04x11 - Catch me if you can

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x11 - Catch me if you can

Post by bunniefuu »

[The Woods]

(Matt is running through the woods. A vampire is chasing him. He hides behind a tree but the vampire finds him and bites him but Jeremy kills him and rushes toward Matt)

[A bar]

(Jeremy, Matt and Damon are still with Klaus and the vampires are still there)

Jeremy: No way. I'm not doing it

Klaus: What makes you think you have a choice? You have to k*ll vampires to complete the hunter's mark. Mark equals cure

Damon: You're in a bar full of almost vampires, so get your hunt on

Jeremy: Screw you. You said I wouldn't have to k*ll any innocent people

Damon: Jeremy, they're not people

Klaus: Enough! Have at it, or else

Jeremy: I don't take orders from you, d*ck. Hunters can't be compelled

Klaus: You're right. I can't compel you, but if your conscience is getting in the way, then allow me to make this easy for you because I can compel them. I'm gonna give you a two-minute head start. Then I'm gonna send every vampire in here after you. You k*ll them, or they k*ll your friend... Matt

Matt: Wait a second

Damon: No, no. You turn them, he kills them. That was the deal, Klaus

Klaus: I'm taking artistic license

Damon: You know he can't take them all on at the same time

Klaus: With you as his coach, he'll be fine. It's Matt I'm worried about

Damon: Jeremy, go get the weapons out of the car. I'll be right behind you. Both of you

(Matt and Jeremy leave)

Klaus: If I hear an engine start, I'll k*ll Matt myself!

[The woods]

(Jeremy is checking up on Matt)

Jeremy: Are you okay?

Matt: Yeah. I just need a second

Jeremy: We don't have a second. They can smell your blood. We need to go

(They hear a noise. Jeremy turns himself, raising his crossbow but it's Damon)

Damon: Don't hesitate. You're lucky it was me. Otherwise, you two would be dead

Jeremy: You set me up

Damon: I was trying to get this thing over with. You're the one that pissed off Klaus. Now you have to fight your way out of it

Jeremy: Where are the other vampires?

Damon: They're newbies. They're still trying to figure out how to track, which means you have two seconds to get ready to fight

Jeremy: The lake house is this way. If we can get there, they won't be able to get inside

Damon: Wait. You want to run?

Jeremy: They're gonna k*ll Matt

Damon: Fine. Get out of here. I'll slow them down

(Matt and Jeremy are running)

Matt: Jeremy?! Where are you?

Jeremy: Keep going. We're almost there

(A vampire catches Matt and tries to bite him but Elena throws him off Matt)

Elena: Are you ok? Oh my god

(Jeremy rushes toward them)

Jeremy: Get to the house! Hurry!

(They run to the house and enter. Elena looks outside)

Elena: Jeremy, what's going on?

Jeremy: They're coming

[Gilbert's Lake house]

(Jeremy is looking through the window and Elena is taking care of Matt. Damon's here)

Jeremy: Sun's up. They're long gone

(Elena gets up and looks at Damon)

Elena: What the hell were you thinking? All I asked you to do was to teach him how to fight

Damon: He's not the best student in the world

Jeremy: Wait. Now this is my fault?

Damon: Stop talking. Look. I know you're angry, but my way was the easiest, fastest, and safest way to complete his mark to get you the cure

Elena: I don't care about the cure, Damon, not if it means putting the people that I love in danger

Damon: Hey. There would have been no danger if he hadn't gone all bleeding hearts

Elena: He k*lled someone. These were innocent people

Damon: But the mark grew, didn't it?

Elena: Ok. Look. We need a plan There's a group of compelled vampires out there, and as soon as the sun goes down, they're gonna come after Matt, so we have to find a way to protect him

Damon: Yes, I know, but there will be no problem when big Jer and I here go on a hunting expedition. Elena, I know it's tragic, I get it, but we also agree that he had to k*ll them. Now we have added incentive, so you take the least most valuable player home, and Jeremy and I will finish this

Elena: I'm sorry. Are you saying that I should leave him here with you?

