04x13 - Piece of my Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". Aired: March 2005 to present.*
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A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
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04x13 - Piece of my Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

great surgeons aren't made, they're born.

It takes gestation, incubation, sacrifice ... a lot of sacrifice.

But after all the blood and guts and gooey stuff is washed away, that surgeon you become?

Totally worth it.

welcome back.

Uh, I am not back.

I am here for a surgery.

I know.

Uh, chart, labs, uh, security key card and key to the doctors' lounge.

Oh, look.

Theysed my old picture.

it's like I never left.

Addie, you're back.

I am not back.

Oh, you're back.

You're gonna smell the stink and sweat of surgery, and you're gonna be back.

See? Nothing ever changes around here.

Things change.

Welcome back.

I am not back!

well, I just had no idea that sunrise yoga would be so intense.

Told ya.

Dr. Hahn, I have the 3-d, uh, ultrasounds and the fetal M.R.I. S for today's patient.

Have you decided who's gonna scrub in?

Because I diagnosed the mother when she came into the clinic, so ... films.

my first day.

My clinical trial.

My baby, all grown up.

You know, nobody cares about your clinical trial or your sick, sick, terminal patients, who'd probably rather be left for dead.

You're just jealous.

Well, yeah.

Anyone can come up with a clinical trial.

I could come up with a clinical trial.


Not that it would matter, ' cause

Hahn wouldn't sign off on it.

You know she won't even talk to me?

She always enjoyed talking to me.

Really, about what?

Her hopes, her dreams, then we would braid each other's hair.

Well, at least I'm not living in the clinic.

Hey, I like the clinic.

The clinic is my happy place.

Will you use your sparkle pager to get me in on Hahn's surgery today?

Oh, Cristina, I can't even think about the sparkle pager because my clinical trial starts today.

Sparkle pager stealer!

Thank you.

Okay, the both of you need to just take a moment and dig down deep, and you'll discover when you do you're truly happy for me hthat I have found my@ath to medical history.

I'm not happy for me.

Oh, me neither.

His karnofsky score is still 80, and his C. B. C.

And liver enzymes are good.

Well, that's better than expected.

I know.

Better doesn't mean good.

I don't want you getting emotionally involved with these patients.

I don't want you getting your hopes up.

My hopes are not up.

All right, then, Dr.

Grey, let's do this.

Okay. Good.

Chart please.

Come here, you.

it's, uh ... wow, it's great to see you guys.

How's L. A. ?

Oh, it's great. It's fun.

You know, it's the sun and, uh, surfing.

It's ... you surf?

No, I-I don't surf, but ... So anyway, hey, look, I

hugged you there.

Did you see that I hugged you?

You stole my husband from me, I hugged you.

I ... I've grown.

I have, and, uh, I can be happy for the happy couple, right?

I'm all L. A.

And, like ... whew ... one with myself.

So I feel really ... yeah.



Well, I'm gonna go save a life now.


Really, great ... great to see you, really.

Cheers. Happy couple?

See you after rounds. .

There she is.

Just coming in to check on my patient's skin flap.

Well, amazing, right?

I pulled a couple of stem cells from the baby in utero, six weeks later, I have grown skin, like god.


What do you say we lock that door and tear one off for old time's sake?

This place is exactly the same.

You are exactly the same.

Except now I grow skin for babies ... like god. Come on. I'm horny.

The nurses have shut me down.

Thanks for my skin flap.

That a euphemism?


I am so coding.

Coding hard.

What is that?

Is that complaining?

'Cause if you're gonna complain, just do it to my face.

Fine. There's nothing to do down here.

Can we please go to the pit or sothing?

you're down here to learn patient care bedside manner and a whole host of things you cannot learn in the pit, so suck it up.

Dr. Stevens.

What seems to be your problem today?

We, um ... my wife thinks she may be pregnant.

Okay, uh, we'll get you a test ... Excuse me, won't you?

What is wrong with you people?

And what is that smell?

