06x16 - Promise

All episode transcripts (season 1-10) for the TV show "Smallville". Aired: October 2001 to May 2011.*
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A young Clark Kent struggles to find his place in the world as he learns to harness his alien powers for good and deals with the typical troubles of teenage life in Smallville.
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06x16 - Promise

Post by bunniefuu »


Original Air Date on March 16th, 2007

[ As the episode begins, we see a montage set to music of Chloe carrying boxes of wedding favors in the church in preparation for the wedding, Lex and Lana having a ultrasound done at the Smallville Medical Center, Clark in his room getting ready for the day with clear dread. Lex, sitting at his desk, looking at his wedding ring. Lana getting her final fitting for her dress. Clark, in the loft, opens a trunk and pulls out a picture of him and Lana at the Prom and after looking at it for a moment, flings it out the window where it flies off into the distance. ]

[ We see an empty church, with only Lex, Lana and the priest standing up at the front. ]

Priest: And do you, Lana Lang, take Alexander Luthor to be your husband in the holy state of matrimony? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, and forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?

Lana: I do.

[ Lex puts on her ring, then grunts all of a sudden, blood immediately forming at his mouth. He collapses to the floor and we see Clark standing behind him with a 12 inch knife, covered in blood. ]

Lana: Lex! Oh, my God, Lex! Lex!

Clark: I saved you.

Lana: I loved him.

Clark: You don't mean that.

[ Lana looks at him defiantly, then looks at the knife which is pointing towards her. In one motion, she thrusts herself onto the knife, impaling herself. ]

Clark: Lana!

[ Clark wakes up in his bed with a start, breathing heavily from his nightmare. ]

Clark: No!

[ A wedding card emblazoned with "LL" says, "Wedding Day 11:03am". ]

[ Clark is in the barn, picking up bales of hay and throwing them violently into the rafters of the barn. His cell phone rings and he sees that it's Chloe. ]

Clark: Shouldn't you be at the Luthor Mansion arranging flowers?

Chloe: Well, that's just it. I am at the Mansion, I just kinda need your help.

Clark: Where are you?

Chloe: Downstairs in the wine cellar.

[ Clark superspeeds to the mansion, and calls out to her once he gets into the wine cellar. ]

Clark: Chloe?

Chloe: Clark?

Clark: Chloe: Chloe: Hurry. I'm freezing in here.

[ Clark tries the handle first, but it breaks off easily in his hand. ]

Clark: The handle broke, Chloe.

[ The handle clatters to the floor. ]

Clark: Hold on.

[ Clark grasps the huge steel door and rips it off of it's hinges, setting it aside to let Chloe out. ]

Chloe: Thank you so much.

Clark: Next time you have a craving for a bottle of wine at 11:00 in the morning, go for a red.

[ As Chloe speaks, Clark resets the steel door and uses his heat vision to fix it back into place. ]

Chloe: I am so, so sorry. Lana hid Lex's wedding present down here, and she asked me to go get it, and then the door ... shut.

[ Finished with the door, Clark turns to Chloe uneasily. ]

Clark: I better go.

Chloe: That's it? You filled your damsel-in-distress quota for the day, and you're just ... gonna walk away?

Clark: What am I supposed do?

Chloe: I guess I always just thought that you would sweep in and save the day, but you're not gonna do that, are you?

Clark: If Lana didn't want to marry Lex, she wouldn't.

Chloe: Lana's not my hero, Clark ... you are. And this whole idea that you're still hiding who you really are, that you're giving up the one person that you totally love ...

Clark: I'm protecting her.

Chloe: [ Sarcastic ] Good job. She's marrying a monster and trapping herself into a loveless life.

Clark: Chloe, you think this is easy for me?

Chloe: I think it's easier than getting hurt. You don't hesitate to run into a burning building or jump in front of a b*llet because nothing can penetrate that iron flesh of yours. But the one time saving Lana means putting your heart on the line, the Man of Steel is nowhere to be found.

Clark: Letting Lana go is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, Chloe. If you don't know that, then you don't know me as well as I thought you did.

