04x05 - The k*ller

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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04x05 - The k*ller

Post by bunniefuu »

[Connor's Trailer]

(Connor enters and puts Nate's head on the table)

[Whitmore College]

(Connor and Shane are in his classroom)

Connor: You have any idea what I've been through? I spent the last two days chained up by an original vampire

Shane: So you met Klaus? I only know him by reputation. Apparently he's a real monster

Connor: He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Do you know how hard it is to k*ll them?

Shane: From what I gather, you have to... Remove their head, or their heart. That is, according to lore. I'm just speculating

Connor: I had to figure out how to do it on my own. I could have used some of this occult Professor knowledge of yours. But then again, you've always been slow when it comes to providing answers.

Shane: We had a deal. I'll give you answers about your hunter's mark when it's grown to completion

Connor: In other words, k*ll as many vampires as possible

Shane: Come on, Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls? There's no shortage of vampires. That town's practically infested. Listen, there's a witch mixed up in all this. She's important to what I have planned. I want her to be kept out of harm's way

Connor: Anybody gets in my way… anybody… they're dead

Shane: Ok... Sure, I'll occupy her myself. Just do what you do. And the less I know about it, the better

[Mystic Grill]

(Jeremy is in the storage room, cleaning. He hears a noise and turns his head. He goes toward the noise and when he turns himself, Connor's here. He puts a knife under his throat)

Connor: Do I have your attention? Good. Then let's talk about vampires

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is in her bed and sits down)

Elena: Dear diary, I know it's been a while. A long while. I haven't needed... I haven't wanted to write this stuff down. But I don't want to say it out loud, either. The thing is... I'm a vampire. And I hate it

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan is writing in his diary)

Stefan: She's been spiraling since her transition. There are times I barely recognize her. But now for the first time in a while, there's hope

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena sits down on her bench and opens her diary)

Elena: I feel hopeless. Depressed. Angry. But most of all... I'm scared

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan is still writing)

Stefan: Somewhere in the world, there's a cure for vampires. If I can get it, Elena can be human again. I can give her back her life

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is writing in her diary)

Elena: Part of me just wants to end it. But then I think of Jeremy. I'm all that he has left. So, I need to find a way through this. No matter what it takes.

[Salvatore's House]

Stefan: So that's what I need to do. No matter what Klaus asks; no matter what lies I have to tell, secrets I have to keep, I'll do it. No matter what it takes

[Klaus' Mansion]

(Stefan is looking at Nate's body, without his head. He's on the phone with Klaus)

Stefan: How the hell did Connor escape?


(Klaus is in Italy in an archeological site)

Klaus: I blame mind-numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me. You're going to help me

Stefan: Well, he could be anywhere now

Klaus: Think, Stefan. He took the hybrid's head, which means he wants werewolf toxin

Stefan: Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to k*ll vampires

Klaus: Which is a pity. Me being on the other side of the world digging up a dead hunter, you'll have no access to my blood. And therefore the antidote. Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple. Find him, catch him, and above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead

Stefan: Damon's been looking everywhere for him. If they cross paths...

Klaus: You need to keep Damon in check

Stefan: It would be a lot easier if I could just tell him the truth

Klaus: You trust Damon with the cure? I imagine he prefers Elena the way she is

Stefan: Nice try, Klaus, but I trust Damon a hell of a lot more than I trust you

Klaus: And I trust no one. Which is why my sister is lying daggered in a box. The more who find out about the cure, the more will go after it. Nations have gone to w*r over less. You mark my words… tell one soul and I will throw the hunter's sword in the Mediterranean and we can end this quest right now. Am I understood?

(Stefan hangs up)

[Mystic Grill]

(The Mystic Grill is closed. Matt is working and on the phone)

Matt: Really? Jeremy, you're half an hour late. Get here now

(He hangs up. April enters)

April: Uh, Matt?

Matt: Uh, hey, April. We don't open till eleven

April: Oh, sorry. I wasn't, like, trying to scare you or stalk you or whatever. I just, um, I came to ask if you've seen Rebekah?

