06x04 - Tainted Obligation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". Aired: March 2005 to present.*
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A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
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06x04 - Tainted Obligation

Post by bunniefuu »

We pledge allegiance fusto the flag.

We swear to return our library books.

But as we get older, we take vows, We make promises, We get burdened by commitments ...

To do no harm, to tell the truth and nothing but, To love and cherish till death do us part.

So we just keep running up a tab

Until we owe everything to everybody, And suddenly think, what the ...


[ growls ]


Are you sure it was a bear and not a deer?

There are a lot of deer in those woods, And the bucks can get pretty big.

I think I know the difference between a bear and a deer.

Rest, ice and elevate, okay?

You know how ... you know how I got to the car?

I had to throw a raw steak and run for my life.

That was a 10-ounce filet.

I've been marinating it for three days.

We have to move!

Where? We barely make 30 grand a year.

And who knows if we're even gonna have a job

After the merger?

We could move back to Meredith's.

You did not just say that?

Why not? !

Because we're married now. This is how it's supposed to be ... You and me out in the world, making a life for ourselves.

Besides, don't you just enjoy waking up to the fresh air and the sounds of birds chirping?

You know what I enjoy?

I enjoy plumbing.

I enjoy plumbing so much!

It's not that I don't love it at mer's. I do.

It's just ... I just ... I can't move backwards, Alex.

Not after everything that's ... I just need to keep moving forward.


Thank you.

I know it hasn't exactly been easy around here

The past few weeks.

And I know you want answers.

But I'm afraid

I don't have them, Not just yet ... He brought us down here to make himself feel good.

Well, at least he sprung for good danish.

You know how many nurses got fired for that danish?

The mercy west staff will be arriving in three days, And when they do, There will be more cutbacks and more layoffs.

And I need each and every one of you

To step up and be leaders.

And when I can answer your questions, I will.

[ doctors talking at once ]

if you would like to make an appointment

To talk about your concerns ... Nelson: is my hyperbaric lab getting shut down?

You were right.

Excellent danish.


Nope. There was a papillary muscle rupture in the c. C. U. , But the guy died before they uld get him into the o. R.

Crap. I need surgeries, and I need them now.

I mean, I barely had a hundred hours in the o. R. This month.

And you know they're gonna keep the residents

With the most hours.

What dyou got?

Um, diabetic ulcer.

Down to the bone?

I'm done.

Finished. Expired meat.

You're freaking out a little bit.

Well, you haven't been

Kicked off of two services in one month.

I couldn't get into an o. R.

If I was bleeding half to death.

You got anything good?

I'm scrubbing in on an optic glioma

Later on with Derek.

I've never seen one.

What are you doing?

Just making sure everything is running smoothly here.

And ... It is.


Oh, no, no, no. Unh-unh.

No. I am on hunt's service.

Anything that turnsurgical down here is mine.

You don't need the hours.

You just spent the last six months in the o. R.

Unconscious on a table does not count.

Lexie: Meredith.

Hey, his neighbor said that he wasn't getting his mail.

[ slurring words ] mer-Meredith, oh, I heard you got ... You got married on a sticker.

That's great.

Cristina: you know, we should go

So you can have family time.

No, no, no. I don't know what's wrong with him.

Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar, lexie?

That might be a clue.

Meredith, no, I'm not ... I haven't been drinking.

I swear.

Now that could be surgical.

Okay, make sure his fluids are running wide open.

Let's get that blood hung.

What ... what about factor 7?

Did you check his I. N. R. ?

Okay, hang 50 mics of octreotide.

Izzie: got it.

Dr. Bailey, shouldn't we check for renal failure?

Move. I need to lavage him.

No, I need to put this up.

Okay, hey, pause. There's way too many people here.

Karev, get the orogastric tube in. The rest of you, out.

No, wait a minute.

I'm in emergency!

But I was here first.

He made amends.

He's not drunk.

All right, irving, I'm taking off the growth.

Let me know if you feel any pain.

He gets so many of these.

We should have the nursing home examine him

When they bathe him.

I bathe myself.

Of course you do, irving.

He could fall in the tub.

