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05x15 - Implosion

Posted: 03/17/10 16:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Ghost Whisperer..."

Dr. Bedford: I need your help.

You've got to find that book.

The shadows. What kinds of shadows are those?

The ones they make from the parts that get left behind.

Parts of what? People.

Broken people.

The shadows? They actually want something?

Well, whatever it is, they're scary enough that the book decided to rewrite itself to erase any mention of them.

Bedford knew about that book, then?

I'm sure the shadows did.

Bedford's president now.

He'd have total control over it.

Your staff has no clue where you are.

You could ask my mother if she weren't comatose.

I visit her every day since the liver failure.

Leave her alone.

I won't let you hurt her.

I will do whatever it takes, do you hear me? Do you hear me?!

Let me know if you have any questions.




This is not the usual genteel stuff you normally carry.

True, but there seems to be an interest in all things military right now, and I found this collector who has tons.

Well, now you truly have the "a" to "z"
shopping experience.

You have antique needlepoint pillows, you've got art deco lamps, and look, you've got world w*r ii g*n holsters.

[Chuckles] You know what, maybe it'll bring in more male customers.

Well, have you ever considered having a vintage wet t-shirt contest?

'Cause that'll really bring 'em in.

Times are tough, I just might.

Yeah, I know. Speaking of tough times, I have an open house over on shore road.

Ooh, can I borrow these chimes?

This would be a nice touch out on the front porch.

That house still hasn't sold?

Listen, I am on my way over there right now to make cookies in the kitchen.

I will try anything I can right now. Anything?

'Cause I have some vintage tees.

Very funny.

Ok, thank you so much.

I'll see you later! Bye! Bye.

Good luck.

Good luck.


Are you all right?!

[Groans] Yes, I think so.

Ah, I'm so sorry!

Well, what happened?

I don't know. I just kind of fainted, I guess.

Well, did you hit your head or anything?

No, I don't think.

I'm so embarrassed.

Please, don't be. Let me just get you some water.

I just felt so light-headed all of a sudden.

It's never happened to me before.

Look, my husband, he's a doctor at the hospital right there.

We could just go...

Oh, no, no, thank you.

I'm really fine.

I just--maybe I haven't eaten enough today.

I'm so sorry about your vase.

Let me pay for it.

Please, you know what, I hated that vase anyway.

You did me a favor.

Are you sure? Yeah.

Can I get you a cab?

Uh, no, I think walking will be good for me.

I just gotta shake this weird feeling.

Thanks again, so much.

No problem. Look, just promise me that if you don't feel better right away, you'll go see a doctor.

That's a promise. Thanks again.

I'll walk you out.



[Indistinct chatter]

I swear I already filed this...

[Murmuring continues]

You know what they say about people who talk to themselves.

Yes. But it's only dangerous when you start answering yourself.

Can I help you, president Bedford?

Yes, I want to give you the curriculum guidelines for the next semester.

That's it?

That's what you came here for?

Oh, I love what you've done with the place.

I didn't do it.

I'm trying to figure out who did.

I don't follow. I feel like somebody is actually going through my stuff.

Well, perhaps you should file a theft report with campus security.

Yeah, see, that's the weird part.

There's actually nothing missing.

There's just stuff moved around.

It's not where I left any of it.

How could you tell?

It's like someone's looking for something.

Something that doesn't belong to them.

You making an accusation?

Because again, campus security would be your best bet.

You know what I'm talking about.

Do you really think I'm that stupid, that I'D leave
"the book of changes"
in my office?

Well, what I think of your stupidity isn't important.

Now, what is important is that I tried

. to warn you what you're up against now, I am the least of your problems, Eli.

[Sighs] He was loved and he died too young.

Even so, he had a big impact on a lot of lives.

Giovanni was the best turtle in the world.

You ok?


I'm sorry about Giovanni.

I know the two of you were close.

He was a good listener.

[Chuckles] You know, I never asked you why you decided to name your turtle Giovanni.

Because if he could talk, I think he'd have an Italian accent.

That makes perfect sense.

I love you. See you in the morning.

I don't think he's really dead.


Giovanni. He's not really dead.

What makes you say that?

'Cause I remember him so good.

And all the fun stuff we did.

I bet he remembers me, too.

Wherever he is.


I bet he does.

