03x07 - Blood and Circuses

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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03x07 - Blood and Circuses

Post by bunniefuu »


Police station four.

I'm sorry, madam, you will have to slow down, I can't understand you.

Am I hearing you correctly? A what?


Detective, you've got to...


Police station four... Yes, madam, we are aware of the situation.

What situation?

..George, Henry, what on earth has happened?

We were walking down Sumat Street when we heard screams.

Coming from the direction of the circus.

People were running, screaming... A tiger got out of its cage, sir.

A huge Bengal brute. Higgins tackled it.

It was going after an old man.

I hit it with my truncheon, it barely noticed.

That's when a circus hand shot it. My goodness!

Was anyone seriously hurt? The tiger's tamer, sir.

A Miss Kitty Walker. She was k*lled.

I ordered her remains to the morgue, and the tiger. Good thinking.

Come with me.

Let's pay a visit to this circus.

I don't understand.

Where are they? It was right here.

Tents and all.

They've obviously packed up and left in a hurry.

But if it was just a terrible accident, why flee the scene?

Why, indeed? Find them, George, and arrest them.

All of them.

Any messages?


I had no choice, sir. None of them have fixed addresses and they've all demonstrated a tendency to flee.

So you've arrested them all because a lion tamer got careless?

I haven't charged anyone yet.

But we need them in custody, so I can determine what happened.

Can't they be kept in the cells? It hardly seems fair to incarcerate them.

Most of them are upstairs in the lunch room.

Just keep them away from me, Murdoch.

Who's in charge of this rabble anyway?

It was horrible. I went backstage to fetch Kitty, her act was up next, and that's how I found her.

Half eaten.

What was she doing inside the tiger's cage?

She used to sit with Saber before each show.

It was a ritual the two of them had.

She said it calmed him.

But this time, the animal att*cked her.

I did what I could.

I opened the cage door and tried to force Saber back with a broom.

That's when the tiger escaped?

You know the rest.

What I know is that you tried to flee town while one of your performers lay dead.

And I feel awful about that.

But I've learned that locals can react rather unfairly when things go amiss.

This type of occurrence happens often in Barnett's Royal Travelling Circus?

Not at all!

There was an unfortunate incident with a dancing bear, and we had some bad luck with a fire breather, but everyone got out in time.

It's not as though these things are the end of the world. No. But it was for Miss Walker.

It had begun to devour parts of her neck and abdomen as well.

Perhaps she had mistreated it?

Someone did. I checked the tiger's digestive tract and except for the stomach, which was... rather full of course, it was entirely empty.

The tiger had been starved? For several days at least.

Which makes me wonder whether this was a random animal attack.

Or if it was engineered?


Where is the tiger's cage?

We brought it in to the police stables.

Good thinking. Find out who was responsible for feeding the tiger and meet me there.

Yes, sir.

Who fed the tiger?

Saber ate three times a day.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And you kept to this schedule?

Of course. It's my job. Why?

Mr Selby, the tiger had been starved.

For several days or more.

That's impossible. He ate everything I gave him.

Can you show me how the tiger was fed?

I open this door at the bottom... and slide in a plate of meat - usually chicken, beef, bones - like so.

Did you watch the tiger eat his food?

Well, no, I had other animals to feed. But the plate was always empty when I came back.

So someone could have taken the food away? I don't see how, Detective.

If a hand came between Saber and his food, guaranteed that hand would be a goner. How remarkable, sir.

A cat so large it needs a heavy-link chain as a leash.

You don't want the tiger off its leash when you open that door.

And yet Saber ran off.

Sir, look.

If the chain was cinched with this shackle... there'd be no way... For the tiger to reach its food. You're right, George.

That choker's supposed to reach all the way to the end.

So someone could have pulled the chain through the bars, like so, and installed this shackle every day before feeding time, then returned to remove the shackle before Miss Walker came to collect Saber for the performances.

Even so, sir, how would the tiger have got free of the choker?

Miss Walker must have done that.

She would have been just as surprised to find it shortened as we are.

Who had access to this cage?

Anyone who wanted it, I suppose.

Gentlemen, down the hatch.

He's not going to swallow that!


Yes, the cinching of the chain made it impossible for the animal to eat.

So maybe someone didn't like the tiger, it's not necessarily a deliberate act of m*rder.

