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01x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 02/03/23 19:16
by bunniefuu
I don't believe we've ever met.



Gaeul, are you here to see me?

You should've dressed up like this before.

You look so different.

Shall we go out?


Do you know him?

Not at all.


Who is this guy?

This lady is the one in my heart.

Gaeul, stop breaking my heart
and come to me.


I wonder what she did
to deserve him.

I think we should continue this act
until the very end.

Yes, thank you.

- Sir, one pumpkin porridge.
- Okay.

What's all this?

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.
I wanted to do something special.

- For whom?
- Me?

For that special someone.

Jandi, aren't you going to
give Junpyo any chocolate?

Give this to him.

Why would I give him anything?

Just one more.

- Not this one.
- Just give it.

No, not this one.

Just look at this restaurant!

It lacks a philosophy,

and the chef has no solid convictions.

What a rotten shop!

Mister, our porridge is really great.

I want noodles.

Mister, we only sell porridge here.

You should go to the Chinese restaurant.


Hey mister!

There's a Chinese restaurant
around the corner.

Tell him to wait.

- What?
- I'll make some noodles.

What do you think?

I've never eaten
such terrible noodles before!

How do you expect to run
a restaurant with your cooking skills?

You rotten jerk.

You shouldn't have ordered noodles
at a porridge shop.

Mister, you have to pay
for your food.

Now much is it?

I think we can charge him five bucks.

- What's this?
- Payment for the noodles.

You have to pay us in cash.

You can't expect to be paid
for such awful noodles!

Take it.

Tell the chef to make
spicy fish soup next time.

- What?
- You're coming back?

What a rotten restaurant!



What's wrong with that guy?

Don't worry about it too much.
I think he has dementia.

Can we taste them?

They're good!

They taste better than the ones
at the Chinese restaurant.

Is he really going
to make him fish soup?


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

For whom?

For that special someone.

Jandi, aren't you going to
give Junpyo any chocolate?


Why would I give him any?

Why did you want
to meet me here?

You choose the worst places.

I'm not here to spoil my mood.
Cooperate with me, okay?

It's cold.
Let's go inside.

- Come with me.
- Where?

Are you taking me
somewhere strange again?


Where are you going?

Isn't it warm, and fun, too?

The drinks are free.

It's not for people like you.

You're not cut out
for the service sector.

I'm worried about the future
of your family enterprise.

What's that?


It's nothing.

Give it to me!


They were meant for someone else,
but I ruined them.

Aren't they unattractive?

They taste pretty good, though.

You should try one.


They're mine now.
Don't touch them!

Thank you for waiting.

Let's start our Valentine's Day contest.

Those who wish to compete,
please step forward.

People are rushing
to the stage.

Today's prize is a cell phone.

Just one more couple.

Here they are.

The economy must be
in pretty bad shape.

So many people want to compete
for the prize.

Let's hear from each couple!

- Number 1.
- Go team!

- Number 2.
- Go team!

- Number 3.
- Go team!

- Number 4.
- Go team!

- Number 5.
- Go team!

- Number 6.
- Go team!

- Number 7.
- Go team!

- Number 8.
- Go team!

- Number 9.
- Go team!

The instructions are simple.
Put your bags down.

Whoever can lift his or her partner
the longest wins.

Get ready.

Couple number 4 looks all set.

Get ready.

Let's start on the count of three.
One, two, three.

Pick up your partner.

Please bend down for the lady.

Your hair is wavy,
but your body is quite stiff.

Yes, that's it.
Keep holding on.

Oh, no.

Maybe you'd better lie down instead.

The first couple is out.

Your face turned red
after two seconds.

Make your exit.

That was just practice.
Now for the real deal.

Oh, that's great.

I saw that.
Please exit the stage.

You're down.

Two teams out.

Stand on one foot
after I give the word.

The two of you are lying down.

Step aside!

57 minutes have passed.

Two couples remain.
Which couple will be the last one standing?

How long do you think
you can last?

As long as we can.

I'll ask this guy.
How long do you think you'll last?

Until we win!

Your pronunciation wasn't clear.
Tell us once more.

Until we win!

That's great.

Let's ask his girlfriend
for some encouraging words.

Okay, then.

She's just so happy
to be holding him tight.

Hey, Ms. Laundry.

This is so embarrassing.

If people found out who I am,
I'd be in the paper tomorrow.

