03x07 - Ghost World

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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03x07 - Ghost World

Post by bunniefuu »

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon is tied to a chair. Like Mason was when he k*lled him. His ring is on the floor. Stefan enters)

Damon: Low blow, Stefan. Low blow

Stefan: What the hell happened to you?

Damon: Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it

Stefan: I didn't do this

Damon: Quit screwin' around!

Stefan: I didn't

(He checks the chains)

Stefan: It's pretty messed up though, isn't it?

Damon: Yep

(Stefan removes the iron stick. Damon screams. Stefan begins to remove the chains but stops and leaves. Mason is here, watching them but Damon can't see him)

Damon: Yeah, not to worry. I'll just untangle myself

(Mason opens the curtains so the sunlight can enter the room. Damon's skin burns. He screams)

[The town]

(Everyone prepare the town for the night of illuminations, hanging lanterns to the trees. Carol Lockwood Is making a speech for the volunteers and the citizens)

Carol: As a long-time member of the historical society, I am especially proud to be kicking off this day of festivities. Thank you, volunteers. Tonight, we turn off our town's lights and flare up our lanterns in honor of the night of illumination started by our founders 150 years ago. Here's founding family member Tobias fell with a history lesson

(Everyone applause. Alaric and Jeremy are listening to the speech)

Jeremy: What are we doing here?

Alaric: Tobias fell is the head of the history department. I didn't have a choice

Jeremy: All right, that explains what you're doing here

Alaric: Well, I'm the one who can fail you if you don't help me out

(Elena rejoins them)

Elena: Hey, sorry I'm late. What did I miss?

(Anna appears but only Jeremy can see her)

Anna: Just a bunch of historical lies

Jeremy: You didn't miss anything

(Tobias fell is making Is speech)

Tobias: The first illumination was held in celebration with the new found prosperity that Mystic Falls enjoyed after the w*r

Anna: After the founders stole from all the vampires

(Jeremy laughs. Elena looks at him)

Elena: What's so funny?

(Jeremy looks at the stage. Elena turns her head to look too. Anna keeps commenting on the speech)

Anna: Safe from the vampires

(Jeremy smiles. Anna smiles too, looks at him and takes his hand)

(Caroline helps Bonnie hanging lanterns to the trees)

Caroline: So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna, too?

Bonnie: I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here

Caroline: Ok, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that

Bonnie: There. You commented

Caroline: Bonnie...

Bonnie: What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences

Caroline: Well, I want you to say you're not ok with it

Bonnie: I'm a thousand times not ok with it. I just don't know what to do about it

(Damon stops by them with his car)

Damon: Greetings, blondie. Witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan

Bonnie: What do you mean, why?

Damon: Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost

Bonnie: What?

Caroline: And why would you think that?

Damon: Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest. Let's just say I'm having déjà vu

(Caroline looks at Bonnie)

Caroline: I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people

Bonnie: They can't

Damon: Yeah, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I k*ll someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up, fix it

(He leaves. Matt is on the other side of the road, looking at them)

[Mystic Grill]

(Jeremy, Elena and Alaric are sitting outside the mystic grill. Stefan's journal are on the table)

Elena: Hey, Jer, I need you to help me with something

Jeremy: What's up?

Elena: I've been going through Stefan's old journals. Every single time that he's gone off the rails in the past, his best friend Lexi's been the one to bring him back

Alaric: So where is she now that we need her?

Jeremy: She's dead

(He looks at Elena)

Jeremy: And you want me to try to reach her, don't you?

Elena: I thought if I knew how she did it, maybe I could help him

Jeremy: I don't even know if she's on the other side

Elena: Is that what it's called?

Jeremy: That's what Anna calls it. There's not like an official brochure or anything

Alaric: So what is it, like some sort of supernatural purgatory?

Jeremy: Well, Anna said it's like being here with all of us, only we can't see her or hear her. And she can't interact with anyone. She's all alone

(Anna appears in the empty seat)

Alaric: Vicki could interact. She blew up my car

Jeremy: Vicki had help from a witch on the other side. Anna...She's doing this all by herself

Alaric: I'm just saying, maybe we learned our lesson about summoning dead people

[The town]

(Matt is talking with Caroline and Bonnie)

Matt: I haven't seen Vicki, I swear. I sent her back like you told me to

Bonnie: Are you sure? Because she has just as much reason to haunt Damon as Mason Lockwood does

Matt: She's gone, Bonnie. If she was here, I'd know it.