Matt: Why would I have seen Rebekah?

April: Oh, I just assumed. I mean, aren't you guys kind of like a thing?

Matt: Rebekah and I are not a thing

April: Well, I mean, I'm worried about her. She said she'd help me find stuff out about the fire that k*lled my dad, and then she just disappeared

(Connor enters with Jeremy, a knife under his throat)

Connor: Trust me... That's the least of your problems

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena opens her bedroom door, ready to leave but Damon's here. He enters)

Elena: Oh. Excuse me. What are you doing?

Damon: Where's Stefan?

Elena: Ok, good morning to you, too

Damon: He's not answering his phone and he's not here, which, you know, big deal, we've only got a k*ller vampire hunter on the loose

Elena: I haven't talked to him yet today

Damon: Hmm. Give me your phone. Maybe he's dodging me

Elena: Why would he be dodging you?

Damon: Oh, I don't know, maybe the hot, sweaty dance party business? I figured you spilled your guilty little guts to him when I left last night

(She doesn't say anything)

Damon: Ohh, you didn't tell him, did you?

Elena: No, Damon. I didn't tell him that I got high on blood like some crack head and dirty danced with you. It was a mistake, ok? I wasn't...Myself. And besides, he's already got enough to deal with, trying to get me through this vampire stuff

(She gives him her phone)

Damon: Oh, I see. This is classic shame spiral

Elena: I'm not in a shame spiral

Damon: Oh, you so are. Newbie vampire remorse? Whoof, it's worse than a hangover

Elena: I'm not in a shame spiral, Damon!

(Damon calls Stefan with Elena's phone)

Stefan: It's Stefan. Leave a message

(He hangs up)

Damon: So either he's dodging both of us...

Elena: Or something's wrong

[Mystic Grill]

Connor: Sit down. Sit down!

(Matt and April sit down at a table. Connor makes Jeremy sit down with them)

Connor: Gilbert, give me your cell phone

Jeremy: Look, at least let April go. She doesn't have anything to do with this

Connor: She has everything to do with this

(He takes Jeremy's phone)

Connor: Her and her father. Plus, she and I have history

April: What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life!

Connor: You kids need to get some vervain. And don't just wear it as a bracelet where anybody can just take it off. Maybe then you'd remember our conversation at the hybrid's yesterday

Jeremy: Our conversation? Are you saying someone compelled me?!

April: Will someone please tell me what he's talking about?!

Connor: Compulsion. Secrets. Vampires

Matt: If you know so much, then you know our friends are going to come for us

Connor: Oh, yeah, I'm counting on it. Every vampire that comes for you is another one I get to k*ll. Now, who should I text first, hmm? Damon Salvatore? His brother Stefan? Tyler Lockwood? All of the above

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Damon, Elena and Tyler are at his house)

Damon: So we each take a different entrance, hit him at the same time

(Stefan enters)

Elena: Stefan

(She goes toward him and he embraces her)

Damon: Where the hell have you been?

Stefan: Coming up with a plan

Damon: Yeah, we have a plan. The plan is I'm going to rip Connor's heart out and I am going to feed it to him

Stefan: That's not a plan. We need to be careful. Connor has Jeremy and who knows how many other hostages

Damon: Hence the open heart surgery

Elena: Damon's right. Connor's strong, but he's not going to be able to take all of us

Tyler: I called in the hybrids to help, too.

(Caroline enters)

Caroline: My mom put squad cars blocking the streets. They're saying it's a faulty gas main. We're good to go

Damon: Good. Great. No cop, no witnesses, no reason to wait around

Stefan: All right, hold on, you're not all going

Tyler: He shot me like 9 times. If we're k*lling him, I want in

Elena: He's got Jeremy, I'm going

Stefan: Listen, nobody is going anywhere until I figure out what we're walking into

Damon: Until you figure it out? Is that where you've been all morning, out buying bossy pants?

Stefan: This guy's known for setting traps, right? We'd be pretty dumb to walk into one, especially if he has werewolf venom

Elena: Does he?

