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02x12 - Oh, Pioneers

Posted: 01/30/23 18:53
by bunniefuu
Albert Grant
has declared w*r against my family.

He invaded my homes.
He terrorized my wives.

-He claims he's justified.
-Les, he's lying.

He's abused his privileges.

He's reassigned wives.
He moved families from their homes.

No one here is comfortable with Alby's

Then we should end it now.

Alby's property and homes
are owned by the UEB.

Reclaim them.

Sever his ties with all UEB businesses.

Block his access to UEB accounts.

Our prophet is dying. We don't know
what's going to happen to us...

...who will take over leadership.

The trustee.
The UEB has worked 70 years... build this community
and keep the Principle alive.

You all know my Thomas.

-Bill, my son.
-Pleased to meet you.

-This is a closed meeting.
-ls it?

it's being held on compound property.

So unless you have a peddler's permit,
you're violating our scofflaws.

Please escort him out.

That's the bad man, right, Daddy?

All of my old maternity clothes
don't feel like me anymore.

I think I've become more sophisticated
since I had Lester.

-I can't possibly wear that green dress.
-Will you stop blabbering like a fool?

I'm not blabbering. I don't have
anything to wear to the party.

-I'm starting to show, Nicki.
-My father's life is hanging by a thread.

I could care less whether you wear
a green dress or a shopping bag.

I didn't even hear
them come in last night.

Thank God they're safe
from your brother.

Barb's afraid to go in her bedroom alone.

You first.
You're the one who was frowning.


-San Francisco?

When was the last time you heard
somebody who lived there... it Frisco?

-No, he seems nice.
-Oh, my--

It wouldn 't have made a difference
who it was.

It is done.

--go up there earlier by about an hour.
What do you want me to do? Over.

No, he seems nice.

Are you?

It' s so close.

Maybe a week ago.

I let her down.

I ' ve looked at my calendar
and all of my commitments...

...and I just don't think
I'll be able to have the baby for you.


This baby's still five months off.

It's two months to recover.
I need to lose weight...

...before another pregnancy,
I can't let myself go.

I need to visit my mother
for the holidays.

Carl's going to leave me.

We'll find another surrogate.

He's so unhappy.

If I don't have a family for him,
we'll have no family in heaven.

I told him I didn't know
I couldn't conceive.

We're at the end of our rope.

I can't lose Carl.

-I'll do it.

Yes. I promise.

Thank you.

A trustee is a bad idea
and putting Alby in power's worse.

But Bill has connections
in the outside world.

Important connections.

He can pave the way for acceptance.

He can build bridges.

Our generation kept the Principle
alive in the wilderness.

But, oh, let the word
go forth that the torch...

...has been passed to a new generation.

We got the bobbleheads from the stake.

Dad thought we could get three.
I got two more.

This is gonna be so great.
He's gonna flip.

I replaced both heads with Styrofoam.

That's what took me
till 4 in the morning.

We wanna invite you to a social thing.

-Well, what kind of social thing?
-It's at my church.

No, thanks.
Everyone's stuck-up in your ward.

I'm not stuck-up.

You'd be a really great
priesthood holder, Ben.

-My dad already gave me the priesthood.
-Church of Dad doesn't count.

It does to me.

Well, you can have a temple marriage
and a family.

No offense,
but I'm not interested in you, Heather.

Excuse me.
I don't wanna go out with you.

Then what's this about?

You paraded us out as polygamists
at Grandma's wedding.

You don't have to do this.

We don't have to be victims
of Mom and Dad's choices.

-They're a cult.
-Mom and Dad aren't a cult.

Look at our lives, Ben.

We're ostracized. We're freaks.

You're wasting every night working on
this stupid, bobbleheaded float for Dad.

Heather, tell him.
There's a group of lost boys...

...we wanna take you to
who have escaped and are really happy.

Lay off. I'm happy at home.
Why are you doing this to me?

There's this thing
called Stockholm syndrome...

...where you identify with your captors.

Shut up!

-Just shut up, all right? Just--
-You are such an idiot.

Sorry, we're coming.

