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06x04 - Ship Ahoy!

Posted: 01/26/23 19:20
by bunniefuu
Saint Austell, Cornwall.

Out of season,
the harbour's a pretty chill place,

but not for the next few days.

Look, look,
you're on Doctor Who Confidential!


The Doctor Who cast and crew
have sailed into town

and are dropping anchor to film
their very own pirate adventure.

A big, huge pirate ship...
that's a win!



Welcome to Doctor Who doing pirates.

, take .


It's got pirates, double win.

Hugh Bonneville is amazing.

Time to go.

Three, two, one.

Lily Cole, which was a bit of a coup.


And watch out for Amy with a sword,
that's all I'm going to say.

♪ Climbin' on, climbin' aboard
Giving it a little bit more... ♪

We got the series off
to quite a sort of scary start

and this is a chance for the Doctor

and Amy and Rory to kick back
and have some fun.

I think
that's what this episode is about.

It's a real romp,
for want of a better word.

And Karen...could be
in Pirates Of The Caribbean!

Best of all,
we've got the pirate hat,

which just finishes
the whole thing off.

But mostly we just wanted
to do Doctor Who on the high seas,

and here we are in Cornwall
doing just that, it's so exciting.

I think the Doctor particularly
sort of loves the idea
of being a pirate, you know?

Because there are...
he's kind of a good pirate.

And then, on top of it, we've got
the coolest pirate coat ever!

And it swishes as well. Look!

Swish! I'm actually deeply jealous
of your pirate coat.
It's so cool, isn't it?

♪ Climbin' on, climbin' aboard
Giving it a little bit more... ♪

But this is a pirate story
with a difference.

Forget terrorising the high seas!
This boat is staying
right where it is.

Stand by to rehearse, please.

It's quite a challenge trying
to work out how to be at sea

and not be at sea,
because obviously...

taking a ship to sea
is so time-consuming.

We had one major advantage
which was that in the story the ship
is becalmed, it's still,

so using a boat that's actually
in a dock seemed to be a good idea.

Filming on a boat like this

which is becalmed
in the middle of the ocean...

well, here in Charlestown anyway...
it's great fun.

And then we had to try and work out
exactly how not to see the dock.

So I think we've hired just about
every black piece of material,

certainly in Cornwall,
if not in the southwest, to keep
the illusion that we're at sea.

So we've surrounded the boat with
blacks, poured loads of smoke in,

put lots of sort of backlight,

and it seems to be working!
Fingers crossed.

Stand by to sh**t, please.
Set to turn over.

, take , B marker.

And...action, boats!

We had to have really still
conditions to be able to pull this
off and we were very, very lucky.

These calm conditions kept the smoke
just where we needed it to be
and we got away with it.

Lucky in some ways...

Cut there!

Cut there, please. How was that?

..but in others not so much.

If you're going to do pirates
in Doctor Who,
you've got to do the whole thing.

It's one of those episodes
where we're just properly delivering
everything you'd want about pirates,

and one of the things you expect
if you're at sea on a pirate ship
is you better have a storm.

It's just basic.
You're going to have a storm.

It was great to have calm weather,
but the script called
for there to be a storm in the story,

so we had to manufacture that

It's quite complicated,

because there are a lot of elements
being brought together in one place.

The special effects department
providing wind, rain and smoke.

Now we're just getting
into the meat of today

which is the big scene where all
the artists get completely drenched.

Let me know when you're there.

We've got a huge tanker here,

a water tanker which is supplying
about , litres of water.

OK, next, turn over!

, take !

And then we get on the boat and then
they go, "Right, let's power it up!"

It was torrential rain.

It was like nothing
I've ever experienced,
the extremity of that situation.

I don't think I'll ever experience
anything like that again.

It was freezing, it was cold,
we couldn't hear anything,
and it was just so much fun.

It's funny, because normally
in a storm, you don't really want
to stand outside for too long.

You know, it can be fun for a bit,
but really
it's all about getting home.

But we were out there for ages
and loving every second of it.

Take .

And then I looked over
and Hugh Bonneville

was just, like,
with his hair blowing in the wind
and he was just, like, "Come on!"

in his big booming voice.
It was actually one
of the best things I've ever seen.

We were blowing water at the cast
with these massive fan machines,

almost like aircraft engines, really,
so the noise that they make
is incredible.

