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16x07 - What Doesn't k*ll Us

Posted: 01/19/23 08:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"CRIMINAL MINDS: Evolution"...

ROSSI: This is where Sicarius
kept his souvenirs, trophies.

He destroyed it like that.

Love the enthusiasm. But the
brass is not gonna like this.

Sicarius is still at large.

If you can give me
something, anything...

We'll find something.

Silvio Herrera is being transferred back

- for execution at MIDNIGHT.
- ALVEZ: He didn't do it.

We can take what we have
to the Attorney General.

It would certainly help
if the original prosecutor

withdrew the case.

You are the only person
who can pick up the phone

and convince the governor
to stay this execution.

I know I did the right
thing, but I got the call.

I'm under review.

Can we talk about this at home?

I'm not going home.

PRENTISS: Tyler Green
spoke with Sicarius online,

- and we need you to help.

You go get help from
one of the other dozen

I.T. people who work for the FBI.

They're not as good as
you. I knew you're the best.


- Who's that?
- That's Moose.

He's a big old goofball.

ROSSI: Somebody or something
made this guy very good.

Did you come here to k*ll me?

I already k*lled you an hour ago.

I just came here to
watch an old man die.




No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Help! Help!

Somebody help!

- Help me, please! [SOBS]









Hey. Please. Help me.

[SOBBING] Please! Help me!

Help me! Please!

Help me! I'm not supposed
to be here! Please!

BAILEY: "For, after all,
the best thing one can do

when it is raining is let it rain."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Penelope, w... what?

I need to discuss a development with you

about the Tyler situation.

Tyler Green.

No, I know who he is.

- W... What about him?
- Okay.

- It's time.
- Time for...

Oh, this is the thing where you go

and you make your case to the...

Attorney General of the United States

to throw a Hail Mary to
keep the Sicarius case open.

Oh, wow. Okay. That's a big deal.

Yes, it is. Uh, so
what do I need to know

about Tyler Green?

- Is it relevant?
- N... Not in the slightest.


- You ready?
- Yes, let's do this.

- Ever done this before?
- Yeah.

Well, I've given presentations before,

but not to the, uh, top
law enforcement officer

in this country, concerning
the highest profile case

the Bureau has right now,

in which we have to convince her that,

one, we deserve a second
chance to catch Sicarius,

and, two, we are not, in fact,

poster children for FBI incompetence

in both left- and right-wing media.

Oh, my God. I... I'm gonna throw up.

- You will be fine.

How are you not nervous?

I guess, after being assaulted,

drugged, and k*lled in the line of duty,

I figure, what's the
worst that could happen?

Let's find out.

- Agent Prentiss.
- Ma'am.

- Doug.
- Madam Attorney General.

I have been briefed on your request.

You have five minutes to tell me

why I should abandon common sense

and do what you're asking.

Ma'am, thank you for your time.

As you can see here,
there are many reasons

that we think Sicarius is still active.

And here are some of them.

Hey. What have we got?

What gasoline does to physical
evidence, unfortunately.

This is the last of
what we could salvage

from the second shipping container.

A-... what's that?

RFID tracking tag.

It's mostly damaged,
but the I.T. department's

trying to salvage it.

Yeah, I mean, RFID tags
can be sewn into clothes,

put on keychains, you know,
some people even have them

implanted in their bodies
in case they end up in a,

you know, serial k*ller's
shipping container.

Well, we work with the tools we have,

not the ones we need. JJ.

There's a term for that, you know.

Phantom Vibration Syndrome.

[SIGHS] God, I know.

I just keep hoping
Rebecca's gonna text or call,

and now I'm pulling out
my phone every seconds

like an idiot.

Well, take three days and, uh, follow up

on this microchip thing.

Dave, that's like five
minutes' worth of work.

Exactly. See you in three days.

No. I'm fine, okay?
My head's in the game.

Hey, look, I know what it's like

to lose the love of your life.

So don't argue with me.

Just do it. Capisce?


Thank you.

Let me get this straight.

On my side, I have Benjamin Reeves,

who k*lled his mother,
a sitting US senator,

next to a shipping
container full of evidence.

On your side, you have
a freed death-row inmate

who may have talked to a connection,

first name Cyrus, last name unknown.

Ma'am, our profile says
Sicarius is married,

with the possibility of children.