Is that ... is that scotch?

It's seeping out of leo's pores.

You're hungover?

You're all hungover?

Don't blame us. Blame O'Malley.


He and lexie Grey had a party.

George had a party?

Okay, people, you're about to experience medical history, medical greatness, medical majesty.

You're about to experience the beginning of something extraordinary.

Take in the moment.

Okay, Dr. Grey, did you warn the interns on what to expect?

I told them to expect greatness.

Yes, in addition to all the greatness, the patient may be inappropriately emotional, which means he's aggressive, uh, abusive.

Don't take it personally, okay?

Don't engage.

Just realize it's the tumor talking, okay?

Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson, Dr. Grey and I want to say once again how grateful we are that you've decided to participate in our clinical trial.

I know it's a very hard decision to make.

But it is a chance, right?

It's, like, our only chance?

well, if the surgery doesn't k*ll me, the tumor will.

What have I got to lose, right?

well, as we discussed, the treatment has never been tested on humans before.

We're going to inject a live vus into the tumor.

And since we can't we take the tumor out, our hope is to reduce thtumor from within.

Dr. O'Malley.

Over the past month, Mr. Robinson has experienced worsening vision loss and increasingly severe headaches.

That in c ... yes?

Nice, huh?

First thing I noticed about her ... hell of an ass.

You like a nice piece of ass, kid?

Admittedly, she could do with a little more on top.

He's also started picking out new husbands for me.

Was anyone talking to you? !

It's the tumor talking.

Yeah, it's just the tumor talking.

So you single or what?

Dr. Montgomery.

Dr. Karev.

We're hugging?


I hug now.

It's what I do, so ... so you're my guy, huh?

You think I'd let anyone else in on a case like this?

Uh, I'll catch up with you in a second.


you, uh, you don't own a phone?

I needed to see you I-in person.

I have a really huge case today.

I wish I could hang out, I really do, but I ... I'm pregnant.

didn't mean to blurt it.

I'm sorry I blurted it, but I

c ... you never have time to talk, so I-I kinda had no choice but to blurt.

Are you keeping it or are you having an abortion?

I have a really big case.


Anatomy Season 4 Episode 13

Ectopia cordis ... the baby's heart is growing outside of its body in utero.

Less than 200 cases have ever been reported.

Only a handful have survived.

I was on one of these cases ten years ago.

The baby squeezed its own heart in utero and died.

He squeezed his own heart with his tiny, little hands?

Richard, you said there's a possibility of a diaphragmatic hernia?


You and I have got a lot of work to do on this little guy.

You up for it?


What about my work?

I grew an amazing flap of the baby's own skin.

Pretend all you want, but

I know you're impressed.

you are going to ... what's up, Dr. O'Malley?


O'Malley's in the house.

Hey, you paged me?

O'Malley, 'sup, party dude?

Want to know what I

did last night, George?

I googled recipes.

I spent the night with a search engine.

Oh, but that was just ... it was so spontaneous. I ... think you'd want to hang out with interns.



what is that?

Oh, it's just something we came ... well, he came up with.

He coded.

you coded.

You coded.

It was really funny after seven or eight sh*ts.

you coded.

Um, so we're all set for tonight.


What's tonight?

the interns, we're ... we're just having a little darts tournament thing at joe's.

Oh, my god. I love darts.

Oh, do you wanna ... do you wanna come?

Yeah, absolutely. Yay.

ya so coded.

You know, I thought, I don't know, that it would be weird coming back, but I gotta say, I find it strangely comforting that everything is the same here.

Okay, in L. A. , People say things, but in Seattle, there's this strange culture of wordlessness wherein I am supposed to suss what one is feeling by the slight raise of an eyebrow or the beginnings of a frown.

There any chance you want to tell me what's going on with you, Miranda?

Just ... just a lot has changed since you left.

Just a lot.

Oh, come on.

Name one thing that has changed in this hospital.

The clinic is actually making money.

The chief's wife left him.

