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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 02/03/23 19:03
by bunniefuu
That's all?

More, more!


Stop it already.

Help me.

It's over.

No one else is coming.

Please, help me.

Get out of here.


I'm sorry.


It's not me.

It doesn't matter, so shut your mouth.

You still don't believe me?

I believe you!

I'll do it.

Stay still will you?

Are you dumb or ignorant?

Haven't you learned from the past?

You should make a run for it
when people go after you.

You can be really stupid.

I bet you have a low lQ.

Your learning skills are nonexistent.


What's your excuse?

Your body suffers because of you.

You've got it all wrong!


I don't need to hear this from you.

Close your eyes.

That hurts!

You can finish up now.


Oh Minji

It's a bug!

Get away!

Get away!

Go away now!

Evertyhing's fine now.

Junpyo, Minji

Stop it, please.

You're too ugly to be my wife.

Do you want to be kicked out
of kindergarten?

Don't do this.

Don't do it.

You're really ugly.
You'll never make it!

Get away.

Go back home.

Don't do this to me.

Don't do this.

Please don't.

You don't know what my life's
been like since then.

I couldn't even take a single step.

It was terrible and frightening.

I was so miserable and embarrassed.

I begged my parents
so I could go to Germany.

I had surgery every two years.

It hurt so much I wanted to die.

But do you know how I hung on?

That expression of yours.

The way you would look at bugs.

You treated me like a monster.

And I never forgot it for a second.

I don't remember it,
but I guess we did something awful.


Don't say that!

It's not what I want to hear from you!

Hey, calm down.

Look at me.

Aren't I pretty?

I've become really pretty.

Don't you want me now?

I came back because of you.

This is the moment
I've been dreaming of!

Tell me that you want me!

Just say it once.

Say you want me!

Tell me that you want me!

What a pity.

I feel sorry for you.

You know why?

Because you're still the monster
you always were.

No, you're worse than before.

Because at least you had a good heart
when you were young.

What now?

What are you trying to do?

I have some business.

Business? Like what?

Forget it.

What are you doing?

Why are you always bringing me here
to your place?

Your arms and legs were bleeding.

And your entire body
was covered in ketchup.

Your parents would like that a lot!

I've sent my secretary over to your place.

And I threw away your clothes and bag,
so don't look for them.

You threw them all away?

I could've washed and fixed them.
You had no right to throw them away.

And how would you do that?

Why not?
My family runs a dry cleaning service!

Oh, be quiet.


For a girl your size,
you have such a loud voice.


You're being ignorant again.

No way.

Just think about it.

You can't expect little people
to have loud voices.

It just doesn't fit.

What's wrong with you?

Get away from me!

Let me see.

I'll do it.

I feel awful.

With the exception of one item,
I've replaced evertyhing,

including the uniform and shoes.

One exception?

I hope you understand
about the one difference.

It's not the same as mine.

My bike isn't this expensive!

It's just normal.

My bike was just extremely normal.

I'm sorry, miss.

The young man wanted me

to replace evertyhing you had
with exactly the same brands,

but it was impossible to find
a bike just like yours.

I did my best to find you a new one.

I hope you can accept it.

But it's too expensive.

The master chef
made a special dish for you.

Roast beef and an omelette
with imported truffles.


They're a bit like mushrooms.

Where is Junpyo?

The young man went out
early this morning.


Is that you, sis?

Gu Junpyo

World's Richest Young Men

Is Jandi home?

Gu, Gu...

What is it?
Where's your sister?

Shin, Shin...

Why are you stuttering?

I told you not to play
computer games.

- F...
- What?

Who is this?

He's really handsome.

- He's here.
- Who?


What's that?

Gu Junpyo, heir to the Shinhwa Group.

The Shinhwa Group...


He's at our house?
Right now?


There's no use screaming.
You're only getting one piece of fish.

You eat this for dinner?

What type of insect are these?

They're fish, not insects.

Why are they so small?


They're anchovies.

Oh, you've never heard of them!

