03x02 - The Great Wall

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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03x02 - The Great Wall

Post by bunniefuu »

Come Thursday, it's us against Station Five.

And what are we going to do, men?

ALL: Win! And why do we have to win the police games?

To win the grand prize, sir. No, Crabtree.

But, sir, the grand prize this year is a year's supply of very high quality suspenders.

Higgins and I have been tackling the greased pig event.

We've been practising on a large ham.

George, I'm afraid that event's been cancelled this year, it's not very humane. Oh!

Waste of a ham.

Hams, actually.

Gentlemen, the police games are about camaraderie and sportsmanship.

Right, Murdoch, and after Station Five wins again we'll all join hands and sing Pop Goes The Hairy bloody Weasel(! )

What's wrong with you men?

We may call it the Police Games, but this is about honour, dignity.

About who we are as policemen.

Who we are as men. TELEPHONE RINGS Now, everybody listen carefully.

Murdoch has devised a strategy for the tug of w*r.

Detective, the floor is yours.

Right. It's quite simple, really.

The physics of opposing force.

Excuse me, Sir. There's been a m*rder at George Street and Queen, but they're asking for you.

That's Station Five's district.

Davis, what's going on?

Where's Detective Slorach?

He's fallen ill with the mumps.

We'll need every hand on deck to catch the ... who did this.

Did what? Took down one of my men.

Sir, that's Constable Cooper. Bloody hell.

Detective Murdoch is all yours, Davis.

We're glad to have you, Detective. You've quite a reputation.

I'd like to start by speaking with your constables, in particular those who knew Constable Cooper well.

Of course.

Townsend, Holder.

You'll be assisting Detective Murdoch.

Brackenreid, a word.

Detective. Randall Townsend.

Detective, Pete Holder.

When was the last time you saw Constable Cooper?

Yesterday afternoon.

Cooper was supposed to head over to Bruiser's Freehouse after his shift but he never made it.

Any idea why he ended up in Chinatown instead?

No, sir. Not at all.

That's what's strange.

This may be our beat, Detective, but we don't necessarily go out of our way to mix with the Chinee.

Frankly, sir, they give us the creeps. And you should see what they eat.

We'll continue this in a moment.

Any preliminary thoughts, Doctor?

Based on the stage of rigamortis I'd say he was k*lled six to eight hours ago.

So late last night or early this morning?

Yes. His jaw is broken and there is bruising to the face.

He was in a scrap, then.

It appears so. And the cause of death?

There's a deep gash in his right thigh caused by something jagged.

Judging by the amount of blood, I'd say the femoral artery was severed.

I'll try to get some results as soon as possible. Davis? Thank you.

We need to get any background on Cooper you may have.

I'll make sure it's sent over to you.

Mr Townsend, Mr Holder.

Sir? Did Constable Cooper have a watch?

Yes, a gift from Coop's grandfather.

Engraved and everything.

Damn these thieving slants. Excuse me, Sir, I found these back in the alley.

Do you think they could have caused the injury? Possibly.

Put them in an evidence bag please, George. Sir.

How are the boys faring with the potential witnesses?

Detective, you won't hear nothin' but Ching Chong this and Ching Chong that from this bunch.

That's Cantonese, Constable.

Cantonese. As you say, Detective.

All you've got is a missing watch and some bits of broken glass?

So far, Sir. With Doctor Ogden's results still to come.

Well, you've got to do better than that, gentlemen and in a hurry.

I mean what could be more terrifying to the common citizen than a member of the Constabulary att*cked by some savage?

A savage, Sir? Someone dangerous... Chief Constable Stockton, this k*ller is not going to slip away from us.

Over 250 men on the force will see to that.

Of course they will.

You'll forgive me.

I'm taking this death personally.

As are we, Sir.

No way to parse it, gentlemen.

I want a quick arrest.

And you'll have it, Sir.


Sir, promising a quick arrest.

It's not a promise, Murdoch, it's an imperative.

Now get to it.

I went through Constable Cooper's notebook. I found this entry. Made yesterday morning.

"Edward Chen, 7pm."

Who's Edward Chen?

According to Townsend at Station Five he's a Chinaman who runs a coolie brokering business down on Queen and Jarvis.

I am a businessman. I pay the head tax to bring people over from China.

