07x02 - Kara

All episode transcripts (season 1-10) for the TV show "Smallville". Aired: October 2001 to May 2011.*
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A young Clark Kent struggles to find his place in the world as he learns to harness his alien powers for good and deals with the typical troubles of teenage life in Smallville.
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07x02 - Kara

Post by bunniefuu »


Original Air Date on October 4, 2007

Clark and Lois and wandering through the woods near Reeve Dam.

Clark: Lois, you've had a near-death experience. You should be resting. What are we doing out here?

Lois: I'm going to find out what Lex is up to. Clark, you, on the other hand, are not required to attend. After what happened to Lana, why don't you take up Chloe's offer and hang out with her at the Talon?

Clark: It's dangerous out here. And it seems that keeping you out of trouble has become a bad habit of mine. Besides, it gives me a good opportunity to say goodbye.

Lois: [ Chuckles ] You can't break up with me, Clark. We're not even a couple.

Clark: Lois, I'm leaving Smallville... after Lana's funeral.

Lois: Wow, didn't see that coming. Where are you running away to?

Clark: Up North. There's something I need to do.

Lois: Well, what about the farm? You can't just let the corn die on the vine.

Clark: My neighbor Ben Hubbard ... he's gonna run things for a while. [ She sighs ] What's wrong, Lois? I thought you'd be happy to get rid of me.

Lois: Are you kidding? Who am I gonna pick on?

Clark: I'm sure you'll find someone. Now, which direction did you enter the dam from?

Lois: Southeast. Follow me.

They start walking again and Lois sees a huge object, partially concealed under brush. She strips away the brush to find a spaceship, with Kryptonian symbols on the side, which she takes a picture of with her cell phone camera.

Lois: What is that? Holy crap, this is amazing. [ Grunts ] Check this out, Clark. Oh, my God. What do you think it is?

Clark: Lois, it's probably just some sort of experimental airplane.

Lois: Then why aren't there any windows? And those symbols ... they aren't like any airline logos I've ever seen. If you ask me, we're looking at a real live spaceship.

Clark: Come on, Lois. You and I both know that they don't really exist.

Lois: And based on this algae, it looks like it's been underwater for a while.

All of a sudden, a figure flies in and knocks Lois off of the ship and to the ground, unconscious. The figure is Kara, who stops and eyes Clark warily. She holds out Lois' cell phone and crushes it in her hand.

Kara: That's what happens when you touch my stuff.

Kara flies into Clark, sending him flying, skidding across the forest floor. When he comes to a stop, Kara is there, hovering in the air above him.

Kara: Go get your girlfriend... and don't ever come back.

Kara flies up into the upper atmosphere, looking down over the Earth. She looks at a crystal in her hand with the Superman 'S' logo on it. It flashes with the image of a baby boy. She looks again across the Earth, then flies back down.

Clark and Lois walk into Chloe's apartment. Chloe has been looking at a file marked Confidential with patient files from Belle Reve in it. She quickly closes the file as they walk in.

Clark: [ Door opens ] I'm serious. You need to go to the hospital.

Lois: What? For this little bump? My head has been bonked a lot harder than that. Where's my laptop?

Chloe: What happened to you guys?

Lois: You are gonna want to lock me in the loony bin when I tell you this, but Clark and I just saw a spaceship.

Clark: Lois' imagination has finally kicked into overdrive. It was probably just some sort of styrofoam prop for a school play.

Chloe: Right. That makes sense, actually.

Lois: Okay, but the world I live in ... school props don't knock people unconscious. I'm thinking maybe a force field.

Clark: How many times do I have to tell you, Lois? You slipped in the mud and hit your head on a rock. I helped you to your feet. Why do you think I've got mud all over me?

Lois: I know what I saw, Smallville, and once I change, I'm going straight to the Inquisitor. My editor is gonna flip.

Lois walks away, looking for her laptop. Chloe whispers to Clark.

Chloe: Tell me she's just seeing things.

Clark: It's what she didn't see, Chloe ... a Kryptonian girl with blond hair and a bad attitude. She moved so fast that Lois didn't even know what hit her.

Chloe: A Kryptonian att*cked Lois?

