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05x20 - Blood Money

Posted: 05/19/10 13:20
by bunniefuu
Hey, Danny, how far is the party, anyway?

Hey, you sure this is the right way?

Don't worry, we're getting close.

This party better be worth it, dude.

These parties are always awesome.

[Wind gusts, brush rustles]

You sure you know where we're going?

I'm tellin' you, this is faster.

The quarry is right up here on the right.

Greg, you comin'?

I heard something.


I thought I saw something moving.

It's probably just a raccoon.

[Brush rustling]

Shh. Did you hear that?

Let's just get to the party before everybody leaves.

What the...


That's not the quarry. Ok, great.

So it's official. We're lost, aren't we?

They're all gonna be gone, man.

I've hiked out here a lot.

Which is why we followed you.

I screwed up.

All I'm sayin' is I never saw this place before.

Let's go.

Let's go check it out.

[Thunder rumbling]

[Rain falling]

Oh, great, now it's raining.

Looks abandoned.

Ahh, damn.

What is this?

Who dug all these holes in the ground?

Probably some kind of trap or somethin'.

Somebody was lookin' for something.

Like what?

Something they really wanted to find.

Look at all these.

There's something hidden here, something valuable.

Has to be, right?

Maybe it's inside.

[Groan echoes]


Come on.

[Wood creaking, groaning]

[Thunder crashing]

Go that way.

Let's split up and see what's here.

[Stairs creaking]

[Animal squeaks]

You guys hear me?


Scott. Danny.

Come on, you guys. I heard you moving around.



[Flapping wings]
Aah! Unh!

Guys, what just happened? Come on. Who screamed?

Greg: It's me. I'm ok.

[Wings flapping]

[Chain rattles]

Danny, is that you? Say something.

Hey, Danny. Come on, man. Say something.

Danny, cut it out. Answer us.

Danny: This is freaky. What is that?


Danny: Aah!

Danny, where are you?!

Danny, answer us!

Danny: Go, you guys! Go! Get out of here! Run!

Run, run!

Greg, come on!

Get out, get out, something's behind us, hurry!

[Wood and metal groan]

Where's Danny?

I--I don't know. I thought he was right behind me.

Oh, God.

Look, I heard breathing.

So did I.


Danny! Why won't you answer?


Danny, where are you?!

Hey, remember the ghost that I was telling you about, the one who was cooking in my kitchen?

Well, after she left, I couldn't stop smelling pot roast.

Shut up. She was that real?

Should have sent her over to my place instead of into the light.

I love a good ghost roast.

Something's happening with my visions.

It's like they're merging together with my reality, and I can't tell the two apart.

And you're worried you're on the banana train to cuckooville.

God, when are they gonna revoke your therapist's license?

And what are you doing?

I'm looking for a used scooter.

These are all motorized.

Listen, you're one of the sanest people I know and the strongest, maybe even getting stronger, in fact.

What do you mean?

I don't know. Could be that you're tuning in to Aiden's powers. He's an empath, and when he feels something a ghost went through, it's entirely real for him and then to you, too.

Fortunately, he doesn't remember it.

Fortunately for ghosts, you do.

Let me just get my wallet.

I'll treat for coffee.

This isn't mine.



Whew. Dr. James.

I'm sorry.

I guess--I guess I fell asleep.

Look, I was up all night. I'm Greg Roth.

I saw you around midterms, remember?

What are you doin' here?

Your door was open.

Look, I couldn't wait out there.

I couldn't talk to anyone about this.

Ok, well, schedule a time for later today.

It could be too late then, ok? A friend of mine is missing.

Well, did you tell the police?

What am I gonna say?

My drunk buddy wandered off last night?

They'll say he's probably just sleeping it off.

And you think that something else happened?


We heard something.

We felt something that made my skin crawl.

Ok, but we never saw it.

We never saw anything.

Ok, Greg, tell us what happened.

Look, we were out in the woods, you know, partying, and we found this barn.

Three of us went in, but only two of us came out.