So he's not really dead.

You're a very wise little man.

No, I'm just thirsty.

[Chuckles] Ok.

I'll get you some water, then.

Maybe I should call you Francis.

[Fire crackling]




Child, whispering: Can you see us?

[Rock music playing]

Hey, how did the open house go?

Only 3 people showed. But the cookies were a hit, though.

And not one offer?

Well, I wouldn't exactly say that.

Some lady offered me
$25 for the chimes.


What are you doing?

I am not really sure.

Well, I like your honesty.

Sorry, I think there's a spirit attached to one of the things in this collection.

Maybe k*lled in combat.


Yeah, and getting blown up every night is going to get old real quick.

I'm sorry, what now?

Long story.

I think you just hit a nerve.

Do you see anybody?


But I think I'm going to have to go back to the source.

Ok. Um...

I'm gonna go.

I have stuff to do.

Um, I'll see you later.


[Door opens]


[Dog barking]


No returns, all sales are final.

Uh, I'm not returning anything.

Do you remember me?

Whoa! Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, I remember you.

Don't get a lot of customers that look like you.

It's actually not what I came to ask you, but now I'm curious--

is Mastersargeant really your last name?

[Chuckles] No. No, it's masters.

I added the "argeant."

I was actually going to put
"at arms" in there, but the sign wouldn't fit it.

You know that
"sergeant" is spelled with an "e, " right?

It is--yeah, I know.

Sar--sar--yeah, yeah, I know. What's your point?

Have you ever actually been in the military, George?

Ha, yes!


Um, and what about physically?

Not so much, no.

I had a little problem passing the physical.

Ok, look, the collection that I got from you, I need to know where it came from.

And why?

Just need to know.

It's hard to say.

Ok, well, is there paperwork or anything?

Because I kinda need to know who the owner is.

I buy this stuff from all over the place--

you know, auctions, flea markets.

All kinds of places.

Right, I do the same thing with antiques, except usually I have bills, receipts, contact information.

Yeah, well, you know, my customers are not exactly sticklers for paperwork and stuff, so...

Anyway, it's all legal, it's all above board.

Right, so there should be a way, then, for you to--

yeah, you know what, I got an army-Navy store up in flushing, and they're kind of expecting a shipment here.

Well, can you just--
anyway, listen, oh!

Next week, I've got a sale on barbed wire.

Ha, you know, you ought to invite your friends, ok?

[Dog barking]

Boy: I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid!

I've got to save my me n, I'm not afraid!

[Breathing heavily]

Everybody down!

I'll go first!

Oh, no!


It has to be the ghost of a soldier who died in an expl*si*n.

He's attached to the mess kit I bought.

You know, someone should invent a scanner that not only tells you the price of what you're buying, but whether or not there's a ghost attached to it.

It would save everybody a lot of trouble.

You know what, why did he sound like a little boy?

I don't know.

I think Bedford's going through my office looking for the book.

Please tell me that that book is not in your office.

[Sniffs] Do you think I'm an idiot?

The book is hidden here, where no one can find it.

Oh, well, that's good.

Yeah, the bad news is, . I hid it so well, I couldn't find it, either but then I found it.

Ok, so let's go back to the other question.

Oh, well, perfect timing.

Ned, what are you doing here? It's my turn.

Ned and I have been taking turns holding on to the book, so it's never in one place for too long.

That's a good idea.

Yeah, it was need's idea.

I'm not surprised.

Pretty smart, huh?

I came for the book, not for dinner.

It's not like I can label it.

Ned: Interesting.

It looks like the book added some stuff.

Nothing I understand, but there's definitely more here than the last time.

So where are you going to hide it?

I think we should stick to the rule of not telling each other. It's safer that way.

I just showed you my hiding place!

Well, get a new one. Easy for you to say!

Ok, guys, I have a ghost to cross over.

Oh, right, so haunted mess kit.

Where'd it come from?

Well, that's the thing.

I went to this dealer I've never dealt with before, and when I went back to ask him about it, he got weird.

You know, like he was hiding something. so here's what you do-

place an order with him for the same type of stuff.

Promise him a big pay day, then follow him.

See where he goes to get it.

Ok. I'm impressed again.

Eli: You're too close.

[Sighs] No, I'm no yuh-huh.

He can see the headlights in his mirror.