[ Clark gives her one last hurt look, then superspeeds out of the mansion. ]

[ Clark is at home again, just sitting in the living room, examining his dad's old watch. Martha walks in carrying her dress for the wedding. ]

Clark: How did you know Dad was the one? How'd you know he felt the same way?

Martha: I think when you're young, like you are, like we were ... nothing is that simple. [ She sets down her bags and sits next to him ] I know this is a really hard day for you, Clark.

[ Clark scoffs at this. ]

Clark: You know, I can't help but wonder ... ..if all those things I told myself ... that knowing the truth about me would be too much for Lana to handle, if she knew my secret she'd be in danger - what if I just made up all those excuses because I was scared?

Martha: [ Smiling ] Then you'd be just like the rest of us.

Clark: What do you mean?

Martha: Your father and I almost didn't get married. I broke it off after a year. We had a horrible argument, and I thought I'd never see him again. You know, we came from such different worlds. Our families, the paths we were on ... everything was stacked against us.

Clark: Then why'd you get back together?

Martha: Because I ... I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Clark: What if I take that risk ... and Lana really is happy with Lex?

Martha: All I can tell you Clark is that, if I hadn't taken that chance, I would have lost everything that's ever meant something to me.

[ Lana is sitting in the study, writing on a piece of paper when she looks up to see Clark standing there. ]

Lana: Clark.

Clark: I can't let you go through with this ... not unless you know everything.

Lana: Clark, it's okay. You don't have to explain.

Clark: I owe it to you.

Lana: No you don't owe me anything. I'm the one who's been in denial. I thought the love that I have for Lex would be enough. But I can't keep turning my back on the truth.

Clark: What are you saying?

Lana: I'm not going to marry Lex. Look, I don't have time to explain right now. I'll meet you at the barn at 5:00.

[ Just outside the study, a door opens - someone is coming. ]

Lana: You have to go. I'll be there ... I promise. [ She leans in to kiss him briefly ] Go.

[ Clark leaves by one door, but as the other door opens, there is a distinct look of surprise on Lana's face. ]

[ Lex is sitting in a large room with a huge projected image the fills the opposite wall - its is video from Lana's ultrasound and as he watches silently, the baby's heartbeats steadily. After a moment, the baby starts to stir and when the face shifts, the baby's eyes are suddenly glowing white ... as Lex wakes up from his nightmare. He looks over to find Lana already out of bed and goes into the study to find her. ]

[ Another wedding card says, "Wedding Day 7:14am". ]

Lex: How'd you sleep?

Lana: Like a baby.

Lex: Me too. But I don't know if I can wait. How about we just run off and elope?

Lana: That would be a big waste of 400 game hens.

[ She smiles at him. ]

Lex: It's a big day. It's okay to be nervous.

Lana: I know. I just have a few loose ends I need to tie up. In fact, I have to go and meet Chloe, so I should get ready. [ She kisses him ] I'll see you at the church.

[ Lex is standing at the window of his office at Luthorcorp Headquarters. ]

Lionel: Busy day at the office?

Lex: I just had some papers to sign before the wedding.

Lionel: Or could it be you're avoiding the fact that you've got no one to be with today and nothing to do?

Lex: Fine, Dad, you pegged me. I'm a little nervous.

Lionel: Do you remember, when you were just a little boy, I'd bring you up hereto the office?

Lex: I used to pretend it was all mine to control, like I could just reach down and move all the cars, as if they were toys ... pull all the strings and make people do what I wanted. But I guess it's all out of your control, isn't it?

Lionel: I should hope I taught you better than that.

Lex: You know, Dad, ever since i've been with Lana, I wake up wondering, "Is today gonna be the day when she sees who I really am?" What if she doesn't show? I honestly don't know what my life is without her.

Lionel: What would you be willing to do to make sure that Lana is standing next to you at the altar this afternoon?

Lex: Anything.

Lionel: Then she will be ... I promise you.

[ Lionel turns to leave as Lex's cell phone rings. ]

Lex: [ On the phone ] It's my wedding day. Whatever it is, it can wait. Is something wrong? I'll be right there.

