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05x11 - Dead Air

Posted: 01/20/10 00:10
by bunniefuu
[cell phone rings]

Woman: Hello? Ned: Hey, is this sonja?

Yeah, who is this?

Ned and noah from the "ned and noah show"

On wqry campus radio. How's it going tonight?

Sonja: Actually, I'm sort of cramming for a midterm.

So what's up?

Well, we have your boyfriend aaron here in studio with us.

Hey, sonja.


What are you up to now?

He has something he wants to tell you.

Is it ok if we broadcast your conversation?

I guess.

But what's going on?

Don't worry, sonja.

We've got two tickets to see If you'll just hear him out.

Ok. Cool.

Melinda: Oh, you guys are lifesavers.

This estate auction just popped up out of nowhere.

Hey, free wine, I'm yours.

Hey, which station is he on?

Um, wqry, 88.1.

Oh, my god, we missed the beginning.

I am a terrible mother.

Since when does ned have a radio show?

Since he took that broadcast arts elective And his professor liked him so much That she gave him the six to midnight shift.

There it is.

Ned: Aaron, man, if you want those tickets, You better get to the point.

Sonja: Aaron, what do you mean you're not coming home?

Ned: Go on, aaron, tell her.

He sounds good, doesn't he? The next howard stern.

Ned: She needs to hear it from you before she finds out the hard way.

Aaron: I want to break-up.

It's over.

Sonja: Is this a joke?

Sorry, sonj, it's just, There's no other way to say it.

What kind of a show is this?

Sonja: Wait a minute, you're dumping me, On a radio show, For some concert tickets?

Well, you get two ticks, too.

On the other side of the arena, of course.

Sonja: Who the hell is she?

Ned: Yeah, aaron. Who's the lucky girl?

Sonja, there's no one else.

That's not what you told us. You said you met her at some party.

Sonja: The party at doozy's house? When I was sick?

Ding ding ding. Go on, aaron.

No name, no tickets.

Aaron: Ok, ok. It's lisa.

Sonja: What?!

That skank you work with at copy town?!


That's really great, aaron.

You know what, you deserve Whatever disease she gives you.

I can't believe you're doing this to me on a freaking radio show.

Ok, sonja, hang on a sec. [dial tone]

Hello? Hello?

Hello? I think we lost her.


That's supposed to be entertainment?

I guess these days it is.

That was pretty horrible. Yeah.

No wonder he never wants me to listen to his show.

I can't even believe he thinks that's funny.

What has happened to him?

Well, he went to college.

That poor girl. She seemed so upset.

Or she's a pretty good actress.

You think she was faking it?

It was probably a joke.

They were probably all in on it.

Yeah, well, still, I think it's mean-spirited.

It's one thing for him to be getting A perfectly useless degree In the occult sciences, and another thing For him to be wasting all his time on this.

Um, I agree.

But it's actually anthropology of the occult.

And it's not totally useless.

Especially if we want to find out what's up with the shadows.

No, I know, I am sorry.

I--how is aiden doing with all of that?

He seems over it.

Like his visions, I mean, he's just laughing and playing And I'm worrying.

Yeah, well, I get that.

I swear, I don't even know who my kid is anymore.

Like I said, he went to college.

Yeah, but that doesn't give him an out.

He almost never calls me back.

He thinks a quality conversation is when he texts me something That's more than a sentence long.

And when I finally do get to see him, He's always with some new girl.

You think maybe that's the real reason you're upset?

I'm upset because I taught him to be better than this.

Hey, delia, It was probably just a joke, you know?

He'll be all right.

I know.

Thanks for listening.

Be sure to tune in again tomorrow night.

And here's a tune to sign us off.

You were awesome.


I knew my theater major would come in handy someday.

Are you still free later?

Hmm, I can clear my busschedule.

Excuse me. I want to talk to whoever's responsible For that show tonight.

I guess that would be me.

Well, then you should be ashamed of yourself.

Do you have any idea the pain you are causing people With stunts like that?

It was just a harmless prank.

There is nothing harmless about destroying people's lives, To what, what, get a laugh?

Everything you kids said tonight, everything, That's what happened to me!

Ned: But we made it all up.

Oh, the party at doozy's?

That was my story!

I had a really good marriage, And then I got a phone call just like that one.