M. That doesn't mean that he knows we're following hi just back off a little, will you? Trust me.

I watch TV.

Where is he taking us?

I don't know. I've never been on these roads.


Maybe he's seen us following him and he's luring us to our deaths, and no one will ever find our bodies.

Just sayin'.

You think he went in here?

Well, if I'D been able to follow closer, maybe I would know. Now, come on.

What is this place?

Well, I've heard about it.

It was an old army base, and then when they started shutting them down to save money--


It was the first to go.

Right, I read something about this.

Weren't they supposed to build some houses out here or something?

Yeah, well, nothing ever happened.

Sad to see it so deserted.

Uh, it's not exactly deserted.

Oh, great, it's not creepy enough out here, now we have to have the lost patrol with us, too?

Nurse: Have you seen the medic? We need the medic.

I'm sorry, I just got here.

Would you please tell him to get to the tent right away?

He's needed.

Will do.

Is there any reason why we can't pick this up in the morning, when the sun is shining?




[Gasps] Oh, God! You scared me!

Wait a minute, what are you doing here?

Melinda: What are you doing here?

Me? I, uh--

e! You're robbing stuff, that's what you're doing her that's where you get your inventory from?

You just steal it from the base?

Ok, first of all, I'm not stealing, ok?

It was abandoned, it's just rusting here.

I'm providing a service!

Uh, which you make money from.

Yeah, so what? You know, I do all the legwork.

Nobody even knows about this place.

And I found it!

All right, George, that doesn't even matter.

Just drop the stuff, ok?

And don't come back. does that mean our deal is off?

What do you think?

Well, how about we go halfsies? Cash and carry.

Good-bye. Oh, God!

That is so wrong!

Now what?

I don't know. I mean, I guess my ghost soldier was here, but...

Hey! Wait! Eli: What?

What? I just saw a ghost!

No kidding. No, no, no!

It was a boy, not a soldier!

He must know something, come on!

So I made the assumption that the ghost soldier had to have been a part of the base at some point.

Hasn't the base been closed for almost 20 years?

More like 30.

I found out it closed in the late seventies.

But the soldier that I saw in the basement, he--he was a modern day soldier.

Ok, what about the ghost kid you saw?

How does he fit in? Wish I knew.

I mean, why would an 11
or 12-year-old boy be haunting an army base?

Do you think he has something to do with the ghost soldier?

There has to be some kind of connection.

Why would the ghost soldier open his mouth and a little boy's voice come out?



It must be really, really interesting to be you.


Boy: I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid.

I've got to save my men.

Keep my men safe.

I gotta save my men. I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid.


What happened to you?

[Imitates expl*si*n]

Mel, come eat something.

The Internet will always be there.

I'm just trying to see if I can find a connection between the thing that blew up in my vision and the little b*mb thing the ghost boy showed me.

You know, I wish people could overhear the conversations we have in this house.

I just can't get that kid's face out of my head.

He was so scared, so...Vulnerable.



His eyes reminded me of Aiden.

Hey, hey, shh, shh, shh.

Here it is.

That's a mine.

Um, Vietnam era, maybe?

Yeah, there's the foot plate thingy that I stepped on, and that is what the boy showed me.

You said the soldier was modern, not from Vietnam.

Ah, which leads to my theory, and it's a brilliant one, if I do say so myself.

The boy was playing on an abandoned base.

He wasn't supposed to be there, right, 'Cause he snuck in, that's what boys do.

That's right. Right.

So he finds this cool thing that looks like fun, . but he doesn't realize it's still a live b*mb he plays with it, it goes off.

Hmm. Ok.

Wait, no, that still doesn't explain the soldier with the little kid's voice, though.

Well, maybe it does.

I mean, sometimes spirits recreate the last thing they were doing before they died.

So the kid was playing soldier.

Right. He's confused.

He's scared, so his spirit is sometimes rejecting himself as the thing he was making believe he was when he died-- a soldier in combat.

Amazing. Now come eat.
The only problem with this theory is that the ghost kid I saw did not look like he had been in a b*mb blast.

That doesn't make any difference.

You know, the shockwave from a b*mb can ruin your organs, k*ll you, keep your body completely intact.

Have you checked on Aiden?

He's fine. He's in his room playing with his fire trucks.


