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01x19 - Episode 19

Posted: 02/03/23 19:23
by bunniefuu
You again?

I guess we're on the same page.

I had a feeling I'd see you here.

Did you lose your cell phone?

It's polite to call someone
before you pay them a visit.

Didn't anyone teach you common sense?

Life is tough.

Actually, nobody taught me about that.

Is that what you do?

Hey, monkey!

Get up!

Why are you on my bed?

Get up!

Get up now!

Get up.

Come on.

Want to make a bet?

What kind of bet?

Go, Junpyo!

No, no!

Hope you win.

No! No!

I won!

- I won't go easy on you.
- I'll beat you.

Good luck!
You're doing great!

I won again!
You can't even win once.

I've had enough.

The controller's broken.
You didn't win.


Stop drinking.

It'll slow down your recovery.


Why do I need to recover?

Who cares if I can't make
good pottery?

I'll always be able to ask women out.

Yijeong, you've come so far.
What's wrong with you?

Sir, it's about your mother.

What happened?

She's in the hospital
and is asking for you.

Tell her I'm busy.

Where are you going?

If you don't want to see me go insane,
let go of me.


You asked me out last time.

Does your offer still stand?

If you were going to run away,

you shouldn't have asked me out
in the first place.

There's still more to come.

Is Gaeul your name?

Take your time eating.

The food here is the best there is.

Thank you.

Do you like Gaeul?

How could I not like
such a cute and nice lady?

I guess I take after you, dad.

Here I am on a date
when mom's in the hospital.

And you're here,

having dinner with a pretty girl
and barely even thinking about mom.

That's what they mean by
"like father, like son."

Let's discuss family matters later.

What do you want to talk about?

If she's your type,
should I lend her to you?


Why do you look so upset?

She's almost the same age
as your last lover.

What do you say, Gaeul?
Isn't my dad cool?

Excuse me.

You were very cruel to her.

Why'd you bring me here?

The loser has to keep quiet.
Did you forget the rules?

You promised to be my servant.


I hate nothing more than people
who tell lies.

Haven't you heard the saying?
"Real men don't tell lies."

Real men don't tell lies?

Just come on.

Real men don't tell lies?

Oh! I get it now.

Why are you buying so much?



- I don't want it.
- Just one bite.

- lsn't it good?
- Yeah.

Taste good?

Your wife is very beautiful.

You make a great couple.

Thank you.

Did you hear that?
He said I'm pretty.

And you believe him?

Thank you.

He just wants you to buy something.

That's not true.


Thank you.


Where are we?

Jandi moved here.

She and her brother live alone.
I'm worried about her.

Let's go.


You're doing me favors again.

You did a favor for me, too.

Would you like to come in for some tea?

I have some green tea.


Your grandfather's already home
for the nightt.

I'll fix the tea.

Thank you, doctor.

Having fun yet, Jihu?

- Yes, grandpa.
- Good.

Let's go fishing!

I'm going to catch a huge shark.

When do you want to go?

Right now.

Okay, then.

Wow! Something smells great.

Me first.


I know you'll just eat it all yourself.

- Hey.
- What?

This girl is a total pig.
We have to stop her.

Who'll stop me?
I paid for it.

Stop it!
That's plenty.



What about you?

I always eat instant noodles.

What would you rather have?


I wish I could eat pizza all day long.

What a silly thing to wish for.

Don't eat this.

Let's eat something else.

I'm so full.

What's taking Jandi so long?

Why don't you give her a call?

She doesn't have a cell phone.

What? No cell phone?

She gave it to mom and dad
in case there's an emergency.

That's interesting.

I see.

Let's go.

Go where?


Come on.


That one, please.

This one?
Just a moment.

This is the one I mentioned.

Can I see this?

We want to see the same model.

Well, we were here first.

You must be working hard these days,
Mr. CEO.

I'm so proud of you.

I called you earlier about a phone.


I'm sorry.

Jihu, it's all my fault.


I'm the one to blame.

I was responsible
for the death of my parents.

I was the only one who survived.

I guess you hated me.

It's not your fault.

I'm the one to blame.


1 5 years...

You should've told me that
1 5 years ago.

You know what?

I bet you never knew

how much I yearned for you.