Benjamin Reeves didn't fit that.

He was not Sicarius.

- Emily, that's thin, and you know it.

If the BAU cannot do its job,

I have no choice but to
tender my resignation.


- I stand with Agent Prentiss.
- Okay.

Let's hold our horses here, partners.

Nobody's throwing their
badges on the table today.

But we do have a bigger problem.

- What bigger problem?
- Tunnel vision.

The BAU has been so
focused on this case,

you've let others fall
behind, like this one.

From West Virginia.

The state attorney there is wondering

why you have not returned his call.

So while I make my decision on Sicarius,

you two are going to prove to me

that you can still do the job.

BOTH: Yes, ma'am.

- What's in West Virginia?



Help! Anybody!

Please, help!

- So, we're in a holding pattern.
- We are.

I just can't believe
we missed this case.

How did it fall through the cracks?

Well, we had to save two
of our own from an expl*si*n

and exonerate a death-row inmate.

I think we can grade
ourselves on a curve here.

The problem is, now we're
under the microscope.

- You put Tara on a separate assignment?
- I did.

Considering where her
head's at with Rebecca,

she needs a break.

But it means we're shorthanded.

- Actually, we're not.
- We're not?


Agent Rossi, I've spoke
to the rest of the team.

- Thank you for welcoming me.
- I didn't.

You're all gonna
appreciate the irony of this

because, uh, Bailey here,

his job now depends on us doing ours.

Yes, well, since our fates
are tied together on this case,

I took the liberty of
preparing a briefing.

Okay, then. Wow us.

Our sole victim is Terry O'Brien,

teaching assistant at Camdale College

in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

He went missing last week.

He was discovered on campus by faculty

after an alumni event.

Alumni event?

Yeah, alumni event.

Cause of death was exsanguination

from some surprisingly deep
lacerations all over his body.

But here's why the
BAU's been invited in.

Two days ago, Grace
Ryleigh also went missing.

How do we know these
two cases are connected?

Grace attended Terry's class.

Because Grace attended Terry...

Yes, what Agent Jareau just said.

Could be a romantic
connection between these two.

Or they're just victims of opportunity

who happened to be in the same class.

Figuring out what ties them together

is our first job when we land.

- Wheels up.
- Oh.

Yes, about the jet.

No. Come on.

We just got it back.

While the BAU is under review,

you no longer have access to it.

But Terry's parents are
already on their way in.

JJ, prep for that interview.

Luke, Dave, head to the M.E.'s office

to examine Terry's body.

And what should I do?

Got it. I'll do that.

This UnSub has abducted
twice in two weeks.

Keep tabs on further
missing-persons reports.

SYDNEY: What is that amazing smell?

Oh, I'm just making eggs for the girls

- before they wake up.
- Oh.

You know, you make eggs once a month,

and they think you're Chef of the Year.

What's wrong with my eggs?

Well, they're kind of old. Kidding.

Okay, I will literally m*rder you.

- Unless you make me some.
- You got it.

I could've had a chance.
I could've been different.

No, you couldn't.

Our vice is in our blood.

[COUGHS] Need I remind you

of the real reason you
came into my custody?

SYDNEY: Elias?

Elias. Look... fire!

Oh, shit!


Are you okay?

Uh... yeah, sorry.

I was on the road all night
again and... Um...



[CHUCKLING] And what?

And I don't know. [CHUCKLES]

Look, just let me get a little rest,

and then I promise I will stop trying

to burn the house down.

- Love you.
- Love you.

The lacerations over the victim's body

suggests he was whipped,

- but I've never seen a whip like this.
- I have.

Based on the spacings of the cuts,

- would a cat-of-nine-tails do it?
- Possibly.

But based on the angle of these tears,

you'd need a sharp edge
to tear into the flesh.

And that still doesn't explain that.

He's sending a message.

Should we call Reid
and get his dissertation

on the number pi?

I don't think it's that ., Dave.

I think that it's Genesis :.

"On your belly shall you crawl

all the days of your life."

How did you get there?

You couldn't live in my abuela's house

and not know your scripture.

But I got there because of that.

He's... He's got to have matching wounds

- on this knees, right?
- Yes.

That's the other part of the t*rture.

Before he whipped Terry to death,

he made him crawl.