I didn't know what rich people eat.

Why don't you try some of this?

I know what this is.



He knows what it is.

How'd you know?

That's not how you eat it.


The truth about Oh Minji's past
Before and after plastic surgery

Jandi, how could Minji
do this to you?

She's stabbed you in the back.

The trouble you had to go through
because of her!

Move over.

She's so scary!

Once you've had plastic surgery,

it hurts so much
you don't want to do it twice.

No one would be ugly
if everyone got plastic surgery.

Is that the face of a human being?

If I were her,
I would've committed su1c1de.

Your eyes.

Your nose.

The watch.

I bet you paid for them.

You can buy whatever you want
with money.

So why not one's face?

All of you have had plastic surgery,

so why are you making fun of Minji?

So it's okay for pretty girls
to have plastic surgery,

but it's not right for ugly people
to get work done?

You have to pay a price.

Plastic surgery can be very painful.

And what's wrong with that?

Can anyone blame Minji
for what she did?

Speak up if you dare!

Speak up!

I won't ask you to forgive me.

I don't have the face to say I'm sorry.

Don't think that I'll forgive you.



Thank you.

Let's meet again.

I wandered today to the hill, Maggie
To watch the scene below

The creek and the creaking old mill


I have something to announce
in the name of F4.

Starting today, Geum Jandi,

the sophomore from homeroom B,
is officially my girlfriend.

Be quiet!

So from now on,

anything you have to say to Jandi

should be said directly to me.

So don't do anything silly.

Got it?


- Got it?
- Yes!

I'm against your decision.


I'm back.

I don't think it's time
for him to be back, yet.

But he's back.

Does that mean
something went wrong in Paris?

Maybe so.

Shouldn't you be jumping up and down?


Or are you waiting for something else?

It's nothing like that.

So why the long face?

I don't know.

I can't put my finger on it,

but something's strange.


He's a bit different.

I'm sure he's even more cool
after hanging out in Paris.

That's not what I'm talking about!

Hey, Gangsan.

What's going on?

It's an emergency at home.



Where are you?

Jandi, here!

Dad's here!

Jandi, come here
and take a look at evertyhing.

What's all this?

Your friend brought it.

- Friend?
- Gu Junpyo.

He bought us a dining table,
a sofa, a TV, and a refrigerator.

We had to return the bed,
because it was too big.

You know what?

The bed was fit for a princess,
adorned with laces.

What a waste!

We should've taken down the door.

You shouldn't have accepted these gifts!

Jandi, I wanted to return them,

but what about the delivery man?

He couldn't leave
without delivering the goods.

What did you say?

This isn't just for us.

It's because of the social status
of Junpyo's family.

If we live under very poor conditions,

it would be really embarrassing
for Junpyo as well.

You don't know anything at all!

We don't have enough space
to move around.

You want to live squeezed between
a sofa and a refrigerator?

Okay, okay!

I'll pack evertyhing up!

And send it to your uncle's storage.

You can use the stuff
when you get married.

How's that? Happy?


I understand.

It's a waste,
but we should return evertyhing.

Tell Junpyo it's the thought that counts.

Don't say that.

Jandi, can't we just keep the TV?


We need to talk.

You're here.

What are you doing here?

Are you deaf?
I said we need to talk!


Move over!

What's going on?

I would've set a new record!

What's wrong with you?

I could ask you the same thing.

Why'd you turn my house
into a warehouse?

Oh, that...

Was there something you didn't like?

Tell me.
I'll replace it with something else.

I already have a bed, chairs,
a refrigerator, washer, and TV!

The newer the better.

Who do you think you are?

Who am l?

I'm your boyfriend since yesterday.

Do you do this
for all you girlfriends?

You buy them clothes and cars?

Would you even buy them a house?

Actually, that was the first thing
I wanted to do.

But Mr. Jeong advised that
I should buy you a home later.

What did you say?

You can't buy me with money!

I already told you.

You make friends by being true,
not with your money.

I don't know who you dated in the past,

but it's just not right!