Greg, tell us everything you know.

We're going to help you find your friend.

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

Eli: You sure there's not some other place Danny might have gone? Maybe a girlfriend's, or...?

I told you, we called her.

We called all of our friends.

Ok, anywhere he might have crashed.

It was 2:00 in the morning.

What about his parents?

They're out of state.

Well, if he's freaked out as you are, maybe he made the drive.

There was one car. And we left in it.

It was right after we went to the quarry.

We thought maybe he'd gone on ahead of us, you know.

Maybe he was there waiting.

And the barn, did you go back to it?

Not until this morning.

We looked everywhere.

I'm telling you guys, he's gone.

I wanted to go back last night, but it was dark, and...

You were scared.

Maybe you were right to be.

What does that mean?

Hey, well--

what does Dr. James mean about this gift that you have?

What are you so convinced that something terrible happened to your friend?

Because everything about that place felt wrong.

Ok, like some terrible thing had happened, or was going to.

Something was there.

Something that was not quite human.

The barn, can you take us to it?

This is what convinced you something so great was in the barn.

They're old, I know.

But somebody put a lot of work into looking for something.

Well, maybe whoever is inside will tell us what that is.

What, the guy who got the heave ho and the no-frills burial?

Something gave me that vision.

What are we looking for, giant ghost moles?

Ghost what?!

Uh, don't to listen to me, I'm using humor to cope.

Is that what we're talking about?


Is that your specialty?

[Sighs] Uh, yes.

I can see ghosts.

Well, uh, whose do you see?

I don't know.

Your friend Danny, maybe.

Ok, but Danny was alive when we came here.

Ok, something else, or someone else, was already here.

Shh. Greg, just--
go wait in the car while we look around.

[Door creaking]


What happened? Let me go!

This place is a maze.

What's up? Did you figure anything out?

It's time to call the police.


Well, there are no reported deaths at the barn, and no owner to ask about it.

Ok, why are we looking for some other dead person when we have a missing college student, and you saw someone get hurt in that barn?

Because the student was still alive when I sensed something.

Ok, so if the ghost was already there, what did he do with the kid?

Then who was holding the shovel scooping big piles of mud onto whoever died?

Well, if anybody would ever talk to us, maybe we'd find out.

You know what, if detective Blair was still here...

We'd be trusted resources, not some kind of cagey flakes who can't say how they get this most incredible useful information.

Easy, tiger.

We don't know if we have any useful information yet.

Hi. I'm detective Colson.

Are you the people who reported a missing student out near route 44?

Yeah, just South of Lawson's corner.

I'm a Professor over at Rockland university.

I'm Eli James.

This is Melinda Gordon.

How can I help you?

Well, here's the thing.

We were talking to detective Simon.

We were trying to, anyway.

Yeah, I know, I heard, he got pulled on another case.

You were saying this student, Danny Seitz, went missing after some kind of a break-in in a barn?

How do you know about it? Do you own the property?

Look, this is going to sound crazy, but we have very good reasons to believe that this kid was not just missing, but maybe hurt.

Go on. Look, the thing is, we know that college kids like to stay out all night.

They don't like to report in to anyone.

Right, but this one vanished last night while his friends were screaming for him, and I don't know, I just have a feeling.

You're actually listening to us.

Why is that?

Night before last, there was a robbery on Stonebridge, about a half hour from this property.

And the suspect, the armed suspect, got away.

Empty barn's a pretty good place to hide out.

[Police radio chatter]

You don't think when a cop says an armed fugitive might be some place, that's a place to avoid?

Look, if someone's here--

and k*lled Danny and buried him in some hole in the ground.

They wouldn't stick around.

You know this because of all your close, personal relationships with armed fugitives?

This area is clear.

Let's take it around back.

Man: Yes, sir. Got it.

[Dogs barking]

[Police radio chatter]


[Groan echoes]

I know you're here.

I can feel you.



Whoever you are, you don't have to hide from me, ok?

I want to help you.





