03x03 - The End of the Affair

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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03x03 - The End of the Affair

Post by bunniefuu »

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon's phone rings. Ha answers)

Damon: You're interrupting my drink

Katherine: Miss me?

Damon: Where are you?

Katherine: Lurking outside your window, pining away

Damon: What do you want?

Katherine: I'm homesick. What have I missed?

Damon: Well, Stefan's still Klaus' little prisoner and Elena still thinks she can save him and no one's thought about you since you left

Katherine: And what about you? I'm sure now that you've given up on your brother, you're plotting

some sort of way of moving in on his girlfriend

Damon: I didn't give up on him. I just don't know where he is

Katherine: Hmm

Damon: But you do. Are you trailing them?

Katherine: A hybrid who wants me dead and his sidekick who's off the rails? I couldn't be further away

Damon: Which means you know exactly where they are

Katherine: All I know is that Klaus pitched a fit once his hybrids didn't work. Now he's looking for some answers

Damon: How do you know that?

Katherine: Spend 500 years running, and there will be a few people along the way that are looking out for you

Damon: Is that what you're doing? Looking out for my brother?

Katherine: Maybe, maybe not. I'm conflicted

Damon: Where are they?


(Klaus and Stefan go out of a car)

Klaus: Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan

Stefan: What are we doing here?

Klaus: I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days

Stefan: Blacked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur

Klaus: Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what makes it legend

Chicago, 1920's

Klaus: Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was prohibition. Everything was off limits then, which made everything so much fun

(Stefan is in a car making out with a girl but then he drinks her blood and kills her. He gets out of the car and removes the blood from his lips

Chicago, 1920's

(Stefan enters a bar. The singer and owner of the bar sees him)

Gloria: Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies? Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore?

Stefan: Save me a dance, Gloria

(He's about to grab a glass of champagne but a lady takes it before)

Stefan: Ooh. Please, help yourself

Rebekah: Oh, I always do

(She gets closer, licks his lips and whispers in his hear, she's vamped out)

Rebekah: Careful, Mr. Salvatore. You're still wearing your date. She's lovely

(She's about to leave but he catches her arm)

Stefan: No, no, no. Who are you?

(She makes a sign to tells him to shut up)

Nowadays, Chicago

Klaus: Chicago was magical

Stefan: Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it

Klaus: Ready to get down to business, then?

Stefan: Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?

Klaus: We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena is in her bedroom, sleeping. She moves and is on Damon. She suddenly wakes up ans is suprised)

Damon: Rise and shine, sleepy head

Elena: Aah! What are you doing?! Get out!

Damon: You know you were dreaming about me. Explains the drool

Elena: Ugh. Oh, my God

(She looks at her alarm)

Elena: 6:00 A.M. seriously? Do you really have nothing better to do at 6:00 A.M.?

Damon: Fine, don't come with me to bring Stefan home. See ya

(He gets up)

Elena: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What? What are you talking about? Where is he?

Damon: Windy city

Elena: He's in Chicago? Well, how do you know?

Damon: It came to me in a dream. I was naked. You would have loved it. Start packing

Elena: Is he ok?

Damon: Well, let's just say he's not there to meet Oprah

(He opens one of her drawers and takes one of Elena's underwear)

Damon: Ooh. Put these in the "yes" pile

(She gets up, takes it from his hands and puts it back in the drawer)

[A cellar]

(Caroline is still attached to a chair. She hears a noise)

Caroline: Daddy, are you there? Why won't you talk to me? Dad!

(Smoke enters the cellar .Bill opens the door and enters)

Bill: Shhh. I'm so sorry this happened to you

Caroline: Dad...

Bill: I need an answer. How do you walk in the sunlight?

Caroline: Just let me go

Bill: Sweetheart, please, just answer me. Then we'll get on with it

Caroline: Is that all you want to know?

Bill: That's all I want to know

(She shows him her ring)

Bill: Interesting

(He takes the ring off)

Caroline: No, dad, no! What are you...