I just have to check now and see if there's any news reports about explosions or anything else--

Delia. Hey.

What's the matter?

Hey. Did you say that ghost kid you saw was a boy around
12 years old?


[Sighs] I found this on my car tonight.


He went missing
2 days ago.

That's the same time that the haunting started.

Ah, that poor family.

I gotta find this kid.

See if I can get his family some closure.


Um, I just--I'm so glad to officially be talking to somebody who's connected to the base.

Yeah, well, we still keep an eye on the place.

There's no real staff here anymore, but I rotate in every couple of weeks.

So the army still owns the base?

Yeah, technically we still own this property.

I mean, although it's been up for sale ever since I can remember.

What about bombs?

Excuse me?

Are there bombs stored here?

Mines, grenades, that kind of thing?

Well, uh... Look, I think a little boy was k*lled by one.

It's very important.


There is still some unexploded ordnance on this base, and it's a bit of an embarrassment to the army.

And I will deny it if you tell anyone I told you that.

Um, sir, before you go...

[Brakes squealing]


Can you show me where it is? Show you what?

It's over in the storage barracks, but you'll both need official clearance to tour the base.

Oh. Didn't know you had company.

Come on.

Why do you think the door was unlocked?


I think the kid came in here.

There's no sign of an expl*si*n here.

And this stuff must all be defused.

There's no way they'd leave live bombs like this just right out in the open.

Eli, don't touch that!

Ok, the ghost said that there's unexploded ordnance.

That doesn't mean they're live.


Even if they're not defused, these bombs are so old, they're not dangerous anymore.

How do you know that?

Melinda, I do have a life outside the classroom, ok?

Watch this.

[Both shrieking]

Oh! Hypothesis gone wrong!

It happens.

[Breathing heavily]


The last time that I saw the ghost, the little boy, he was crammed into something small, almost like he couldn't move.

You don't think that...


Looks like the poor kid got himself locked in that container and suffocated.

So why am I always finding you two in the middle of trouble?

What has this got to do with you?

We had good reason to believe that the boy's body was here.

What kind of reason?

You know what kind of reason.

You should have called us first.

And said what? The ghost gave us clues?

We'll talk later.

Detective Simon: So you and Ms. Gordon came up here together, correct?

Eli: That's right.

Uh-huh. Ok.

That's it for now, Dr. James, but we may want to talk to you later.


He doesn't like me.

I can tell.

Now I can get closure for the family.

I just have to find that poor kid and get him to cross over.

Eli: Now that's interesting.

Yeah. What's the connection between Bedford and the base?

Bedford and the boy?

[Indistinct chatter]

I'll be right back. Ok.

I remember you.

Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.

Did you know Joey?

It kind of feels like I did.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

That day that I was in your store, that was the day that Joey went missing.

I didn't know it yet, I thought he was in school.

I can't imagine ho w hard this must be.

I think I fainted because somehow I knew deep down that Joey was in trouble.

You were very kind to me that day.

It looked like he had a lot of friends.

He did.

Everyone liked him.

He changed, though, these past few months.

He started playing hooky from school.

I didn't know where he was sometimes.

He made me so worried.

But he would always show up back in his room.

Did you know about the army base?

No, he never told me where he went.

Now it all makes sense.

Do you know why he went to the army base?


Excuse me, Julie. Hi. I'm Dennis.

Sorry to interrupt, but it's time to go.

You ok? Mm-Hmm.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm fine.

[Cell phone rings]






Woman: Hello, son.



Is that really you?

You're--you're out of the coma.

...what you need done.

I can't hear you.

You have what you need.



To get this done.

You have what you need.

Mother, I can't!

You have to!

Do what they want, so you can protect the rest of your family.

You don't know what they're asking. who got to you?

You have to make the book come to you!

There's no choice!

Mother, listen to me.

Listen to me!
[Dial tone]

[Cell phone rings]

man: Mr. Bedford, Mr. Bedford?

Please listen to me!

This is Dr. Masefield from Rockland memorial.

I'm very sorry to tell you that your mother passed away.


About 30 minutes ago, sir.

We tried your office number.

We did everything we could.

She never regained consciousness.

I'm sorry.




Look, I know you must feel so confused.

I saw your mom today.

She misses you, but she's ok.

