02x14 - Crying Wolf

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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02x14 - Crying Wolf

Post by bunniefuu »

[The woods]

(Jules and Brady are burning the bodies and then rejoin Stevie. Brady looks at him)

Brady: Go ahead. Tell her

Stevie: Let me just preface this with a big disclaimer. that screams, "I should have known better"

Jules: What is it, Stevie?

Stevie: When Brady told me what that Tyler kid said about Mason being here for the moonstone, something clicked. There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know

Jules: All right. Just get to the point, Stevie

Stevie: That is the point, Jules. It's the sun and moon curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it: if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night, double-click. Witches, vampires, moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse

Brady: We can't let them do that, even if we have to k*ll every last vampire in this town

[Caroline's house]

(Elena, Bonnie and Caroline are sleeping when Elena's phone rings. Caroline pushes her out of the bed. Elena's goes out of the room to answer her phone. It's Stefan)

Stefan: How was the slumber party?

Elena: Good and Much needed. When can you and I have one?

Stefan: That can be arranged

Elena: Okay. Now. Today. Take me far, far away

Stefan: Even with everything that's going on?

Elena: Because of everything that's going on

Stefan: And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town?

Elena: Uh, this has everything to do with that

Stefan: Well, in that case, where would you like to go?

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon and Andie are going down the stairs)

Andie: I'm late, This is such a crazy day. I'm, uh, covering the historical society's high tea

Damon: Ooh! Thrilling

Andie: Yeah. It's for some visiting writer. He's writing a book on small-town Virginia. It's a big snooze.

Damon: Writer? What's his name?

Andie: Uh, Elijah Smith

Damon: Smith. He's using Smith?

(He puts a scarf around her neck)

Damon: Ok. You have your story straight in your mind, right?

Andie: I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we hit it off and I really like you. You are terrific, though. You're sweet, funny, you're honest.

(He compels her)

Damon: And you're falling hard

Andie: You might be the one

Damon: Perfect

(He opens the door. Alaric arrives)

Damon: Perfect. Have a great day, honey

(He kisses her)

Andie: Oh. Hey, Alaric. Later

(She leaves)

Damon: My new girlfriend, Andie star, action news

Alaric: It's not called action news

Damon: I know. I just like saying it. Come on

(Alaric enters the house. The go in the living room)

Damon: So John Gilbert gave me this to k*ll Elijah

(He shows him the dagger and the vial)

Damon: Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white ash tree that dates back to the originals, if there's any truth in that

Alaric: So you think it's a setup?

Damon: It could be. Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him

(He gives him the dagger)

Damon: What are you up to today, Mr. Saltzman?

Alaric: Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this historical society thing at the Lockwood's

Damon: Where Elijah's the guest of honor

Alaric: Tell me you're not gonna k*ll him at the tea party

Damon: No. That would be stupid. I want to know his endgame before I k*ll him but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met

[Mystic Grill]

(Bonnie and Caroline are sitting at a table)

Caroline: Ok. So tell me about this big witchy plan you've been cooking up

Bonnie: We still don't know the extent of what Elijah's up to

Caroline: No, we don't

Bonnie: So I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows

Caroline: And he's not gonna tell you anything

Bonnie: I didn't say he was gonna have a choice

(Caroline sees Matt and smile but he seems upset)

Bonnie: What's that about?

Caroline: Uh, I don't know. I thought that we were... I don't know

[The woods]

(Tyler rejoins Jules)

Jules: Tyler, hi

Tyler: You're still here

Jules: Is that all right with you?

Tyler: That guy last night made it pretty clear you needed to go

Jules: And we will soon

(Brady and Stevie rejoin them)

Jules: Listen. We kind of need your help with something

Brady: We need you to help us find the moonstone

Tyler: Somebody needs to explain to me what the big deal is about a rock

Stevie: That rock helps break the curse of the sun and the moon

Tyler: I don't know what that means

Jules: It's an old curse placed on both vampires and werewolves

Stevie: Vampires break the curse, they're free to walk in the sunlight but we're stuck only turning at the full moon, aka werewolf Armageddon

Brady: But if we break it, they're stuck as night-walkers, and we can turn whenever we want

Stevie: Aka werewolf domination

Jules: Tyler, if we can turn at will, that means we never have to turn at all, not if we don't want to

Tyler: I'd never have to turn again?

Brady: There's more. Stevie?

Stevie: If those vamps are gearing up to break the curse, they must have also found the doppelganger

Tyler: The doppelganger?