(He throws the ring on the floor)

Caroline: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Bill: Your ancestors built this place. People figured it was for unruly prisoners at the jailhouse, but... They had something else in mind. Vervain in the ventilation system to keep their subject weak. Reinforced steel containment chair. And that

(He gets out of the cellar)

Caroline: What are you doing?

(He come back with a blood bag and puts it in front oh her. She vamps out. Ha takes the blood bag back)

Bill: Blood controls you, sweetheart. This is how I'm going to fix you

Caroline: What?

(He pulls on a chain. The sun enters the cellar. Caroline screams and burns)

[Damon's car]

(Damon and Elena are driving to Chicago)

Damon: I sure Hope we find him, 'cause it would suck if the last momento of Stefan was that crappy old necklace

(She touches her vervain necklace)

Elena: It's an antique, Damon. Like you

(He takes a diary from the back of the car)

Damon: Read this. Paints a pretty little picture of Stefan's first experience in Chicago

Elena: It's Stefan's diary. I'm not going to invade his private thoughts

Damon: You need to be prepared for what you're about to see

Elena: I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods. I can handle it

(He opens the diary)

Damon: Here's one. March 12th, 1922

(He starts reading, changing his voice)

Damon: "I've blacked out days. I wake up in strangers' blood, in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember."

(He looks at Elena)

Damon: Ahh! I'm shocked! Stefan's not a virgin?

(She takes the diary from his hands)

Elena: Eyes on the road, grandma

Damon: Fine. Back to my game. Tell me if you see a Florida plate

(She opens the journal and reads a page)

Chicago, 1920's

(Stefan is at the bar, drinking with his friends. Rebekah is dancing with a man but she stops and rejoins Stefan and his friends)

Rebekah: Sorry to crash the fun, boys, but some of us actually came here to hear the music. Not you

Stefan: Oof. I am so sorry, sweetheart. Are we offending you?

(His friends laugh. She touxhes his face)

Rebekah: It would take a lot more than a baby face like this to offend me

(She's about to leave)

Stefan: Ahem. Hey, hey. You ever going to tell me your name?

Rebekah: Sure. When you earn it. Now do Gloria a favor and stick a sock in it

(She goes back to the dacefloor and dances with a man)

Nowadays, Chicago

[Gloria's bar]

(Klaus and Stefan enter)

Klaus: Looks familiar, doesn't it?

Stefan: I can't believe this place is still here

Gloria: You got to be kidding me

(Klaus smiles)

Klaus: So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender...

Gloria: Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny

(She looks at Stefan)

Gloria: I remember you

Stefan: Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be...

Gloria: Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?

Klaus: Gloria's a very powerful witch

Gloria: I can slow the aging down some Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day

Klaus: Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar

(He goes to the bar. Klaus looks at Gloria)

Klaus: You look ravishing, by the way

Gloria: Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels

Klaus: So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse

Gloria: Obviously you did something wrong. Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old... We'd have to contact the witch who created it

Klaus: Well, that would be the original witch. She's very dead

Gloria: I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah

Klaus: Rebekah. Rebekah is a bit preoccupied

Gloria: She has what I need. Bring her to me

(Stefan finds a picture on the wall and is suprised)

Stefan: What is this?

Klaus: Well, I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place

Stefan: But this is me. With you

(He shows him the picture. It's them in the 1920's)

[Caroline's house]

(Liz calls Caroline but she doens't answer so she leaves a message)

Liz: Caroline! It's mom. Just coming up for air after a few all-nighters at the station. I thought we'd have lunch and you could remind me I promised not to work so hard

(Tyler knocks on the door)

[A cellar]

(Caroline is still burning in the sun. She cries)

Caroline: No! Please! Stop! Please stop! Please!

(The sun disapears)

Caroline: I don't hurt anyone, I swear. Daddy, swear. I can handle the urges. I can!