What happened?

Are you ok? Fine.

Then why'd you scream?

You saw something. It was probably nothing, like a rat. Oh, yeah.

She hates rats, fears them. Many people do.

Believe me. Did I mention I'm a therapist?

You know, I brought you here because I thought you could be helpful.

Because I thought you wanted to be.

We can. We do want to be.

Well, then be straight with me.

This feeling you had.

More cases than you know have been solved by a lot less--
a cop's intuition.

Help me find this boy, because I think something happened to him, too, and maybe it's not too late.

I see ghosts.

And I saw someone being shot over here, and then their body was thrown in a hole and buried.

And you saw this missing kid?

I've seen his face online.

So I know what he looks like.

But I haven't seen anyone's face in my visions.

I should show you something.

Now, I don't know if somebody cut themselves or worse, but there was blood. Pretty fresh from the looks of it.

Fresh as in last night?

Is there more? Is there anything you're not telling me?

Man on radio: Detective Colson.

Go for Colson.

We need you outside immediately. We found human remains.


Forensics are on their way, but keep going.


Eli: Who the hell is he?

Well, whoever he is, he's been dead for more than one night.

Fresh blood and old bones?

Sounds like a recipe for total confusion.

Not if what the kids sensed was a ghost.

Mr. bones.

What about the fresh blood?

Guess it was Danny's.

And the buried body and the g*nsh*t?

I didn't hear the kid say anything about hearing a g*nsh*t.

[Sighs] Maybe the vision you had was for something that happened to Danny later.

Maybe he wasn't shot at the barn but someplace else later.

Maybe. Hey. Any word on the skeleton?

Yeah, the coroner sent the DNA sample to missing persons bureau and they got a hit.

These bones belong to a kid named Henry Alston.

Get this--he was kidnapped a decade ago, and never found.

Well, until now.

I had no idea about this, but this is a big deal to the cops.

It was a huge unsolved mystery.

Alston? As in the Astons, who donated a building to this university?

Yeah, and gave a wing to this hospital, and then gave
$2 million to the kidnappers.

Their son was never found.

The money was never traced.

Kidnappers disappeared.

I've been watching this video online.

It's his parents on a local television station begging the kidnappers for their son's live.

He was 18 years old.

Think he's our ghost?

I don't know.
[Cell phone rings]

I haven't seen him yet.

Excuse me. Detective Colson?

Yeah. I can come by.

Woman: Thank you for bringing Henry home.

Sorry, ma'am. That's the last form.

Ms. Alston?



My name is Melinda Gordon.

I was there when they found your son.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

It's so strange.

I've known for years that Henry must be dead.

But there was always just a little part of me that...Hoped.

You're his mother.

Of course you hoped.

They give that to you...

The kidnappers.

That's what ransom is, hope.

You think you can buy it with money.

The almighty Alston fortune.

Look what it bought us.

I knew what I was marrying into.

It's just...

You were worried.

Long before the kidnapping.

So many of Henry's cousins fell into the same trap.

They didn't know how to work for anything, they never had the chance.

We didn't want that for our son.

We...Were so careful.


Oh, Henry always knew he'd have to make his own way in this world.

Oh, give him a good home and the best education and all the tools he'd need to succeed, but not the money.

Well, I'm sure it made him a stronger person.

It did. Even at boarding school.

Henry could see past all the fancy last names.

His best friends were the scholarship kids.

You know, parents are cops, teachers.

He would have been a really good man.

I'm sorry. Excuse me.

I called because I hit a wall.

The robbery suspect I told you about, the one on the run, he was caught. He stole a car here and made it all the way to Florida.

So he was gone long before Danny went missing.

And I'm left with a bunch of puzzle pieces that don't fit.

I've got one missing student, a trail of blood, that as it turns out, matches his type and reason to believe, thanks to you, that either the student or Henry Alston was shot.

I wish I knew more.


I don't know how you do what you do.

But we found this at the scene down in a hole where the fresh blood was.

May I?