Clark: Yeah, right before she came after me. Chloe, not only is she as strong as I am... she can fly.

Chloe: Whoa. Sounds like we got ourselves a true-blue supergirl.

Clark: Well, define super. Nearly every Kryptonian that I've come across has turned into a cold-blooded k*ller.

Chloe: Yeah. What is it with you people? Are you the only half-decent member of your Kryptonian race?

Clark: Listen, I got to go back to the dam. If you can ... [ Lois walks back into the room and she's taking some pills ] Wow, a lot of painkillers for someone who's not feeling any pain.

Lois: It's just a little headache. By the time I get back to the Inquisitor, I'll be good as gold.

Clark: You've lost consciousness. You could very well have a concussion.

Lois: Well, I'll let you know if I'm seeing double when I'm typing my story.

Chloe: You know what, Lois, no. I'm sorry. But after everything we've just been through together, I'm not letting you put yourself in danger. I'm taking youto the hospital.

Lois: [ Sighs, reluctant ] All right.

Chloe: Okay.

Lois: But 10 minutes, and then I'm gone. I don't have time to sit around all day waiting...

Lex is sitting in his jail cell at the Kansas State Penitentiary in an orange jumpsuit when his lawyer walks in, smiling.

Cell door opens

Lex: Well, I'm glad someone has something to smile about.

Attorney: Well, this smile means that you've been cleared of all charges. You're a free man, Mr. Luthor.

Lex: On what grounds?

Attorney: They caught the k*ller. A disgruntled employee from your tunnel-construction crew claimed he got cancer from the chemicals down there.

Lex: He blew up my wife to get back at me?

Attorney: That's what he said in his confession. Come on. Let's get out of this cage. I'll buy you a big, juicy porterhouse.

Lex: He didn't do it.

Attorney: Lex, they found his fingerprints at the scene. He confessed to the crime.

Lex: I don't care what kind of evidence there is. The man did not m*rder my wife.

Attorney: As your attorney ...

Lex: As my attorney, I want you to set up a meeting with this disgruntled employee. I want to hear it from him.

Attorney: What's the point?

Lex: I'm not sure Lana's dead.

Clark returns to the place where they found the spaceship. A forensics team is going over the scene, but the spaceship is gone. Instead, there are 2 dead park rangers' bodies lying on the ground.

Police Officer: Move along, sir. This is a crime scene.

Chloe is down near the printing presses at the Daily Planet when she sees Lex standing there, waiting for her.

Chloe: Lex, I thought you'd be sharpening your shiv behind bars by now.

Lex: Someone else confessed.

Chloe: Once again, a Luthor snake manages to slither away from the grip of justice. How much did you have to pay this poor guy?

Lex: I didn't pay him anything. Apparently, my father did before he disappeared. The man who confessed happens to be dying of cancer. He wanted his family taken care of.

Chloe: It doesn't matter what legal sleight of hand you pulled this time, Lex ... it's not bringing Lana back.

Lex: What if she isn't dead, Chloe?

Chloe: Lex, you're already free. You don't need to keep coming up with more convoluted conspiracy theories.

Lex: As you probably know, before Lana "died," she managed to steal highly classified research from me.

Chloe: Lana's remains have all been positively I.D.'d down to every last strand of DNA.

He steps very close to her, then grabs her arm, but gently.

Lex: I'm well aware of the DNA evidence. Look, Chloe, you're Lana's best friend. If she told anyone about her plan, it would be you. Tell me, Chloe. Tell me everything you know.

Chloe: Here's everything I know, Lex. You need some serious psychiatry.

Clark finds Chloe in the copy room at the Planet.

Clark: Hey, are you all right?

Chloe: Uh, yeah, I'm fine. But your little Kryptonian gal pal's been showing up all over Lowell County. Have you seen her since she went all space-shuttle?

Clark: No, but I found her victims ... two dead park rangers right where her ship used to be. I need to find her before she hurts someone else.

Chloe: Well, I-I think she's still grounded, considering these 911 calls coming in. Three different pre-schools called and reported some blond woman storming in, scaring the children.

Clark: Where was she last seen?

