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03x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/19/23 17:55
by bunniefuu

Helle Anker. Fabian Christensen. Hans Pettersson.

It's dramatic, staged, and lit.

Come on, man.

- What are you doing here?

- Visiting my girlfriend.

- How did it go in Copenhagen?

- Good, thanks.

We need to put the down payment on that house today!

Is that today?

You're going to Sweden to pick up a bag.

- Just make sure you fix it.

- Will do, Freddie.

Dad died this morning. Now it's only you and me, Saga.

Stop following me or I'll report you.

Goodbye, Dad.

I hope that I've been able to show you

- that happiness is actually a choice.

- May I come in for a bit?

- Yeah. Come in.

- What is it?

- An investigation. A cold case.

Missing persons.

Just get in.

Haven't I seen you before? I'm really good with faces.

- Are you okay or what?

- Yeah.

- You're not saying much.

- What do they think I did?

What do they think the car was involved in?

I have no idea.

You shouldn't be so worried. They've dropped it now.

- How did the interview go?

- Good. I've got another one on Tuesday.

I'm crossing my fingers for you. Tell me if there's anything we should look at.

- Hey, Lukas, you've got a call.

- Who is it?

- Who is it?

- I don't know.

This is Lukas.



I have no idea who shot me.

It's probably some lunatic, I assume.

- They don't sh**t with telescopic sights.

- I thought that was what they did.

That's with random victims. You got a call, so you were chosen.

- Do you have any other suggestions?

- Saga Norén, Malmo Police.

I'm thinking sharpsh**ter, military, 'Killbrothers'.

Yes, we can. About 45 minutes.

Come on.

Does she know about it? Your little habit.

I found out where I knew you from. Have you told her about it?

- What do you want?

- Just to let you know what I know.

I might need a favor one day.

- I think you can forget that.

- So you say.


-Ove Abrahamsson's sister is back. We must go to Sweden.

Good trip.

We're coming back again.

That investigation you gave me.

It's about a woman and two children named Sabroe. Is it family?

It's my wife and my two daughters.

I went to work one morning a little over six years ago.

I said, "Bye, see you tonight."

When I came home, they were gone. Vanished.

- Was your wife depressed?

- No.

Did they have any reason to escape from you?

Do you mean if I hit them?

- I didn't mean anything. I asked.

- No, there wasn't any reason.

Nothing that suggested a crime.

No, they were just gone.

Does it change anything? That it's my family?

- Or will you still help me?

- Yes, but not now.

Margaretha Abrahamsson.

Saga Norén, Malmo Police. That's my partner from Copenhagen, Henrik Sabroe.

We want to talk about your brother.

- She's deaf.

- Yes, thank you, I understood that too.

- You know sign language too?

- Yes, but not enough for interrogation.

The translator is on the way, so we must wait.

My brother and I didn't see one another.

When did you see him last?

A long time ago. The 80s... In 81, maybe.

You haven't seen your brother in 35 years?

- No.

- Why? What happened?

I had children.

You know nothing at all about him?

That he had to change jobs all the time


- and moved from school to school?

It was the students who complained.

It was reported to the police.

But it never led to anything.

Sexual abuse?

Yes, among other things. He was sick.

Do the names Hans Pettersson and Helle Anker mean anything to you?


And otherwise you know nothing about your brother?

We had no contact.

It... I cannot help you.

Karin. Hi.

- I'm visiting.

- I see that.

We were married 25 years. He's the father of my children.

I have a right to visit him.

Of course you have.

But you're no longer married, and I'm not the reason that you were divorced.

- That's what I want to believe.

- I thought so.

But it will be like this. When I'm here, you're not here.

And I'm here now.


- What is it?

- It looks like a burn mark.

Saga, it's me.

Hi. You're here now?

Yes. You may have missed something. In the mouths of the victims.

- Henrik Sabroe, Copenhagen Police.

- Hi.

- I'm working on the last victim.

- Latest.

The latest victim. We don't know if it's the last.

Anyway. He died of blood loss after damage to the external genitalia.

Was he alive when they were cut off?

They weren't cut off. Rather, ripped off.


It suggests a slowly increasing force rather than a violent jerk.

- It took time.

- Yes.

- What is it that I missed?

- Between teeth, right side of the mouth.

- No, for god's sake...

- Sorry.

- You can just see it.