Caroline: Why do you think it's Vicki and not Mason?

Bonnie: Because if any ghost other than Vicki Donovan has a physical foothold on our side, then that means Damon's right and something has gone really, really wrong

Matt: I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever. So you guys can leave me out of this one

(He leaves)

Caroline: I feel so sad for him. It took a lot for him to send his sister away

Bonnie: Yeah

Caroline: So much strength as a man

Bonnie: I've got a ghost problem to deal with, Caroline. Save the Jeremy lecture for later

(She grabs her bag but it's open and everything is on the floor, including her grimoire. She's about to catch it but there's some wind and it opens on a page.)

Caroline: Ok, did your grimoire just...

Bonnie: I think so

(She takes the grimoire to read the page)

Caroline: Ok, please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies

Bonnie: It's a manifestation spell. It's used to reveal veiled matter

Caroline: What's veiled matter?

Bonnie: Ghosts

[Mystic Grill]

Elena: Do you think it's even possible to contact Lexi?

Jeremy: I don't know. I didn't have an emotional connection with her. I never even met her

Alaric: Can we just drop it, please?

Elena: No, I can't drop it, Ric. I don't know what else to do

Alaric: Don't you think we have a few too many dead vampires in our past to be sitting here thinking of them watching us?

Anna: I don't think all supernatural spirits go to the other side. I think some of them find peace

(Jeremy looks at her but all that Elena and Alaric can see are an empty chair)

Elena: Is Anna here right now?

Anna: Don't tell her I'm here. She won't like it

Jeremy: No, no. I'm going to go, uh, check my work schedule

(He gets up and leaves. Stefan arrives)

Stefan: Hey, guys. Who forgot to invite me to the family summit?

(He sees the journals and takes one and looks into it)

Stefan: Hmm? Wow. All these words. I forgot how much I used to care

Elena: I didn't

Stefan: You know, Elena, it's probably best you not t*rture yourself with memories from the past. It's best we both just move on and accept things as they are.

Alaric: You don't have to be here, Stefan

Stefan: You know what, Alaric, you're right. I don't. But Elena's here, and I look out for Elena. Besides, there's going to be people everywhere tonight. So there's going to be lots to eat

(Elena looks at him, shocked but he laughs)

Stefan: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Loosen up

(He gets up and leaves. Elena looks at Alaric)

Elena: I can't drop it, Ric

[Abandoned House]

(Bonnie and Caroline are in the abandoned house and enter a room)

Caroline: So this is where you brought Jeremy back to life

Bonnie: Yeah. Sorry, I know it's creepy, but we needed a private place around here to do the spell

Caroline: Hmm. There's no chance it's haunted by the hundred dead witches who were horrifically burned to death in this very spot, is there?

Bonnie: They're not here anymore. And they made it clear they were never coming back

Caroline: Right. A pinkie swear?

[Mystic Grill]

(Jeremy enters the restrooms. Anna enters with him)

Anna: What's wrong?

Jeremy: Why did you tell me to lie?

Anna: Elena is Bonnie's best friend. She won't like what's going on between us

Jeremy: What is going on between us? Ok, how are we able to touch? Vicki had to use magic to do that

Anna: I don't know. Honestly, I have no idea

Jeremy: This witch on the other side that gave Vicki her foothold, is she helping you now?

Anna: What? No! I'm all alone, Jeremy, I told you that

Jeremy: Swear to me

Anna: I swear. I'm not any danger to you or anybody, I promise. Hey. I need you to believe me

Jeremy: I shouldn't even be talking to you. This is not ok

Anna: Then send me away. I'm only here because you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. Send me away, Jeremy. It's that easy

Jeremy: I don't know why this is happening or when it's going to stop. But before it's done... I have to do this

(He kisses her)

[Abandoned House]

(Caroline is lighting candles)

Caroline: Ready? Do you need me to do...

(Bonnie is already casting the spell)

Caroline: Right. Ok

(Bonnie is still casting the spell. There's wind)

[Mystic Grill]

(Alaric and Elena are inside)

Alaric: I'll grab Jeremy

Elena: I'll be right back

(She goes toward the restrooms. Damon rejoins Alaric)

Alaric: You know, I've had enough vampires today, thanks

Damon: Oh, come on. Have a drink with me. We've got trouble

Alaric: No, you've got trouble. See, we're not a team. You tried to k*ll me. All right? We're not friends. I don't like you anymore

Damon: Ah! But remember back when you liked me and we conspired to k*ll Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?