Bill: If you could handle it, this wouldn't happen

(He puts a blood bag in front of her. She vamps out)

Caroline: I'm sorry, i'm sorry

Bill: By conditioning you to associate vampirism with pain, in time, the thought of human blood will make you repress your vampire instincts completely

Caroline: That's impossible. Daddy, you can't change who I am

Bill: Yes, I can

Caroline: No

Bill: You remember this feeling?

(He pulls on the chain again to make the sun appear in the cellar. Her skin burns, she screams)

[An appartement, Chicago]

(Elena and Damon arrive at an appartment)

Elena: Stefan could live anywhere in Chicago and he chose this?

Damon: There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner, but it shut down for attendance issues. Weird

Elena: If you're trying to scare me into giving up and going back, it's not going to work

Damon: Shh

(He breaks te locker and opens the door)

Damon: Here we are. Stefan's second personality home

(They enter)

Elena: Pretty obvious he hasn't been here

Damon: Tour is not over yet

(He goes toward a wall and opens an hidden door. There's a lot of alcohol)

Elena: Stefan hid his alcohol. What a monster

Damon: Look harder

(She gets closer and sees a list of names. There is o lot of names)

Elena: It's a list of names

Damon: Mm-hmm

Elena: These are all of his victims?

Damon: Still handling it?

Elena: What were you doing in the 1920s? Paving the way for women's liberation?

Damon: I was around. Chicago's a big city. Stefan was a cocky ripper douche. But I could avoid him and still indulge in a few Daisy Buchanans of my own

(She seems disgusted)

Elena: Where are you going?

Damon: His old stomping ground

Elena: I'm coming with you

Damon: No. You stay here and whip up an actual plan. I'll come back when I find him

(He leaves)


Stefan: This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you?

Klaus: You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes

Stefan: No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?

Klaus: I'm a little busy right now. Memory Lane will have to wait

Stefan: What the hell is going on? Answer me

Klaus: Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hated you

Chicago, 1920's

(Stefan is drinking blood from a women. Rebakah drinks with him on the other side of the neck. He sees her necklace. It's the one he offered to Elena)

Stefan: It's beautiful

Rebekah: A witch gave it to me. Supposedly it's magical

Stefan: Is it?

Rebekah: It brought me love, didn't it?

(Klaus arrives and catches her)

Klaus: It's late, Rebekah, we're leaving

(He catches her)

Rebekah: Get off of me!

(Stefan gets up)

Stefan: Who is this guy?

Rebekah: Stefan, don't. He'll k*ll you. He's a lot stronger than he looks

Klaus: So this is the famous Stefan Salvatore. I've been hearing so much about. You're right, he does have funny hair. I'm bored. I want to go

Rebekah: Then go without me, I'm not your girlfriend

Klaus: No, you're my sister, which means... You have to do as I say

Nowadays, Chicago

Stefan: Your sister. So I knew another original vampire

Klaus: If you can't handle it, then don't ask

(All the coffins containing the originals are around them. Klaus opens one. Rebekah is in it. He smiles and touches her face)

Stefan: I don't recognize her

Klaus: Well, don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine

(He takes the dagger out of her chest)

Klaus: Time to wake up, little sister. Any day now, Rebekah

(He looks at Stefan)

Klaus: She's being dramatic

Stefan: Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?

Klaus: Well, you have many useful talents

Stefan: Do I?

Klaus: In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you

Chicago, 1920's

(Klaus is at the table with Stefan and Rebekah)

Klaus: So Stefan, enlighten me. What makes you worthy of an original like my sister? She's pure vampire and you're no more than a diluted bloodline

Rebekah: Don't listen to him, Stefan. Nik's an elitist

Stefan: Hmm. And where's the rest of your family?

Klaus: Well, let's see. Um... I k*lled most of them

Rebekah: But not all

Stefan: And you're ok with that?

Rebekah: Well, we all had the chance to choose a side. I chose the right one, eventually

(.She touches Klaus' hand A men stops by their table)

Man: Where the hell's my wife?