For a hefty fee. I'm allowed a profit, am I not?

You had a meeting with Constable Cooper at seven o'clock.

What of it? That same constable was m*rder*d last night.

This was not my doing.

What happened to your eye?

It got in the way of your Constable Cooper's fist.

There was an altercation?

Strictly one-sided, I assure you.

What was it about?

A private matter.

Misunderstanding, really.

Mr Chen, you are trying my patience.

If you are going to hit me - please...

You can tell me what the two of you fought over here.

Or I can hold you at the station.

Of course that may take a few days, but I'm sure your associates can take care of your business in the interim.

It was regarding a girl named Mei-Li.

What about her? For that you'll have to ask her grandfather. Feng Choy.

His shop is just over there.


An effective tonic for headaches.

If you prefer, there is opium.

Are you Mei-Li?

No, I am Ling.

Mei-Li is my uncle's granddaughter.

Is his name Feng Choy?


My name is Detective William Murdoch, with the Toronto Constabulary. BELLS JINGLE I'd like to ask him a few questions.

Oh, he doesn't speak any English.

We saw you come in.

So, what d'you learn from Chen?

Not much. That's no surprise.

These people don't talk without a little bare knuckle persuasion.

Even guys like Chen.

He may dress in tweed but it shows through.

Do either of you know of a Mei-Li?

All the names sound the same to me.

Mr Choy. I'd like to ask you a few questions about Mei-Li.


Where is she?

Oi! The man's asked you a question.

You answer him. That's quite enough, Constable, thank you.

It's the only way to get through to these people, Sir.

I'll handle this.

Mr Choy, I need to speak with Mei-Li.

You take, go.

Are you are attempting to bribe me, sir?

Please. He told you, Mei-Li is not here.

How much for the ginseng? Nothing, take it.

How much do you charge your customers?

Five cents.

Five cents.

When Mei-Li returns...

..please ask her to drop by the station.

Thank you.

The morgue is being guarded?

The audacity of reporters is astounding.

I caught one trying to sneak in for a photograph. The nerve of some people.

Have you something for me, Doctor?

More questions, I'm afraid.

Such as, why k*ll someone by severing their femoral artery?

What's this? Speaking of strange, it's a discontinuous bruise running around the upper thigh.

And then there are these - glass fragments I found buried in the wound.

We found broken bottles in the alley. They may have come from Feng Choy's shop.

And then there are these, dark fibres also from the wound.

But I've yet to identify them.

Anything else? Constable Cooper had opium in his stomach.

People usually smoke it, but it appears he was eating it.

Perhaps the k*ller used it to sedate him, prior to the attack?

Which seems to point back to the herbalist again.

So this Feng Choy could be good for Cooper's m*rder.

There are some connections. The location, the opium, broken bottles.

But? HE CHUCKLES There always is one with you, Murdoch.

Feng Choy is an old man.

Perhaps he sedated Cooper, then put the boots to him.

It's possible, but a very thin case.

Sirs, Cooper's m*rder*r has been found.

FENG CHOY PROTESTS IN CANTONESE Davis, what the bloody hell are they doing?

Arresting Cooper's m*rder*r. Based on what evidence?

Broken glass, opium.

You weren't trying to keep it from us, were you, Murdoch?

We also tossed the place, found this.

SHE GASPS It's Cooper's watch.

Got something to say, slant? I can't let you arrest this man.

Murdoch, he has to be questioned. Questioned, yes, not beaten.

Chief Constable Stockton put Station House Number Four in charge of this investigation.

If anyone is going to arrest Feng Choy, it will be me.

I want some answers, gentlemen. This man we have in custody.

Is he our k*ller, or is he not?

Yes, sir, he is.

I'm not so convinced. Cooper died a brutal death to be sure.

But the circumstances remain unclear.

The circumstances? Are you joking?

Watch your tone, Inspector.

Feng Choy had Cooper's watch.

The watch was in Feng Choy's shop, not on his person.

And we have no motive, sir, and to be honest, Feng Choy is a little old to be taking on a constable in his prime, the size of Cooper.

Sir, he's being naive.

Cooper was sedated by Feng Choy's opium.

One of my officers overheard Murdoch say so himself in the morgue.