I could take you to her if you want, you know, if you have anything you want to say.


It's me.

I'm not your dad.

Why are you looking for your dad here?

I...I just saw him, with your mom.

Dennis? That's not my father.

He's my Uncle.

My dad died in Afghanistan.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

He died a hero.

. I'm sure he's very brave he stepped on a mine.

But he totally saved his whole platoon.

You must be proud, but why are you looking for him at this base?

My dad used to bring me here, before he went away.

Only me and him knew about it.

We would play army.

He'd tell me stories about being a soldier.

You're going to be a w*r hero like your old man.

Come on.

Where are you going, huh?

Can you touch that?


What do you think of being a soldier?

Sometimes we would even camp out, and eat out of mess kits like real soldiers.

You'd make a great soldier.

You'd have to cut your hair, though.

It's getting a little long.

When he died, I still liked to come here.

Made me feel like I was...

Like I was still with him.

Do you remember what happened to you?

I found all these bombs.

All the mines, just like the one that k*lled my dad.

I figured that something like this was probably the last thing my dad ever saw.

I just wanted to take it home with me.

Then I heard noises.

Someone was coming.

I just wanted to find some place to hide.

Dr. Bedford: Leave me alone, please, just leave me alone.

Joey: There was a man, came in, he was whispering.

What do you want from me?

I've done everything you've asked.

All right, all right, I'll get it.

At first I thought he was with someone, but I was scared.

I've--I've done everything you wanted.

Nobody knows how powerful they are.

Then something startled him and he bumped into the door.

Who's there? Get away from me.

All right, all right.

I'll do it.

I couldn't get the door open.

I kept trying and trying.

Then it got real hard to breathe.

And then I just got tired and fell asleep.

Someone came and took a b*mb?

So there's a live b*mb out there?

What did this man look like?

I only got a quick look at him, but he had white hair and glasses.

Was this the man?

That's him.

What is Bedford doing with a b*mb?

If I could just speak to detective Blair for one second--

you have something to say, you can say it to me.

It's not like I wouldn't love to, but detective Blair has a certain understanding for our situation.

Detective Blair has been transferred.

She's no longer at this precinct.

I'm handling her cases now.

Where was she transferred to?

I'm not at liberty to say.

Why was she transferred?

? The department didn't consult you heads are gonna roll.

Look, I know this is going to sound weird, but the president of Rockland university has a live b*mb.


It's a mine, actually, but it's dangerous, and he knows it.

You're saying that the president of Rockland university has a b*mb that he's planning to use?

Do you have evidence?

Define evidence.

Ok, you can't be throwing a word like "b*mb" around this day and age.

Look, you don't know me, ok? But I'm not crazy.

Bedford has a b*mb!

And he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of getting it if he didn't have a plan to use it.

I think he's unstable.

Where'd he get the b*mb? From the old army base.

We cleaned that place out after they found the boy's body.

He took it before that.


We happen to know that a b*mb is missing, we got the inventory from the army, we're handling it.

Great! Then why aren't you on the way to Bedford?

Because this guy here has been arrested for stealing government property. Mm-Hmm.

We found him there pocketing everything that wasn't nailed down to the base, so we're going to get a search warrant, we're going to go through his house.

As soon as we do, we're going to find that b*mb.

Melinda: So the police won't help us.

No, and it gets worse.

Bedford hasn't been in his office all day.

He went on bereavement leave yesterday.

His mother died.

Well, was she sick for a long time?

Maybe that's why he's been so weird.

It doesn't explain why he took a b*mb.

Look, maybe we're the ones who are overreacting.

Ok, the guy could collect military memorabilia and then have heard about the hidden bombs at the base.

Oh, come on. You don't believe that any more than I do.

No. Something's up with him.

Last time he came into my office, he was acting all weird and mysterious.

Even more weird and mysterious than he usually does.

Hey. What are you doing here?

It's your turn to hide it.

Yeah, I don't thin k right now is a good time for me to--

[telephone rings]

Professor James.

Hello, hello?
[Water running]

I know that Melinda's with you now and that need's on his way, if he's not there already.

It's Bedford.

Now, I'm going to ask you one last time, nicely.

I want the book.

Yeah, well, you never asked for it, technically--

Eli, I'm warning you!

I don't know where it is.

Look, I...