You can't hear yourself over them,
so often, at the end, I'd be yelling,

"Cut! Cut!" But nobody would hear,
so they'd carry on filming.

The adrenalin kind of kicks in
and you just go for it,

and there were so many times
when we looked round and went,
"We're on a boat!

"We're doing a storm! This is pretty
cool!" So, yeah, it was great fun!


It's good fun, though! Great fun!

Oh, thanks. He's lying!

So we're soaking wet. We've got
our dry suits on, haven't we, Kaz?

Our dry suits! They're tight, aren't
they? Yeah, they're really tight.

Matt came into make-up earlier
in just his dry suit
and it's all flesh-coloured

and it was disgusting.
Oh...I'm a bit offended by that!

You know it was, you know it was!
You know...

And we've been working
with the lovely Hugh Bonneville.
Yeah! Who's great fun!

I've never experienced something
this extreme with water before.

you always use the word "extreme".

That's because it is extreme,
it's a show of extremities. It is.

And, for one member of the cast,
extreme is an understatement.


Rory! Rory!
I can't... I can't see him!

There was a rumour that I was going
to have to go in the water,

and at first I was, like, "Yeah,
I can definitely go in the water!
This'll be brilliant!

"I'll do it, I'll do my own stunts."

And then...and then I heard
on the day that I wasn't doing it,

and I was, like, "Oh, guys,
I can do it! Surely I can do it!"

And then I saw the water
and I was, like, "I am so pleased
that I didn't have to go there!"

Rehearsal. Three, two, one. Action!


We're all happy with that.
That's all good.

The hardest part is maybe to sell the
fact he's been hit by the yardarm,

so we have to make sure
that the yardarm

can get out far enough to hit him

and also sell the fact
that it's hit him so hard
that it's knocked him overboard.

Have a look. OK? Ready?

So we had a couple of guys
giving it a good shove,

and we had to wait until
it actually makes contact with Gordon

and then he can sell the rest
by going into the water.

Three, two, one. Action!

'It was myself'

and the wireman Bob Schofield
on the other end of the boom,

just out of sh*t,
giving it a good old shove

towards Gordon,
which is always nice.
"Here, Gordon, have some of this!"

He'll get his own back on me,
I know!

Three, two, one. Action!

That was the hardest thing. Cos the
rain's falling so heavy on my eyes,

I can't actually see what's
happening. It's very difficult to see
when the yardarm's coming.

I would have done it,
it would have been fun,

but Gordon's much better at getting
wet than I am for some reason,
so they had to get him to do that.

Apparently, I'm not particularly good
at getting wet.

Aaaargh! Rory!

Rory! Rory!

I can't see him!

Doctor, I'm going in!

By the end of the night,
nearly all the cast and crew
are soaked through...

..all except for one.


I need a little bit more on top.

It was very good on this camera.

We're here at the Doctor Who studios
in Cardiff to do a blue-screen sh**t.

it would be a green-screen sh**t,
but today it's a blue-screen sh**t,

because the person that
we're sh**ting is, in fact, green.

We needed to find an actress who was
beautiful, very, very striking,

who had a sort of slightly
otherworldly, mysterious,
slightly spooky quality about her,

so Lily came up quite early
in our sort of casting ideas,

and we thought, "Should we approach
her? Would she do Doctor Who?"
I mean, hopefully she would.

I read the script, I thought it was
a really fun, fantastic script,

and a really fun character to play
and so I said yeah.

We then set about the look of her.

Steven Thompson, the writer,
had made it quite clear in the script

that she sort of emanated
this kind of turquoise light,
which I liked as well,

I thought it would look really great
at night.

So we went with that
and we sort of coloured her skin.

I think they've done a really
amazing job with hair and make-up.

It kind of reminds you
of the 's horror movies
which is quite a fun look.

And so, yeah, I think it's, like...
we did nearly two hours of being
painted green, made very shiny,

put make-up on, do my hair
and then put on the outfit.

"I Need Air" by Magnetic Man

Three, two, one. Action!

The script always described
the siren as emerging out of the sea
hands first,

then seeing her head and her torso,

so we got Lily

to sort of stretch out her hands,

and at the precise moment
we lifted her with the harness.

Three, two, one. Action!

In this sh*t,

the siren soars up into the sky,
looks down...

Three, two, one. Action!


And then floats down on to the deck
in front of Toby.

Three, two, one. Action!

Once she's on the deck,
she beckons Toby to come to her.

And cut.