No one.

I've never dated anyone before.


I'll let this one go,
so be careful next time!

What a temper!

I was just trying to be nice.

I never asked you to be nice.

Nice shot!

Do you have girls over all the time?

Does it bother you?

Today's a special day.

I don't invite girls here often.

A special day?

This is a great card.

What's wrong with Jihu?

He became a real man in Paris.

He used to sleep every chance he got.

Now he's more human.

I like how he's turned out.

Jandi, why don't you join
the equestrian club?

Jandi, you can be the group leader.

Jandi, don't forget
my birthday party today.

Jandi, Jandi!


Over there!

This is worse than being picked on.

What's wrong with them?

I guess you don't scream anymore.


Habits die hard.

Evertyhing is the same,
but it's too quiet.

It doesn't seem natural.

When are you going back?

I'm not.

And you?

Are you really dating Junpyo?


So it must be true.


Am I a step too late?


I was going to ask you out.


Just kidding.

What about us dating
behind Junpyo's back?


Nothing has changed here.

I missed the place.

Just look at you!

You're so happy over a few cents.

What are you doing here?

I thought you hated
expensive electronic products.

I didn't know a quarter was all it took.

It's just a sign of good luck.


Did you put this here?

I wanted to reward you.

It's quite effective.


Take it.
You said it's for good luck.

You've just turned it
into something very unlucky.


You're really lucky.

- Totally lucky.
- What?

Let's go!

Can't you see I have a job to get to?

Don't worry.
I'll be responsible if you get fired.

Would you stop saying that?

I get goosebumps every time.

Stop complaining.

- Let's go.
- What? No, stop!

Get in!


Gaeul, is something happening
to Jandi?

Send everyone out.

Sir, you should've called us in advance.

Why do I need permission
when I'm the owner?

Make everyone leave.

I'll have it empty by 6:00.
Please wait three hours.

Three hours?

I'll repeat myself.

No, forget it.
I'll take care of it.

Where is it?

It, you say?

What do you mean?

Don't you know anything?

Wait a second, sir.

Fire her first.


Sir, sir.

It's a fire!

I won't wear it!

Let's go.

Let's go.

Is this really necessary?

I'm on my way there.
Don't break your promise.

You owe me the expensive pottery.

Don't tell me to return it later.


Turn the car around.

What's taking her so long?


Don't go anywhere
without me ever again.

I'm not going anymore
without Jandi.

Promise you won't leave.


What are you doing?

I'm not Jandi.
I'm her friend, Gaeul.

It's urgent!

What's going on?

Did something happen to Jandi?

What is it?

An accident?

We may be too late.
Let's hurry.

Oh, no.

We should call her parents.

I already did.

Oh, my.

Let's go.


What's going on?

We're going on a trip.

A trip?


I haven't told my parents yet.

I did.


I already got permission.

I've invited your friend
in case you got lonely.

Got it?

I can't believe this.

Let's go!

You have a new plane.

I heard it takes a year to get one delivered.

Shinhwa is really special.


Too surprised to breathe?

Shall I get you an oxygen mask?


We're not close enough
to be travelling together.

Even if we were close,

you should've asked me
about my schedule.

Didn't they teach you common sense
at Shinhwa Kindergarten?

I wanted to take the trip with you
and evertyhing is ready.

Korea will be fine without you.

Korea may be fine,
but our boss won't be.

When he finds out both of us are gone...

We have to get back.

Here's your seafood porridge.

Excuse me.

Excuse me!
Can you take my order?

Where are they from?

Certainly not from this planet.

F4, thank you!

Boss, four bowls of abalone porridge.

Four bowls of porridge?

We're here.
Get up!

It's like we're floating in the sea.

We are.


Come here.

I can't believe it.

This is what heaven must look like.

Where are we again?

We're on an island called Metro.
It belongs to us.


Yes, it belongs to the Shinhwa Group.

Wubin bought an island as well, in Dubai.

To be exact, it's an artificial island.

I wanted to add Dokdo to the landscape.