I don't think you appreciate the gravity of this situation.

Now, I know all about your little hand-off system.

I am tired of chasing the book.

I want you to bring it here now.

Yeah, right.

. you don't know what I've been through the shadows have turned my life inside out.

Took my mother away from me.

I'm not going to shoulder this burden alone anymore.

You don't want me to drop what I have in my hand.

Ned, you're going to bring me the book now.

Now, I've got nothing left to lose, and if this thing goes off, I don't care what happens to me, but I would hate to see it take away someone who is very precious to you.

If I see one police officer or any sign you're not doing exactly as I say, it'll be all over.

I hate to rush you, but--

yeah, I happen to have Ned on the line.

He had a question about class next semester.

He's a go-getter, your boy.

Do you want to say hi?

Hi--hi, Ned.

[Bedford laughs]


If you hurt my mom, I swear to God--

yes, ok, well, you bring the paperwork to your mother's office, quickly, while we're all still here.

Damn it!

So is this house yours that you're selling?

No, it's my mother's.

She passed away recently.

Oh, I'm sorry. I know how painful that is.

Yes, it is.


Um, why don't I just fill out some of this basic information, and--


I'm sure you realize how difficult it is to sell a house right now?

Yes, but I don't think that's going to matter too much. no, not too much.

I should do it.

She's my mom, and he's expecting me.

No. No way. Your mother would never forgive us if we let you anywhere near that b*mb, ok?

I'll bring her right back out.

Mel, is this worth anybody's life?

All right.


I should do it.

I know Bedford and he knows me.

Technically, it's my turn to have the book, so...

I wouldn't mind a little protest.

I mean, I'm open to objections here.


I guess that'll do.

Why don't you just come over here and you can fill everything out.

Here. Just take that.

Heh... Is everything ok?

[Gasping] Ah... I don't know.

It's not supposed to be him!

[Breathing heavily]

Keep very still now. What is that?

Very still.


Eli, what is going on?

I have what you want. Now, let her go.

Eli, what the hell is going on?

Delia, please.

Now, I'm going to hand you the book...

As soon as Delia steps out, ok?



Just walk towards the door.

Delia, please.

Ok, ok.

Eli, come with me.

Delia, it's all right, just go. Just go.

Melinda: Delia!

Delia, Delia, come over here, it's all right.


Ned! Mom!

I'm sorry, Eli.

I know things have gotten a little out of hand, but I tried to do what I think is right.

Look, it's not too late.

Just come outside with me. Put that b*mb down.

We'll get this all straightened out.

Hmm. I'm afraid it's too late.

There are too many moving parts.

They're powerful.

More than anybody knows.

I was hoping that you'd say we would walk out together and end this.

I'm going to have to ask you to give me the book now, and leave.

It doesn't have to end this way.

Even for you.

Yes, it does.

[Tires squealing]

No, no, this can't be.

These pages are all gone!

It's gone, the pages are all gone!


[Shadows shrieking]

I did everything you asked, everything!

It's not my fault!


What, what--


The book erased itself!

You can't blame me for that!

Delia: Eli, hurry!


[All screaming]

[All grunting]


Hey. You ok?


Eli? Delia: Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

I'm ok. Are you hurt?

Ned: I'm fine.

. it's all right

[shouting indistinctly]


Melinda: I want to thank you for your help.

Joey: What I do?

Well, you let us know that there was danger and who was responsible.

It's time for you to go now.

You must know that.

Look, I can promise you that your dad is going to be waiting for you on the other side of that light.

I know.

So then why don't you want to cross over?

I don't want to leave.

I don't want to be dead.


Then I'm just going to have to tell you something.

Something that I learned just a few days ago.

You're not dead.

As a matter of fact, nobody ever dies.

You want to know why?

Because you're gonna...

You're gonna live inside everybody who ever knew you.

Everyone you ever touched.

No matter how little.

And...The people who love you--your mom, your Uncle Dennis, your friends at school, they're never going to stop thinking about you.

Or talking about you.

They're never going to forget you, 'Cause that never goes away.

You're never going to die because you were loved.

Because you loved.

You're gonna live forever.

We all will.

Do you see the light?

Good-bye, Joey.

I'll see you again someday.


I thought I was going to lose you.

Just for a second.

Not a chance.

Do your homework.