Stevie: Evil twin shadow person. We're betting Mason's hot vampire chick Kathy knows all about it, so we need you to help us find Kathy. I have a picture. Mason brought her to the bar once. No one liked her. She was a vampire. Bad news

(He shows him a picture of Katherine and Mason on his phone)

Stevie: Right, right here. The girl next to Mason

Tyler: That's Elena Gilbert

Jules: You know her?

Tyler: I've known her my whole life

(Jules looks at Brady)

[Mystic Grill]

(Caroline rejoins Matt)

Matt: I'm…i'm working

Caroline: Yeah I can see that but can you work and talk?

Matt: What do you want, Caroline?

Caroline: Uh, I want to talk about what we were supposed to talk about last night before I had to cancel on you. I want us to clear up the weirdness. I just want us to talk about us

Matt: Now you're just making it worse

Caroline: Uh, I…I don't know what's going on, Matt

Matt: Where were you last night when you were supposed to be with me?

Caroline: I…

Matt: And don't say you were with Bonnie because bonnie was here, Caroline. I saw her

Caroline: Oh

Matt: Yeah

(He leaves. Tyler rejoins Caroline)

Tyler: Caroline

Caroline: You stay away from me

Tyler: It's important

(He throws her bag on the floor without meaning it. He helps her get it)

Caroline: Just stop it, Tyler, ok? You're just…you're just making it worse

(He takes something from her things and puts it in his pocket)

Tyler: Please, Caroline. I'm sorry about what happened, ok? but there's so much we need to talk about

(She takes her bag)

Caroline: I said just leave me alone

(She leaves. Matt rejoins Tyler)

Matt: The two of you want to get together, fine. There's nothing I can do about it but do me a favor, and both of you stop lying about it

Tyler: Matt, there's nothing going on

(Matt catches him)

Matt: Hey! I said stop lying!

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena and Stefan are ready to go)

Stefan: Are you ready for our romantic weekend?

Elena: Beyond ready. Let's go before John shows up and pretends to be a concerned father

Stefan: Mmm. I'll go put these in the car

(Elena receives a text from Caroline telling her that she needs to talk and asking her where she is. Elena tells her that they're going to her parent's lake house and ask what is it. Caroline tells her that's it's okay)

Stefan: Uh, please tell me there's nothing wrong

Elena: Nothing's wrong. Just Caroline. Come on. Let's go

(They leave)

[The woods]

(Tyler has Caroline's phone in his hands. He's with Jules, Brady and Stevie)

Tyler: She's going to Dunham lake. Her family has a house up there

Brady: Nice. Let's go get our doppelganger

[Gilbert's lake house]

(Elena and Stefan arrive at the lake house. Elena is quiet)

Stefan: You all right?

Elena: I'm good. I just haven't been back here since before…

Stefan: Oh, my god. Elena, listen. Just say the word, all right? We'll get back on that highway, we'll go anywhere else

Elena: I've always loved it here. I want it to stay that way, I was just... having a moment

Stefan: Okay

(Elena enters the house but Stefan can't get in)

Elena: You don't have to wait out there. I'm all good

Stefan: Oh, that's great because I'm, uh... I'm stuck

Elena: Oh, my god. You can't get in

Stefan: Not gonna be a very romantic weekend unless you, uh, invite me inside

Elena: Stefan, I can't

Stefan: What?

Elena: My parent's left this place to John Gilbert. He's the only one who can invite you in. I'm sorry. I completely forgot

Stefan: You're kidding me, right?

(She smiles)

Elena: Stefan Salvatore, I hereby invite you into this home

Stefan: You are such a liar

(He enters, takes her in his arms and kisses her)

Elena: Hey, hey, hey!

[Lockwood's mansion]

(It's the historical society tee party. Carol is talking with Elijah)

Carol: Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There's such a wealth of history there

Elijah: No. I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic

Carol: That's fascinating

(Damon arrives. Jenna rejoins him)

Jenna: Damon, what are you doing here?

(Andie rejoins them)

Andie: Hi. You came

Damon: Hi

Andie: Hi

(They kiss. Jenna's surprised)

Damon: Thanks for introducing us, Jenna

(He leaves and rejoins Elijah and Carol)

Carol: Damon

Damon: Carol

(They kiss on the cheek)

Carol: What a surprise. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of mystic falls' founding families

Damon: Such a pleasure to meet you

Elijah: No. Pleasure's mine

(They shake hands)

[Mystic Grill]

(Bonnie rejoins Luka at the pool table. She has coffee in her hands)

Bonnie: Come bearing coffee gifts

Luka: So you're talking to me now

Bonnie: I found out what your dad did, saving my friends from the wolf pack

Luka: Well, had I known that's all it took...

