04x07 - My Brothers Keeper

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x07 - My Brothers Keeper

Post by bunniefuu »

[The Woods]

(Stefan is doing push-ups. He's on speakers with Caroline)

Caroline: What do you mean, you're not coming? I don't need to remind you that your miss Mystic Falls attendance record totally sucks. Besides, you're a founding family member. By definition, you have to be here

Stefan: Elena and I broke up. By definition, I don't need to be anywhere

Caroline: Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me?

Stefan: I'm not depressed. I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore

Caroline: Well, you can't. As your sober sponsor, I'm not going to let that happen. Try and sublimate

Stefan: She said she has feelings for Damon

Caroline: What? She can't have feelings for Damon. He's... Damon, and you're you, and I'm... Revolted. You know, I'm gonna talk to her. I'm going to shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain

Stefan: Yeah, well, I don't know what good that'll do. Elena's right. Being a vampire really has changed her

Caroline: All the more reason you need to cure her. Look, I got to go. Be careful and remember, there's sublimating and then there's insanity

Stefan: I'll be fine. Bye

(Klaus arrives and strangles him from behind)

Klaus: In what world do the words "tell no one" mean "tell your brother and every teenage sycophant in town"?

Stefan: The secret's safe. No one who knows about the cure would endanger us. Trust me. You know I want to find it more than anyone else

Klaus: Well, then I suggest you find some vampires for Jeremy to k*ll before I'm tempted to offer you up as a victim. And try to keep this one to yourself, would you?

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan is about to leave. Damon is here)

Damon: Where have you been?

Stefan: Oh, you know. Out

Damon: Where you going?

Stefan; Out

Damon: Ok. I see shady Stefan is back. Please don't tell me that you're still working with Klaus

Stefan: You obviously haven't heard. Elena and I broke up

Damon: Oh. Got it. Uh, well, I'll be quick, then. So apparently if we want to find the cure, we have to find a vampire hunter who can k*ll enough vampires to reveal the map on the hunter's Mark. Now, unless we want Jeremy to go all Connor 2.0, I suggest we find a different hunter

Stefan: Ok. And?

Damon: And I was gonna ask Professor Shane, but it turns out he's shadier than you are. Matt Donovan connected him and the pastor through phone records. Apparently the two were very chatty the day that the pastor blew up the council

Stefan: Ah. So you're gonna confront Shane, thr*aten him, possibly k*ll him... that sort of thing?

Damon: Yeah, unless he tells me what he's up to. What do you say? We tag team?

Stefan: Nah. I'd say you're on your own

Damon: Or we could just blow it off, then... go get drunk, brother-Bond over some tridelts if you... You know, want some quality time

Stefan: Let's not pretend like this isn't the best day of your life

(He leaves)

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Everyone is prepping the Miss Mystic Falls' Pageant. Caroline rejoins Elena)

Caroline: I'm your best friend, and I would never pick sides, but are you sure that this is what you want? Because Stefan is your soul mate. Sorry. Picking sides

Elena: It's not like I don't love Stefan anymore, but I can't deny that ever since I turned, my feelings for Damon have become more intense

Caroline: Yeah, I know. Stefan filled me in on all the gory Damon details

Elena: He did? Is he ok?

Caroline: No. He's heartbroken

Elena: Well, what was I supposed to do? Lie to him?

Caroline: No, but you weren't supposed to let Damon weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart

Elena: Well, he did, and that's exactly what I am... confused. I need to figure out what these feelings actually mean

(Shane rejoins them)

Shane: Excuse me. I'm a little lost. I'm here to interview contestants

Elena: You're Professor Shane?

Shane: Yeah, that's right... Professor by day, pageant judge by other day. In spite of being absurdly unqualified, I'm apparently awarding a scholarship?

Caroline: Inside by the parlor

Shane: Right here?

Caroline: Mm-hmm

Shane: All right. I'll just follow the scent of hair spray and world domination

(He leaves. Elena looks at Caroline)

Elena: He's the one who told Damon how to break the hunter's curse

Caroline: He's also the one that has Bonnie so obsessed with practicing magic that she bailed on pageant prep

Elena: And now he's judging miss Mystic Falls? Jack of all trades or kind of creepy?

(Jeremy and Matt are here to help)

Matt: So your sister's making me be her date. Do I have to do that weird dance thing?

Jeremy: I'm pretty sure that's just for the contestants

Matt: I heard that you're April's escort. How'd that happen?