I wanted to say no.
I'm not a dummy.

I know it's a long shot.
But then I said, "Yes."

Oh, everyone will have a fit.

You are the only one I can talk to.
You're the only one who listens to me.

Barb and Nicki don't take me seriously.

And what does Phil think about it?

-Ana, I'm really glad we reconnected.
-So am l.

I really missed you.

I felt my life was smaller without you.

And Phil is Bill.


My Phil is your Bill.

Bill. I hated not telling you. I hated it.


-...gonna be--
-Oh, here.

Put your head between your legs.

I have to go.

Well, Ana?

-No, don't go.
-I have to get out of here.

Albert Grant needs to be brought down.

"Brought down" is not a term of art
we use.

Arrested. Removed. Indicted.
I don't care.

Fine. You really wanna get him.
Tell me why I wanna get him.

He's leading thousands of people
on intimidation and fear.

And an extralegal use of weapons
and firearms.

He's fanning the fear of outsiders.
The community expects to be stormed...

...and is arming themselves accordingly.

So you're putting a Waco in my lap?

You don't need me to give you Wacos.

I'm just trying to offer you
some inside information.

What do you keep doing to get
in so much trouble with bad guys?

Play nice.

We're buddies. Right, Bill?

Look, I'm trying to clean things up.

I'm trying to get a court-appointed trustee
to take the reins at the compound.

Tell your client
he better be telling me the truth.

Why wouldn't he be?

I understand you have a new business
since last we met.

And you got into a little bidding w*r.

Isn't that right?

Here are the numbers
of 1 0 of the members of the UEB.

Call them to confirm
anything I've said to you.

Talk to them.
Tell them you're investigating.

And we've never had this conversation.

Hi, Barb.

-Hi, Barb.


I knew he was at the compound today
and spoke to Alby.

I didn 't get to go through his briefcase
or his pockets but I will as soon as I can.

He's being vague,
thinks it'll worry us.

So I'll call around
and I'll check it out.

I'm sure someone will tell me.

Great. Thanks.

How was your day?

-We' re good.
-Are we?

Float' s coming along nicely.
Your son's doing a good job.

The parade used to go by the statute
of Brigham Young.

They put flowers there.

Why'd they stop?

This is a time when people who
wanna believe a lot of things...

...about our leaders
weren't the way they were.

How are things between you two?

He's polite with me. It's horrible.

I'll talk to him.

He's gotta respect you.

Well, I don't want his respect.
I want his love.

Why can't you just detach?

Because he's my brother.
He's totally screwed up.

He's walking around
saying that he's a polygamist.

I mean, it is your father's religion.

Are you defending fundamentalism?

No. But you don't even believe
in the LDS.

You know what? It's screwed up too.

But right now it's good enough
for Benny.

You're not even thinking, Sarah.

You don't know me well enough
to say that.

You're still really mad at me,
aren't you?

Yes, and now you're trying
to turn this against me.

No, I'm not.
I just worry about you.

You can't save everyone else
in the world.

I'm just trying to save my brother.

Honey, you can't.

I know.

I know that.


-Were you trying to trick me?

-Did you do it for fun?
-No, of course not.

Do you do this with other women?
Is this how you get wives?

No. It's never happened like this before.
It just--

We both fell for you.

I'm over him, anyway. I moved on.

I'm dating a guy
who's better in every way.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth.

It just happened.

I know in my heart, Margene,
that you're a good person.

Oh, I am. I really am.

But you must know
that this was a betrayal.

I do. Totally, I do. I just lost my head.

I wanted so much to have you
as a sister and a friend.

It doesn't surprise me, given the way
these other two boss you around.

-Give me l-32.

-I need l-32.



-We're at your house.

-Come home right away. Now.


This is what they used
to dope him up with.

He became wild in the car.

I had to give him two Ativan,
a Percocet and three Ambien.

Does anyone know?

Well, if anyone knew, I'd be shot.

Alby will die for this.

Oh, it's that new she-wolf of a wife.

I knew he should never
have been allowed to have her.

-lt was a bad match from the start.
-He's so vulnerable.