Why don't you two go get me a cup of coffee?

You already had a cup, dad.

Too much isn't good for your ticker.

Well, he can have decaf, tommy.

We'll go get you a nice cup of decaf.

Thank you, sweetie.

You know, I'm not demented.

I'm just old.

[ sighs ]

all right, uh, Mr. Waller.

All done.

All done.

There might be a little redness, But it should heal up nicely.

Got it?

I've had these skin things for 30 years. I'm not worried.

What I'm really here for is an a-m-s 700.

The, uh, penile implant?


Well, usually the first step

In treating erectile dysfunction's drug therapy.

I can, uh, If you're having symptoms, write you a prescription.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I took those pills years ago.

They never even gave me a liftoff.

And then my wife died, and I gave up.

But ... I'm seeing this new gal

From the east wing.

Uh, she's a younger woman, and ... I don't want to disappoint.

I understand.

But it is a surgical procedure, So ... There is a question of safety, given your age.

My age.

It's always my age.

Ah. The golden years.

Let me tell you about the golden years, doc.

There's just gotta be more to life

Than eating pudding and watching "csi."

Now come on.

Can you give an old man a working johnson?

[ chuckles ]

Did I tell you how great your hair looks?

It's all just short and, um, edgy.

Wow, you are really tweaking out.

How long has it been since you've cut?

Over a week.


Stevens, I have something for you if you're interested.

Well, I'm interested.

Uh, an m. V. C. Came in a while back.

During his workup, I found an abdominal sarcoma.

Since then, I've been following his recurrences, And, uh, he came back today with his third one.

Wondered if you could scrub in if you feel ready.

I'm ready.

I'm ready.

He's in pre-op.

You know

I need a surgery.

And you know

I don't play favorites.

People have been afraid to work with Stevens.

It's like she's gonna break or something. It's not right.

She is a good surgeon and she has a way with patients and a light touch.

You want nice?

I can be nice to a dying husk.


N-not a light touch.

My dad's dead. At first

I thought he was drunk, Then he started puking blood.

And puking blood and disorientation

Usually means ... End-stage liver failure.

Which means he's probably dead by now

Or he needs a transplant, and I hope he's not a candidate, Because that means he'd be in the hospital for months.

Uh, mer.

He needs a transplant, doesn't he?

Alex: yeah.

You've got end-stage cirrhosis.

We can treat the symptoms, but the only thing

That can save your life is a transplant.

How did it happen this fast?

He bathed it in gin.

Lexie: Alex.

Thatcher: no, your friend's right.

Except for the gin.

I was a scotch man.

What's ... what's the next step here?

Do I get on a list?

Um, thatcher, the transplant board

Has a rule here.

An alcoholic has to be sober at least a year

Before he qualifies for a donor liver.

I'm only 90 days.

I'll do it.

I'll do it today. I'll ... I'll go get tested right now.

Thatcher: lexie ... no, they just take a piece.

My liver will regenerate.

I can't ask you to do something like that.

It's ... It's major surgery.

You're not asking.

You're my dad.

You want a kidney? I'll throw in one of those, too.

[ sighs ]

One more time.

You be the chief.

You're all cranky and, uh, in a bad mood.

And I'll be callie asking for her job back.

You are callie.

Right. So it works.

You said that yesterday, and the day before that and the day before the day before that.

So are you gonna do this?

Hey, it is not easy to ask for your job back

After you told your boss to go screw himself

In front of his entire hospital.

It's humiliating.

So you're not gonna do it.

What ... what is the point?

He already fired me once.

He's not gonna hire me back now just because of the merger.

Whatever. Maybe being a surgeon's overrated.

I'd be happy doing lots of things.

I could open a daycare.

Babies are cute.

Ew. That one just spit.

Calliope Torres, I don't want you to have to

Move to cleveland to be a surgeon.

[ sighs ]

okay, I'm gonna do it.

[ pager beeps ]



But I-I will come back later.

[ mutters ] my girlfriend's moving to cleveland.

[ babbles ]

yep. Yep.

Look at you.

Coming in on your day off.

Trying to get in to the o. R. ?