Damon: Trust me. I will keep him safe, ok?

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan enters his bedroom. Rebekah is on his bed, reading his diary)

Stefan: Ahem. I know you were, uh, daggered for a little while, but, uh, knocking is still a thing

Rebekah: So is writing in your diary apparently. I'm just checking for doubts. You can never be too cautious when it comes to love. One minute, you're begging me to compel Elena from your mind, and the next, I'm up coffin creek with a dagger in my back

Stefan: Right. Well, you can read it all you want. I'm done with her

Rebekah: Until we find the cure, right? Hey. I'm talking to you

Stefan: Oh, I know you are. I'm ignoring you

Rebekah: Look. We're at a bit of a disadvantage in this whole race for the cure. Team Klaus has Jeremy the hunter; team Shane has Bonnie the witch

Stefan: If you're here to remind me of our last place status, I'm very well aware

Rebekah: Actually I have a plan. The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient evil guy my brother Kol is afraid of. Shane was so eager to prove his existence that he gave away that he has one of the keys to resurrecting him, his headstone

Stefan: I see. You want to steal it

Rebekah: Yes. And then team Shane will have to join team Rebekah, and team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs

[Whitmore's College]

(Bonnie is in Shane's office. They're sitting at his desk. There's a lighten candle on the desk. Her eyes are closed)

Shane: You know, just because your eyes are closed doesn't mean you're meditating. Come on. Use your breath. Use your breath to calm your nerves

Bonnie: Great. So now I can't even meditate right? What else can I fail?

Shane: Bonnie, you didn't fail

Bonnie: I did an expression spell that almost k*lled April

Shane: Exactly. Almost. Failing would have been actually k*lling her. You got, like, a d-minus

Bonnie: It's not funny. I have all this power now, and I'm worried I won't be able to control it

Shane: Bonnie, look at me. I'm here with you. You don't have anything to worry about. You are strong, you are focused. You are in complete control. You're here with me

Bonnie: I'm in complete control

(Sheriff Forbes enters with a deputy)

Bonnie: Sheriff?

Sheriff Forbes: Bonnie, I'm gonna need you to go

(A deputy is handcuffing Shane)

Shane: What the hell are you doing?

Sheriff Forbes: We need to ask you a few questions

Shane: Are you serious? I'm sure I can answer without the handcuffs. Come on. This isn't even your jurisdiction

Sheriff Forbes: Well, then I guess we better get you to Mystic Falls ASAP

Bonnie: Wait. Why are you doing this?

Sheriff Forbes: That's something you should ask your dad

[The Woods]

(Damon's car is parked. Jeremy and him get out and open the trunk)

Jeremy: You really think they went back to the bar?

Damon: Where else are they gonna go? It's all cabins and vacation homes. They can't get in anywhere. All right. There you go

Jeremy: Fine. Let's get this over with

Damon: Listen. Just go one at a time, only sh**t for the heart, don't hesitate, and don't miss

Jeremy: Save the teaching moment. Elena's not here. You don't have to pretend like you give a damn about me

Damon: I'm trying to keep you alive, dumbass. Come on

[A bar]

(Damon and Jeremy enter but the bar is empty. There is a lot of blood on the floor)

Damon: Something's not right

(They follow the blood and enter the back. The find all the vampires dead)

Damon: Looks like we're gonna have to find some new vampires. What a waste

Damon: What the hell happened?

Kol: I confess. I did it

Jeremy: Kol

Kol: Jeremy, good to see you, mate. Sorry about the mess. It was a little crowded when I arrived, and I prefer more intimate gatherings. We 3 need to have a little chat. Care for a drink?

Damon: He's underage, and I don't like you, so let's just cut to it

Kol: My brother bragged about his plan to complete Jeremy's hunter's mark. It was easy enough to track this lot down. They were all hiding in the shadows. Now k*lling young vampires is easy or old ones for that matter

Damon: Why? What's it to you either way?

Kol: Because, you fools, in your zeal to find the cure, you risk waking someone very dangerous

Damon: Oh. You must be talking about Silas

Kol: What do you know of him?