Derek and Meredith broke up and I ... J ... Derek and Meredith broke up?

Uh, like I said, a lot of things have changed.

Nikki jones, 25-year-old female, 35 weeks pregnant.

Six weeks ago, she was diagnosed with ectopia cordis.

which, as you know, means that your baby's heart is currently growing on the outside of his body.

Which doesn't get any less bizarre the more times I hear it.

Not bizarre, baby.

Just unique.

Our son is one of a kind ... wearing his heart on his sleeve.

This surgery is going to take place in two O.R. S.

It'll ... it will work like a dance.

Dr. Karev and I will begin with the delivery.

And I'll stay behind to close your incision, nikki.

While I bring your baby to O.R. Two.

Where I'll work on your baby's heart.

And I'll attend to your baby's intestinal problem.

What intestinal problem?

We've detected there might be a slight defect on your baby's diaphragm.

We just want to be prepared for every contingency.

I just wish I could keep him inside me, keep him protected.

he's protected no matter what, by us, by our love.

Something about that guy makes me just want to punch him out.

And yet you didn't, for which I amrateful, Karev.

hippies ... annoying, huh?

Go away.

How great is she?

She's great.

Did I tell you?

You told me.

Did she tell you?

Tell me what?

Anything, everything.

does she know you're divorced?

You're divorced?


Which, as it turns out ... was the best thing that could've happened, really.

no kidding?

Are you headed ... yeah.

All right, I'll walk with you.


All right, well, you know ... so it seems like there's been a lot of change, even since the last checkup.

His behavior's been getting more erratic?

That's a nice way of putting it.

Well, you've been incredibly strong, Jennifer.

This is ... you've been incrediblytrong.

you know, if you really want to help, Dr. Grey, you could bring some single men by.

Phillip ... please stop.

Jennifer, we're in a hospital full of eligible doctors, and you're a waitress with no prospects who needs to learn how to use her ass to catch a new guy before I bite the dust!

It's just the tumor talking.

It's just the tumor talking.

It is. It's just the tumor talking.

and he's laughing again, because the idea of me with another man is just hilarious.

No, no, it's not.

I-I just can't see.

What? What can't you see?

I-I ... anything.

I'm blind.

No response to light.

If I remember correctly, you're a good-looking guy, right?

You know, just 'cause I'm blind doesn't mean you can ignore me, you sick, twisted bastard!

Playing games with people's lives, slicing open people's brains ... Mr. Robinson, I'm ... I'm sorry, but I believe it's possible the tumor is infiltrating the optic nerve.

We should consider moving the surgery, maybe even doing it today.

what about you, Dr. Grey?

You're a sexy little thing.

You think, uh, Dr. Shepherd here is attractive enough for my wife?

Jennifer ... this isn't easy, I know.

My husband is probably gonna die today.

We're moving up the surgery, and he might die, and all he can do is try to fix me up with other men.

And I know, I know it's the tumor talking, but if he dies, my last memory is going to be of him calling me a piece of ass.

I'm not involved and my hopes are not up.

I'm having trouble finding a heartbeat on an ultrasound.

That's what happens, Dr. Guzman, when you've had scotch for dinner.

It's hard to follow the basics.

Oh, rebecc hi.

Um, I really didn't want an ultrasound.

I just wanted to get something for the morning sickness.

It's really bad.

So y're pregnant?


Just like five weeks or so.

Uh, yeah, an ultrasound can be pretty hard to read this early on, so let's just take a blood sample, and, uh, make sure everything's on track.


Dr. Stevens ... do you know when Dr. Karev will be out of surgery?

I just wanted to say hi.

Um, I, uh, I-I don't know that he's gone in yet.

You broke up with Meredith Grey?

Well, we're doing a clinical trial together if that makes you feel better.

Derek, I hugged her ... hugged her ... and you're not even together with her anymore?

What the hell happened?

Okay, fine.

Tell me about the clinical trial.

Well, if it doesn't go well, I'm k*lling people f sport.