Yeah. I'm gonna give my dad a piece of my liver.

End-stage liver disease.

He needs my liver.

I'm giving him some.

Go ahead, steve.

Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute.

What is your problem?

Well, my problem is, you don't just jump in

To something like this without thinking about it.

Take a couple days.

We'll ... we'll talk.

What is there to talk about?

It's major, life-threatening surgery.

Okay, my dad needs a transplant, Mark.

I get that, but what you need to understand ... no, I don't think you get it at all.

You know what I don't get?

We're together.

We live together.

We need to decide these things together.

You can't just go under the knife and leave me a note.

No, I-I would've paged you.

I'm your boyfriend, Grey.

He's my dad.

Okay. A little pinch.

Oh. I cannot get this stupid thing to work.

Try knocking it on something.

[ tv clicks on ]

Woman: excuse me.

Insider trick.

What other tricks you know?

Well, stay away from the lime jell-o.

And if you want the good meds, tell 'em you have a headache, Not a stomachache.

Oh, d if your arm starts to hurt from all the needle pokes, Tell 'em you want that anesthetic cream. It numbs it.

You've done this before.

Stage iv melanoma.

Um, Mrs. Helsby, I'm gonna have to give him a rectal exam.

So you may want to leave the room for this. Oh, -

I'm not his wife. [ laughs ]

What's that saying ... uh, they won't buy the cow

If you give 'em the milk for free?

Yeah, we're working on eight years of free milk.

Hey, I was gonna propose last year, but I got distracted

By this little thing called cancer.

You got the best excuse in the book.

[ Izzie laughs ] nice.

[ man speindistinctly on tv ]

The ring's at home in the mouth guard container, All right?

I'm just waiting for the right moment.

What we'd do is we'd surgically place

The silicone implant into the penis, And when the pump is squeezed before intercourse ... Where does the pump go?

In the scrotum.

So to pump it up, I just squeeze the jewels?

Dad. [ laughs ] dad.

It's ... it's ... it's ridiculous.

You're 82 years old.

So? I shouldn't have a sex life?

Go on, doc. You're just getting to the good part.

No, no, listen to me.

This is major surgery.

They have to cut your ... They cut you open, dad.

You could bleed or ... You want to die, huh, over an erection?

Wars have been fought over an erection, son.

Woman: irving, I'm ... I'm sure that a-a thing like this

Isn't covered by medicare.

Oh, brother.

And I know you don't want to use your savings, 'cause you're gonna want to help janey pay for college.

Sweetheart, I love janey.

But let's stop pretending she's going to college.

She's pretty, But she's not too sharp.


Tom, this is my money.

This is the way

I want to spend it.

Your mother and I saved our entire lives

For what she called

"a rainy day."

And then she died before we could spend one cent.

I think your mother would be proud

That I'm finally doing something nice for myself.

You think mom would be proud you're getting a penis pump?

Mark: okay.

We're gonna have to run some tests.

We might not even know if the surgery is an option.

So why don't we all just calm down, Start from there?

Hey, whatcha lookin' for?

Excuse me?

Oh, I-I couldn't help but notice, uh, You have no resident on your decompressive laminectomy.

Well, today's your lucky day, 'cause I'm available.

Yang, right?


I-I heard you were hard-core into cardio.

I can be hard-core into anything you want.

Are you whoring yourself out for surgeries?

Oh, shut up.

You forced me into it.

Biology ... it's crap, utter crap.

D. N. A. , r. N. A. ... Doesn't make someone your family.

It does, actually.

He needs a liver transplant.

Lexie volunteered like she just got asked for a $1 bill.

I left the room.

He's not my father.

Wait, your dad needs a transplant?

[ pager beeps ]

ooh. Maybe not.

Maybe he's dead this time.

Owen: ah, damn it.

It's worse than I thought.

The scarring's completely fused his organs together.

God, it looks like

Somebody poured a bottle of glue down there.

How do we fix it?

We don't.

If we could just to the cancer, I think we could get clean margins.

With this many adhesions, The risk of tumor rupture ... it's too high.

We cut into him again, we're doing more harm than good.

But maybe if we just ... We have to know when to say when, Stevens.

