02x06 - Plan B

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Vampire Diaries". Aired September 2009 - March 2017.*

Moderator: DelenaForever

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A high school girl is torn between two vampire brothers.
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02x06 - Plan B

Post by bunniefuu »

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena and Stefan are in Elena's bed. Stefan is sleeping. Elena is looking at him)

Stefan: You're staring

Elena: I'm gazing

Stefan: It's creepy

Elena: It's romantic

(He puts a pillow on his head. Elena removes it. They kiss)

Elena: Oh, this is bad of us

Stefan: Yes it is

Elena: If Katherine finds out…

(He kisses her)

[Katherine's bedroom]

(Mason and Katherine are kissing)

Katherine: Shut, Miss Flowers will think I'm a floozy if I have a man in here

Mason: Why are you staying here?

Katherine: Because I like this little bed and breakfast, don't you?

Mason: I love it

(They kiss passingly)

[Gilbert's House]

(Elena and Stefan are still kissing and hugging)

Elena: Okay, I need be in the shower

Stefan: Love it, let' go!

Elena: No, just me. I'm late. I'm decorating at the Lockwood charity thing

Stefan: What do you know! So am i

Elena: Do you thing that's really a good idea to be at their house today? Mason Lockwood tried to k*ll you

[Katherine's bedroom]

(Katherine and Mason are still in Katherine's bed)

Katherine: Where is the moonstone?

Mason: Somewhere safe

Katherine: Don't you trust me?

Mason: I don't trust anyone

[Gilbert's house]

Stefan: I don't trust Mason. I want to be there today to keep an eye on him

Elena: Okay but then we can't touch or talk and no lingering stares

Stefan: No, none of that

Elena: What do you think will happen if Katherine founds out that we are fake fighting?

[Katherine's bedroom]

Katherine: Scary will k*ll you

Mason: No, you won't

(She kisses him on the neck and bites him)

Mason: Ouch! Kat, easy!

Katherine: Did I hurt you? Sorry

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena pricks herself with a needle)

Elena: Ouch

Stefan: Did it hurt?

Elena: It's okay. A little bit every day to make you stronger, right?

(He drinks the blood on her finger)

[Katherine's bedroom]

Mason: What happen once I give you the moonstone?

Katherine: We'll live happily ever after. I promise

Mason: I'll bring it tonight, I promise

[Gilbert's house]

Stefan: I promise, we're gonna get through this

Elena: I love you, Stefan

[Katherine's bedroom]

Katherine: You know I love you

Mason: I love you too

(They kiss)

[Salvatore's house]

(Someone is knocking on the door. Damon opens it. It's Jeremy)

Jeremy: I need to talk to you

Damon: And why I need to talk to you?

Jeremy: Tyler Lockwood has to k*ll someone to activate his curse. He's not a werewolf yet

Damon: Whoa, fascinating. Not enough

Jeremy: But Mason Lockwood is and he's looking for a moonstone, a special roc related to the werewolves legend. That's why is here

Damon: A moonstone?

Jeremy: And I know where it is

Damon: And you're bringing me this why?

Jeremy: Do I need a reason? Look, I just want to help, okay?

Damon: What your sister say about this little discovery?

(Jeremy doesn't answer)

Damon: Oh, you haven't told her, have you?

Jeremy: Well, Elena doesn't want me getting involved in all this

Damon: And you're a Gilbert, you just can't help yourself. Whoa, your search for life's purpose is as obvious as it is tragic

Jeremy: You're gonna let me in or not?

(He goes into the house. Damon closes the door)

[Lockwood Mansion]

(Everyone is preparing for the masquerade ball. Jenna is talking with Carol)

Carol: Jenna, thanks for helping rundle the volunteers

Jenna: Off course, for a good cause. Plus, I have always been a sucker for the masquerade ball

Carol: So was Richard. This was always his favorite party of the year

(Matt and Tyler are carrying a table)

Carol: Boys! Be careful with that! It's from the eighteen hundreds

(She rejoins them. Jenna sees Stefan and rejoins him)

Jenna: Stefan, hey!