This was one the trickier sh*ts
that we asked Lily to do.

She had to rise up into the air
and then dive backwards...
in order to save Rory.

OK, for rehearsal, please.

Three, two, one. Action!

That's the idea.

Lily's been very good all day. She's
starting to hurt a little bit cos
it's quite painful in the harness,

but this will be the last sh*t
we do with her today.


It's fun at first, like, you know,
it's every person's dream, or girl's
dream, I don't know, to fly.

But after a few hours
it does get quite painful.

But it's a really nice crew and team
of people. I've watched a couple
of their clips and stuff,

and I think it looks like
a really interesting episode,

and it's a really weird,
fun character to play.

Three, two, one. Action!


So good morning.
It's a nice chilly day in Cardiff.

Today is the last day of sh**ting

on episode , the pirates.

I'm just about to head into set
and see how they're getting on.

Come this way.

This is
our very glamorous paint store.


How's it going?

I'll normally try and drop in
at least every couple of days
to see how the guys are doing on set.

You don't know how to fight
with a cutlass, boy!

Don't need to, do I?

Cut! Great.

It feels like the beginning of this
scene, the scene should open with...

the black spot.

It'd be much better
cut back to the bosun going...

You little swabber!

Made it to the menu!
I think we should go out there now.

Made it to the menu!"

And then you finish on,
"No honour among pirates."


Which is still quite a nice end
to the scene.

It is.

No honour among pirates!

Yeah? You all right with that?

I'm cool with that, yeah.

Occasionally, when you rehearse
a scene, you find you need
to just tweak it slightly,

so I'll call Steven Moffat,
make sure he's happy with it.

So just heading back over
to the production office now.

Just cutting through Sarah Jane.
We've got a great facility here.

We've got four stages,
plus the main TARDIS stage,
so it's brilliant for building sets.

We've got Sarah Jane's loft here and
next door is Upstairs, Downstairs.

Good morning, good morning. This is
Pete on security, he keeps us safe.
Good morning.

This is my office...
which has new pictures on the wall.

So these are some of the visuals
we've got to approve.

Looking at the placement
of the TARDIS in the set.

And this is my life
for the next few weeks.

Actually looks quite quiet
at the moment.

Right, off to the edit now.
Come this way.

Simon, how are you?

Can we have a look at some of
the siren stuff from the spaceship?

I haven't seen any yet.

It's useful to come down here
and look at what Simon's done,
and see the sequence edited together

to make sure that everything
glues together and works.

And also it's quite fun
to just see it.

Sterilise! You see, I...

I-I sneezed, I've got germs here.

Cool. Thank you, Simon, that's great.

See you in a bit.

Doctor Who's got one of the biggest
unit bases I've ever seen.

We've got to cover prosthetics,
we've got make-up,

we've got huge costumes for all our
cast and aliens and everything, so...

Coordinating all this is part
of the job, but ultimately I have
the production management team,

line producers and ADs
to look after all this stuff as well.

One of the things I love about my job
is you're across so many areas,

you know, as you can see from today.

And basically my job is to go,
"This is what we want."


Off to the TARDIS. So just sh**ting

the climactic scenes now.

I think they're about to start
rehearsing. Just pop in.

Hold the rope, please! OK...

OK. Rehearsing.

You just to keep your eye on key
scenes and check that the director's
happy with what's going on,

make sure that certain series
elements are being covered.

Each director looks after
their own episodes,

but there are certain elements
of each script
that contribute to the series story.

, take .

And action!

You can't tell him.

It's his future.

Cut there.

So, you know, it's just got to keep
a kind of overview of that.

But also I just like being down
here. It's good fun.

I'm just going to head up to the art
department budget meeting now.

As usual we want to do more than
we can afford to, so we're just going
to have to work out what we need.

Have we found more places
to save some money, then?

We're building our own museum?
Yeah, we are doing.

We are doing. Life has gone round
in full circle, hasn't it?

So we're writing off the museum
location and we're going to build it.

OK, so that's the art department
budget meeting finished.

That's the last meeting of today.

I'm going to pop down to the set
before I head off.
Been quite a quiet day today.

But you never know
quite when it's over because
the phone might ring at any time.

One, two, three!


Cut there.

Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you very, very much indeed.

That's the episode complete.


So you come back? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Looking brilliant.

Well done, mate.

I just wanted one more
where I was actually...


Back in Cornwall, the art department
are really pushing the boat out
with the pirate decor.