(Caroline is looking at them. Jeremy rejoins her)

Jeremy: Hey. How's it going?

Caroline: What are you doing here?

Jeremy: Bonnie called. I wanted to help. How's it going?

Caroline: She's selling it, and he's buying it. She's giving him the sex smile

Jeremy: All right, Caroline. I get it

(Bonnie is still with Luka)

Luka: What do you say? You want to play a game?

Bonnie: Yeah

Luka: Yeah?

Bonnie: Yeah

(Suddenly he doesn't feel good)

Luka: What's happening to me?

(She gets closer to him)

Bonnie: You'll be ok

(He's about to fall. Caroline and Jeremy rejoin them)

Bonnie: Why don't we go over here?

Jeremy: I got him, I got him

(He catches Luka)

Jeremy: What kind of witch roofie was that?

Bonnie: Strong one

[Gilbert's lake house]

(Elena is outside, on the dock, looking at the lake. Stefan rejoins her and embraces her)

Stefan: Having another moment?

Elena: Jeremy broke his arm diving off this dock when he was 6. My dad taught me how to fish Right off the edge up there. So many memories. Do you ever think about us, What our future will be like, our memories?

Stefan: I think there are long conversations to be head about our future, about the kind of life we could have together

Elena: Now there's a box that we shouldn't open

Stefan: Oh, we can open it. Whenever you're ready

Elena: No. I'd rather just be here...Now

Stefan: You know, this is a future memory. It's where your boyfriend whispered to you that he loved you. I love you

(She smiles)

[Lockwood's Mansion]

(Elijah and Damon enter Richard's office. Alaric is looking at them. John rejoins him)

John: What's Damon doing with Elijah?

Alaric: How would I know?

John: Because you're his little helper

Alaric: If you say so, John

John: Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Maybe it's time we tell her. I mean, she can't stay in the dark forever

Alaric: You're a d*ck

John: I don't think you should sleep over anymore. It's inappropriate with children in the house, and that ring that Isobel gave you, that's mine. I'm gonna want that back.

(Elijah and Damon are in Richard's office)

Elijah: What can I do for you, Damon?

Damon: I was hoping we could have a word

Elijah: Where's Elena?

Damon: Safe with Stefan. They're laying low, you know, bit of a werewolf problem

Elijah: Oh, yeah. I heard about that

Damon: I'm sure you did since it was your witch that saved the day

Elijah: You are welcome

Damon: Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here

Elijah: Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me

(He goes toward the door but Damon puts himself in front of him)

Damon: Not good enough

(Elijah pushes him against the wall and strangles him. Damon tries to strangle Elijah too but he's not strong enough so Elijah breaks his wrist)

Elijah: You young vampires, so arrogant. How dare you come in here and challenge me?

Damon: You can't k*ll me, man. It's not part of the deal

Elijah: Silence

(He takes a pencil and drives it through Damon's jugular. Damon lays on the desk, on hand on his wound. Elijah gives him a white tissue. Damon puts it on his wound)

Elijah: I'm an original. Show a little respect. The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe

(He leaves)

[Gilbert's lake house]

(Stefan is cooking. Elena is on the couch, looking at him, a glass of wine in the hand)

Elena: My dad did all the cooking, too

Stefan: And your mom?

Elena: She sat right here and watched. She couldn't cook either

(She looks at the fireplace)

Elena: Fire's dying

Stefan: Oh, yeah. I'll go get more wood

Elena: I got it

Stefan: No, no. It's cold outside

(She gets up)

Elena: So I'll get a jacket

(She goes in her parent's bedroom and smells a perfume. Stefan enters)

Elena: My mom's perfume. Jenna was supposed to pack all this up, but... she kept putting it off. I don't blame her

(She goes in the dressing and takes a sweater)

Elena: Here

(She throws him the sweater)

Elena: Bundle up

(He puts it)

Elena: It was my great granddad's and you look very hot in it

Stefan: I look hot in your dead great granddad's jacket?

Elena: Beyond hot

(He kisses her, pushes her against the wall and kisses her again)

Elena: Stefan! It's my parents' bedroom

(He stops and looks at the wall)

Elena: What?

(He knocks on the wall)

Elena: What?

Stefan: This is hollow inside

(He breaks the wall. There's a door behind it)

Elena: What is it?