Based on his wounds, for days.

BAILEY: Another girl has gone missing.
Ashley Limina.

Her sorority said she
didn't come home last night.

It might not be connected,

but the geography's too close to ignore.

Hello, hello, boss, JJ, double boss.

I looked into the victims.

I found zilch indicating
any relationship

between Terry and Grace,
aside from him being her T.A.

However, Terry O'Brien was arrested.

Somehow, that arrest has been scrubbed

by the local police.

Well, how did that happen?

Well, some college towns

make misdemeanor-level
offenses disappear

so the crime stats don't
scare off potential students.

Terry's parents just arrived.

Maybe they'll share what
warranted that arrest.

Well, that record is
our only lead right now,

and with the A.G.'s eyes on us,

we can't afford to miss anything.

So, JJ, you run point.

- I'll observe.
- Mm... hmm, got it.

Would you two mind if I
sit in on that interview?

- I don't mind, but what do you want...
- Appreciate it.

- I'll sit on him.
- Thank you.

F... Freeze! What did you want
to tell me

- about Tyler Green?
- Oh.

Okay. [SIGHS]


Yes. Yes. I kissed Tyler Green.

I told you the new "back at the BAU" me

was more impulsive and
committed to pleasure.

This is bad, isn't it?

Penelope [SIGHS] when two agents date,

there is a process.

There are releases,
sometimes there are transfers.

My point is, it's a headache.

- Oh, I've given you a headache.
- No.

You've given me a migraine,

because Tyler Green is not an agent.

He is a material witness

to the biggest investigation
in the history of the BAU!

Okay, yes, I know, I know!

That's why I went to
you. How do I fix it?

- You have to break it off with him.
- Today?

Unless you can invent a time machine

and go back and not kiss him.
Yes, today.

Well, there is a kink
in the hose in that...

h... he spent the night
at my house last night.

- Oh.
- No! Not... Not like how you think.

He was hungover, and
I let him stay there,

and then I gave him my keys
because, remember how I ran...

remember how I ran into
the round-table room,

and I gave that Second Street connection

and I was super helpful, so helpful

that you didn't want to fire me

'cause I like this job again now?

Mm-hmm. You're not fired.

Just call him,

have him mail the key back to you,

and do not talk to him further.

Am I clear?

Yeah, you're clear.

I can see right through you clear.

- I'll call him.
- Today.

- I said that.
- You said you'd call him.

You didn't say when.

Call him today.

Okay, but really, what is time?

Okay, uh, my migraine now
is throbbing, like, woob.

Okay, okay. I'm gonna call him.

- Woob.
- I'll call him today.

- Woob.
- I'm gonna go get you a compress.

I love you.

JENNIFER: Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien,

I know this is painful to talk about.

All we want to do is
find the man who did this.

If Terry's arrest plays a
role in that, i... it could help.

Agent, we don't want
to cause a fight here.

We don't think the FBI
can solve this at all.

You... You don't?

After the past few years?

This agency has lost
this country's trust.

The only reason we're here
is to collect Terry's body

for a proper burial.

BAILEY: My dad gave me this as a flag.

It's a Gadsden snake, right?

With the motto "Don't tread on me"?

Deputy Director, maybe this isn't...

My dad lives by that quote.

That and the one from Ronald Reagan...

"Government is not the
solution to our problem.

Government is the problem."

Sometimes I think me taking this job

was my delayed teenage rebellion

to prove to him that
government could still work.

Well, how's that working out for ya?

Honestly? Not great. [CHUCKLES]

Sometimes I think...

"Holy cow. The old man was right."

We appreciate you saying that.

We want justice for Terry.

We just can't trust you to mete it out.

Then let me tell you what I
tell my dad on Thanksgiving.

The Behavioral Analysis Unit
has one job... to stop K*llers.

And it's critical that we stop this one.

Because whoever did this to your son...

- ... he has two more.
- [SOBS]

Now, if Terry's arrest had
nothing to do with this,

then we believe you.

- But if it did, we need to know.

Terry sold her dr*gs.

Paulette, stop.

I... I'm sorry. What exactly?

He had an OxyContin
prescription for his knee.

He sold what was left
of the bottle to Grace.

Somebody told the police.

But he swore to us and to the school

that it was a one-time
thing, and it was.

