03x08 - Twilight

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Enterprise". Aired: September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005.*
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Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the events of The Original Series, it follows the adventures of the Enterprise, Earth's first starship capable of traveling at warp five, as it explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species.
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03x08 - Twilight

Post by bunniefuu »

[expl*sive rumbling]


Archer to the bridge.

I'm sorry, sir.

I have orders
to keep you here.


From who?

The captain.

[expl*sive rumbling]

We're losing
forward hull plating!

Target their engines.

No effect.

What the hell's going on?

Someone take him
back to his quarters.

Weapons are off-line!



♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪



You're up early.


I know this all
seems unfamiliar.

I promise
I'll explain everything.

Why don't you sit down?
Breakfast is almost ready.

Where are we?

Jonathan, please, sit down.

I'll answer
all of your questions.

Today is a very
important day.

I have a great deal
to tell you.

What's the last thing
you remember?

I was in the command center
looking at long-range scans.

Do you remember what happened
after you left
the command center?

We were in a corridor,
you and i,

On our way to the bridge.

This will be difficult
for you to accept,

But that was 12 years ago.

you coming tonight?

I hadn't planned on it.

I can make movie night
mandatory for
senior officers.

You'll enjoy it.

Rosemary's baby.

[expl*sive rumbling]
it'll scare
the hell out of you.

Archer to the bridge. Report.

There's a power surge
in the starboard nacelle.

It seems to have been caused
by an anomaly.

take us out of warp.

The helm's not responding.

The starboard
injectors are fused.

I'm reading more
anomalies ahead.

Alter course.
20 Degrees to port.





You have to get out of here.

I'm not leaving you.

[Both groaning]

How do you feel?

Like a shuttlepod
landed on my head.

Was anyone else hurt?


there are a few questions
I have to ask you.

Well, it'll have to wait.

I want to get to the bridge.

I'm afraid I have to insist.

When did you last
speak to commander tucker?

This morning,
staff briefing.


What's going on, phlox?

The anomaly in the corridor
left something behind.

We've never seen it before.

This is a microcellular scan
of your hippocampus.

You've been infected
by several clusters
of parasites.

They haven't caused
any tissue damage,

But they're impairing
certain synaptic functions.

They're preventing you
from forming
new long-term memories.

Long term?

You can recall events
that happened
before the infection,

But everything after
fades within a few hours.

You've been in sickbay
for the past 3 days.

You last spoke
to commander tucker
about 7 hours ago.

He came to see you,
right here.

You can't remove
these parasites?

So far they haven't responded
to any traditional therapies.

But I'm... I'm synthesizing
an antigen that
shows some promise.

You can be assured
I won't stop working

On this until I find a cure.

the doctor continued
to search for

A remedy over
the next several weeks.

Commander tucker and I
did our best

To keep you updated
each day on the progress
of our mission.

It looked like we had a lead
on that xindi ship,

The one we planted
the tracking device on.

But it turned out to
be a garbage scow.

They were carrying a shipment
with the same
radiolytic signature.

I had an idea this morning
after you told me
what happened.

I came up with
a way to upgrade
the antimatter inducers.

We can travel
farther on less fuel.

Let me guess.
I already gave
you these specs.

A week ago.

But your upgrades
are working nicely.

[Clearing throat]

I should get back
to engineering.

See you both later.

I imagine that
must happen often.

Maybe these daily briefings
aren't such a good idea.

Looks like it's just
a waste of your time

And trip's.

I disagree.

We both rely on
your experience.

You can still contribute
to the success
of this mission.

I'm sure you have work to do.

I'll be in my quarters.

In the corridor,
when the anomaly hit,

I urged you to
leave me behind.

If you had,

It's likely
I'd be the one suffering
from this condition.

I don't take orders from you.


I never expressed
my gratitude
for what you did.

I suppose there's not
much point in thanking me.

A few hours from now
I won't remember.

bridge to t'pol.

Go ahead.

We're receiving a hail
through the subspace buoy.

It's starfleet.

I'm on my way.

this was not a conversation
I was looking forward to.

It was admiral forrest.

The command council
had reviewed
the doctor's report

On your condition.

They relieved you of duty,
and granted me
a field commission.

Forrest made you captain.
I suppose congratulations
are in order,

Even if they are belated.

I guess

These parasites weren't
so easy to remove after all.

Phlox discovered
that the organisms

Are from a domain
outside normal space-time.

They exist in a state
of interspatial flux.

None of his treatments
had any effect on them.

What about the mission?

Did you find
the xindi w*apon?

