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03x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 01/19/23 18:02
by bunniefuu
- Did the Johanssons have any children?
- No, but they've had foster children.

We have three new killings, two new works of art.

- We think there is one victim left.
- And you think that's me.

He gambled it away yesterday. I've bought it.

It is a gift. Only for you.

- So it happened?
- Yeah, but listen, I've gotten...

- Who gave you this assignment?
- Look at the address.

For f*ck's sake.

He's braindead. I'll ask you to think about the future, eventual organ donation

- and what we should do regarding the respirator.

This is regarding the m*rder of your mother, Marie
-Louise Norén.

- She said that I had threatened her.
- And you did that?

No. It seems like she wanted to set me up for it.

Don't look so sad, like I'm leaving you for them.

Can you pick me up tonight?

- You've got a little stalker.
- It's actually not amusing.

It's all the employees and firings from Andersen TL.

Emil Larsson?

Do any of you have photos of Emil Larsson on your phone?

We've gotten the list of foster children from Social Services.

Emil Larsson. He was on the list of foster children, too.

Emil Larsson, born 1989. Father unknown. Mother died when he was five.

Foster placement after that at the Johansson's from '96 to '05.

So we finally have a connection to some of the victims.

Start with Hans.

When Emil was eight, he ran away from the foster home.

He was found in Malmo and said that he was on his way to his father in Paris.

- What does that have to do with Hans?
- He was the officer who drove him back.

-Ove Abrahamsson was a teacher at that middle school.

Helle Anker?

- We have no connection there.
- Håkan Ekdahl?

Nothing yet. But he has a connection to Holst through the museum.

- Are there more connections?
- Not that we've found.

Håkan Ekdahl was a social worker until 2001. He was a supervisor.

- Could he have placed Emil in foster care?
- There's nothing here on that.

We'll find out.

We concentrate on Emil Larsson.

Henrik, you take the museum and Freddie Holst.

Saga, take his apartment in Lomma.

Good morning.

- Kjell Grankvist, Internal Affairs.
- Henrik.

- How's it going with the investigation?
- Good.

How's it going with you?

This is my floor.

Hi. This way.

- Who was the other guy?
- Rasmus Larsson.

- An incompetent colleague.
- Okay.



- Have you found anything?
- Nothing.

Nothing here either. He didn't come to work this morning, and no one knows why.

You, did he leave a message or anything?

Wait a minute.

There's nothing in his locker to help us, either.

The apartment is furnished, but it doesn't look like anyone lives here.

I'm going out to Holst, so I'll see you later in Malmo.


The threats that Marie
-Louise Norén reported Saga had made ...

- It was to you that she reported them.
- Yes.

- What do you think about them?
- Well, they were threats.

-Louise sensed that Saga wanted to get rid of her.

She had made contact after many years. Saga wanted to end the contact.


You've worked with Saga. What's your opinion of her?

She's focused, efficient. Stubborn.

But she didn't seem completely stable.

And your opinion isn't affected by her getting you reassigned after you'd made a mistake?



No. She was right. I was wrong.

- Ah, there you are again.
- Don't you have people to do that for you?

Why? Do you need a new job?

Do you recognize him here?

Yeah. I do, actually, but I can't remember in what context.

He was at the museum where your art hangs.

Yeah! Yeah, yeah.

He's been here in the house. He picked up pictures for the exhibition.

Then that's where I know him from.

- But you don't know him otherwise?
- No. He seems friendly.

Looks can be deceiving.

Take the picture and show it to your people. Your wife, is she home?

No, she isn't.

She's out a lot, eh? We've never met her.

Call next time. I'll make sure that she's home.

Hey. Are you here?

- Yeah. What are you doing with that?
- I was just sorting out some things.

Will you come in?

- Do you want anything? Coffee, or?
- No, thanks.

- Tell.
- What do you mean?

Why are you here? Shall I take your coat?

Yes, thanks.

I'm jealous.

I'm jealous of a 20
-old little whore.

- Okay. Why?
- Not jealous. Rather, envious.

Okay. How is that?

Because he'd rather be together with her than with me.

- Freddie? Is he unfaithful?
- No.

Not really. It was going well until

- until she moved in, but now she's there every day with her big belly ...