Damon: Nothing. Don't want to. Not our problem

Kol: Isn't it? A few hundred years back, I came across a group that worshiped Silas. His followers told me that he would rise again, and when he did, he would trigger the end of all time. You know, being an immortal, you can see why I'm opposed to time's ending. I m*rder*d all of them, and now here you are willing to risk raising him in your search for the cure. I can't exactly sit back and let that happen, can I?

Damon: We're not gonna back off the cure because you were told one too many scary bedtime stories, you idiot

Kol: Jeremy, we were mates in Colorado. You're a smart lad. Why don't you call off this imbecilic treasure hunt?

Jeremy: I'm not calling anything off, mate

Kol: Well, I could k*ll you, but then I'd have to deal with the hunter's curse, and I... I don't particularly feel like being haunted for the next century. Better idea. I'll just rip off your arms

(Damon pushes Kol against a wall)

Damon: Jeremy, run!

(He struggles with Kol but Kol is stronger and strangles him from behind)

[Whitmore College]

(Stefan and Rebekah are looking everywhere but don't fine anything)

Stefan: Well... Headstone's not here

Rebekah: Don't ripper out on me. We'll find it. Oh, you're all bottled up. You need a release. Maybe we can find you a voodoo doll or something

(She looks through Shane's drawer and finds a stash of herbs)

Rebekah: Ah. This should do the trick. Exactly what you need. The Professor's stash of herbs

Stefan: Not interested

Rebekah: What happened to you? You were so much fun in the twenties

Stefan: I was a psychotic k*ller with no emotions in the 1920s

Rebekah: You may have been a k*ller, but you were far from emotionless, Stefan. You had a blast. I know you remember. The jazz, the booze, our little table at Gloria's. Don't make me compel it out of you

Stefan: All right. Um... I guess we had a little bit of fun

Rebekah: Thank you. So now that we've established that fun is, in fact, possible, maybe you'd like to start having some. Don't worry about the Professor. He won't be back any time soon. I made sure of that

[Sheriff's Station]

(Liz is interrogating Shane)

Shane: You're accusing me of orchestrating a mass m*rder? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?

Sheriff Forbes: It's Mystic Falls. It's actually one of the least ridiculous things I've heard

(Bonnie and her dad are watching the questioning on a small screen)

Bonnie: He already explained this, dad. Pastor Young came to him for help. He was crazy

Rudy: No. He was grief-stricken, and Shane took advantage of it. And somehow talked him into k*lling a house full of people

Bonnie: It doesn't make any sense

Rudy: I've met people like this, Bonnie. They're fast-talking, they're charismatic, they're manipulators. They prey on the weak-minded

Bonnie: Mmm. And you're worried that's what he's doing to me. That's why you brought him in, isn't it?

Rudy: No. We brought him in because April young told us what he did. Rebekah Mikaelson confirmed it. He confessed to her

Bonnie: I'm going in there

Rudy: Bonnie, no, you're not

Bonnie: If he's gonna tell anyone what he did, it's me. Unless of course you think I'm too weak-minded

(Bonnie enters the interrogating room. Liz looks at her)

Sheriff Forbes: Bonnie, now is not the time

Rudy: Let her talk

(They leave the room. Bonnie sits in front of Shane)

Shane: I think your dad's confused about the format of the parent-teacher conference

Bonnie: I'm so sorry. Rebekah told them you confessed. I know she's lying

Shane: You know, the truth is, she's not

[Gilbert's House]

(Matt and Elena enter)

Elena: I'm so sorry. Listen. When I asked you to stay to Jeremy, I never thought...

Matt: what did you expect, Elena? It's Damon

Elena: I never wanted anyone to get hurt

Matt: Well, then you shouldn't have left him in charge. Look. I'm sorry. I know you didn't have a choice... sire bond and all

Elena: Sire bond doesn't work like that

Matt: All I know, Elena, is that the old you would have never left Jeremy with Damon, especially after what happened last night

(Elena's phone rings, she answers)

Elena: Jeremy?

Jeremy: Elena, we're in trouble

Elena: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Where's Damon?