I saw someone.

In the barn. A man. The student, Danny?

I don't know, it was a man, and he was taking these bags out of this dirty space.

What kind of space? I couldn't tell.

What did the bags look like?

Did you see anything identifiable?

They were rectangular, blue canvas, about this big.

Banks use bags like that to transport deposits.

So maybe it was the ransom money, then?

In that barn? After all these years?

Did you see anyone?

For all I know, I could have been looking right at the kidnappers.

Or that kid from the other night.


Maybe that's why he's missing.

Hey. Are you still up for yoga?

Sure. Just let me get my stuff.

Any word on that missing college kid?

No, nothing.

Any sighting on the ghost, Henry?

[Sighs] No, which makes me wonder if he is the ghost.

Well, why? He was buried there.

Because if you're just hanging around, I mean, wouldn't you at least try to find me?

I don't know, maybe get some justice.

[Cell phone rings]
Ooh. Eli, what's up?

Eli: Danny is still alive.

Oh, that's great, I'm so relieved.

They arrested him at the Canadian border with $80, 000 cash in his trunk.

Phew. That's gotta be part of the ransom money, right?

I'm gonna go talk to Colson.

See if I can find out anything more.

I'll talk to you later.

Ok, thanks, bye.

So he's under arrest, but he's safe?

Well, not necessarily.

I mean, what if all the hauntings at the barn just have to do with cash?

Yeah, but why does a ghost care about money?

Well, if the ghost is Henry Alston, how would you feel if a bunch of drunk kids were stealing money that you had to die for?

Yeah, but didn't the parents pay $2 million?

Where's the rest of it?
[Groan echoes]


Is anybody here?


[Stairs creaking]

[Groan echoes]

[Breathing heavily]

It's ok.

It's ok, just keep looking.

[Stairs creaking]

[Loud creaking]



They brought him in right after the shift change.

He fell through a rotted floorboard in the barn, and he was unconscious there most of the night.

Is he ok?

Yeah. He had a concussion.

He got some stitches, but otherwise he's fine.

It's a good thing he had his cell phone.

He came to and called 9-1-1.

Has detective Colson been here?

Yeah. He was here, and with a uniform.

I thought you'd want to talk to this kid, especially after I saw who was visiting.

I thought Danny was in jail.

Out on bail.

I spoke to your friend Greg.

He told me that he felt something in that barn.

Something that wanted to scare you or hurt you or both.

He said that you felt it, too.

Yeah, I did.

From the moment we went in.

So then why did you go back?

For the money.

He went back for the money.

Scott, it's time to come clean.

'Cause when the police brought me back here, I realized that there had to be more.

Kidnappers must have split it up to come back for it later.

Well, they didn't get it.

Not all of it.

That's why there were all those holes in the ground, right?

So you sent Scott back to look for more.

When I went back, it was like something was leading me.

I figured to the money.


The floor was totally rotten, and I guess it was just a trap.

Or punishment.

Whatever was in that barn didn't want us there.

I saw something moving.

I had this feeling like something was crawling up the back of my neck.

I screamed.

My leg went through the floor.


It was stuck.

And that's when I noticed there was something hidden down there.


Lots of it.

And you were willing to bail on your friends and your life?

My folks can't get a job.

The bank foreclosed on their house.

I can't pay for next semester anyway.

I figured I'd go to Canada, call my parents, and start over again.

It sounds stupid, but when you have that much cash in your hands like that, it's hard to think straight.

I don't think you're the first person to feel that way.

Or the last.

[Groan echoes]

[Sighs] Look, whoever you are, whatever you did, it's over now.

But I think I can help find you peace.

You know, you can't punish people, not kids, for wanting money.

I don't need to.

Money destroys everything.

But it's gone now, and no one will ever find it.

Henry, what happened to you?

How long have I been here?

11 years.

Do you remember who did this?

I have no idea. I never saw their faces.

I went out for a ride just to get some air.

I didn't even hear him pull up.

Hey, you need some help there, pal?