On a playground at a pre-school, a group of kids is playing. Kara walks up and picks one of them up, raising him up to eye level.

Boy: Can't catch me![ Giggles ]

Kara: What's your name? It's okay. I won't hurt you.

Cody: Cody.

Kara: [ She sighs, and puts Cody down, then picks up another little boy. ] What about you? What's your name?

Clark swoops in and grabs the boy, setting him down gently.

Clark: Whatever you're doing, it stops now.

Kara: You again. You following me?

Clark grabs her and rushes far away from the school, then stops.

Kara: Humans can't move that fast. Who are you?

Clark: Doesn't matter. I'm not gonna let you k*ll one more person.

Kara: I haven't k*lled anyone ... at least not yet. But you're starting to tempt me.

She turns and starts to fly away but Clark grabs her ankle, then throws her to the ground heavily, and stands over her. He sees a Kryptonian symbol on her bracelet.

Clark: You want to tell me what you're doing on Earth? [ He offers her his hand to get up ] You can trust me.

Kara: Looking for a small boy. I've searched everywhere with no luck.

Clark: This boy have a name?

Kara: Kal-El.

Lois is visiting Chloe at the Planet.

Chloe: Lois, a story about a spaceship is not gonna send your career into the stratosphere. It'll embarrass you.

Lois: It's the truth, Chloe. I saw it with my own eyes.

Chloe: Lois, you don't know what you saw. Besides, I'm still trying to resuscitate my credibility after writing about the Smallville believe-it-or-not set.

Lois: We are talking about an alien invasion. Two men are dead. You know, if you were there, you'd be clacking away on the keyboard as we speak.

Chloe: Not now. The Daily Planet just hired a new editor wonder boy from the Star City Post. And spaceships are not the stuff of good first impressions.

The new editor, Gabriel Grant, overhears this part of their conversation and stops at Chloe's desk.

Gabriel Grant: Did I hear someonesay spaceship?

Lois: Didn't anyone teach you that eavesdropping is rude?

Gabriel Grant: [ To Lois ] Eavesdropping is my livelihood. Grant Gabriel ... your new editor.

Chloe: Actually, she doesn't work here. I do. I'm Chloe ...

Gabriel Grant: [ To Chloe, curtly cutting her off ] Anne Sullivan, former editor of the Smallville High Torch, taking Met U. journalism classes by night while writing filler stories sandwiched between sofa ads by day. Tell me about your close encounter.

Lois: Can't share a trade secret. I work for your rival, The Inquisitor.

Gabriel Grant: Our rival? This is the Daily Planet, read in virtually ever country across the globe. We have no rival.

Chloe: That's true. Besides, the Planet wouldn't publish a story like that anyway.

Gabriel Grant: See, that's the kind of old-guard thinking that's putting newspapers in the crapper all around this country.

Chloe can't believe what she's hearing.

Chloe: Since when is truth in journalism old guard?

Gabriel Grant: Well, she says it's true. I believe her. I'll tell you what. You deliver me your spaceship story, a story that will sell papers, and you've got yourself a job here.

Lois: Are you serious?

Gabriel starts to walk away, and speaks as he's leaving the room.

Gabriel Grant: Do I sound like I'm joking?

Kara and Clark walk into his house.

Kara: You can't be Kal-El. He's a sweet, chubby baby who laughed when you tickled his feet.

Clark: You knew me on Krypton?

Kara: Yeah. I used to watch over you. I don't understand. I mean, I left the planet right after you. We were on the same trajectory.

Clark: Your ship ... it seemed to be underwater for a long time. You must have crash-landed during the meteor shower into the reservoir. When the dam broke, it finally brought you to the surface.

Kara: How long was I in suspended animation?

Clark: 18 years.

Kara: My embedded learning programs covered a lot of scenarios, but this clearly wasn't one of them.

Clark: Kara, why are you searching for me?

Kara: [ Sighs ] My father, Zor-El, told me to find you. That was my mission.

Clark: Zor-El?

Kara: Zor-El and Jor-El are brothers.

Clark: Then that makes us... cousins. Jor-El never mentioned your dad.

Kara: He and his brother never talked.

Clark: Why?

