02x22 - As I lay Dying

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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02x22 - As I lay Dying

Post by bunniefuu »

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena looks at Jeremy. He's asleep. Then she goes in Jenna's bedroom, looks around and leaves. Damon's here)

Damon: That'll get easier. But you knew that

Elena: What do you want?

Damon: I want to apologize

Elena: Damon…

Damon: Please. Elena, feeding you my blood, I was wrong

Elena: Yes, you were

Damon: And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but... I need it

Elena: And I need some time, maybe a lot of time

Damon: Sure. True. Of course

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon takes a bottle of scotch and pours himself a drink. He opens the curtains, drinks some scotch and then takes off his ring. He opens his arms and his skin burns but Stefan arrives and pushes him)

Damon: Get off of me

Stefan: You're not doing this

Damon: Just did. You know what happened to Rose, Stefan

Stefan: I don't care. You're not dying today

(He uses his super speed and throws him in the cellar and closes the door)

Damon: What's the plan, Superman?

Stefan: I'm gonna find a way out of this

Damon: Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one

Stefan: I got Bonnie looking for something, anything

Damon: Always the hero, Stefan. Just tell me good-bye, get it over with

(He coughs some blood)

Stefan: Lie still. Conserve your strength

(He leaves)

[The woods]

(Klaus wakes up, naked. He looks at the sun and smiles. Someone throws him some clothes. He turns his head. Elijah's here)

Elijah: You've been busy

Klaus: That was amazing. How long has it been?

Elijah: Almost 2 days. Full moon came and went. You remained a wolf

(Klaus is dressing up)

Klaus: I can change at will, then. It's good to know. I remember every single k*ll

Elijah: Yes, I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way

Klaus: Just like old times, brother

Elijah: You've had your fun. I believe we have a bargain

Klaus: That's right. Now, what was it again? Oh, yeah. Wait. I remember. That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family

Elijah: You gave me your word, Nicklaus

Klaus: What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to k*ll me

Elijah: I could have. But I didn't

(He helps Elijah puts his jacket on)

Klaus: And now no one can, not even you. Relax, Elijah. All is forgiven

Elijah: Where are they?

Klaus: You need to lighten up. I'll bring you to them soon enough

[Mystic Grill]

(Alaric is drinking. He's drunk. His phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan)

Alaric: Sorry, you've reached somebody who's currently not operating

Stefan: I need your help

Alaric: Well, you must have me confused with somebody else. You see, I'm not allowed to help, just idly sit by while my girlfriend gets sacrificed on an altar of blood

Stefan: Damon's dying

Alaric: What?

Stefan: Tyler Lockwood bit him. We don't have much time

Alaric: What do you need?

[Mystic Falls' square]

(There's a special screening of Gone with the Wind. Some girls are dressed up link in the movie. Elena and Jeremy are here. She puts a layer of fog on the ground)

Jeremy: You brought me to see a girl movie

Elena: We had to get out of the house, Jer. This is our 3-hour distraction from reality

Jeremy: Is that what we're doing? Pretending like our lives aren't screwed?

Elena: We need to do this, ok? Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up, and do it all over again until one day, it's just not as hard anymore

(She sits down. Caroline arrives with a basket)

Caroline: Hey! There you guys are. Who's hungry?

(She sits down next to Elena)

Jeremy: Are we really doing this?

Caroline: Yes, we are really doing this. We are going to take a page from Scarlett. We made it through the w*r. I know you guys went through hell, and my mom knows I am a vampire, so basically it's like Atlanta has burned. And yet, in spite of everything, we persevere

Jeremy: All right

(He sits down with them)

Jeremy: What are we eating?

Caroline: Something good

[Abandoned house]

(Stefan and Bonnie are here)

Bonnie: I'm not sure this is going to work

Stefan: You've done a séance before, right? Contacted Emily Bennett. Maybe one of the witches might know how to help Damon

Bonnie: Let's just hope they want to

(She cast a spell. Some voices are whispering around them)

Stefan: Bonnie? Bonnie?

(She opens her eyes)

Bonnie: Emily

(Emily speaks through her, with her own voice)

Bonnie/Emily: Why have you come here, Stefan?