When I walk into an

O.R. , I'm an expert.

I can stop a bleed, I

can remove a clot.

I'm the expert.

But in a clinical triaL ... I'm experimenting, just groping around in the dark, hoping to do the right thing.

She wants greatness from me.

She's expecting greatness.

Okay, seriously, Derek, what are you doing?

I'm seeing somebody else.

She's lovely.

She's really lovely.


You came.


Y-you have to stop paging me.

I can't deal with this right now.

All right?

I have a really big case today and I just can't deal with ... I am just as scared .

and confused about this as you are

I'm not scared.

I'm just ... look, y-you don't want me, okay?

This ... this is not a thing you want me for.

I won't be good at it.

I ... I'm ... I'm not father material.

I mean ... you have a husband.

He doesn't have to know that it's mine, okay?

No. No, it's not okay.

Alex, I'm just asking you to get over yourself for one minute and talk to me so we can figure this thing out ... together.

I have to go.

I'm gonna be making the incision from here to here, and ... excuse me.

What you said before about further complications ... no, we can't think like that.

There's nothing else wrong with him.

Our intention is to have a healthy baby.

He'll be strong and happy anhealthy.

Don't you understand what we're trying to tell you?

I mean, chances are your baby's gonna need a hell of a lot more than just heart surgery.

Dr. Karev.

Chances are he won't.

You can't cross your fingers or close your eyes and hope this will all go awaY.

Dr. Karev.

He's not prepared.

I was trying to prepare him.

They're having a baby, and that baby is gonna be all screwed up because he's coming into a world where his parents are unprepared.

They want to talk about loving each other, as if ... as if that has anything to do with having the ability to raise a baby ... a sick baby.

He's not prepared.

I was trying to prepare him.

Karev, right now you're feeling all your feelings right out in the open.

Do me a favor and stuff them back in.

Interesting advice.

Don't start with me.

she's no longer allowed in my apartment, so no more tea parties or wine parties or whatever you two have.

What? What are you talking about?

She's completely unfair and she refuses to teache.

Okay, I got in at mass gen, I got in at johns hopkins.

I could have gone anywhere, and she won't teach me!

All right, look, Erica ... she's a really good listener.

She's ... she comes off harsh at first ... But she's got a really good heart.

So just tell her how you feel, okay?

tell her how I feel?

Well, I don't speak girl.

Sorry about that.

Did I mention I live with Yang now?

What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Callie ... Are you speaking the ... vag*na monologues now?


I'm all for it, okay?

I think it's fantastic.

Erica ... I mean, she seems great.

I really do like her, actually.

I do, and ... but are you?

you want to know if Erica and I are a-a-a couple?

Because I defended her to Yang?

Because you seem like a couple, a really happy couple.

okay, that's ... that's ... that's just ... that's ... that's insane is ... is ... is what it is.

I'm ... I-I-I

like penis.

I mean, I'a huge, huge fan of penis.


You've been living in los angeles way too long.

way too long.

Hilari ... George.



Hey, listen.

I am just the messenger, but you should know that people are prepared to drop out of the tournament tonight.

Nobody wants to get drunk and play darts with their boss.

You want me to take back the invitation?

I'm just the messenger.
Y ... what's that about?

More special plans with your special friends?

I would like us to talk today.

I would like us to talk because ... I care and I, uh, want to know things and I-I-I have 15 minutes to hear about your feelings.

So ... Alex ... Alex, you look thoughtful.

I'm verynterested to hear ... I

mean, uh, what are your thoughts?


Uh, Izzie, uh, your thoughts, your feelings?


I'm a little worried about my friend Alex here because his jane doe girlfriend keeps showing up like something out of "fatal attraction.

"Her name is rebecca pope, and she's not my girlfriend.

Really? You guys haven't ... had sex ... at all recently?

She's married, okay?

She has a husband.

Well, does it hurt that y ... she's married?

I mean, does that hurt your ... your heart?

What's the matter with you?