Stefan: He's had it before

Damon: Fine. Fine. You want to take some time to do recon, you get one hour. But we're going to need some extra help, so where the hell's the wicked witch of the west?

Caroline: She can't do magic

Damon: Really? Well, call her, tell her Jeremy's life is in danger. Maybe that'll bring her out of retirement

[Whitmore College]

(Bonnie is in Professor Shane's office. She's reading a book)

Bonnie: I can't believe you wrote a book

Shane: I did. I wrote three books, actually. Two of them are just too mortifying to display

Bonnie: Oh, I'm finding them online

Shane: No, no, you're not. Hey, come on, you promised, remember? Right? No cell phones, and no Internet during witch therapy. Here. This is yours

(He gives her a glass of tea)

Shane: Right now I want you to focus. And I want your undivided attention

Bonnie: You really think you can help me start practicing magic again?

Shane: Absolutely, I can. I invited you here because I can. But you know what, right now, just relax. Drink your tea. I got this in Australia when I was backpacking with these aborigine spirit guides. Trust me, it's better when you smoke it, but I'm trying to be a role model. Bonnie... Listen, the thing is, what I have in mind might come off as a little unorthodox

Bonnie: Now I'm officially curious

Shane: What do you know about hypnosis?

Bonnie: You really think that would work?

Shane: What, you practice witchcraft but you don't believe in hypnotism? Bonnie, listen... You're afraid to practice magic because those witch spirits convinced you it's wrong. They threatened your grams and they made you feel guilty. You just have to confront that fear... And that guilt. And remove it

Bonnie: Maybe. I don't think hypnosis would work. Witches are naturally immune to any sort of manipulation

Shane: Really? Well, let me ask you something. How'd you like to put that earring back on?

[Mystic Falls' Square]

(Stefan is walking and is on the phone with Klaus)

Klaus: You expect me to care about bloody hostages?

Stefan: Well, you should. Damon does. So does Caroline, Tyler, Elena. If any of them get to Connor, then you just wasted a trip to Italy. I can buy us some time, but Damon's getting antsy. So if you want Connor alive, you better get your hybrids onboard with my plan

[Alaric's Apartment]

(Elena looks through the window and sees Stefan on the phone)

Elena: Who is he talking to?

Damon: Bonnie, hopefully. Maybe she's decided to make herself useful again

(He lays a plan on the table. She rejoins him and looks at it)

Elena: What is that?

Damon: It's our way in, courtesy of Alaric Saltzman's interest in the Mystic Falls Underground Railroad

Elena: The tunnels, like the ones in the Lockwood cellar

Damon: Yep

(He takes a picture with his phone. Elena's phone rings. She answers)

Elena: What did you find out?

Stefan: I could only make out the voices

Damon: How many hostages?

Stefan: Three. But, Elena, it's Matt. And April young

Elena: What?!

Damon: Those two idiots. They're like danger magnets

Elena: We have to get them out of there

Stefan: Yeah, I just need a little more time

Damon: The clock's ticking, brother

Stefan: You know, I could do without the color commentary

(He hangs up)

Elena: I'm going in these tunnels

Damon: No, you're not. This guy doesn't know that you're a vampire. Let's keep it that way

Elena: Well, maybe that's it. I can offer to trade myself in exchange for the hostages

Damon: No! Best case scenario is, now you're a hostage. Worst case scenario…he figures you out, kills you on the spot

Elena: Stop treating me like I can't handle myself. Alaric trained me, and I've been practicing with Stefan

Damon: So what? Now you're going to take on a professional k*ller? Bang, you're dead. Now what?

Elena: Head shot's no good. It has to be the heart. So now you're dead

Damon: For someone that doesn't want to be like me, you sure are good at it

Elena: My brother's the only thing that's holding me together right now, Damon. If anything happens to him...

Damon: We'll get him out. I promise

[Mystic Grill]

(Connor is preparing something. Jeremy, April and Matt are looking at him)

April: He's clearly delusional. I mean, right? All this… all this talk about vampires? I…I mean, he mentioned my dad

Matt: Hey, this guy's a nut job, ok? Don't let him get in your head

April: What if he knows something? Jeremy...Did he say anything to you about why he's doing this?