Stefan: I need your help. I need to know if there's a spell that can heal a werewolf bite

Bonnie/Emily: No. Nature ensures a balance to everything

Stefan: Is that true... or are you just saying no because it's Damon?

Bonnie/Emily: Perhaps it is his time to die

Stefan: No. That's not balance. That's punishment

Bonnie/Emily: I will not give you what you want

Stefan: So you're saying that there's an answer to give? Please, if you know something, just tell me. Help me save my brother

(Bonnie screams and falls on the floor)

Stefan: Bonnie

Bonnie: They don't want us here. They think I'm abusing their power

Stefan: They know something. There's an answer. They just don't want to tell me

Bonnie: Yeah. I heard them say a name

Stefan: What was it?

Bonnie: Klaus

[Mystic Falls' courthouse]

(Carol enters in the sheriff Forbes office)

Sheriff Forbes: Carol. Hi. How you feeling?

Carol: Better, thank goodness

Sheriff Forbes: That was a terrible fall. Shouldn't you be home resting?

Carol: I've been resting, and now I'm ready to get back to work. I need you to update me on where we are with the vampire situation

Sheriff Forbes: Well, there have been some developments, but I'm handling it

Carol: Are you? Because I left you in charge of this town's safety, and lately I'm not seeing any results

Sheriff Forbes: I said I'm handling it

Carol: Then see that you do, Sheriff, because if you can't, I'll find someone who will

(She leaves)

[Mystic Fall' square]

(Stefan rejoins Jeremy, Caroline and Elena)

Elena: Look who couldn't resist an epic romance

Stefan: Will you come take a walk with me?

(She gets up and leaves with him)

Elena: You're breaking the rules, you know. Movie night's supposed to be a distraction. Tomorrow we can return to our regularly scheduled drama

Stefan: I know. I wish this could wait, but it can't. Listen, um, the other night when Damon was helping Tyler, something happened. Tyler was starting to transform, and Damon was bitten

Elena: What? Is it... is he gonna...

Stefan: Yeah

Elena: Oh, my God. And he came to the house this morning and... and tried to apologize. I practically slammed the door in his face

Stefan: He told me not to tell you, but I figured if you wanted to talk to him, I... I wouldn't wait

Elena: Stefan…

Stefan: it's not over. There might be a cure, but I have to find Klaus to get it

Elena: No. He's gonna k*ll you

Stefan: No, he had the chance to k*ll me, but he didn't. Whatever Damon's done, whatever has led him here, I'm the one that made him become a vampire in the first place, so if there's a chance for a cure, I owe it to him to find it

(They embrace each other)

Stefan: Go talk to him. Just tell him that there's still hope

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is not okay and is hallucinating)


(Katherine is getting ready. Damon looks at her)

Katherine: Mr. Salvatore, spying on a lady is a sign of very poor manners

Damon: My apologies miss Katherine

Katherine: But since you are here, my corset strings seem to be knotted. I wonder if you can undo them

Damon: Of course

(He touches her skin)

Katherine: Will you miss me while off defending the South?

Damon: I shall

Katherine: Then I hope you will hurry back. I fear I will be lonely with you away

Damon: I would think Stefan should be company enough

Katherine: Is it so wrong for me to want you both?

Elena: Damon

(He turns himself. Elena's here)

Damon: Elena?

Elena: Don't you see? She was toying with you. All you had to do was say no, walk away. You had a choice

(Katherine touches his cheek and makes him looks at her)

Katherine: Promise me that you will return quickly

Damon: I promise

[Alaric's apartment]

(Stefan enters the apartment. Katherine is here sitting on the bed)

Stefan: Hello, Katherine

(She gets up)

Katherine: Two days, I've been waiting. I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead

Stefan: We ran into complications

Katherine: Complications?

Stefan: Doesn't really matter. I just need to find him. Do you have any idea where he might be?

(She pushes him against the wall and asks him to shut up. Klaus and Elijah arrive)

Katherine: Klaus, you're back. Look who decided to come for a visit

(Klaus looks at Stefan)

Klaus: You just keep popping up, don't you?