Be quiet.
You'll get tired.

If you need a cell phone,
I'll buy you one.

I want to get one on my own.

You're not doing this on your own.
I'm helping you.

There are two couples left.

Let's make them squat and get up.

Squat down and get up.

Get up.

Squat down.
Get up.

This guy's forehead is getting all sweaty.

I wonder which couple
will win the match.

Oh, she slipped!

We finally have a winner!

I knew they'd win
from the start.

How do you feel?

Really great.

Let's give them a hand.


Too bad for you two.
Why the long face?

Let go!

Let go!

Let go!
I can walk on my own.

Gaeul, what are you doing here?

I was just...


She must be here
to give you chocolate.

Is today Valentine's Day?

Her nose is red.
She must've waited a long time.

Gaeul, please come in for some tea.

No, I'm fine.

Don't say that.

I'll get you some tea.

You can leave your chocolate there.

Please excuse me.

Let me go.

Naive girls can be such a pain.

Listen carefully, Gaeul.

It was just an act.
Don't get the wrong idea.

I'll keep this until you find
that special someone.


Did someone call for a driver?

How'd you find me?

I told you already.
Someone hired me.


Junpyo called me
while he was being sent away.

Thank you.



If anything goes wrong,
will you let me know?

Like what?

I hope nothing goes wrong.

I don't think anything
will happen at all.

Junpyo and I aren't
in a serious relationship.



Don't worry about me.

What about the helmet?


I was just about to return it.



Her father runs a laundry service
and her mother works at a sauna?

Yes, that's right.

So how did she get into Shinhwa?

This doesn't make any sense.
What kind of connection does she have?

It was you who got her
into Shinhwa.


Do you know why public opinion
is intimidating?

Because the public is ignorant.

Once a fire is ignited,
there's no going back!

Logic doesn't get through to them.

The person who starts a fire
should put it out.

Why didn't you tell me before?

I thought your son was merely
having fun with some girl.

Some girl? Who are you calling some girl?

I'm sorry.

Your son wants to see you.

Don't touch her.


Don't touch her.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You mean the girl
at the event today?

Don't you think
I have better things to do?

My social position does not
allow me time for trifle matters.

I wear the pants
in the Shinhwa Group!

If that's the case, fine.

Have evertyhing ready.

Yes, ma'am.

What perfect timing.

Where did you get those?


I'm not sure.

Don't eat that!


I don't know why
I feel so nervous.

I think...

Someone bad will happened to her.

The thing I fear most...

Is not helping her...

When she needs it the most.

Don't worry.

You know very well
that Jandi is a strong person.

Don't be afraid.

You have us behind you...

To support you.

Kang Huisu, the CEO
of an international hotel

has been elected president
of the World Hotel Association.

Are you satisfied?

I won't be satisfied
until I'm at the top.

Who is that?

Isn't that Junpyo's mother?

She's different from the rest of us.

You can feel her charisma.
She's a real winner.

I won't be satisfied
until I'm at the top.

Do I sound like her?

We'll be in-laws with her soon.
I shouldn't be too intimidated.

- You sounded similar.
- Really?

Is that you, Jandi?

- Junpyo?
- Junpyo?

Mr. Gu?


She looks really familiar.

She was on the news just now.


I won't be satisfied
until I'm at...

- Mrs. Jang.
- Mrs. Jang.

Who's here?

You must be surprised
by my unexpected visit.



We're used to sudden visits
from your son.

Junpyo has been here before?


He even slept and bathed here.
He helped us make kimchi, too.

I'll get straight to the point.

I understand, since you're so busy.

I believe that each person
has a certain place in society.

Junpyo isn't only set for Korea or Asia.
He's going to be a world-class leader.

Oh, I see.
Shinhwa is a world-class company.

To make sure Junpyo
is able to fulfill his duties,

I'm going to do evertyhing I can
to support him as his mother.

Yes, of course.

When one is growing grass...

As Jandi's mother,

I'll do my best to raise her well
so that she's ready to marry Junpyo.

That's not my point.

I'm talking about grass
on a golf course.


If you want grass to grow well,
do you know what's important?


You have to remove the weeds.

It's very important to make sure
that all the weeds are gone.

What are you saying?

Are you comparing Jandi to weeds?

I'm glad you're quick to understand.