Jeremy: Listen to me. Kol att*cked us. I barely got away, but he's got Damon

[Klaus' Mansion]

Klaus: A bit ironic you coming to me for help. Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb?

(He's talking to Elena)

Elena: This is your fault. You started this when you forced Jeremy to k*ll those vampires

Klaus: And my little brat of a brother has gone and made things worse. Well, he never did like Damon. I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I?

Elena: Call him off, Klaus

Klaus: You are in no position to make demands, love. Whilst I'd like to cure you to make more hybrids, I do have other reasons for finding the cure, not the least of which is destroying it so you lot can't use it against me

Elena: Whatever our differences, we want the same thing. Please. Klaus, I'm begging you

(Klaus finally calls Kol)

Klaus: Little brother. Just two days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess

Kol: Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun

Klaus: Those vampires were for my hunter

Kol: Well, make some more. There's no shortage of people

Klaus: Where's Damon Salvatore?

Kol: I gave him a good and proper beating just for old time's sake

Klaus: Yes. Well, you've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or you'll find yourself back in a box

Kol: Hey. No need to be nasty about it

Klaus: On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. Understand?

Kol: Fine. I won't touch him. You have my word

[A bar]

(Kol hangs up and looks at Damon. He's got a piece a wood in his chest)

Kol: Very good, darling. Now s*ab yourself a little bit further

(Damon does as he's told and groans)

Damon: If you're gonna k*ll me, do it like a man

Kol: I don't want to k*ll you. I just wanted to make sure you could be compelled

Damon: I'm gonna rip out your spleen

Kol: You ought to be thanking me. You don't really want the cure found. You fancy Elena. I mean, even more now that she's a vampire. Admit it. The last vestige of her humanity is her annoying little brother Jeremy, and deep, deep down, I bet you want him dead, don't you?

Damon: Nope

Kol: You're lying. I bet you'd love to rip his head right off... And I'm gonna give you your wish

(He compels him)

Kol: You're not gonna remember what I say, but you're going to find Jeremy Gilbert, and when you do, you're going to k*ll him

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is in the kitchen. Jeremy is gathering all his weapons on the table)

Elena: Jeremy, it's over. You can put all this away

Jeremy: Klaus still wants me to finish the mark. He's not gonna stop

Elena: Ok. Well, Damon's gonna be back soon, and then we can figure something out

Jeremy: Seriously? You still trust Damon?

Elena: He saved your life

Jeremy: He saved the map to the cure. He couldn't care less about me

Elena: I care about you

Jeremy: Don't. Whatever's inside of me that makes me want to hunt, right now it's on overdrive

Elena: Jeremy

Jeremy: I'm sorry. I know what I have to do, Elena. I really want to get that cure for you, but…. I just... I don't how I'm gonna do this

[Whitmore College]

(Rebekah is smoking and Stefan is looking around)

Stefan: So much random crap in here

Rebekah: Crap, maybe. Random, no. Looks like Shane has a bit of an afterlife fetish. Hopi prayer feathers, the Han dynasty soul vase, and that is a Polynesian sacrificial knife

(He takes the knife)

Rebekah: Brutal way to die, but at least you appease the gods

Stefan: Since when did you become such an artifact expert?

Rebekah: I enjoy other cultures, Stefan. I know that might be hard for you to understand considering you dated a child who only thinks about herself. Still a sensitive subject, I see. Do you know why I wouldn't compel Elena from your memory?

Stefan: Because you wanted me to suffer

Rebekah: I did. It's the only way you'll learn. It took me a thousand years and hundreds of betrayals to realize that love, caring ruins you

Stefan: That's awfully bleak

Rebekah: Quite the opposite. It's liberating actually. You know why we had so much fun in the twenties, Stefan? Because we didn't care. We just did what felt good... drinking, feeding, sex

Stefan: The sex wasn't good because we didn't care. It was good because you're crazy. Crazy sex is always good

Rebekah: You were hardly the model of sanity. Stop... Caring

(They're interrupted when someone enters. They disappear. The man looks around and finds where the headstone is hidden. He's about to take it when Rebekah catches him)

Rebekah: Good. You found it. Question is who are you?