Stefan: Hey

Jenna: I'm cooking dinner tonight. Rick will be there, you should come

Stefan: You know, Elena and I, were kind of taking a pause

Jenna: Really? That's not what it sounded like this morning. Bad sleeper. You know what? I heard nothing

(She smiles and leaves)

(Bonnie is carrying a box. Elena is there too)

Elena: You're here

Bonnie: I'm here

(Bonnie is looking around her)

Elena: Caroline's not coming. I told you

Bonnie: Just making sure

Elena: You know, eventually, you're gonna have to talk to her

Bonnie: Could you make it a little less obvious you're on her side

Elena: There are no sides, Bonnie

Bonnie: Come on! Since Caroline became a vampire, you barely seen each other. Losing Caroline was bad enough; I didn't think I'd lose you too

Elena: Come with me

Bonnie: Where?

Elena: Not here. Some place quiet. We have to talk

(She takes Bonnie's hand and they leave)

[Salvatore's house]

(Liz is in her cell. Caroline arrives)

Caroline: You didn't eat much. Good news: Doctor Damon said the vervein is almost out of your system. So With any luck, you'll be freshly compelled and back in your own bed by tonight

(Liz doesn't answer)

Caroline: Are you really just gonna pretend like I don't exist?

Liz: Yes. So please go

Caroline: As usual, you don't care. Got it. Just like before I was a vampire. It's not like I died or anything

Liz: Are you… Are you really dead?

Caroline: Yes, I am now

Liz: How is it possible?

(Alaric arrive with a box)

Damon: Rick!

(Alaric sees Jeremy)

Alaric: What are you doing here?

Jeremy: Helping Damon. I'm the one who found out about the moonstone

Alaric: does Elena know you're here?

Jeremy: Don't exactly

Damon: What you got?

Alaric: This is Isobel research's from Duke. Her assistant send it to me

Damon: Vanessa, the hottie

Alaric: Vanessa yes. Do you remember the old Aztecs curse she told us about?

Damon: Son of the moon, bla bla bla bla

Jeremy: an Aztec curse? Cool

Alaric: Yeah, supposedly vampires and werewolves used to run freely until a shaman put a curse on them, limitating their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun

Damon: Most of them anyway

Alaric: According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with a moonstone

Jeremy: What do you mean sealed?

Damon: It's a witch thing, whatever seals the curse is usually the key onto unsealing the curse

Alaric: Maybe Mason Lockwood believes he can use the moonstone to break the curse

Damon: If we start believing in some supernatural witchy mojo legend from a picture book, we're idiots. Where is the stone now?

Jeremy: Tyler

Damon: Can you get it?

Jeremy: Yeah

Damon: You see, know your life has a purpose

Jeremy: So you do believe it?

Damon: This is the same book that says the werewolf bite kills a vampire. Ignoring it make me an even bigger idiot. Let's go

[Lockwood Mansion]

(Elena and Bonnie are walking on the Lockwood property)

Bonnie: I can't believe this

Elena: it's a lot, I know. Katherine's gonna do everything that she can to drive me and Stefan apart and Caroline just got trapped in the middle

Bonnie: It's not that you and Stefan are pretending to fight, is that I didn't even know you guys were fighting at all

Elena: I'm sorry, I don't want to keep things from you but you've made it pretty clear where you stand with the whole vampire thing

Bonnie: So that makes me the unman out

Elena: No, Bonnie, of course not

Bonnie: I know where I stand, Elena and I know where you stand but where do we stand?

Elena: You're my best friend, Bonnie. I didn't mean to let this craziness with Caroline get in the way of that but she needs you too

Bonnie: not yet, I just… she's a vampire, I can't. I think we should get back

(Mason is carrying a box. He sees Stefan)

Mason: Hey Stefan

Stefan: Hey Mason

(Mason is chocked)

Mason: I wasn't expecting you here or anywhere

Stefan: Yeah, I had this little accident but I'm fine know

Mason: What did you do to Sheriff Forbes?

Stefan: she's fine too but for now on you'll have to do your own dirty work

Mason: Not a problem

(He leaves and bumps into Bonnie. She feels something)

Mason: Excuse me

(Stefan understands that something's going on so he rejoins Bonnie)

Stefan: What's the matter? Are you okay?

Bonnie: When I touched him, I saw something

Stefan: What do you mean? Like a vision?

Bonnie: I saw Elena

Stefan: You saw Elena?