Jeremy: I don't know. Maybe. Maybe I just can't remember

(He gets up)

Matt: Let it go. Jeremy!

(Jeremy rejoins Connor)

Jeremy: You said we had a conversation yesterday?

Connor: Mm-hmm

Jeremy: About what?

Connor: We'll get into that. First, take a look at my handiwork. Pick up some tips from the hunter's trade

Jeremy: What is all that?

Connor: The fluid is derived from werewolf toxin. Trip the wire, b*mb goes off, nails deliver a lethal dose into the bloodstream

Jeremy: And what's the point? What do you get out of all this?

Connor: You know, I used to think that there was no "get". That I was just supposed to "do". k*ll vampires. That was until I realized that the mark held the answer to why I'm the way I am. The more I k*ll, the more it grows, and once it's complete... I'll learn my story, and… and all this will have meant something

(He looks at Matt and April)

Connor: Hey! We're going to have visitors soon. You two get in the back. Get up! Move!

(They get up. Matt takes April by the shoulders)

Connor: And before you think about any other exits, I got every door rigged. Got it?

(They go in the back)

[Alaric's Apartment]

(Elena is looking through the window)

Damon: Stefan's on his way. This will be over soon

Elena: Will it? I mean, haven't we already been here before with Jeremy? Isn't this why we sent him to Denver?

Damon: Well, we'll get him out of this and we'll compel him down to the Bahamas. Maybe he'll find an island girl

(Stefan enters)

Stefan: Did you find the tunnel map?

Damon: Got it. It was in his w*apon's drawer with seven stakes, a weird MacGyver crossbow, and the last remaining vervain in Mystic Falls. So, how about we get this party started?

Stefan: Not yet. Klaus is sending one of his men. He'll take the front and you and I can take the tunnels

Damon: Since when do we team up with Klaus and the lollipop guild?

Stefan: Well, I already told you, Connor has werewolf venom. We need someone to draw his fire, the hybrids are immune to it, so they're our best bet

Damon: Well, how are you sure he even has werewolf venom? Why is Klaus involved, Stefan?

Stefan: Oh, stop being paranoid, Damon

(He takes a vervain dart)

Damon: Start telling the truth...Stefan. Why is Klaus involved? Did he compel you?

Stefan: I am telling you the truth, this is the best way to get everyone out

Elena: What is with you two? We're wasting time!

Damon: You know what, she's right. Screw your plan. I'll k*ll Connor myself

(He goes to the door but Stefan injects the dart in his back)

Elena: Stefan! Why are you doing this?

Stefan: Damon had the right idea with the tunnels, but I'm not going to go in there if I can't count on him to do it my way

Elena: If you can't count on him? You just vervained him!

Stefan: Do you think he cares about April or Matt? He'll get Jeremy out for you, but then he'll go right after Connor no matter who gets hurt

Elena: Then I'm coming with you

Stefan: You're not coming with me, Elena!

Elena: You need my help!

Stefan: What if Connor att*cks and you have to defend yourself? And what if you k*ll him? The guilt will wreck you

Elena: You don't think that I'm afraid of that? Of course I am. Stefan, I'm barely holding it together. If Jeremy gets hurt…

Stefan: we'll get Jeremy out, ok? I promise you. Elena, listen to me, listen to me. This is the most important thing that I have ever asked you to do. I just need you to trust me. Please

(She nods. He kisses her. When she opens her eyes, he has disappeared. She looks around)

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Tyler is talking with a hybrid)

Tyler: Look, man, this guy is dangerous. He's highly trained, he's armed…

Hybrid: I can handle myself. Besides, Klaus asked me personally

Tyler: This is a bad idea

(Haley is listening. Caroline arrives and looks at her)

Caroline: Uh, who are you?

Haley: Who the hell are you?

Caroline: Caroline

Haley: Ohh. You're Tyler's girl. He told me about you. I'm Haley

Caroline: Well, Haley, that's pretty crazy, 'cause I haven't heard a thing about you

Haley: I've been staying here a few days

Caroline: Excuse me?