[ As Lex ends the call, Lionel is just outside the door, listening. ]

[ Another wedding card says, "Wedding Day 4:43pm". ]

[ Lex meets Dr. Langston, Lana's physician, in a crypt below the church. ]

Lex: Dr. Langston ... is this about Lana? Is she okay?

Dr. Langston: Oh, that's a bit ambiguous, after what you've done to her.

Lex: In a few minutes, I'm gonna be exchanging rings directly above where you're standing. What was so urgent it couldn't wait?

Dr. Langston: Trust me, Lex. I wouldn't want anything to come between you and your beautiful bride ... for instance, the truth about her condition.

Lex: For your sake, I hope I'm not understanding you.

Dr. Langston: Consider it hazard pay for the dangerous ... not to mention unethical ... position you've put me in for months.

Lex: And today's the day you hold the most leverage.

Dr. Langston: Wire $2 million to this account, or Ms. Lang will know everything.

Lex: I don't give in to blackmail.

Dr. Langston: Oh, I think you will. No man sinks as low as you have if he isn't driven by desperation. Knowing what you've kept from her, I wouldn't recommend putting her love to the test.

Lex: I won't let you take her away from me!

[ Lex grabs the doctor and starts punching him in the face, time after time. Finally, Lex hits him one last time and he falls back against the edge of a crypt. Dr. Langston collapses to the ground, a pool of blood spreading around his body. ]

[ Lex pulls the huge stone lid off of the top of the crypt in order to put the doctor's body inside. This completed, we see Lex frantically washing the blood from his hands in the sink in his dressing room. After he puts on his tuxedo shirt, he sees a large spot of the blood on the sleeve just as there is a knock on the door behind him. ]

Lex: I'll be right there.

[ He grabs his tuxedo jacket and goes to get the door. ]

Lex: Is it time?

Chloe: It was ... 10 minutes ago. Lana's not here, and no one knows where she is.

[ It is the day of the tornado and Lana is caught up in it. As she climbs onto the floor of the truck, the door to the truck is ripped off and she can see Clark, like a vision amid all the confusion, once again there to keep her safe. ]

Clark: Lana!

[ Lana wakes with a start, then gets out of bed and walks down to the study. There, she pulls out a scrapbook of sorts, with newspaper clippings from her various brushes with death - from all of which, she's now convinced, that she was saved by Clark. She hears someone approaching and puts the book away, then rushes down the stairs of the study to stand calmly by the fire. ]

Lex: How'd you sleep?

[ She turns to him, smiling, her emotional turmoil set aside. ]

Lana: Like a baby.

Lex: Me too. I don't know if I can wait. How about we just run off and elope?

Lana: That would be a pretty big wasteof 400 game hens.

Lex: It's a big day. It's okay to be nervous.

Lana: I know. I just have a few loose ends that I need to tie up. In fact, I have to go meet Chloe, so I should get ready. [ She kisses him lightly ] I'll see you at the church.

[ As she walks away, her light smile turns instantly to a look of coldness. ]

[ Lana is sitting in her room, looking uneasy, her fingers gliding idly over a wedding invitation. In the mirror, Lana sees Aunt Nell walk into the room behind her. ]

Lana: Aunt Nell.

Nell: I can't tell you how long I've been looking forward to this day. Oh, I'm so proud of you. I wouldn't have missed this day for anything.

[ Lana smiles, but looks down quickly, her smile fading. ]

Nell: I know that look. Lana ... this may be the most important day of your life. What's wrong?

Lana: It's just ... [ Sighs ] If there were something that you had to put past you to get on with your life and you tried every way that was fair and honest to do that and nothing worked ... is it really wrong to bend the rules just once?

Nell: Well, what would put those doubts to rest?

Lana: The truth.

Nell: If you are going to promise your heart to Lex, you cannot go to that altar with anything unresolved. When it comes to protecting ourselves ... we do what we have to do, Lana.