- That make a difference?
- Maybe.

We'll add it to our profile.

And when we make an arrest,

is it okay if I call you to tell you?

Agents... find this guy.

- Very impressive, Deputy Director.

That story about your
dad, was that true?

- Hmm?
- Oh, no, no.

He's an old hippie up in Woodstock.

But you don't get to be Deputy Director

without knowing how to
code-switch politically.

So, if Terry and Grace have a
connection through OxyContin,

does that speak to
the UnSub's motivation?

Probably. If Alvez is right,

his message is Old
Testament fire and brimstone,

so he's punishing.

Why punish Ashley, too?

That's where we need to dig next.

These three victims have a connection

we're still missing.


- [SOBS]
- Hey! Hey!

- Hey!


Oh, my God. [SCREAMS]

Wait, wait! Wait,
wait, wait! Wait, wait!

Shh! For God's sake, shut up!

- Who was that?

I don't know.

But he's judging us.

Okay, so, it turns out
this kind of tracking device

is used to track pets...

in our case, a dog named Moose.

Okay. W... Who did Moose belong to?

Tawny Smith, from
Chattanooga, Tennessee.

She's been posting
about Moose being missing

since Thanksgiving.

You're gonna have to be the bearer

of some terrible news.

Wait a minute. Hold on a second.

Sicarius took the dog
and left Tawny alive?

Yeah. I was surprised, too.

The Sicarius in my mind

does not leave people or pets breathing.

Well, just gives you a
sense of his discipline.

- I mean, he needed the dog and not her.

- Hey.

Just call Rebecca.

Tell her you're sorry.

Oh, no, I mean,

the worst thing I can
do is push her, you know.

I'm the one that screwed up.

I gotta let her get there on her own.

But, geez, the waiting
game is almost worse

than splitting up, you know?

Yeah, but...

sometimes it's better to
just rip the Band-Aid off.

Isn't it?

I'm gonna coordinate
with the Nashville Office,

see if Tawny will come
in for an interview.



So, our UnSub's pattern
is coming into focus.

We have Terry the dealer
and Grace the user.

And then Ashley is the enabler.

Earlier this year, she was cited

for covering up a
sorority sister's overdose.

But Ashley didn't take Terry's
class and didn't know Grace?

No, no connection between
the other two victims at all,

but somehow, this UnSub
tied them together.

Through a sin he can't forgive.

We need to deliver the profile.

Alright, Rossi and I
will talk to local police.

There might be another group
who should hear it, too.

Bear with me, but it might
make a difference with them.

The unknown subject we're looking for

has abducted three victims
from your college community.

We believe he lives
and/or works on campus.

As representatives of the
college administration,

you're uniquely qualified
to help us identify him.

ALVEZ: Based on the
demographic of the community,

the UnSub is middle-aged
and physically fit.

What makes him stand
out are his beliefs.

He left a message based
on a quote from the Bible.

This makes him a moral absolutist.

A lot of people believe
in biblical principles,

but this man's belief
system has become so rigid,

he feels he can't trust
God to punish those who sin.

The BAU has a term for this
"injustice collector."

Like LAPD cop turned
cop-k*ller Christopher Dorner.

Injustice collectors have suffered

some sort of severe moral
injury in their past.

To deal with this trauma,
they hurt others in order

to restore some sense of
justice to their own lives.

We believe this UnSub's
trauma is connected

to the loss of a loved one
due to an opioid overdose.

It's why he externalizes
his pain onto his victims,

all of whom are tied
to opioids in some way.

Here's where you come in.

We need employee and student records

so we can see who fits this profile.

Now, he's someone that
students and professors

wouldn't notice... a custodian or
a maintenance worker...

someone who observes his victims
by cleaning up after them.

That's how he learns their secrets...

in garbage they throw away or
the moments he eavesdrops on,

when they don't even notice he's there.

Stop. This is a liability nightmare.

We can't admit knowledge of
a serial k*ller at our school.

You're past that now.

An FBI agent once told me

you can either protect
the people you serve

or protect your ass.

- But right now, you can't do both.

If we cooperate... if...

- who do we send the files to?

GRACE: I tried that.

This place is abandoned except for us.

And him. What's your name?

- Ashley.
- I'm Grace.

Here. Finish this. You're gonna need it.