He asked if I needed some help.

Get in the van!

[Tires squealing]

Everything you read says to run.

Never get into a stranger's car.

I knew that.

But when you're looking at a g*n...

Did you see who was holding it?

I never saw their faces. Ok.

But what about after you died?

I was in a dark space so long, I wasn't even sure what had happened.

By the time I realized, everyone was gone.

I've been alone here ever since.

I saw you digging.

Did they let you out?

I was digging my own grave.

Why did you stay here?

Weren't you drawn to your family?

I knew they'd be in so much pain.

But I can help you talk to them.

Wouldn't that hurt them more?

Stirring it all up again?

They've been through enough. Leave them be.

Look, it's just your mom now.

But I think that I can bring both of you peace.

I can't feel anything.

That's peace enough.

Hey. Look, yeah, I got your message.

The police do have all of Henry Alston's personal effects.

His bones are still here? Yeah...

I need to see them.

Ok. What's going on?

I just talked to him.

So he is your ghost?

Yeah. He told me what happened to him.

At first, he was numb and lost and I felt bad for him. Right.

And then he told me that his kidnappers made him dig his own grave.

That's funny. That's just about the time I would have started to feel worse for him.

[Sighs] Yeah, it's just in my vision, he was being thrown into a ditch.

Ok, the one in which they actually found his bones?

Yeah, the soil was wet and muddy.

But when he was digging, it was dry.

Well, maybe they k*lled him before he was finished, or maybe it was raining, right?

Or maybe he was digging something else, or somewhere else.

What are you looking for?

Well, since I don't have anything of his, I figured I'd go straight to the source.


[Tires squealing]

Slow down.

Last thing you need to do is get pulled over right now.

What is it?

The last thing the ghost wanted me to see.

Henry was in on it.

He staged his own kidnapping.

Hey. Hey.

Thanks for meeting me.

I ordered you a black coffee.

Thanks. Look, I get it.

Ghosts probably aren't your favorite topic in a police station.

You said you saw something, a vision?

I couldn't stop thinking about what Henry's mom said, about cutting him off from the family money for his own good.

I had a vision of the kidnapping, and there was this moment afterwards where Henry was alone in the van with his captors, and he wasn't exactly afraid.

You think Henry was in on his own kidnapping.

You don't seem surprised.

I've been circling that same theory myself.

The only problem is, from what I read, all of Henry's friends checked out.

And if Henry was in on it, then why did he end up dead, and what happened to his share of the money?

I had 2 separate visions of the holes being dug.

The first was Henry's body outside the barn.

The ground was wet, like it had been raining, and the other was the hole he was digging, and it was dry.

So it was dry. What does that mean?

Maybe it was inside the barn.

And you think the second hole was to bury the ransom money, why?

Because he said that money destroys everything, so what if it destroyed his partnerships?

With his co-conspirators.

Maybe once he and his buddies got their hands on the cash, somebody double crossed him, or he double crossed them.

Because he wanted all the money for himself.

Or because he knew that somebody else did, and he hid it to protect himself.

Look, it would explain why Danny only got some of the money.

And the other holes outside the barn.

Thanks. Yeah.

His buddies must think that's where he hid the ransom money.

You really should consider a job on the force.

Oh, I just want to help this spirit find some peace.

So what do you do now?

Talk to his mother. You know, she deserves to know the truth and decide if she wants to forgive him.

And the ghost goes to a better place.

Well, before he does, you can make my job a lot easier if you got him to tell me who k*lled him.

Any chance of that?

Trust me, you will be the first to know.

[Indistinct chatter]

Jim: Just make sure he keeps up with his meds, it's all good.

Melinda: Hey. Hey. Thanks.

Mrs. Alston come here? She was supposed to sign for her son's remains.

You just missed her.

How'd it go with Colson?

He have any idea about Henry's accomplices?

All of Henry's friends were investigated. They found nothing.

Eli's going to check the yearbook and school records.

All right. Oh, you're leaving already? Where to?