Kara: The House of El has a lot of family secrets that nobody ever discussed. As humans would say, we were... dysfunctional. Look, I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but right now we need to find my ship. I'd do it myself, but those green rocks ... they keep weakening me.

Clark: Yeah, trust me ... you want to stay away from them. If you're around them too long, they can k*ll you.

Kara: [ Shocked ] k*ll me? Zor-El told me that the yellow sun would give me abilities beyond my wildest dreams, but he definitely never mentioned any fatal weaknesses.

Clark: It's because he didn't know. The green rocks, they're called Kryptonite ... radioactive pieces of our home world.

Kara: How did pieces of Krypton travel 23 galaxies?

Clark: You don't know what happened after you left.

Kara: Well, I know we were in the midst of a global civil w*r led by General Zod. Zor-El told me that Krypton's salvation was on Earth and that you and I were the key. I hope we're not too late.

Clark: Kara, Krypton is gone.

Kara: What do you mean, "gone"?

Clark: It exploded. You and I are the only survivors.

Kara: No. Planets don't just explode, Kal-El.

Clark: Ours did. I'm sorry.

Kara: No. This yellow sun has fried your brain cells. Come on. Help me find my ship. We can hide it here on your farm.

Clark: Your ship's missing.

Kara: If it's missing, then humans took it. Kal-El, if anyone but me tries to open that ship, it will activate the self-destruct sequence.

Clark: Define self-destruct.

Kara: I think you call it something like a... nuclear expl*si*n.
In a government facility, Kara's ship is being examined by a group of scientists. One government official walks in, calling the sh*ts.

Government official: There was no sign of alien life near that site ... none whatsoever. Open it.

A series of electronic scans work their way over the ship, finally settling on the symbols. These light up and the ship starts to open up.

Female scientist: Surface temperature rising steadily.

Government official: Begin extraction protocol. Prepare to evacuate now. We don't have a lot of time, people.

Lois finds Gabriel in his office, putting on a tuxedo for some event.

Gabriel Grant: [ Knock on door ] Lane, I had a feeling you worked fast, but I didn't know you were a lightning bolt. You got pages for me?

Lois: Actually, I need to talk to you about that.

Gabriel Grant: I'm not interested in talk. I want to read.

Lois: Look, Chloe Sullivan should write this story. She's already on your staff. And let's face it, she can write circles around me.

Gabriel Grant: I know she's family, Lane, but Chloe Sullivan's lost her mojo. Now she's just another run-of-the-mill hack giving herself carpal tunnel covering city hall and Fourth-of-July parades.

Lois: Look, my cousin's feelings mean a lot more to me than some stupid article.

Gabriel Grant: Your cousin's feelings? How sweet. Let me tell you something, Lane. Newspapers don't have feelings. They have stories, and stories are what pay the bills around here. You think I'm being honored by the Publishers Guild tonight because I'm Mahatma Gandhi, because I give a damn about feelings? No. I break stories any way, any how.

Lois: Well, you're gonna have to break this one with someone else.

Gabriel Grant: This isn't about your cousin. This so-called flying-saucer story ... it's all smoke and mirrors. You're using some high moral ground to bailout of a sinking ship.

Lois: [ Scoffs ] This ship is far from sunk, bow tie. I happen to have a contact in the Air Force who supplied me with these. They're satellite photos showing a caravan of trucks driving from the dam to a grain silo in Granville. Does that look like smoke and mirrors to you?

Gabriel Grant: No. It looks like passion, and it's what separates you from the rest of the pack. This is the fork in your road, Lane. In a dozen years, you'll either be Lois Lane, star reporter whose name is synonymous with the Daily Planet, or Lois fill-in-the-blank, married to an insurance adjuster in the sticks with four kids and 40 extra pounds. You won't be able to look in a newspaper because it will always remind you of what could have been. Which road sounds better to you?

Lex: What do you have for me?

Assistant: We applied voice-recognition software and, using our satellites, cast a net over every landline and cellphone on the globe.

Lex: I don't care how wide your net is. If you don't find Lana, it's not worth the string it's made of.

Assistant: We have a match sir. She's in Asia.

Lex: Where?