How'd you get this?

He comes down here sometimes.

- Leaves out food and water.
- Sometimes?

- How long have you been here?
- I don't know.

Days, maybe.

What's the last thing you remember

before you woke up here?

Uh, walking home.

From the library.

I couldn't breathe because he put a...

He put a bag over your head.

Yeah. You, too?

Why is he doing this?

It's a test.

A test of what?

Our sanity?

No. It's worse than that.

- Worse? What could be worse than...


What is that?

- There's no point in fighting it.




- Ah!

HOLLY: What?! No! Mom, come on!

HARLOW: I'm doing my homework.
She's just on her phone.

SYDNEY: This isn't a negotiation.

What, do you want me to take them away

- for the whole day then?
- No!

What is going on?

Oh, uh, I asked them just
to come out of their rooms

and off of their screens for one hour,

and now they're revolting.

Yeah, okay, girls,
listen to your mother.

Well, if we have to, so do you.

You were on your phone in the garage.

Yeah, 'cause I'm the dad,
and there are different rules.

Eh, she's not wrong. You
are always on your phone.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

I can't take this
f*ckin' family anymore.

What did you just say?

You do not talk to this
family like that, Elias.

I'm... I'm sorry.

I... I'm under a lot of
pressure at work... a lot.

A lot of pressure.

- Dad dropped the F b*mb.

- Is that cool?

No. No, it's not.

I'm gonna have a talk with him.



- Grace!

Here's your choice.

You can take one door and be free, or...

- you can take her place.

You decide.

Okay. I'll get help.

I promise.

- [GRUNTING] Come on!


- Wrong choice.

No! That's not fair!

You tricked me!

- That's not fair!



Are you sure? Completely, % sure?

I'm afraid so.

Based on where we found
Moose's locater chip,

he's no longer with us.

Uh, could I just have a moment?

Of course. [SIGHS]

Dear Lord, please let
Moose's soul find rest.


Uh, sorry.

So, I'm confused.

The FBI is taking on dead-dog cases now?

No, actually, we're looking
for the man responsible.

Tawny, do you remember
seeing anyone suspicious

the night that Moose disappeared?

That was so long ago.

I was working that night,
and I see so many weirdos.

But the store has cameras.

I could pull them so that
you could see who came in.

That would be amazing.

That would be incredibly helpful.

Um, do you think we could go now?

- Sure.
- Great.

- Um, can I just have a sec?
- Oh, um...

Thank you so much

for guiding me to this
incredible team of agents

to help me in this endeavor.

And... And please, let Agent Lewis

be less distracted so that she can find

that son of a bitch who k*lled
my dog. Amen.

- No offense.
- None taken.

I meant about the cursing. [CHUCKLES]

The God I believe in doesn't mind.

I like your idea of God.

He's not bad. [CHUCKLES]

Ready to go?



- Hey.
- Hi.

- Please don't say anything.
- Okay.

See, I just asked you
not to say something.

I specifically did, and
then you just said something.

Hello? Are you there?

Yeah... Uh, no, you asked
me not to say anything.

Correct, I did, okay.

I... I need to rip the
Band-Aid off right now.

Here we go.

That kiss... do you remember?

I remember.

Alright, I need you to forget the kiss.

I need you to wash it away from history.

It was a mistake. It was a mistake.

Not your mistake, my mistake.

My mouth ran into your face.

I take radical responsibility for that.

But you are a material witness,

and what if I'm testifying,
and Sicarius' lawyer says,

"Did you kiss Tyler Green?"
and I say, "I object!"

and then the judge says,

"You can't object. You're testifying."

And then the whole case
falls apart because...

because of... because...

- I get it.
- You do?

- I do.
- And you're right.

We have to cut off
all contact, don't we?

Yeah, yes. Yes. And, uh, I need
to, uh, get my key.

I'll come by tomorrow and drop it off.

No, actually, I think you
need to mail it to me...


- We need to talk.

You promised.

You promised me that
you would never treat me

the way that my dad treated my mom

or treat the kids that
way, and here you are.

It's time to come clean.

What are you talking about?

I know the truth,
Elias, about everything.

- What do you mean?

I mean... I know.

I know why you're acting like this.

Sydney, you're gonna have to tell me

exactly what you thinkyou know

because I'm not in
the mood for this shit.