Jeremy: She needed a date, and apparently you were taken

Matt: Uh. Ok, let's just take these, and we'll come back for the kegs

Jeremy: Wait. You want to see something cool?

(He takes 2 kegs by himself)

Matt: How did you just do that?

Jeremy: I've had all this energy, like all the time

Matt: Jer, I think you need to talk to someone about this. I mean, look what happened to Connor, ok? A byproduct of this energy is that you're gonna want to k*ll vampires, and you happen to live with one

Jeremy: Hey, I would never hurt my sister. I'll be fine

[Mystic Fall's Hospital]

(Stefan looks around and finally chooses a room. There's a guard in front of it. He looks at him)

Guard: Can I help you?

(Stefan compels him)

Stefan: Time for a little break. He'll be safe with me

(The guard leaves. Stefan enters the room. The patient is handcuffed to the bed)

Patient: Who are you?

Stefan: Why is there a cop outside?

Patient: I'm a convicted m*rder*r

Stefan: Are you guilty?

Patient: Of course I am

Stefan: Any regrets?

Patient: Only that I got caught

(Stefan bites his wrist and makes him drink his blood. Then he breaks his neck)

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Caroline is supervising the prepping. 3 girls arrive with flowers)

Caroline: Whoa. Stop. Stop. Those flowers go in the back, as indicated by the floral chart that you guys had plenty of time to memorize. Yeah. Thank you

(The girls leave. Klaus arrives)

Klaus: Now, how did I know I'd find you at the helm of this ship? Go away. I'm busy

Caroline: Go away. I'm busy

Klaus: I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow

Caroline: About a quarter to never

Klaus: I was promised a date in return for one of my hybrids

Caroline: Yes, a date, like to a movie, where we don't have to talk and I can put at least 3 seats between us

Klaus: Surely the reigning miss Mystic Falls won't be hosting the party alone. And I assume you're not taking Tyler... not after his indiscretions with his lady werewolf friend

Caroline: Fine. If you insist on coming, meet me here, 2 P.M. black tie optional. And I already have a dress, so don't even think of getting me so much as a corsage. You understand?

Klaus: I'll see you tomorrow, Caroline

[A barn]

(A werewolf is turning. Haley is there)

Haley: Scream. Let it out. We're on an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for Miles

Hybrid: Easy for you to say, wolf girl. You never turned 20 times in a row

Haley: No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it

Hybrid: Why does it have to be like this? Uhh! Why break every bone over and over?

Haley: That's what the sire Bond is. You're grateful to Klaus because he released you from the pain of having to turn every full moon. So you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt. Then you'll have nothing to be grateful for

Hybrid: Uh! What's in all this for you?

Haley: I don't hear bones cracking

(Tyler enters)

Tyler: Caroline bought us another day. Klaus wants to go with her to miss mystic falls tomorrow

Haley: So does that mean we're going?

Tyler: Watching Klaus Fawn over Caroline at some lame-ass pageant? No, thanks

Haley: Come on. We need to hide what's going on here by pretending that I was the one that broke you two up, and besides, isn't it at your house?

Hybrid: Guys, like this isn't t*rture enough? Can you take it outside?

Tyler: Fine. We'll go. Wear a dress

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is in her bedroom trying to clasp her necklace. Jeremy enters)

Jeremy: You need a hand?

Elena: Yeah. Please. This clasp is tricky

(He helps her)

Elena: Hey, I, uh, picked up your clothes from the dry cleaners. They should be hanging on your door

Jeremy: I really wish you'd stop acting like you were still my sister

(She doesn't understand and he strangles her with her necklace. She bleeds. He wakes up, gasping. He finds a knife on his bed and a stake with a symbol carved on it. He's surprised)

(Matt is in Jeremy's bedroom. Jeremy is in the bathroom)

Matt: How do you wake up with a knife in your hand and not remember how it got there? It's that hunter's Mark, jer. It's messing with you

Jeremy: What if I'm turning into Alaric? I probably died too many times with this ring on my finger, and I'm developing an alter ego, like he did

(Matt reads something)

Matt: "Newly awakened hunters may not be fully conscious of their actions. Their subconscious pushes through until the urge becomes a basic instinct." You're not having a psychotic break, jer. You either tell Elena, or I will

Jeremy: Fine. I'll tell her when I see her

(He receives a text from Stefan asking him to meet him at the Lockwood cellar)

Matt: All right. We should probably get going. Need a ride?