[noah and tj laugh]

What, you think this is funny, humiliating people?

Listen, m'am, it was a joke.

What, you thi'm sorryis funny, humiliating if we offended you.

No, you're not.

Because that would require a conscience, Which obviously none of you kids have.

Well, that was random.


Where'd you guys get the idea for that, anyway?

Yeah, no, ned wrote it.

I thought you wrote it.

It was on the computer with the song playlist And the other pranks.

[ flickering]


[feedback] oh, my god!

Noah: What's going on here?!

Noah, dude, you're bleeding.

What the...

What was that?

I wish I could tell you.

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

Non-fat double mocha for you.

Americano with shaved carob for you.

Great minds...

Thank you. I need the caffeine.

I didn't sleep last night.

I kept thinking about--

Hey. I brought coffee.

The evil entity that took over my son's body.

Well, you're welcome.

We listened to your show.

Show? More like a public flogging.

I'm glad you liked it. It's not real, you know.

We were ad-libbing off of an old script.

Maybe, but it was still mean.

I can't argue with that. Somebody else thought so, too.

Somebody dead.

What happened?

This woman, she was ranting about How a prank just like the one we did Ruined her marriage.

Wait, you saw a ghost?

No, she was alive.

But as soon as she left, the studio went nuts.

Noah's ears started bleeding, and then the word

"K*llers" popped up on my laptop.

We're pretty sure they didn't mean the band.

And did you get the woman's name?

She was way too busy yelling at us.

Hold on.

You're just diving in to help him?

Mom, noah's ears were bleedings.

So where did you get the idea for the prank?

That's the thing. I thought noah wrote it, he thought I did.

It was jt there on our computer With the rest of the program For the broadcast. Looked like an old transcript Of a stunt from when the station was commercial.

But all the names were sketched out.

So maybe the ghost resurrected it to torment this woman?

Were these pranks staged back then, or were they real?

I think maybe both.

I don't know, I've got noah going through All the old transcripts, but so far...

Let's see.

Wqry was a commercial station until about six years ago.

When the owner donated it to the university.

I wonder if anybody was k*lled because of that prank.

Well, it wouldn't surprise me.

Sounds like whatever set that woman off Might have stirred the ghost up, too.

Hilarious, right?

Ok, here's your first lead.

The station's most popular show was

"drivin' home, " with dj dean olsen.

Looks like he did telephone pranks, too.

Where is he now?

It says he abruptly quit at the height Of his popularity about eight years ago, But doesn't say why.

Probably moved to a bigger market.


Not exactly.

[bir chirping]

Eli: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Jeez.

Ned: We're here.

[animal howling]

Eli: You sure this is the right place?

Ned: I found it on the penthius satellite map.

It's a camper in the woods Excuse me.



Aah! Don't-- don't do that!

Sorry. We were hoping To talk to you about your radio show.


It's about wqry.

Wonder why what?


We need to talk to you.

Sorry. I forget these are in sometimes.

All right, what's this about?

Your show on wqry.

Yeah, well, if you're fans, get over it.

Show's over.

I spent the past eight years of my life Trying to get away from it, so...

'cause strange things have been happening?

Like things you can't explain?

Who are you?

Yeah, we must have done thousands of those calls.

I don't-- I don't remember every single one.

Husbands leaving wives for another woman, Wife leaving for another man, Husbands leaving for another man.

Yeah, your angry lady could be anybody.

The calls you did back then, were they real or staged?

A little bit of both.

Even when the callers were in on it, You never knew what might come popping out.

So if it was real, This lady's husband must have dumped her On your show for another woman. Yeah.

Which narrows it down to a gazillion.

Only this time, somebody died.


And we're guessing they're blaming you.

How could a dead person be blaming...

So, wait, are we talking ghosts here?

Yeah, we are.

So it's real?

Everything that's been happening to me, It's real? I'm not-- I'm not crazy!

No. You're haunted.

By someone you rubbed the wrong way on the radio.

Can you tell us how it started? Yeah.

The same way you said happened to you.

The board just went haywire.

It kept playing the same song over and over.

"in my place" by coldplay.

Hey, how did you know?!

Ok, so, yeah, ok, it is real. It's just, Even after I left the station, Everywhere that had a speaker Or electricity would play that song!

Is that why you're not hooked up to any power?

