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05x09 - Lost in the Shadows

Posted: 12/02/09 14:39
by bunniefuu
MELINDA: Previously on "Ghost Whisperer..."

Why do your friends shine?

Because they don't have faces. They're made of light. But they're scared.

What are they scared of, buddy?

Of the shadows.

What kind of shadows are those?

The ones they make from the parts that get left behind.

Parts of what?


Broken people.

I've been trying to protect you.

You and Melinda.


I've said too much.

Protect her from what?

Is it the shadows?

Stop asking so many questions!

Don't ask any questions at all.

MELINDA: Her name's Julia Miller and she was a patient.

According to this, she lives here at the hospital her whole life.

No one can know I'm here.

Why not?

If they find out, something bad will happen.


Something really bad.

[wind blowing]

[gasps] Oh.

You scared me.

That's not easy to do. Um...

What are you doing here?

I'm waiting for Aiden.

Ok, well, he's at school.

And you don't belong here, so...

Have I seen you?

It's his closet, and he said I could stay.

Yeah, well, technically it's my house.

And so I decide who's staying.


[elevator dings]

Julia Miller.

The girl practically lived here.

Yeah, I knew she looked familiar.

She had leukemia?

Well, she died last week of pneumonia, and her immune system couldn't stand the cancer treatments.

Isn't she the one who sent you those creepy Sally Stitch emails?

Well, 11 is a little old to still be seeing ghosts.

But she was dying.

Maybe she was sensitive.

No, I don't know how to explain it.

There's just something not right about her.

Says the woman who just found out her son was keeping a ghost in his closet?

I have a bad feeling about this one.

Very bad feeling.

Ok. Never a good sign.


It wasn't really a secret.

I just didn't tell you about it.



But you know you should have told us that Julia was here.


She didn't want me to.

Well, then you were keeping a secret, bud.

That's how it works.

We just don't have secrets in our home, OK?

Just with other people?

Look, I know that that can be confusing.


But it's not --
it's not good for Julia to be stuck here.

You know? She's supposed to be in the light with other ghosts.

I'm sorry, mom.


Maybe you can convince Julia to talk to mom.


She doesn't like talking to mom.

Why not?

She says you don't like her.

Why makes her think that?

'Cause you don't want me to learn how to do magic.

Oh. [chuckles]

Um, you know, I just --

I just don't like it when ghosts hide in our house.

Right? But what else is she doing here?

Besides teaching you magic tricks?

I don't know.

All she wants to talk about is magic.

Well, why don't you just promise to tell us next time's Julia's here, OK?

I love you.

Love you, too.


Bath time.

I don't want a bath.

Ok. All right.

We'll take some of this into the bed.




Julia, will you please just talk to me?

Look, I'm not angry with you.

That is not helping.


Julia, I can't do that.

What do you want?!


Child, whispering: Can you see us?

Julia Miller? Isn't she the same girl who was sending all those awful emails?

Well, that's why I'm worried.

You know, what if she's a bad influence on Aiden?

Mel, we do the best we can to raise our kids.

At some point, they're going to pick friends that we wish they hadn't, you know?

Living or dead.

Don't you remember that ghost that got Ned to shoplift from your store?

Exactly, but you didn't believe me then.

Ok, well, I do now.

And I may not have any advice how to stop playdates with ghosts, but I am telling you, as a mother, you've got to trust your instincts.

You've got to cut it off.

Yeah, but what if she's staying here for something?

Or I can help her?

Cut it off.

Hey. Well, she's here right now.

Hey, Mel, this is David and Linda.

These are Julia's parents.


Your husband said that you wanted to talk to us.

Something about Julia?

I'll be nearby.


Thank you.

May I?


I know about your loss, and I'm so sorry.

It must be very difficult for you.

Oh, thank you.

There's some comfort in knowing that our daughter's finally at peace.

I don't know what Jim told you, and I know that this is going to sound a little strange.

But I have a gift.

I can see ghosts.

Have you seen our Julia?


She's attached herself to my 5-year-old son.

Can we talk to her?

She sort of shut us out of her life these past few months.

She did?

Yeah. We don't know why.

The doctors say there may have been some psychological issues that resulted from being alone in the hospital for so long.

We weren't even with her when she died.

Do you think that's maybe why she's still here?