But we can't ignore that possibility.

Bloody hell, Murdoch. Here it comes!

Excuse me.

Enough! This is a police station, not a bloody circus.

Mitchell, who's minding the desk while you're stood there catching flies? Back to work, the lot of you!

You've got 24 hours. That may not be enough.

Habeas Corpus. I don't want these people around longer than what's permitted by law. Yes, sir.


..I'd like you and Higgins to interview... Someone get this bloody monkey out of my office!

Interview all of these circus folk. See if you can get a sense of who may have had issues with Miss Walker.

What do you mean... Kitty may have been m*rder*d?

Let's not play games, Mr Barnett.

There was a reason you packed up the circus and left town. But I already told you...

How was your relationship with Miss Walker?

Very friendly. She was a lovely girl. Always smiling.

Yet you left her body behind.

I had no choice.

Didn't you think to make arrangements?

Contact her family?

It takes a very cold man to do that.

So cold, it makes me suspect you had something to do with her death.

Now, wait just a minute here!

If you think I'd harm her, you've got this all wrong.

For a normal, Kitty was a star attraction.

For a normal?

Like you and me. As opposed to a freak.

Freaks bring in more money, usually.

Who, then, may have wanted her dead?

Mr Barnett, none of you are leaving here until I get some answers.

Ask Ivy. She was Kitty's best friend. If anyone knows anything, it would be her.

You are staring, Detective.

Miss... Ivy.

Just Ivy.

Very well, Miss Ivy...

You can stare, if you want.

I don't mind. It's how I make my living.

It grows all over my body. Had it since I was born.

Payment for my mama's sins.

How do you mean? Let's just say she ate supper before she said grace.

You were conceived out of wedlock?

In a patch of poison ivy in Ivy Point, Georgia.

Mama says the poison must have seeped into her womb.

I see, Miss Ivy. I'm less interested in your skin condition than I am with your friendship with Miss Walker.

I'm told the two of you were close friends.

It's a circus, Detective Murdoch.

The friendships are fleeting and eternal.

But yes, I was closest with Kitty.

Perhaps you can tell me why someone would want to k*ll her. k*ll her?

Nobody wanted to k*ll Kitty. Saber just went wild.

We have reason to believe otherwise.

Miss Ivy?

I'm not saying he did it, but she had frequent words with her fiance.

I was concerned for her.

And his name? Count Leoline.

Of course we fought.

We fought like we loved, Detective.

With passion. With intensity.

With ardour.

Your ardour is your business.

What concerns me, Mr Leoline, is your anger.

Please address me by my title.

I am a Count. Oh.

Well, Count, your tempestuous relationship leads me to suspect you plotted to k*ll your fiance.

On my word, sir, I may look like a beast, but I am a gentleman.

I've lost my love to a terrible tragedy.

Can you not see that I am grieving?

That doesn't change the fact that someone starved that tiger with the intention of k*lling Miss Walker.

I don't believe it. Everyone loved Kitty.

My God, if she was m*rder*d, it was an attack on me.

You? People are jealous of me. Of my noble birth. My superior bearing.

Especially Jake the Magician.

Why is that? Before I won her heart, Jake and Kitty were lovers.

We fought over her affections, literally.

I defeated him easily, of course.

He always hated me for that.

Higgins and I once competed in a three-legged race, so I think we have a good idea ...

Sir, we've almost finished our interviews.

Yes, I can see that.

Any hint of a motive for k*lling Miss Walker?

No, sir. Not really.

Any luck with you? Each seems to be pointing the finger at the other.

Speaking of which, I'll need to talk to Jake the Magician.

He's in the booking area with Sergeant Burke.

Smile upon these... Seems to be quite the life, doesn't it, sir?

Behold your card! Did you ever dream about joining the circus as a boy?

No, I didn't, George. I did.

It's because I'm an adventure-seeker, which is why I became a cop, apparently.

At least, that's what Lady Minerva said. Lady Minerva?

She's the Gypsy fortune-teller.

I highly doubt she's a true fortune-teller, George.

She knew I was a foundling. She wasn't guessing. It was on the cards.

Did she have anything relevant to say about the case?

She believes the tiger was innocent.

All animals are innocent, George.

Humans excepted...


It was the last thing I expected. But as I was examining the bite wound on Miss Walker's neck, I found remnants of an incision.