The people think he's almost dead.
They're all rallying around Alby.

He will be our undoing.
The Grant dynasty will come to an end.

We'll be thrown out of the big house.
I could be reassigned.

Oh, Mom, stop it.
I won't let that happen.


I can pay.

I can pay for the inconvenience
and the medical expenses.

He needs new pajamas.

Alby let him lie in soiled pajamas.

Can I stay?

Please, can I stay?

-Of course.
-I won't bother or be in the way.


Our recent harsh words, Nicki,
what could I do?

What could I do?
I had to. I had to honor my husband.

What are the chances
he'll die on his own?

He could.

He could.

No one knows anything.

No one can prove anything.

What do we do?

We've come too far to turn back now.

My love.

My love.

Cut the wheel, Mama.

-I am.
-Okay, just push up.

Back up.

-I am, your car is in the way.
-Cut it more.

-Oh, Mama.
-That is too small.

By all rights, he should be dead.

-ls he gonna make it?
-He's gonna be fine.

How long will he be unconscious?

But no more sedatives of any kind.

The Sensarin almost k*lled him.

It's not for use on humans.
It's restricted to veterinary use only.

He can't stay here. A hospital.

What, where he'll be a sitting duck
for the Greenes and his enemies?

He's Nicki's father.

-He should stay in our homes.
-Thanks, Marge.

Is that how you feel? Do you want
snakes in your bed, Margene?

-All right, Barb.
-Your brother's stalking us.

Well, I've never been the target
of a madman before.

What has happened to you, Barb?
Why have you become so sarcastic?

It's no accident he's been brought here.

We're intended to restore him.

I'd feel more comfortable
if he were in a hospital, Bill.

If he deteriorates at all,
you have to check him in.

Thanks, Andy.

You look me in the eye, Bill.
You owe me this.

I'll do everything I can to help, Adaleen.

You and your brother
would've been sent up the river...

...if it wasn't for me.


He's staying here.

Doctor advised against moving him.

Feels he'll be better off with us
for now.

I'll call the people
and let them know he's safe.

No, don't.

We're safer and so is he
if no one knows he's here.

Till we're sure what's going on.

In fact, we're probably safer
if no one knows he's alive.

-He's really here?
-Oh, yeah. It's like Halley's comet...

...or a sky lamp landed in the backyard.

We got to get a UEB vote
together tomorrow.

-On what?
-A trustee.

They don't want a trustee.
They don't want outsiders.

I think I scared up enough votes.

I got the A*F to call
most of the board members.

If they think the FBl's
about to swoop down...

...they'll change their minds.

Better to have a trustee protecting
their assets than the A*F or FBl.

But no one will be around
until after Pioneer Day.

Roman could revive at any moment.
We've got to get a trustee there...

...before that happens
or he'll be back in power.

I'll round them up...

...and you'll vote our seat tomorrow.

...this is your chance
to get rid of the Grants forever.

Imagine how different our lives would be
if Roman had never come to power.

You mean if we were still living
in the big house.

It's hard to not see it as a sign,
Roman falling in our hands.

I stood there looking at that old man
so helpless and frail.

And I wanted to put
a pillow over his face.

-What are you doing?
-Can't cancel Pioneer Day.

Barb, that Bavarian waitress is here.

And not only that,
she knows that we're sister-wives.

This is what I can do now.

Give someone a baby.

For me, it's important to have a calling.

Everyone needs a calling, I agree.

Yeah, it's important to be valued
but one has to feel valued... proportion to the larger interest.

This is a personal conversation
and ought to stay that way.

Personal? Between a wife and husband?
Or a wife, a wife, a wife, and husband?

Certainly not a matter
to be discussed...

...between a wife, a wife, a wife
and a new friend.

-Especially with family visiting.
-Why not?

Why does everything
have to be a secret.

I'm not the least bit ashamed.

I think what Nicki's trying to say
is that there's such a thing as discretion.

And I think that our husband
will have strong feelings on this matter.

His name is Bill.

-I mean, of all the boneheaded times.
-She's my friend, Nicki.

Your little chum's
not gonna change a thing.