Bonnie: He was kissing her

Stefan: No Bonnie. Elena wouldn't kiss… you didn't see Elena, you saw Katherine

(Elena sees Stefan and Bonnie talking together. Damon rejoins her)

Elena: Damon. What are you doing here?

Damon: Looking for my baby bro. Speaking of… you should tell yours to stop following me around

Elena: What's going on?

Damon: Ask him

(Jeremy arrives)

Elena: Jeremy, what is he making you do?

Jeremy: He's not making me do anything, Damon and i…

Elena: No way, no, no, no, no. There is no "Damon and you". There's Damon and whoever Damon is using, and those people, they end up dead. Whatever is going on Jeremy, I want you to stay out of it

Jeremy: I don't really care what you want, Elena. It's because of you that I'm in this mess in the first place so I'm sorry, you don't really get to tell me what I'm gonna do

(He leaves)

(Stefan is talking with Damon)

Damon: Katherine's with Mason Lockwood?

Stefan: You missed it. He got in the town after she did, it makes perfect sense

Damon: I know but Mason Lockwood?! Werewolf thing aside, the guy is a surfer. She's got to be using him, it has to be

Stefan: Using him for what?

Damon: Mason Lockwood's looking for a moonstone that allegedly can break the full moon werewolf curse. Maybe Katherine wants it as well

Stefan: Why?

Damon: Well… no idea. This is the beauty of Katherine; she's always up to something

Stefan: So how are we gonna find this moonstone?

Damon: Jeremy is gonna get it from Tyler

Stefan: Why would you involve Jeremy?

Damon: He's playing Indiana Jones, he involved himself

(Matt and Tyler are helping decorating)

Matt: She's this amazing girl one minute and then this raging jealous freak the next

Tyler: Look, you know what I think about Caroline Forbes. She's an insecure narcotic bitchy little twig

Matt: Hey!

Tyler: But the girl's got heart, she means well. You just get the mean with the best sometimes

Matt: Yeah. I'm gonna go get an extra. I'll be right back

(He leaves. Jeremy rejoins Tyler)

Jeremy: Hey man

Tyler: Hey!

Jeremy: Hey, so I did a little research on that stone you showed me

Tyler: What? Why?

Jeremy: I don't know. Curiosity, boredom

Tyler: What did it say?

Jeremy: Well, it turns out that it's part of this Aztec legend but I want to make sure it's the same kind of stone. You think I could check it out again?

Tyler: No. I gave it to my uncle

Jeremy: Why did you do that?

Tyler: Because I'm done with legends and curses. I don't want anything to do with it, okay?

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah sure. It's probably…

(Stefan and Damon had listened to the entire conversation. They look at each other)

(Elena is texting Stefan. She asks him if everything's okay. Stefan receives it and tells her that he's with Damon and Bonnie and that he'll fill her later. Stefan and Damon rejoin Bonnie)

Bonnie: Okay. This is as far as I go

Damon: Okay

Bonnie: What do you want?

Damon: A favor

Bonnie: That's not gonna happen

Damon: So predictable

(He looks at Stefan)

Damon: that's why I brought him

Stefan: I know how you feel about helping us out but since you're the one that linked Mason with Katherine, we finally have an opportunity to get an upper hand on both of them so just hear us out

Damon: Pretty please

Bonnie: I'm listening

(Stefan's phone is ringing. It's Elena)

Stefan: I have to throw Elena in on what's going on

(He looks at Damon)

Stefan: Can you play nice please?

(He answers)

Stefan: Hey, what are you doing? You shouldn't be calling me

Elena: I know but I have no idea what's happening. Damon's got Jeremy into something and you've got Bonnie with you and I'm sorting stupid masquerade masks for Misses Lockwood

Stefan: Alright, it's okay. Hold on

(He leaves. Damon is talking to Bonnie)

Damon: All you have to do is touch Mason Lockwood again to see if he gave Katherine the moonstone

Bonnie: My visions don't work like that; I don't get to ask questions

Damon: How inconvenient. Although, let's about that witchy mojo you do with me. You know the fun one, when my brain burst into flames? What is that?

Bonnie: That's me giving you an aneurysm. Your blood vessels go pop but you heal quickly so I do it over and over again

Damon: Is it vampire specific?