- You're kidding me.

The other victims?

There's nothing here.

That confirms our suspicions that he was k*lled by a copycat.

- What about Helle Anker?

- We handed her over.

She's going to be buried today.

Saga Norén, Malmo Police. We must open the coffin and examine the body.

- We need to examine the body.

- No, you may not.

- You can't prevent us.

- You're not touching her.

- I know it's difficult.

- Then don't do it!

We need to do it. It will only take a moment.

Unless we need to take her for the investigation.

- But that's highly unlikely.

- We don't know that yet.

You may not do it.

Can you just close the doors?

Good. I'll wait out here.

She has it too. Come. Hold this.


There. Now they can continue with the funeral.

Unless there's more you've missed on the body.

- I haven't missed anything else.

- You missed the mark in the mouth.

- How long have you known me?

- Since February 22, 2001.

- Do you trust me?

- Yes. You're very professional.

- Well then.

- But you missed the mark in the mouth.

- We're taking her with us.

- No, you must not do it.

Yes, we do. Otherwise we wouldn't do it.

I'll die if I have to go through this again. Haven't you ever lost someone?

Yes, but it didn't involve the police.

We'll handle the transport.

So there was a mark? Why a branding mark?

In the past it was used to show ownership or as punishment.

- Ownership would be visible.

- So it's probably punishment.

Did your father leave any wishes? Written or verbally?

No. At first, he thought he would live forever, and when he became sick...

Then it felt weird to bring it up.

What do you think he wanted? Did he want a burial or cremation?

How can you be around death every day?

One gets used to it.

Promise me you won't laugh.

I'm not as good at expressing myself as you


- but it makes me appreciate life.

One is never more alive than when everything around is dead.

- That sounded stupid.

- No.

Not at all. It sounds like something I could have written.

- You can use it if you want.

- Thanks.

Also me.

- What, here?

- If you want.

No, you... No, no, no.

- I'm sorry.

- You decide. Tonight, perhaps?

- I have theatre tickets.

- I have other plans.


So what did we say? A burial or a cremation?

I'm home.


You took the damn money. My money.

After all the shit we went through, you're playing again.

Yeah. But... But I won.

24,600. That's for the house and for the down payment.

Aren't you happy?

- You don't understand a damn thing.

- No, I obviously don't.

So it's a good thing you're here. So beautiful and nice


- and smart and clever and fantastic


- and that you love stupid little me.

- You're completely hopeless.

- I know that, too.


- You took the body from the funeral.

- They'd be given it too early.

Possibly, but those kind of actions require a lot of empathy.

You should have informed me. Then I would have sent someone else.

Why? The result would have been the same.

But the process would have been different.

You must do what you're good at, Saga.

That kind of interaction with other people is not one of your strengths.

When I lead an investigation, I take part in everything.

You did that with Hans, but not anymore.

I want more information, and then we will make an action plan together.

- Okay?

- Yes.

Zoom in and see if there are more people in the car.

- I can get a little closer.

- You, what did Linn want?

To limit my responsibilities.

Who is that?

- It's Julia, my daughter.

- What is she doing here?

Mia has a night shift, and the babysitter couldn't.

John found the photos from the bridge. It's the youth center's van.

- Should she see this? She's an outsider.

- She's seven years old.

- We don't know who she talks to.

- No one, I promise.

This is the best I have of the driver.

Oh my. Whoever it is, he doesn't want to be recognized.

Why would Mehmet conceal his identity to meet his girlfriend?


- Hi, Mehmet. How's it going?

- What is it now?

We have another little question.

The night you were in Sweden, how were you dressed?

How was I dressed?

- Yes, what did you have on?

- I understand, but I can't remember.

- Try. Concentrate.

- Had you taken your hat off?

- Yeah, maybe.

- You'd maybe taken your hat off.

- I said I can't remember.

- You can't remember. Okay.

- Then you'll just have to come with us.

- What? Now?

Just a few hours in a little room. So you can remember. Come on.

Okay, but I need to grab my backpack.

- Then we'll follow you.

- That we will.

- I just need to go to the toilet.

- Give me your phone.

Where's the toilet?



What should I say?

Mehmet? Come on.

- What? What is it? Come on.

- I can remember what I had on.

I had grey training pants on, a white t

-shirt, a blue hoodie


- a hat and sunglasses.

- You just remembered now?