Because she never got a chance to say good-bye?

That might be a part of it, but I feel like there's some unfinished business that she's just not telling me about.

What unfinished business could an 11-year-old have?

You know, we're here to pick up Julia's things.

The nurses said that she did a lot of drawing and writing.

Well, I guess we could look at some of those if you like.

See if we could find anything.

That would be great.

And if you find anything, can you just call me?

Thank you.

Thank you.

DAVID: It will be all right.

But I can still do magic tricks?

Yeah, as long as they're not ghost magic tricks.

Julia, what's going on?

It's none of your business.

Look, I understand that this must be hard for you.

If you just let me, I can help you.

I need Aiden, not you.

Aiden, go upstairs and play, OK? Right now.

Ok. Bye, Julia.

Right now.

I saw your mom and dad today.

They're very worried about you.

Look, I get how confusing it can be to --

You don't get anything. You're a grown-up.

Whatever's keeping you here, I can help you.

Stop saying you can help me.

You can't.

If you just let me, I can.

JIM: Hey? What's going on here?

Julia's here.

And, uh, where is our son, Aiden?

He is upstairs, OK? And he's playing and he's fine.

We're just going to work this out.

No. It's not fine.

No, we're not going to work this out right now.

We're going to put these knives in here, and I want Julia out of this house.

Julia, can you hear me? I want you out of my house and I want you to leave my son alone, got it?

Do you hear me?


Does that mean she's gone?

For now.

You don't know who you're dealing with.

[birds chirping]

So, was Julia around last night?

No. I think she's gone.

That's probably for the best.

You understand that, right?


Is it OK to miss her?

Of course it is, sweetie.

Drink your juice, it's good for you.

[gasps] Oh, my God, Aiden, don't drink that!






Jim, I can't find Aiden!



JIM: I'll check outside!



Jim: Aiden! Aiden!

Aiden, where are you?!


I can't find him anywhere.

Oh, my God.

Jim, I have searched every inch of this house.

Honey, honey, calm down. It'll be OK.

I'm going to call the police, we'll call everyone.

[breathing heavily]

[dials 9-1-1]

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

My son is missing!

Melinda, honey.

Have you heard anything?

No, nothing. Listen, I sent you a picture.

If you could just send it to everyone you know.

Ok, sure.

Where's Jim?

He's, I don't know, driving the neighborhoods, waking up people.

The police on their way, and Eli, he went straight to Detective Blair.

All right.

Well, do you think it's Julia?

She took him. I know it.

The McAllisters, the Taubs, I went as far as the playground. Nothing.

She's not going to take him somewhere we've looked.

He's five. Technically, how far can he get?

I mean, can a ghost even move him like that?

He'd be moving on his own.

Then that means he's in walking range.

Why is he doing this? He knows better.

He probably felt sorry for her.

Or she tricked him, I don't know.

But if I have to stay in this house for five more minutes without him, I'm going to lose my mind.

Look, I'm going to go to Main Street and I'm going to go west and south, all right?

You guys go south and east, please.

I'm just gonna stay here, in case the police come or anybody calls.

I'll be here. Do you have your cell phone?

Yeah, in my purse.

Where are my car keys?


Not now.

Detective Blair needs to ask you some questions.

Look, you have the photo and Delia and Eli will catch you up on everything.

Right now, nothing else matters.

All right, well, the police are already canvassing, but there are details I need to hear from you, specifics that could help us find your child.

He's with a dead little girl who doesn't care whether he lives or dies.

Does that help you?

A dead girl?

A ghost.

Throughout the years, the cases we've helped you with, the bodies we've found, it's because Melinda can see spirits and I can, well --

It's just a lot to explain.



Just give me a chance to filter the right information to my officers.

Thank you.

[police radio chatter]

[indistinct chatter]

I don't understand.

Where are we going?

It's a surprise.

It's going to be fun.

I'm not supposed to go anywhere but school on my own.

You'll be home soon. They won't even miss you.

When you show them the things I'm going to show you, they'll understand.

I don't know.

I know some really good magic.

You can do things, things you don't even know about.

OK, come on. You have to get on.

Does it cost money?

See that mom and those kids?

Go with them, but stay right behind them.

The bus driver will think you're with them. Come on, hurry.