Why you've been camping out For the last eight years?

You wanted to get off the grid?

Can you imagine what it's like To go without music, When it used to be my whole life?


We can help you.

We can get this ghost to leave you alone.

But we've got to find the woman who came to the studio last night.

I'd love to help you, believe me, But we've had a lot of cds.

Compact discs?

No, collateral damage.

People who get caught in the crossfire.

But no one who actually died.

That you know of.

[cell phone rings]

It's happening to you now.

And it won't stop.

It never stops!

You have to leave! Get out of here! Go!


Please leave!

Aiden, remember how mommy told you that if you make a mess, You have to clean it up?

Why are toys a mess?

Because they're all over the living room.

Come on, let's get these upstairs.

And then you can finish your drawing.

Aiden, did you hear me?

What's wrong?

You're bleeding.



Oh, well, you know what, baby? It's ok.

Right? Look at me, I'm ok.

What are those?


It was his undoing.




You're listening to the "ned and noah" show, Rockin' rock u. Till midnight.

Tj, do you want to tell us about the next song?

Let's just say this one goes out to someone pretty cool.

I'm pretty sure that the ghost had a violent death.

There was blood and hair stuck in the glass.

A head injury, maybe?

Yeah, that would explain the hair.

So the husband comes back After the radio prank, and things get violent.

But if she k*lled him, Why would she be here yelling at you?

She said it was exactly like what happened to her, right?

So we're pretty sure her husband went on the air And told her he's leaving her for another woman.

Daisy. No, thanks.

Not my favorite flower. No, no, no.

Aiden's picture. Maybe it wasn't a flower.

Maybe it was a name.

I mean, he said that it was his "undoing."

Undoing? What 5-year-old says "undoing"?

It was a vision dream thing, all right?

Look, maybe she was the other woman.

Or his wife.

Ok, so the ghost is her husband, And he's angry because he thinks that the radio show k*lled him?

How? A head injury.

Will you pay attention?

How are you doing with those transcripts?

I'm still looking.

All the others ones have participant's names, Phone numbers, so if we find it...


The station's archives Are like the last scene from "raiders"--

Miles and miles of boxes.

[feedback, record scratching]

Are you hearing this?

It's the same song as before.

Man: Everybody... Second man: Has...

Woman: Dirty... Third man: Laundry Fourth man: Even...

Fifth man: Your host, ned banks. What the hell?

First man: Ned slept... Second man: With...

Shut it off! I can't!

Man: Ned... Second man: Slept...

Third man: With... Woman: Tj's...

Second woman: Roommate.


Is that true?

I can explain.

Save your breath.

Tj, wait...


Hold on!




Man: Funny, huh? jim! Where is he?

Is he ok?

Hey, he's fine, he's ok.

We gave him a few stitches.

No concussions, all right?

Oh, well, that's good, because I'm going to give him one.

[door opens]

All right, I'm going to let you two talk--

Quietly, please.

And, ned, Be a little more careful out there, ok?

I'm fine, mom.

No, actually, you are anything But fine.

I heard your show.

Is it true?

What that creepy voice said about you and tj's roommate?

Look, it's really no one's business but mine and tj's.

And her roommate's.

What's gotten into you, ned? Nothing.

We've been hanging out for a few weeks.

It's not like we're a couple.

Oh, does she think you are? No.

I mean, I don't think so.

How should I know?

It doesn't even matter to you?

You think it's just cool to be hanging out with tj And then sleeping with her roommate?

It was one time, And vivian didn't tell her, either.

Well, exactly. Which just proves That you both know that it was wrong. Mom!

I'm in college. This is what people do.

Really? You think because these are Your, what, formative years, That you can just go ahead and hurt people's feelings Just so long as you get something out of it?

Well, I got news for you, ned.

These are tj's and vivian's formative years, too.

It's not like I'm going around--

Do you want to be that guy?

That guy that teaches girls that guys are jerks And can't be trusted? [cell phone rings]



Yeah, I'm fine.

You sure?

Great, thanks.

Noah found the transcript.

He said it's practically verbatim the one we used.

Except the couple was married And the wife who got dumped, her name's maggie carson.

Could you please not change the subject?

I'm not done with you yet.

Neither is a really pissed off ghost.

Hey, melinda. I got a name.