- Jihu.
- I bet you never knew.

If only you knew
how I wanted to cry in your arms.

Oh, my poor boy.

Don't ever call me that again.




I'm fine.

Go after Jihu.


Jihu! Jihu!



Grandpa! Grandpa!


I was too afraid that he'd cry.

Just like his father and mother.

I didn't want to make him cry.

So I ran away.

Why didn't you come home last night?


Why should I feel bad?
I didn't do anything wrong.

It's personal.

Don't you know the meaning
of privacy?

Jandi, stop being so ignorant.

It's not privacy. It's pride.

Have you heard of it?


Where are you going?

If that's the case,

I'll ask the English teacher about it!


Tell me where you were last night!


That girl.

I can't let it go this time.

- How is evertyhing?
- Fine.

How's Junpyo doing?

He went to school.

And Jaegyeong?

While you were away,

she came to visit Junpyo often
to spend time with him.


What a relief.


Do you have anything else to report?


Mr. Jeong.

I know that you're busy
working on my behalf.

You know that Junpyo
isn't easy to deal with.

It's too early to ease up.

I'm sorry.

It's my fault.

Look into it right away.

Yes, ma'am.

What a tough job.

Why don't you go back
to your own neighborhood?

I told you this is my training.

You have a driver who picks you up
whenever you want.

You go home to change
and order takeout.

What part of that is training?

I sleep here.

I sleep in a tiny place
infested with roaches.

My legs are k*lling me.
Isn't that enough?

No one asked you to do this.

No one expects this from you.

So stop making things
hard for yourself.

You're not going to tell me?

About what?


I'm not interested in your personal life.

I'm just worried about you.


I'm talking to you.


Are you Gangsan?

Yes, I am.

Come with me.

Go For lt, Gangsan!

Help Yourself

Eat your heart out.


Is it good?

Dig in.

Let us have some, Gangsan!

Get in line!



What are you doing here?

I went to Jandi's place.

I guess you didn't hear.

She moved.

She moved?

Help yourself...

It's just too quiet here now.

Why won't this light?


Mr. Jeong, it's me.

Why won't the stove work?

I'm talking about the fire.

I can't light it!

Just get over here!

That was fast.

Mr. Jeong.

Let go!

Let go of me!

Let go!

Let go of me!

Let go!



Who is it?


Hey, yo!


What are you doing here?

We came here
for a housewarming party.

That's only when you're invited.

Is it just the two of you?

It's not that bad.

It's quiet, safe, and...

The rent is very low.
It's practically free.

What happened to Junpyo?

Excuse me.

Who's that?

You're very popular.

Wait here.

Who is it?

Who is it?

What are you doing here?

I can't believe you're here
in the middle of the night.

I can't believe my eyes.

Junpyo's not here.

I know where my son is.

How can I help you?

When an adult visits you,
you should greet them properly.

And you should offer me a seat.
Don't you have any manners?

This is why being educated
by your family is important.

Would you like to come in?

Forget it.

I'd rather talk out here.

You must have a great talent
for seducing men.

You've got the wrong idea.

If you don't like my assumption,
give me an excuse.

I don't think I've done anything
to warrant hearing that.

Over there.

What you did over there
contradicts what you just said.

You secretly called someone over
who's already engaged.

And you say you didn't do anything wrong?

That wasn't my fault.

Junpyo decided to move here.

I know that girls like you
can come up with plenty of excuses.

You can't help it if Junpyo
keeps coming on to you.

That's why I came here.
To ask you a favor.

Even if Junpyo comes by,
don't meet him.

If what you say is true,

you and Junpyo have no reason to meet.

Can I trust you?

Let me trust you
and your high sense of pride.

This is why I don't want you guys
hanging around with Junpyo.

Please think about your parents.

Let's go, Mr. Jeong.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't be hurt by what she said.

She's always like that.

She's like that to us.

What did she mean
about Junpyo moving here?

What's all this?

It's our housewarming gift, Jandi.



You've been grounded, sir.

You should be more careful.

How'd my mother find out?

I guess I wasn't careful enough.

Excuse me.

Jaegyeong is here to see you.

Why is she back?

Why not?

I'm your fiancee, remember?