Stefan: I need your help... For my brother

Klaus: Well, whatever it is, he's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention

(Elijah looks at Stefan)

Elijah: You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own

Klaus: And so I shall

(He puts a dagger through Elijah's heart, k*lling him and looks at Stefan)

Klaus: Now, what am I gonna do with you?

(He puts a stake through him)

Klaus: Do you feel that? It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're dead

Katherine: He's just trying to help his brother

Stefan: The witches said you had a cure. Make me a deal. Just give me the cure, and I'll do whatever you want

(He's on the floor. Klaus pours himself a glass of blood)

Klaus: Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now. You are just shy of useless

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is looking at his werewolf bite. Alaric arrives)

Alaric: Well, that looks bad

Damon: It feels worse. My subconscious is haunting me, Rick. Please tell me you have something for that

(Alaric puts a glass of scotch and Damon's ring on the door window)

Alaric: Double shot

(He pours Damon more scotch)

Damon: That's good

(He gets up and takes his ring)

Damon: Oh good

(He takes the glass)

Damon: So my brother sent you for su1c1de watch?

Alaric: He's just trying to help

Damon: He's doing what he always does, trying to right the wrongs of the past

(Damon screams, he's hurt)

Damon: You should want me dead. I'm the reason Jenna got k*lled

Alaric: I don't blame you for Jenna

(He drinks)

Damon: Oh, sure you do. Let's not forget I turned your wife into a vampire. You must really hate me for that one

Alaric: Ok, give me your glass. Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation

(Damon gets closer and strangles him)

Damon: k*ll me. Please

Alaric: Screw you

(He injects vervein on Damon with a dart. He falls on the floor)

Damon: No. Elena?

Alaric: Elena's not here, Damon

(Elena parks her car. She hears a noise and turns her head. The sheriff is here and puts her hands on Elena's mouth)

Sheriff Forbes: Don't make a sound

(Damon is on the ground. Alaric looks at him)

Damon: I need blood. I need blood

(Alaric goes to the fridge and takes a blood bag. He turns his head. The sheriff is here with a g*n)

Sheriff Forbes: Where's Damon?

Alaric: You know, now's not a good time, Sheriff. Trust me

Deputy: Sheriff, over here

Alaric: I wouldn't go in there

Sheriff Forbes: I just wanna talk to him

Alaric: I wouldn't go in there

(She closes the door and goes in the cellar she doesn't see Damon. He's behind her)

Damon: Liz

(He throws her against the wall and she falls on the floor)

[Mystic Falls' square]

(Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy are looking at Gone with the Wind on the town's square)

Caroline: All this waiting around for news is ruining Scarlett for me

(Jeremy's phone rings. He answers. It's Alaric)

Jeremy: Alaric. Hey

Alaric: Tell me you're with Elena

Jeremy: She went to go see Damon. I thought that's where you were

Alaric: No, he just escaped. I think he's looking for her, and the cops are after him. Listen, he's in bad shape, Jeremy, so if you find her, get her somewhere safe, ok? I'm on my way

(He hangs up)

Bonnie: If Damon is off the rails, there is nothing you can do to stop him. Let us take care of it

Jeremy: You keep doing this. You left me behind before, and guess what. Jenna still died. Now I'm going to find my sister. You go ahead and you try to stop me

[Alaric's apartment]

(Stefan is still on the floor. Klaus has a glass of blood in his hands. Katherine is looking at them)

Klaus: I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village... A true ripper. Sound familiar?

Stefan: I haven't been that way in a very long time

Klaus: Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town

(Stefan gets up)

Klaus: Katerina, come here

(Katherine gets closer. He takes hers arm. His face changes, his eyes are yellow. He bites her)

Katherine: Aah! Aah! No. No... No. No. No

(He bites his wrist. He makes Katherine drink his blood. Her wound heals. Klaus looks at Stefan)

Klaus: You want your cure? There it is

Stefan: Your blood is the cure

Klaus: Gotta love Mother Nature

(Klaus holds Stefan by his shoulder)

Klaus: Now... Let's talk, you and I

[Mystic Falls' square]

(Damon is here. He seems sick. He turns his head and sees Katherine in a lavender dress)

Damon: Katherine

(She disappears. Jeremy rejoins her)

Jeremy: Damon

Damon: Where's Elena? I need to see Elena now

Jeremy: Ok. Let's get you out of here first, all right?