Stefan: I don't know. I give up

Man: You think you're so tough? Hiding in your bar, drinking your liquor? A telephone call to Chicago P.D. might set you straight

(Klaus and Rebekah laugh. Stefan calls a woman)

Stefan: Lila? Lila, please. Come here for a second

Man: Oh, thank God. Come on, we're leaving

(Stefan stops him and compels him)

Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no. No. You're sitting

(The man stis down next to to Klaus and Lila next to Stefan. He takes of her glove and takes a knife)

Rebekah: Stefan, don't be mean

Man: What the hell are you doing?

(Klaus seems intrigued. Stefan cuts Lila wrist and the blood pours in a glass)

Stefan: Thank you so much, Lila. Why don't you go and bandage that up

(She gets up and leaves. Stefan compels the man)

Stefan: I'd like you to join me for a drink

(H gives him the glass with the blood of his wife)

Man: What kind of sick freaks are you?

Stefan: I said, drink!

(He drinks a sip of his wife's blood)

Stefan: I dodn't catch your name

Man: Go to hell

(Klaus laughs)

Stefan: Do you want another sip?

Man: Liam Grant. Liam Grant!

Stefan: Have another sip, Liam

(He drinks)

Stefan: Finish it

(Klaus laughs)

Nowadays, Chicago

Klaus: I was your number one fan

Stefan: Why should I believe any of this?

(Klaus compels the guy who handles the trasport)

Klaus: When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die

Stefan: Where are you going?

Klaus: You think I'm lying, Stefan. You and I knew each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you

Stefan: How?

Klaus: We're going to your old apartment

[Gloria's bar]

(Damon enters the bar)

Gloria: Well, look what the wind blew in. Last I heard, you hated this place

Damon: Gloria. Damn! If I knew you were going to age like this, I would have stuck around

Gloria: I always did like you better. But I see your brother is still running in the wrong crowd

Damon: You've seen him?

Gloria: With Klaus. Bad combo

Damon: You know where they went?

Gloria: They'll be back here later tonight. They're out running a little errand for me

Damon: Gloria...

(He touches her hand.)

Damon: Don't be a tease. What kind of errand?

(She removes her hand)

Gloria: I don't think so. You may be cute, but you're still a vampire

[Stefan's old appartment]

(Elena is reading Stefan's diary. There's Stefan's voiceover)

Stefan: April, 1922. Lexi found me last night, dragged me off the train tracks. Thinks she can make me care again

(She turns the pages)

Stefan: June, 1924... Lexi's driving me crazy. More animal blood, more misery

(She turns the pages again)

Stefan: 1935... cravings are there, but it's easier. Lexi's on to her next project... Getting me to laugh

(She hears Klaus and Stefan coming. She's surprised. Klaus sees that the lock has been broken. He kicks the door and they enter)

Klaus: What a charming little homestead. Do you feel that? Is anybody here?

(Elena is in the hidden closet)

Stefan: It's been vacant for decades. People must break in all the time. Why'd you bring me here?

Klaus: Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood... I never could figure out why you wanted his name. And then you told me your little secret. It was all part of your special little ritual

(Elena looks at the list and sees Liam Grant's name)

Stefan: To write it down

Klaus: And relive the k*ll... Over and over again

(He opens the hidden door)

Klaus: You believe me now?

(Stefan enters the closet to see the list. He turns his head and is surprised to see Elena. She looks at him, with hope. Stefan looks at her)

Stefan: Look what I found

(Elena is scared but Stefan takes a bottle and gives it to Klaus.. She's relieved)

Stefan: 1918. Single malt

Klaus: Let's go and find someone to pair it with

(Stefan closes the closet)

(Elena is behind a wall. She has a vervain dart in her hand. She hears someone coming but it's Damon)

Elena: Finally! I called you an hour ago

(He gives her a bag)

Damon: Make yourself presentable. I know where Stefan's going to be tonight

(He sits down)

Elena: I told you that I was practically discovered by Klaus and you're worried about what I'm wearing?