And I'm saying when.

[ instruments clatter ]

[ woman speaking indistinctly over p. A. ]

Is he dead?



We rushed Dr. Grey's labs.

She wasn't a match.

Oh. Okay.

Um ... What abo holly?

You, uh, you ... molly, our sister?


She lives on an army base with her husband in bahrain.

Um, plus, she has a history of d. V. T. , So she can't be a donor.


Richard: Meredith, we didn't call you here to ... W-we thought you should know

Before we go in and tell him, just in case.

Right. Right. No, thank you for keeping me in the loop.

Thank you. I, um, have to go prep for my surgery now.


Why are we eating lunch

In a room full of diseased organs?

Meredith: we are hiding from lexie

And her big, sad

"I love my daddy" eyes, Because I can't take it anymore.

Wait, is little Grey not a match?

Oh, damn.

There goes my transplant.

Nice try.

It was my transplant.

Are you gonna get tested, me

No. Barely know the guy.

You might as well just get tested.

You could regret it if you don't do it.

He might be a drunk deadbeat, But he gave you the ultimate gift.

Yeah, the gift of life.

[ laughs ] you guys are sick.

You really are. You're sick.

Don't listen to them, mer.

They just want a surgery.

Mama needs to cut.

Babe, you got some dirt on your neck. Right there.

That's not dirt.

At's a tick. Ew.

Get it ... get it off me.

Oh, is that a tick?

It is a tick.

It's a tick.

Look at it.

It's all swollen.

Get it off me now, please.

It's having lunch, too.

Get it off me! Get it off of me right now!

[ Izzie and Meredith shouting indistinctly ]

get it! Get it!

Somebody, take it off!

You know, the kids think this is all vanity.

But I really need this surgery, doc.

Well, if she loves you, She'll understand if you can't ... Perform.

Cuddling nice, too.

You know, you're just a kid, doc.

You won't understand.

But one day, you're gonna wake up and all the big stuff, All the milestones you've been looking forward to ... Graduation, wedding, having kids, your grandkids ... It's all behind you.

It's all over.

All you got is a bunch of yesterdays and very few tomorrows.

I haven't wanted to make love with a woman

Since sylvie died over 20 years ago.

And then one night ... One night ... They sat me down at the bingo table

With marion.

And you just knew.

She's my tomorrow.

He's still sleeping.


He needs his rest.

Dr. Ey, I, um, I-I was wondering if ... If you could lie, If ... if you could lie to the transplant board and ... and tell them that he's been sober for a year.

Um, they trust you.

They'll listen to you.

And ... and maybe then he could ... he could get on the list.

Dr. Grey, I have 15 other patients

All waiting for liver transplants ... 15 people in an untenable situation, None of whom drank themselves into it.

So, no, I will not lie, not for you, not for anyone.

Do you have any other questions

I can answer?

How would you like it ... things crawling all over you, Stupid squirrels having a party alnight on your roof?

I mean, what the hell are they doing up there anyway?

Applying betadine to the area.

I don't know how to deal with this.

I mean, I don't camp.

My parents were lounge lizards.

I was raised in a bar.

Extracting the arachnid.

And then there's no plumbing.

I mean, the ... the toilet?

It empties into a bucket underneath the trailer.

A crap bucket! And Izzie's all, "marriage is an adventure, Just the two of us, exploring the wild."

I married freakin' lewis and clark.

Well, I guess I'm done.

That's it.

I mean, I'm ... I'm telling her, we're moving back to Meredith's.

I'm done.

You can't do that.

Why not?

Because that's not how it works.

I mean, she's just been through hell.

She's not okay yet.

Just give her one, Alex.

Since when did you become a marriage counselor?

I guess when you save someone's life, You kinda want it not to suck.

You know, I hate when people who don't live here

Say that Seattle weather sucks.

Those people suck.

Ooh. I wanted to show you something. I made a list.

Hmm. You made a list?

Yeah, to read to the chief.

50 reasons why you should hire me as an attending.

Okay, number one, I built a man's bones out of titanium rods.

Two, what I lack in experience, I make up for in raw talent.