Alaric: Yeah, and?

Damon: I think he's still a little pissed

[Abandoned House]

(Bonnie is still casting the spell. There's wind everywhere in the room. Everything moves)

Caroline: Bonnie, I don't like this. Bonnie...

(Suddenly someone grabs Bonnie's hands. It's her grandmother)

Caroline: Oh, my God. Is that your...

(Bonnie's shocked)

Bonnie: Grams

[Mystic Grill]

(Elena enters the restrooms and sees Jeremy and Anna kissing)

Elena: Anna?

[The street]

(Stefan is walking and suddenly sees Lexi)

Stefan: Lexi!

[Mystic Falls]

(Damon and Alaric are at the bar. Mason arrives. They both can see him)

Alaric: Mason

Mason: God, I miss whisky

(He drinks and then crashes the glass on Damon's forehead. Damon then looks at Alaric)

Damon: Told ya

[The street]

(Stefan is with Lexi)

Lexi: Hi

Stefan: You're dead

Lexi: Well, technically, so are you

Stefan: Then how the hell can I see...

Lexi: See me? Yeah, I have no idea. And I have no idea how long it's going to last, so let's get right

to the point. You're off the rails. Big time

Stefan: Look, I don't know how you're here, but you need to leave me alone, ok?

Lexi: Now what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help you out of this mess you're in?

Stefan: I don't want your help

Lexi: You know, you say that every time. "I don't want your help, I don't want to get better, leave me alone."

Stefan: Well, maybe you should listen this time

Lexi: Or maybe I should do this

(She crashes his head against a car window. Stefan falls on the floor, unconscious)

[Abandoned House]

(Bonnie is looking at her grandmother. She's crying)

Bonnie: I can't believe you're here!

Sheila: Now stop your crying, we don't have time for tears

(She looks at Caroline)

Sheila: Nice to see you again, Caroline

Caroline: Hi, miss Sheila

(Sheila looks back at Bonnie)

Sheila: A fine mess you've made, honey. The witches told you there'd be consequences to bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway

Bonnie: I didn't have a choice. I love him and I... I couldn't just let him go

Sheila: I understand. But you cracked open the door to the other side. There's an old witch over here. She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you, honey. When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open. Giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business

Bonnie: How do you know this?

Sheila: Witches talk. Even on the other side. Who do you think makes all the rules?

Bonnie: What does the witch want?

Sheila: That's original vampire business, not yours. I don't want you getting in the middle of that. I'm here because you upset the balance of nature. And it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door

[Mystic Grill]

(Elena is in the restrooms with Jeremy and Anna. She's on the phone with Caroline)

Elena: How do we do that?

Caroline: Apparently the old witch can draw power from this side because of her talisman

Elena: Talisman... My necklace?

Caroline: It's some ju ju power source. And I know you're not going to like this, but Bonnie needs to destroy it

Elena: I just walked in on Jeremy kissing the reason I'm completely ok with that

Caroline: What?! Are you kidding?

Elena: I wish. Look, I don't have the necklace. Damon has it somewhere. Text him. I'll call you right back

(She hangs up and looks at Anna)

Jeremy: Elena…

Elena: You need to disappear or evaporate or whatever it is that you ghosts do

Jeremy: Hey, it's not her fault

Elena: You're right, it's yours.

(Anna disappears)

Elena: How did this happen?

Jeremy: I don't know. Ok? I don't know. It just... it did. Elena, please. You can't tell Bonnie

Elena: Don't worry. I'm going to let you do that. Right after I help her send the ghosts away

(She gets out)

(She goes out of the restrooms and runs into Lexi. Elena is surprised)

Lexi: Looks like today was a good day to be thinking about me, Elena

Elena: Lexi?

Lexi: Mm-hmm. Come with me

Elena: Where?

Lexi: Ripper detox 101. Crash course

(She catches her wrist)

Elena: I…

Lexi: I'm sorry, did you not just say how desperate you were for my help in saving Stefan's life?