I'm not in the mood for you.

Just go.


I was about to ask you
to visit Jandi with me.

I'll just go by myself.

Where are you going?

To Jandi's house.

We had instant noodles last time.

I want to give her this.

If you're asking me as a favor,
I guess I can go with you.

- Really?
- Under one condition.

Tell my mother about it.

Don't worry.
I told her we'd be on a date.

Let's go.

I don't want to.

Come on.

I really don't.

Get dressed.

Want some more sausages, Gangsan?

Out like a light.

Gangsan, don't lie there like that.
Get up.

Hey, Gangsan.

He's fast asleep.

This feels so nice.

I haven't felt like this
in a long time.

It's like being on a picnic.

Since we're a bit bored...

Don't tell us you want to kiss us.

I'm all for it.

Want to play a game?

A game?

A game you can't leave out
of a picnic.


Truth or dare.

Truth or dare?

I'll play, too!

You can ask any question you want.

How do we know they're not lying?

Lies aren't allowed.

But you have the right
to remain silent.

Remain silent?

If you don't want to answer a question...

You have to kiss.

What's wrong with you?

It sounds like fun.

Alright. A full-on kiss.


How about a kiss on the forehead?

Is that good enough?


How about flicking them?

That'll work, too.

Just a kiss.

It's me?


Can you love anyone
other than Seohyeong?

It's been a long time
since we've kissed.


That's not such a hard question!

Don't come near me!

Go away!

Is it my turn?



If someone that you love
is hurt by you...

Can you let her go?


I wouldn't.

I couldn't.

I would make her happy
and never let her go.

Is it my turn?


Is the promise that you
made to me still valid?

Tell me that you'll never
run away from me.

I promise.

I'll promise that your mother
will never break us apart.


Both the person who made the promise

and the peson who heard it...

Are gone.

My turn?



If the F4 members were girls,
who would you want to marry?


I'm really curious.
Who would it be?

I don't want to marry any of them.

Junpyo cares about himself.

Jihu is erratic.

And Jiyeong is a cold womanizer.

I'd rather be a monk.

What did you say?

I care about myself?

I'm erratic?

I'm a cold womanizer?


I had no other choice!

Jihu, kiss him.

Get away from me!

Don't come near me!

Happy now?

I'm leaving.


What now?

I want to play the game.


Truth or dare.

I only have one question.
Will you answer it?

The game's long over.

If you had to choose...

Between love and friendship,
which would you choose?


I'm never one to give up.

Go inside and get some sleep.


What do you want me to do...

With such a perfect answer?

The ground is shaking.


I feel it, too.

Think it's an earthquake?

We're not in Japan.


I'm glad you're home.
Pack your things and leave.

This house is being demolished.

Demolished? Out of the blue?

We don't know the details.

Just pack your things.

We were ordered to tear down
the house today.

By whom?

How are we supposed to know that?

Hurry up and pack your things.

You secretly call someone over
who's already engaged.

And you didn't do anything wrong?


What are we going to do?

Evertyhing's okay.
Don't worry.

If she's your type,
want me to lend her to you?


Thanks for today.

- Good job.
- Get home safe.

You're working very hard.

I want to properly finish it.

I'll be going now.

- So long.
- Bye.


What's that?
It's very unique.

I made it when I was younger.


It has an inscription.
It's very pretty.

Do you like it?


Can you lend it to me
for a few days?

I want to make something like it.

It's not that hard to make.

It's very important to me,
so don't break it.


It's so pretty.

See you tomorrow.


You're using your wrist too much.


Do you envy me, sis?

I'll be able to have fresh seafood
starting tomorrow.

That's not fair.

You get to eat lots of food
and spend time with mom and dad.

You're so lucky.

Should I come with you?

That isn't possible.

You have to graduate high school
and go to medical school.

You can't go home with me.

Will you be okay?

Don't worry.

I'll take good care of mom and dad.

See you!

Sis, don't forget to eat some rice
for breakfast.


I think Junpyo still likes you.

I think he still likes you.

I'm always on your side.
Good luck!

I can't carry her.


Sorry I pronounced that wrong.


I have to get going.

Do what?

I didn't want to eat it.

Can I just eat it?