Haley: I needed a place to crash, Ty's a buddy. He was kind enough to offer

Caroline: I know all of Ty's buddies and I haven't heard about you, so how about we cut the crap?

Haley: Yeah, I don't do teen drama. Take it up with Ty. Excuse me

(She leaves)

(Haley enters the living room where Tyler is talking with the hybrid)

Haley: Dean, you don't need to do this

Dean: Stay out of this, Haley. I'm going

Tyler: Just listen to her, man. It's su1c1de

(Caroline enters)

Tyler: Klaus told you to take Connor by yourself, and you can't even fight back? You have to use "non-lethal force"? What the hell is that?

Dean: Klaus gave me a direct order

Haley: It's too dangerous. That maniac already k*lled Nate

Dean: You're not a hybrid; you don't know what it's like. Klaus asks for something, you do it

Tyler: Look... I'm a hybrid. I used to do everything Klaus said. But I don't anymore. You don't have to, either

Dean: You think you can stand up to Klaus? Here, prove it

(He gives him his phone)

Caroline: Tyler, don't...

(He calls Klaus. He's in Italy. Someone gives him the sword)

Klaus: Hello?

Tyler: Hey, Klaus

Klaus: Tyler. I hope you're not causing problems

Tyler: I can do whatever I want. I'm not sired to you anymore

Klaus: Fair enough. Though I do happen to know your little secret about your time in Appalachia. What was your friend's name? Haley, was it? You'd probably prefer I kept that to myself. I'm sorry, mate. Are you going to answer or should I just assume you're back to being... How did you phrase it? Oh, yes. My little bitch

(Tyler hangs up and is uncomfortable. He looks at Dean)

Tyler: Ahem. Do whatever the hell you want

(He leaves)

Haley: That's it? You just back down?!

(She goes after him)
[Mystic Grill]

(The phone rings. Jeremy is about to answer but Connor catches his arm and answers)

Connor: We're closed

Stefan: I want you to free the hostages

Connor: I'll free them. As soon as you give me what I want… you and everyone like you dead

Stefan: What, so your hunter's mark can grow? Yeah, I know all about that. What it means. What you are. Listen, you free the hostages and you and I can have a little chat. Maybe I can tell you about the brotherhood of the five

Connor: That's a weak move. You must be desperate

Stefan: Think about it, Connor. Klaus saved your life, he needs you alive. Aren't you the least bit curious why?

(Connor hangs up and throws the phone)

(Matt and April are in the back)

April: When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me these scary stories about vampires

Matt: They're just stories

April: Not to that man out there. There's something so familiar... About him

Matt: Look, this is a messed up situation. The last thing that you want to do is buy into that guy's craziness. You're going to be fine. We're getting out of here

April: What is that?

Matt: There used to be an exit through the old wine cellar

(He looks inside)

Matt: They bricked it over

April: So that's it, then? We're screwed

(He takes a hammer and starts to break the bricks)

Matt: No. We're not screwed

[Mystic Grill]

(Dean arrives in front of the Mystic Grill. He has an earpiece)

Dean: There's no sign of anyone

Klaus: Stefan's coming at him from the other side. He'll free the hostages, your job is to get Connor out alive and use caution, mate. He favors booby traps and ambushes

Dean: Understood

(Connor is fixing his b*mb. Jeremy sees a r*fle and tries to get it)

Connor: You may be a potential hunter, but you make one move, I will break all 27 bones in your hand

Jeremy: They're not all bad, you know? Some of them, they're my friends

Connor: Friends, huh? Yeah, I had a friend like that once. She got turned by this vampire I was hunting. He thought it'd be ironic

Jeremy: What happened to her?

Connor: I didn't want to hurt her. She promised that she would keep it under control, but... A vampire's like a loaded g*n. Eventually it's going to go off. That's when I got this

Jeremy: So you k*lled your own friend?