I can't compete with that. It won't be long before

- she gives him what he wants. Then he'll forget about me.

- How can I compete with that?
- Sorry, I don't really understand.

- What is it that she can give him?
- A son.

Our son.

According to the neighbors, he kept to himself. He didn't have any visitors.

It was the same with the museum. He didn't see any colleagues privately.

Alternative addresses?

No friends or family who can help us?

The technicians didn't find anything connected to the murders.

Social Services has confirmed that it was Håkan Ekdahl

- who placed Emil at the Johansson's.

We arrest him in absentia.

- Have you been in your mom's car?
- No.

A dark green Skoda Felicia.

I know that. I have seen it, but I've never been in it.

So you don't know how a fingernail with your DNA end up in it?


Hey. We've found Emil.

- I must go.
- Of course. Do your job.

We can continue later.

I wake up ...

... and then I have a kind of sack over my head.

I'm tied to the chair.

Sometimes someone comes in and hits me.

Man or woman?

I don't know. Hard. 'Hen' hit hard.

- How did you get free?
- I didn't.

I must have been drugged.

When I woke up, I was in that field.

Why do you think you were let free?

'The One That Got Away'. It's one of the pictures from the list.

Ed Booker.

Ed Booker, for god's sake. American artist. Critical of civilization.

And it's owned by Freddie Holst?

The woman who found him has identified the place. I've sent photos. And this.

This is for you.

What is it?

The wound in your mouth. It's a six. The code is finished.

Emil. L369G42, does that mean anything to you?


Do you remember anything that could help us? Sounds, smells, anything.

- I could hear things outside.
- Good. Wait a minute.


- Are we getting through?
- Yes, we hear and see you.

I remember it because it was so normal.

It was an ice cream truck. You know the melody ...

Also ... but that was much later.


There must have been several cars.

I think I fainted when he did that in my mouth.

When I woke up again, I heard children.

I think they sang.

Do you remember any planes or anything else we can use for identification?

No, that was everything. I think that was everything.

- Are you on it?
- Yes, thanks. I'll get started immediately.

Why me?

- Where have you been?
- So you noticed I was gone after all.

- Okay. What's this about?
- Your little morning walks, for example.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

I've said how I feel about that, but still you run around with her all the time.

- Love, she lives here.
- Yeah, and why does she?

I've explained this. It's for the sake of the child.

No, it's so you can have her here and see and feel her belly grow.

Give her a suite somewhere and let Colbert keep an eye on her.

- Just get her out of here.
- I can't kick her out.

Because she's the mother of your child, isn't she?

Oh, f*ck.

- Hi, Honey.
- Say we really did it.

- Did what?
- The child.

Of course we did it.

I don't know if they're going to be good parents for my child.

It's not your child, Jeanette.

- It's more mine than hers.
- Yeah, okay, but we can't keep it.

They fight all the time, and she hates me.

The child is half mine. Do you think she can she love it?

Of course, Jeanette. There's only one week left. Stop with the good ideas.

You shouldn't even begin to think about keeping your child.

- No. Of course.
- Good.

Do you want to hear some good news? I've almost got all the money for the house.

- I only need 1800.
- That's great.

Super, super cool, Marc.

- Has something happened with Hans?
- Yeah.

Is there some place we can talk?

Good, you're here. Come.

I think Emil was held in this area.

- Why do you think that?
- The ice cream truck didn't help. Too many.

So I checked emergency calls. Here.

Container fire. Two fire trucks and a police car.

So I checked the ice cream truck again, and it stops in this area.

Now I had two out of three, and I checked schools and kindergartens.

Clover Kindergarten is here.

So somewhere in this area.

So we need to find out who lives there.

I've already done that.

I've underlined a name.

Annika Melander.

- She was a foster child.
- At the Johansson's, the same time as Emil.

There's nothing to be done. He won't survive this.

We've found an Annika Melander. She was in the same foster home as Emil.

I'm going to speak with him or her.

Go. I'm coming.

Is that Annika? We were in the same foster family.

For a few years.

And it wasn't especially fun.

No, it wasn't good. But it was worse for her.

Why is that?

She was like ...

At the bottom of the hierarchy.

- And where were you?
- Far down.