Stefan: It's a really good hiding place

(He opens the door. There's a lot of w*apon to k*ll vampires)

Elena: Oh, my god
[Caroline's house]

(Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline are in her living room. Luka is laying on the ground)

Caroline: We only have, like, an hour or two before my mom gets home

(She has a lot of candles in her hands)

Caroline: And these are all I could find

Bonnie: Place these evenly around the room

(Jeremy takes some of them to help place them)

Jeremy: How does this work?

Bonnie: Um, I'll put him in a trance and ask him questions. It's like hypnosis

Jeremy: You sure you're strong enough for this?

Bonnie: That's what the candles are for. I'll draw power from the flames

Caroline: I'll get the matches

Bonnie: I got it

(She lights the candles with her powers)

Jeremy: Never gonna get used to that

Caroline: Oh, come on. That's pretty hot, and you know it

(He smiles. Bonnie looks at him)

Bonnie: In need a bowl of water

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. I'll go get it

(He leaves. Bonnie looks at Caroline)

Bonnie: Ok. What was that? "It's hot"?

Caroline: He is so crushing on you

Bonnie: So?

Caroline: So… What, you'd rather be with traitor warlock over here?

Bonnie: I'm not into Luka. It's just, you know, he understood me, and he was new and different

Caroline: And you've known Jeremy since forever, and you only see him one way, as Elena's brother but you're a witch, and I'm a vampire. You know, it's not like we're in any position…

Bonnie: to be picky

Caroline: No, to judge

(Jeremy comes back and gives the bowl of water to Bonnie. She puts it on the ground)

Jeremy: Looks like he's waking up

[Salvatore's House]

(Damon and Alaric are in the library)

Damon: Today was a bust

Alaric: Yeah. How's the throat?

Damon: Sore

Alaric: Yeah. That Elijah's one scary dude but with nice hair. Hey. You want another one?

(Damon gives him his glass. Alaric goes to the bar)

Damon: He's gonna be hard to k*ll

Alaric: Yeah. I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job. You're gonna need more info

Damon: I'm out of sources

Alaric: What's up with you and this news chick?

(He gives the glass to Damon and sits down)

Damon: She's got spunk, huh?

Alaric: Just don't k*ll her, please

Damon: If I did, who would report her death?

Alaric: Just don't do it, all right? She's friends with Jenna, and it's bad enough that I'm lying to her about everything else. I hate the lies

(He looks at his phone)

Alaric: Oh, god. I got to go. I got to pick Jenna up. Don't worry. I'll, uh, show myself out

(He gets up)

Damon: Good luck

(Alaric leaves. Damon hears a noise so he to see what's going on. He finds Alaric with a stake on his stomach. He's bleeding. A Stevie jumps on him and puts a syringe of vervaine on his neck. Damon fights so Stevie has to put all the syringe. Damon falls on the floor)

Stevie: Whew! Damn, you're strong. It took the whole syringe

(Two werewolves enter and look at Alaric)

Stevie: Grab that one. He's dead

(Jules arrive)

Jules: Hi, Damon. Nice to see you again

[Gilbert's lake house]

(Elena and Stefan are in the hidden room. Elena finds a journal)

Elena: These must be the other Jonathan Gilbert journals. Jeremy had the one, but John said that there were others. His whole life's in here

Stefan: I'll go get the firewood. I'll let you have a moment

[Brady's SV]

(Brady is with Tyler. He looks at his phone)

Brady: We're good to go. You up for this?

(Tyler doesn't answer so Brady seats down in front of him)

Brady: These people have done nothing but lie to you. This girl that you've known since birth, she's with the vampires now, the ones who k*lled Mason. They're the enemy, and if they break that curse, well... all of us are as good as dead. Are you up for this?

Tyler: Yes

Brady: Good Because if you woos out, you're gonna have me to deal with, You got it?

[Gilbert's house]

(John is in the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of wine. Jenna enters the room)

John: Where's Elena?

Jenna: At the lake house for the weekend

John: With Stefan?

Jenna: Yes, with Stefan

John: And who gave her permission for that?

Jenna: I did. Until you get a lawyer, file for guardianship, it's my call, and there's nothing you can do about it

John: I always knew you were lax with them but I didn't think you were negligent

Jenna: She wanted to get away from you, ok, and so do I, so I'll be staying with Rick

John: Because he's such a great guy, right?

Jenna: You are on dangerous ground

John: He's a liar, Jenna

Jenna: What?

john: Did he ever tell you what happened to his wife?

Jenna: She died

John: Really? So they found her body?

Jenna: What are you saying?