Damon: I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it, and move on. Are you ok?

Elena: Yeah

Damon: Ok, good. Get dressed. You're all road-tripy and gross

Elena: So you know where he's going to be?

Damon: Yes, with Klaus. So I'll distract Klaus and you deal with Stefan

Elena: Ok. Thank you

Damon: But you're going to have about five minutes tops before that hybrid freak rips my heart out. So please, tell me you can do this

Elena: I can do this

[Gloria's bar]

(Klaus and Stefan are at the bar. Gloria gives them two beers)

Gloria: Where's Rebekah?

Klaus: She'll be here. I can't just conjure her on demand

(He looks at Stefan)

Klaus: What's with you? I thought Chicago was your playground

Stefan: So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people?

Klaus: Well, that's certainly half of it

Stefan: What's the other half?

Klaus: The other half, Stefan, is that you used to want to be my wingman

Chicago, 1920's

(Klaus and Stefan are at the bar)

Stefan: They're jealous. Your family wants you dead because they can never be what you are

Klaus: What? An abomination?

Stefan: No. A king

(Klaus smiles. Stefan laughs)

Klaus: Look at us. Two sad orphans. My sister fancies you, you know. But... I should warn you, Rebekah doesn't do anything half-speed, and that includes falling in love. So just be careful. She's totally mad

Stefan: I appreciate the advice

Klaus: And when the point comes where she inevitably leaves you... She can't help it, it's just who she is. Don't let your heart do anything stupid

Stefan: You know what, you're a good friend, Nik. I'm glad I met you

Nowadays, Chicago

(Klaus raises his shot of tequila)

Klaus: To friendship
[A cellar]

(Caroline has burns marks on her skin)

Bill: I want you to know, when Carol Lockwood called and told me about you... I sat down and cried

Caroline: Dad, I'm ok. I've learned to adapt. I don't need to be fixed. I can't be fixed

Bill: I've always taught you to try your best. I need you to try your best now

(He puts a blood bag in front of her. She doens't vamps out)

Bill: There, see? You're doing it

Caroline: I can't

Bill: Yes, you can. Fight the urge

Caroline: Daddy, I'm starving

Bill: I know you are, car. Try

Caroline: Why? You know that this isn't going to work

Bill: It has to work. It's the only option

Caroline: Why are you trying to fix me?

Bill: So I don't have to k*ll you!

(She vamps out)

Caroline: Daddy, I'm sorry

(He raises his head)

Bill: The sun's gone down. We'll try again tomorrow

(He gets out and closes the door but Liz is here ans holds a g*n toward him)

Liz: Hello Bill

Bill: Put the g*n down, Liz. I know what I'm doing

Liz: That's our daughter in there. She looks up to you. She loves you

Bill: Then she'll trust me to do the right thing. Let me do this, Liz. Not because she's a monster. But because we love her

Liz: Tyler

(Tyler comes out and goes down the stairs)

Bill: You're not going in there

(Liz sh**t next to him)

Liz: Go ahead

(He opens the door and enters the cellar)

Caroline: Tyler

(He rushes toward her and breaks the chains)

Tyler: It's ok. We're going to get you out of here

Caroline: My ring

(He takes it, puts it on her finger, carries her and takes her out)

[Gloria's bar]

Stefan: So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, why do I only know you as the hybrid d*ck who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of fire?

Klaus: All good things must come to an end

Chicago, 1920's

(Stefan and Rebekah are dancing. Klaus looks at them with a smile. But suddenly he seems to feel something. Policemen enter and sh**t everywhere in the bar. Rebakah and Stefan hide behind the bar. Stefan takes one of the b*ll*ts from the ground)

Stefan: They're using wooden b*ll*ts. They know

Rebekah: That means he's here

Stefan: Who? Who's here?