(Jeremy holds him)
[Mystic falls' courthouse]

(Elena is in the sheriff's office)

Elena: Where's Damon? What did you do to him?

Sheriff Forbes: Why do you even care? You know what they are, what they do

Elena: Look, I understand why you hate them, but you're wrong

Sheriff Forbes: They're murderers, Elena. End of story

(A deputy enters)

Deputy: Damon Salvatore was just spotted outside entering The Grill

Elena: Wait. You've gotta let me come with you. He's sick. He's... he's not himself

(The sheriff looks at the deputy)

Sheriff Forbes: Keep her here

(She leaves. Elena is trapped in the office)

[Mystic Grill]

(Jeremy is with Damon and calls someone)

Jeremy: Hey, it's me. I'm with Damon at The Grill

(The sheriff arrives. Damon is in front of Jeremy. She sh*ts him but Damon disappears so she sh*ts Jeremy. He falls on the floor, dead. She rushes over him)

Sheriff Forbes: Oh, God. Oh, God

(She speaks in her radio)

Sheriff Forbes: I've got a g*nsh*t victim at The Grill. Get the paramedics here

(She looks at Jeremy)

Sheriff Forbes: You're gonna be fine. It's gonna be ok

(Bonnie and Caroline rushes over them)

Bonnie: Jeremy!

Caroline: Mom. Mom, what did you do?

Sheriff Forbes: I was aiming for Damon

Caroline: He still has his ring

Bonnie: She's human. The ring won't work on him. Caroline…

Caroline: I got it

(She bites her wrist and puts it in Jeremy's mouth)

Caroline: Come on, Jeremy. Just drink. Go on, Jeremy. Drink

Sheriff Forbes: What are you doing?

Caroline: I'm helping him. Jeremy, drink. Please. Please. Please

(He doesn't drink because he's dead. Alaric rejoins them)

Alaric: Bonnie, what's going on?

(He sees Jeremy)

Alaric: Oh, my God

Bonnie: I know what I need to do

(She looks at Alaric)

Bonnie: I need you to grab him. T-take him with us

Sheriff Forbes: No, no, no, no. You can't move him. This is a crime scene

Caroline: Mom, you let them go

(Alaric grabs Jeremy)

Alaric: All right, come here, buddy. I got you. I got you

[Mystic Falls' courthouse]

(Elena breaks the window with a chair)

[Alaric's apartment]

(Klaus puts some of his blood in a vial. Stefan is looking at him. Katherine is in retreat, looking at them)

Klaus: There it is. You want to save your brother? How 'bout a decade-long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town

Stefan: I'm not like that anymore

Klaus: Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman

(He pours some blood in the sink)

Stefan: Wait

Klaus: Now that's more like it. I want you to join me for a drink

(He throws him a blood bag. Stefan drinks a sip)

Klaus: Finish it. All of it. You do everything I say, and I save your brother. That's the deal

(Stefan drinks all of it. Klaus throws him another blood bag)

Klaus: Again

(Stefan drinks)

[Abandoned house]

(Bonnie and Alaric and Jeremy's body are here)

Alaric: Is this even possible?

Bonnie: There's a spell for it if they'll give me the power to use it

(Jeremy's head is on her legs. She casts a spell. Voices whispers around them)

Bonnie: No

Alaric: What? What is it?

Bonnie: They're angry at me for coming back here. They don't wanna help

Alaric: Well, they have to

Bonnie: They said there'll be consequences

Alaric: Well, he's just a kid. Tell 'em to shut up

(Bonnie continues to cast the spell. Her nose bleeds. She cries)

Bonnie: Emily. Emily! I know you're there. Please help me. I love him

(The whispering stops)

Bonnie: No!