That was repeated out of context.


I want an arrest, and that means a confession.

And Murdoch, I'm leaving this case in your hands.

Don't lose control of it again.

Yes, sir.

As far as I'm concerned, you have our k*ller in your cells.

I know I'm right.

We're all on the same side, Davis.

Are we?

Well, it's crystal clear, Murdoch, isn't it?

We have got to get Feng Choy to talk.

Mr Choy, you have been charged with m*rder.

If you don't speak to the evidence against you, you will hang.

LING TRANSLATES IN CANTONESE How did Constable Cooper's watch end up in your shop?

I'm sorry, Detective.

The more he refuses to speak, the worse it looks for him.

He knows.

Perhaps you can answer for him?

Did Constable Cooper purchase opium from your store?

Yes, he had much pain in his back.

He bought from us every week.

And what about Mei-Li? Did she...?

No Mei-Li!

Why are you protecting her?

Did she k*ll Constable Cooper?

He says Mei-Li is innocent.

Where is she?

Why won't you tell me?

KNOCKING ON DOOR PEOPLE CHATTER ROOM FALLS SILENT Gentlemen, have you got a confession from our k*ller yet?

No, sir.

Nor do I believe we have Constable Cooper's k*ller in custody.

Then you've got some nerve coming here, Murdoch.

We're here to pay our respects to a fallen brother. Brother?

That's rich.

Sir, it's time.

I need a drink.

Constable Curtis Cooper.


Was a damn good copper and a damn good friend.

When he dove back into that burning shed last year to save a young girl, we saw his courage.

When he took our shifts because we needed time with our families, or...

Or when Holder's drunk. GENTLE LAUGHTER Yes, even then, we saw his loyalty.

When he pushed us to win each year at the Police Games, we saw his... commitment to the Constabulary.

This year, the Games will be dedicated to Constable Cooper.

So raise a glass with me.

To Cooper. ALL: To Cooper.

To Coop. Cooper. GLASSES CLINK Take no notice of this lot.

You put the noose around the real k*ller's neck and it's all "Hail fellow well met."

With the Constabulary, sir, I've always thought I'd found a place where I fit in.

Ah, buck up, Murdoch!

You're a different kind of copper, and it's what this ungrateful lot needs, whether they like it or not.

Do you hear me?

Thank you, sir. Right.

Well, good.

What have you, George?

Sir, Edward Chen purports to be an advocate of the Chinese community in Toronto, but he doesn't even live in Chinatown.

He has a huge house in Parkdale.


No doubt bought with money made off the blood and sweat of others.

Also, sir, word around the neighbourhood is that he runs a gambling room.

You'll never guess where.


Do not panic.

I will resolve this.

You're involved in illegal gambling, Mr Chen, just how do you intend to resolve this?

I am sure we can come to an arrangement.

I knew when Cooper died I would have to renegotiate.

What are your terms?

My terms?

Cooper took 20%. I always thought that was a bit excessive but then, what choice do I have? You're lying.

Cooper was a decorated officer.

He also liked his bread with butter, just like we all do.

Is that why you fought, because he was asking for too much?

There was no fight.

Cooper hit me because I did not pay.

It was not my fault. Feng Choy did not pay his share.

And why didn't Feng Choy pay?

I already tell you, Mei-Li.

What about Mei-Li? Feng Choy did not tell me.

It wasn't just Chen, sir.

I've made inquiries.

Cooper had his hands in many pockets.

Come on, Murdoch, it's not unknown for a policeman to accept an offer here and there.

Chicken, a nice bull's tongue, a rhubarb pie from a certain young lady?

Sir, that pie was a thank you. So you say.

All right, maybe he was taking bribes. What if he got greedy?

Started to demand an even bigger pay-off and got k*lled for it.

I wonder if Inspector Davis knew about this?

And how does Mei-Li fit in?

The glass found at the crime scene matches the glass found in Feng Choy's shop.

But neither match the glass found in Cooper's wound.

Sir, I thought glass was glass.

All glass has different compositions and physical qualities.

It can be matched to different time periods, even the factory in which it was made.

So what of the glass found in Cooper's wound? Take a look.

The glass found in Cooper's wound has physical qualities suggesting it was made using the crown glass process.

Ah, the crown glass process, I see.