I was wondering where it's gone.
I have to say it looks wonderful.

We used a little boat
called the Phoenix, a brig,

which is a piratical ship.

We've had to do a few things to it

to make it look
a bit sort of more piratey-period,

but otherwise, by and large,
it's a very good boat and it comes
complete with lots of ropes

and lots of sails,
and looks really rather good.

Below deck is a different story.

Hardly room to swing a ship's cat,
never mind the cameras, sound booms
and all the cast and crew.

when it came to filming down under,

they had to move the inside out.

We had to build the interiors
back at the studios in Cardiff,

you know, the captain's cabin, the
hold, the storeroom, the magazine.

and welcome to Captain Avery's set.

What is that thing? A legend.

We've got old netting here,
we've got old hammocks...


Careful with that lantern.

Every barrel is full of powder.

Barrels, boxes, hessian sacks...

On the structure,
it's quite a hard structure.

It's OK, we're safe down here.
No curse is getting through
three solid inches of timber.

Proper timber posts
which gives it a lovely feel.

So we've built
some tanks into the set
which give us some water effects.

Everyone out of the water!


The TARDIS stood here in the water.

One final interesting thing
about the set...

What's that?

This is the hatch. We made this
especially for the boat itself.

The creature has returned.

And then we brought it
to the interior set.

When they're on the boat,
we've done a sh*t looking up

so we get all the masts and the ropes
and everything up there...

And then we've come to the set here
to do the reverse
looking down with all this behind.


Or does nobody actually say that
any more? Cut!

This episode is pretty piratey.
I think they've managed to fit in
as many pirate elements as possible.

He slipped in the bilge water,
Captain, and fell on to the rigger.

What do you think
when you think pirates? Treasure.

No! This is the treasure
of the Mogul of India.

Good! For a moment there
I thought it was yours.

There better be a stowaway
little boy onboard as well...

Oh! You fool, boy!

..who's run away with the pirates
to have more exciting adventures
than he'd have at home. All of that!

Black spot.

Same as all the others.

What are you doing? This is mutiny!

Pirates have to mutiny. If there's no
mutiny, they're not proper pirates.

Walking the plank,
that was hilarious.

Is laughing like that
in the job description?

"Can you do the laugh? Check!
Grab yourself a parrot!"

No parrot.

Er...maybe they've hidden one.
Maybe that's a good game,
see if you can spot the parrot.

There isn't a parrot.

There may be a pirate with
a good heart who isn't really evil.

Who are you, Henry Avery?

Respected Naval officer,
wife and child at home...

There better be a storm at sea,
there better be a ghost ship,
there better be all those things,

and best of all there better be...


Throw the g*n down.

..the beautiful Karen Gillan
swashbuckling around with a cutlass.

Aaargh! Hey!

when I read the pirates episode,
I think it said in the script...

"Amy Pond emerges with sword
in hand..." you know,
with the full outfit on...

"Amy Pond, a pirate queen."
And I was, like,
"Yes, that just sounds amazing!"

I'm on Pirate Queen Confidential!

Aha! En garde!

Can we do it, like, a half?
I wouldn't do it,
it's really, really sharp.

We start off getting used
to moving the sword around
and to what it feels like.

Take that!

Yeah! Come on, then!


And then I'll put some basic moves
together with her and the stunt guy.

So it's up...


head, other side, bang, thrust.

Do it again.

Leg, leg...

At an angle.

Swing like that.

They were just telling me,
"Go for the neck. Go for it!"
And I was a real sword.

It was blunted,
but it would have done some damage.

Aim for the neck. OK.

So I just sort of got over my fear
and really went for it.

So much fun! I was a little bit
nervous, actually, I must say,

before I came down to Cornwall
for the rehearsal.

Oh! That's it.

Because a lot of people do fencing
and stuff at drama school,
but I've never done any of that.

So it was all new to me,
but I'm loving it!


this is sort of cool, actually.


To be fair,
she was absolutely fantastic.

She picked it up very well.

It's always a bit worrying
sometimes with actors cos
they can get undisciplined,

especially once you turn off the
cameras, they get carried away,

routine goes out the window and
you're fighting for your life
for real, not good.

But, no, she was really, really good,
can't speak highly enough of her.

She was very disciplined,
she put everything into it

and it was a real pleasure
to do a sword fight with her.

"Back It Up" by Caro Emerald

And we managed to get her
swinging across the ship as well...