Bonnie: It'd work on anyone with a supernatural healing ability

Damon: Good. Good, good

Bonnie: Damon, I'm not gonna help you hurt him

Damon: Mason Lockwood's a werewolf, Katherine's evil. They're the bad guys. Really? You're gonna play morality police with me right now? Let me explain it to you another way: they're a threat to Elena. You witch, are gonna get over yourself and help us

Stefan: Yeah, he meant that as a question with a "please" on the end

Damon: Absolutely

(Mason is going to his car)

Mason: Hey, can you remove you van? I'm blocked in

(He sees Bonnie trying to remove a table from the truck)

Mason: Hey, how did you get stucked to that by yourself?

Bonnie: All the guys baled. Something about draft pix, I don't know, I don't speak that language

Mason: Here, let me give you a hand

(He helps her with the table but she uses her powers on him. He holds his head because he's in pain and fall on the floor)

Bonnie: Sorry

(Damon arrives and kicks him on the face. Mason is unconscious. Bonnie goes into Mason's car. Damon and Stefan put Mason in the trunk. Damon goes into Mason's car and leaves with Bonnie.)

[Salvatore's house]

(Caroline is in the cell with her mother)

Caroline: So I mainly drink from blood bags. It's not as good as the fresh stuff but it beats the animal blood that Stefan's been trying to get me to drink

Liz: So you steal the blood from the hospital?

Caroline: Damon does. I've been pilfering his supply so…

Liz: As long as you have blood, you don't need to k*ll?

Caroline: I want to. It's my basic nature now but on a healthy diet, I can control it. I'm getting better at it. I'm better than Stefan. He's a bit of a problem drinker, a blood-aholic

Liz: I don't want this for you

Caroline: I know but when life gives you lemons… Damon's home

(Damon and Bonnie are in the library. Damon puts Mason in a chair)

Bonnie: Here's his bag as requested

Damon: Okay, grab that corner

Bonnie: Why are we doing this?

Damon: Because I don't want to stain the carpet

Bonnie: I knew you were gonna say something like that

Damon: You're judging again

(They put a blanket under the chair)

Bonnie: He's not gonna be out much longer

(Damon takes chains from Mason's bag)

Damon: Looks like this guy used to be in tied up

(Bonnie takes Mason's head in her hands)

Damon: What are you doing?

Bonnie: You're looking for a moonstone and I'm trying to help you find it

Damon: Oh good, yeah. Find out if he gave it to Katherine and find out where she is and find out what they're gonna do with it once they get it

(Damon is tying Mason. Bonnie concentrates herself while she touches Mason's head)

Bonnie: Somewhere small, dark, there's water

Damon: Like a sewer?

Bonnie: No. Like a well? That can't be right? Yeah. It's a well

Damon: Why would it be in a well?

Bonnie: I told you, I only get what I get

(Mason catches Bonnie's wrist but Damon releases her)

Bonnie: That's it. That's all I got

Damon: Hey judgy! Thank you

(She looks at him and leaves. He's alone with Mason)

Damon: Come on. Wake up wolf boy

(He punches him on the face)

(Bonnie is leaving but Caroline arrives)

Caroline: Hey!

Bonnie: Hi. How's your mom? Elena filled me on everything

Caroline: I'm gonna take her home tonight

Bonnie: Caroline… don't remind, I've got to go

Caroline: Did you find the moonstone thing?

Bonnie: Not yet. Hey, do you remember that old well where we used to play when we were kids?

Caroline: Yeah

Bonnie: It's on the woods. Do you remember where?

Caroline: On the edge of the old Lockwood property. Why?

Bonnie: I think that's where Mason is keeping the moonstone. I got to go

Caroline: Well, I can go with you

Bonnie: No, it's okay

(She looks at Caroline who's disappointed)

Bonnie: Sure

Caroline: Okay
[Lockwood Mansion]

(Matt and Elena are helping preparing the masquerade ball)

Matt: So where's Caroline? This is like her thing. I can't believe she's not here

Elena: She has something else to do

Matt: Is she seeing someone?

Elena: Matt, come on. No, she's not

(Stefan arrives. Elena looks at him. Tyler arrives to)

Tyler: Anyone's seen Mason?