No, no.


- Don't walk away from me.

Do you think I'm stupid, huh?

Did you think I wouldn't notice
the secretive phone calls,

the trips, the lying?

I'm gonna ask you one more time.

What do you think you know?

I know that you lost your job.

I called Kelly to see if Mike

was going through the same thing,

and she said that you
were fired... months ago.

So when you told me that
you were traveling for work,

what were you doing?

- Were you... Were you gambling?
- No.

- A... Are you addicted to dr*gs?
- No.

Are you seeing someone else?

No, I was interviewing for other jobs.

I didn't want to tell
you until I had one

because I didn't want to scare you.

Yeah, well, that, uh that didn't work.

Um, I need to know what your plan is

because this... this
this silent treatment

and the random outbursts...

this isn't working.




You're next.


Grace? Oh, my God, Grace.

- Okay, come here, come here.

I'm so, so sorry.

It's n... not your fault.


- I had a choice, and I...
- Stop.

- There was a man here... before you.

I was where you were.

- I made the same choice.

We're both gonna die here, aren't we?

I need to tell you something.

He's watching. Don't let him see this.

We're gonna pull it out on three.

- You'll die.
- I'm gonna die anyway.

[SOBS] No, no, wait.

- One, two, three.

Okay, now listen very closely.

Once I'm dead, he's gonna come for me.

This is what you need to do.

We did it!

After going through hundreds of records,

we can switch from
unknown subjects to known.

BAILEY: Frank Scelsa... he's
the superintendent at Camdale.

He had a daughter, Kelly, who overdosed

after buying dr*gs
from a fellow student.

Her roommate knew about
it, didn't tell anyone.

Everyone involved with her death
was either arrested or expelled.

He can't punish them directly,
so he punishes surrogates.

Do we have home and work
addresses for Scelsa?

Plus the address of his ex-wife,

although he's not been at
work for the last few days,

- so home is your best bet.
- Okay.

Dave, you and Luke go to his home.

JJ, talk to his ex.

Bailey and I will cover his job.

Let's get you suited up.

Been a while?

- Not since training.
- Oh.

- Did you ever do Hogan's Alley?
- No.

Oh, it was loads of fun.

It was a course designed
to force failure.

And then the instructors
were yelling at you...

- "You've betrayed your oath to your country!"

We should let your dad run it, huh?

Oh. [LAUGHS] Yeah, he would love that.

What you said to Terry's parents,

- that was the truth, wasn't it?
- Yeah.

So, what is he?

- Three Percenter? Minuteman?
- No, no, he's...

just a Libertarian
who owns so many g*ns.

For when the government
comes to take them away.

- Oh.
- He'd disown me if he saw me right now,

so let's keep this
between, uh, us, okay?

I will not tell a soul.

Maybe Rossi.

Oh, well, duh.

I need more men my dad's
age I can disappoint.

[SOBBING] Don't die.

Please don't die.

You can't be dead.

This is all my fault.

- Come and get it, m*therf*cker.

Emily, he's not here.

JJ didn't have any luck
with the ex, either.

But we did find diagrams of
the old campus power plant.

Looks like he retrofitted
it to hold prisoners.

PRENTISS: Copy. We're five minutes away.

- We'll stay outside until backup arrives.


- Now!
- Aah!

- We're going in.

- Run!



- Hurry. He's coming. He's coming.

He's coming.


- Clear.
- Clear.


- Hey, hey! It's okay! We're the FBI.

- Ashley Limina!
- He's in the basement. He's got Grace.

You have to save her.

- Stay with her.
- Let's get you outside.


Frank Scelsa, drop the
w*apon, or I will sh**t.

Then sh**t.

I have made my peace with God.

He understands that somebody must pay!

That somebody isn't Grace, Frank.

She did not hurt your daughter.

She's not innocent, either.

Okay, then.

Let's make a deal.

You let her go, I let you go.

No. No deal.

You make a deal with the devil...

- it's a trap.
- Not this time.

Remember Genesis?

Chapter , verse ...

"God's angels told Lot to leave Sodom."

That's what he's telling you
right now. Leave.

Don't be like Lot's wife.

Don't look behind you. Just leave.


- Hands in the air.
- [SOBS]

She needs you.

We need an ambulance
at Hillview Court.