I'm tryingo talk girl.

Well ... ya coded.


what? It's a new slang.

Everybody's saying it.

the way you just said that, that was you coding.


Unlike Meredith with her trials and petri dishes, and Cristina, who has to practice talking like a human being ... I actually care abt patient care.

I need the sparkle pager.

She's not giving you the sparkle pager.

Well, you know what? I

can't talk girl.

And I shouldn't have to talk girl

'cause I diagnosed the patient.

I need the pager.

you can't have the sparkle pager.

No, give it to me.

Give it to me.

anyone, uh, anyone ever think you two were a-a couple?

No, because we screw boys like whores on tequila.

And then we either try to marry them or drown ourselves.

well, um, make Hahn let me scrub in, or I'm making you move out.

What? You ... desperate times.

I'm sorry that took so long.


You're pregnant.

You're sure?

It's a big day for pregnant ladies.

Pregnant ladies everywhere I turn.

It's weird.

So I'm only supposed to give you a couple of these, but this is, like, a month's supply of prenatal vitamins ... samples, they're free.

No, I ... we need to schedule an abortion.


uh, I'm sorry. I ... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I-I don't mean to intrude, but ... you might want to sit with this for a few days before you make your decision.

There's no decision to make.

I'm H. I. V.

Positive, and the condom broke.

Oh, I-I got tested already, and, um, I will again s ... in, um, six months, but, uh, so far I'm fine.

So ... please I just ... I-I ... I want to get this over with.

Is there any chance that we can take care of it today?


Let me, uh ... let me see what I can set up.


All righT.



Uh, do me a ... do me a ... do me a favor and, uh, put Yang on your surgery.

Only if you buy drinks at joe's tonight.


Dr. Montgomery, will you do me a favor?

Can you talk to my patient?

I don't work here anymore, Stevens.

She's pregnant and H. I. V.

Positive, and she thinks she has to terminate the pregnancy.

She doesn't.

I know, but she doesn't, and it's not my area of expertise.

I don't work here anymore, Stevens.

If I worked here, I would be performing surgery after surgery after surgery.

I might even be back with, uh, my husband, who is apparently on the market, and I'm not saying that I want to get back with my husband.

It's just that things were simpler with him than the messy, messy single life I am currently living, which was not my point, by the way.

My point was ... that I no longer work here, which means you need to pull your face out of the potato chip trough and go tend to your patients yourself.

I know, but ... you're a fighter, Stevens.

What happened?

I lost a lot of fights.

Well, time to get backP.


Be the change you want to see in the world.

Did you just quote gandhi to me?

It's, uh, time to take her to the O.R. I'm not an idiot.

We heard you.

It could be bad, and there's always a whole lot of bad to focus on if you want to.

But there's hope, too, right?

There's always hope, too.


No, it's Dr. Shepherd.

I hate this ... not being able to see.

I just want to see Jennifer.

Phillip, this is an extremely risky operation.

You still may have a few weeks to live.

You could spend that time with Jennifer.

You don't have to do this surgery today.

I'm trying to fix Jennifer up.

I don't want to leave her alone.

It's the one thing about all this I really can't stand.

I just want her to be all right when I'm gone.

You need to tell her that.

Before you go into surgery, you need to remember this conversation, and you need to tell her that.

I only have five minutes because we moved a surgery up.

But I did want tcome here and say that obviously, he doesn't know me at all.

I'm not the one who's emotionally involved.

He's the one who's emotionally involved.

He""? "

Derek ... told me not to get my hopes up.

Anybody who knows me knows I'm not a hopeful person to begin with.


I came up with this clinical trial.

It's my baby.

Does he honestly think that I've just walked into this thi with no understanding of how hard it will be?


No wonder we didn't work out.

Because he told you not to get your hopes up.


I gotta go.

Surgery's about to start.

The surgery with no hope?

Shut up.

so who's the new mystery woman that Derek's dating?

Who's the unlucky mcrebound?