(She cries. Jeremy opens his eyes)

Bonnie: Oh my god

Jeremy: Bonnie

Bonnie: Oh, my God, Jeremy. Oh, my God

Jeremy: What happened?

Bonnie: Doesn't matter. You're ok. You're ok

(She raises her head)

Bonnie: Thank you

[Mystic Falls' square]

(Elena is running and looking everywhere but she stops)

Damon: Elena

Elena: Damon

(She grabs him)

Elena: Hey, come on. Come on. We have to get you out of here. We have to hide you

Damon: where are we going?


(Damon is running after Katherine)

Katherine: Everywhere!

Damon: Wait for me. I want to come with you

(He trips)


(Damon trips. Elena rushes over him)


(Damon pins Katherine against a tree)


(Elena looks at Damon)

Elena: Hey. Hey. Relax. We need to get you out of here

(He pushes her against a post)


Katherine: You're faster than I though

Damon: Why must you always run from me?

Katherine: Because I know that you will chase

Damon: Then let me chase you forever. Feed me your blood

Katherine: I will not feed you, Damon. If you want it, take it

(She cuts her neck with a needle)

Katherine: It is your choice to make


Damon: I choose you, Katherine

Elena: Look at me. Hey. It's Elena. It's Elena


Damon: Promise me you will not tell my brother

Katherine: I promise. It will be our little secret

(He leans toward her)


(Damon leans toward Elena's neck)

Elena: No. Damon. No

Damon: I have to... If we are to be together forever

(He bites her neck and drinks her blood)

Elena: Damon, stop. You're hurting me. Damon, you don't have to do this. Please stop. You're hurting me!

(He stops and looks at her)

Damon: Elena

(He falls on the floor. Elena holds him. She holds her neck and looks around her)

[Mystic Grill]

(Caroline hangs up her phone. Her mother is still here)

Caroline: That was Bonnie. Jeremy's alive

Sheriff Forbes: I thought I k*lled him

Caroline: You did

Sheriff Forbes: I don't understand

Caroline: I explained it to you once. I... I had to make you forget because I was so scared of what you might do. But now... I don't wanna lie. I'm not gonna be afraid of you anymore. I don't want you to be afraid of me anymore. I'm still your little girl

(She embraces her)

Caroline: It's me. It's me, mom

(The sheriff cries and embraces her too)

[Gilbert's house]

(Jeremy is on his bed, talking with Bonnie via webcam)

Bonnie: Hey. How you doing?

Jeremy: Trying to figure out what's wrong with me. Feel different, weird

Bonnie: Yeah, you were dead. It'd be weird if you felt normal

Jeremy: Bonnie, I, uh... I don't know how to thank you

Bonnie: You can thank me tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. Good night, Jeremy

Jeremy: Good night

(Their conversation is over. Alaric arrives)

Alaric: Hey, bud. I've gotta take off. Need anything?

Jeremy: Uh, no, no. I think I'm good

Alaric: You know, uh, on second thought, I might just crash here. Is that cool?

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. Sure. Whatever

Alaric: All right

Jeremy: Alaric, um... Thank you for everything

Alaric: Ah, you can thank me tomorrow... And the day after that, the day after that

Jeremy: Dude, come on! I knew you were listening

(He throws him something. Alaric smiles)

Alaric: And the day after that

(He smiles and leaves. Jeremy laughs)

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is laying on his bed, sweating and looking sick. Elena's here, with a towel on her hands)

Damon: Elena

Elena: It's ok, Damon. I'm right here

Damon: Elena, get out of here. I could hurt you

Elena: No. You won't. I'm here until the very end. I'm not leaving you

Damon: Get out of here

(He creams and coughs. She sits down and takes him in her arms)

Elena: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hang on. Shh. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok

Damon: It's not ok. It's not ok. All those years, I've blamed Stefan. No one forced me to love her. It was my own choice

Elena: Shh

Damon: I made the wrong choice. You tell Stefan I'm sorry. Ok?