Over her. None of us escaped Filip, our foster father

- but one just kicked down.

f*ck. It's nothing I'm proud of.

- Are you still in contact with her?
- No, nothing.

I haven't seen her since she moved.


Let's take a look at the victims again.

You can just skip the Johanssons.

-Ove. Gym teacher at my middle school.

He certainly couldn't control himself in the girls' locker room. I don't know.

Håkan was our social worker.

- Ekdahl. His name wasn't Ekdahl.
- He was Skogsberg before the marriage.

Uhhuh. Well, it's him.


Him here, his name is Hans Petterson.

When you were eight, you ran away from home.

It was Hans who drove you back to the Johanssons.

- Was it him?
- Yeah.

Annika didn't like that I came back.

Poor Annika.

- What did Emil say?
- He confirmed what we already knew.

How can you let Saga be investigated by Internal Affairs?

- I can't interfere with their work.
- Have you tried?

That would be misconduct.

- Green light. You can come in.
- Understood.


Åsa Holst's ex

Yeah, he's also on a dvd and book in the living room.

He definitely has a connection to Holst, and reason not to like him.

I never bought that "it's the best thing that ever happened to me" shit.

Let's see.

Oh, come on.

Annika Melander doesn't think badly of Claes, in any case.

We have all of it.

Except Annika Melander.

Did Hans get worse?

He's braindead. It's a clinical criterion for being declared dead.

They're going to shut off the respirator.

Tell me if there's anything I can do.

Yeah, we should question Claes Sandberg again.

Could they have done it together?

- Sandberg and Melander?
- He sh**t, and she makes the artwork.

Why do you think that?

Morten Anker said he was k*lled by his brother.

Annika Melander has many talents, but his brother she is not.

It was dark, so Morten Anker isn't completely reliable.

So it didn't need to have been his brother or a man, or what?

It's not for lack of interest that I'm talking about the case and not about Hans.

That's what you want, right?


She's crazy. She's raving mad. She follows me. She's a stalker.

- Do you have a relationship?
- Absolutely not.

We checked the guest list to Freddie Holst's opening.

You took your stalker to the party.

Okay ...

I initiated a sexual ... One can't really call that a relationship.

You had sex with her.

- Yeah.
- With your crazy stalker.

My father had just died, and I found myself a little crazy.

I was flattered by her attention

- but we're no couple.

- Do you know where she is?
- No, no idea.

I was going to pick her up yesterday at Central Station in the evening ...

- You were picking her up at Malmo station?
- Yeah.

The crazy woman with whom you have no sort of relationship?

I'm afraid of her.

I do what she says. It's simply easier.

Right now, anyway.

- Where had she been?
- To a funeral trade show in Göteborg.

She's a funeral entrepreneur.

But she never came.

Annika Melander, born 1985.

-owner of Kulladahl's funeral business.

Came to the foster home as a nine

Was married at 18, and divorced three years later.

The ex
-husband was convicted of m*rder in 1999.

Registered for a trade show in Göteborg, but the organizer said never came.

Where is she then?

Okay. So we let Sandberg go again.

- Can't we keep him a while?
- Not according to the prosecutor.

- Sandberg and Melander are connected.
- That's not enough to keep him.

We haven't found traces of Claes in Annika's home, either.

The technicians haven't found anything where Emil was found, either.

What about Holst, then?

The guards have gotten a photo of Annika.

The code is finished.

And there's no clear connection between Melander and Freddie Holst.

Okay. I'll check if Freddie Holst knows something.

I can call up the other foster children. They might be in contact with her.

Do it, and I'll make sure to put her on the wanted list.

- See you later?
- Maybe.

Is now a better time?


I've had burglaries. There was a mess in the waste basket in my bathroom.

Maybe that's how the fingernail ended up in the car.

Did you report the burglary?

No, I wasn't sure if that was what happened, but I am now.

We have traced your email that you got about the meeting in the cemetery.

It was sent from your computer with a timer several days earlier.

What do you think about that?

She must have done it when she was at my place.

Let me see if I understand this correctly. Your mother broke in and stole fingernails

- programs your computer to send an email so you are alone when she kills herself

- but makes it look like she was m*rder*d?


The obvious question is: why?

For revenge.

For what?

What could you have done to drive her to this extreme?