Connor: Listen! If you're going to be like me, you need to understand. Vampires k*ll humans. Hunters k*ll vampires

(They hear the door)

Connor: We have company

(They bend. Dean enters. He sees the wire and the b*mb. He goes by the wire but he walks on something. The b*mb goes off)

(Matt and April are surprised)

Matt: Oh my god

(April turns herself and is surprised when she sees Stefan but he puts his hand on her mouth and tells her to be silent)

(Dean gets up. He's in bad shape. Connor arrives, aims his r*fle at him and sh**t him, leaving a hole in his chest, he's dead)

(Stefan gives a phone to Matt)

Stefan: Follow this map. Get out of here. Take her to Caroline's so she can...

Matt: Okay. Stefan! That guy's armed. If you go out there, he's going to k*ll Jeremy

Stefan: No one's k*lling anyone. Go

(Connor takes his shirt off and looks at his tattoo growing. Jeremy is intrigued. Stefan arrives. Connor sees him and catches Jeremy and sh**t Stefan but he's faster. Connor throws Jeremy on the ground and Connor is aiming his g*n at Stefan)

Stefan: Connor, you don't have to do this

Jeremy: Stefan…

[Alaric's Apartment]

(Elena is leaving a voicemail to Stefan)

Elena: Stefan, call me. There was an expl*si*n at the grill. I need to know what's happening

(Damon is waking up. Elena turns herself and hangs up and goes toward him)

Elena: Damon. Hey. Can you get up?

Damon: Oh, where's Stefan? I'm going to k*ll him

(He tries to get up and is burned by the sun)

Damon: Ow-ow! Ow!

Elena: He took your ring? Why would he do that?

Damon: Ughh. Because he's playing us. All this stalling, getting the hybrids, taking my ring, add it up. He's either made a deal with Klaus or he's compelled

Elena: Then I need to get in there

Damon: No, Elena, this guy is dangerous!

Elena: So am I, Damon!

Damon: Then you need to be smart. He doesn't know you're a vampire. You get as close as you can. And k*ll him

[Mystic Grill]

Stefan: Connor, we can end this right now. Just put down the g*n and come with me

Connor: Sure, come out. I'll hand the g*n over

Stefan: Think about this, no one has to die. I'll tell you everything you need to know

Connor: I don't make deals with vampires!

Stefan: Listen to me. If you die right now, then your whole life, all that k*lling, it will all be for nothing. I can give you the truth. Put down the g*n and let Jeremy go

(Elena enters)

Elena: Please! Don't hurt him

Connor: Come any closer, he's dead

Jeremy: Elena, get out of here

Elena: He's the only family that I have left. Just…just let him go

Connor: You hear that? Your girl's watching. I will sh**t the boy right in front of her! On the count of three! 1... 2...

(Stefan comes out. Elena rushes overs Connor and he sh**t Jeremy in the stomach. She's on tops of him, punches him and strangles him. Jeremy is bleeding and is about to move. Stefan rushes over him and throws him. The b*mb explodes but Stefan was in time)

Elena: Jeremy?

(Connor pushes her and he's in top of her. He's about to stake her but she resists. Stefan intervenes and pushes him off her. Elena gets up. Stefan and Connor have disappeared. She looks around)

(Elena is giving Jeremy her blood. She touches his face and looks the blood on his shirt. Her face changes and she turns herself)

Elena: I'm sorry… I….

Jeremy: Hey, it's ok. You don't have to hide it; I know you're not going to hurt me

Elena: How did this happen, Jer? Why did Connor come after you?

Jeremy: He said I was like him, because I could see his tattoo

Elena: His what?

Jeremy: His hunter's mark. It's invisible to everyone but me. Stefan and Damon didn't tell you about it?

Elena: No. Who else knows about this?

Jeremy: Well, that's the thing. I don't even know. Apparently I was with Connor all day yesterday, but I can't remember. Someone compelled me

Elena: I think I know who

[The Tunnels]

(Stefan is walking with Connor. Damon's here)

Damon: Good work, brother

Stefan: It's over, Damon, I have him

Damon: Not after what I just went through. I had to punch through a boiler room basement into a septic t*nk to get into this stupid tunnel. But it'll be worth it

Stefan: I'm taking him with me

Damon: That's the thing… you're not. I don't know what you're up to or what Klaus has over you, but even if I have to go through you, I'm going to k*ll him

Stefan: Better back off, Damon

Damon: Why? Because Klaus wants him alive?