Actually, sir, I don't see.

The physical qualities suggest that we are looking for a window pane.

William, I've made an unusual discovery.

What is it? I analysed the blood found at the crime scene.

It was the blood of an animal.

It appears someone doused the area with it after Constable Cooper was dead.

Why would anybody do that? Because someone wanted to stage the crime scene, George.

Which means Cooper's body was moved.

Sir, I don't understand, we've already been over the evidence from Cooper's crime scene.

Staged crime scene, George, an important distinction.

The k*ller moved the body for a reason.

To frame this Feng Choy fellow?

Quite possibly. We have to find the real crime scene.

Therefore, we have to examine all of the evidence from a new perspective.

Well, sir, at the risk of sounding defeatist, I could look over this watch six ways from Sunday, I still won't find any new fingermarks.

It's just too smudged.

What's this, George?

Some sort of white powder, sir.

Oh, sir, is that sanitary?

I mean... Plaster. Yes, or some sort of...

It's plaster.

Oh, well where would that have come from?

Well, I'll be damned. Plaster dust, sir, no doubt the same as the dust we found on Cooper's clothing.

Sir, window panes.

Broken shards.

Most likely the same as the glass we found in Cooper's wound.

Blood, a great deal of it.

Arterial spray. George, take some samples of this blood.

Clearly someone tried to cover this up, sir.

What have you got there, Murdoch, a bit of string?

It's thicker.

I wonder if the fibres match those we found in Cooper's wound.

George, gather up all of this new evidence and take it over to Dr Ogden for analysis as soon as possible.

Sir, I believe we've found our m*rder scene.

Bloody hell, right behind a copper's pub.

There ought to be a sign outside this copper bar - "Members Only."

What did you say?

I said there should be a sign out front that says "Members Only."

Well, it might interest you geniuses to know that Cooper wasn't k*lled outside Feng Choy's shop, but in the alley behind this very pub.

Hold on, Brackenreid.

Don't you think we'd have noticed a thing like that?

The evidence is quite conclusive. You've got the sworn statements.

None of the men saw Coop here that night.

And there's the rub.

We need to ask a few questions.

You mean to question us in the death of one of our own?

Settle down, Townsend. No-one's suggesting there was a badge on the k*ller.

Isn't that right, Detective? I'd like to hear that from him.

Perhaps you can tell us how a man was k*lled right outside this pub and no-one noticed.

I think it's time both of you left.

You'll not be interrogating my men, and that's final.

Very well, Inspector, but the truth will come out.

One way or another.

Are you sure that was wise, Murdoch?

You might have warned me you were going to accuse one cop of murdering another.

Sir, they jumped to their own conclusions. That may be, but we still need conclusive evidence and we need it now. Is that clear?

Yes, sir.

The dried blood found behind Bruiser's is definitely human.

Confirming he was k*lled there.


Are you all right, William?

This must be hard on you, to be tearing down the thing you love.

I prefer to think I'm protecting it.

Despite the consequences?

Julia, I can do no less.

I know, William.

That's what I admire about you.

But you will be careful, won't you? Of course.

Have you found anything else? Yes, that piece of string that you found, it may help us.

It's a perfect match to the dark fibres I found in Cooper's wound.

How they got there, I've no idea.

Perhaps the k*ller tried to stop the bleeding by using a bootlace as a tourniquet. Ah, yes.

That would account for the bruising around the upper thigh. Which confirms one very important thing.

Cooper knew his k*ller.

You'll agree the attempt to apply a tourniquet indicates remorse.

And a policeman is trained in first aid.

I think we can safely assume that the attacker didn't intend to k*ll Cooper.

That might spare a copper from the noose, but how do you figure it was an accident?

I believe the night he died, Cooper confronted his assailant, out of sight of the other men.

That explains why the lads never saw Cooper.

Get to the part where it's accidental.

The argument moved into the alley.

Once outside, the argument escalated and punches were thrown.

One knocked Cooper to the ground. And into the window pane.

COOPER CRIES OUT The man then tried to save his life.

Failing to do so, he moved the body and staged an alternate crime scene.

Something else that a copper would know to do. Yes.

It would be helpful to have a suspect.

Unfortunately, this assailant knows all our tricks, being a policeman as well.