Uh, maggie carson?


What can I do for you?

My name is melinda gordon.

And I'm actually here to talk to you About your visit at the radio station.

I didn't give them my name, so how'd you find me?

It's a long story, but the short version is Is that we were going through old transcripts at the radio station, And we took a lucky guess.

I'm here to apologize on behalf of the station.

Well, you're about eight years too late.

I'm sure it was a terrible time for you.

Terrible? Doesn't really come close.

Being dumped live on the air, it's humiliating.

I never thought that those pranks were real.

I mean, I always assumed That one person was in on it to win some kind of prize.

I guess in your case the prize was a trip to the bahamas?

Yeah, well, my ex-husband's the one who got a prize, all right.

He ended up marrying the woman he left me for.

This is going to sound strange, but is he still alive?

Why are you asking me that?

I'm just pretty sure that somebody died After what the dj did with your call.

The only thing that died that day Was my marriage, and if--

Damn it, not again.

Oh, that's happened before?

Oh, it's just this stupid radio.

It's got a mind of its own.

Well, does the song mean anything to you?

No, I've never heard it before.

Wait a minute, did your radio Just turn itself on the other night?

And that's how you heard the show in the first place?

Ok, who are you?

Hey, you all right?


I'm sorry.

Totally lost my train of thought.

Um, anyway--

Look, I don't know who you are, But you're really creeping me out.

So please, I think you should leave.

Melinda: Hey.

Do you want your old job back?

No, my wireless is down, And I just wanted to search those names That you texted me. Oh!

Look at this-- maggie stevens' ex-husband's name Is jack carson.

He remarried. His second, her first.

Which means maggie was telling the truth, the prank was real.

You doubted her?

Well, she just got really tense When I mentioned somebody had died.

I think she knows more than she's letting on.

Who did jack marry?

Uh, daisy manning.

Daisy. That explains aiden's drawing.

Yeah, but how could she have been his undoing?

There's absolutely no record of jack carson's death.

What about daisy? Is she still alive?

Ok, I'm checking it now.

I can't find any obituary.

So our ghost isn't jack or daisy, But ned told me that dj mentioned collateral damage.

Was there anybody in daisy's life before she married jack?

Ok, let's find out.

Then let's nail this ghost.

Nobody hurts my kid.

Even if he is a two-timing jerk.

Bingo. You were right.

So daisy was engaged before, To a man named bruce adler. Look at the date.

A month before the broadcast.

Ok, hang on.

And guess who's been a missing person since the day of the radio show.

Yep. We got our ghost.

So I spoke to a supervisor And I got us upgraded to a royalty suite With a private balcony.


Guess I better pack my tuxedo.

Hey, did you leave the stereo on?

Wasn't me.

Uh, daisy, you're bring your wedding dress?


Wait, that's not your--

No, that's the one I bought when I was engaged to bruce.

It's been packed away in the garage.

Then how the hell did it get here?

[glass cracking]

Both: Aahh!
Hi. Excuse me, My name is melinda gordon.

You must be jack.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

No, I was hoping to talk to you or your wife.

Does she know you?


Wait, I'm sorry, this isn't a very good time.

I can see that.

Um, I need to talk to you about bruce adler.

Does that mean anything to you?

Oh, my god.

You're saying a ghost did all of this?

I haven't seen bruce, And I don't have proof that he's dead, But that's my guess.

He's dead.

I've always known it.


Because bruce wouldn't just disappear.

He had a life, he had a job, he had parents.

He wouldn't blow out of his office one day and just vanish.

We were engaged.

So you two were happy together.


I'm sorry, I'm just a little confused.

Because didn't you leave bruce So that the two of you could be together?

What are you talking about?

I read a transcript at the radio station.

On air you told your wife that you were leaving to be with daisy.

How do you know about that?

The ghost has been using the radio station To haunt people. He dug up your call And tricked the new djs into playing it on air.

Ok, jack, what call? What is she talking about?

Wait a minute, you didn't know about the radio show?


You told your wife what?

Ok, I can explain.

Thank you for trying to help us, But I really think that you should leave.

The ghost is angry.

He blames what happened that day, your call, For his death.

There's one song that keeps playing over and over again, And the dj who got you to do this, He's been tortured by it for years.


What song?

Coldplay, "in my place."