(Elena turns her head and looks at the restrooms doors and then looks back at Lexi)

Elena: Let's go

(She leaves with Lexi)

(Damon is sending a text)

Damon: I am never going to hear the end of that damn necklace

(Mason is still there, drinking)

Mason: One of you will pay for this, right? Cheers

Damon: Let's get to it. I k*lled you. You want revenge. Get in line

Mason: Actually, I want an apology

(Alaric laughs)

Alaric: Good luck with that

Damon: Don't you have a family to haunt? You know your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid Minion

Mason: That's why I'm here. To help Tyler

Damon: Well, sorry to break it to you, buddy, but Tyler can't be helped. At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is, like, always

Mason: Not necessarily. Not if you found a w*apon that could k*ll him

Damon: There is no w*apon that... What do you know?

Mason: I know you need to apologize

Damon: You got to be kidding me

Alaric: Are you incapable of remorse? Just apologize!

Damon: You're right. I didn't have to k*ll you. I do a lot of things I don't have to do

(Mason laughs)

Mason: That's good enough

(He gets up)

Mason: Meet me at the old Lockwood cellar. Bring a shovel. And come alone

Damon: What, you're going to bury me alive?

Mason: Don't tempt me

(He leaves. Damon looks at Alaric)

[City Jail]

(Stefan is tied to a chair. Elena and Lexi are looking at him)

Lexi: Klaus really did a number on him, huh?

Elena: He compelled him to turn off his humanity

Lexi: Well, we're just going to have to convince him to turn it back on. I have to warn you, it's not going to be pretty

Elena: I can handle it

(Lexi kicks Stefan)

Lexi: Wake up, sleepyhead

(Stefan wakes up)

Lexi: How you feelin'?

(He looks at the chair and the chains)

Stefan: What is this? Let me out of here!

Lexi: Shh. Inside voices, please. I'm trying to get inside your head

Stefan: Elena. Get rid of her, please

Elena: No

Lexi: First step, drying him out. Starve away the blood lust. Strip away the temptation

Stefan: This isn't going to work, Lexi. You can't do this

Lexi: You heard the not pretty part?

Elena: I heard you

(Lexi looks Stefan in the eyes)

Stefan: What are you doing?

(He suddenly doesn't seem fine. His arms and hands change

Stefan: What are you doing, Lexi?!

Lexi: Doing what I do best, sweetness. I'm saving your life
[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Mason is lighting a lantern. Damon arrives with a shovel)

Mason: I'm surprised you showed

Damon: You put a snag in my only other Klaus lead. So I'd say I'm highly motivated

Mason: Mikael? Yeah. That didn't turn out so great, did it?

Damon: How do you know so much?

Mason: There's not much to do on the other side but sit around and watch other people screw things up

Damon: What are we looking for?

Mason: There's an old Lockwood family legend about a w*apon that can k*ll an original vampire. Like the rest of their secrets, they kept it buried

(He tries to break a wall with the shovel but it doesn't work)

Damon: Oh, come on, give me the thing. Move

(He takes the shovel and uses his vampire strength to break the wall. He breaks it quickly. They both look in the hole)

Mason: Go for it.

Damon: You first

Mason What, you think I'm leading you into a trap?

Damon: The thought crossed my mind

(Mason enters first. Damon follows him)

[City Jail]

(Stefan is really not okay)

Stefan: I'm starving. I'm starving. I'm starving! Let me out! Let me out. Please let me out

Elena: What's happening?

Lexi: He's hallucinating. That's three months without any blood

Stefan: Let me out!

Lexi: Now he's at nine months

(Stefan is worse and worse)

Lexi: Two years... Five

Stefan: Did I ever tell you how glad I am that you're dead?

Lexi: Oh. I missed you, too, friend

(Elena's phone rings. She goes outside the cell)

Elena: Hello?

Caroline: So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon

Elena: Listen, I need you to get Bonnie to hold off on sending the ghosts back

Caroline: What?! But you said you were in full support of getting rid of them

Elena: I was. I am. Look, Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan

Caroline: Ok, let's just find it first and then we'll choose between boyfriend ghost dramas

[Salvatore's House]

(Caroline hangs out. Bonnie looks at her)

Bonnie: What are you talking about?

Caroline: Um...Lexi's back, so Elena wants us to hold off on destroying the necklace

Bonnie: You said boyfriend dramas. Plural. What is it, Caroline?

Caroline: Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna

Bonnie: What?

Caroline: I'm sorry

Bonnie: He kissed her?