Let's look around the island.

Give this to your lover.



Let's ask those Koreans.

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

Who lives inside there?

She's a local fortune teller.
Her readings are very accurate.

- A fortune teller.
- Yes.

Fortune telling?


A man?




Where is he?

Who is it?


My soul mate?

Oh, gosh!

It means that your soul mate
will become your husband.

It's perfect!

It's as good as it gets.

What does she mean?

So your soul mate and your future husband
are two different people?

Losing something?

Something important?

- As a woman...
- Something important?


What's wrong?

Just a dream.

Gaeul, I was dreaming.

About what?

It was a dream.

I'm so glad.

I went to get my fortune read,

and there was this lady.

But she told us to be careful.

You're going somewhere with me.


You'll find out.

Hurry and follow me.

Hey, hey.




Take care of her.


- Jandi, be careful.
- Gaeul.

She's not going to w*r.

Wow, so pretty.

Take a picture of me here.

You're being so old-fashioned.

Let's go.

Wait a second!

You've looked around and taken a photo.

What more do you want?

I haven't seen anything yet.

I want to get to the top.

Up there?

I've been here nine times.
You're the first to go up there.

She's so unsophisticated.

I have to be patient.
Think about the pottery.

Aren't you glad we came up here?


This is your punishment
for lying to me about the accident.

It's not a total lie.

Jandi and Junpyo
will be causing an "accident" soon.


What are you thinking about?


Let's go back down.

Why is no one around?
Is the island deserted?

Well, you and I are here.

What's your motive
for bringing me to a deserted island?


I don't care about that kind of thing.


I'm warning you.

If you've invited me here
to get fresh with me, just forget it!

To get fresh?

You can't control
someone else's feelings.

What about you?
You're always so suspicious.

You're intentions aren't so pure, either.

Come with me.

How'd you do this?

I told you already.

I can make things happened
that you've never imagined.

I didn't think you you'd be shocked
by such petty things.

This isn't petty.

It's like magic.

Are you a genie?


Who's that?

Does he have more money than me?

I'm talking about the guy
in Aladdin's lamp.

Oh, that guy!

Can he really make evertyhing happen?

No, there are things he can't do.

He ca't k*ll people, or make dead people
come back to life.


Or force someone to love another person.

Stuff like that.

That's just one too many things
that he can't do.

He's not as powerful as I am.

I can do evertyhing.

I can take anyone down
or bring people to life.

I can do evertyhing I set my mind to.

Just say the word.

I already know it.

I almost forgot.

Hello, this is Gu Junpyo.

I'm in New Caledonia.

Ms. Laundry...

I mean, Jandi is here with me.

I'll put her on.


Jandi, how are you?
Doing fine?


Have fun, Jandi!

Dad, I'm fine.

How is evertyhing?
Did you try the lobster?

I'm sorry, Gangsan.
I'm sorry I'm you're not here with me.

No, don't worry about us!

Have a great time!

- Have a nice time!
- Have fun!

Be nice to Junpyo.

His secretary gave us this phone today.

Sis, if you give this phone to me,
I'll be okay with you having lobster.

Jandi, Jandi!

The future of the family is in your hands.

Got it?
Good luck!

- Good luck!
- Best of luck!

Did I do something wrong again?

- It's just that...
- No, Junpyo.


So why are you about to cry?

Because it's so nice here.

I don't know when my parents
will get to come here.

My family would love it here.

Let's come together, then.


We can come back with your family.

If I've touched your heart,
let's get to the issue at hand.

The issue at hand?

Dad, dad!

Don't swim alone from now on.
Don't take walks alone.


Are you here to give me this?

It may be cheap,
but you're dead if you lose it.

Do you understand how
I feel now?

- What?
- Don't make me wait too long.

You belong on the list
of the world's top playboys.

You want to eat it all?

Where'd you put it?


The present I gave you.


He did what?

He took the jet.

Jandi, do you know
why he's gone?

I know an apology
isn't enough.

You've been warned.