That's the song that was playing when the picture broke.

Ok, so does it mean anything to you? Is it your song with bruce?


Ok, so you've never heard it before When strange things have happened like today?

Nothing like this has ever happened.

Why would he punish us?

We didn't do anything wrong.

We fell in love.

After you separated from your wife.

Look, I freelanced at the place that jack worked.

I left one day because I got a phone call From the police saying that my fiance was missing.

I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't function, for days, for weeks.

I never even went back to that place.

It was months before I ran into jack again.

By then, I'd split up with my wife.

Look, I don't know what my husband told some stupid radio show.

But if you can really talk to ghosts, You tell bruce. You tell him we did nothing wrong.


Delia: So that's it?

The husband didn't explain anything?

He showed me my way to the door As if I'd never been kicked out of a house before.

Do you think that they were lying?

I think she didn't know about the radio stunt.

How is that possible? I don't know.

I mean, maybe they didn't have any friends in common.

You know, daisy never back to that office.

They didn't have very many listeners.

Yeah, but if they were a couple--

Well, maybe they weren't.

Maybe she was telling the truth.

Listen, they would not be the first cheaters To claim that they only hooked up After both parties were free.

Hmm. Is it possible That the ghost didn't know That they wound up together? Yeah, but how?

I mean, even if they waited out of decency To tell their friends once bruce went missing.

You know, he's a ghost.

I think he would have known.

Then how come the ghost is just haunting the dj?

I'd have to ask him that, But he doesn't seem to want to come to the party.

Hmm. Some party.

Listen, I'm parking.

[tires squealing]


[woman screaming]




What happened? Are you ok?

I'm fine. I think I know how bruce died, And maybe where he is.

You had a vision?

I know I should be used to this, but...

Daisy said that her fiance just blew out of work suddenly, And he works at duncroft electronics.

Where is that? It's off of amherst road.

Ok, and he thought that his fiancée was heading for the bahamas.

So what street would he take to the airport?

Probably the teason expressway.

It's got some bad curves, but it's the fastest way.

Right. And it runs along the river.

Hi, I need to speak to detective blair. It's important.

Melinda: It was so weird.

I mean, the car was completely submerged, But that song was still playing.

And while he was dying.

Well, I guess aiden was right.

You know, daisy really was bruce's undoing.

I'm still not sure aiden gave me that vision.

I mean, I think the ghost wanted me To know that he suffered, and not alone.

Are you sure that there weren't two people found in that car?

Just this one.

But I heard a woman screaming.

I don't know what to tell you, honey.

That car they found him in, The doors were locked, the windows were open.

It was registered to bruce adler.

Until the cops get the dental records, They can't notify the family.



Maybe they need dental records, But I don't.

That's the ghost.

Jack, hi.

Hi, um, can I talk to you?

Yeah, sure.

After you'd left, Daisy was really upset.

I'm sorry to hear that.

But the haunting that you experienced, it's only the beginning.

[sighs] the thing is, daisy was telling the truth.

About how the two of you got involved.


So then why would you go on air And tell your wife that you were leaving her For another woman?

A woman you coincidentally married.

Do you get my confusion?

Your wife's, the ghost?

Wait, you talked to my ex, Maggie? Yes.

And you say bruce died because he heard us on the radio?

I think he was going to the airport to stop you.

Or to talk to his fiancée.

It all seemed so harmless.


All right, jack, are you ready to do this?

I'm going to get your wife on the line now.

You said she's at work, right? Jack: Yeah.

[telephone rings] hello?

Mags, it's me.


You ok? No, I'm not.

I have something to tell you.

Are you alone? What do you...

I told my wife that I was leaving her.

Well, you know, you saw the transcript.

What do you mean you're not coming home tonight?

Maggie, I--

Things haven't been going well, and I'm leaving.

Things haven't been going well?

What are you talking about?

I want a divorce.

It's over.

I can't believe this.

You're telling me this over the phone?

I'm sorry, it's just--

There's no other way to say it.

So she was in on it?

We were instant messaging back and forth The entire time.

But she told me that it was a horrible shock And that it ended your marriage.

In a way it did.

Things were never the same after that call.

Our trip sucked. It was like I opened the door for every doubt she had about me.

So wait a minute. Maggie lied to me?

Why would she do that?

All I know is that she can be very convincing.