Jeremy: Uh, no. Go ahead. I'll meet you there

Matt: All right

(He leaves. Jeremy looks at his phone, intrigued)

[Lockwood Mansion]

(April, Caroline and Elena are in a room. April is showing them dresses)

Elena: Blue

Caroline: Blue

April: Really? The blue seems a little safe

Elena: Safe is good when it comes to the judges

Caroline: She's right. Gracie Lockwood had a 3-foot slit her year and practically got laughed off the court

(They laugh. Damon enters)

Damon: She got my vote

Caroline: Get out, lurker

Damon: Ouch. Where's Professor Shane?

Caroline: Check the judges' table

Damon: Red one, definitely

Caroline: We've already agreed that the red one's a little bit too showy

Damon: It's a pageant. That's the whole point

Caroline: Did you win miss mystic last year? No. I don't think you did

Damon: Neither did Elena, and she wore blue

Caroline: Nobody cares what you think

April: I care

Damon: See? April cares. Red, right, Elena?

Elena: The red is pretty

Damon: And my work here is done

(He leaves. Caroline looks at Elena)

Caroline: Uh, what happened to 30 seconds ago when you hated the red one? What happened to "safe is good"?

Elena: Whichever one you want to wear, April

(She leaves)

Caroline: What just happened?

(Damon is going down the stairs. Elena follows him)

Elena: Damon

Damon: Still here

Elena: We need to talk

Damon: Stefan told me about the breakup. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not

Elena: What did he say?

Damon: Oh, you know. Stuff. The guy just went on and on about it. Wouldn't shut up

Elena: So he didn't tell you why?

Damon: Nope, but I'm sure it has something to do with you acting weird, so why don't you tell me?

Elena: You

(Shane interrupts them)

Shane: Damon Salvatore. Looks like we're traveling the same circuit

Damon: Professor Shane. Just the guy I wanted to see

(Shane and Damon are outside, walking)

Damon: So I'm in search of another hunter

Shane: Hunter with a capital "h"? Why?

Damon: Same reason anyone needs a hunter... loneliness, drinking buddy, fourth for golf

Shane: I thought you said you already had a potential

Damon: I did, but he ended up being potentially a problem, so...

Shane: There's nothing I can do to help you

Damon: Hmm. Well, why don't you help me with this? Why are you here? What's in your little lesson plan there, Professor?

Shane: You think too highly of me, Damon. I'm gonna go find the other judges

Damon: Hey, no pity votes for April young, ok? I mean, just because her dad blew up a house with a dozen people in it doesn't mean she should get a tiara. But you knew him, didn't you? Because I hear you two racked up a pretty impressive phone bill

Shane: If you want to know something about me, Damon, just ask

Damon: Okay. How did you convince the pastor to k*ll all those people?

Shane: Did you just accuse me of mass m*rder in the middle of a High School pageant?

(Damon smiles and they look at each other. Carol takes the stage)

Carol: Welcome to this season's miss Mystic Falls. We are so excited to showcase our most outstanding community leaders in the making

(Everyone applaud)

[Lockwood's Cellar]

(Jeremy enters and rejoins Stefan)

Jeremy: What am I doing here?

Stefan: Getting the chance to make your sister human again. You interested?

Jeremy: You have no idea

Stefan: Actually, I do

(Jeremy enters and sees a man chained up)

Jeremy: Who is that?

Stefan: Oh, it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that you're a vampire hunter and he's a vampire. Well, almost

Jeremy: Was this all so I could stake him?

Stefan: Do you think I want to do this, Jeremy? Look at me. I hate this. I don't want to do this, but your sister isn't supposed to be a vampire, and we need to help her. He's a m*rder*r, and he will gladly k*ll again, so do it, Jeremy. k*ll him

Jeremy: Stefan, what are you doing?! What the hell is wrong with you?

Stefan: Do it, Jeremy, or I will rip the chains off for real. Do it!

(Jeremy kills him)

Stefan: All right, enough. He's dead

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Caroline is bussing tables. She rejoins one of the waiters and puts the glass on his tray)

Caroline: Hey, why am I bussing your tables? I said no empty glasses

(Then she goes to the musicians)

Caroline: Will you guys pick up the tempo? This is a pageant, not a funeral

(Klaus rejoins her, in a suit)

Klaus: And how am I doing?

Caroline: You're... perfect. Just so beyond annoying, I can't even look at you

(He smiles and then sees Tyler and Haley arriving together)

Klaus: They didn't waste any time, did they?

