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01x03 - Do-Gooder

Posted: 01/16/23 16:37
by bunniefuu
-Are you okay?

Everybody out!

Get out!

-Are there people inside?

Don't go there!


Don't go there!

Calm down.

There's no one in the car.
Calm down.

Calm down.

Everything's okay.

-His phone is off.

What happened?

I'm family.

What happened?

-You have to stay out.
-That's Alex's car.

Who are you?

-Alex's brother.

-Where's Alex?
-He's on his boat.

-He has a cottage across the bay.

His phone is off.

He wants his privacy.
Where's Linda?

-Across the bay?


You can't go there
just like that!

-I'll go get him.
-You stay here.

Goddammit. I'm responsible
for Alex's safety. I'll go get him.

You stay here.


-Calm down!

Let me go, you damn clown!

-Are you proud now?
-Calm down.

Answer me! And stop acting
like some tough cop.

Be quiet.

-What are you doing?

-I'm going to talk to Alex Hoikkala.
-Not by yourself.

-I'll see you soon.

Hey! Sofia Karppi,
Helsinki Police Department.

I'll be there soon.
I'll just lock up.

-What's going on?
-Try to calm down.

-Everything's okay.
-Come home soon.

Okay. Bye.

-I have to go.
-This won't take long.

Any idea why someone would
want to blow up your car?


-You let other people drive your car?

Did you drive your car Saturday?

-I drove to work.
-And then?

I left it in our company's garage
and took a taxi to our party.

-Did you get the car after the party?
-Oh no. I was drinking.

Some people persuaded me
to go barhopping.


I can't remember
the names of the bars.

I woke up late on my couch.

So your car was in your company's
garage the whole weekend?


Anna Bergdahl, whose body was found
at your construction site,

was also at your party.


Anna had a loud argument
with someone at the party.

That's right. With me.

Okay. Why?

About work stuff.
We had too much to drink.

Anna was pretty rigid
about a number of things.

Not the easiest person to work with.

Why did you use her services then?

She had experience
working with young people.

We wanted to take young people's needs
into consideration in our project.

I found out
Anna didn't like compromises.

Maybe you didn't
listen to her advice?

Not in everything.

A consultant gives advice

and the management
makes the decisions.

-When was the last time you saw Anna?
-At our party.

Can we continue later?

- My wife is in shock, waiting for me.
- Anna was seen leaving an after-party

at Stig Olander's house in Kulosaari.

In your car.

-My car?


You just said you don't remember
much about the evening.

And now the same car
was blown up in your driveway.

I have to go now.

Did you find anything?


We have a couple of questions.

I'm not answering any questions
as long as he's here.

You'll answer our questions
either here or at the station.

I'll help you when he's gone.

-Could you please go wait in the car.

Go wait in the car.

You better go.

I'm interested
in the security camera footage

from this parking lot
at the time of your party.

Unfortunately I have
nothing from that weekend.

-Why not?
-The cameras were out for maintenance.

-Who took them there?
-I did.

-I'm responsible for safety here.

We have the best possible technology here,
but nothing lasts forever.

You're saying your cameras
were under maintenance

on the weekend Anna Bergdahl d*ed?

I see no connection.

Was there anything else?
I have things to do.


The cameras were under maintenance
the whole weekend.

-What the hell was that?

You asking me to wait in the car.

This was a quicker way
to handle this.

Was going to Alex's cottage by yourself
also a quicker way?

How long do your partners usually last
before they take a hike?

Don't be childish.

-Are you afraid I'm better than you?

This is not a competition.

I found these in Alex's cottage.

-What about these?
-Look closer.

-They have prescription lenses.
-Alex doesn't wear glasses.

The power matches
Anna's contact lenses.

-You think these are Anna's?


It just means she was in Alex's cottage.
Or these goggles were.


Hi. I can't find Emil.

I don't know.

I'm in Arabianranta.

-You can't leave Emil alone.
-I didn't.

I was there the whole time. He left.

I told you to take him
straight home.

Stop yelling at me. Why don't you
take care of your own kid.

-You picked him up four times.
-Yes, every f*cking day.

Don't f*cking curse. I had to leave
work because you screwed up.

Oh, this is my fault?

How can it be so difficult
to take a seven-year-old home?

-I have a life.

-Where can he be?
-I know where he is.



-Hi, honey.

Look, my type is in the Blue game.

You can't walk off like that.

I told you I saw Dad
and followed him.

-That's bullshit.

-You're not going anywhere.

-You saw someone who looked like Dad?
-Yeah, but it wasn't him.

-You're playing the Blue game?

Even if you're playing that game,
you have to answer your phone.

But there was such a good
Pokémon type nearby.


-You have to answer your phone. Promise?


I'll go back to work.
I'll be home later.

Henna will take you home.
See you later.

Don't you run away again.

Bye bye!

-It was your fault.
-Guess if Sofia was mad at me?

-How should I know?
-She was. Never walk off like that again.

