04x18 - The Kindred: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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04x18 - The Kindred: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

I could easily bring another 12 ships to the battle.

12 ships, willing to fight shoulder to shoulder?

For a chance to destroy the replicators once and for all?

Of course.

What did you do?

- What are you referring to?
- There's a ship on the way.

Ah, they picked up my signal.

Subspace tracking device.


Is anybody here?

What happened?

My people, they are gone.

Searched the entire planet, no life-signs.

I will find them.

And we're going to help you, but you got to rest and get your strength back.

Whoever did this will pay.

I will make certain of it.

I'm so sorry, teyla.

Kanaan was a good man.

He would have made a wonderful father.

I really thought I could save him.

You did everything you could.

That's all anybody can ask for.

He's at peace now.

All right.

I'm ready.



He's still alive!

Help me, teyla, please!

Please help me!

He's still alive! Let me go!

Teyla, it's too late.

Help me, teyla! Teyla!



As you know, for some time now

we've been tracking what appears to be a new sickness in the pegasus galaxy.

We don't know exactly when or where it started,

but so far we've encountered it on seven different planets.


Make that eight.

We just came back from 447. They got it too.

Really? The same symptoms?

Mmm... starts with respiratory difficulty,

proceeds rapidly to fatal organ shut down.

Oh, it's, uh, disinfectant.

We just came back from the bio-screen, rodney.

We were wearing a hasmat the whole time, too.

Yes, well, it's better safe than sorry.

Do we have any idea how it's spread?

Well, that's the strange part.

Most of these planets have no regular contact with each other,

but a few of them do have regular contact with other, neighboring planets

that have been completely unaffected.

So far.

How bad is this going to get?

If I had to make a projection, I'd base it on the evidence from m1r 992.

There have been no new cases there for some time,

which would seem to indicate the sickness has run its course.


It k*lled 30% of the population.

If those numbers bear out on the rest of these planets,

we're looking at a death-toll of about


That's assuming it doesn't spread any further.


has dr.Keller made any progress with her investigation?

Unfortunately not, no, but she's still working on it.

What are you hiding?

I, um...


I've been waiting for the right time to give this to you,

and what with everything that's been going on and all, I, uh...

anyway, uh...

here you go.

You didn't have to do this, rodney.

Well, think of it as A...

a kind of a pre-baby present.

Back on earth, there's this company that produces recordings specifically for the fetus.

The thinking is that by listening to the works of, say, a great composer

while still in the womb, the baby will be born with a natural predisposition toward musical ability,

or in this case, science.

Yeah, I recorded some of my reflections on

some of my more ground-breaking accomplishments and theories.

Just a couple of hours' worth.

You should not have gone to so much trouble.

Oh, it was no trouble at all.

Something wrong?


I was debating whether or not to tell anyone.

tell anyone what?

I believe I had a vision last night.

A vision?

I saw kanaan, the father of my son.

I believe that he was trying to

send me a message, that he's alive,

and that I must not abandon the search for him and the rest of my people.

And-and this was while you were sleeping?

You think it was a dream.

Well, I...

I believe it was more than that.

It did not feel like a dream.

I knew you would doubt me. I should not have said anything.

Hey, I've been cocooned inside an alien space craft, I've had another person living inside me,

I've encountered not one, but two different versions of myself,

so who am I to judge?

If you say it was a vision, then I believe it was a vision.

I seriously doubt it was a vision.

She had them before.

She's had remote contact with the wraith, never another human.

Besides, those athosians have been missing for, like, what, six months now?

You really think they're still alive?

What do you want me to do, rodney?
Tell her to give up hope?

At some point, she may not have a choice.

Rodney, ****



You must help us.


Save us.

Where are you? Where are our people?

You bought me this.


Do you remember where?

The village of croya.

Is that where you are?

Come find me.

She says the pendant in her vision is the same one she gave to kanaan before he disappeared.

So what's the significance?

Well, uh...

I'm not sure.

Well, what does she want, exactly?

Well, she bought it from some guy in a village on m2s 181.

She wants to go back and check it out.

That's a peaceful trading settlement.

I'd be very surprised if they had anything to do with the disappearance of the athosians.