[indistinct chatter]


He's not at school.

They checked the grounds and surrounding areas.

He's on a bus.

A city bus. White, with red stripes. I couldn't see a logo or a number.

Where did you see --

Please, don't ask me how I know that.

I was going to ask you where the bus was going.

If you saw where it was headed.

Any direction, any landmarks.


I've got an update.

Check city buses, Driscoll County transit line.

[engine starts]

[tires squealing]

I'm talking about any county bus within five miles of this area.

Notify the drivers, pull them all over.

I don't care.

We're looking for a boy with a blue backpack.


I'm sorry. My cell was off and I slept on campus last night.

It's OK, honey, you're here.

Did you hear anything?


Well, there's a couple outside that are looking to talk to Melinda.

She just left.

Well, then I think maybe we should talk to them. They are Julia's parents.

ELI: Are those Julia's things from the hospital?

Yeah, we --

Julia did a lot of writing and drawing to keep herself company.


It's hard to, ahh...

Um --

Why don't you tell us what you found.

She wrote down her thoughts and... some of them were so dark.

She wrote about something she did, something terrible to a friend of hers.

She said...

Mrs. Miller.

Aiden's been missing for over two hours now.

He's five.

You have to tell us what your daughter did.

She was so lonely. She made things up.

Please. We need to know.

Um, she, uh, she talks about this one friend.

It was a girl. She didn't say who, but Julia seems to think that, um... she claims she k*lled her.

Excuse me.



Are you driving?

Pull over for a second.

There's something you should know.

BUS DRIVER: This is Woodland Avenue.

This stop for transfers to Green Line, westbound.

Come on, Aiden, hurry.

Where are we?

We'll just take a shortcut.

Follow me, OK?

Do you know a secret or something?


But first, I'm going to show you something.

I'm going to teach you how to disappear.

[police radio chatter]

OFFICER ON RADIO: Dispatch, this is one, zero, two.

Boy with blue backpack boarding Green Line westbound bus.

I'm in pursuit.

[tires squealing]


President Bedford?

Professor James.

What are you doing here?

[inhales, exhales]
That's a good question.

Wait, you know something about Melinda's son?

I don't know where he is.

I just know that you're barking up the wrong tree.



I've spent some time at that hospital.

Your mother. You visit her every day.

And I've learned a few things.

That girl, the ghost...

She's not what you're up against.

I don't understand. She didn't take Aiden?

She did, but only because she's scared.

She's a scared little girl.

She's watched too many of her friends waste away.

And after they died, something she had to watch even worse.

Worse how?

Eli, I warned you.

I warned you to stay out of their business.

Who? The shadows?

What's all this really about? I don't understand.

The shadows get you installed as the university president, and they're responsible for this dead girl, somehow?

Melinda was warned to leave Julia alone.

She should listen.

What, the message in her kitchen?

She tried to get that girl to cross over into the light.

Is that a bad thing? What do the shadows have against going into the light?

I'm taking a huge risk just being here.

Hold on! Are you saying the shadows had something to do with what happened to Aiden?

All I'm saying is if you and Melinda aren't careful, they will.

They will.

If I'd have known he was on his own, I wouldn't let him get on the bus.

Who did he get on with?

I saw him get on with his family.

No, look, I'm his family, all right?

I'm his father. This is my son.

See? You sure this is the boy you saw?

Yeah, that's him.

I already told the police.

Look, if it's any consolation, he seemed OK.



Except what?

Well, at one point, I noticed the seat next to him was empty.

But he was talking.

To himself, I guess.

To be honest, that's the only reason I gave him a second thought.

But then, I've got to keep my eyes on the road.

Do you remember where he got off? Did you notice?

I'm pretty sure it was along Woodland Avenue, the stop by the highway.

By the on-ramp?

The stop's a way from the entrance.


There's not much else there -- another bus stop, some woods.

Oh, man. Thanks.

Look, mister...

I'm sorry.

Don't be. I'll find him.

DELIA: Have you found anything?

Just kid's stuff. A lot of poems about being alone, sick, angry.

She hated IVs.

And some of the nurses.

And all of her medicine.

How are we supposed to do this?

Bit by bit, until we find out what's keeping her here.

What's keeping her here is that she was a bad kid who hung out with bad ghosts.