I never really
understood that hobby.

The white-throated dipper.

-Its colors resemble a pastor's robe.

-Where did you find Nurmi?
-Nowhere. He applied for a transfer.

-Why the Violent Crimes Unit?
-Maybe he wanted a real job.

Could you assign me a new partner,
a real detective?

I knew it.


He's just a little different
from the rest of you.

-To put it mildly.
-Don't be so judgmental. He's young.

I'm not judgmental.

You were a pretty challenging case
when you first started.

I need to be able to trust my partner
if things get serious.

And you don't think
you can trust Nurmi?

If you want to continue working this case,
you'll do it with Nurmi.

Or I'll assign it to someone else.


The sperm found in Anna's body
isn't her husband's.

-I just got the DNA results.

-What the hell have you done?
-I was at work.

The cops came and asked about our cameras.

What did you tell them?

That they were under maintenance.

They said Anna got into my car
in Kulosaari Saturday night.

-Was it you?

You never let me drive your car.

-So you didn't give her a ride?

Well, someone did.

Not you?

Of course not. I was so drunk
I can't remember anything.

-You don't usually drink.
-Well, this time I did.

Someone gave Anna a ride in my car,
and then it was blown up.

And they're accusing me.


-I have to focus on tonight.
-Yeah, I understand.

-Will Louhivuori be there too?
-Of course.

He's got nothing on you.

Sorry, I can't talk right now.

The new residential area
is expected to be a breakthrough

in wind power technology.

Other participants
in the panel discussion include

politician Erkki Louhivuori,
one of the loudest opponents.

Power Hour panel discussion
on energy tonight at eight on TV .

Use hashtag PowerHour
to participate.

Karppi, are you trying to steal that?

Oh, JP, hi.

How are you?

Congratulations for turning .

I turned . You didn't come
to my birthday party.

I couldn't make it.

Shouldn't you be home
with your children?

Your husband d*ed so recently.

Why don't you give yourself time.

What's this really about?

I think I should be
on Anna Bergdahl's case.

Oh yeah?

Okay. You know, I'm doing fine.

I'm saying this as a friend.

The guy shared the illegal streaming site
to hundreds of people.

I told him
I'm from the Financial Crimes Unit.


You understand? I can't...


What the hell? You're back?

Have you heard anything
about the Bergdahl case?

Does the name Anna Bergdahl
or Usko Bergdahl ring a bell?

Or Tempo, the construction company?

Can you check?

I heard you had
to transfer to another unit

because you took Bolivian medicine
for a runny nose.

Nice to see you too.

I found nothing.

I just wanted to check.

The husband of the m*rder*d woman
has a taxi company that's not doing well.

Anna provided her consulting services
at Tempo.

Maybe she was k*lled because
she was a shitty consultant.

Hey, thanks.

I'll let you know
if I find anything.

I'll b*at you.

Sofia, do we have more

of these smaller lightbulbs?

I don't know.

Can you help me with this?

I'm trying to find photos here.
You're better at this stuff.

They're either on an external hard drive
or a memory stick.

Right. Thanks.


Now that the situation is
what it is,

how about I pay you
for babysitting Emil?

Why not.

The thing is I'd need you
to babysit him, like, now.

-How much?
-Six euros.


-Okay. Henna, I'm trying hard.
-Yeah, yeah.

Emil, let's go play Labyrinth.
What do you say?

Would you like that?


-This is Sofia Karppi.

Did Anna have an external
hard drive or a memory stick?

I don't know.

Could I come and take a look?

Is that a squirrel?

Click on the dog in the chair.


Who is she?

-I think she's a cop.
-Let's watch this.

It would be here.

But your people
went through everything already.

This won't take long.
I just need to check something.

I have to go to work. Bye, girls.

What's it doing?

What's it doing?

Wait. Excuse me.

Is this a key to your lockers?

The scanner will tell you.

Locker at the end of the hall.


That one.

I cringe when I think
about what happened.

The police are working on it.

It could've been a bunch of teenagers
playing a stupid prank.

-Long time no see.

How come you're here?
Didn't you move to Malta?

-You ever been to Malta?

There are only
pensioners and tax exiles.

-Sounds like paradise.
-It's not.

That's why I came back.
Now I'm figuring out what to do.

Damn. Why don't you stay.
We're having a party here tonight.

I don't think I have time today.

I'm actually looking for a girl.

Anna. Here.

-Have you seen her?
-Doesn't ring a bell.

Wait. I've seen her at Pueblo.

She would be there by herself,
drink and not talk to anyone.

She paid and left.

We started calling her
the Little Mermaid

because it was like
she lost her ability to talk.

-When was the last time you saw her?
-It must've been a year ago.


I have to go.

-It was nice seeing you.



You don't remember,
but it's still nice to see you.

-The hell of it! Laura.

When was the last time I saw you?

About seven years and five months.

-Your hair is different.

-Are you also organizing the party?

Laura, the tables aren't ready!
Guests will be here soon!