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena opens the door. Damon's on the porch)

Elena: What happened? Are you ok?

Damon: Kol happened

Elena: Thank God you both got away. If Kol had taken Jeremy

Damon: Is he here? I just want to talk to him really fast

Elena: He's at the grill. He wanted to check on Matt

Damon: Well, I should go apologize to him. I was... I was pretty tough on him today

[Sheriff's Department]

(Bonnie enters the interrogation room to talk to Shane)

Bonnie: Told my dad to give us a minute. Camera's off. You can talk

Shane: Are you sure about that?

Bonnie: Yeah. I don't lie. I'm not you

Shane: Look. I always gonna tell you the truth. I just kept putting it off because I was worried how you'd react

Bonnie: Bad. That's how I react to m*rder

Shane: I'm not a k*ller, Bonnie. Pastor Young was depressed...

Bonnie: I've heard this. Skip to the part where you convince him to m*ssacre 11 people

Shane: It wasn't a m*ssacre. It was a ritual. It was something necessary to raise Silas and get the cure that your friends so desperately want

Bonnie: If they knew people had to die...

Shane: it doesn't matter if they die. Silas will bring them back

Bonnie: You're crazy

Shane: I'm not crazy. I'm just passionate

Bonnie: You're full on crazy

Shane: Do you remember our first session? It was about your grams, right? You thought every time you did magic you were causing her pain. Aren't you curious what's happening to her now? Wouldn't you like to see her again?
[Mystic Grill]

(Matt is working. Damon and Elena rejoin him)

Damon: Don't you ever take a night off?

Matt: I took two days off to help you out at the lake house, remember? I almost got k*lled

Damon: Where's Jeremy?

Matt: He's in the back I think

(He leaves them)

Elena: Are you doing ok?

Matt: Yeah. All things considered

(Elena rejoins Damon)

Elena: Damon. Are you all right? What's going on? Damon, what is wrong with you?

Damon: It was Kol. He must have compelled me. If I find Jeremy... I might k*ll him

[The Tunnels]

(Jeremy is running. Damon is going after him)

Damon: Jeremy… Get out of here! Do you hear me? Don't stop. Kol compelled me. There's nothing I can do! You can't hide in here, Jer. If I find you, you're dead. Jeremy, are you listening to me? You better run! I am coming to k*ll you. You need to go now!

[Whitmore's College]

(Rebekah is torturing the intruder)

Rebekah: All you have to do to make it stop is tell me who sent you. You're full of vervain, so I know you haven't been compelled

Stefan: Or maybe somebody compelled him before he ingested it

Rebekah: He was after the headstone. We need to know who sent him

Stefan: Ok. Fine. So we take him home, wait till the vervain is out of his system, and then compel him and get whatever information we want

Rebekah: That's not a bad idea

(The intruder coughs blood)

Stefan: He just bit off his own tongue

Rebekah: So he does know something

(The intruder kills himself)

Stefan: I guess he was compelled

Rebekah: Was it my bastard brother or yours?

Stefan: Maybe it's option number 3. There's another team in the race

[Sheriff's Department]

Bonnie: You're saying if I help you raise Silas you can bring my grams back? Don't play on my guilt, Shane

Shane: I'm not playing on anything. This is the truth. You told me what happened. Your reckless use of magic is the reason...

Bonnie: Don't

Shane: Is the reason those spirits are torturing her on the other side

Bonnie: Don't

Shane: Hurting her again and again and again

Bonnie: I said don't!

(She uses her powers on him)

Shane: You can't stop, can you? All this power that you're feeling, you actually like it, don't you?

(She makes him suffer)

Shane: Aah! Aah! Ugh. Look at yourself, Bonnie. Look at yourself, Bonnie

(Rudy enters)

Rudy: Bonnie, what are you doing?

Bonnie: Get out! Get out of here!

(She throws water on the floor and sets it on fire with her powers)

Rudy: Bonnie, stop!