[ Chloe and Lana are walking down the hall of the mansion, but Lana is clearly not paying attention to what Chloe is telling her. ]

Chloe: Okay, so you have your final dress fitting at 3:00, the limo's picking you up at 3:30, and you have wedding photos outside the church [ Chloe can see Lana's mind is elsewhere ... ] and naked-male jello wrestling at 5:00. Lana? Look at me. [ Lana turns around ] You didn't sleep at all last night, did you?

Lana: There's beena lot of pressure.

Chloe: Since this is your big day, I'll pretend that I don't see right through that.

[ Lana smiles broadly. ]

Lana: I think that's a great idea.

[ They both chuckle. ]

Chloe: Okay. What else can I do?

Lana: Well, if you don't mind, I hid Lex's wedding gift in the wine cellar so he wouldn't find it.

Chloe: I guess "personal gofer" falls under the umbrella of "maid of honor." Oh, um, what does it look like?

Lana: Um, it is behind the Bollinger in the cooler. It's a little blue box with a white bow.

Chloe: Okay.

Lana: Thank you.

Chloe: Yep!

[ Chloe makes her way down to the wine cellar, then opens the huge steel door to the cooler. ]

Chloe: Holy Dom Pérignon. [ She searches in the racks ] Aha. [ The door creaks behind her, then shuts ] Ah!

[ Outside the door, Lana is standing there and she turns the lock on the door as soon as it is shut. ]

Chloe: Perfect. Okay.

[ Chloe pulls out her cell phone and calls Lana, whose phone buzzes in her hand just outside the door. Lana sees the call and silences her phone. ]

Chloe: Come on, Lana. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.

[ The call goes to voicemail. ]

Chloe: sh**t.

[ She redials the phone, getting Clark on the line. ]

Clark: Shouldn't you be at the Luthor Mansion, arranging flowers?

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] That's just it. I am at the mansion, but I kind of need your help.

Clark: Where are you?

Chloe: Downstairs in the wine cellar.

[ Outside the door, we can hear Clark rushing in with super speed. Once he is in the wine cellar, he calls out her name. As he does, Lana is hiding behind the wine racks, watching with wide eyes as he zooms in. ]

Clark: Chloe?

Chloe: Clark?

Clark: Chloe?

Chloe: Hurry. I'm freezing in here.

[ Clark pulls off the door handle. ]

Clark: The handle broke, Chloe. Hold on.

[ Clark pulls the door off of its hinges as Lana looks on in awe, her eyes huge. ]

Chloe: Thank you so much.

Clark: Next time you have a craving for a bottle of wine at 11:00 in the morning, go for a red.

[ As Chloe speaks and Clark resets the door using his heat vision, Lana watches all of this unfold, with Clark's abilities on full display. ]

Chloe: Yeah, i'm so, so sorry. I-I know you'd rather be tied to a boulder of Kryptonite than come down here for ground zero of the Luthor/Lang wedding, but I didn't have a choice. It wasn't my fault. Lana hid Lex's wedding present down here, and she asked me to come down and get it, and then the door shut.

[ Once he's done, Clark turns to Chloe awkwardly. ]

Clark: I better go.

Chloe: Wait, that's it? You filled your damsel-in-distress quota for the day, and you're just gonna walk away?

Clark: Chloe, what am I supposed to do?

Chloe: I guess I just always figured you'd sweep in at the last minute and save the day, but you're not gonna do that, are you?

Clark: If Lana didn't want to marry Lex, she wouldn't.

Chloe: Yeah, but Lana's not my hero, Clark ... you are. And this whole idea that you haven't told her who you really are, that you're giving up the person that you totally love, because you're ...

Clark: I'm protecting her.

Chloe: [ Sarcastically ] Good job. She's marrying a monster, and she's gonna be trapped in a loveless life.

Clark: You think this is easy for me?

Chloe: I think it's easier than getting hurt. Clark, you don't hesitate to run into a burning building or jump in front of a b*llet because nothing can penetrate that iron flesh of yours. But the one time saving Lana means putting your heart on the line, the Man of Steel is nowhere to be found.

Clark: Giving up Lana is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. If you don't know that, you don't know me very well.

[ Still watching from the wine racks, Lana sees Clark zoom out of the room, gone in the blink of an eye. ]

[ Lana is sitting in the study, writing on a piece of paper. She looks up to see Clark standing there. ]

Lana: Clark.