-I want equality with you and Barb.
-Well, you're not going to get it.

You're the youngest, shiniest, newest
and arguably somewhat attractive.

You don't get to have those things
and share equal power with us.

No, no, no.
That's not the way it works, Margene.

You think about that.

You can't keep me locked up
like some princess in a bottle.

I do not want her back in these houses.
Not while my father is here.

Bill would not approve.

Oh, yes, he would.

Just so happens, Bill dated Ana.


It's over?


Our husband's dating life
is none of our business.

Don't you dare tell Barb
what you just told me...

...or she'll be out the door
in two seconds flat.

Ladies and gentlemen,
our entry into this year's...

...Pioneer Week
Grand Marshall's Parade...

...with our very own
Home Plus trendsetters.

What are you doing here?

-We voted.
-We got the trustee?

-They voted someone else in.



Whose idea was this?

We prayed and yours was the name
we heard.

-I can't do it.
-Why not?

Because I got two stores,
a new business, and three wives.

-lf our Heavenly Father's calling you--

I think he would've told me
and he hasn't mentioned it.

-You got to get the council and re-vote.
-Well, you better think again, Bill.

Because Alby's declaring an emergency
and he's gone and filed...

...a missing person's report.

Everyone's worried,
doesn't sound like Alby's folding...

-...and you're holding a missing person.
-lt doesn't matter...

...what kind of show Alby puts on.

As long as I have Roman stuck in a bed
in my house...

...I'm the one who decides
the rules of this game.

We're not letting
this opportunity slip through.

We're putting a trustee in that seat
and we're gonna re-vote tomorrow.

-Thank you for coming.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-Any word? Do they know who took him?

Satan is at work in the world.

But we're leaving no stone unturned.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you.

Thank you for caring.

We've just gotten word.
The council met this afternoon...

...and voted Bill Henrickson
the chairman of the board.

Oh, they did, did they?

Well, the board should reflect
the people's wishes.

Gather the full community
and the council.

We'll settle this.

-Has anyone found my mother?

Gather his papers. Gather his wives.

What's that?

Peanut butter.

Make me a sandwich for work.

And some of the other fellows
forgot their sandwiches too.

I'll be right back.


Oh, God.

-I called Nicki, she's headed home.
-Where's he now?

I got him upstairs
but he's asking questions, Bill.

-What do I say?
-Nothing, just keep him in that room.

I'm on my way.

Who cares if he lets his dog ride
on the roof of his car?

People are just out to get him
for any little thing they can.

Good to see you're back
among the living.

We were worried.

It seems I've been shot.

Thanks for your hospitality, Bill,
but now I wanna go home.

-Get me the Quorum of 1 2.
-There is no Quorum of 1 2.

Your son disbanded them.

Then I've got to get out of here.

No, Roman. You're protected here.
You need to stay here.

Gather your strength.


So you can return strong and triumph.

Adaleen says
the police investigation is over.

That the Greenes did this to me.

Do you believe that?

Two are in jail.

Hollis and Selma escaped to Mexico.

I will crucify them.

When you attack the prophet,
you're attacking God.

The same goes for you, Bill.
You'd best repent and confess... anything you've done to put me
into this position.

I've nothing to confess or repent.

The one you should be talking to
is your son.

He tried to k*ll you, Roman.
And almost succeeded.

How it must hurt
to have your own son turn against you.

-Rest, Roman.
-What is this?

Chicken ? la king.

Nicki made it.

It's under-cooked.

What are you doing?

You're not gonna have a phone
for the time being. It's safer for him.

We don't need him
calling the wrong people.

If you need to make a call,
use your cell or go over to Barb's.

-Our time has come.
-So you're the one.

I worked your case tirelessly
and now you wanna go...

-...and throw it all away?
-I don't want it.

Yes, you do. It's being handed to you
on a silver platter.

You have no idea how
you've gummed up the work.

I have good political instincts.
I went way out on a limb as a girl for--

He wants to be free of it, Lois.

He'll never be free of it.
It's in his blood.

You can't just choose your own destiny.

This goes back
way before your marriage--

-That's enough.