John: Why don't you ask Rick? I'd love to hear his answer. Have a great night

(He leaves)

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is sitting on a chair. He has chains all over him and an iron collar around his neck. His neck is bleeding. He looks at Alaric. He's dead but he wears his magical ring. Stevie has the chain so he can pull on the collar to hurt Damon)

Stevie: Morning, sunshine. I saw this movie once, some t*rture porn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool, so I just modified it some with some wooden nails, and when I pull...

(He pull on the collar with the chain. Damon's hurt)

Jules: So I hear you have the moonstone

Damon: Oh, if you only knew the irony of this moment right now. Let me tell you how this is gonna go. You're gonna t*rture me, I don't talk, Someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy Mason

Jules: This time, it will be you

(She looks at Stevie and makes him a sign. Stevie pull on the collar)

[Caroline's House]

Caroline: How long is this gonna take?

Bonnie: I don't know. He's fighting me

(She has her hands on Lukas's head)

Luka: Please stop. Please

(He gets finally in trance)

Bonnie: There. All right. Why are you working with Elijah?

Luka: Klaus. We both want him dead

Bonnie: You want to k*ll Klaus, too. Why?

Luka: Because he has her and we have to get her away from him

Bonnie: Who… who are you talking about?

Luka: My sister

Bonnie: Sister? Why does he have her?

Luka: He's searching for a way to undo the curse without the doppelganger. He's forced generations of witches to help him for centuries

Bonnie: What has Elijah promised you?

Luka: If we help Elijah k*ll Klaus, He's promised to return her to us

Bonnie: And how do you k*ll Klaus? How do you k*ll an original vampire?

Luka: He'll k*ll me if I tell you. Don't make me

Jeremy: It's ok, Bonnie. We can find another way

Bonnie: No. How will you k*ll Klaus?

Luka: After the sacrifice, Klaus will be vulnerable, weak. It's our only chance

Caroline: After the sacrifice?

Bonnie: What do you mean, after?

Luka: Klaus will be vulnerable

Bonnie: But Elena will be dead

Luka: Yes. Elena has to die

Jeremy: No

(They all look at each other)

[Gilbert's lake house]

(Stefan goes in the garage to get some wood but he feels that someone's here so he turns himself. Brady's here and sh*ts him in the heart with a wooden b*llet. Tyler arrives)

Brady: Keep him down. If he moves... k*ll him

(He leaves. Tyler points the g*n toward Stefan. Stefan moves so he can look at him)

Tyler: Don't move!

Stefan: Just let me get the b*llet out It punctured my heart. I need to get it out. I'm not gonna fight you

Tyler: I don't think so

Stefan: Tyler, why are you doing this?

Tyler: I can't let you break the curse

Stefan: You know about the curse?

Tyler: You're liars, all of you

Stefan: No. I swear to you. We don't want to break the curse, Tyler. We don't want to do that

Tyler: Oh yeah? But I do. I can't be like this forever

Stefan: Tyler, I'm just trying to save Elena

Tyler: Elena will be fine!

Stefan: They didn't tell you that part, did they? Who are the liars now?

Tyler: Tell me what?

Stefan: In order to break the curse, Elena has to die

(Elena is in the house, looking outside)

Elena: Are you growing the trees out there? Stefan?

(Brady is outside. Elena takes a knife and goes outside)

Elena: Stefan, what are you doing out there?

(Brady catches her but she stabs him, goes into the house and locks the door. Brady removes the knife and breaks the door. Elena goes upstairs)

Brady: I can smell you

(She removes her sweater, puts it on the bed and run. Brady goes upstairs and sees the sweater. Elena goes downstairs, in her parent's bedroom and hide. Brady goes in it and opens the hidden room but she's not here. When he turns himself, she drive a stake through his body and run. She takes the knife and run. He removes the stake. She runs outside. He follows her but Stefan rip his heart out. Elena rushes in his arms)

Stefan: It's OK. It's OK. You're OK. You're OK. You're all right. It's OK

(She sees Tyler)

Elena: Tyler?

Tyler: I didn't know what they were gonna do to you. I didn't. I just... I didn't want to be like this anymore. I'm sorry, Elena

(She goes toward him and embraces him)

Elena: It's okay

[Salvatore's House]

(Jules has a carabine in her hands)

Jules: You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body, maximum damage. Where's the moonstone?

Damon: Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it

Elijah: You looking for this?