That's what I said, but she still wants to go.

She thinks that

kanaan is sending her a message, a clue.

And what do you think?

Doesn't matter.

It's teyla, and we owe her one.


but we're stretched pretty thin dealing with this plague.

We'll try to make it quick.

I purchased the pendant from an artisan in croya,

the village we are about to visit.

Among the athosians, it's quite common to present such gifts

as expressions of admiration and respect.

Hey, maybe I'll pick you something up while we're there.



All right, so we'll ask around see if we can get some useful intel,

but if you even begin to sense any danger--

I'll make straight for the gate, leaving you to deal with it.

All right, then.

Excuse me,

I'm wondering if you can tell me what happened to the artisan who used to occupy this space.

He specialized in handcrafted jewelry,

bracelets, pendants, chains...

he's gone.


During the sickness that took the village several weeks back.

He and some 40 others.

I'm sorry, child, he's dead.

Hey, I hear you have something.


I found out what's making these people sick,

and it's something we've encountered before.

It's a unique protein originally created by the inhabitants of a planet called hoff.

It was designed to interfere with the wraith's feeding mechanism,

making them immune to the process.

It also k*lled the feeding wraith, and half the people who took it.

That's right.

So this isn't some contagion that spreads naturally.


This is mass m*rder.

I think we're done here.

Not yet.

I've given this place the twice over.

Nobody knows anything.

Well, perhaps someone does, and has not yet seen fit to come forward yet.

I was guided here.

By showing me the pendant, kanaan was telling me to come to this village.

Look, you're going through a tough time.

You want answers, that's understandable,

but you might want to consider it's clouding your judgment.

Just a little.

What are you questioning, john?

My interpretation of the vision, or the vision itself?

We've been here long enough.

If there was something for us to find, we would've found it by now.

Rodney, ronon, we're heading out.

Are you sure it's the same protein?

I ran a side-by-side comparison.
It was almost an exact match.


We're dealing with the new and improved version.

The hoffan drug k*lled roughly 50% of the test subjects, and this one only kills 30%.

Yeah, it's still 30% too many.

How do the populations of eight different planets get inoculated with a drug and not even know about it?

It's possible it was administered through their food and water supply.

We're running some tests.

So who's behind this?

Well, maybe the hoffans have resumed distribution of the drug,

but on a much larger scale.

They haven't been doing much of anything lately.

When the wraith discovered what they were up to, the whole civilization was wiped out.

Well, maybe a few of them survived, and they're planning a little payback.

The random nature of this drug's distribution is clear and calculated.

It's obviously intended to throw the wraith completely off balance.

They have no way of knowing which of their food sources has been infected.

So it's just a matter of time before they become hungry and cranky.

Well, I mean, I know I would.

We need to go back to hoff,

search what's still standing, see if we can shed some light on the situation before another planet's targeted.

Let's go, rodney.



where are you?

I don't know.

Who took you?

I don't know.

How can I find you?

You already know where to go to uncover the answers.

The village.

But you stopped looking.

I went.

I found nothing.

You were close.

Please, teyla.

Our time is running short.

We need you.


and you weren't sleeping?

I was in a meditative state, but I was most definitely awake.

There can be no doubt.
This is real.

But you've already been to the planet.

We missed something. I'm certain of it.

I want to believe you, teyla, but I'm a scientist.

I'm trained to think critically.

There is a possible explanation.

Kanaan has the gift, the same ability that I do.

The wraith dna.


Among my people, the gift is considered useful,

but it also sets one apart. It can be difficult.

Kanaan was the only one who could truly understand what it felt like.

It brought you together.

It is something we have shared since childhood.

But have you ever communicated this way before?


I know what this looks like, colonel,

and I know what everyone is thinking.

"She sees what she wants to see, she believes what she wants to believe,"

but I assure you, that is not the case.

All right.

- When colonel sheppard gets back from hoff, we can--
- I cannot wait.

Kanaan said their time is running short. I must leave immediately.

I see.

I do not need your permission, colonel.

Unless you intend to restrain me.

Major lorne, come in.

Go ahead, colonel.

Assemble your team. You'll be escorting teyla back to m2s 181.


I'm not letting you go back there alone.