Taking out the pirates
when she landed on some barrels
across the other side.

All right? Three, two, one.

We're all going to get a cup of tea
now, me and Tony and Crispin,
the stunt guys.

And I've asked to take the sword
with me because part of me
just likes having a sword,

and the other part of me
is thinking,
"If I get used to this thing,

"then I'll be much more comfortable
on the day when we come to film it,"

so I'm just going to be
casually doing this all day.

When there's lots of people watching
I might just do this around them,
scare them slightly.


Excellent. Here we go.

Karen, happy? Happy!

Bob, happy?

A few hours later, it's time
for the real swashbuckling to begin.

, take .

Set...and action.


Lots of cutlass action.

Just about everything you could want
in a stunt fight.

That's metal on wood.
Wood's going to lose every time.

When you contact the two together,
you do it, you do it, you do it,!

A big, big battle, fighting,
and it's really, really wet,

so how they're not slipping over
I've got no idea.

I'm there with this kind
of rather heavy leaden thing.

Three, two, one. Action!

Then Karen swinging in between us...
It's brilliant, really good.

You can't really have a pirate
adventure story or a pirate romp

without having somebody swinging
across the deck.

And, of course, in our case,
it's Amy Pond.

She was really keen to do it,

so we were able to get sh*ts of her
swinging across the deck, and it's
really her, it's not a stunt double.


Look at Karen!

They can't pay us for this. She's
just on a ride. It's ridiculous.


And cut! Good. Check it.

But some stunts need someone
who really knows the ropes.

We had to bring in a stunt double
for this.

This is when the angry siren
sort of screams at Amy

and she gets flown across the deck
and smashes on to the deck.

We'll go on "Three, two, one, go!"

'The stunt performer'

actually did get thrown
across the deck
and bashed on to the deck itself.

She was wearing padding but this is
something we couldn't do with Karen.

Three, two, one. Action!

Hi, I'm Steph. And I'm Karen.

And Steph... Plays Amy.

Yeah, plays Amy

when she's in moments of crisis
and is doing dangerous things.

And Steph makes Amy
look really cool.

Which I can't do
because I'm too sacred.

She wears some padding, obviously,
on her back and her hips and elbows,

but her pirate outfit
was quite skimpy so we couldn't get
that much padding on,

but me managed to take out the sting.

It's still a big, you know, fall,
but it looked spectacular,
so it was very good.

This is rather bizarre.
So I'm about to watch myself getting
flung across the entire deck.

Three, two, one. Action!

I don't know, it's like having
an out-of-body experience.

She's a brave lady, Steph,

stunt double Steph.

Well, I think they're about to go.

I'm quite nervous.

For rehearsal, please.

And...three, two, one. Action!

And cut!

Really glad that's not me!


She's really getting thrown back!

That is going to look wicked.

Three, two, one. Action!

You all right, Steph?

I'd like to change my hair to this
colour cos I think it's absolutely
beautiful! Oh, thank you! Yes.

Really lovely. I'd quite like
to go blonde, actually.

See what that's like,
see if you do have more fun.

Laters, Conf. Bye, Confidential.
Thank you. Bye. See you.

In the Doctor Who studios,
the siren's sickbay is nearly set.

All that's needed now
are some patients.

Right, SAs, come on in.

So this is the set that you guys are
going to be playing bodies in today.

So just watch your feet on the floor.
We don't want to get it too grubby.

But we just wanted to show you
to give you an idea of the heights

that you're going to be performing
dead at.

Cool. Marvellous.

Yes, very exciting.

And it's nice and warm in here. I can
see they've warmed the studio up.

Our poor SAs are going to be...
and our cast as well,

are all naked down to their waists,

so...yeah, there's more flesh
than Doctor Who usually sees. Great!

All right, mate? You all right?

Very comfortable.

Any advice?

Be still. And control your breathing.

Are you just going to lie here
all afternoon? Absolutely, yeah.

You might hear some very loud
snoring going on in half an hour.

Yeah, I bet.

- hours, maybe.


Lots of half-naked men around.
Again... Let's have a little look.

Is there anyone for you? Maybe you
could go out with that one there.

How I'm not going to fall asleep,
We're going to be here for hours.

I've got to now sleep for the rest
of the day, I think, in that bed.

No difference to your usual
performances, to be honest!

So this is a lot of hard work.