Stefan: This has nothing to do with Klaus, you're just going to have to trust me on that

Damon: Don't want to. Don't have to. Not gonna. You can give him to me, brother

Stefan: Run as fast as you can

(Connor leaves. Stefan rushes over Stefan and pushes him against the roc)

Stefan: You're not going to k*ll him!

Damon: Why are you protecting him? Tell me. Tell me!

Stefan: Klaus will k*ll anyone who knows!

Damon: Then it has to be good. Spill it. Spill it!

Stefan: Connor's tattoo is the key to a cure

Damon: The cure for what?

Stefan: For her! For Elena

Damon: Klaus told you there's a cure for vampirism?

Stefan: And if Connor dies, then we'll lose it forever. I know it's crazy, Damon, but its hope. Do you understand me? It's her only hope!

(Connor is running but Elena finds him and bites him)

Elena: You stay the hell away from my brother!

(She pushes him. He falls on his knees)

Connor: Look at you. So worried about your brother. And you're the biggest monster he'll ever meet

(He stakes her in the guts)

Elena: You missed

(She breaks his neck, k*lling him. She looks at his body)

[Whitmore College]

(Bonnie and Shane have their eyes closed. They're silent. She opens her eyes)

Bonnie: This isn't working. It's not you. I just…I can't get into hypnosis

Shane: Bonnie, what do you think we've been doing for seven hours?

(She looks at the clock)

Bonnie: Wow, that's crazy

Shane: Look, I'm good at this, ok? And trust me; you're doing a lot better than you were when you came in this morning. You know what? Proof

(He takes a candle and puts it in front of her)

Shane: I bet that you can light this candle as easily as I can sign my name. All you have to do is want to

Bonnie: I'm sorry. I just…I can't

Shane: If you can't... It's only because you're afraid. You're afraid of those spirits and what they might do to your grams. But let me tell you something, Bonnie Bennett… you're stronger than they are. You have a power of your own you haven't even approached yet, and you don't have to be afraid. Of anyone. Say it "I don't have to be afraid."

Bonnie: I don't have to be afraid

Shane: Now close your eyes. And mean it

(She closes her eyes)

Bonnie: I don't have to be afraid

(She opens her eyes and looks at the candle. She isn't lit)

Bonnie: Guess it wasn't good enough

Shane: Oh, I don't know

(She looks around and sees that every candle in the room is lit. she smiles, looks at him and then looks around. She laughs and looks at him again, surprised)

[The woods]

(Elena is digging a grave for Connor. She's crying. Stefan and Damon arrive and look at her)

Stefan: Elena…

(She stops and looks at them. She looks at Connor)

Elena: I need to bury him. I k*lled him, I should… I should bury him

(She keeps digging. Stefan looks at Damon)

Stefan: Hey. Hey, come on

Elena: Don't! I heard you talking to him. Making some secret deal with Klaus? You said you were going to protect Jeremy! Keep me from...This. You said that I could trust you, Stefan

Damon: Elena, it's complicated…

Elena: no, it's not complicated, Damon! You want to know why? Because… because he's dead now. You told me to k*ll him. So I did. I k*lled… I k*lled someone. I k…I k*lled someone!

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Tyler is embracing Haley)

Tyler: I'm so...Sorry

Haley: I can't believe Dean's gone. We could have saved him

(Caroline enters)

Caroline: I apologize. Am I intruding?

Tyler: Caroline, it's not like that

Caroline: I keep waiting for you to make up some dumb story so at least I can call you a liar. Is that now?

Haley: I'll let you two talk

Caroline: Thank you, how big of you!

(Haley leaves)

Tyler: You have to understand…

Caroline: no, you don't tell me what I have to do. I went through hell when I thought you died. I cried like an idiot, and this whole time, you've been keeping a secret from me about falling for some werewolf in the Appalachians!