Thank you, colonel.

Call me sam.

Thank you, sam.

Rodney, come in.

Go ahead.

Did you find anything?

Just a bunch of junk. You?


The wraith did a pretty good number on this place.

Yeah, this is more than just random destruction.

This place used to be the repository of all hoffan knowledge.

I'd say a lot of it's just missing.

Who's there?

Rodney, what's going on?

I thought I heard something.


Probably just rats.


Okay, if there's someone in here, you better come out.

I'm not kidding.

Hang on

I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to ask you a couple of questions.

Now, who are you? What are you doing here?

Okay, maybe you can help me.
I'm looking for some medical stuff. Books, files, equipment.

I don't know anything about that.

By the time we got here, most of the good stuff was already gone.

We're just picking through what's left.


Looks like we're not the only ones here.

What do you got?

A bunch of kids going through what's left of this place.

Scavengers. You think they got a hold of what we're looking for?

Hoffan research wouldn't have meant anything to them.

All right, well, if not them, then who was it?

I don't know.

One thing's for sure, whoever it was,

they knew exactly what they were looking for.

kind of reminds me of the flea markets they used to have back home.

Every sunday, stroll down to the bay area,

find pretty much anything you wanted,

and a lot of things you didn'T.

What is it?



I will ask you once, and you will answer me truthfully.

Where did you get this pendant?

From a trader.

If you like it that much, it's yours with my blessings.

You recognize it?

It belonged to kanaan.

What else did you acquire from this trader?

You know, I don't want to be difficult here,

but I did acquire that merchandise for a price,

and while I really don't mind gifting you with an item,

from a purely business standpoint, it really doesn't make sense for me to part with my stock--

this necklace belonged to bellara.

It was a gift from her parents to mark her coming of age,

and this ring

belonged to halling.

This trader you say you got these things from.

When's the last time you saw him?

Several days ago,

but he comes through here quite regularly.

In fact, it's more than likely he may pay me a visit today.

It would be my pleasure to make the proper introductions.


No, the place was cleared out.

Is that what I think it is?

It's getting to be a familiar sight.

What is it?

Wraith subspace tracking device.

It's our old friend.


Maybe he wants to talk, and maybe he just wants to lead us into an ambush.

There is always that possibility.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

Aw, come on, we just got back.

Sorry, rodney.

I haven't even had lunch yet.

Dial it.

Got some real nice merchandise for you today, my friend.

Real nice.

Hey there, how you doing?

You mind telling me where you got this stuff?

Wake up.

Look, we need to know

where you got this merchandise.

I do trade so much, it's often hard to keep track of it all.

Oh yeah?

Well, according to the merchant you do business with here,

the stuff you've been bringing in lately

has been a hell of a lot nicer than your usual crap.

He said that?

Yeah, he said that.

Well, there's no accounting for taste.

I can't give up my sources. They're trade secrets.

I don't give a damn about your trade secrets.

We want to know where you got this stuff.

And if I don't tell you? What are you going to do?

I recognize those uniforms, I've heard the stories.

People from atlantis, do-gooders of the galaxy.

You wouldn't hurt me.

I'm wearing no uniform.

A pregnant woman.

Very intimidating.

I will inform the villers that you are a wraith worshiper,

and let them mete out their own justice.

Let's go.


I got it at an off-world dumping ground.

Dumping ground?

For what?

Corpses, mostly.

Loose ends that need to be disappeared.

Occasionally they may still have some valuables on them,

valuables they obviously have no use for.

This merchandise, you removed it from the dead?

No, not that merchandise.

The last time I was back at the planet,

I spotted what I thought was a fresh grave, a potential new opportunity,

but when i dug it up, instead of finding a body,

I found a box containing those items.

I suppose somebody was just trying to get rid of them.

It was odd to me at first, but I wasn't just about to--

you will take us to this world.

You will show us where you found them.

Of course.

Whatever you say.

Get him up.

Sheppard. We got something.

Well, they're dead,

but there's no marks on them.

That's because they were poisoned...

and I suspect you already know how.

First thing we do when we get to the gate is radio back to atlantis,

let them know where we're going, okay?