Who is she? What?

Maggie, there's no one.

Tell her about the trip, jack.

The one to the bahamas.

Wait, you said that-- the one you're taking With your girlfriend. Tell her!

What's happening? Who is this?

Hey, maggie, this is dj dean olsen at wqry.

I know this is upsetting, But this is your chance to get all the details, Like who your husband's going to be rolling around in the sand with.

You're taking her on vacation the day you leave me?

Who is she?!

Maggie, let's meet. We'll talk.

Oh, now you want to meet!

Why, so you can lie to me some more About all the late nights?

Maggie, really, this is enough.

Late night?

Jack, didn't you tell me there was one very late night?

At some party?

The party at doozy's house!

When I was home, sick! Jack, Your wife needs to know. She has a right.

And don't forget about our deal.

Full disclosure, no holding back.

So who is she? Come on.

A hammock and clear blue waters Are waiting for you and the woman you love!

The thing is, I didn't know why she brought up that party.

I thought she was just playing along.

But I still had to name someone Or good-bye, bahamas.

And the trip that you wanted to take With your wife maggie. To get it, I named a girl who worked in my office.

I said I was leaving her for daisy.

Why would you do that if you weren't involved?

She was the first person that popped into my head.

I know it's hard to believe with us married and all, But it was random.

He just kept pushing me and pushing me for a name.

And so did your wife.

Even though she knew it was a prank.

Even thought your instant message told her to stop.

Did you know daisy was engaged?


So did my wife. I--

I guess that's why she seemed like a safe choice.

Did she know her?


The whole floor would go out for drinks sometimes.

Daisy brought bruce, maggie would usually join us.

Was she jealous of her?

I could not have a conversation with a woman, Any woman, without maggie grilling me with questions.

But I was faithful, I swear.

[sighs] so she never got the answer she was looking for.

And she thought she could get somebody else To get it out of you.

Like a radio dj.

[birds chirping]

Somebody parked in front the other day asking for directions, Radio blasting.

I was cringing, nothing happening.

I went to the store, Music floating throughout the sound system, Song after song.

But not that song. The ghost song.

Either he has changed his playlist, or he's done with me.

We think he's done with you.

Unfortunately, he's moved on to his ex-fiancée And her new husband jack.

Wait a minute, he married that girl?

Daisy. You remember the call now?

I read the transcript you found.

We think until the ghost realized they're actually together, He was either dormant or happy to haunt just you.

After he died, He probably saw that the callers were still together.


At least for a little while.

And then he saw his fiancée crying her eyes out, Missing him, and realized he had died for nothing.

Not for nothing.

For my ratings.

How can I help them?

You said you've been over the transcript, right?

Yeah. It sounded like The bit where he's leaving her Was just you goading him into an admission--

A real admission.

Well, yeah. That's what his wife wanted.

You're sure?

You remember?

Well, even if I didn't, These pieces have a rhythm.

You know, you do 'em.

Somebody's looking for a name.

If this guy wasn't a friend of the station or professional actor--

He wasn't. Right.

Then his wife put us on his tail.

She called the station, She let us know about her suspicions.

She basically turned us loose on him.

That's how it works. Sometimes we use people.

And sometimes, they use you.

Uh, sorry, we're, uh, we're closed.

I'm not here for a hair appointment, and I think you know that.

Well, I got a thousand things to do. I gotta get home.

You lied to me, which is fine.

'cause who am I really, except a stranger Who's trying to help you. Help me how?

By digging up the most painful moment of my life?

And which moment was that?

When your husband admitted that he found some girl in the office cute?

Or was it when you heard her fiancé's car run off the road and into the river?

You're out of your mind.

I saw what happened.

I heard your voice screaming.

Did you realize what song was playing In the background when he died?

[cell phone buzzing]

How did you do that?

I didn't. Bruce did.

Maggie, you started this. I'm just asking you to finish it.

How? By talking to bruce.

I don't know any bruce!

[woman screaming]

Ok, well, you're lying about that, too, Because your ex-husband said that you guys used to hang out after work.

Well, I don't remember that.

Ok, well, do you remember Being on the phone with him right after the radio prank?

I mean, it was you who told him to turn on dean's show.

I mean, really, did you think that he was going to be able To stop something that wasn't even happening?

Shut up, shut up!