Tyler: I never fell for her

Caroline: Oh, please

Tyler: Caroline, she saved my life! I almost died trying to break the sire bond. Haley was there for me. She helped me get through it but nothing else happened!

Caroline: Then why would Klaus think that?

Tyler: Because I'd rather him think that than know the truth. There are other hybrids that need to be set free. Haley and I can help them. But if Klaus found out about what we're trying to do, he'd k*ll us all

[Mystic Falls Square]

(Jeremy is sitting alone. He's taking his vervain bracelet off. Matt and April arrive)

April: Hey, Jeremy. Sorry we're so late. We had to take this crazy detour

Matt: There was a gas leak

Jeremy: Yeah, I heard about that

April: Yeah, and we had to stop by Tyler Lockwood's house 'cause we had to see Caroline. We talked to her for a little bit, but now I was thinking maybe we could all go get some coffee. But the grill is closed. That's...Weird

Jeremy: You know what, it's ok. I, uh, I need to get home anyway, 'cause I'm feeling a little... Over it today

Matt: I should probably get home, too

April: Oh. All right, then

(She goes. Jeremy drops his bracelet and picks it up)

Jeremy: Hey, uh, April. Did you drop this?

April: Oh, that's not mine

Jeremy: You sure? Here, let me see your wrist

(He puts it around her wrist)

April: Ah, thanks, but…

Matt: I like it. I think it looks good on you. You should wear it

(She looks at the bracelet and looks at them)

April: Okay

(She leaves. Matt looks at Jeremy)

Matt: Are you ok?

Jeremy: Yeah. I'm just sick of all the secrets, you know?

Matt: Yeah, tell me about it

(He stops and looks at his hand. The tattoo has appeared)

Jeremy: What?

(He's shocked)

Matt: What's wrong?

Jeremy: Nothing

[Salvatore's House]

(Stefan enters his room. Damon is sitting at his desk)

Damon: How is she?

Stefan: Angry, full of guilt. Hasn't said a word to me other than she wants to be left alone. Is that my journal?

Damon: Had to go through six locks to get it. Needed something to back up your insanity. Did you figure out how to tell Klaus you lost a hunter and a hybrid?

Stefan: He's on a plane. Which means I get to live for another six hours

Damon: I got your back. You know, when he comes to m*rder you

Stefan: Thanks. Thanks for not saying anything to Elena

Damon: About what? A cure that we don't have, can't find, and probably doesn't exist? You're welcome

Stefan: She doesn't need to know that she k*lled her chance of being human again

Damon: Alleged chance

Stefan: I believe him, Damon. You didn't hear Klaus' story. I believed every word he said

Damon: Well, I'll remain a skeptic for now. So what's your next move?

Stefan: He said there was a brotherhood of the five. Which means there are other hunters out there, and I'm just going to keep looking until I find one

Damon: Sure, Stefan, since you asked, I'd be happy to go on a su1c1de mission with you for a potentially non-existent cure. Not a problem

Stefan: Yet a couple hours ago, you were ready to rip my heart out

Damon: Because you were being a pain in the ass. I just need one thing… why do you want to cure her?

Stefan: What kind of question is that?

Damon: Legitimate one. You want to cure her because she's a vampire and she's not cut out to be, or you can't love her if she is one?

Stefan: I'll always love her. But she's not supposed to be this person. I don't want her to be

Damon: Well, if I'm going to ride this fairy tale to its conclusion, let me be clear about one thing

Stefan: What's that?

Damon: I'm fine with her either way, brother. So if we do this, we're doing it for you

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is taking a shower)

Elena: Dear diary, today I did the thing I was most afraid of. I lost control. I k*lled someone. I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong

(She's writing in her diary)

Elena: The worst feeling is the moment that you realize... You've lost yourself

(Blood drops fall on her hand and on her diary. She looks at her hands and smells them. There's blood everywhere on the floor and she follows the path. He enters the bathroom. There's blood everywhere. She looks at her mirror. There's ‘'k*ller' written in blood on it. She slips on the blood and falls on the ground. She looks around her, panicked but everything is back to normal)
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