Assistant: China. Our GPS puts her just a few miles from central Shanghai.

Lex: Prepare the jet for takeoff.

Assistant: Yes, sir.

The elevator in the basement of the Planet dings, but before the doors can even open Kara forces them open, breaking them in the process.

Clark: Those doors would have opened if you'd have just waited.

Kara: We don't have time to wait for ancient technology. Between the two of us, we can cover more ground. Of course, it would help if you could defy gravity. Explain to me again why you can't fly.

Clark: I'm not sure.

Kara: [ Smirking ] I guess the humans are right, Kal-El. Girls do mature faster than boys.

Clark: [ Annoyed ] It's Clark, remember? [ A group of people looks at the broken elevator doors ] Just start walking. Don't look back.

They walk over to Chloe's desk.

Chloe: I should have known you were Clark's cousin from all the primary colors.

Kara: Do you know where my ship is? Kal-El's getting me nowhere.

Chloe: [ Bristling at Kara's attitude ] It's Clark.

Clark: We've checked every Luthorcorp facility in the area. Do you have any leads?

Chloe: Unfortunately, not too many extraterrestrial vehicles are actually registered at the DMV. I have nothing.

Kara: I told you coming here was a waste of time. She's just a human.

Now Clark takes offense at Kara's attitude.

Clark: A human who's smarter than both of us combined.

Chloe: Look, I'm sorry, Clark, but this new editor is breathing down my neck. He wants some big, splashy story, and all I could come up with is the sudden loss of AM/FM radio in Granville.

Kara: I'm out of here. I'll just do a flyover and start x-raying every single building.

Clark: Kara, wait. Your ship ... does it emit any sort of frequency?

Kara: Well, yeah. If it's opened, there's an alarm.

Clark: Could that alarm be disrupting the AM/FM radios?

Kara: Kal-El, if that alarm's been triggered, I'm the only one who can disarm it.

Clark and Kara are on the rooftop of a building in Granville.

Kara: What are we doing up here? Time's running out. You cover the grounds. I'll get the bird's-eye view.

Clark: What does your ship sound like?

Kara: What?

Clark: If your ship is emitting an alarm, then you can hear it, even if it's miles away. It's one of our abilities. You have to focus. Block everything else out. Just try.

Kara tries to listen, but isn't hearing anything beyond their rooftop.

Kara: All I hear is the wind.

Clark: Close your eyes. It might help. Try to focus. I know you can do it. Just try to listen to all the sounds around you.

Slowly, she starts to hear more and more sounds from the surrounding city. All of the sounds come crashing in on her, sending her reeling.

Kara: Make it stop. Make it stop. Oh, make it stop.

Clark: Listen. Listen. I know it's loud at first, but you have to focus, okay? Eliminate the sounds one by one until all you can hear is your ship.

She tries to concentrate and just as slowly, the sounds separate from each other, each one filtering away until all that's left is a steady pulsating sound.

Kara: Kal-El, I ... I can hear it.

Clark: Then we can find it.

Lois has found the facility where the spaceship is being held and is narrating what she is seeing for her video camera, which is rolling.

Lois: I knew those roadblocks I slipped past weren't there for just a chemical spill. They evacuated the area because of what's down here underground. And judging by that funky sound and the megawatt light show, something is going on behind that door, and it's not laserium.

She opens large a*t*matic door and finds the spaceship.

Lois: [ Gasps ] Oh, my God. It's official. I found the holy grail.

Lois circles around the ship to where the symbols are all lit up. She reaches out to touch them but when she does, she's blown backwards across the large room and knocked unconscious. Clark and Kara speed in, with Clark rushing to Lois' side. Kara sees that the ship is becoming unstable.

Kara: Uh-oh.

She flies up to the spaceship but the ship glows with an electronic pulse and disappears beneath her.

Clark: Are you okay?

Kara: My ship ... it's gone. What are we gonna do?

Lex is sitting alone on his private jet, repeatedly listening to the recording of himself and Lana from their last day together at the Mansion.

Lana: [ On tape ] That's the last time you'll ever touch me.

Lex: [ On tape ] Do you really think I could just let you walk away?

Lana: [ On tape ] What are you going to do, Lex... k*ll me?