Oh, is the ... the whole

"mc" thing over now?

I mean, surely things haven't changed that much around here.

Addison, the woman standing immediately to your right, the one handing you the surgical instruments ... Six dates, heavy petting, lots of tongue ... good guy.


we can have the baby?

You're saying we can have the baby ... a healthy baby.

With the proper prenatal treatment, the risks to your baby are substantially reduced.

I haven't found you an O. B.

Yet, and I think the process might prove really difficult ... it doesn't matter.

We'll figure it out.

We can figure anything out.

Uh, I can't believe this.

Thank you.



Do not thank her.

I asked you to do one thing.

I-I asked you to schedule an abortion.

Sarah ... no.

She just walks in here and gets your hopes up, and that's not okay.

I was diagnosed at 19, and I

have learned how to deal with it.

But I will not put that onto a baby.

I cannot bring a baby into this world who could possibly have this disease.

I won't. Now ... could you please just schedule the abortion?

And do me a favor.

Don't come back.

I'd like a different doctor.

whats up?

remember what we talked about?




I-I don't want to leave you alone.

I-I want you to meet someone.

I want you to promise me you'll try.

'Cause ... I can't ... I can't do this thinking I'm leaving you alone.




Maybe I'll make it.

I-I hope I'll make it.

just a little bit further.

Good. Keep him flat.

The placenta looks good.

You okay to close, Dr. Bailey?


Membrane's intact.

Oh, no.

She's hemorrhaging.

Oh, no.

This blood is coming a little bit too fast.

hey, I need another set of hands over here.


Where's montgomery?

The mom is in distress.

They're still trying to close.

Okay, get the baby to Hahn.

Addie knows what she's doing.

I think I've been hiding in the clinic.

Yeah? Okay.

Listen, Izzie ... I lost the contest.

I couldn't hack cardio.

I performed C. P. R. On a deer.

Izzie ... I think I've been hiding.

I ... you can't come play darts with us tonight.


I-I shouldn't have to say this.

You should get this.

Get what?

You're ... you're not an intern anymore.

And, you know, I'm not a resident.

And that sucks, but I'm trying to make the best of it.

I'm trying to, you know, I'm trying to stop complaining and embrace what I have.

And what I have is new friends who don't want to get drunk and play darts with their boss.

I'm their boss.

Yes. Yeah.

You're their boss.

You're in charge, and you should get that.

I gotta do something.

Get in here.

I thought I made myself clear.

You did. Iidn't.

Get in here.

Listen and learn.

I knew it.

You disapprove.

You're here to push some kind of agenda, right?

No. No.

Listen ... if you want to have an abortion because you want to have an abortion, then that's between you and whatever god you believe in.

But if you want to have an abortion because you think that's what medicine is telling you to do, then that's between you and me.

I was ineffectual.

I was unclear.

I've been on my heels a little bit lately, and I was unclear, so just listen, okay?

I wasn't telling you there is some chance your baby might not be born sick.

I was telling you there is a 98% chance your baby could be born perfectly healthy ... a 98% chance.

There's a higher chance of your baby being born with down syndrome than there is of you passing

H. I. V. On to your child.

I don't ... I just ... I-I can't ... I know you gave up on having children a long time ago, and I understand that it's difficult to readjust your thinking so quickly, but, sarah, if you take your meds responsibly, there's no reason why you can't have a beautiful, healthy baby.

This is your chance ... if you want it.

This is your chance to be a mom.

A 98% chance?

A 98% chance.

Thank you.

We are on the clock here, Dr. Karev.

We need montgomery now.

And she's coming.

She'll be here.

Heart rate's down to the 60s. He's bradychardic.

Damn it. We could lose him.

Tell me what to do.

massage the heart.


I can feel it getting stronger.

Heart rate's back up to the 140s.

I pushed 60cc of bolused N. S. ****

Good job, Karev.

You can step back now.

And now ... all right, the moment of truth.

Injecting the virus into the tumor.