Three, I can go seven hours in the o. R.

Without even taking a pee break.

Four ... What are you doing?

I'm going back to the hospital.

Uh, this is important.

I lost my favorite scrub nurse yesterday.

Anne ... she's a single mother.

She's supporting three kids, and now she's out of a job.

And this morning, a 10 month old hemorrhaged

While I was deep in her chest, And I didn't have my favorite scrub nurse.

I had to actually look up and ask for a mesh wrap

Because the new nurse didn't know me

Anne knew all my moves before I even made 'em.

And it felt terrible to be in the o. R. Without her.

I was really looking forward

To spending 30 minutes in the park with my girlfriend.

'cause this merger thing?

It's important to all of us.


I've been ... Just ... Sorry.

He'll say yes or he'll say no.

[ exhales deeply ]

And then we'll know.


This our optic glioma guy?

Mm-hmm. Are you sure you're up for this?

There'll be others.

I promise.

Yeah, you know, Everyone is looking at me like I owe him something, But he's still the bad guy here.

You don't owe him anything.

I ... So I'm gonna be fired.

I've done a lot of really dumb things today, Including pulling your medical files.

Lexie ... Just listen.

I didn't want to do this.

I didn't want to have to come to you

For anything, ever.

So I thought if I looked up your blood type and it was the wrong one, then that would be it, Then I could just stop thinking about it.

But I can't, Because you have his blood.

And I know that he's not your dad.

I know that he was never there for you.

And I'm ... I would never ask you to give him anything.

He doesn'teserve a thing from you. He doesn't.

But he's ... He's gonna die, Meredith

[ voice breaking ]

and so I'm asking you

To give something to me.

I'm asking ... I am asking you to give me my dad.

Because as crappy as he was to you, Oh, he was wonderful to me.

He never missed a single dance recital.

He was there at my fifth grade graduation, And what is that?

That's not even real.

I know he's not your dad.

I-I know that.

But somehow ... You have his blood, and I don't.

So I'm asking you ... [ sobs ]

give me my dad.

Hi, Meredith.

We found a match.


We found a match, a donor liver.

So we're gonna schedule the surgery for tonight.

Uh, that's terrific.

I ... But I thought I ... I wasn't eligible

For the ... The transplant list.

It's not from the list.

It's me.

I got tested, And my crossmatch was negative, Which means we're an ideal match.

So I'm gonna go get admitted, and we'll do this.

[ mutters ] mer.

I'm a drunk, Meredith.

I did this.

I put myself in this bed.

I broke me.

I can't.

I won't let you put me back together.

I've put you through enough.

It's a generous offer.

I can't.

I can't accept it.

Woman: I'm sorry, But there's gotta be something else you can do.
He's 31. We just bought a condo together.

We just rescued a puppy.

Ange, ange, it's gonna be okay.

No, it's not.

[ crying ] there just sending you home to ... What kind of doctors are you?

You're supposed to do something.

They're doing everything they can.

All right, ook, Dr. Hunt's given us extra time, Time that we never would've had ... Dr. Hunt, can I s ... Excuse me.

We could try cytoreductive surgery.

It won't work.

We have to be able to remove the entire tumor.

With these kind of adhesions, you can't do that.

Okay, then what about ball-tipped electrosurgery?

It could help us get around the adhesions.

His cancer is incurable.

Now I'm not gonna put

That man through another excruciatingly painful surgery

When he's got a survival rate of 13%.

I had 5%.

Stevens ... I had a 5% chance of survival.

I have incurable cancer, but I am living with it.

And the only reason I am, the only reason

I'm standing here right now is because no one ever said to me, "we've done everythinge can do."

I'm alive right now because people fought for me.

Cristina fought for me.

He deserves the chance to fight.

He doesn't want it, fine.

I will shut up.

But he deserves a chance.

You know what? I'm good.

I'm off the hook.

I did what I was supposed to do.

I offered.

Mother teresa would be proud.

You gotta go back in there.

And do what, cry and call him "daddy"?

He's the sick one, okay?

He's sick and you're not.

You gotta go back in there.

Just say what you gotta say and make him take it.

Alex, I tried.