Tape rewinds

Lana: [ On tape ] That's the last time you'll ever touch me.

Lex: [ On tape ] Do you really think I could just let you walk away?

Lana: [ On tape ] What are you going to do, Lex... k*ll me?

Tape rewinds

Lana: [ On tape ] That's the last time you'll ever touch me.

Lex: [ On tape ] Do you really think I could just let you walk away?

Lana: [ On tape ] What are you going to do, Lex?

Lex arrives in Shanghai at Lana's apartment and lets himself in. He walks in slowly, taking in the surroundings. Lana is seated at a vanity mirror, wearing a dressing gown and combing her hair. She makes no sign that she has seen him enter until he is in the same room and she turns around with a g*n in her hand.

Lex: I'm impressed.

Lana: I did learn from the master. As soon as I heard you'd freed yourself, I laid out the breadcrumbs and waited for the wolf to come knocking. Tell me, Lex. How were you planning on getting your revenge?

Lex: Lana, if I wanted revenge, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I've come here to beg for your forgiveness.

Lana: With a g*n pointed at your head, you'll say anything, won't you?

Lex: The things I did to you were beyond inexcusable. I don't blame you for wanting to ruin my life. I probably would have done the same thing... only not as elegantly. I always knew you were smart, Lana. I didn't know you were brilliant... using my own science against me.

Lana: It wasn't science, Lex. It was your own psychosis. You cloned me.

The scene shifts to a flashback of that day - showing Lana stealing Model 503, an exact replica of herself, and zipping up the clone into a body bag. Later, we see her placing the body into the car which is rigged to explode, then securing her get away into the mail truck that drove by just before the expl*si*n.

Lex: Not exactly. Model 503 was never alive. That's why you were able to wheel it out of my lab and place it in your driver's seat. By the time the car exploded, you were safe and sound while model 503, with your DNA, was being blown to bits. It was perfect. As far as the world's concerned, Lana Luthor is dead and buried.

Lana: And a dead woman can't be convicted of m*rder. You'll never hurt another person again, Lex.

Lex: I don't want to.

He steps closer to her, running his chest into the muzzle of her g*n.

Lana: Don't come any closer.

Lex: I want to give youa better target. After all the pain I've put you through, I deserve to die. Please, Lana. Pull the trigger. I promise you the world will be a better place. Do it. k*ll me.

Both of their faces are brimming with emotion, but ultimately Lana cannot sh**t Lex and he gently places his hand on hers, and takes the g*n away.

Lex: If you want to come back to Smallville, you'll be safe. I'll take care of everything. You can live your life however you want. My father's gone, presumed dead. And as for me... I would never, ever hurt you again. I'm sorry, Lana.

He turns and walks slowly away, setting the g*n on a dresser in the room as he leaves.

Lois and Chloe are back at Chloe's desk at the Planet.

Lois: All that spaceship got me were two concussions and a fried green camcorder. You were right. I never should have chased that story.

Chloe: I tried to warn you, Lois. When you're scaling the Wall of Weird, there aren't any mattresses to break your fall.

Lois: To think I could have landed a job at the Daily Planet. What a joke. I am no Chloe Sullivan and never will be.

Gabriel walks into the basement, holding Lois' story in his hands.

Gabriel Grant: Lane, I just read your story. It's ridiculous.

Chloe jumps to Lois' defense but Gabriel cuts her off again.

Chloe: It was just her first draft, Mr. Gabriel.

Gabriel Grant: It's absurd how good it is. Your prose leaps off the page like a bengal tiger. I was riveted.

Lois: [ Shocked ] So, you're actually gonna run it?

Gabriel Grant: Absolutely not. It's utterly unprintable. I don't care if every word of it is true. I can't run a story about a ship from outer space without a photo. You got to learn, Lane. Always carry a backup camera.

Chloe jumps to Lois' defense again, and again Gabriel cuts her off.

Chloe: If you would just give her a second chance ...

Gabriel Grant: You like water, Lane?

Lois: [ Sarcastically ] As much as the next girl.

Gabriel Grant: I'm giving you a waterfront view. This is your new desk right here, right across from cousin Chloe.