Stefan: He took off. He said he wasn't sure when he'd be back

Tyler: It's so weird

(He leaves. Stefan receives a text from Bonnie. She's telling him to look in the well, next to the old Lockwood property. Stefan looks at Elena. She goes toward him but he tells her no with his head. She's upset and looks at Matt)

Matt: I'm not even gonna ask

Elena: I'll be right back

(She leaves)

[Salvatore's house]

(Mason is chained to the chair. Damon is heating up an iron bar in the chimney. Mason is screaming. Damon looks at him)

Damon: Someone's feisty

(Damon goes toward Mason. Mason can't stop moving. He fell on the floor with the chair)

Mason: What?!

(Damon puts the iron bar into Mason's chest. Mason screams)

Damon: You can hurt, good to know. I was afraid you'd gonna be some beast mess with some with no affinity for pain

(Damon looks at Mason's wound. It's healing)

Damon: Oh, you heal quickly. Not good. I guess I'll just have to keep an applying pain

(He gets back the chair. Mason screams. Damon heats up the iron bar again)

Damon: So… Katherine. How do you know her? What is she up to?

(Mason doesn't answer)

Damon: I have all day

(He puts the iron bar into Mason again)

[The woods]

(Stefan arrives at the well. Elena rejoins him)

Elena: What's going on?

Stefan: You shouldn't be here

Elena: I know but I am. What's going on?

Stefan: Bonnie thinks the moonstone is down here

(He opens the well. He looks into it with a lamp)

Elena: Hey. Be careful

Stefan: I'll only be down there for a minute

(He goes into the well but he's full of vervein. Stefan's skin is burning)

Stefan: Elena!

Elena: Stefan?!

Stefan: Elena!

Elena: Stefan, what's happening?! What's going on in there?!

Stefan: Vervein. Oh my god! Help!

Elena: Stefan!

(Elena is trying to take the chains but they're too heavy. Caroline arrives)

Caroline: Elena!

Elena: Caroline, Stefan's down there and the chain is rusty

(Caroline tries to go into the well but Elena catches her)

Elena: No, no, no! You can't, it's full with vervein. Caroline, we've got to get him out. Now!

(Caroline takes the chain)

[Salvatore's house]

Damon: When did you two meet? Did she seduce you and tell she loved you? You're supernatural so she can't compel you. I'm she used her other charms. Katherine's good that way

(Jeremy arrives)

Damon: I thought I told you to leave

Jeremy: I found something in Rick's boxes stuff

Damon: What is it?

Jeremy: I did a search on my phone, it's a plant: Aconitum Vulparia. Grows in the mountain of the northern hemisphere, communally known as "Aconite", "blue rocket" and "Wolf spin"

(Damon looks at the plant)

Damon: What else did you read?

Jeremy: Well, every source says something different. One myth says it causes lycanthropy, which sounds bogus. Another one says that it protects people and another one says, well it's toxic

(Mason whimpers. Damon looks at him)

Damon: I'm guessing toxic

(He takes the plant and goes toward Mason)

Damon: What's Katherine doing in Mystic falls?

(Mason doesn't answer so Damon puts the plant on Mason's cheek. Mason's skin burn)

Damon: Why is she here?

Mason: She's here with me! Why are you asking? Jealous?!

Damon: How rude of me. I just realize I didn't offer you anything to eat

(He puts the plant in Damon's mouth)

Damon: Yummy!

[The woods]

(Elena is chaining herself to go into the well)

Caroline: I got you okay?

(Bonnie arrives)

Bonnie: What's going on? You took off in a blur

Caroline: I heard Elena screaming. Help her, now! Are you ready?

Elena: Yeah

(Elena goes into the well with the help of Caroline. She arrives at the bottom of the well. She founds Stefan unconscious into the vervein. Stefan's face is scalded. She attaches Stefan with the chains)

Caroline: Elena, what's going on down there?

Elena: Follow up!

(Caroline is pulling Stefan from the well. Elena stays in it. Bonnie unties Stefan and puts him on the floor)

Caroline: Elena! Ready for you!

Elena: Hold on! I need to find the stone

(Elena looks everywhere)

Caroline: Hurry!

Elena: Hold on! I think I found it!

(She finds a wooden box and takes it but a snake is on her arm. She screams. Another snake is on her. She can't stop screaming)

Caroline: Elena! What's going on?!

Elena: I got it. Come on, bring me up!

(Caroline brings Elena up. Bonnie unties her. Elena sees Stefan)

Elena: Oh god! Stefan!