- I was stressed out when you asked.

It's unusual to suddenly remember something so clearly.

She's saying that she doesn't believe you. Lift your hand.

You were told what to say.


There. And the call list is deleted, of course.

We can recover that.

We sure can. We are investigating four murders.

Also, we have a police chief in a coma. Is there anything you want to be mounted on?

- What do you mean?

- That can't really be interpreted.

That's her way of saying that you're an idiot.

- No, it's not.

- Don't be an idiot. Look at me.

Tell me who you have spoken to.

Who is it that told you what you should say?

Come on.

Lukas. It was Lukas.

This is Henrik Sabroe from Copenhagen Police.

You have a Lukas Stenstrup who may not leave the hospital under any circumstances.

No, he isn't here.

- Where is Viola?

- Your mom's. She doesn't know anything.

- Should I start?

- No. Sorry.

I just don't know what to say. You saw the photos.

- Was it the first time?

- No.

For god's sake, Anna. With Benjamin?

You and me are one thing, but how could you do that to Eva?

- What were you thinking?

- It didn't seem real.

It was undemanding. Easy. An escape.

But now it's over.

Now I'm here with us and Eva and Mom and the press.

And that's the reality.


It was a mistake.

I'll back you up publicly. I will support you.

Publicly? Have you talked with Mom?

Yeah. We're eager to put this behind us as quickly as possible.

So the business, Viola, and we take as little damage as possible.

The company, Viola, and us? In that order?

I think I'm more understanding than most men would be in this situation.

It's me again. Call me. Please.


- Why aren't you picking up when I call?

- Because I don't want to talk to you.

- How are you doing?

- Good.

It doesn't bother me that it's out. I'm thinking about Anna.

All of this is her fault.

What? There's nothing that's her fault.

We love each other.

I know what you're thinking, but she loves me too.

We're going to be together.

What is she saying about all of this? Hasn't she called?

- She was just using you.

- No. She loves me.

Do you understand why I don't want to talk to you?

[Southern Realtors]

We own a house. It's ours.

- Come on.

- House and home. It needs a lot of work.

We'll be doing so much, it will seem fun. We'll get the rest later.


- Come on. Aren't you happy?

- Yes, and you are. It's just...

It's a long way from everything.

You need to be away. Copenhagen isn't good for you.

Now we'll start over. Just you and me, no?

Come. You should see the terrace and the swings. Don't you think it could be nice?

Just look at this garden.

- We can put a swimming pool there.

- Swimming pool?

- Can I take a picture of you?

- Sure.


I think we need to put 'absolute'.

- "The absolute biggest mistake."

- I won't say that, Mom.

A public apology just makes it bigger than it is.

We don't just sell houses. We sell values.

I need to think of Benjamin, too.

No, you must not do that.

Seriously, Anna. How could you go to bed with a 17



Does age matter?

If it had been someone your own age, you would have just been unfaithful.

Now you're unfaithful and pathetic.

I love him. Truly.

So we continue. 'The absolute biggest mistake'...

He's wanted in both countries, and we have people outside of the youth center


- his home, and other places Lukas might go.

- Why did you let Mehmet call?

- I didn't let him call.

It was my fault. I didn't think that he'd have another phone.

- Is there anything else?

- We have a report from the technicians.

There were traces of DNA in the van. They're checking if it matches Helle Anker.

But no traces of blood.

How can someone drive with a body that's cut up without leaving blood?

You don't think it was him.

The car was in Sweden. That's the only thing we have.

He escaped from the hospital and he's gone into hiding.

- Do you know why else he would do that?

- No.

Anything else?

I found some child pornography on Lars

-Ove Abrahamsson's computer.

That explains the missing genitals.

I've passed it on. So we'll see if we can identify the victims.

Check all of his former students.

- There must be thousands.

- Ask for help.

Start with the reports and see if they match anything in our notes.

- Was that it? Then see you tomorrow.

- I'm going too. Julia. Come.

- I'm going on a date.

- You're not really taking her?

Sure. Tina knows I have a child.

That doesn't mean that she wants to meet her.

- Here.

- Is that for me?

- What's this?

- It's you, him, and Dad.

I don't see it.

Don't worry about her.

It's really great. And you are, too.

You, what's going on with you and Linn?

She's questioning me and my work.

So say something. You don't need to take that.

You are the very best she has, and she knows it.