Shane: You can't reason with her, mayor. She's lost control

Rudy: Bonnie, baby, baby. Please. Do something!

Shane: Bonnie… Bonnie, look at me! Now take a deep breath. I'm right here with you. You are in complete control. That's it

(She stops and leaves the room)

Shane: Your daughter... Is a prodigy. With my guidance... She'll be one of the most powerful witches in the world... But without it... whew... she's a time b*mb

[Whitmore College]

(Stefan and Rebekah are looking at the intruder's body. Stefan's phone rings. She takes it and answers)

Rebekah: Hello, Elena

Elena: What did you to Stefan?

Rebekah: Rescued him from his old, dull life, but it keeps calling. Stefan's not in the mood to talk right now

Elena: Then he can listen. I know might not care about me right now, Stefan, but Kol compelled Damon to k*ll Jeremy. They're somewhere in the tunnels, and I... it's one giant maze down here, and I can't find them, so if you still care about the cure or about Jeremy, then maybe you can come help

(Nobody answers)

Elena: Okay

(She hangs up. Rebekah looks at Stefan)

Rebekah: That is an interesting predicament for both of us

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Jeremy has arrived in the tunnel. Damon is near)

Damon: Did you miss the part where I said I'm compelled? Don't stop! Seriously? You're being hunted by a vampire, and now you're bleeding?

(He arrives in the cellar and Jeremy catches him from behind)

Damon: Dumb move, Jer. You can't fight me in closed quarters

Jeremy: It was worth a shot

(He aims his g*n at him)

Damon: You're gonna have to sh**t me, Jeremy, in the heart. I'm not gonna be able to stop myself. Jeremy, you are a hunter. You know what to do. Do it. Do it!

(Jeremy sh**t him)

(Damon wakes up. Jeremy shot him in the head. He removes the b*llet)

Damon: He shot me in the head. Stupid idiot... Borderline brain-dead moron! That was dumb, Jeremy. Should have k*lled me when you had the chance

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Kol is about to leave but Rebekah puts a dagger against his back)

Rebekah: Going somewhere? I would if I were you. If Damon kills the hunter, Nik will not be pleased

Kol: I told Nik I wouldn't touch the kid. I didn't

Rebekah: Oh. Well, that was clever. I'm sure he'll really appreciate it

Kol: You'd really dagger me?

Rebekah: If I do, Damon's compulsion ends and this is all over

Kol: And then you're no better than Niklaus. Daggering siblings when you disagree with them... look at what this family has become. I mean, Elijah won't even show his face he's so disgusted by our bickering. This cure has ruined us, and it hasn't even been found yet. Just imagine what would happen if it is

Rebekah: This family was ruined long before we knew about the cure. Kol! I won't let you raise Silas

Klaus: Enough of this foolishness. Put it down, Kol

(Kol leaves)

Rebekah: He was going to k*ll me

Klaus: Well, then, I think you need a lesson in how to properly dagger a sibling

Rebekah: Burn in hell

(She leaves)

[The woods]

(Jeremy is running but he's hurt. He falls on the ground. He looks at his arm. Damon arrives but Elena runs after him)

Elena: Damon, stop! I know that you don't want to hurt Jeremy, so please stop

Damon: I can't

Elena: Yes, you can. You're strong enough to resist the compulsion. I know that you are

Damon: Why, because Stefan did?

Elena: Because I love you, because you love me. You'd do anything for me, so please... Do this for me

Damon: I'm sorry, Elena

Elena: Damon!

(Jeremy raises his g*n)

Damon: Jeremy. sh**t now

(Stefan arrives)

Stefan: Hey, brother. Long time, no see

(He breaks his neck. He looks at Elena)

Stefan: You're welcome

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon wakes up in a cell. Stefan's here. Damon tries to get up and groans)

Stefan: Easy there, buddy. You lost a lot of blood

Damon: So you bled me out?