(She cuts herself with a rock and gives her blood to Stefan. He drinks it)

Elena: I've got the stone, Stefan. Stefan, it's gonna be okay, everything's gonna be okay

[Salvatore's house]

(Damon is still torturing Mason)

Damon: Why do you want the moonstone?

Mason: Screw you!

Damon: Ahhh! Wrong answer!

Jeremy: If he was gonna say anything, he would have already!

Damon: I'm taking your eyes now

Mason: The well! You'll find it there!

Damon: I know where it is. I want to know what it does and why you want it

Mason: I'm getting it for Katherine

Damon: Why?

Mason: She's gonna use it to lift the curse

Damon: Of the moon? Now, why would a vampire help a werewolf break a curse that keeps him from turning whenever they want?

Mason: So I wouldn't have to turn anymore

Damon: Why?

Mason: Because she loves me!

(Damon laughs)

Damon: Now I get it. You're just stupid. Katherine doesn't love you, she using you, you moron!

Mason: I'm done talking

Damon: Yes you are. It's time to take a walk, Jeremy

Jeremy: I'm staying

Damon: No, you should go

Jeremy: I'm staying, Damon. He's got enough

(Mason looks at Jeremy)

Mason: Just help Tyler. Don't let this happen to him

Jeremy: Damon…

(Damon rushes over Jeremy and strangles him)

Damon: You want to be a part of this? Well, here it is! k*ll or be k*lled! The guy is a werewolf; he'll k*ll me the first chance he got so you suck it up or leave!

(He releases him)

Damon: He wants me to k*ll him anyway, don't you Mason? Really is a curse, isn't it?

(Jeremy leaves)

Damon: You now, when I look at you I see myself, less dashing and less intelligent version

Mason: I love her

Damon: Oh, I know! I've been where you are but Katherine will only rip your heart out. Let me do it for her

(He puts his wrist in Mason's chest and kills him)

[Gilbert's house]

(Jenna and Alaric are in the kitchen, cooking dinner)

Jenna: You're pretty handy with that thing

Alaric: Yeah, uh, it's a skill

(They kiss)

Alaric: Where is the sea salt?

Jenna: Table

(They kiss again. Alaric lays the table. Elena arrives. Alaric looks at her and asks her secretively if she's okay. She nodded and goes upstairs)

[Salvatore's house]

(Caroline is in the cell with her mother)

Caroline: So I pulled Stefan out of this well and he's all verveined and just routed but Bonnie wasn't mean to me once and I really think it's progress, you know? I just… what? I'm freaking you out

Liz: It's just that you've become tis person….

Caroline: Don't… i… just starting to get along

Liz: This strong, this confident person

Caroline: Oh. Thank you

Liz: You don't have to take my memories away. I'll keep your secret. Look, if you're worried about them, just say you compelled me. I won't tell. I'll never do anything to hurt you

Caroline: Why we never talk like this? Never and today meant so much to me

Liz: For me too

Caroline: I know I can trust you but you're never going to trust them

(She cries and compels her)

Caroline: I'm going to take you home. You're going to forget that I'm a vampire

Liz: I'm going to forget that you're a vampire

Caroline: You'll remember you got sick with the flu, you had a fever, chills and leakiness but I made you soup and it was really salty. We beggared. You got better and then your selfish little daughter, who loves you no matter what, went right back to ignoring you and all is right in the world

(Damon is putting Mason's body in the blanket. Stefan arrives and shows the moonstone to Damon)

Damon: All this for that?

Stefan: Yep

(He throws him the moonstone)

Stefan: I see you've exercised your usual restraint

Damon: Had to be done

(He takes Damon's phone and text Carol on behalf of Mason)

Damon: "Carol, big opportunity in Florida, I'm gonna be gone for a long time. You'll send for ma things once I get settled. Much love, Mason"

Stefan: Let's get rid of the body

Damon: Oh, last number dialed. I wonder who that can possibly be

Stefan: No, no, no! Don't provoke her!