Bruce, what are you doing?

Oh, my god, oh, my god, get me out of here!

Maggie, I'm trying, just hold on.

[dials 9-1-1] [maggie yelling]

Her jealousy k*lled me.

Now she can drown in it.



Maggie, just hang in there!

I turned off the water main.



I got it!

Paramedic: Anyone in there?

We're in here!

I don't know how I'm going to explain the water damage To the owner of the salon.

I know, I got bigger problems.

So then why did you do it?

'cause even though I knew it was crazy, I never trusted my husband.

You know, I'd heard that show before.

Dj dean.

God, I thought the callers were so pathetic.

And then I thought, you know, this could work for me.

If I could get a third party, a stranger, really, Just to talk to my husband, Maybe he'd tell the truth.

And I'd finally, finally believe him.

Or ifinally be over.

So you called bruce after the show.

Yeah. Just like you said.

I heard the accident.

God, it was awful.

And then I called an anonymous tip into the police, But I couldn't even tell them where to look.

I mean, I didn't even know what kind of car he was driving.

[tires squealing]


And his cell phone went dead.

But I didn't know he died, I swear. I mean, not at first.

And you saw that he was missing in the papers.

When we got back from our trip.

Our horrible trip.

But by then, I knew it was too late, For everything.

Your husband said he was faithful.

Why didn't you believe him?

My mother divorced my father When I was three months old.

She said she was afraid he'd get her pregnant again, Like I was the worst thing that had ever happened to her.

That could ever happen to anyone.

That's not how jack felt.

He did eventually.

And you know, I knew, every time I questioned him About where he was, who he'd been with.

She was begging him to love her.

I was driving him away.

But I couldn't stop.

Bruce is here.

I didn't even want daisy to take that job.Ow.

Any job, really, where...

Where'd she be around other guys.

That's crazy. I mean, you can't ask that of any girlfriend.

He's saying that he was jealous, too.

[sighs] you know, we were all out one night.


And jack and daisy, they were laughing.

It was some inside office joke.

Bruce and I could not have been further from their thoughts.

Bruce: I caught maggie's eye, And gave her a look like, you believe this?

To let her know, yeah, there's trouble, And I see it, too.

I gave you the opening.

But it only took one call from her saying, "turn on the radio."

Maggie: I just thought, If nothing else, they were getting closer.

And I just--I wanted bruce to help, Like, to help me stop it.

Bruce: I didn't need to listen.

Climbed in the car to confront them.

I could have called daisy myself, but...

I'd always thought that whatever we had wouldn't last.

That it would end with her leaving me for someone else.

Someone better.

He blames himself.

For giving ihis fear and feeding yours.

They're always there.

The love you want, You can't get that from someone else--

Husbands, girlfriend.

Even if your parents gave it to you now, it'd be too late.

He's saying that the love you need to find Isn't romantic love; That you can't find it with somebody else.

That sounds grim.

[both chuckle]

Tell her it's all around her.

It's in her heart right now, Waiting for her.

I will.

Maggie, you made their being together real By believing so hard.

But believing can make good stuff happen, too.

If you just try.

He said that if you can believe in happiness The same way that you believe in bad things, You'll find it.

It's all around us.

I see that now.

It's beautiful.

You see the light?


Do you?


But you trust that it's there?

It's a good feeling, right?

It's a great feeling.

He's gone.

Hi, maggie. I want to apologize.

We never meant you any disrespect...

So, we've been having some pretty weird technical difficulties here Wqry this past week.

But I'm happy to report they have all been taken care of And that we are back in the business of rocking rock u.

The funny thing about technical errors Is that you can usually figure out exactly what caused the problem, And fix everything up as good as new.

Is that you can usually I wish the samwere true for human errors.Roblem, Wouldn't it be great if when we really screw up, Weould figure out exactly what made us act like a jackass In the first place?

And repair the damage.

Of course, w'd all be better off If we could avoid making stupid choices inhe first place.

Take a minute, think about the collateral damage Thate're causing in sebody else's life.

As it is, All we have is, "I'm rr"

And belie me, I am.

Sweet dreams, grandview.

[cell phone buzzing]


Delia: Hey.

I just wanted to tell you that...

I'm really proud of you.

Really? Yeah.


Maybe we can get dinner one night this week.