I mean, right here it says that Sally Stitch was a real ghost and that Julia did everything she asked.

And Bedford said this girl isn't the one we should be worrying about.

Why are you taking his word for anything?

I mean, look at this.

Julia goes on and on about k*lling a friend.

And this whole journal is full of the words
"It's my fault."

I mean, you tell me. How do you get a child sociopath to let go of Aiden and go into the light?

Sociopaths don't feel guilt.

DELIA: Yeah, they don't have friends, either.

Have you really looked at these books?

It seems that many of them belong to a girl named Lily.

I saw that name somewhere else.

Here it is.

This weird food list.

Let me see it.

Like some kind of haiku poem.

This isn't a list.

This is a diet. For Lily.

NED: "Tuesday, ketchup. Wednesday, bacon."

"Bacon and one lemon."

That's it? For the whole day?

"Thursday, cure berries from the magic bush by the dolphin fountain."

That fountain's in the back of the hospital in the garden. There's some bushes back there, but I doubt they're edible.

Cure berries.

Don't you see?

[cell phone rings]

DELIA: Mel, I don't know if you want to hear this.

But maybe, just maybe Julia Miller isn't as bad as we thought.

MELINDA: I would love to hear that.

It's possible she k*lled her friend by mistake.

By doing something the shadows asked her to do?

By making some kind of potion to cure her friend out of bacons, lemons, and --

It's not important.

What's important is, I think she might have picked the berries that have k*lled her friend.

Didn't you once have a nightmare where you nearly poisoned Aiden?

I had a vision.

I could see a girl.

I don't know if it was Julia or her friend, but they had gotten sick.

ELI: Bedford said something about Julia having a bunch of friends at the hospital like, waste away.

Maybe she tried to do something about it.

I hope you're right.

AIDEN: How long do I have to wear this?

JULIA: Not much longer.

Are we getting close?

Just keep going straight.

The ground's pretty flat.

We're almost there.

You can take off your blindfold now.

I don't know this place.

Are we at the train station?

Sort of.

Is this a surprise?


Why did I have to cover my eyes?

I, uh, just thought it'd be more fun.

I'm hungry.

I guess you don't have any snacks.

Why isn't there anyone here?

I thought there'd be kids here.

Kids love this place.

It's happy.


It's getting dark.

I want to go home.

We can't.

I can't.

We can find a grown-up and call my mom.

She'll send me away.

Just to the light.

You'll like it. It's nice.

You don't know that.

You don't know anything, and neither does she.


Why is your voice sounding mean?

I -- I can't go home, and I can't go into the light.

If I do, they'll get hurt.


All the spirits that were nice to me.

The good ones.

Ghosts don't get hurt.

My mom says they can't feel pain.

She's wrong.

We do.


It's an uh-oh feeling. You know, like when you've done something wrong.

It's all you can think about.

The bad thing you did.

All of the bad things you did.

And it grows and grows until that's all you are.

You're nothing else.

It eats you up completely.

It's coming for me.

I know it.

This is it, this is it. Aiden!

Aiden, can you hear me?


The bus driver said it was this stop.


Aiden, no matter what Julia said, it's not all right to hide.

Aiden, if you can hear my voice...

Damn it.

What the hell is that?



Aiden, I know this is yours! Aiden!
[cell phone rings]


Hey! Did you find him? JIM: No.

No, but he was here. He was here by this bus stop.

Look, I just found a little silver car that he must have just dropped.

I called the police.

Are you sure it's his?

Yeah. Because... it's got the little scratch on it where I showed him how to use the sliding board for a jump.

Honey, when we find him, I swear...

I know.

You're never going to leave the house again.

Where did you find the toy?

Just at the edge of the woods.

He must have been playing with it on the bus when he dropped it.

She probably led him into the woods.

You know, to keep him out of sight.

All right, I'm going in there.

Ok, well, just call me if you see anything.

You know it. I love you.

I love you, too.

What do the shadows want with my son?

CARL: I don't know.

I don't have time, Carl!

I'm aware of that, Melinda.

No, Bedford just told Eli that they threatened my son if I crossed Julia over into the light, which means they were the ones who moved that furniture.

What I don't know is why.

I don't know, either, Melinda.

How can you not know?