What if that's not true. What if Hans covered up my mistakes.

No. Hans made sure you could focus on your job.

- Should I talk to her?

- About what?

We're a team. Her job is to build us up, not tear us down.

You are simply too good to stand there and doubt yourself.


I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

You who know me know that my parents have fought.

We didn't go the movies often, or go out and eat.

But we went to the museum.

"One can't see too many beautiful things," my father said. And it was free for kids.

But not everything was beautiful. The art could be disturbing


- demanding and daunting. It made me think about life.

It gave me a direction. I guess that's what art does.

Now we have a shitload of money.

Me and my beautiful, talented wife, Ã Come here, Ã

We can buy the art we want


- and the art we can't buy, we can travel around the world to see.

But not everyone is so fortunate.

And that's why we've donated money


- so the museum can build a completely new wing.

But while we wait


- I'm sharing art from my private collection, so it can create more joy


- and maybe get them to continue in the world of art

- and therefore life. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, Freddie Holst.

- Jeanette, do you regret doing this?

- Definitely not.

- Do you?

- No. Not if you don't.

Ha, look at this.

What's that? Isn't it nice?


- Are you okay? Are you hurt?

- I'm okay.


Roll your window down.

You stay right here.

- What?

- You stay right here.


Look at me. You were alone in the car. Repeat: "I was alone in the car."

- I was alone in the car.

- Good. Music to my ears.

Jeanette! Who are you? Jeanette!

You stay here.

It's not possible, but even this...

Nice speech.

- Hi, Claes.

- Freddie.

- It's been a long time.

- Truly. Truly.

I didn't expect to see you here.

I didn't expect to be invited, but here we are.

May I take a photo?

You've put a little weight on, eh?

Claes. So it was you.

Sorry. I have to take this.

I was just congratulating Freddie on all of it. The belly and the exhibition...


It's very beautiful.

But I knew that already, since I owned a lot of the works.

Colbert. Colbert. Just do what we've agreed.

- You seem to have it good.

- I do.

Are you Claes Sandberg? Can you come with me?

Yeah. Did something happen?


Hi, Claes.

- Do you know her?

- Yes, I do.

- What are you doing here?

- I'm your plus one. Sorry I'm late.

- How did you know that I was here?

- I saw the invitation at your place.

Do you think you can let me in?

We have sex, so we can certainly be seen together.

Yeah... She's my plus one.

Annika Melander, if you need to write it down or something.

- Shouldn't you be at the theatre?

- This seemed much more fun.

I know that my behavior has hurt not just my family, but our business.

Which you'll soon be director of, it is said.

What now?

My husband has been understanding, and we will work on our relationship


- which we both want to work.

And the young man?

Yeah. What can I say?

It was a conscious decision. I don't blame anyone else.

But it was a mistake.

How was your day?

We have this guy named Lukas


- that we were looking for today.

And I think he was in Sweden when Helle Anker was k*lled because he sold dr*gs.

- How the hell do I explain that?

- Did you buy from him?

I have no... I don't think I've bought from him


- but he recognized me, so I don't know how he saw me.

I don't know... f*ck. I'm just going to go for a ride.

- Is it getting late?

- What?

I hope it is.

Hey. What are you doing?


- Do you want company?

- No.

- Do you want to have sex?

- That wasn't why I came.

If you do, you can come in. Otherwise I want to be alone.

- Don't you just want to watch a film?

- A porno film?

- No, a normal film.

- No. Sex or alone.

- Well, I guess it's sex then.

- Good. Come in, get ready.

- Ã

- Yes?

- What was Claes doing at the exhibition?

- I don't know.

- Was it you who invited him?

- No.

So it was a coincidence that your ex

-husband was there?

But he's so famous.

He's successful with his books, so the organizers must have invited him.

He seemed to have it good, don't you think?

Oh, for god's sake. Wait here. I'm just going to talk to him.

- Who was that?

- That was no one. Business.

- Can you help me with the zipper?

- Yeah.


Now there's only a week left.

Do you know how hot this is?

Now I'll have a glass of champagne. Do you want one too?

Jeanette moved in. She's living in the guest house.

I need to have control of her and the baby these last weeks.

I shouldn't meet her.

Nothing must happen to the child, and she's not thinking about it.

Does that surprise you? You chose her. You have to take care of it elsewhere.