-Back off.
-I will not back off, Barbara.

Mother, we are charting
a different course now.

We've been waiting for this moment
for 30 years.

I'm not about to let it slip away.

Now, don't be such a pansy.

What is she doing here?

Good, I caught you.

We're having a little dinner, Carl and l.
We wanna thank you for all of your help.

-For what?

We're inviting her too, obviously.

Margene's having our baby.
It's kind of a pre-insemination party.


I know you understand what
I'm going through, Margene told me.

Do you think you ever wanna have
two or three more?

Have a regular-sized family?

Margene, for this family to work,
it needs to go in one direction.

I don't have a problem with that.

-I wanna stay in that direction.
-Fine, but you're not having a baby...

...for the neighbors. Period.
End of discussion.

I don't think you have a right
to tell me what to do, Barb.

Is this what your new friend
has put you up to?

This new obstreperousness?

No. No.

Ana has a good influence on me.
She supports me. I like her.

And you know what, Barb?
I think Bill would like her too.

What's that supposed to mean?

I just think they'd really hit it off.

And what's that supposed to mean?

I want Bill to date her.

No, Margene.

Yes, Barb. They've already met.

Roman's up in Nicki's bedroom.
All alone.

No one's around.

No, Lois. I can't.

Now, honey, yes, you can.

You don't know the strain
it puts on my marriage.

You're going to step up to the plate
and just do it.

You're a very clever girl.

It's your chance to do something
really important for this family.

First you tell me to get Frank,
and then the DA...

...then Alby, then your landlord
at the Laundromat--

Quit. I did not tell you to do Alby,
you did Alby on your own.

That's what I'm saying.
Once I get too excited, I can't stop.

And you have no idea how hard I'm
wrestling with my impulses right now.

That's a good thing, Wanda.

That's your conscience
trying to talk to you.

That's a good girl.

And you know I'm looking out
for you, don't you?


-Touch him. I dare you.
-No way, he's like Dracula.

Go. Go on.

Am I young enough?

Am I pretty enough?

Do you think I'm pretty?

Oh, Mr. Prophet.

Make me yours.

I want her punished.

And her Latter-day sidekick banished.

It's outrageous.

You have to teach her a lesson,
Barb won't.

What were you thinking?

I'm sorry.

No, that's not enough.

It couldn't have been cruder,
more abrasive, more offensive.

-Sarah, go to your room.

I'll take him to a hotel
before I'll see him ridiculed.

-He's better off here.
-I'll take him back.

-That's what I should do.
-You won't take him back.

Put an end to Alby. Why not restore him
to his devoted now?

He's not going back.

What do you mean by that?

I'm having your brother and your father
removed from power for good.

You can't do that to him, to me.

I'm getting the council
to appoint a trustee.

What'll happen to my family?
The Grants will be over.

Mama will be thrown
out of the big house.

It's over, he's finished.

Oh, that's not for you to say.
That's not true.

He has 38 years left.

He said he'd rule until he was 1 1 8,
and he will.

-Bill, he's the prophet.
-Do you really believe that?

Yes, I do. Of course I do.

Honey, I see
how much you need his approval.

You'd do anything for his love.
He is not worthy of it.

You are not going to do this
because I won't let you. I won't.


-Got a minute?

Hey, when did you meet Ana?


Yeah. You do know
a woman named Ana?

I-- Let's see....

I think I do. Why?

Margene said she introduced you,
you expressed an interest in dating her.

She's exaggerating.
I met her once or twice.

In the diner. I bought pie from her.

Your memory seems to be returning.

I'm not interested in dating her
Have I answered your question?

Yes, I'm glad to hear it.
I don't want a fourth, Bill.

Well, we'll address that as a family
when the time is right.

No, I don't think you understand,
the time won't ever be right.

I'm telling you right now.
I don't want a fourth.

I understand that, but there are
two other people in this marriage.

Yes. Oh, by the way,
Margene's having the neighbor's baby.

You can't be a surrogate mother
for the neighbors.

What are you thinking?

Well, Bill, I need a calling.

-You cannot be serious.
-It's Nicki's turn to have the next baby.