Your mother has been m*rder*d.

There's an investigation underway. You're police.

I don't think this is a good time for you to be silent, Saga.

I falsely reported my parents for sexual abuse

- to save my sister.

- From what?
- From her.

My mom. She had Münchausen

- Has that diagnosis been confirmed?
- No.

The case is over ten years old.

So your crime is outdated.

What luck.

So you could tell us and inform us of your mother's motive.

- You don't believe me.
- Your mother said you threatened her life.

Some of your colleagues describe you as special.

You have talked about me with my colleagues?

- One of them said you're unstable.
- I am not unstable.

I am different.

But Hans Pettersson understood you.


Tell me a little about your relationship.

He was my boss and friend.

He helped me with things that I thought were difficult. I miss him.

How has this affected you, all this with Hans?

I find myself between the first and next stages of grieving.

Shock and denial.

So I assume it will get worse.

- Her name is Annika Melander.
- No, that means nothing to me.

What happened with him, the one you showed me ...Emil?

Yeah, he's been cleared.

Ah, there you are, Honey.

This is Henrik something
-other. He doesn't believe that you exist.

- I do. Åsa Holst.
- Henrik Sabroe, from Copenhagen Police.

- Do you want coffee?
- No, thanks.

- Do you recognize this person?
- Yes, she's stalking my ex

How do you know that?

He told me.

- When did he say that?
- When we met.

But you don't have a personal relationship to her?


- Do you think she's the m*rder*r?
- She's a part of the investigation.

Ah. Isn't it unusual for women to be serial K*llers?

- Exciting.
- Yeah.

You don't seem especially bothered by what's happening.

Nothing's happened to us directly.

We don't know any of the victims and obviously not the suspect.

If you remember anything, please contact me.

Of course.

How did you know I was here?

You weren't at your place or mine, and you weren't at work, either.

Would you prefer to be alone?


Yes, this is Åsa ... Holst.

I don't know what you're talking about.

No, I have no comments about that.

No, and you should stop calling with all your shit.

How the f*ck could they know that?

How the f*ck did they found that out? Åsa, what have you done?

Gustav? Henrik Sabroe. Thanks for speaking with us.

Of course. Has something happened to Annika?

Gustav, you were foster children at the same time at Inger and Filip Johannson's house.

Yes, unfortunately.

But that was some time ago.

Was it hard for Annika?

We lived at the Johansson's.

Was it harder for Annika than the others?

No ... say what you want about Filip

- but he made no distinctions between us.

Can you tell us about Annika?

We stayed in touch when I moved.

Wrote letters ...

I don't know. She saw me a little like a big brother.

Do you still write to each other?

No. We lost touch after the wedding.

- She was married at 18.
- To Torbjörn Alm, yeah.

How did those two meet each other?

He was in prison, and she began to write to him.

- How did she get in touch with him?
- I don't know.

She was married and no longer forced to be at Filip and Inger's.

And you have no contact at all now?

No. I try not to think about that part of my life.

Thanks for coming.

- Shall we check up on the ex
- Yes.

- Hi, Julia. What are you doing here?
- I'm sick, and Mom has to work.

- Your father needs to, too.
- I know. That's why I'm here.

Say it wasn't you.

Why did you do that?

To hurt Freddie.

You f*cking pig! So you wanted to meet me to get to Freddie.

No, that wasn't it, actually.

But you gave me the opportunity when you said that you faked the pregnancy.

I can't hit him financially, after all.

So it must be personally.

What have you really gotten out of this?

You've made us look a little foolish in public.

Not so little.

- Was it worth it?
- Was it worth it when you paid for that child?

- You can never prove I said that.
- I don't need to.

But you must prove the opposite, or else people will never stop talking.

Was there anything else you wanted?


Good, now we can begin.

First we need to know if they have anything on you.

No, they don't.

- So you haven't bought a child.
- Of course not.

We have to ask.

We have a fully legal surrogate mother.

The best thing would be if she were to come forward and explain that.

She can't.

She doesn't wish to be known publicly.

So it's not an option. What do we do, then?

- Can we sue the newspapers?
- I would certainly recommend it.

But it will be hard to squash the rumors with your head in the sand.

The best would clearly be if you could persuade the surrogate ...