Stefan: Yeah. I didn't really have much of a choice. Kol's compulsion is still in effect, so you need to stay locked up. We don't have any vervain, so... This was the only way I could weaken you

Damon: You sound real torn up about it. Shouldn't we be going after Kol, make him decompel me

Stefan: Yeah, yeah, sure. That sounds easy enough, Damon. I'll get right on that

Damon: At least let me see Elena

Stefan: Come on. You know you can't do that. With the sire bond, all you have to do is tell her to let you out of here

Damon: You're really enjoying this, aren't you?

Stefan: It's better for Elena if you stay in here for now, at least until we find the cure, and then once she's no longer sired and you're no longer compelled, you can both do whatever the hell you want

(Stefan closes the door)

Damon: Stefan, wait. Stefan!

(Stefan is going to the living room but Elena arrives)

Stefan: Going to see Damon?

Elena: I need to talk to him

Stefan: Well, you can't. He'll just ask you to let him out

Elena: I won't let him out

Stefan: You won't have a choice. You're sired. Is that all?

Elena: Stefan, what are you doing with Rebekah? She tried to k*ll me

Stefan: And this will be the second time that Damon tried to k*ll Jeremy. So I guess nobody's perfect, right?

Elena: Are you trying to punish me? I don't know how many times I can apologize

Stefan: I never asked you to. You can do whatever you want, Elena. I really don't care

Elena: You're hurt. You're hurt, and you're acting out, Stefan. This isn't you

Stefan: Sure it is. You've just never seen me like this. You don't know what I look like when I'm not in love with you. I'll let Damon know you stopped by

[Mystic Grill]

(Rudy and Bonnie are sitting at a table)

Bonnie: I owe you an apology

Rudy: You don't owe me anything. I'm not happy to be right. I'm gonna get you some help

Bonnie: Help? Dad, I'm ok

Rudy: Are you kidding me?

Bonnie: I got angry I admit, but I knew what I was doing

Rudy: You lost control, and Shane said...

Bonnie: Didn't we just establish that we couldn't trust him? He's trying to get under your skin

Rudy: The only thing that got under my skin is what I saw, which is my daughter using dangerous magic! And the fact that you don't think you need help means you need it even more

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena and Jeremy open the door. Klaus is here)

Klaus: Good evening, Gilbert clan

Elena: What do you want, Klaus?

Klaus: I've come to fetch my hunter. Seeing as how my brother's become a liability, Jeremy will be safer with me

Jeremy: I think I'll pass. I've k*lled enough people for you today

Klaus: You think you're safer here? Hmm. Clearly you don't know Kol. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants, as strange as it may seem, I'm your best bet

Elena: Sorry, but I think we'd rather take our chances

Klaus: Fine, but when Kol does come... and he will come… be sure to let me know, preferably before he burns your nice little home to the ground. And as for you, hunter, there's no shortage of people to turn and loved ones to thr*aten, so sleep well. We'll plan on finishing our work tomorrow

[Rebekah's House]

(Rebekah is in her bedroom, drinking. Stefan enters)

Rebekah: Sure. Just barge right in

Stefan: Oh. I thought not knocking was our thing. You didn't dagger Kol.

Rebekah: Well, the white oak stake pointed at my heart made things a little difficult. I do believe my brother Kol has finally lost his mind

Stefan: That's all right. Jeremy's still alive, and I took care of Damon. So where'd you put it?

Rebekah: The headstone. Some place safe

Stefan: Wasn't really our deal

Rebekah: Well, considering that you've betrayed me twice and I've betrayed you never, I think I'm acting brilliantly, especially since we have no idea why that guy was looking for it. Did you work things out with Elena?

Stefan: Do you care?

Rebekah: Nope. Just trying to figure out why you're here

Stefan: Do you even have to ask?

Rebekah: No feelings, no attachments

Stefan: None… Whatsoever

[Gilbert's house]

Jeremy: This is never gonna end. If Kol doesn't k*ll me first, then Klaus is just gonna force me to k*ll more innocent people. How many is it gonna take, 10, 100?

Elena: If you k*ll one original vampire, their entire sire line will die with them. That's thousands, maybe tens of thousands of vampires. Kol compelled Damon to k*ll you. You're gonna k*ll Kol instead
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