I need Henry to talk to his mom.

All right. Be careful.

Where have I heard that before?



We need to talk.

Your mom, she needs to hear from you.

Look, I know that you stayed quiet to protect your parents, but it's too late now.

The police know what happened, and it's only a matter of time before it all comes out.

You know, I could talk to your mom, tell her what happened, what you did and why, and then once she forgives you--

you don't know anything.

You're not helping me or anyone.


Before it's too late.

You can't scare me away.

Not like you did those kids.

I'm begging you.

Leave this alone.

You're in danger.

What are you doing here?

Oh. I had to talk to the ghost.

Those kidnappers, they could be anywhere.

This thing's in the papers now.

Yeah, I know. Take a look.

Someone's been here, those holes are new.

For your safety, I think you better leave.

I think I agree.

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, what's up?

Eli: Remember Henry's mom said he became friends with the scholarship kids whose parents were teachers and cops?

Yeah, I remember.

Well, one of those kids grew up to be an actual cop.

You'll never guess who it is.

Just walk to your car.

Don't show him you know who he is.

Ok, I won't.

Eli: What's that tone?

What's going on? Is he there with you?

Yep, sure thing.

Are--are you at the barn?

Should I call for help?

Of course, and I'll talk to you later.

Who was that?

Oh, it was my husband.

He wants to make me dinner tonight, and I have to stop by the store, so...

[Cocks g*n]


Turn around.

I'm sorry.

But this is as far as you go.

Look, you don't want to do this, ok?

That was my friend on the phone.

He knows where we are and what you did.

He knows that you met in school, and that you were Henry's accomplice, ok?

Please don't make this any worse.

The police are going to be here soon.

You think I wanted my life to end up this way?

I never saw a dime of that money.

You know what I did for it?

Please, you don't have to do this.

I do now. I have to go away.

You dug these holes right after I told you there was money in here.

Only problem is, I didn't know where to dig.

Neither do I.

No, but Henry does.

Why would he tell you? You m*rder*d him.

He won't let the same thing happen to you.

He's way too soft.

Is that why you fought?

Because he wouldn't go through with it?

Just take this shovel, and you tell me if he's here.


I don't see him.


Well, I'll bet he sees me.

Tell him I'll do it.


Just trust me.

I thought so.


Where is it?

Tell him it's not really buried, it's inside that wall.

He said he was lying.

He never buried it.

It's inside that wall.

Give me that shovel.

You get over there.

Move back.


I see it!



That son of a...

He said it was buried. Why'd I believe him?

Because you knew he was better than you.

Look, I'm sorry.

I really am.

But I have no choice.

There's always a choice, Jeff.

[Grunting] No!



Eli: The reason they missed it was because Colson was kicked out of boarding school.

He wasn't in the yearbook, and he wasn't in most of the high school files.

But I found him on somebody's face page.

So let me guess--
he got kicked out for stealing.

Nice deduction, detective.

So he joined the force just to stay on the case of his own missing money?

No, he needed a job and his dad helped him get it.

So did the ghost tell you why he decided to fake his own kidnapping?

Not yet.

[Door dings]

I don't understand.

I just...

I don't understand.

[Exhales] Henry.

Tell her it was nothing she did.

Tell her I was an idiot.

I think she needs more than that.

Go ahead.

At first it didn't bother me, the money thing.

The trust fund brats, they drove their beamers, they did their club scene downtown, I didn't care.

I studied. I worked out.

I did my own thing.

Then I met Jeff.

What's up, man?

He was funny, and quick.

But he had a chip on his shoulder.

He really wanted to be one of those rich kids.

When he found out I had money, too, he couldn't believe I didn't live like it.

I told him my parents didn't believe in that.

That seemed to tick him off.

He kept saying that rich people only got rich by taking what they wanted.

And if I wanted the freedom that I deserved, I should reach out and take what was already mine.

At first I just laughed him off.

But I started to listen when he talked about how mom and dad didn't trust me.