(She nods. Clean her face with the towel and puts her head against his)

[Alaric's apartment]

(There are a lot of blood bags on the ground. Stefan is drinking one and looks at Klaus)

Klaus: You're very cooperative. It's almost as if you're enjoying it

(He gives him another blood bag)

Stefan: No more. Not until you give me the cure

Klaus: Not until we make a deal. It's your choice, Stefan. You can either remain here living your life in Mystic Falls, or you can embrace what you truly are, leave town with me, and save your brother's life

(Stefan takes the blood bag and drinks)

Klaus: That's the spirit

(He takes the vial with his blood and looks at Katherine)

Klaus: Sweetheart...

(He compels her)

Klaus: Take this over to Damon and come right back

Katherine: You want me to leave?

Stefan: No!

Klaus: Yes and if I were you...

(She takes the vial and disappears)

Klaus: I'd hurry

(He sits down on a chair)

Stefan: She'll never take it to him. She'll never take it to him

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is in Elena's arms)

Damon: This is even more pitiful than I thought

Elena: There's still hope

Damon: I've made a lot of choices that have gotten me here. I deserve this. I deserve to die

Elena: No. You don't

Damon: I do, Elena. It's ok. 'Cause if I'd have chosen differently, I wouldn't have met you. I'm so sorry. Done so many things to hurt you

Elena: It's ok. I forgive you

Damon: I know you love Stefan. And it will always be Stefan

(She takes his hand and lays next to him, putting her head on his chest)

Damon: But I love you. You should know that

(She cries)

Elena: I do

Damon: You should have met me in 1864. You would have liked me

(She raises her hand and looks at him)

Elena: I like you now. Just the way you are

(He close his eyes. She kisses him)

Damon: Thank you

Elena: You're welcome

Katherine: Well, it's me you should be thanking

(Elena turns her head)

Katherine: I mean, I'm the one who brought the cure

(Elena rushes out of the bed. Katherine looks at her)

Katherine: I thought you were dead

Elena: I was

(Katherine sits down next to Damon)

Damon: You got free

Katherine: Yep. Finally

(She makes him drink Klaus' blood)

Damon: And you still came here?

(She touches his face)

Katherine: I owed you one

(She gets up)

Elena: Where's Stefan?

Katherine: Are you sure you care?

Elena: Where is he?

Katherine: He's paying for this

(She shows her he vial)

Katherine: He gave himself over to Klaus. I wouldn't expect him anytime soon

Elena: What do you mean, "he gave himself over"?

Katherine: He just sacrificed everything to save his brother, including you. It's a good thing you have Damon to keep you company. Good-bye, Elena. Oh. It's ok to love them both. I did

(She throws her the vial and disappears. Damon starts to gets up and looks at Elena)

[A warehouse]

(Elijah is in a coffin. Klaus is looking at him. Two men are here)

Klaus: I suppose, brother, you've been reunited with our family

(He closes the coffin and looks at the two men)

Klaus: Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight

(They puts him with others coffins. Stefan receives a text from Elena telling him that Damon's okay and asking him where he is)

Klaus: So... Did Katerina make it in time?

Stefan: You won't be seeing her again, you know

Klaus: Because she's on vervain? I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't get far. You'll help me see to that

Stefan: What is it you really want from me?

Klaus: All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town

Stefan: Then are we done here? Can we go?

Klaus: Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you

(A girl is here)

Klaus: Come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid

(The girl rejoins them. Klaus looks at Stefan)

Klaus: See, I wanna make sure you honor our deal... That you'll be of use to me

(He bites the girl's neck and drinks her blood)

Klaus: I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt

(He releases her. She leaves, screaming. Stefan stops her, bites her and drinks her blood until she's dead. Klaus looks at him)

Klaus: Now we can go

[Gilbert's house]

(Jeremy hears a noise. He wakes up)

Jeremy: Alaric?

(He gets up and goes out of his room)

Jeremy: Alaric?

(Someone is behind him.. he turns himself but no one's here. He goes down the stairs. Vicki goes down behind him. Alaric is sleeping on the couch)

Vicki: Jer

(He turns herself. No one's here. He goes in the kitchen. Anna's here)

Jeremy: Anna?

(He turns himself. Vicky's here)

Jeremy: Vicky?
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