I'd normally use a strong pesticide
to remove weeds, but not this time.

- Mr. Jeong.
- Yes, ma'am.

It's $300,000.




If it's not enough,
I can give you more.

After all, my son's misbehavior
is my responsibility.

- Mr. Jeong?
- Yes.

This is a contract that forbids Jandi
from meeting Junpyo.

All you have to do is sign.

Excuse me.



Get out now!

You've made a big mistake.

A big mistake, you say?

It was no worse than you
calling my daughter a weed.

Don't you hear me?
Get out of here.

Gangsan, what are you doing?
Call the police!

Honey, don't just stand there.
Throw out the bundle of money!


Are you sure you won't regret it?

I'm not the generous type.
You won't get a second chance.

I'd rather not meet you again, either!

Let's go.



Where'd you get the courage?

Mom, I'm really moved.

I've never been so proud of you
in my life.

You showed her
money isn't evertyhing.

What are you talking about?

Nothing is more important
than money.

In this capitalistic world we live in,
nothing beats money!

Don't talk nonsense.


Then how do you explain
your actions earlier?

She was only offering $300,000.

It was really upsetting.

Only $300,000 from the most famous
corporation in Korea?

Then what?

Let's say you end up
getting married with Junpyo.

His mother won't live forever.

The entire Shinhwa fortune
will end up being his.

It'll be yours, too.
$300,000 is too petty.



You have to be strong.

Our goal is Shinhwa Distribution,
Shinhwa Electronics, and Automobiles.

What else is there?

The hotel.

That's right!
The hotel will belong to you.

- Mom.
- What?

Who knows?
In 20 years, you may be on the news.

I won't be satisfied
until I'm at the top, you'll say.

Yes, that's right.

You're the best, mom.

- Honey.
- Yeah?

I didn't realize you were thinking
so far ahead.

Well now you know.

If you want grass to grow well,
do you know what's important?

You have to remove the weeds.

It's very important to make sure
that all the weeds are gone.

Do you have a ticket
for this concert?

What are you doing here so late?

And what about you?

I didn't know swimming
is a winter Olympic sport now.

I'm just...


You can turn the pages for me.

I won't wear it home today.

Why are you staring at me?

Just because.

It's fascinating.

What is?

Every time an alarm goes off
in my heart, you appear.

An alarm?

Like the kind that goes off
when a fire starts?


Allow me.

To do what?

To be your fireman.

Thanks for today.
Get home safely.

Pick up the phone!

Hi, mom.

What's wrong?

Stop crying so I can understand.


Why does the landlord
want dad to relocate the laundry shop?

The landlord's son was offered a job
at Shinhwa Electronics.

According to Mr. Yu
at the real estate agency,

no one in our neighborhood
will be willing to rent space to us.

If Junpyo's mother is unhappy,

she should come see us directly.

How can she s*ab us in the back
and thr*aten our livelihood?

She did come to see us.

But you poured salt on her
and kicked her out.

What are we going to do now?

How are we going to survive?

What is this?

Today's our first day in business.
Let's start out on the right foot.

How we do today
will determine the future.

Show me what you've got.

Get your fresh hot coffee here!


- Get your cuttlefish here!
- Louder!

- What?
- Dad?

Scream like you normally do.

Get your cuttlefish here!

That's it.
Brighten up your expression.

Enjoy some snacks
on the road!

- I'll try it.
- Okay, Jandi.

Get your rice cakes!

- Rice!
- Rice cakes!

- Head for the drivers.
- State the price as well.

You can tell them the price
when they ask.

Hurry up.
Let's come together for a huddle.

Go team!

- Canned coffee and snacks!
- Cuttlefish!

Get your cuttlefish here!

Only three dollars.

Coffee for a buck!
Two bucks for rice cakes!

Come and get it!

Get your rice cakes!


Only two dollars!

Rice cakes.

Get your rice cakes.

Rice cakes.

Mom, what are you doing?

Rice cakes!

Rice cakes.

Mom, no one can hear you.

Give those to me.

Rice cakes for sale!
Try some now!

- Rice cakes for sale.
- Louder!

Get your rice cakes!



Lady, some rice cakes, please.

Don't you have any rice cakes?

Mom, the rice cakes!

That's two dollars.

- Here.
- Thank you.

Rice cakes!

I don't want to go there.

You can go alone.
Don't bother me.