Listen, teyla,

I know you're looking for answers to what happened to your people, but

I'm thinking maybe it's better if you let us check it out, okay?


look, just let us scout ahead, all right?

What is that?


Well, let me guess...

something they ate?

Many of my fellow wraith have fallen victim to this attack on our food supply.

Yeah, it's a shame, but it's not really our problem.

From what we've been able to surmise,

this blow against us has been delivered at a great cost to human lives.

Something you would have made your problem in the past...

unless, of course, you're responsible for the dispersal of this plague,

in which case, you may well consider the human lives sacrificed

acceptable losses?

Actually, when we were putting a list together of the most likely suspects,

you were at the top.

What better way to stick it to your competition?

Effective, yes,

and admittedly creative,

but the truth is,

all of the existing wraith factions have been adversely affected by this.

Our food supply has been so randomly tainted

we have no way of knowing if our next meal will be our last.

All right, times are tough.

Doesn't explain why you called us here.

I brought you here because...

I need your help.

I am aware you had a hand in helping the hoffans refine this drug.

I require whatever research you possess in order that I may synthesize a cure,

for my hive

and my hive alone.

That's not going to happen.

You always say that, but you always come around.

Yeah, well, this is different.

We're still a little upset over the whole earth conquest thing.

I had no part in that.

Actually, in an indirect way, you did.

The wraith who led the attack was able to access the midway station with information you stole on your last visit to atlantis.

Information he stole from me in turn, so, in a way, we were both victims,

but let's save our commiserations for another time.

I have a proposal.

Let's hear it.

In exchange for this information,

I will give you the identity of the individual responsible for dispersing this poison

and k*lling both wraith and human alike.

A couple of minutes ago, you thought we did it.

There are only two parties who possess the resources and capabilities to launch such an attack.

If you are not responsible, then,

by process of elimination,

there can be only one.


Wraith faction has been hit

which makes it extremely unlikely that any of them are responsible.

When we told him we weren't the guys behind it, he said there can only be one other.

And you think you know who he's talking about?


The wraith that dr.Beckett converted into a human?

Well, temporarily converted.

Eventually, he became a kind of a human-wraith hybrid.

The other wraith didn't want anything to do with him,

so he's been kind of holding a little bit of a grudge ever since.

He's not a big fan of humans, either.

No, for him, the hoffan drug is the perfect w*apon.

Still, this is just speculation.

I mean, do we have any proof?

Well, not really, but even if we did, we'd have no way of finding him.

We can go back to todd, see if he's got something more than a name.

Well, wait, you're not seriously thinking of giving him our research on the hoffan protein?

Well, why not?

Because we'd effectively be giving the wraith the means to reproduce the drug and

potentially infect and k*ll millions--

theoretically, yes,

but practically, it really wouldn't be in their best interest to poison their own food supply,

regardless of whether our research helped them come up with an antidote or not.

No, I think the more likely scenario is that

they find an antidote that works as a short-term solution to the existing threat,

then they work on weaponizing the protein.

You know, coming up with a more effective delivery system,

one that cuts out the middle man,

in this case, the human victims.

No, what we're doing is giving them the means to k*ll each other off.

So, when you, uh...

put it that way, giving them our research could be a good thing.

Incoming wormhole.

Major, where's teyla?

Why am I here?

What do you want?

Answer me!

I'm disappointed.

I was expecting a little more gratitude, after everything I went through to arrange this...

family reunion.


My people...

you took them?

Where are they?

What have you done with them?

They're alive and well,

and working with me toward the common goal we all share.

What are you talking about?

The extermination of the wraith.

I'm building an army that will soon replace them

as the dominant race in this galaxy.

An army of monsters.

I'll admit my early attempts were a little...


but that's all changed now.

I've refined the retrovirus to create the perfect balance,

ability well beyond any normal human, but without the one weakness

that will be the downfall of the wraith.

The need to feed.

It was you.

You're the one responsible for spreading the hoffan drug.

Consider it the opening salvo in a much broader as*ault.

How were you able to discover the drug?

How were you able to refine it?

I had help.

Wait! Where are my people?


Oh, don't mind them.

They're just here to help with the clean-up.

I assume you've agreed to my terms?

Not exactly.