What were they arguing about that was so bloody important? I can't imagine.

But this Feng Choy knows something.

And this Mei-Li figures into it too. But exactly how?

Excuse me. Detective, there's a package here for you.

I'm not expecting any deliveries, George.

You might want to come take a look at this one, sir, it's quite something.

What's this, Murdoch?

I have no idea.

No return address. Well, open it then.

I believe it's a message for me, sir.

An intimidation tactic from Station Five no doubt.

Well, that's it, then. We can't let them get away with this, can we?

Hmm? Boys?

Anyone? Higgins?

It's not been easy, sirs.

There's been glares on the beat and snide remarks in the bars.

We're all of us targets, sir. Because of me?

Sir, I'm sorry, but a policeman has been k*lled.

Detective Murdoch is having to fight on every side to make sure the k*ller is caught.

And now Station Five think that we can be intimidated?

Are we going to let them?

Or will we show them what's for?

Show them what's for! Show them what's what, boys!

Not just yet, lads. Tomorrow, it's us against Station Five in the finals.

As of now, we have a new strategy! To obliterate the bastards!

Here, here, sir.


Now it's down to the finals.

Station Four verses Station Five.

Keep cordially and graciously, gentleman, make the Constabulary proud.

Come on, Inspector! You've got him!

Murdoch thinks you're hiding something and I'm inclined to agree.

You're wrong, or didn't Murdoch get the message? Oh, he got it, all right. We all did.

Care to hear our collective reply?


Man the rope!

Take the strain!

Ready, boys?



Come on, Five. We're playing for Cooper. We're all playing for Cooper.

We don't lose to rats who protect K*llers. We don't lose to corrupt cops.

What's that, Murdoch? You want at us?

Maybe we all do. Is that right? Crabtree, I'll have...

Easy, Inspector. Let's not lose our heads now, OK?

Sunshine, don't be a hero.

Townsend, forget rank. Yeah? Yes!

WHISTLE BLOWS Your behaviour was juvenile and offensive.

And at a time when more than ever... the public needs to trust that the Constabulary is disciplined and restrained.

Now, what the hell happened?

Detective Murdoch's been sniffing around Station Five thinking Cooper's k*ller's among us.

Is this true, Murdoch? I must consider all possibilities, sir.

And what sort of solid evidence do you have?

Admittedly nothing conclusive, yet.

Well then, it is simple isn't it, Murdoch? I want this Feng Choy charged, case closed.

But sir!

And I want to see an end to the animosity between station houses.

You will collect yourselves, gentleman and be ready to man that rope in one hour.

The next time, it better be sportsmanlike.

Or I see a great many new recruits in our future.

It's done. With all due respect, sir, it's not nearly done.

All right, listen up...

It's clear that Station Five are hiding something.

And that this Feng Choy holds the key.

You've got one hour to make your case, Murdoch.

Yes, sir.

You have news of my Uncle?

My superiors believe him to be guilty.

He's to be officially charged with the m*rder and most likely will hang.

But he is innocent!

I agree with you.

You do?

But you must understand, unless I find out how Mei-Li is involved in this or where she is, I can't help your uncle. I cannot force him to talk.

He is her grandfather, he sees it as his duty to protect her.

Who will protect her when he is hanged?

The police take money and sometimes herbs from the shop.

But one went too far.

With Mei-Li?

HE SPEAKS IN CANTONESE He forced himself upon her.

She is a child.

Was it Cooper?

Constable Cooper?

No. Another one. He does not know his name.

Only that Mei-Li called him the "Mean One".

Did Cooper find out about this?

Before he died, he came to the shop.

Because I did not pay him.

I was very angry and I told him what had happened to Mei-Li.

Then what?

He became very quiet.

Mr Choy...

I'm very sorry that your granddaughter had to endure such suffering.

HE SOBS Mei-Li must come forward, it's the only way I can save your uncle and put the proper man in prison.

I will speak to him.


This man's not just a k*ller, Murdoch. He's a monster.

Perhaps Cooper felt the same way, sir. Right, I see.

I think I may know, sir. Mei-Li apparently referred to him as the "Mean One".

You got something to say, slant?

Pete Holder?

He certainly fits the description.

It was Holder who sent Cooper into the glass.