Klaus: Rebekah! Come on, we've got to go, sweetheart

(She gets up and Klaus catches her)

Stefan: What the hell is going on?

Rebekah: Stefan!

Klaus: Go!

(Her necklace falls on the floor. Stefan is about to take it but Klaus interrupts him to talk with him)

Klaus: Stefan. I'm sorry, but the fun has to end here

Stefan: What are you talking about?

(Klaus compels him)

Klaus: You must forget Rebekah and me. Until I say otherwise, you never knew us, Stefan. Thank you. I had forgotten what it was like to have a brother

(He disapears)

Nowadays, Chicago

[Gloria's bar]

Stefan: You compelled me to forget

Klaus: It was time for Rebekah and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate

Stefan: But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks... Unless you're running from someone

Klaus: Storytime's over

(Stefan turns his head and sees Damon, he makes him a sign. Stefan then looks at Klaus)

Stefan: I need another drink. A real one

(He goes outside and rejoins Damon)

Stefan: What is wrong with you?!

Damon: What is wrong with you? You k*ll Andie one day, you save my life the next. What are you good, bad? Pick one!

Stefan: Klaus almost saw Elena today. You have to get her out of Chicago

Damon: She's not going anywhere until she's got you checked into vampire rehab and on the mend. Trust me. I've tried

Stefan: She is the key to everything. Klaus can't know that she's alive

Damon: What are you talking about?

Stefan: She was supposed to die in the sacrifice and she didn't. Now Klaus can't create any new hybrids. His witch is seconds away from figuring that out. Tell Elena to go home and forget about me

(Damon doesn't say anything right away)

Damon: Tell her yourself

(Stefan sees Elena)

(Damon rejoins Klaus at the bar)

Klaus: I see they've opened the doors to the riff raff now

Damon: Oh, honey, I've been called worse

Klaus: You don't give up, do you?

Damon: Give me my brother back... You'll never have to see me again

Klaus: Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so...

Damon: What can I say? I'm a thrill seeker

(Klaus strangles him)

(Stefan is in the parking lot with Elena)

Stefan: You shouldn't be here

Elena: Where else would I be?

Stefan: What do you want? Damon won't be able to distract Klaus for long

(She touches his face)

Elena: Come home

(She embraces him and is about to stake him with a vervain dart but he stops her and catches her wrist. He hurts her)

Stefan: How much clearer can I make it? I don't want to come home!

(Klaus is stabbing Damon with a toothpick)

Klaus: Oh, dear, what was that? I'm a little boozey, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries

(He stabs him again)

Klaus: Ohh! No, that's not it. Hmm

(He stabs him again)

Klaus: Ohh. Almost

Damon: You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan. I'm so much more fun

Klaus: You won't be any fun after you're dead

(He pushes him on the ground and is about to s*ab him but Gloria burns the stake with her powers)

Klaus: Really?

Gloria: Not in my bar. You take it outside

(Klaus looks at Damon)

Klaus: You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom. When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back

(Elena and Damon are still in the parking lot)

Stefan: Klaus is obsessed with siring these hybrids. The second he knows you're alive, he'll figure out why it's not working

Elena: Look, I know you're trying to protect me, but I can't let you do it. Come with me, Stefan, please

Stefan: And what do you expect if I do? Huh? It's never going to be the same, Elena

Elena: I know that

Stefan: I don't think you do. I've left bodies scattered from Florida to Tennessee. Innocent people. Humans

Elena: Lexi found you like this before. In the twenties, and... And she saved you

Stefan: And you know what I did after that? I spent 30 years trying to pull myself together. To a vampire, that's nothing. To you? That's half your life

Elena: I can't give up on you, Stefan

Stefan: Yes, you can. It's done. That part of my life is done. I don't want to see you. I don't want to be with you. I just want you to go

[Damon's car]

(Elena is in the car, looking through the window and touching her necklace. Damon enters the car)

Damon: You ok?