Caroline: She's got a foothold now, so she probably thinks that she's here to stay. But you and I, Bonnie, we're going to find that necklace. Ok?

Bonnie: Okay

[The town's square]

(It's the illuminations night. There's people everywhere. Jeremy is looking for Anna)

Jeremy: Anna! Anna!

(He runs into Frederick, the tomb vampire)

Jeremy: Sorry. Hey, man sorry about that

(He continues searching for Anna)

Frederick: No problem, buddy

(Carol rejoins Alaric)

Carol: Have you seen Tobias Fell? He's supposed to do the lighting ceremony

Alaric: No

(Frederick rejoins Anna)

Frederick: Well, well

Anna: Frederick?

Frederick: If it isn't pearl's daughter. Little Annabelle

(Carol begins her speech)

Carol: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Fell seems to have been detained, so the history department's very own Mr. Saltzman has agreed to fill in

(Everyone applause. Alaric goes toward the stage. Jeremy calls Anna. She turns her head)

Frederick: Still hanging around the Gilbert kid, huh? I guess you forgot the fact that his family k*lled you and your mother

(Jeremy arrives)

Jeremy: There you are. Is everything all right?

Frederick: Ask your ancestors

Anna: What are you doing here, Frederick?

(Two men rejoins him)

Frederick: Well, it's a founder's celebration. And we...

(He looks at the two men)

Frederick: Have got some unfinished business with the founding families

(Alaric begins his speech)

Alaric: On behalf of Mystic Falls high school historical society, let's light 'em up

(The lanterns are enlightened. Everyone screams ‘cause Tobias Fell is dead and his body is hanging on a tree. Anna looks at Frederick. He smiles)

[City Jail]

(Stefan is in bad shape)

Stefan: Elena, Elena. I'm hurting. Please help me

Lexi: Don't listen. Shut him out

Elena: I am helping you, Stefan

Stefan: I'll do anything. I'll change. I promise

Lexi: It's a lie. He'll say anything right now

Stefan: Elena, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just make it stop. Please, just make it stop

Lexi: You have to separate yourself from your emotions. Don't let him play with them

Stefan: Hey, look at me. Look at me

(Elena looks at him)

Stefan: Elena. I love you, ok? I love you. I love you so much. I love you so much, Elena

Elena: I'm sorry, Stefan, I just don't believe you

Stefan: You know what? I don't want your help, anyway. I wish I'd never met you. Every single moment that I've spent with you has been a complete and total waste

Lexi: You see that? That's the ripper talking. Once he's weak enough, you have to cause him pain. Make him feel things. Anger, rage, anything. You have to make him see past the blood.

(She drives a stake through his body)

Lexi: Think of it as a regimen. Day in and day out. Like running the treadmill. Like making coffee. Until he's ready to be saved

Stefan: I will rip you apart, Lexi!

Lexi: You can't. I'm already dead

(She drives the stake through his body again)

Elena: I can't...

(She leaves. Lexi looks at her)

(Elena goes out and sees the police and the paramedics are taking a body

[Salvatore's House]

(Caroline and Bonnie are looking for the necklace everywhere. Including in the soap bowl in Damon's bathroom)

Caroline: Ugh! I give up. It's not anywhere in this room

(Bonnie's phone rings. It's Jeremy. Bonnie's not happy so Caroline answers)

Caroline: What do you want, Jeremy?

Jeremy: Caroline? Did you find that necklace?

Caroline: Not yet. Wait, what's going on?

Jeremy: Ghosts of the tomb vampires k*lled Tobias Fell. You might want to find that necklace before they start going alphabetically through the founding families

Caroline: Well, it's not where it's supposed to be. Unless someone took it

Jeremy: Who?

Caroline: Well, who do you think?

(Jeremy looks at Anna)

Anna: I didn't

Jeremy: She said she didn't take it

Caroline: Oh, and you believe her

Anna: I didn't take it, Jeremy

Jeremy: You know what, yeah, yeah, I do believe her

Caroline: You know what, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought. So wake up, Jeremy, before you lose everything

(She hangs up)

[The Town Square]

(Jeremy turns himself. Anna's not here. He looks all around him. Elena rejoins him)

Elena: Jeremy? What happened?