(They all turn to look at him. He has the moonstone in his hands. He puts it on the bar)

Elijah: Go ahead. Take it

(One werewolf goes toward him but he rips his heart out. Two others come but he rip their hearts too. Jules leaves. Stevie tries to hide but Elijah goes toward him)

Elijah: What about you, sweetheart, hmm? You want to take a shot? Yes, no, yes? Where's the girl?

Damon: I don't know

Elijah: It doesn't really matter

(He punches Stevie in the face and kills him in the same time. He goes toward Damon and removes all the chains)

Elijah: So you realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?

(He takes the moonstone and leaves)

(Damon is on the phone with Bonnie)

Damon: So he planned to k*ll her all along

Bonnie: Yeah. The sacrifice is part of Elijah's plan

Damon: Got it loud and clear

(He hangs up. Alaric wakes up)

Damon: Finally. You missed all the fun

(Alaric's phone rings. He takes it. It's Jenna)

Jenna: There you are. Are you OK?

Alaric: Yeah, sorry. I… I… I've just been grading papers. Honestly, uh... I fell asleep. I'm sorry. Jenna, I'm a jerk

Jenna: No. It's fine. I'm just glad you're OK

Alaric: Sorry. Tomorrow I'm all yours, OK?

Jenna: Sure. Sounds great

Alaric: All right. Good night, Jenna

Jenna: Good night

(They hang up)

[Gilbert's lake house]

(Stefan is on the phone with Damon)

Damon: It was straight from the witch's mouth. He was gonna go through with the whole sacrifice. You should probably just keep her away a little longer

Stefan: Be careful. Try not to get yourself k*lled

Damon: Yeah. It's been a day for that

(He hangs up. Elena rejoins Stefan)

Stefan: That was, um…that was Damon. We need to talk

Elena: What is it?

Stefan: He learned that Elijah's planning for you to die in the sacrifice ritual

(She's not surprised)

Elena: I know the deal I made, Stefan. Elijah's very careful with his words. He promised to protect my friends. He never said a word about me

Stefan: You mean, you knew that you weren't gonna survive this?

Elena: If it comes down to the people that I love getting k*lled or me, I know what my choice is gonna be

Stefan: Elena, how…how could you stand out there earlier with me, talking about making plans for our future, when you don't even expect to have one?

Elena: I'm sorry, Stefan. I'm just trying to keep the people that I love safe. I'm trying to keep you safe

Stefan: No. What you're doing is you're being a martyr

Elena: How is that any different from when you say that you would die to keep me safe?

Stefan: Because I've already lived. 162 years I have lived, and you've barely begun, and now you want to let yourself get k*lled? That's not heroic. It's tragic

(He looks at her and leaves)

[Caroline's house]

(Bonnie is alone with Jeremy)

Jeremy: So will Luka remember anything?

Bonnie: No. He'll know he lost consciousness, that's all

Jeremy: Should we wait for Caroline?

Bonnie: She was just gonna drop Luka back at the Grill. Said to lock the door on our way out

Jeremy: Yeah. Well, I hope she drops him hard

Bonnie: Wait. You're Elena's little brother, I've known you forever. You're that punk kid. I remember your awkward phase and then your emo phase, Your druggie phase and overnight, you turned into this hot guy who's really sweet and…

Jeremy: You think I'm hot?

Bonnie: With everything that's going on, you know, curses and sacrifice...

Jeremy: Enough already

(They kiss)

[Lockwood's mansion]

(Carol is turning out the lights when she hears a noise)

Carol: Hello? Hello?

(She finds a letter from Tyler)

[Mystic grill]

(Tyler rejoins Matt)

Tyler: Matt

Matt: I'm not in the mood, man

Tyler: I need to say something

Matt: All right. Say it

Tyler: I've been going through a rough time, something I can't really talk about, and Caroline's been helping me through it. She's been there for me more than anyone's ever been there my entire life, and I kind of fell for her. I don't know how anyone wouldn't because she's pretty incredible. But she loves you, and she needs you and to be honest, she deserves someone like you. So you be good to her, OK?

Matt: Yeah, man. Of course

Tyler: See you around, Matt

Matt: Yeah

(Tyler leaves)

[Caroline's house]

(Caroline is in her bedroom but she feels that someone's here so she goes toward the main door)

Caroline: Mom?

(She looks outside but doesn't see anybody. Tyler's here, looking at her. Then he leaves and rejoins Jules to her car)

Tyler: I'm sorry about Brady and your friends but if I'm gonna go with you, no more lies

Jules: No more lies. You're doing the right thing

Tyler: I can't stay here, not like this

(They leave)
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