that I’m wrong about you. I’m sorry.

Hook: You’re sorry? You’re sorry?! I got you here! I got you the compass!

Emma: I got the compass.

Hook: Well, you’re just going to leave me here to die? Have that beast to eat me, to crush my bones?

Emma: He’s not a beast. And you’re not going to die. I just need a head start – that’s all.

Hook: Swan. Swan! Swan!


(Mulan checks the sundial and sees that it has been ten hours. Mary Margaret is still watching Aurora as she sleeps. Mulan draws her sword and heads towards the beanstalk.)

MMB: Whoa, wait! What are you doing?

Mulan: Just stay back. Emma gave me ten hours.

MMB: No, no, no!

Aurora: What, you’re just going to leave her to die?

Mulan: Ten hours. She may already be dead.

Aurora: No, st-

(Mulan strikes the beanstalk with her sword. A surge of magic travels up it.)

MMB: No!

Aurora: No, stop!

(Mary Margaret rushes towards Mulan and tackles her to the ground. The two of them fight on the ground.)

Aurora: Stop! Stop!

Mulan: This was your daughter’s wish!

MMB: I don’t care what you say! You do not put my daughter in danger!

Emma: Stop!

(Emma jumps down from the beanstalk. Mary Margaret and Mulan stop fight.)

MMB: Emma! You okay?

Emma: Two earthquakes and a jump from a beanstalk. I think my brain’s still rattling around a little.

Mulan: I did what she ordered, nothing more than that. Did you get it?

Emma: Yep.

Aurora: W-Where’s Hook?

Emma: He’s detained. Let’s go. Get your stuff. We got ten hours before he follows us.

MMB: What? How?

Emma: I got a friend looking after him till then.

MMB: You told her to cut it down?

Emma: Yes. I couldn’t risk-

MMB: We go back together. That is the only way. Do you understand?

(They hug.)

Emma: Yeah…

MMB: Good. Now, let’s go get that dust from Cora.

Emma: Yeah, and go home.

–[Past Real World]–

(Still eleven years prior, Emma is sitting in a jail cell in Phoenix, Arizona. A guard enters with a brown envelope.)

Guard: Swan, you got mail. Know anyone in Phuket? I’ve got to open this in front of you. Those are the rules. Okay.

(The guard holds up a set of car keys attached to the stolen swan keychain.)

Guard: Look – car keys. Hope you got the car it goes with. Nothing else. No letter. Sorry. But, good news – you get a car when you get out. And a baby. Congratulations.

(The camera pans to the positive pregnancy test in Emma’s hands.)

–[Real World]–

(At Mary Margaret’s apartment, Henry suddenly bolts up in bed and screams. David rushes down the stairs to check on him.)

David: Henry? Henry? Hey, hey, hey, hey. You’re okay, you’re okay. You’re okay, you’re okay.

Henry: I… I just had the worst nightmare.

David: It’s over now.

Henry: Okay.

David: Okay? Here. This will help.

(David lights a candle next to Henry’s bed.)

Henry: A candle?

David: Yeah. They keep the nightmares away. Now, talk to me. What was so bad?

Henry: I… I was in this room, and… And it was red. And there was no doors, no windows. And these curtains… And they were on fire. And… I was in this corner.

David: Right.

Henry: And… And… And… And I was looking out, and there was someone else there. She was staring at me through the flames. Th-Then I woke up and…

David: Hey, don’t worry, alright? It was just a bad dream.

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