Clark: I cannot let you go through with this ... not until you know everything.

Lana: Clark, it's okay. You don't have to explain.

Clark: I owe it to you.

Lana: No, you don't owe me anything. I'm the one who's been in denial. And I thought that the love that I have for Lex would be enough, but I can't keep turning my back on the truth.

Clark: What are you saying?

Lana: I'm not marrying Lex. Look, I don't have time to explain right now. I'll meet you at the barn at 5:00.

[ A door just beyond the study opens - someone is coming. ]

Lana: You have to go. I'll be there ... I promise. [ She leans in to kiss him ] Go.

[ Once Clark leaves, Lionel Luthor enters from the opposite door, surprising Lana. ]

Lionel: Ms. Lang ... [ chuckles ] Shouldn't you be leaving for the church?

[ Lionel looks down at the handwritten note on the table and picks it up before Lana can grab it. ]

Lionel: What's this?

[ He looks at the note: "Dear Lex, I'm so sorry but I can't go through with this." He looks at her sternly. ]

Lionel: This will destroy Lex.

Lana: Mr. Luthor, I'm sorry, but this is none of your business.

Lionel: Well, I'm making it my business. I can't let you call off the wedding.

Lana: Things have changed, and it wouldn't be fair to Lex to pretend like they haven't.

[ Lionel studies her carefully, then realization dawns on his face. ]

Lionel: You know Clark's secret, don't you?

[ Lionel smiles, then circles around her. ]

Lionel: I've been watching you since you started seeing my son, and you've been getting closer and closer to finding out the shocking truth about Clark Kent. What a surprise it must have been to realize Clark has kept up the deception for so long, right under your nose.

Lana: He was trying to protect me. [ Lionel chuckles at this ] And he's not gonna let you thr*aten me now.

Lionel: You think Clark's invincible. Not so - like every hero, he has an achilles' heel, a weakness. I know what it is. And I know that it could k*ll him.

Lana: No. You could never hurt him.

Lionel: Would you bet ... Clark's life on that? I give you my word, Ms. Lang, if you don't honor the promise that you've made to my son or I find out you've told anyone about this conversation, I will k*ll Clark Kent.

[ At the church, the crowd is assembled and waiting restlessly. Chloe and Lex walk up to the front along the side of the church. ]

Chloe: No, she just vanished. She won't answer her cell. Sorry, Lex, I don't know what to say, but I'm sure there's an explanation for all this.

Lex: Father, did Lana say anything to you, anything that might have indicated ...

Priest: Be patient, Lex. Give her a little more time. Wedding-day jitters are to be expected.

[ Lex looks around at the guests, and at the open door where Lana should be. ]

Lex: [ To himself ] She's not coming.

Clark: I've loved you since the first moment I saw you. Will you marry me?

[ Clark holds out a wedding ring, and when the camera turns we see he is practicing on Shelby the dog. ]

Clark: It's too corny, huh? [ sighs ]

[ At the church, processional music starts to play as Lana finally appears at the front door of the church, and very slowly she starts to make her way up the aisle. ]

[ In the loft, Clark waits impatiently. After checking his watch several times, he grabs his coat and rushes off to the church. ]

Priest: Do you, Alexander Luthor, take Lana Lang to be your wife in the holy state of matrimony? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, and forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?

Lex: I do.

[ Lex puts Lana's ring on her finger. ]

Priest: And do you, Lana Lang, take Alexander Luthor to be your husband in the holy state of matrimony? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, and forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?

[ Lana looks out across the hall to see Clark standing at the back of the church, looking stricken. She gives him a long look, then pulls herself together and looks back at Lex. ]

Lana: I do.

[ Beside her, Lex sighs heavily, and wipes away a tear from her cheek. ]

Priest: May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Luthor?

[ The assembled crowd applauds as Lex beams and Lana can only smile weakly. At the back of the church, Clark is gone. ]

[ In her room, Lana sits at a mirror, in shock. ]

Lex: I never thought it was possible to be this happy. How did I ever turn out to be the man who gets to spend the rest of his life with you?