-I have to go.
-It was nice to see you.

-See you.
-Yeah. Bye.


Please go to the second floor.



Second floor.

-You're ready.

-Do I have time to go to the toilet?
-If you're quick.

Isn't there one in the break room?

There might be a long line.
You can use the one in the basement.

-To the left and down the stairs.

-The toilet is just below.

Can you turn the lights back on?

Who's there?

-Alex Hoikkala?

-Two minutes to showtime. Let's go.

Did the lights go out?

I think everything's ready.

You'll sit there.

Everybody else is here already.

-There he is.

Here's the mic.
Can you mic him?

Hoikkala's here.

Silence, please. We have
seconds till we're on the air.


Five, four--

It's starting.


Welcome to Power Hour.

We have both supporters and opponents
of wind power here.

Construction work has started
in Tuuliranta.

This European pilot project

has gotten wide media attention.

It should help reduce
carbon dioxide emissions

caused by households
over the next decades.

But is wind power enough
to provide energy for households?

Is it time Finland shuts down
its nuclear power plants?

Erkki Louhivuori.

Absolutely not.
It would be very shortsighted.

Energy generated with wind power
is not enough

to meet the needs of the industry.

There are huge problems
related to global warming.

That's why nuclear power
is the best source of energy.

Even NASA scientists agree.

They say nuclear power has cut down
greenhouse emissions

by billion metric tons to date.

Alex Hoikkala, director
of development at Tempo,

what do you have to say?

Yes. Tempo's goal is to build
a residential area that is--

What's wrong with him?

A small residential area

is a nice little hobby,

but if we're thinking long term,
we have to remember

that only one percent of energy in Finland
is produced by wind power.

-Sirpa Lehikoinen.
-I just got back from Germany.

Even there the wind farms--

C'mon, they're talking
about old technology.

I need some time
before to decide if I'm in.

Give me hours.

I gotta hang up.
My sister's throwing a fit.

Norway's got oil.

If Tempo's project materializes--

Finland won't be able to survive
without nuclear power plants.

Storing nuclear waste will be one
of mankind's biggest challenges.

There's huge business potential
in storing nuclear waste.

Finland could be a pioneer.

Thank you. We'll come back
to that a little later.

We'll come back to that.

-Ordinary citizens...

-...are rallying against the project.

They feel the area is designed
for a small group of people

and that the benefits of cheap energy
are not distributed equally.

Great! The insert is three minutes.

Please remain seated.

Our staff will bring you water.

-We'll continue in a couple of minutes.
-Can I have water?


Hi. I'm glad you could come.

It's been a quiet evening.

You feel okay working?

I'm an entrepreneur.
I have no choice.

I understand.

How are your daughters doing?

-They have a hard time understanding.
-I understand.

When will we get... the body?

We'd like to have the funeral
as soon as possible.

Of course.

-I'll try to speed things up.

Did you ever suspect
your wife of having an affair?

We have to go through
all possible scenarios.

Get the f*ck out.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt you.


The wine is poisoned.

Is it a woman?

What was that one woman's name?

Or the woman two weeks ago?

I don't think I have
to explain myself to you, Filippa.

I'm on your side.
I'm on your side.

Taste the wine.

It's poisoned.

It's time for the duel.

Erkki Louhivuori. Alex Hoikkala.

-Go ahead.

Your time starts now.

So you're going
to build a residential area

with wind farms nearby.


This is VCON- , a composite
we've developed here in Finland.

-May I pass it around?

It doesn't look
like anything special,

but it's very light
yet extremely durable.

We believe VCON- will revolutionize
the way we build wind farms.


The new bladeless
wind power technology

has been researched a lot

but the materials
are not durable enough.

What does this mean in practice?

This means that wind farms
built with our material

will be more cost-effective
than the old wind power technology

but also more cost-effective
than all other energy technologies.

It'll be groundbreaking.

I want to say--

May I finish?

Another big change is

that these bladeless wind turbines
are virtually silent.

You might hear something
in windless weather,

but then the bladeless wind turbines
wouldn't be working anyway.

Wind power produces

one percent
of all energy used by Finns.

You're right.
But that'll change, fast.

Researchers estimate that
the consumption of sea wind power

will increase percent
by the year .

-Not true.
-I believe it's actually , percent.

Time is up. Thank you.

Way to go! Way to go!

Thank you for watching.
Have a nice evening.

Yes, thank you, everyone.
We're off the air.

Thank you.

Nice that you could come.


-When can we start buying the apartments?
-It might be a while.

I'll keep an eye on them.


You were on fire!


Today is your day.
Congratulations to us.

-Here you go.


I loved watching Louhivuori's face
in the debate. He totally froze.

The taxi will be here in a minute.

You need to come with us.

I'm sure we can talk in my car.

You need to come with us.

The city's full
of criminals walking free--


You're under arrest
for the m*rder for Anna Bergdahl.

Anything you say
can be used against you in court.

I don't f*cking believe this.