Did they think I was so weak, the money would take away all of my morals?

He made friends with Jeff, and Jeff questioned why you guys kept money from him.

He thought you didn't trust him.


We just wanted Henry to know what it felt like to earn his own success.

Henry's father knew better than anyone when money's handed to you, it can take away all your ambition and your self-worth.

Well, either way, they were right.

My money was stronger than I was.

I let Jeff talk me into the kidnapping.

Get in the van!

[Tires squealing]

We did it, man! We did it!


She knows that you were a part of it.

She just doesn't understand what happened next.

After mom and dad paid the ransom, we holed up in that farmhouse out near the barn.

The plan was to wait until the cops stopped watching the airports.

Then we'd leave the country, live off the money.

But while we were waiting, we watched TV.

Mrs. Alston: We don't care about punishing anyone.

And there were my parents.

We paid his ransom, just release our son.

Every day, they'd be begging for my release.

I just wanted them to know that I was ok.

I wanted to go home.

I didn't care if he kept the money.

I'd tell the cops I got away.

I swore I'd never tell anyone what really happened.

But Jeff wouldn't trust me.

You can't go home.

You don't think the cops are going to question you?

I won't tell them anything.

Why would I?

All I care is that my parents never know.

The police are going to break you in half!

I know, my dad's a cop!

They can smell lies a mile off.

It won't work!

I'm not doing this to my parents.

Not anymore.

Don't you walk out that door, man.

You're not going to sh**t me.

You can't.

Yes, I can.

Then you'll never see that money again.

What does that mean? Where did you put it?

It's hidden. I buried it everywhere.

And if I die, you'll never find any of it.

I'm leaving, Jeff.

I'll call you as soon as I get home, I promise.

You'll get all the money.


Don't, Henry!

I swear!

If he wanted money that badly...

I wish he'd just asked us.

I knew this was a bad idea.

He wishes that you'd never found out the truth.


No, that's wrong, Henry.

Look at what I did to her.

God, I wish I'd never lived.

He can't forgive himself.


Do you know when your father proposed, I almost said no.

I saw his cousins all over the tabloids, and I thought, I don't want my children to grow up like that.

But you didn't, Henry.

I know what kind of man you are.

And even now, even...

After everything I've lost, it was so worth it.

I don't deserve this.

He feels like he doesn't deserve your forgiveness.


Why? You gave your life to heal my broken heart.

I would give mine to heal yours.


If you want to make it right, you have to accept her forgiveness.

You can see it now, can't you?

He sees the light.

Does that mean he forgives himself?

Will you tell her that I see my dad in there?

And that he's smiling.

I will.

He's gone.

Aiden: Mom, dad?

All my friends get much more allowance than I do.

Can I maybe have a raise?

No. Money corrupts.

I don't want to spoil him.

Babe, he gets
25 cents a week.

That's a quarter.

Ok, how about
30 cents?

Sorry. Ghost on the brain.

You decide.

I'm gonna take out the trash.

Jim: Look, 30 cents is better than nothing.

Carl! What are you doing here?

I thought you'd want to know we have new information.

Ok. What?

Even though no one can see them but Aiden, we've observed a few things, talked to ghosts who've encountered them and survived...

You mean the shadows. Right.

I sense them sometimes, and I'll suddenly feel so confused about everything.

It's like they're getting inside my head.

You said you observed things, like what?

They're just insatiable gluttons for energy.

So is that good news or bad news?

They're dangerous, Melinda, because they can't be reasoned with.

They're like your cop friend, the one you just sent to jail.

He wanted money. You were saying that they're after energy.

They're both about greed, and the flipside of greed is fear.

Ok, so how do we scare them away?

You don't want them afraid of you.

That's when they want to hurt you, or your son.

Look, except for when they've tried to consume children's ghosts, I have left the shadows alone.

All right, but you can't ask me to let them take children.

I'm not asking anything.

I'm just helping you understand.

Greed and fear.

And if you had to focus on one of those, I'd make it fear.