An incision? On a very shallow angle right through to the spine.

Have a look.

A small section of the fourth vertebra has been chipped off.

Perhaps by the tiger's claws, or teeth?

No. The cut was linear and thin. I'm certain it was made by a knife.

You were right, William.

Kitty Walker was m*rder*d.

And by someone who was well aware that in the moments following, Miss Walker would be...devoured.

She was stabbed? In the throat? Yes, sir.

The tiger's bites on Kitty Walker's neck would have erased any sign of the original wound.

That's why the tiger att*cked.

Miss Walker was dead and bleeding and the tiger was starving. Yes, sir. In you get, George.

It's a clever way to k*ll someone. To have the knife wound obscured by the tiger bite.

Yes, and if not for Dr Ogden's persistence, it would have been the perfect crime.

Miss Walker would have likely been sitting down here with the tiger, George.

Given the location of the wound, the k*ller struck from behind. Like this.

This changes everything, Murdoch.

You have a place and a time now.

Yes, which means the k*ller must have been backstage shortly before Mr Barnett happened upon the scene.

I want to know where they all were when she was k*lled. Yes, sir.

George, please get started on that. Yes, sir. And you, Murdoch?

I'm going to find out how a Gypsy fortune-teller came to know the tiger didn't k*ll Miss Walker.

I only know what the cards tell me.

Begging your pardon, but cards don't speak.

They're made in a printing shop.

Do you believe in God, Detective?

Of course. God spoke to Moses through a burning bush, did he not?

What of it?

If God spoke to Moses through a burning bush, why shouldn't He speak through cards?

Are you so arrogant as to assume you know the ways of God?

No. I just don't think God speaks through you.

But I believe that you know something about what happened.

You have a great deal of knowledge.

This is a source of pride to you.

You take comfort in logic...

..except when it conflicts with your religious beliefs.

I'm familiar with this parlour game.

Speak in flattering generalities, avoid specifics.

You love a woman.

She's your match in every way.

And...oh, dear... she doesn't appear to be in your future.

I'm not here to have my fortune told, Lady Minerva.

I want to know what happened today.

I only know what the cards tells me.

Then perhaps the cards can answer a question?

Of course.

Who was responsible for Kitty Walker's death?

Turn it over.

Kitty Walker was m*rder*d.

So I hear.

Doesn't that bother you, Jake?

Weren't you and Kitty lovers?

Used to be. What of it?

You were jilted.

Defeated in a physical contest for her affections, were you not?

Did Leo tell you that?

I was drunk, and it wasn't a contest over her affections.

I told him he treated Kitty badly.

So you weren't the least bit angry that she chose Count Leoline over you?

I was wounded, I don't deny it.

Discarded in favour of that freak of nature.

But that was six months ago.

I learned to accept it.

Where were you when Kitty was k*lled?

I was with Ivy. What were you doing?

Let's just say we were intertwined.

Gentlemen. Sir, Mr Barnett was explaining the layout of the circus.

We have a central ring here in the big tent.

All acts in waiting must be in the backstage tent a quarter hour before their performance.

Who was backstage with Miss Walker?

No-one. She was the final performer of the night. Who was the last person to see her alive?

We believe that was Bob Selby, the animal feeder.

I heard Leo arguing with Kitty and I had Selby poke his head in to see if she was all right.

But Leo had already left.

And she was still alive?

She was just climbing into Saber's cage.

How long after that did you discover her dead?

Maybe five minutes.

Where were you during this period?

I've told your constables twice, I was sidestage the whole time.

Very well.

Thank you. That will be all, Mr Barnett.

George, were you able to determine everyone's whereabouts during this time?

Not quite, sir.

Oh. What of Count Leoline? Interesting you should ask, sir.

He claims that he was with Miss Ivy, but she confirms she was with Jake the Magician.

George, I'd like you and Higgins to dig up everything you can on this alleged Count. Sir.

I never said I was with her, I said she was my alibi.

And the distinction would be?

Kitty and I had just had a terrible fight. I'd gone for a walk.

As I passed by Ivy's caravan, she was standing on the steps smoking a cigarette.

We shared a look.

She watched me as I went down the path to the river.

How do you know Ivy watched you?

I could feel her eyes on me.

It's true, I do enjoy an occasional cigarette, but everyone knows that.

Leo, however, did not pass by, as he claims.