After several
months of searching,

We learned where the w*apon
was being constructed.

But the xindi knew
we were getting close.

They dispatched
2 vessels to intercept us.

[expl*sive rumbling]

That last one took
out warp engines.

They're locking onto
the starboard docking port.

Send security teams.


I'm reading 23 intruders
on decks "c", "d", and "e".

Have your men set up
a defense perimeter
on b-deck.


We've lost weapons!

Is their ship
still docked with us?

It is.


Both ships are disabled.

We've lost 13 of the crew.

22 Injured,
several critical.

The xindi?

We've taken 9 prisoners,

But the brig was
only designed for 2.

I'm not sure what to
do with the others.

Blow them out the airlock.

Put them in crew quarters
under heavy guard.

How are
the repairs coming?

We should have hull plating
and torpedoes in the next
couple of hours.

The warp drive's
another question.

The starboard nacelle's
a lost cause.

Half the coils
have been fused.

How long to repair them?

If we were at
jupiter station, 3 weeks.

Out here

I'd have to rebuild
the coil assembly
from scratch.

6 Months minimum.

For now, the best
I can give you is warp 1.7.

We're not going
to get very far
at that speed.

Resume our previous heading.

How can we keep going
with one warp engine?

There's no other option.

What in the world
were you thinking
when you rammed that ship?

I chose the logical course
of action.

Since the captain got sick,

This mission has taken
one wrong turn after another.

If you believe
I've acted improperly,

I suggest you contact
admiral forrest.

You said we eventually
found the w*apon.

How could we manage that
without warp engines?

We located the facility
where the xindi
constructed the probe.

But it had
already been deployed.



They didn't stop
at your homeworld.

They att*cked
every human outpost
they could find.


Alpha centauri,

Vega colony,

All were destroyed.

How many of us are left?

Less than 6,000.

We're on the 5th planet
in the ceti alpha system.

It's far from the expanse.

What happened to the crew?

Most of them are
still aboard the ship.

It's in orbit,
patrolling this system.

How did

All these people get here?

Survivors from
human colonies realized

They needed
a place to take refuge.

Several convoys
headed for this system.

One of them was
led by enterprise.

There's a ship
approaching at high warp.

It's vulcan.

They're hailing us.


I need to speak
with you, t'pol.

[Bell dings]

Come in.

That uniform
doesn't suit you, captain.

I doubt you traveled
all this way to
criticize my attire.

I want you to return
with me to vulcan.

I'm no longer
under your authority.

It's not an order,
it's a request

For your own safety.

2 Weeks ago, the high command
received a distress call

From the earth convoy
in the mutara system.

By the time
our ships reached them,

They found nothing
but a field of debris.

The w*apon signatures
were xindi.

Even if your ships do manage
to reach ceti alpha,

It's most likely
you'll find
an armada waiting for you.

We're prepared
to confront them.

It was a mistake
ordering you to
leave enterprise.

It forced you to make
an impulsive decision.

If you return with me now,

The high command is prepared
to reinstate your rank.

I won't leave them.

Them or him?

There are specialists
on vulcan
that can help archer.

You'd take him as well?

If you return to vulcan.

You owe the humans nothing.

They chose to leave earth
before they were ready.

If they'd accepted
our counsel,

This tragedy would
have been avoided.

We could have saved them.


We held back
their warp program
for 100 years.

A policy which
you supported.

If we would have helped them
develop faster ships,
better defenses...

Your emotional attachment
to archer
is clouding your logic.

We'll be within range
for another 30 hours

Should you reconsider.

[Bell dings]

Come in.

Did things go well
with the vulcans?

How did you know
that they were...

There was obviously a reason
I chose these quarters.

You can see a lot
from this window.

What did they want?

They were here to
replenish our supplies.


I've been thinking about
everything you told me.

I realize I'm not fit
to command the ship,

But there's got to be
some way I can help.

I could give trip
a hand in engineering.

We tried something similar
to that a few months ago.

It was uncomfortable for you.

So I'm supposed
to stay locked up
in my quarters all day?

You often take
porthos for a walk,

Visit the classrooms
on d-deck.

The children enjoy hearing
about our earlier missions.

In other words,

Just stay out of the way.

after nearly a year,
we arrived in this system.

Our convoy was
the only one to reach it.

The others had all been
att*cked and destroyed.

this planet's barely

Maybe we should've picked one
with a little more
blue and green on it.

I'd like to head down with
a survey team
and scout for colony sites.

You're needed on enterprise.

The civilian leaders
are going to want
to meet with you.