You do not wish to know who's responsible for these unfortunate events?

We already know.

At least, we have a pretty good guess.

We call him michael.

Don't ask why.

He used to be a wraith. Now he's A...

I'm not sure what the hell he is.

I know the one of whom you speak, and I believe you are correct.

Confirmation, without us giving you anything.
That's very generous.

Obviously there's more you want from me, or you would not have come.

Maybe we just came to k*ll you.

Did you?

Unfortunately, no.

Well, there's always next time.


one of our people,


was taken by a dart today.

I suppose she's already made some lucky wraith a very tasty meal.

This was no culling.

She was targeted. Someone set a trap.

And you suspect this... what do you call him?


Well, if not, the timing's a hell of a coincidence.

We need you to tap your intel sources,

find something useful.

This tablet has the address of an off-world relay station.

If you leave a message for us, we'll get it.

It also has our research on the hoffan drug.

just enough to whet your appetite.

You find something we can use, we'll give you the rest.

Well, I'll see what I can do.

I understand you're refusing to take food.

It's not poisoned, if that's what you're worried about.

Take it.

You need to keep up your strength.

What do you care about my well-being?

I care a great deal.

I may not be foolish enough to consider us friends,

but we do have a history...

and even though you've betrayed me repeatedly,

you're still the only one, human or wraith,

who's ever come close to understanding what I've been through.


We're not that different, teyla.

You're a human with wraith dna.

A hybrid, just like me.

I'm no m*rder*r.

You k*ll to protect yourself and your own, so do I.

Of course, circumstances require me to do it on a slightly larger scale,

but the principle is still the same.

You're insane.

Spite me all you want,

but don't do it at the expense of the child.

My child is of no concern to you.

On the contrary,

I have great plans for him.

How can you eat right now?

Are you kidding?

This is the first decent meal I've had all day.

Besides, it's not going to help teyla at all starving ourselves.

I'm just trying to keep my strength up.
I suggest you two do the same.

Hey, we'll find her.

I've just got to do something.


looks like todd came through for you.

He did?

You've got a message from the relay station.

Apparently there's a rumor going around amongst certain wraith worshipers about one of our people being held c*ptive.

You've got the coordinates.

All right, I'm going to need lorne and his team.

He's already volunteered.

You'll gate to the nearest planet, where the daedalus is enroute to pick you up.

Let's go.

I told you, I'm not hungry.


what has he done to you?

Kanaan, it's me. Teyla.

I came for you, just like you asked.

Like I asked.

I was the one in your visions.

Appropriately disguised, of course.

You're lying.

I reached across 10,000 light years of space and touched your mind.

There is more of a bond between us than you know.

Once the child is born, the bond will grow even stronger.

Enjoy your reunion.

Kanaan, you must help me.

You must help our child.

Please, kanaan.

The child will serve the cause,

then one day soon, the galaxy will be ours.



Approaching target destination.

Drop us out.

Yes, sir.

We're unable to get a lock on her subcutaneous transmitter.

No surprise there. I'm sure michael got rid of that.

Guess we'll have to do things the hard way.

Good, let's do it.

All right, stay in touch.

Yes, sir.

Let's move out.

Sir, I'm picking up another ship.

It's a wraith cruiser, sir.

Shields up.

Return fire!

Sheppard, this is daedalus.
We've been engaged by a wraith cruiser.

How's it going?

More than holding our own, but you could pick up the pace.

Where's your boss?

You're too early.

What the hell does that mean?

We're expecting him back.

He's on his way with an important prisoner.

This is sheppard, come in.

Daedalus, do you read?

Sheppard, this is daedalus.

Do not destroy the enemy ship.
I repeat

do not destroy the enemy ship.
Teyla may be on board.

Did you hear me? Teyla may be on board!

We heard you. Can you cr*pple it?

It's possible, sir. It's already sustained some heavy damage.

Sir, the enemy is attempting a retreat.

Target the engines!

I'm sorry, sir.

Bad news, sheppard.

The cruiser made the jump to hyperspace.

It's gone.

Any sign of her, sir?

She's not here.

Are you sure?

That guard was protecting something.

Finally! It's about bloody time.

What took you so long?
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