That's not going to happen. Plan B. Now.

Do you have a plan B?

- What do I pay you per hour?
- We'll come up with something, Freddie.


- Tomorrow?
- Tonight. Thanks for meeting. Come.

- Are you writing something about it?
- I don't think so.

Holst is suing every other paper that's writing about it.

Without the surrogate, we have nothing.

- Does anyone who know she is?
- No, and Holst is keeping her away.

So a photo or an idea about her would be worth a good deal.

Are you joking?

You have a photo. You know who she is.

I didn't say that.

With a picture like that you wouldn't have to work for a while.

Would you buy it?

Yeah. I'd buy it.

Torbjörn Alm!

We're from the police.

Torbjörn Alm!

Saga! He's here.

Stop! Saga!

Stop! Stop! I will sh**t!

Down! Hands on your head!

Hands on your head!

Saga, are you OK?

- Hey.
- What are you doing here?

Holst bought a child from an unknown surrogate mother.

I thought you might want to know, since Holst is part of your investigation.


Good. I'll tell my colleagues. Thanks.

A photo revealing her identity would be worth a lot of money.

I have several of those photos.

I haven't sold them, and I don't think I'm going to, either.

Good, but we need to see the photos.

I'm not a bad person.


- Hey!
- Hey.

- What's happened?
- It's all a little messy right now.

But you shouldn't be uneasy. We'll figure it out.

- But you need to move over here.
- How did they found out?

It's a long story. But you shouldn't worry. We'll keep you out of it.

They will make us into fools, and they will think we're ridiculous.

And they will do everything to expose us, but that's not going to happen.

And so ... so it goes.

I'm sorry.

You shouldn't be. You, or you two ...

You are the only thing that is really good in my life right now.

- May I?
- You don't need to ask permission.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Jeanette ... That wasn't my intention.

Jeanette. Jeanette!

You need to come get me now. Just come.


Let's go to the right here. Stand still.

- Down on the ground, dammit!
- w*apon!

Down on the ground, everyone!

Torbjörn Alm, throw down that w*apon!

Down on the ground! Shut up!

Drop the w*apon!

Shut up!

- You're surrounded! Drop the w*apon!
- Throw down the w*apon!

This is the last time I'm telling you. Thrown down the w*apon now!

Turn around! On your knees.

Come. Saga? Okay?

Hello! Call an ambulance!

- Hej.
- Hej.

- Where should we go?
- Up to the house.

We'll stay there tonight, and then we'll see from there.

I haven't really gotten it back yet.

- Where did you get that?
- From Freddie.

Why didn't you say anything? I've been working hard to get them back.

Why do you think? You'd just gambled the money away. We need it now.

- Do you mean we're going to keep it?
- I don't know. We'll see how it goes.

I must report this.

And I need an answer as to why you forgot to search him.

- I didn't.
- Do you know what I think?

Your father's death, the m*rder of your mother, Internal Affairs and then Hans.

- It's too much.
- Not for me.

It's not just your fault. I should have acted earlier.

The last two weeks you've worked over 50 hours of overtime.

- You must take time off.
- No, I must solve the case.

- I promised Hans.
- You have time off now. Then we'll see.

You said that everyone deserves another chance.

This is your other chance.

John called.

Julia is going to survive.

They've taken the b*llet from her arm, and her condition is stable.

I'll call him and apologize.

- I don't think he blames you for anything.
- He should. I made a big mistake.

- I didn't follow the police procedures.
- Laws are open to interpretation.

No, they're not.

What did Torbjörn Alm say?

He has nothing to do with our case.

They found a weapons cache during the house search.

He's involved with a biker g*ng.

Saga. Saga, where are you going?

It was too much for Saga last time. She needs some time off.

- Sorry, what did you say?
- She needs some time off.

No, she doesn't f*cking need time off. She needs to work.

I will arrange a replacement.


Jeanette? May I come in?

Colbert! Colbert, dammit!

Away with you! Away!

Are you okay?

- Promise me that we'll never be like Holst.
- You can be sure of that.

I mean it. We must never be like them.

No, no. I promise. Come.

- It's our house.
- It's our house.


Freddie! Freddie!

Jesus ...

Jeanette! Jeanette!