Try again.

His b. P. Is normal.

His blood work is pristine.

He, uh, appears to have the heart of a 50 year old.

So what does that mean?

Uh, that means cleared for surgery.

And you're really gonna go through with this, dad?

You bet I am, champ.

Well, it's your money.

We can't stop you.

But irene and I

have talked it over.

We've decided if you do this, We're taking you out of the home, Moving you back in with us.

I don't want to move in with you.

I'happy where I am.

No, that place is causing you to make irrational decisions.

You're going after a younger woman, Sneaking into her room at night.

It's not appropriate for a man your age.

Now there's an extra twin in janey's room, And she'll be thrilled to spend more time with her grandpa.

Come on.

It's just an erection.

Excuse me?

All the guy wants is a woody.

God forbid you get to be his age, And your kids won't let you have one.

He's your father.

He's taken care of you your entire lives, Given you everything.

And now he needs something, And you want to throw that in his face?

You know how many people would jump at the chance

To give back to their parents, Who would sacrifice everything without blinking ... And there's nothing wrong with dating a younger woman.

It keeps you young. And that's my professional opinion.

Does the chief always ... Pay such attention to his patients, Or just the ones ... Whose wives he had an affair with?


How'd I do this to myself?

How did I end up here?

You woke up every morning ... And you promised yourself

That last night would be your last drink.

And you made it ... Until 9:00 a. M.

Or noon ... Some days till cocktail hour.

And you were so pleased with yourself

That you rewarded yourself

With a drink.

You convinced yourself again

That it would be the only one.

You have a disease, thatcher.

When you're in it, You can't stop.

You can't undo what you did.

But Meredith ... Is offering you a second chance, man.

You need that liver.

You need it now ... If you want to live.

I took her childhood.

I can't take any more from her.

You ... You better take care of my girls.

You owe me at least that.


My stomach cancer patient?

We're going for the surgery.

We're gonna do it.

Hunt actually listened to me.

That's great.

Right? I'm gonna go scrub in.

Oh, hey, are you okay?

I'm sorry about the whole tick thing.

[ chuckles ] I'm fine.

Ah, it's ... it's a small price to pay for fresh air.

Okay. Mm.

You're welcome.

You're the guy who used to pour my cereal in the morning.

That's it. That's all

I remember about you.

You're not my father.

You're just the guy who used to poury cereal.

And if you die, it probably won't change my life that much

But it will change hers.

If you die, it will break her.

And I'm not gonna let you do that.

I don't know what it's like to have a father, But I do know what it's like to have a sister, And it's good.

And if we can get through this, Then the door will be open

For us to get to know each other.

The door's open.

So before intercourse he squeezes the pump in his scrotum.


And ... Owen and Derek: oh.

And his age doesn't make it high risk?

Oh, well, I mean, there's ... There's always risk involved, but this is the most

Technologically advanced solution to his problem.

What's high risk?

Does someone have a risky, high-tech surgery?

Uh, Cristina, I don't think you want to, uh ... I think this would be a real challenge for Dr. Yang.

Do you think she can handle it?

Oh, I can handle it.

I don't think she can handle it.

I can handle it.

Pre-op's in 20-83.

Thank you, Dr. Sloan.

I'm gonna pay for that later, but it was kinda worth it.

Beat it.

Sloan wants me on this.

Okay, Mr. Waller.

I'm Dr. Yang.

I'll be taking over your pre-operative care this evening

For your penile implant surgery.

You're getting a penile implant?

Yes, ma'am. Oh.

That fella, he was just gonna shave me.


But you wanted a surgery.

Yeah, putting a bicycle pump in some old man's junk ... [ laughs ]

is not surgery.

It's ... it's ... it's punishment.

Well, at least you don't have to be laid up in bed

For the next month.

You better tell me all the gossip

About the mercy west people.

I want all the gory details.

Yeah, yeah.

Am I stupid for doing this?



You get to save your dad's life tonight.



What are you doing here?

You didn't think I was gonna let you do this by yourself, Did you?

Unh-unh. This is not how this is going to work.

Do I need to find you something to do?

No. I have a penis.