You're certain? I could hear them arguing. It was hard to ignore.

By the time they stopped, I'd gone back inside.

For a romantic interlude with Jake the Magician?

Did Jake tell you that?

The man has no discretion.

Yes, I was with Jake.

You were Miss Walker's friend. Was there something in particular that she and Count Leoline were fighting about?

Lately? It was her money.

Her money?

Her wealthy uncle died a few months back.

There was a sizable inheritance coming to Kitty as soon as the lawyers finalised the papers.

Leo had grand plans for it.

I see.

Leo never came by that day.

He's lyin'.

She's lying! Why would she lie? I don't know.

Perhaps she's jealous.

Is everyone jealous of you?

She once tried to seduce me. Really? When was that?

Six months ago.

I made it clear I wasn't interested.

Maybe SHE k*lled Kitty.

You're saying that Ivy was so wounded by your rejection that she befriended your fiancee for the next six months, all in an attempt to k*ll her and frame you for the m*rder?

You may find this hard to believe, Detective, but women find me irresistible.

My savage exterior, I suppose.

At my last circus, a woman even tried to k*ll herself because I refused her.

See? She just waved at you.

Higgins, they're conjoined twins, man.

So? I think Daisy's sweet on me.

And I'm left-handed.

I don't see a future in it, Higgins. ..Sir!

What have you learned, George?

Sir, Count Leoline is indeed a Count, but these days, that doesn't count for much, it would seem.

His family lost their holdings in the Franco-Prussian w*r.

As a result, they're left with title, but no wealth worth speaking of.

Mr Barnett tells me Leo's mother placed him in the circus to make ends meet.

I hope you hang!

You are a shameful man!

How dare you touch me, woman!

So if he had no money and Miss Kitty had the money, then why k*ll her before they're married?

He didn't. Count Leoline and Kitty Walker were married two weeks ago in Niagara Falls.

I found that in his caravan.

Yes, we were married.

What of it? Why keep it a secret?

It was what Kitty wanted.

She had told her family about me, but they didn't know who, or...what I was.

So the fact that Kitty was set to inherit... The money?

You think I k*lled her for the money? I'd accept any alternate reason.

That money was for us. We were going to start our own circus.

Take the best of Barnett's with us.

Normals and freaks alike.

Did she share your vision?

Or is that why you fought?

Is that why you plotted to k*ll her?

I've endured enough from you! To stand accused like this is simply unbearable.

I would have given my life for hers!

Well, Count, you may yet get that chance.

Sir, I hate to bother you, but Lady Minerva is making some startling predictions.

I'm not interested in the prognostications of some Gypsy fortune-teller.

Sir, I think you'll want to hear these prognostications.

I've never seen anything like it.

Such ominous cards.

Yes, I'm sure they're extremely ominous.

The Devil Card...destroyer of peace.

The Judgement Card...disappointment, fear, failure.

The Death Card...unexpected destruction and change.

Is there something specific you want to tell me?

Someone is going to die tonight.

Someone at this station.

You don't believe her, do you? I don't believe in tarot cards, but I do think this woman knows something.

In this instance, she may be aware of a plot, but doesn't want to be implicated.

And this is her way of warning us?

Right. Crabtree. Sir. I want all these people checked for weapons.

Keep them in the cells overnight.

Keep them under surveillance until we figure this out.

Oh, George, sequester Leoline in his own cell.

Sir. So, Count Hairy Gob's your suspect, then?

He had motive and gave a false alibi. Good. I'll be glad to see the back of this lot. "Royal" circus.

Sir... you have a monkey on your desk.

She's called Athena.

She's a cheeky monkey, but she seems to have taken a shine to me.

Huh. Athena!

Leoline! LADIES GASP Sir, we've left the scene exactly as we found it.

It appears he was stabbed, William.

But he was isolated in a locked cell all night. It's impossible.

Nevertheless, approximately two hours ago, the impossible happened.

The guard didn't fall asleep? Not even once?

He swears on his job he didn't. Even if he took a privy break, I don't understand it. The cell was locked.

How could this happen? I don't know, sir. I'll have the results of Dr Ogden's post-mortem soon, but I'm fairly certain he died of the knife wound.

Where did the k*ller get the knife? Where is it now?

We're searching the cells and all the circus members. I've relocated them to the stables.