Elena: Just drive

[Caroline's house]

(Caroline is in her bed and Liz is here. Caroline finishes her blood bag and gives it to Liz)

Caroline: Thank you

Liz: Honey, your dad... All our families, we have beliefs that have been passed on through generations. And we were taught never to stray from them

Caroline: You did

Liz: You taught me to look at things in a different way

Caroline: I just thought that he was the one who got me

Liz: He did. He will again

(Tyler arrives. Liz gets up and is about to leave)

Caroline: Hey, mom? Thanks for believing in me

(Liz leaves. Tyler enters)

Tyler: Would now be a bad time to give you crap about sneaking out on me?

(She smiles but then is about to cry. He rejoins her on the bed and embraces her. She cries)

Caroline: He hates me. My dad hates me

(He kisses her head)


(Klaus enters the room full of his family's coffins. Rebekah's is empty and the man is dead)

Klaus: Rebekah... It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are

(She stabs him with the dagger)

Rebekah: Go to hell, Nik!

Chicago, 1920's

(Klaus and Rebakah are next to a car)

Klaus: Hurry up, Rebekah. Let's go

(She doesn't move)

Klaus: He'll be here any second. Do you want to die? We've been found. We need to move

Rebekah: Not without Stefan

Klaus: Stefan's not coming. We have to disappear. He'll draw too much attention. Let him go

Rebekah: What did you do?

Klaus: Come on. We don't have time for one of your tantrums

Rebekah: I don't want to run anymore, Nik! All we do is run. I want to be with Stefan

Klaus: Fine. Then choose. Him or me

(She doens't answer)

Klaus: That's what I thought. Get in the truck. Let's go

Rebekah: Good-bye, Nik

(He drives the dagger through her heart)

Nowadays, Chicago

(Klaus takes the dagger out of his chest and throws it on the ground)

Klaus: Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't k*ll me

Rebekah: Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more

Klaus: I understand that you're upset with me, Rebekah... So I'm going to let that go. Just this once. Brought you a little peace offering. You can come in

(Stefan comes in)

Rebekah: Stefan...

(Klaus gets closer to him and compels him)

Klaus: Now you remember

(He remembers everything)

Chicago, 1920's

(Stefan looks at the photograph)

Stefan: Hey, buddy, take a picture of my brother and me

(He takes Klaus by the shoulders for the picture)

Nowadays, Chicago

(Stefan looks at Klaus and Rebekah)

Stefan: I remember you. We were friends

Klaus: We are friends

(He looks at Rebekah)

Klaus: And now the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch

Rebekah: The origninal witch

Klaus: What do you have that Gloria needs?

(She touches her neck)

Rebakah: Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!

Klaus: I don't know. I didn't touch it

Rebekah: We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back!

Klaus: Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!

(She looks into the coffin but doesn't find it so she throws it on the ground. Stefan is concerned)

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon is on the phone with Katherine)

Damon: Ok. You were right. He was there

Katherine: I'm always right. Let me guess... it ended in tears and heartbreak

Damon: Where are you?

Katherine: Why? Do you want to come rub sunscreen on my back?

Damon: I'm thinking Europe. Italy, maybe Or Spain. You were always a sucker for those lazy afternoons

Katherine: Keep guessing, Damon. Bye-bye

(She hangs up and laughs)

Chicago, 1920's

(Rebekah's necklace is on the ground. Katherine's here and is about to take it but she disapears and Stefan's here. He takes the necklace. She watches him. A man is behind him)

Man: Hey kid. Chicago P.D

Stefan: I'm not afraid of you

Man: Oh, I'm not here for you

(He shows him a drawing of Klaus and Rebekah)

Man: Have you seen these two?

Stefan: I've never seen those people before in my life

Man: Wrap it up, boys. We're through here

(He looks at him and leaves. Stefan has Rebekah's necklace in his hand. Katherine watches him and leaves)


(Katherine gets out of the photobooth. She's in fact in Chicago)
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