- She can't be here.

- It's for the child's sake.

She cannot live here. There's nothing to discuss.

- There are excellent hotels.

- Exactly.

That you can live at.

Jeanette stays here until the child is born, and that's not up for discussion.

Why do I need to be here? It's not f*cking okay!

I had to do it for the child. You must be more careful.

What are you doing?

Not smuggling bags. Not racing on the forest roads.

It's my son that you have in your belly.

The doctor says everything looks fine. You just need calm and rest.

If you need anything, just ask me or the help.

But you stay here.

What about Marc? I need to call him.

I've talked to him, so that can wait a little.

- No, it can't.

- It needs to.

You can't get a cell phone right now.

- Is he kicking?

- No, he's just moving a little.

Anna. Anna?

- She doesn't want to talk to you.

- I must talk to her.

She's seen that you've been calling all day.

If she had wanted to speak to you, she would have taken the call.

Did you really think she would leave Viola and the rest to be with you?

Well? Now listen.

She had her fun, she was caught, and now it's over.

You've seen the interview, haven't you? No one forced her to do it.

It was a conscious decision. I don't blame anyone else.

But it was a mistake.

It was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life.


It was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life.

It was a mistake.

It was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life.

You have a message.

You got a message on your phone.


Hi, Henrik. I think it's time for that favor.

Are we alone? What about your wife? The kids?

They're not home.

You know that I don't have shit to do with the murders, right?

You know what I was doing in Sweden. You're a customer, man.

- Who was it that shot you?

- I've expanded too strongly.

I need to travel a while.

I wont stop you.

I can take a ferry from Trelleborg. I have friends in Germany.

I said I won't stop you.

I'm wanted in Denmark and Sweden. I need you to wave your ID card


- so we can just move on. Okay?

- I can't.

- You f*cking need to.

Or should I send them to your boss?

- How long have you been using dr*gs?

- I'm driving you. We're not friends.


We have searched the area... We just need...


- What happened to him?

- He wanted to talk to me.

About what?

We thought that he was involved in the Anker and Abrahamsson murders.

He said that he had nothing to do with it. It was about dr*gs.

That was why he got Mehmet to lie.

He admitted that? And then?

He wanted to turn himself in.

So he wanted to drive over to you. We were about to leave in the car.

He confessed to some drug offenses and wanted to turn himself in to us.

He was scared shitless. He felt guilty and feared for his life.

Oh, god.

He had crossed the wrong guys.

- Did you see who was sh**ting?

- I saw the car very clearly.

It was a Mercedes C200.

FL 44 559.

- Are you okay?

- I'll be okay. Of course I'll be okay.

I was disappointed when you didn't come to the memorial service.

But not so surprised. You've always been a disappointment.

- What were you talking to Linn about?

- You, of course.

How you drove your little sister to su1c1de, among other things.

- I did not.

- No?

14 is a difficult age. Dad and I were in prison. She was sick.

Left only to her cold, deranged big sister.

Do you want to hit me? You can't hurt me any more than you already have.

Look at me. Look at me.

Poor, poor girl.

- What did my mom want?

- I can't tell you that.

Lukas Stenstrup was shot outside of Henrik's house.

- What was he doing there?

- Confessing to drug crimes.

Why were you talking to my mom? You don't talk to my colleagues' parents.

She asked for a meeting. Should I have said no?

She's lying.

I can't discuss what we talked about. Sorry.

She's lying.

Saga Norén, Malmo Police.

What was it you wanted to show me?

The brand marks. I cleaned them and examined them more thoroughly.

It looks like a kind of character.

The same applies to Hans and Lars

-Ove Abrahamsson


- but different characters.

It's the Babylonian number system.

It's Linn.

I need help with an old case. I need someone I can trust.

- It's good that you can help me.

- Of course.


- Where have you been?

- Forensics.

Did you hear about Lukas?

He was shot right in front of me. Died in my arms.

Was it he who texted'd you this morning?

No. This morning. It wasn't him. Or do you mean last night? Yeah.


Went to the summer house. I'll get Viola.

Benjamin. Leave a message or send a text.

Hi. It's me. Sorry I didn't pick up yesterday.

It was the damn interview. I'm sorry. I had to do it.

But... I've thought about where I'm happy.

It's with you. I don't care what people say.

I must do what feels right, and that is to be together with you.

I love you.