Under guard, of course. I want the search done properly. Bring a matron in for the women. Right.

Nobody commits in m*rder in my jail cells and gets away with it.


Count Leoline was definitely stabbed with a knife.

Once. Through the larynx and carotid artery.

Death was instant? Within seconds, I should think.

With the larynx pierced, he wouldn't have been able to cry out.

That explains why the constable on duty never heard a thing.

A fascinating condition, isn't it? Hypertrichosis, I believe.

Yes, that's right. Imagine having your life defined by a random genetic mutation.

It certainly didn't impede his ability to attract a beautiful woman like Kitty Walker.

Oh, I can understand that.

He's very handsome. In spite of, or perhaps because of his condition.

Yes, well... Is there anything else you can tell me?

Just one more thing.

The knife went in at an unusual angle.

Very shallow, almost parallel to the ground.

Sir, we've checked every mattress.

Every nook and cranny. The drains?

Checked with a mirror. There's no knife to be found.

Then it must be hidden on one of the prisoners. How did it happen, George?

How did a man locked alone in a cell get stabbed to death?

Suppose the k*ller was in one of the adjoining cells.

It's much too far to reach.

I suppose if Count Leoline was unsuspecting of his attacker, he could have been lured to the bars.

In that scenario, the knife angle could have been correct.

So, that's it then. I don't think so, George.

You've just been stabbed in the carotid artery.

You have seconds to live. What do you do?

Bleed. Panic.

Flail around a bit, I suppose There's no blood on the bars, George.

And are you going to take the time to return to your bunk and tuck yourself in?

No, I suppose not.

No. He was definitely lying here when he was k*lled.

So, someone must have broken in. How?

It would have taken far too long. And the constable on duty never left his post.

What are you thinking, sir?

George, I'm going to need a length of string.

You're sure somebody threw the knife? That's right, George.

Lower the string a bit.

But, sir, that means he would have had to aim the knife through all these cell bars.

Yes, even lower still.

Sir, the accuracy required to make that throw is... That's perfect. Hold the string there.

So, someone could have thrown the knife from within that cell, or perhaps the one where you are.

It would explain the angle of entry. Yes.

But it would be a one-chance throw. And who among our guests has the skill to pull that off?

And how would they retrieve the knife?

Sir, in the first cell, we had Jake the Magician, Bob Selby, the Giant, the Juggler and a contortionist.

In the second cell, Count Leoline, sequestered.

In the third cell, the clown, the cowboy, Pierre Barnett and another circus hand.

In the corner cell, we had Miss Ivy, Lady Minerva, the twins, the Romanovs, the midget and the Indian girl.

KNOCK ON DOOR We've searched every prisoner.

No knife. Right.

Gentlemen, find out if anyone had a grudge against Count Leoline.

Yes, sir. Sir.

You are aware that no knife was found?

And yet a knife was used.

Then where is it? And how, if a person threw the knife, could they retrieve it from a locked cell?

I believe a string was tied to the knife. Bloody hell! String.

Did we even find any string?


So what's next?

Well, in the absence of a m*rder w*apon, we'll have to rely strongly on motive.

So the person who k*lled Kitty could also have m*rder*d Count Leo?

Possibly. But if Count Leoline was the chief suspect in Kitty's m*rder, perhaps his m*rder was the result of revenge on Miss Walker's behalf.

Who wanted revenge?

I have a theory on that. I was hoping you would.

How are you at throwing knives, Miss Ivy?

Me? Oh, Detective. Really?

Kitty Walker was your closest friend.

Count Leoline was the chief suspect.

And if he'd done it, he would have hung for it. Not necessarily.

The evidence was circumstantial.

I saw you strike Count Leoline yesterday.

I thought he'd k*lled my friend.

You're telling me you had no desire to seek revenge for your best friend's m*rder?

No. That would be a lie.

But the truth is, I've never thrown a knife in my whole life.

You believe her?

For now. But I can't think of anyone else who would have wanted revenge for Kitty Walker's m*rder.

Then perhaps this has nothing to do with Kitty's revenge.

Which puts us back to one k*ller.

Who would want them both dead?

You think I k*lled them? Sit down, Mr Barnett.

Did you know that Leoline and Miss Walker were planning to leave your circus and take the best performers with them?

Yes. I heard the rumours.

They were deluding themselves.