What the hell are you seeing, Carl, when you're doing all this watching?

Not the shadows. I told you that.

Ghosts can't see the shadows.

No one I know sees them, except...


He sees those others.

The shinies.

And if those beings, whatever they are, fear the shadows, I'm guessing --

guessing they co-exist on the same plane.

Really? Carl, that's the best you can do?

We hear rumors.

We hear whispers.


Whatever they are, wherever they live, these shadows are very interested in children, Melinda.

Especially ghost children.


No one seems to know.

Are you telling me that the shadows want to turn my son into a ghost?

I told you, I don't know.

Then at least tell me, do you have some idea where he went?

I can't -- I can't. He's hidden from me.


I can't see clearly. My vision, it's filled with pictures from my past.

Everywhere I look, it's like an endless slide show of every mistake I made in my life.

It's like a sickness of guilt.

Is that why you seem so weak?


It's the shadows.

If that's true...

Do everything you can, Melinda, not to anger them.

I will do anything to get my son back.

Just don't anger them.

I will do anything.
[cell phone rings]


JIM: Mel, I just talked to Detective Blair.

She's going to send a search party up to these woods.

OK, well, did you find anything?

It's weird. I found a little yellow school bus, and I'm pretty sure that it's Aiden's.

Something else shiny.

What are you getting at?

Last night, in the kitchen, um, everything was shiny.

You know, remember?

Remember, Aiden said that the shadows and the shinies, that they hate each other?

Well, what if Julia put all that stuff out there because she was trying to keep the shadows away and attract the shinies?

Wait, do you think that's why they brought these toys with them?

I don't know, maybe. Carl --


Wait a minute. Oh!

Melinda, I found another one.

It's a little tiny train.

He's not dropping that stuff on accident.

So what do you think, he's leaving a trail of bread crumbs?

He's trying to tell us something.

The car, the bus, the train --

It all has to do with travel.

Wait a minute, Travel Town.

Remember that place? It's nearby here.

But it shut down a couple years ago.

The ghost wouldn't know that.

She's been in the hospital.

It is right where I'm headed.

I'll meet you there.

[crickets chirping]

JULIA: Don't go! Don't leave me!

I want to go home.

There must be a phone, or a grown-up to ask for help.

It's getting too dark. It's not safe.

This isn't the train station.

What is it?

It's Travel Town.

I used to come here with my parents.

Why didn't you tell me that?

I didn't want you to know, or your mom would find out.

How would my mom find out?

She never told you?

She can see what you can see.

It's like she's spying on you.

I've watched her.

She can see it all.

[crickets chirping]

Where you going?

There's a light over there.

AIDEN: Hello?


I don't like it here.

I want to go some place safe.

My mom says ghosts are safe in the light.

You should go in the light.

You still trust her?

After she lied to you?

Just look around and see if you can find the light.

It's too dark in here.

I can feel them.

They're here.

Stay close to me.


I'm scared.

I'm scared, I'm scared!

I can't see them! Where are they?

Close your eyes.

I'm scared, I'm scared!


Keep your eyes closed.

What's happening to me?!

I can still see everything!

All the bad stuff.

All the bad stuff I've ever done!

It's everywhere I look!

It's everywhere.

I hate you for putting me here!

I just want to die!


AIDEN: No! Please, no!

It eats you up completely.

No! Stop!

Aiden, get out.

And your backpack, quick!

Hurry, Aiden, hurry!

Where are you?

Come on!

JULIA: What's happening?!

AIDEN: The shinies...

They won't come in. They're too scared.

The other shadows are keeping them out!

I need help!

[shadows shrieking]

[shrieking continues]

[brakes squealing]

AIDEN: Are you OK?

It was so awful!

MELINDA: Aiden? Aiden!

JIM: Mel!


Mom, dad!
[tires squealing]

Oh, my god!

My baby!

Aiden, are you all right?

Oh, little buddy! We're so happy to see you!

Oh! Honey!

Are you OK?!

Oh, you really scared me, man.

You really had us scared.

I know. Me, too.

Come here.

Oh, what were you thinking, you crazy kid?

COP: Is he OK?

JIM: Hey, officer. Yeah, we got him, he's OK.

MELINDA: It's safe to come out now.

Are you sure?

Aiden says there's no shadows.