(Katherine answer, thinking its Mason)

Katherine: Mason, you should have been here an hour ago

Damon: Wrong boy toy

Katherine: Damon, for once you surprise me. I guess Mason's with you

Damon: he's right beside me although his heart he's across the room

Katherine: You shouldn't have

Damon: I've had a very busy day today. I k*lled a werewolf, found the moonstone. Hey, did you know that he hide the moonstone at the bottom of a well full of vervein? I guess he didn't trust you very much but he did love you. Poor guy. Hey, where are you? Because i could bring him over. Last goodbyes and all that

Katherine: You have no idea what you've just done

Damon: Aww, did I put a kink in your master plan? I'm so sorry

Katherine: Do you honestly believe that I don't have a plan B? And if that fails a plan C, then a plan D and… you know how the alphabet works, don't you? Send my love to Stefan

(She hangs up. Damon looks at Stefan)

[Gilbert's house]

(Elena arrive in the kitchen)

Elena: Where is Jeremy?

Alaric: Oh, he went straight up to his room. He said he's not hungry

Elena: Who is she talking to?

Alaric: I don't know. Everything go okay today?

Elena: There were a few hick ups but yeah

(Jenna is at the phone)

Jenna: Of course, I understand. Elena, it's for you

(Elena takes the phone)

Elena: Who is it? Hello?

Katherine: Hello Elena

Elena: Katherine

Katherine: Did you enjoy your little rendezvous with Stefan this morning? I will always know, Elena. I will always be one step ahead of you. When are you gonna figure that out? Do you know how easy it was to get inside of your house? To replace Aunt Jenna vervein perfume to convince her to stop drinking her special tea?

Elena: No

Katherine: Jenna's been my little spy for days now. Unlike you, Jenna actually listens to me so when I suggested that the world would be a much better place if she was just…

(Jenna is holding a knife toward her)

Elena: Jenna no!

(Jenna stabs herself. Alaric and Elena rush toward her)

Katherine: Well, you got the idea

(She hangs up)

[Mystic Falls' hospital]

(Elena rejoins Jeremy in the waiting room)

Jeremy: Is she okay?

Elena: The doctors told Alaric that she got lucky. She's gonna be okay

Jeremy: Did she remember what happened?

Elena: No, nothing. It's all bit of part of Katherine's mind compulsion

Jeremy: Why would Katherine hurt Aunt Jenna?

Elena: Because she's trying to send a message, that she could get to anybody

(She cries)

Jeremy: Hey, hey, come here

(He embraces her)

Jeremy: It's gonna be okay

Elena: No it's not

Jeremy: She's gonna pay Elena. I don't know how but she's gonna pay

[Lockwood Mansion]

(Tyler arrives and rejoins his mother)

Tyler: It looks good

Carol: Thanks. It was nice to see Matt today. He hasn't been around for a while

Tyler: We've both been busy I guess. Have you seen Mason? The guy's been off all day

Carol: Actually Tyler, Mason headed back to Florida

Tyler: What?

Carol: I'm sorry, honey. I know how much you two hinted off

Tyler: So he just left

Carol: I was hoping he'd stick around, I thought that with your dad gone… anyway, he's gone. So, I guess it's just you and me now

[Salvatore house]

(Elena rejoins Stefan in the library. He's crying)

Stefan: I'm so sorry

Elena: We were stupid. Sniking around, thinking that we weren't gonna get caught

Stefan: I know

Elena: We did this. Stefan, Jenna's in the hospital and Jeremy could be next all because we didn't listen to her, because we're together. Stefan…

Stefan: I know what you're gonna say to me

Elena: Then let me say it. I've been so selfish because I love you so much and I know how much you love me but it's over. Stefan, it has to be

Stefan: Elena, i…

(They are both crying)

Elena: No, Stefan. It has to be

(She kisses him and leave. Stefan is still crying. Elena goes toward the front door. Damon intercepts her)

Damon: Elena. I worked Katherine out. I wasn't thinking, I didn't think!

Elena: It doesn't matter, Damon. She won. Katherine won

(She looks at him and leaves)

[Katherine's bedroom]

Katherine: I apologize if I seem rattled. The circumstances have changed suddenly and I had to adjust. Mind control is necessarily evil. You see, I need a werewolf and I've lost the one that I had. Now tell me what you're going to do to help me get a new one

(She is talking to Matt)

Matt: I'm going to go after Tyler Lockwood

(She compels him)

Katherine: And you're not going to stop

Matt: And I'm not going to stop

Katherine: Until?

Matt: Until he kills me
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