Me? You're the one
they deal with.

I'm resigning my commission.

You're sure you
want to do this?

Captain archer will be
better off on the surface

With the others.

He'll need a caretaker,
someone he trusts.

I can't be in 2 places
at the same time.

You're making one
hell of a sacrifice.


I have my reasons.

The civilian ships
were disassembled

For their components
and raw materials.

We used them to
construct the settlement.

At this point,
you often wonder

If you're the victim of
some elaborate deception.

The thought did
cross my mind.

Margaret mullin.

You met her when you were
24 years old,

During flight school
in san francisco.

The night before
you graduated,
you asked her to marry you

Outside of her apartment
on westgate avenue.

She turned you down.

She said she didn't want
to become a starfleet widow.

How the hell
did you know that?

Our relationship has
evolved over the years.

Exactly how far
has it evolved?

Nothing seems to have changed
since your last exam.

Is this why you
came all the way
from denobula,

To give me a check-up?

You didn't tell him?

After the settlement
was established, it became
clear that I was never going

To find a treatment
for your condition
if I remained here.

So I returned home

And consulted with some of
the finest neurosurgeons

And quantum theorists
on denobula.

My colleagues believed
there was no way
to destroy these parasites,

Short of vaporizing you
in a subspace implosion.

They assured me
the technology to do

What was required
did not exist

And, uh, they were correct.

It took almost
a decade to develop,

But now I'm ready to
put it to the test.

The procedure requires
tremendous amounts
of energy levels

That can only be
produced in the reactor

Of a warp-powered starship.

We're going to enterprise.

[Blowing whistle]

It's good to see you, sir.

Captain tucker.

I don't think you need
to call me "sir" anymore.

Old habits.

I apologize for
the low lighting.

We're running
on reserve power.

Antimatter's at
a premium these days.

How long has it been
since you took command?

9 Years. I've got some people
who'd like to say hello.

You're looking well,

Thank you.
Commander, is it?

Actually, I've just
been promoted to captain.

Malcolm's taking over
the intrepid from ramirez.

Did everyone
get their own ship
while I was gone?

Not everyone, sir.


There's a reception in
the mess hall,
if you're feeling up to it.

A visit to engineering
may be in order first.

I'll be using
a highly focused
anti-proton beam

To eradicate the parasites.

We'll start with
this cluster today.

Why not remove
all of them at once?

This procedure's
never been attempted before.

We should move cautiously.

When can you begin?

The emitters should be
calibrated within the hour.

[Bell dings]

Come in.

You left the reception early.

It was a little disturbing.

From my perspective,
I saw most of
those people just

A few hours ago.

It couldn't have
been easy for you.

Telling me the same story
over and over again
for 12 years.

I don't always
tell it in detail.

I hope I have told you
this before,

But I'm very grateful
for everything
you've done for me.

If this works...

(Phlox on intercom)
phlox to captain archer.

Go ahead.

We're ready.

I'm picking up
an intermittent
duranium signature.

Is it a ship?

I'm not certain.
It's in a close orbit
around the sun.

We'd better check it out.
Lay in a course.

Increase to
800 millicochranes.

Increase to 850.

There's a small vessel
just outside the chromosphere.

Is it xindi?

The hull configuration
doesn't match.

There's one bio-sign
on board.

Open a channel.

This is
captain charles tucker.

Is there something
we can help you with?

He's moving.

Follow him.

his warp coils are charging.

Target one of his nacelles.

Bring it into the launch bay.

Just as
my simulations predicted.

There's no trace of
the parasites I targeted.

Well, I understand
I may have a passenger
on my voyage home.

I'm remaining
at the settlement
for the time being.

He may need my help
during his recovery.

Have you told the captain
how you feel about him?

It's obvious
you've become quite attached.

It's nothing to
be ashamed of.

Vulcans experience
the same emotions
as any other species.

They're simply better
at hiding them.

I'm not hiding anything.

He risked his life
to save me.

I'm merely repaying a debt.

I can only imagine
what it must have been like

Spending all those
years in that house,
learning so much about him.

Yet he remembers
nothing about you

Beyond the day he became ill.

If we are successful,

Perhaps things
will be different.

There's a discrepancy
in these scans.

What is it?

I deal in rigelian flamegems.

I was waiting for
a prospective buyer
when you att*cked me.

You picked an odd place
for a business transaction.

We searched your ship.

We didn't find any cargo.

That's because
I jettisoned it all.

I thought you were
going to arrest me.

Flamegems are illegal
in this region.

We found your species
in our vulcan database.