- Two wounded, one critical.
- Hi.

Hi, I'm Doug.

- Did Ashley make it?
- Yes, she did.

So will you.

Doug... I'm really cold.

Is that better?


Hey. Hey, do you hear that?

Do you know who that is?

That's the team that is
coming to save your life,

because you did it, Grace.

- You made it.



So, uh, I have a plan.

I think I should go.

Go? That's your answer?

That's always your answer.

How long this time?

I don't know. A... A couple days.

But when I come back,

I will be the husband you deserve.

[CHUCKLES] Husband I deserve?

Wow. That is... That's, um...

f*ck you. You are not putting
this on me.

You made this decision.

So before you go on
your little walkabout,

you're going to have to explain yourself

to our daughters.

Because the husband I deserve

is the father that they need. Jesus.

[SOBBING] Is this our fault?

Did we do something?

No, no, no, no, no. This is not...

It's not about you, okay?

Is this forever?


No, look, hey, I just need some time

to go figure some things out.

Look, when I'm gone, I
have a really important job

for both of you, okay?

I need you to take
care of your mom, okay?

If she can't get the laundry done

or check your homework,

I just need you to help her out.

Can you do that?

Har... Harlow, look at me.

You, your sister, and your mom

are the best thing in my life.

The best thing. [SNIFFLES]

And when I come home,

it's gonna be exactly like it was, okay?

I... I promise.

- [SOBS]
- Okay?

Come here.

I gotta go. [CHUCKLES]


- I know.

Hey. What are you doing here?

I got a second wind.

Oh. Well, I have not.

I'll see you tomorrow, people.

Good night.

Any luck on that microchip?

Yeah, it, uh, led us to a hardware store

in Chattanooga.

Possible contact with Sicarius.

- I forwarded the materials to you.
- Good.

- Did you get what you needed?
- I did, yeah.

I'm gonna turn my
phone off for the night.

- Good idea.
- Thank you.


- What are you doing here?
- Well...

I heard through the grapevine
you were headed home,

so I thought we could
maybe have an adult supper.

- Mm.
- We said we'd make time for a date night

when we can.

Uh, but the boys are...?

- Oh, shit.

- Come on, your mama's staying home.
- Alright.

I like your style, LaMontagne.

- Knew there was a reason why I married you.

- There's a few of them.

- Prentiss.
- Ma'am.


Did you call Terry's
parents, tell them we got him?

I did. They were very appreciative.

- So, was, uh, Grace Ryleigh's family.
- Good.

- She denied our request, didn't she?
- She did.

The Sicarius case is officially closed.

I'm sorry, Emily.



- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Mm, not okay.

- Can I say something?
- Of course.

When I first reached out to you...

I had this hate in my heart, and, uh...

it's all I had.

I just wanted to find
who did this to my sister.

And then I was gonna end it.

- You were gonna...
- Yeah.

But I don't feel that way anymore.

And the only thing that
changed is, I met you.

You showed me that there's still good,

decent people in the world. So...

No matter what happens, no matter...

who you arrest, or even
if you make an arrest...

you made me want to live again.

So if this is goodbye, I just, uh...

thought you'd want to know that.

I did want to know that.

Thank you for telling me.

You should go.

I should go.

I do not want to be responsible

for what happens if you do not go.

I'm okay with that.

- Are we doing this?
- Um, it appears... Yeah.

Yeah, we are doing this.

Mm. Mm.


There you are.


Is everything alright, dear?

Yes, yes, Mrs. Leonte,
everything is alright.

I heard some crashing.

I was a little concerned.

Oh. Well, you know me.

I was doing a little
redecorating in here,

but I... I'll try to be more quiet.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I am sure.

Bye-bye, Mrs. Leonte.

- Good night.

♪ Not that innocent ♪

♪ I think I did it again ♪

♪ I made you believe we
were more than just friends ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ It might seem like a crush ♪

♪ But it doesn't mean that I'm serious ♪

♪ 'Cause to lose all my senses ♪

- ♪ That is just... ♪
- I didn't...

How did you...

I never... [SIGHS]

- Wow.
- Yeah.

I know.

Nobody ever tells you
how good nerds are in bed.

Congratulations to us.

- ♪ I'm not that innocent ♪

♪ Oops, I did it again ♪