All right, we're doing this one stage repair to prevent infection.

Ready for the skin graft.

complete heart block.

The injection went into the intra-arterial.

Okay, push one of atropine.

Not responding.

Push another one.

Oh, come on.

need another set of hands over here.

okay, there we go.

Okay, it's controlled right?

Yeah, it's controlled.

I got it. I got it. Go.

look at that ... beating inside his chest for the very first time.

And god admired his amazing skin flap ... and he saw that it was good.

How is he?

I was able to reduce the heart almost all the way into the pericardial space.

no intestines in there, no diaphragmatic hernia?

no anything.

His heart's in. It's beating.

patient number one ... treatment failed.

Call it, Dr. Grey.

Time of death ... 1933.

The parents were right.

The baby ... no further complications.

Good, good, and mom's okay, too.

You seem sad ... Miranda.

we're not gonna do this.

I can't share.

I can't catch up with you.

I can't talk.

'Cause if I did, if I

told you tucker moved out, if I told you I haven't slept alone in 12 years, if I told you that my heart hurt so much sometimes, I want to rip it from my chest with my own little hands ... I would fall apart.

And I don't have time to fall apart.

And not that I'm not happy to see you ... I am ... but I wish that you would go home so thehoice to talk and fall apart would go away.

i got my hopes up.

Yeah, me, too.

Dr. Shepherd.


It was a pleasure working with you today.

Dr. Grey.

I do miss some of this.

I could put the paperwork through tonight.

You could start work tomorrow.

I ... needed to come back ... to see that it was right to leave.

You need to fill my position.

I was gandhi, Dr. Montgomery.

I was so freakin' gandhi, I kicked gandhi's ass.

it's an L. A. Thing.

Aren't you gonna be late for your party?

I'm gonna blow 'em off.

I'd rather hang out with you anyway.

George, I get it.

I don't have to like it, but I get it.

So go.

Go "code" or whatever.

you know, whenever anyone, uh, says something really funny, and I'm laughing, I always look around to see if, uh, you think it's funny, too.

Even ... even when you're not there, I still look around.


I bet you wish you'd taken the stairs right about now.

giving birth may be all intense and magical and stuff, but the act itself?

It's not exactly pleasant.

but it's also a beginning ... of something incredible. .

I am. I am very, very funny.

You wouldn't believe what she ... you wouldn't believe what she ... wait, wait, wait.

Hang on, hang on ... that was some really funny ... You've got a hair that's caught ... caught in your lip gloss.

Something new ... sorry.

You were saying?

No, really, I'm just very funny.

Funny, hmm?

Yes, it turns out I am.



Any of you ladies want to dance?

For the thousandth time, the answer is no, Mark.

Beat it, Sloan.

I'll dance with you.

Something unpredictable ... Dr. Montgomery.

Dr. Hahn.



Okay, is it ... is it 'cause I'm asian?

Is that your problem?

You don't like asian people?

Excuse me?

Why won't you teach me?

You're not without skill, you're not without talent ... so stop seeking my approval.

I am not gonna tell you what a good little girl you are.

It's not my job, and frankly, it doesn't make you any better at yours.


Little hard on her, don't you think?

I think she reminds me of me.

Something true ... she's pretty, huh?

She's betiful.

Something worth loving ... wanna get outta here?

Like you wouldn't believe.

Something worth missing ... Dr. Stevens, labs for rebecca pope.

Thanks very much.

No, this ... this can't be right.

Are you sure this is right?

hey, you leaving already?

I have a plane to catch.

I walk on the beach now, I buy aromatherapy candles, I'm very zen ... but I ... want to kick your ass so badly right now, it is k*lling me.

Excuse me?

I'm talking about Derek ... Derek christopher Shepherd.

Are you letting him get away?

Because I swear to god, Meredith, if you let him ride off into the sunset with that doe-eyed little thing ... of course I'm sure.

So my patient is not pregnant?

Apparently not.

Something that will change your life ... forever.
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