I mean, really, we're just lying
down...with our eyes closed...

..which takes a lot of focus,
you see,

so, as you can see,
there's people all here prepping

to put in all the hard work
of lying down.

Here we go.

Turn over, please!

, take , A camera.

And action!

All the supporting artists
had to lie extremely still
for about three or four hours

and regulate their breathing,
because it would make the beds move

a little bit if they
breathed too hard,

so it was,
"Shallow breaths, everyone!"

McGrath, he's one of my men.
He's still breathing.

'That scene involved lying down
all day.'

My entire crew is here.

I thought, "I just have to be doing
things!" I get quite restless.
But, actually, it was quite peaceful.

One big larder,
packed with fresh supplies.

Planning meals in advance.

It was on strings,
so it had a slight rock to it,
and wasn't wholly uncomfortable.

And action! Toby! Rory!

I thought I'd never see you again.

I did actually fall asleep
a couple of times...

which I'm quite good at doing,
I'm quite good at sleeping.

His brain is still active,

but all its activities
are suspended. It's not a curse...

I don't know, it was a day at work
where sleeping was allowed.
That was good.

Good rules for that day.

Help me get him up?

But there's a rude awakening
in store.

She's coming.

, take , A camera.

And action!

When a supermodel siren arrives on
set, there's only one thing to do.

And that's to sh**t her!


OK, let's hold it there.

This is the w*apon. It's a modern
reproduction Sea Service p*stol.

We obviously
wouldn't use a real antique one.

They're worth hundreds
if not thousands of pounds.

Not the sort of thing
to throw around a set.

This is the powder, gunpowder,
that we keep in here.

I'll just do a little flash in the
pan for you so you can see this go.

Just put a little bit of powder...
Hopefully it's not too damp.
It's raining outside.

You're going to get a little flash.

OK, so cock it all the way back...
Here we go, then.

Flash in the pan, as they say.

All right, just finishing off checks.
Stand by to go again.

OK, here we go.

, take , A and B camera mark.

Here we go. Cameras, set, action!


The Doctor sneezes...


..and suddenly
the siren starts to come after him.

Fire...actually, what does fire do?

And as this is happening
he is going...

Yes...destroy...what else?

Sterilise! You see, I...

I-I sneezed, I've got germs here.

Then, suddenly,
in the nick of time, he realises,
"No, she's not a k*ller..."

She's a doctor!

This monster who we think
has been k*lling everybody

for the last , minutes
of the story is actually a healer.

This is an automated sickbay.

It's teleporting everyone onboard.
The crew are dead and
so the sickbay's had nothing to do.

It's been looking after humanity
whilst it's been idle.

There is a big scene for Amy
and Rory in the sickbay
when...when Rory wakes up.

Where am I? You're in a hospital.

If we leave, you might die.

If Rory leaves the sickbay...

he'll, you know...he won't be better,
he'll be still drowning.

I'm a nurse. What?
I can teach you how to save me.

Whoa, hold on! I was drowning,
you just have to resuscitate me.

"Just"? You've seen them do it
loads of times in films!

It's a bit of a responsibility
to bring your partner back to life.

OK, what if you don't come back
to life? What if... I trust you.

It was actually quite a good
revelation about the relationship.

You could actually really see
the faith they have in each other.

Why do I have to save you?

Because I know you'll never give up.


Rory just places all of his trust
in Amy.

And I think at that moment,
he's, like...

"I know that you're going to save
me." He has to believe it completely.

Of course, if you muck it up,
I am going to be really cross...

and dead.

I'll see you in a minute.

And she has to just do it, you know,
there's no other option.

There's not an option B.


And she does...

but, you know, it's not easy for her.

It's a pretty tough thing to do.

It could have been Rory was a goner

so quite pleased
that that didn't happen.


Amy, you did it, you did it!

You have such sensible hair.

Next time on Confidential...

This is Neil Gaiman on Confidential.

That was Matt Smith.

Writer Neil Gaiman
takes us on a backstage tour.

Of course, Neil is one of the sort of
premier if not the premier
fantasy novelist on the planet.

The immediate urge upon entering
the TARDIS is simply steal it,

take off and explore
the whole of space and time.

Is this your first visit? It is.
I get to come in and see the TARDIS.

It's the TARDIS with a twist.

What you really want
is to be able to follow somebody,

and you want to follow them
into the TARDIS all the way.

You want to be able to go up
these stairs and just keep going.