You're the heir to the Shinhwa Group,
not me.

What's with the traffic jam?

Must we go this way?

Mr. Jeong, get me some of those.


Those round things
they're selling on the road.

You mean rice cakes?

Yes, that's it.

Are you out of your mind?

A CEO wants rice cakes
from the street?

Are you sick or something?

Mr. Jeong.

Yes, ma'am?

Excuse me.

Can I have a bag of rice cakes?


That'll be two...

Thank you.

What shall I do with these?

Just look at the dust.

It's unbelievable that people
would sell these on the street.

Get rid of them.

Yes, ma'am.

Miss, coffee!


Sis, someone wants coffee.

Here's your coffee.

Rice cakes!

Two dollars.

Stop the car.

- Keep driving.
- Stop the car.

No need to do that.

Didn't you hear what I said?


Jandi, stop right there.
Please, stop.

I'm proud of her.


Why didn't you tell me?

If I said something,

you'd come over
with a bundle of cash.

If your laundry service
went out of business, you can start anew.

This is so embarrassing.

I know.

I guess you're embarrassed
about my family.

But I'm not sorry at all.

I meant to say...

Our relationship has nothing
to do with our families.

Just because you're my boyfriend,
you can't change evertyhing.

Then what?

Do you want me to let you
keep selling food on the street?


Just do that.


Just stay still and watch.

If you want to keep being
my boyfriend.

Ms. Laundry.

I haven't heard you say that
for a long time.

But I'm no longer
Ms. Laundry.


I'm not trying to scare you.

You don't have to be afraid.

Just to inform you.

It's hard to predict

what my mother will do.

I thought so.

Promise me something.


If something happens,
tell me right away.


One more thing.

Whatever happens,

don't run away from me.

I can't promise you that.


There are times when I want
to run away from you,

and not because of your mom.


I promise.

I won't break it off with you
just because of your mom.

I'm really glad that you're Jandi.


I'm glad my girlfriend
is just a normal gal.

Your promise puts me at ease.


Is that a compliment or not?

Want to drink this?


I heard you're looking
for some part-time help.

I see.


- The pumpkin porridge is ready.
- Okay.

Your pumpkin porridge.

Enjoy your meal.

Oh, it's quite hot,
so please let it cool first.

You're so nice.

Please visit us often.
Our porridge is really tasty.

You're quite cute.
Are you in college?

No, I'm in high school.

That's too bad.

What is?

My company hires student models.

I like your image.

I see.


How much does it pay?

Here you go.


What would you like?

Coffee or bread?

Honey, you're wrong.

They look like
the cuttlefish type.

Who gave you permission
to do business here?


- Men, take it down!
- Yes.

- Oh, my!
- You have to pay us to be here!

What's going on?

- Who gave you permission?
- Pay up!

Don't do this!

Did you think she'd go this far?

I'm worried.

You can check it out.

Can I borrow your phone?

Is your phone out of batteries?


Hello? Is Jeong there?

Jeong, hello?

Hi Gaeul.



How much would you like?

Fill her up.

Cash or credit?


Actually, I was feeling so drowsy.

Thanks, Jihu.

Don't you think
you're working too hard?

Don't you know me?

I'm Jandi.

I'm the hardest working girl in Korea.

All I have to show for
is my courage and strength.



Your body is giving off
conflicting signals.


I have tissue.

It's upsetting.

If I were Junpyo,
I'd be really upset.

Don't tell him.

I want to take care of myself.

That way, I'll feel dignified.

I envy Junpyo.

See you.

Gangsan, are you starving
because you don't have lunch money?

You should eat
before you do anything else.

Who are they?

Let's go.

Are you skipping meals?


Come back here.

Tell me the truth,
before I visit you at school.

I said I won't eat lunch
because I didn't want to pay.

My teacher offered
to pay for me, but I refused.

Why are you telling me this now?

You deliver newspapers and milk
in the morning.

You work at the restaurant
and gas station after school.

How could I tell you?

I won't die if I skip lunch.

I'm going.



He's already too short.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Enjoy Productions

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Anyone here?

In the name of F4...

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I have something to say.

What's wrong with you?

Good shot!

Do it like this.

What are you doing?

Nice shot.


Do you want to die?

From early morning...

- Was that acting?
- Yes.

You're so great.

I'm sorry.

Listen to me!

Didn't it look real?