What about bringing Ana
into our homes?

Barb thinks we're trying to bring home
a fourth wife.

That's absurd.

Not gonna happen.

Don't worry,
she's not gonna say a word.

I'm not worried.

And you are not
having the neighbor's baby.

-Where's Dad?

He asked me to come follow you
to the Expo Centre...

...and give you a lift back home.

You wanna get going?

What do you want from me?

I don't understand you.

I don't know who you are anymore.

You're like Mom.
You think you're trying to save me.

Why do you need me to be so okay

I don't wanna lose you.

I don't wanna completely lose faith
in this family.

I believe with all my heart and soul,

...that Dad is leading us
in the right direction.

I have faith in him. We're pioneers too.

My sons and daughters, Sarah,
they won't be unhappy.

They'll be born into polygamy.

Don't you believe any of it?

You'll follow me, right?

I'm sixth wife,
but I might as well be first.

I'm the one that told Roman
he could be bigger than a clerk.

And then I walked over the backs
of five timid souls.

Let me give you some advice.

I never held Roman back.

Why would a wife
wanna keep her husband small?

What exactly has Nicki been saying?

That you're powerless.

Because you're the fearful,
closeted wife of a polygamist.

How could you possibly render yourself
any less powerful?

Why are you telling me this?

UEB has vanished. No one knows
where they are. I could only find three.

We need seven to constitute a quorum.
I'll keep trying.

It's hard for me
to even get on the compound now.

I think the tide's turning, Bill.

Dad's in cahoots with Alby.
He said he'd hate to be in your shoes.

You're gonna be ground
in the dirt before this one's over.

You joined the losing side of history
once again.

If Alby's done anything criminal,
I've still got the A*F investigating.

Yeah, but how long will that take?

And what are you gonna do
about Roman?


This place is horrible.

Lower your voice.

Be careful on this carpet.

-Oh, fudge.
-Where are you going?

I want a barber, I need a shave.

-What are you doing here?
-Talking to my brother.

I have an electric razor upstairs.

No, no, I don't want an electric razor.

-I'm getting out of here.
-No, I want you to stay.

We can accommodate you here.

-Be still, dear.
-Put it down.

-Let me do it.
-No, Papa wants Mama to do it.

-I need a telephone.
-There's no phone in here.

You've got a phone.

She's got a phone. You've got one
in your-- What do you call them?

-Cell phones.
-Cell phones, yes.


I can't talk now.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
I want Nicki to shave me.

-No, Papa.

Quit now, I don't want you to do it.
I want Nicki to do it.

What do you know, sweetheart?
What's going on?

Everybody's lying to me.

-Who's really behind my sh**ting?
-I only know what I've read.

When I let you marry Bill... promised you would respect
my authority, remember?

-Yes, I remember.
-Then bring me your cell phone, now.

Behave yourself, Papa.
We're not on the compound.

Oh, you've such steady hands.
If only you'd been a boy.

Are you sure you want this?

I'm letting go.

Of all of it.

Because I don't wanna do something
that compromises you.

Morally, or in any other way.

I've never felt so uncompromised
in my life.


Even with the crisis of my father's

...I still have good form, Bill.

I called your wife to congratulate her
on your game well-played.

Thought I'd give you a ring too.

I've got nothing to say to you.

The council just voted me chairman,

How about that?

You plotted
and tried to use the A*F against me.

But this is a religion, Bill.

And the believers believe in me.

And there's nothing you can do
to stop me.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

What do you want?

You will return that company
to the church...

...that it rightfully belongs to.


If Alby becomes the prophet,
there are 8000 that will k*ll for him.

Everything you've done
has pushed the compound into his arms.

I know what I'm doing.

I have lost everything I hold dear
to be a member of this family.

Why don't you give up something
for a change?

What are you waiting for, Bill?

What is that man still doing up there?

You're not serving those you love.

It's vengeance.

That man is venal, corrupt,
the face of evil...

...and you know it. And I know it.

It's a vendetta.

You've gotta see that, Bill.

Get your things.

You wanna leave or not?