It appears yridians
are information dealers.

Who hired you?
Was it the xindi?


Maybe we didn't give
his vessel
a close enough look.

Go back to the launch bay.

Use a plasma torch

And slice that ship
into neat little pieces.

Keep at it till you
find some evidence

That supports his story.

You're going to
destroy my ship?

It's not you they want.

It's the denobulan.


I was hired to follow him.

Hired by who?

I don't know.

They work through

I was paid to
follow the denobulan,

If he ever left
his homeworld.

What did you tell them?
Answer me!

What's the problem?

Your engineers
won't let us continue
with the captain's treatment.

Those are my orders.

Look, I'd do anything to help
the captain,

But we've got bigger problems
at the moment.

This may be the only solution
to your problems.

Destroying these parasites
is most likely the key to
saving humanity and earth.

Earth's gone.

This image was
taken a few minutes ago.

You can see the region
where I eradicated

The first
cluster of parasites.

It's gone in
this image as well.

This scan was taken
over 12 years ago.

The cluster has disappeared

From all the scans I've taken
over the last 12 years.

It's as though
it never existed at all.

By destroying organisms
in the present,

We appear to have neutralized
them in the past.

We know they're from
another spatial domain.

Apparently, they also exist
outside of time.

If we can eliminate
all the parasites,
it's possible

The captain's infection
will never have occurred.

History may be altered.

Archer will have remained
in command of enterprise.

Our mission in the expanse
could have a totally
different outcome.

We only have to divert
power for a few hours.

I am certain I can complete
the procedure in that time.

I'm sorry.
We need all the power
we've got for the weapons.

If the xindi are
on the way,

There's very little
we can do to stop them.

Well, we can't just
run up the white flag.

(Hoshi on intercom)
bridge to captain tucker.

You'd better
get up here, sir.

I'm on my way.

We'll talk about this later.

I'm getting a signal
from one of our sentry probes.

6 Xindi ships have
entered the system.

Charge the phase-cannons.

Is everyone in position?

Aye, sir.

The xindi ships are in range.


Our shields are holding.

Nice to know
they work in combat.

Remind me to send
a thank you note
to general schran.

Adjust your heading.
3-1-0, Mark 27.

Full impulse.

2 Of their ships
are breaking off.

They're following us.

What about the others?

Still heading
toward the planet.

The insectoid ship's
been damaged.

They're losing power.

Target the second one.

Their engine's disabled.

The other xindi ships
have changed their heading.

I think we're going
to find out how much

Of a beating these
new shields can take.


What's happening?

Jonathan, you need to rest.


Where are you going?

To the bridge.

I'm not going to
just lie here

While they destroy
what's left of humanity.

You should remain here.

Forward shielding's at 52%.

Turbolifts are down.

taken a direct hit.

They've lost
their port nacelle.

Tell them to withdraw.

Our phase-cannons are down.

Our forward
shield's collapsing!

Hull breaches on
b-deck, c-deck.

They're targeting the bridge!

Hard to port!

The bridge is gone.

T'pol to phlox.

go ahead.

Meet us in engineering.

We're going to
finish the procedure.


We don't have time
to worry about
parasites right now.

That's not necessarily true.

Come with me.
I'll explain.

I'm sorry, captain,
the chamber's been damaged.

Didn't you say we could
destroy the parasites

With a subspace implosion?

Yes, but then we...

Can we create one?

We would have to overload
3 plasma injectors.

That'd send a feedback pulse
through the reactor.

You'll destroy the ship?

At this point,
it won't make
much of a difference.

You 2 get to a shuttlepod.

They're only after humans.

If this doesn't work out,
you'll still have a chance.

That's an order.

With all due respect,
you were relieved of command.

One of the plasma injectors
was damaged.
We'll have to replace it.

They're in supply locker "c"
on the upper level.

We're back in business.



How much longer?

Stand by.





how do you feel?

Like a shuttlepod
landed on my head.

What's our status?

We've cleared the anomalies.

There's minor damage
to the starboard nacelle.

Repairs should be complete
within the hour.

You suffered
a mild concussion.

I'd like to
keep you overnight
for observation.

All right, doctor.

You could have been
seriously injured.

I told you to
leave me behind.

I don't take orders from you.

I believe you
wanted to see this.

Rosemary's baby?

You were obviously
looking forward to it,

And since you're not going
to be able to attend tonight.


Oh, would you mind bringing me
another pillow?


Would you turn down
the lights just a little?

Anything else?

No, that's great.

You know,

You'd make a wonderful nurse.
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