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Damon and Mason are walking through the hidden part of the cellar)

Damon: I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Your motives are deceptively pure

Mason: You talk the talk, but I know you'll do anything for your brother. You won't screw me over as long as we have the same agenda

Damon: I'm supposed to believe you're not going to screw me over?

(They stop. There's different directions)

Damon: All right. Which way?

Mason: I don't know. Flip a coin

Damon: Aren't you supposed to be all-knowing?

Mason: I'm a ghost. I'm not God. Go left

(Damon goes but there's nothing)

Damon: Or not

Mason: You have trust issues. Anyone ever tell you that?

(Damon continues but stakes goes through his body. There's vervain in it. Mason leaves)

Damon: Yo. Help a brother out? Mason?

[The town Square]

(Elena and Jeremy are talking)

Elena: Where is Anna now?

Jeremy: I don't know, ok? I don't even know for sure if she took the necklace

Elena: She was the only person who heard us talking about it. Of course she took it. Ok? We have to get it back. We have to destroy it and then close the door

Jeremy: I know, but...

Elena: But what? What, Jer?

Jeremy: I can touch her, Elena. I can kiss her again. And I know it's wrong, and I know that I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. I love her. I've always loved her

Elena: But it's not real. She's dead. Gone. Everything that you're hold on to is in the past, Jer. Are you going to love a ghost for the rest of your life?

(She watches over Jeremy's shoulder. Anna's here)

Elena: He's at the beginning of his life, Anna. You're just holding him back. You know that

(Anna shows them the necklace. She has it in her hands. Elena looks at Jeremy)

Elena: Call Bonnie. Tell her that you have the necklace. Get her to send the ghosts away

(She leaves. Jeremy looks at Anna)

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Damon still has the stakes in his body. Mason comes back with o shovel)

Damon: Oh, I'm having a bad day

Mason: Sorry. Thought you might need this

(He breaks the stakes with the shovel and removes them)

Mason: You're welcome

Damon: What's your game, man? I k*lled you. I jammed my fist into your chest. I ripped your heart out. There's no way this whole buddy-trust act is real

Mason: You know what the other side is like? We're all alone. We watch the people we left behind and we regret our decisions. That's it. Look, I can't change what happened to me. But maybe I can change what happens to Tyler. I don't need revenge, Damon. I need redemption

[Bonnie's car]

(Caroline and Bonnie are in her car. Caroline just hang up her phone)

Caroline: Jeremy's got the necklace. He's going to meet us at the witch house

Bonnie: Ok. What's going on up there?

(She stops. Carol Lockwood's car Is against a tree. She's unconscious)

Caroline: It's Mrs. Lockwood's car

(Frederick and other tomb vampires go toward the car)

Caroline: Bonnie? I'm going to get out of the car

Bonnie: What?!

Caroline: And you're going to drive the hell away from here

Bonnie: No way! I am not leaving you!

Caroline: Bonnie, you've got your ghost boyfriend drama. Elena has hers. And right now the mother of mine is about to be ghost bait. So go and send them all back to the other side, ok?

(Caroline goes out of the car. Bonnie leaves. Frederick looks at Caroline and smiles. Caroline vamps out and goes toward him)

[The town square]

(Jeremy and Anna are talking)

Jeremy: This spell is just going to break your foothold, right? You'll still be here, I'll still be able to see you. This... this doesn't have to be good-bye

Anna: No. But it should be. Elena was right. I'm holding you back

Jeremy: Anna…

Anna: I'm sorry I took the necklace

(She cries)

Anna: with all the tomb vampires out, that maybe...

Jeremy: You might find your mother

Anna: I don't know where she is, Jeremy. I don't know if she's moved on and found peace, or if there's even any peace to be found

Jeremy: Hey, there is, Anna. Ok, there has to be. I believe that, ok?

Anna: I just... I don't want to be alone anymore

(He embraces her she cries)

Jeremy: You're not going to be alone. I'm not going to let you be alone

(She gives him back the necklace. He looks at her for a while and finally leaves)

[City jail]

Lexi: Quit fighting me, Stefan. I know you're in there

Stefan: Not anymore, Lexi

(Elena comes back)

Lexi: You know you say that every time. Until I make you feel again

(She drives a stake through his stomach)

Stefan: You wasted your whole life taking care of me. Now you're dead and you still have nothing better to do

Elena: We're running out of time

Lexi: You've got to get me more

Elena: I can't

Lexi: No! No... not until I break through

Elena: I can't, Lexi. They have a necklace. They're going to close the door

(Lexi looks at Stefan)

Lexi: The necklace. Ok. That necklace. At least tell me you remember how you felt about that. You found it during your darkest time. And you said, when you made it through, that that necklace represented hope

Stefan: Ironic, then, that it's about to be blown to pieces

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(They're still walking through the caverns. Mason arrives at the end but Damon can't go on. He's blocked)

Damon: God! This is not happening

Mason: What now?