[ Lana can't find any words and just smiles weakly at him. ]

Lex: Okay. I'll just get my things ... Mrs. Luthor.

[ Lex leaves the room and as soon as the door closes, Lana breaks down, sobbing to herself. After a moment, there is a knock at the door and she has to reel in her emotions. ]

Lana: I'll be right there.

[ She turns to the door to find Clark, his emotions mirroring hers. ]

Clark: I waited for you.

Lana: Clark.

Clark: What happened?

Lana: I'm ... I'm really sorry. I, uh, I didn't mean to hurt you ... but I want to be with Lex.

Clark: That's not true. [ He walks to her ] He got to you, didn't he?

Lana: No, please, just believe me and let it go.

[ Lana speaks tersely, trying to brush him off and maintain her composure at the same time. ]

Clark: Let it go? Let it go?! Lana, I love you. I love you.

Lana: Clark, don't.

Clark: Tell me what he did. What did Lex do? You don't have to stay with him.

Lana: He didn't do anything. I've made my decision. I just want to be with him.

Clark: Why do you keep saying that? Lana, we should be together. I want this more than I've ever wanted anything, and I know that you do, too.

[ Lana tries mightily to muster some conviction for this statement, but can only manage a weak reply, her voice faltering. ]

Lana: I've ... I've had a change of heart.

Clark: You don't mean that. Is this because of my secret? Lana, I'll tell you. I'm not like everyone else. I'm ...

Lana: No, Clark, you ... you have to go.

Clark: No! No ... not until you look me in the eye and you tell me that you'd rather spend the rest of your life with Lex Luthor instead of me.

[ Clark's own voice is breaking as he says this and in reply, Lana can't find any conviction for her reply. ]

Lana: I'm sorry, Clark. I love Lex.

[ Lionel walks into a sitting room where Lex is sitting pensively. ]

Lionel: Congratulations, son.

Lex: Thanks, Dad. And why do i get the feeling that's not all you came to say?

Lionel: Good to see the euphoria of your wedding day hasn't tempered your cynicism.

Lex: I guess old habits die hard.

Lionel: And apparently, some are next to impossible to k*ll, aren't they?

[ Lex stands up, chuckling. ]

Lex: Do you sit up at night, practicing this stuff?

[ Lionel backhands Lex across the face, instantly drawing blood. ]

Lionel: How could you be so stupid? A grown man on his wedding day, and you need me to come to the rescue again ... you are pathetic.

[ Lex is still clutching his face. ]

Lex: I don't know what you're talking about.

Lionel: Don't play the fool with me, Lex. There's a crypt down below that has gotten a little overcrowded.

Lex: It was an accident ...

Lionel: Of course it was. You don't have the guts to plan a successful m*rder. And if anyone should discover that the fresh corpse downstairs happens to be that of your bride's physician, they just might stumble onto the truth about Lana's pregnancy.

[ Lex's eyes widen at the revelation that his father knows the truth about Lana's baby. ]

Lionel: She's made a desperate man of you, Lex.

[ Lex is backed into a corner, truly a desperate man. ]

Lex: Okay. You win. Whatever you want, it's yours ... control of Luthorcorp, 33.1 ...

Lionel: You don't have to worry, Lex. You'll know when it's time for me to collect.

[ The door to the sitting room opens and Lana walks in, interrupting them. Lex turns back to his father, his demeanor immediately changed. ]

Lex: Thanks, Dad.

Lana: Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

[ Lionel turns to leave, stopping in front of Lana as she looks icily at him. ]

Lionel: Mrs. Luthor.

[ He leans over to kiss her cheek and she stands motionless and stone-faced. ]

Lionel: Welcome to the family.

[ As the wedding comes to a close, Lana and Lex appear at the front door to the church as their guests gather to congratulate them one last them. On they are getting into the waiting limo, Lex catches Clark's eye and smiles to himself at the distraught look on Clark's face. Once in the limo, as they pull away, Lana looks back at Clark and they share a look, then she turns back around, the camera fixed on her cold, shocked eyes. ]
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