-Where are you taking me?
-You're going back.

I'm putting you back.

I don't need you to put me anywhere.

I knew you never had it in you
to do me harm.

You're a store clerk at heart.

Don't be so sure you know me
or what I'm capable of.

Wouldn't it be poetic if your reign
ended as my grandfather's did?

In a suspicious death.
Quiet and unseen.

I took Weber Gaming from you Roman,
right out from under your nose.

I saw an opportunity and I took it.

-You'll give it back.
-You're in no position to demand a thing.

Alby has now succeeded you.

I'm putting you back in power
in front of your people.

And you're gonna give me
your blessing on Weber.

Two days ago, Roman,
the council voted me to replace you.

So it's all come to pass.

I don't want it.

I've got my own life and my own path
to attend to.

You can't stop Alby.

Not on your own.

Nor can l.

Why did you run me off?

-I didn't want you around.
-I was just a boy.

And look at you now.

Weber Gaming, Roman.

All right, you win.

Drive them straight to the chapel
and don't stop for anyone.

Sure this is what you want?

Puts Alby in check
and that trumps everything.

Take the south road and the overpass
directly to the community center.

I hope you can find peace with this, Bill.

Papa's coming home now, Alby.

Bill's sending him back.
If I were you, I'd run fast and run far.

I've done nothing wrong.

I've tried to act in his best interest
during his illness.

I don't believe you.

You'll rot in hell
for what you've done to him.

Will l?


-How've you been?
-Fine, thank you.

What are you doing?

-Well, Margene invited me.

Margene, what you've done
is disrespectful to me... your family, and to Ana.

No, I can't deal with either of you
right now.

Don't worry, Lolly.
I'll keep your secret.

Why do we have to do this
right now?

We have guests at home, Barb. We can
do this tomorrow, let's go home now.

-Hi, neighbor.

What's all the coming-and-going
over there?

Well, it's Pioneer Week
so we're having a little party.

That's nice.

It's mostly family from Juniper Creek.

My husband's from Juniper Creek.

-Did you know that?
-No. Bill?

Pam, I have to tell you
I can't have your baby.

See, there's complications
with this one.

Margie, you don't have to.

What is it? What?

You see, Margie can't have your baby
because she isn't single.

She's married. To my husband.

Margie's my sister-wife.

And I love her dearly.

So does Nicki. Our second wife.
And Bill.

Bill's our husband.

We're all one family.

With Nicki.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner...

...but it just wasn't something
that I was comfortable admitting.


I'm sorry, Pam.

Please, Margie.

Just let me be the one to tell Bill.


Ana, you shouldn't be here.

The Embrys are out back.

You left me standing in the diner
like an idiot.

-Keep it down.
-No, you keep it down, Lolly.

You lied to me.
You made me think it was me.

-You so didn't care.
-Of course I cared for you.

Oh, don't lie to me again.
How could you do this?

How could you do this to me?
Ana, I wanted you.

Boss lady outed us to the neighbors.

Did you put on the fresh underwear
I set out for you?

Stop smothering me.

-I told Pam.
-Well, I appreciate that.


About us. I told her about our family.
My family.

It's not a secret anymore, Bill.

Not on our block at least.

I'm moving forward. With you.

But I am the wife or nothing.

If we're gonna do this, then
I've got to be number one and that's it.

Barb, you are.

You're my first love.

I need you to be my partner.

I want us to move forward together.

I want you to be on the board
of directors of Weber Gaming.


Get out of the car.

Get out of the car with your hands up.

Hands on your head.
Hands on your head.

-Roman Grant?

Let me see your hands.

Step out of the car.

Turn around.
Put your hands behind your back.

-Traitor. Traitor!
-Shut up.

Be gentle with him.

You're under arrest. For seven counts
of violation of the Mann Act.

Transporting women across state lines
for immoral purposes.

We now dedicate our final number
in honor of our prophet, Brigham Young.

Who steadfastly led our tired and hungry
forefathers out of the wilderness...

...and into this, our promised land,
so that we, the people, could be free.

What are you thinking about?


I have to admit, you pulled it off.