[ chuckles ]

I'm gonna sit by her head.

I won't say a word.

Shepherd, this is my o. R.

I respect that, Dr. Bailey.

But this is my wife that you're cutting into.

I ... I haven't just been waiting

For the right moment to propose.

You've been waiting for remission.

Yeah. I just didn't want to saddle her down

With a sick husband.

But now it looks like that just mighbe

Part of the package.

So ... What the hell?

I'm not gonna waste another moment.

You shouldn't.

Man: ready when you are.

You ready?

I had five interns. Four of you have been on this table.

One of you has cancer, one of you died.

You better not pull anything funny on me, Grey.

All right, let's see what we got here.

Dr. Yang, the, uh, senior resident, Should test the apparatus.

I'll understand if you wanna pass.

No, I don't pass, Dr. Sloan.

This might be a joke to all of you, But I do my job.

Squeezing the scrotum.

[ air whooshes in pump ]



Alex: liver's here.

Owen: make sure you keep the bowel covered.

I need more wet laps.


Oh, he's got some collateral bleeding.

I'm gonna need the argon beamer.

Hang more f. F. P.

B. P. 's dropping out.

[ monitor beeping erratically ]

Sir, you really can't k*ll this guy.

I'm aware of that, Karev.

If it's bad news, i don't want to wake her.

Wake her.

He had a couple months, And we just took that away.

I'm sorry. it's my fault.

No, it's my fault.

It was my call, and it was the wrong call.

I was wrong, and I should've known better. I should've ... [ inhales and exhales deeply ]

i should've taught better.

But, you know, you see a one in a million, And you want to believe.

i was wrong to do the surgery.

I was wrong to put you on this case.

You weren't ready.

you weren't ready to be here.

You beat the odds, Stevens.

you were that one in a million.

But you cannot be a doctor and a patient in here.

You have to choose.

How'd it go, doc?

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Well, well, well.

Dr. Sloan, I'd ... i'd like you to meet my marion.

Hello, sweetheart.


now is not the time, Yang.

I have good hands.

they're fast. they're dexterous.

They were made to throw ties and do complex procedures.

These hands were made for surgery.

Today, they should've been deep inside a heart

Saving a life.

Instead they removed a tick and pumped a penis.

what's your point?

My point?

You know what?

you should cut me.


from the program.

You have to make more cuts, and I should go.

'cause if you can't give me

A brilliant cardiothoracic attending

Who is willing to teach me, Then I can't get what I need from this hospital.

Everyone is scared of losing their job, and so am i.

But if I can't learn, if I can't use my gift, Then I ... I-i guess that scares me more.

That's my point, sir.

the thing about being a surgeon ...

everybody wants a piece of you.

we take one little oath ...

The case where he kept his mouth guard ... You should open it.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

and suddenly, we're drowning in obligations ...

to our patients, to our colleagues, to medicine itself.


Are ... are you okay?

I have responsibilities ... To make this hospital

The best medical facility it could be ... To repair what I have broken, Even if it was 20 years ago.

If I am now the bad guy, If I am now the villain here, Well ... Well, so be it.

This must be so hard for you.

Thanks, Torres.

I w ... I was gonna ... I was ... [ sighs ]

But I'm gonna ... I'm gonna go.

So ... you take care, okay?



Go see h. r. tomorrow.

Tell 'em you're an attending surgeon

At Seattle grace hospital, And you want a new badge.

And ... take some of these danish home.

They'll just go to waste.

so we do what any sane person would do.

we run like hell from our promises, hoping they'll be forgotten.

Izzie: aah!

[ growling ]

Oh, god. [ gasping ]

A deer?

we have to move.

but sooner or later, they always catch up.

Hey. you're awake.

H-how ... how's your pain?

is your ... is your mouth dry?

There's water.

are you thirsty?

[ groans ] have you been sleeping on me all night?

Yeah. I was ... moving between you and dad, Who ... who's doing good.

Good. good. that's good.

and sometimes you find

the obligation you dread the most ...

[ sighs ] lexie.


You're on my i. v.

Oh, sorry. okay.

isn't worth running from at all.

Done by: mosito1001
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