Caroline: Let's just get today over with

(Haley looks at the tiara and makes fun of the pageant)

Haley: I can't believe that I won. I just want to thank the judges for seeing past the fact that I'm a raging bitch

Tyler: You don't want to do that. Those girls will cut you. They have nails

Haley: I have claws

(Caroline gives a speech. The girls are waiting in line)

Caroline: Hi, everyone. I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's miss mystic court!

(Everyone applause and cheer)

Caroline: We begin the procession with Valerie fell, accompanied by Dylan Clark


Caroline: Next we have Amber Wolverton, accompanied by Hector Linsey. And here's Michelle Cunningham...

(Elena applause and Matt rejoins her)

Matt: Have you seen Jeremy?

Elena: He's probably with the escorts

Matt: Caroline told me to wrangle the escorts. He's not here. Did he tell you about his nightmares?

Elena: What nightmares?

Matt: The ones where he kills you

Caroline: Katherine Wilson, accompanied by Eric Hanson

Elena: I'll find him, but... April's about to get abandoned

Matt: I got this

Caroline: And finally...

Elena: Thanks

Caroline: And finally... We have a last-minute entry... April young, accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert

(April goes down the stairs and Matt steps forward. She rejoins him)

Matt: Jeremy's running late

April: I guess you'll do

Matt: You lead

(She takes her phone. Caroline rejoins her)

Caroline: Hey, what's with the last-minute escort change? .Where is Jeremy?

Elena: I'm calling him right now. He's not picking up

(Damon rejoins them)

Damon: Do the math. Emo teen. Open bar. It's fine

Elena: Matt said that Jeremy's been having nightmares about k*lling vampires and he's been hiding it from me

Damon: Relax. I'm sure he's fine

Elena: I don't know. I have a bad feeling

Damon: If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried. Let it go. I'll go look for him

Elena: Okay

(He leaves)

Caroline: Ok. You go home. I'm gonna start asking around here

Elena: Maybe Damon's right. Maybe he grabbed a bottle from the bar and snuck off to the woods

Caroline: No. Damon's never right. Damon is sneaky and manipulative and rude, but he's never right. How can you not see that?

Elena: I don't know, but why do I think that you won't hesitate to tell me?

Caroline: Fine. Friend-tervention. I think your so-called feelings for Damon are really starting to cloud your judgment, and I don't like it, and the thought of you two together really makes me want to barf

(Klaus rejoins them)

Klaus: Easy, love. You're making a scene

Elena: Wow. Caroline, thank you for making this very difficult time so much easier

(She leaves)

Caroline: How did I become the bad guy?

Klaus: Let's get you a drink. I'll tell you all about being the bad guy

(Damon is in the dressing room, on the phone)

Damon: Please don't tell me that you've roped Jeremy into a world of crazy

Stefan: I had no choice. Elena needs a cure

Damon: Oh, right. So you can turn her back into the girl who's still in love with you

Stefan: You know, I get why you wouldn't want to believe it, Damon, but she isn't herself anymore

Damon: Of course you would think that. Leave it alone, Stefan
[Lockwood's Cellar]

(Stefan hangs up and looks at Jeremy)

Stefan: How far did the Mark grow? Show me on this drawing

Jeremy: Sorry, Stefan. I can't trust you

Stefan: How far is it, Jeremy?

Jeremy: I said I can't

Stefan: Answer me, or I will make you answer me

Jeremy: I'm not telling you anything

(Stefan catches him and compels him)

Stefan: What does the mark look like?

(Jeremy stakes him in the guts)

Jeremy: I guess I can't be compelled anymore

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Caroline and Klaus are walking)

Caroline: It's just, as her best friend, it is my duty to warn her when she's making a giant mistake, right? And now she's taking Damon's side on everything.

Klaus: So being a vampire has changed her

Caroline: But being a vampire only amplifies who you already are. It doesn't turn you into a completely different person

Klaus: Very peculiar

Caroline: What's that look for?

Klaus: It'll all make sense eventually

Caroline: Whatever. Just hurry up and find the cure

Klaus: I'm working on it

Caroline: Would you ever take it?

Klaus: Now, why would I want to cure myself of being the most powerful creature on the planet, hmm?

Caroline: So there's not one single moment in your whole life that you wanted to be human

Klaus: How about you? Life used to be a lot easier. Don't you miss the days of being... "Chair of the Mystic Falls beautification committee" and the "director of the policemen's yearly raffle"?

Caroline: Is that my miss mystic application? Where did you get that?