Now Chloe is shocked and can't hide her dismay.

Chloe: Excuse me?

Gabriel Grant: If you're lucky, Sullivan, some of her passion will rub off on you, maybe put a little fire on that Torch you let burn out after high school.

Lois: Am I hearing things, or did you just offer me a job?

Gabriel Grant: Welcome to the Daily Planet, Lois Lane. You play your cards right, you'll be out of this basement quicker than your cousin. Nothing like a little family rivalry to keep the bullpen hopping.

Lois looks uneasily at Chloe who looks like she's been sucker-punched, but Lois also can't hide her excitement.

Clark: Kara? You okay?

Kara: How did it happen? Krypton, I mean.

Clark: I don't know.

Kara: I'd always heard whispers of a doomsday scenario, but I never thought anyone would actually do it. We were supposed to be the most advanced civilization in the galaxy.

Clark: One thing I've learned is that evil exists in all cultures, no matter how advanced they are.

Kara: Maybe if I had had my abilities on Krypton, I could have saved it.

Clark: You saved a lot of people here today. You should feel good about that.

Kara: [ Sighs ] It's different for you, Kal-El. You don't have any memory of Krypton. This has always been your home.

Clark: Well, then, be my memory. Tell me about my family.

Kara: It's hazy from all those years of sleep in the ship. I do remember some. [ Chuckles ] I used to, uh, sneak away from Kandor and come and see Lara. She always made me smile.

Clark: You knew my mom?

Kara: The day she found out she was pregnant, I'd never seen her so happy. [ Sighs ] You were so cute. You were her miracle baby. And now she's gone. My parents are gone, the entire House of El. I'll never see any of my family ever again.

Clark: Well, you're with family now. Look, you can stay here with me on the farm as long as you want. You know, these humans are not as bad as you think.

Kara: [ Sniffles ] Thank you, Kal-El. I mean, Clark. I just wish I didn't feel like such a failure. I made my father a promise, and I couldn't keep it.

Clark: Kara, that wasn't your fault. We can't always be everything our fathers expect us to be. I know that firsthand.

Kara: The way he spoke of the crystal ... he told me to guard it with my life, and now it's gone.

Clark: Wait, there's a crystal in that ship?

Kara: With all of my directives and the power to help me along the way. If that crystal fell into the wrong hands, it could be disastrous.

Clark: Luckily, we don't have to worry about that since it was destroyed with the ship.

Kara: No. That expl*si*n wouldn't scratch the crystal. Only a Kryptonian can destroy it. I've searched everywhere. That crystal is gone.

The government official arrives back at the Department of Domestic Security, holding a vessel with Kara's crystal inside. He is speaking on the phone as he walks.

Government Official: [ On the phone ] Hmm. The spacecraft was eviscerated, but all is not lost.

Clark stands at the crystal console at the Fortress of Solitude, speaking to Jor-El.

Jor-El: Kal-El, my son, you have finally chosen to start your training.

Clark: A Kryptonian girl showed up at my doorstep. Her name is Kara. Last time that happened, you were behind it.

Jor-El: I know nothing of her arrival.

Clark: She says she was sent here by her father, Zor-El. You might remember him, since he's your brother. Care to tell me why you ignored that branch of the family tree?

Jor-El: Whatever Zor-El wanted with you, it was not for the greater good of Krypton. He could not be trusted, and neither can his daughter.

Clark: You can't blame Kara for the actions of her father. She's not here to cause any harm.

Jor-El: That is an emotional, human reaction. Be careful of your feelings, Kal-El. They can betray you.

Clark: My feelings are part of who I am, whether you like it or not. Now, what about my training?

Jor-El: Your training starts with Kara. Watch over her, Kal-El. She poses a greater threat than you believe.

Lex is sitting in his study, looking over a sketch of Kara when his assistant walks in.

Assistant: Mr. Luthor. I take it you found who you were looking for.

Lex: There's someone else I need you to locate.

He hands the sketch to the attorney.

Assistant: This drawing isn't much to go on, sir.

Lex: It's all I have. That woman saved my life. Use whatever resources are necessary to find her. Is that clear?

Assistant: Yes, sir.

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