Oh? How so?

There are a half-dozen travelling circuses on the Great Lakes circuit.

This is a very tough business.

They wouldn't have stood a chance.

They could have tried. They did try.

Nobody would go with them.

They didn't mind Kitty, but Leo...

The freaks resented his pretensions, and the normals...

Let's just say the normals wouldn't like working for any freak, let alone Leo.

Why is that? They resent them.

The freaks make more money and they have no talent.

Normals feel superior to the freaks and Leo felt superior to everybody.

They had to fire him from his last circus because their best performers would not work with him.

Imagine how they'd feel about working FOR him.

What have you, George?

We interviewed the prisoners again, and while everybody seemed to dislike Count Leoline, nobody confessed a grudge strong enough to k*ll him.

Most just found him annoying.

Did anyone have any insight into his m*rder?

Lady Minerva seemed to think it had something to do with love.

Did she now? It wasn't love.

The Lovers card was reversed.

What happened here grew from the dark side of love.

What else do the cards tell you, Lady Minerva?

How strange.

These are the same cards I drew last night.

It's happening again.

Is that the best you can do? Agh!

That's enough! Come on!

What's going on? He made a joke about Kitty! Not yet in her grave!


BRACKENREID: What's going on?

He's dead, sir. GASPING It was just a gut punch. I swear.

Jake The Magician was stabbed to death.

I beg your pardon? There wasn't a scratch on him.

That's because he was stabbed from the inside.

I found this switchblade in his stomach.

The punch must have triggered the spring.

Jake had it in his stomach the whole time? I believe Jake regurgitated the knife, it was used to k*ll Leoline and then he swallowed it again.

So, that's the k*ller then?

I don't think so. How's that?

Jake was in the cell to the left of Count Leoline.

He couldn't have thrown the knife. I believe a second party was involved.

The knife thrower. And you're hoping to find that person's fingermarks?

Hoping. If the stomach acids didn't degrade them completely.

Have a look, sir.

It's a fingermark.

On the part of the blade that folds into the casing.

The stomach acids must not have reached it.

It's a very small fingermark. Yes.

Bloody hell, don't tell me the midget did it!

Sir, I don't think this fingermark is human.

Oh, no!


It's a match, sir.

Of course it's a match. Who else could it belong to?

Did the monkey do it then? I don't believe so.

The thumb print is on the hilt of the blade, as if the monkey was pulling it out.

Yes. That makes sense.

I believe Jake regurgitated the knife, handed it to Athena, who then brought it to someone else.

And that person threw it, k*lling Count Leo. Athena then retrieved the knife, brought it back to Jake, who folded it and swallowed it anew. Bloody genius!

Were it not for an unfortunate punch, we may have never learned the truth. We still don't have the whole story.

Who actually threw the knife? KNOCK ON DOOR Ah, Doctor. What have you?

I've compared Miss Walker's wound with Count Leoline's.

I'm certain the same knife was used in both crimes.

I expected as much.

So, Jake k*lled Kitty? Possibly.

Although he did have an alibi.

Miss Ivy claims he was with her at the time.

No, I said he was with me when Saber escaped.

So you think Jake had time to k*ll Miss Walker? Indeed, I do.

Why not simply tell me this before?

I suppose I was resistant to the notion that my lover could be a m*rder*r.

Well, you'll be relieved to know that there is no way Jake could have k*lled Count Leoline.

But I thought...

You said Jake was carrying a knife in his gullet.

Yes, but the knife was thrown from one of the cells the other side of Count Leoline.

Perhaps the cell you were in.

So now you think I k*lled my best friend and her fiance?

Count Leoline told me he had rejected you in favour of Miss Walker.

My God, that man thought highly of himself!

I attempted once to seduce him. I'd just arrived in the circus.

I didn't even know he was engaged.

At my last circus, a woman even tried to k*ll herself because I refused her.

Where did you get these scars? None of your business.

Miss Ivy, what circus were you at prior to this one?

I believe I am done talking, sir.

I'm afraid I can't tell you very much about Ivy.

She just showed up one day, told me the story of her momma and the poison ivy.

She's a beguiling one. I hired her on the spot.

How did she get those scars?

I would guess she had someone do them for her.

It would have been painful.

Every vein of every leaf would have to be cut in with a razor.

What about the scars on her wrists?