Klaus: "When I am chosen, I intend to redefine excellence"... Now, I'm really enjoying your use of "when" here. It's very confident. And above all, I promise to aspire, inspire, and perspire." Obviously, we found a shortage of words ending in "spire."

Caroline: Yeah. It's very funny. It's hilarious. Just...

(Damon is watching Shane and Haley. Tyler arrives)

Damon: Oh, hey. How do those two know each other?

Tyler: They don't. Paranoid much?

Damon: The council just got burned to a crisp. Some mysterious hunters just blew through town, and this guy just happens to know everything about everything. Yes, paranoid

(Jeremy is in the dressing room. April enters)

April: Hey, where have you been?

Jeremy: Hey, sorry. I got stuck at work

April: Jeremy, if you were too chicken to do the dance thingy, then you should've just told me

Jeremy: No, no. I knew the dance. I watched some lesson online, like, 100 times

April: You did?

(He sees Shane)

Jeremy: Hey, what's that Shane guy doing here?

April: He's a judge. I talked to him about my dad. I mean, he said that he never seemed depressed or suicidal or anything, so...

Jeremy: Your dad?

April: Yeah. You know, I figured I'd explore every possibility, even the bleak ones. What are you looking at?

Jeremy: Your dad was doing the right thing for this town. The whole council was. They died heroes

(Shane is alone. Damon rejoins him)

Shane: Oh, you again. I must be the least intimidating mass m*rder*r ever

Damon: Well, you still never gave me a name, and it's kind of urgent

Shane: Listen. There is no other name. Look. At any given moment, there are 5 hunters in existence, all right? Most of them have no idea who they are or what their purpose is. Means finding more than one in a lifetime is next to impossible. Heh. Subtle

Damon: Like you didn't already know. You have 5 seconds to give me another name, or you die

Shane: You know, since it's generally unwise for a vampire to seek out a hunter, it means you're interested in the mark. That's probably because of where it leads, but here's the thing. Even if you complete the mark and you get the map, the thing that you're looking for is sealed with a spell only a certain kind of witch can perform

Damon: What kind of witch?

Shane: Come on, Damon

(Damon catches his arm)

Damon: I love pressure points. What kind of witch?

Shane: Come on. You're a big boy. You can figure this one out

Damon: A Bennett witch

Shane: Aren't too many of those lying around, as I'm sure you know. So none of this matter until Bonnie is back in touch with her magic. Between the two of us, who do you think she trusts to help her get there? 5 seconds are up unless you just realized you need me alive. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a scholarship to award

Carol: And now the moment you've been waiting for. Caroline, would you do the honors?

Caroline: This year's miss Mystic Falls is... April young

(Elena rejoins Jeremy in the dressing room. He has a stake in his hand)

Elena: Hey, where have you been? What are you doing with that? Put it down

Jeremy: Connor was right. All I can think about is k*lling vampires

Elena: You're nothing like Connor

Jeremy: I want to believe that, and I know I don't want to hurt you, but everything inside of me is telling me to drive this stake through your heart

Elena: Why would you say that? It's me, Jeremy

Jeremy: And you're a vampire

Elena: Yeah, but I'm also your sister. I would never do anything to hurt you. Get it away from me

(She pushes him. He falls on the floor. She goes toward him)

Elena: Jere... Jeremy. Jer, wake up. Please wake up

(He stabs her in the neck. He's about to k*ll her but Matt enters)

Matt: Jeremy!

Matt: Jeremy, you don't want to do this, ok? That's your sister. It's that stupid Mark on your arm

Jeremy: Shut up, Matt!

Matt: Jeremy, look at me. I'm human, and I'm telling you not to hurt her

(Stefan intervenes)

Stefan: Get out of here, Matt!

(Matt and Jeremy leave. Stefan rejoins Elena)

Stefan: Let me do it. Let me do it. Let me do it

(Haley and Tyler are sitting on the stairs, drinking)

Haley: Your mom parties harder than you do. Does she have the gene?

Tyler: Dad. What about your parents?

Haley: Never met them. My adoptive parents found out about my wolf gene when I did, the night that I turned and tore apart their living room. Promptly kicked me out

Tyler: You never told me how it triggered

Haley: You mean, who I k*lled? Boating accident. We were drunk. I thought I wasn't

Tyler: So what's with you chatting up all these old-timers, huh... my mom, that Professor guy

Haley: That Professor guy is, like, 30, and he's hot and smart

Tyler: You know him or something?

Haley: No. I just met him. Why?