Damon: I can't get through. It's like I'm not invited in. Wait!

Mason: I'm not stopping just 'cause you're stuck. I'll let you know what I find

Damon: Yeah, but...

Mason: Looks like you're gonna have to trust me

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Bonnie puts fire in the chimney and enlights candles with her powers. Jeremy arrives)

Jeremy: Bonnie!

(She's not happy to see him. He shows her the necklace. She takes it and throws it in the chimney. She begins to cast a spell. Her grams rejoins her, takes her hand and helps her cast the spell. The necklace burns)

[The street]

(carol wakes up and sees Caroline fight with the ghosts of the tomb vampires. Frederick strangles her but he suddenly disappears. She looks around her)

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Mason is looking at the wall and seems amazed)

Damon: So? What'd you find?

Mason: It's in...

(He disappears)

Damon: No, no, no, no. No, where'd you go? Mason, Mason!

[City Jail]

(Lexi raises her head and then looks at Elena)

Lexi: He's still in there, Elena. You just have to break through

Elena: It's ok, Lexi, I know what to do now. You can be free

(She smiles, looks at Stefan and disappears)

[The street]

(Anna is walking alone in the streets, sad when she suddenly sees her mom)

Anna: Mama?

(Pearl cries. They rush toward each other. They cry and embrace each other. They disappear together)

[Abandoned House]

(The necklace has melted down)

Sheila: You are stronger than all of this. I'm so proud of you

(Bonnie shed tears and Sheila disappears)

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Damon is sitting. Alaric arrives)

Damon: You're here. It's about time

Alaric: Didn't have anyone else to call?

Damon: No, actually, I don't. 'Cause I need a non-vampire to get in the cave, and other than Elena, you're pretty much the only one I trust

Alaric: Well, you have a crappy way of showing that

Damon: Look, if Mason Lockwood can get over the fact that I k*lled him, can't you cut me a little slack, Ric?

Alaric: I shouldn't have to get over it. I was your friend, Damon. You shouldn't have done it in the first place

Damon: Well! Sometimes... I do things I don't have to do

Alaric: You're going to recycle that same crap ass apology you gave Mason Lockwood?

Damon: Yeah. Well... I didn't mean it with him

(He smiles. Alaric looks at him and then looks at the whole)

[City Jail]

Stefan: So what are you going to do, Elena? You just going to stand there? Waiting for me to dry out?

Elena: No, I'm going to go home, take care of my brother. Be a friend to Bonnie and everything else that I have to do

Stefan: That's good for you. You know, I was wondering when you were going to give up. Lexi gave you... enough of a glimpse into your tragic future

Elena: I haven't given up, Stefan. I still have hope. But there's nothing that I can do until you get yours back.

(She touches his face)

Elena: Hey. You can break through this. Fight for it. Feel something. Anything, Stefan. Because if you don't, you're going to lose me forever. I won't love a ghost for the rest of my life

(She locks the door and leaves)

[Abandoned House]

(Bonnie is crying, looking at the chimney)

Jeremy: Bonnie...

Bonnie: Just go away, Jeremy

Jeremy: I owe you an explanation

Bonnie: Matt let go of a sister before you let go of Anna. His sister, Jeremy. You know what you owe me? The respect of not making me listen to you explain yourself

Jeremy: I am sorry, Bonnie

Bonnie: You need to go

Jeremy: But…

Bonnie: Just go, Jeremy

(He leaves. There's a noise in the chimney. She goes closer and sees that the necklace is normal again)

[Old Lockwood Cellar]

(Alaric goes where Mason was before. Damon can't still pass)

Damon: So was Mason screwing with me, or is there something in there?

(Alaric looks everywhere)

Damon: Ric. Ric

(Alaric looks at the wall and is amazed)

Alaric: I found something

Damon: What is it?

(There's a lot of drawings on the wall)

Alaric: I have no idea
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