He tried to save Cooper's life. But to no avail.

I suppose it does make some kind of god-awful sense, Murdoch.

Excuse me, sir, it's been about an hour.

We should get back to the tug-of-w*r.

Bloody timing. Come on, we'd better get back to it, otherwise Stockton will have our guts for garters. Sir?

He'll be annoyed.

You ready?

Good luck, Detective.

They still call you that?

Hey, hey. Easy now. Come on.

Don't mind him.

Listen, things got out of hand back there.

What do you say we put all this animosity behind us, hey?

I've shown no one animosity.


Know this...

If your pursue this, there will be consequences.

Yes. There will be.

All right, men. Gather round. Come on.

I want a clean competition.

No one will get a third chance. Understood?

This event will determine the winner of this year's Police Games.

Good luck.

This is it.

Man the rope!

Take the strain. Steady!



WHISTLE BLOWS What the bloody hell happened? We had them!

Sir, I believe we still do. George, I need you to do something for me.


Here's to Precinct Five.

He's got four of them!

All right, you blue devils, shut your yaps.

Normally I'd toast you fine lads but tonight...

I turn the floor over to Townsend.

You gave us a scare with your slip up but you fought back and you brought us home, lad. Now give us a few words.

Thank you, sir.

Well, boys, looks like we've got another year to brag about what we know anyway.

We may be a bunch of louts but we're the best damn louts this city has to offer!

THEY CHEER Now, we wouldn't be the coppers we are today if it weren't for Cooper.

Let's just remember him as he was.

Dead in an alley, you mean?

What the hell is this, Murdoch?

He's here on business.

What type of business? An arrest, Mr Townsend.

The night that Cooper died, Mr Townsend was here, in the bar.

CHUCKLES: I'm here every night, aren't I?

Cooper wanted to talk and you knew what about.

So you moved it to the alley before anyone saw you, where the two of you fought.

Constable Cooper fell on panes of broken glass and slashed his leg.

HE SCOFFS That's crazy. Coop was my friend, my beat partner.

You tried to stop the bleeding using one of your shoelaces as a tourniquet.

That's why your laces don't match.

And when that didn't work, you panicked.

You moved his body and planted his watch at Feng Choy's.

What are you on about, Murdoch? Where's your motive?

She's right here, sir.

Miss Ling, please ask Mei-Li if the constable that assaulted her is in this room.

LING SPEAKS IN CANTONESE You r*ped this young girl.

And when Cooper found out about it, he confronted you. And for that, he died.

Constable Townsend, look at me.

Is this true?

I mean, come on, lads. Look at her.

It's not as though you haven't thought about it. Right? I...

I slipped.

That's it.

And Coop...

Coop just over-reacted. I tried to talk him down but he...

Things got out of hand.

You understand, don't you? It was an accident.

I... I tried to save him. I did.

There was so much blood, I... I didn't know what to do!

You k*lled a cop, Townsend.

And you were going to let an old man hang for your crime.

Someone take this disgrace away. Lads.

We'll leave you to your... celebration.

HE SPEAKS IN CANTONESE My uncle would like to say something to you.

I'm sorry I doubted you.

I thought you were all the same but there is goodness in you.

And where there is good in one part, there is good in the whole.

Lao Tzu? Confucius...?

LING CHUCKLES Feng Choy, I believe.

Thank you.


"There's good in one, there's good in the whole."

They are pithy, those Chinese.

Chief Constable Stockton!

Davis at Station Five asked me to give this to you boys.

He says you deserve it, and he's right.

Thank you, sir. I've also come to congratulate you too, Murdoch.

And to offer you a proposition.

How do you feel about Winnipeg?

Winnipeg, sir?

Well... You solved Constable Cooper's m*rder.

But you did it by investigating your fellow officers.

Hard to do one without the other. Quite. Quite.

But as for Winnipeg...

I think things would be easier for you out there.

I don't believe they would be, sir.

This is my home.

There you have it, Chief Constable. Fine.

Good. Good.

Well, the Constabulary thanks you, Murdoch.

So do the people of Toronto.

BRACKENREID SIGHS Don't worry about it, Murdoch.

This will all pass.

Sunny days ahead.

Sunny days, sir.

You did what you had to do, me old mucker. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
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