Tyler: No reason

(Caroline and Klaus are talking)

Klaus: I never answered your question, if I'd ever thought about being human. Once. I was on a trek in the Andes, and a hummingbird flew up to me and just hovered there staring at me. Its tiny heart was pattering like a machine g*n... And I thought, "What a thing, you know, to have to work that hard every day just to stay alive, to be constantly on the verge of death," and how satisfying every day must be that it survived... And that was the only time I thought about being human

(Tyler has heard everything)

Haley: What's he saying?

Tyler: A bunch of bs about being human. The sooner we get rid of this guy, the better

(Elena is leaving. Stefan catches up with her)

Stefan: Elena, wait

Elena: I have to find Jeremy. This shouldn't be happening to him

Stefan: Elena, wait. It's my fault

Elena: What are you talking about?

Stefan: I'm starting to think that when a hunter kills a vampire, their urge to keep k*lling grows stronger

Elena: Tell me that Jeremy hasn't been with you this entire time. Tell me that you haven't been making him k*ll vampires, Stefan

Stefan: We need the map to get the cure

Elena: If getting my humanity back means stripping Jeremy of his, then I don't want the cure

Stefan: He's the only way to fix all of this

Elena: You mean me, the only way to fix me. You don't have to love me like this. This is who I am now. The old Elena died when she went off that bridge. Let her go

[Gilbert's House]

(Jeremy is packing some stuff. Matt enters)

Matt: What are you doing?

Jeremy: I can't keep living here if I want to k*ll my sister

Matt: Elena knows that. That's why she moved out and asked me to move in

Jeremy: What?

Matt: Look, I'm not one of them, Jer. I'll keep an eye on you, and we can keep this hunter business in check

Jeremy: Where's Elena gonna go?

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon opens the door to Elena)

Elena: I can't stay at home anymore

Stefan: Pick a room. I'll crash somewhere else

[A barn]

(The hybrid is lying on the ground. Tyler is there)

Hybrid: Tell me it's over, Ty. I really don't think I can do this anymore

Tyler: It's over. Nice work. We are one step closer to ending this

[Whitmore's College]

(Haley looks at her phone and smiles)

Haley: We got another one

Shane: Good. We're almost ready

Haley: I want to leave Tyler out of this when it all goes down

Shane: We'll talk when you've broken the last

[Salvatore's House]

(Elena is sitting on the couch. Damon gives her a glass of scotch)

Elena: Ah, thanks

Damon: Just being polite. Thought you hated whiskey

Elena: My brother wants to k*ll me

Damon: Welcome to the club

Elena: Jeremy can't live with me, Stefan wants to fix me, and Caroline flat out admitted that she doesn't like me this way. Think it's safe to say that I'm not so great at this vampire thing

Damon: You want to know what I think? I don't think I've ever seen you more alive

Elena: That dance that they did today kind of reminded me of when...

Damon: when we danced together?

Elena: I wanted to dance with you today

[Caroline's House]

(Stefan is pouring alcohol in two glasses)

Stefan: Elena is right. I just need to let go

Caroline: No. You're right, Stefan. It's not pretty, and it's not easy, but you can't give up on her

Stefan: Caroline, she looked me in the eye, and she told me to move on

Caroline: She's lost, ok? You and her... epic. Her and Damon... ugh, God. There's something wrong with her. Just promise me you won't stop looking for the cure

Stefan: Klaus won't let me, even if I wanted to

Caroline: What does he care? He doesn't even want it

Stefan: He wants to keep Elena human so that he can make more hybrids

Caroline: He's gonna need them. Tyler has almost got all of them unsired. Oh, my God. Oh… My… God. Ugh. I was trying to understand why Klaus was so intrigued by Damon and Elena. He said I would figure it out. This is what he was talking about

Stefan: What are you talking about?

Caroline: Think about it. Every time Elena has had a problem, Damon has been the magic solution. Today Elena was worried about Jeremy. Who swoops in and tells her to relax? Damon and she listens. When Elena started feeding, who said that she could only drink blood straight from the vein?

Stefan: Damon

Caroline: And when she tried to drink from animals?

Stefan: Couldn't keep it down

Caroline: And blood bags?

Stefan: Same thing

Caroline: Name one vampire in the history of vampires who couldn't drink blood from a blood bag. Damon said she couldn't, so she couldn't. Damon likes the red dress, Elena likes the red dress

Stefan: Damon says k*ll Connor, she kills Connor

Caroline: What if it's possible? Damon's blood made her a vampire, right? It's rare but it happens. What if this is really happening?

Stefan: Elena is sired to Damon
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