And there's some people that you need to see.

It's OK.

Mom and dad?

LINDA: Is she here?

They came to say good-bye.

It's time for you to go into the light.

No, I can't. I can't do that.

Because you were told that something bad would happen to your ghost friends if you did.

Did Aiden tell you that?

He was worried about you.

He saw what happened to me.

I know.

But I'm going to make sure that your friends are OK.


By getting some help from my friends.

I want you to meet them.

JULIA: What will you do?

Well, we have some things the shadows don't.

We have a book, and we have lots of ghost friends of our own.

We'll find a way.

But right now, we need to get you into the light.

Julia, hi. My name's Ned.

I hope you don't mind, but we read some of the things you wrote in the hospital, about Lily.

ELI: And we pieced everything together.

And we want you to understand --

You didn't hurt your friend.

JIM: Julia, when you were in the hospital and you made those potions, you weren't just playing doctor.

You were trying to make a real cure for your friend Lily.

I mean, something the regular doctors couldn't do.

But I didn't help her.

I made her more sick, and then she died.

She thinks that she made her more sick, and that's why she died.

Oh, that's not true, honey.

You only think that because she went into the hospital after you gave her your potion.

But she was sicker than you knew, a lot sicker.

What do you mean?

She doesn't understand.


Lily had the same thing you had, darling.

Lily had leukemia.

But you told me she had a bug.

She remembers you calling Lily's disease just a bug.

Darling, we --

we didn't know that you'd given her that potion.

We didn't realize that you'd thought you'd made her more sick.

But why didn't you tell me she had leukemia?

She just wishes you could have told her the truth about Lily's disease.

Oh, baby.

We were afraid that you would think you might die like she did.

But I did.

But she did.


Not for years.

In all that time, you had hope.

I thought Lily had hope, too.

I thought I gave it to her.

She feels guilty.

She feels like she gave Lily a false sense of hope.

Don't you know, sweetheart?

You gave her something better than hope.

You gave her a friend.

Lily's parents told us that those last months you spent together, those were the happiest times she ever had.

She sees it.

She sees the light.

I'm afraid something bad will happen to my friends.

Julia, look into the light.

Try really hard.

You might see some of your friends.

Once you've crossed over. AIDEN: Really look.

You can make them appear.

Just like magic.


There she is.

I see Lily.

She's smiling at me.

Lily's there.

Go in, darling.

Wait for us.

We'll be there soon.

Bye, mommy.

Bye, daddy.

♪ Seasons change ♪
♪ Treetops sway ♪

She's gone.

♪ I am young today ♪
[both sobbing]

♪ Children play ♪
♪ Sidewalk games ♪
♪ As I dream ♪
♪ Away ♪
♪ That someday I'll float away ♪

Ok, now remember --
anyone, person or a ghost tries to tell you to do something that you know is wrong...

I know, mommy.

I won't.

It's important, Aiden.

I know.

I'm sorry I scared you guys.

You really did.

But we're proud of you for wanting to help someone.

Just remember that most of the time helping somebody is not a little person's job.

It's a big person's job, OK?

I get it.

All right.

Can I have my backpack?

There you go.

Percy. I didn't know she packed Percy.

Who did? Julia?

But wait a minute --

Julia didn't want us to find you, so...

If you didn't pack your backpack, who packed the toys that left the trail for us to find?

The shinies.

They led us to him.

They -- they knew you were going to be in Travel Town.

They had to.

Because Julia blindfolded me.

So they couldn't see the stuff I saw.

Like usual.

What do you mean?

Julia told me the truth.

That you can see everything I see.

MELINDA: Not everything.

Just some things? Which ones?

I don't really know how it works, baby.

I -- I think it's just the things I need to see.

But you said no secrets.

Why'd you keep them from me?

I hated doing that. I really did.

It's just, sometimes moms and dads, They -- they have to keep secrets.

You know, to make the world feel a little bit safer.

But it isn't.

JIM: Hey, Aiden, mostly it's safe.

Really. It's just, there are some places that --

Like where the shadows live.


Like where the shadows live, and we shouldn't go there.

Not ever.

But what if we have to?

I hope we won't.

You don't have to tell me.

Oh, ok.


Come on, baby.

Scoot down.

♪ Straight for the stars ♪