I don't know how she got those. She never told me.

I don't believe she ever told anyone.

You mentioned before that Count Leoline was fired from his last circus.

Do you recall which one that was? The Ringling Brothers, I believe. Why?

Sir... The Ringling Brothers have never had any performer by Ivy's name or description.

What about Count Leoline? Yes. He worked with them until last year.

He was fired for being difficult, apparently. No surprise there.

The Ringling Brothers circus came through town a couple of years ago, did it not?

Yes, sir. I took my aunt. It was a splendid show.

Although the elephant did choose a rather unfortunate time to... Thank you, George.

Contact the Toronto Telegraph and see if they have any Ringling Brothers photographs on file.

Yes, sir...

Have you saved the best for last again?

They also had in their employ a Gypsy fortune-teller by the name of Lady Minerva.

Very good, George.

Forget the cards, Lady Minerva. I'm not interested in my future.

What I want to know about is your past.

I'm afraid my memory isn't very good.

Does it extend as far back as the Ringling Brothers circus, by chance?

I have some hazy recollections.

Was Count Leoline there? Why ask what you already know?

Was Ivy there?

Ivy wasn't. Who was there then?

Pick one.

Queen of Swords.

What does this mean? Nothing.

Unless you look past what your eyes can see.

KNOCK ON DOOR Sir, a package from the Telegraph.

Archived photographs of the Ringling Brothers.

Thank you, George. Sir, I've spoke with a tarot card reader.

Apparently, the Queen of Swords is from the Minor Arcana and represents the masculine and the feminine at conflict.

Or some such thing, I didn't entirely understand.

I don't think Lady Minerva meant for us to understand the card, George.

How's that, sir?

She meant for us to take it literally.

Where did you get this?

It was taken the last time the Ringling Brothers circus came through town.

I remember.

I'd just met Leo.

I look happy, don't I? I was a pretty girl.

Just Liz, from Calgary, back then.

You were in love with him, weren't you?

He was magnificent. Such... confidence and power.

I melted in his arms.

Melted away.

I would have given my life to him...

..but he wouldn't have me.

He said... he was a freak and I was a normal.

I felt like I...

..died right then.

I couldn't throw anymore. My hands shook.

Is that when you decided to take your own life?

When my wrists healed, they left scars.

That gave me my idea.

To scar yourself as Ivy?

If I made myself into a freak, then we could be together.

So I cut my beauty away.

And you joined Barnett's Circus, so you could be with Leoline?

I tried to seduce him.

Do you know, he didn't even recognise me?

And when I found out he was engaged to a normal...

That's when you decided to k*ll them both?

That's when I decided to k*ll HER.

Then what was Jake's part?

He swallowed the knife, gave me an alibi.

He loved me.

But you wanted Leoline.

I offered myself to him again yesterday.

I told him I'd tell the truth, that I saw him pass by my caravan, if he would have me.

He said he'd rather hang.

That's when I decided to k*ll him.

Was it worth it, to give up everything for this man?

Your beauty. Your identity.

Your life.

I had to try.

Wouldn't you give up everything for the love of your life, Detective?

Cheer up, Murdoch. You've solved your m*rder.

The rules of Habeas Corpus remain unbreached and we finally get to kick this lot out before we have to feed them supper.

I understand, sir.

But two people are dead and one will likely hang because of...love.

It's not all sunshine and roses, is it?


I'm sorry to tell you that Athena will be coming with us.

You finally get to flee, do you, Barnett?

They say the show must go on, but after what's happened, I don't know how it can.

I'm sure you'll find a way.

And you, Athena, be a good girl and none of this abetting in a m*rder business.

What will happen to her? What if the circus shuts? Do you want me to send you a telegram when we know either way?

Don't be silly.

Perhaps a postcard.

Au revoir.

What are you smiling at, George?

Just something Lady Minerva told me about my future.

Oh? Do tell. I couldn't possibly, sir.

If I told you, I would curse it, and if I did that... Detective, would you like another reading?

Oh, I don't think so, Lady Minerva.

Your last one predicted a lovelorn future.

The future is never fixed.

Come, have a seat.

So, what would you like to know?

Well, I suppose if the woman I love will be in my future.


The woman you love will be in your future.

But you will have to make a very great sacrifice.

What kind of sacrifice? I don't know, but you will... when the time comes.
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