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05x05 - Cause For Alarm

Posted: 11/04/09 17:59
by bunniefuu
[Howling on TV]

Is it just me or is this one of the scariest movies ever made?

Oh, yeah, compared to the cartoons we usually watch.

No! Don't go in there.

Ohh! Mommy--

TV: Aah!

Aiden, you scared your daddy. [Giggles]

What are you watching?

Oh--uh, nothing.

Um, just a silly movie about...Hungry people.

Hey, isn't it past your bedtime?

I can't--I can't sleep.

Why not? Did you have a bad dream?

No. I need flash.


Flashlight flash?

I thought you, uh, lost him.

Yeah, I thought you didn't need him to sleep anymore.

But I need flash back.


How about a snuggle with your mommy instead?

Ok. But not a "gotta go"
snuggle, a "forever" snuggle.

You got it.

Good night, sport.

Let's go!

Come on, forever snuggle! Let's go.

TV: Aah! Aah!

First session with Nathan Weiss.

Referred to me by Dr. Ulrich at university medical.

At patient's request, session taking place at his residence.

The sweetest place in the county. Wow.

This guy's software really must be selling.

Oh. Omit the last remark.

Can I help you?

Hi. I'm Dr. Eli James.

I have an appointment with Mr. Weiss.


There you go.

Do you have your signed paperwork?


Consent to privacy on top, non-competition in trading on the bottom.

How long will you be on the premises?

It depends.

I'm not a very fast reader.

I didn't think your security guard was ever gonna let me in.

Ah, I know. It's embarrassing, really, but, see, I gotta keep security tight, especially when I'm about to release a new line of software.

I read about that.

You should know, I'm a fan.

I can't get through my day without your video conferencing app.

You know, actually, we narrowly avoided having that program pirated.

Oh. Is that why you moved the business to your home?

No, I just work better here. Excuse me, Mr. Weiss.

Oh, um, you know, this is gonna be great.

We'll have a meeting about this tomorrow. Thanks.

See, the thing is, I'm having some issues.

Uh, like, for example, I feel like someone is always watching me.

I can relate.

[Door unlocking]

Uh, listen, I, uh, I read a paper that you published about using behavioral therapy to treat paranoia in the short term.

And, uh, that's what I'm interested in.

Short term.

The security, the locks, the...

Uh, yeah, it's not just about trade secrets.

I--I'm paranoid.

With a little undercurrent of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Oh, hell.


See, lately, with everything riding on this launch, I have not been able to manage my, um, uh, um, habits.

Look, any anxiety-based disorder will escalate due to your stress level.

There are medications that you can take--

no, I don't--
I don't want to medicate.

Ok. With hard work and time--

well, that's all fine and good, except the time part. I don't have any.

Listen, are there not any--any tricks that you can teach me to just help me control this for now? I mean, I have this press conference announcing the launch this week.

I mean, I--if I have a panic attack in front of the whole world--

there's no quick fix for what you have, Nathan.

If you get me through this week, I'll buy you a boat.

A very fast, large boat.

I like boats.


Let's get started.

Patient exhibits extreme anxiety, paranoia, and impulse control issues.

But on the plus side, I think he's going to invite me to his annual party in Aspen.

Cancel Christmas plans, keep December open.



Who's out there?


[Line ringing]


Come on, come on, come on.

Where are you, Bruce? Come on.


Come on, come on.


[Telephone rings]

Bruce, what's going on out there?

Sir, this is A.R.S. Alarm service.

Can I please have your password?


Thank you, Mr. Weiss. We've received a signal that you have an intruder. Can you verify this?

Wh--I don't see anything on my cameras, but my motion detectors are lighting up all over the place.

No, this can't be.

They're in my house.

Sir, I've dispatched a patrol car and notified the police. Can you get to a safe place?

I'm in my safe room.

Wait, they're jamming my system somehow.

I'm losing every one of my feeds.

I need help up here right now!

[Heavy footsteps]

I hear footsteps.

[Footsteps continue]

They're--they're in my bedroom.

They're right outside my door!

The police are on their way, sir. Try and stay calm.

[Footsteps louder]

This can't be happening.

[Footsteps louder]

They're inside.

They're in the room with me!

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

[Birds chirping]

[Sighs] Wake up.


We overslept.

How did that happen?

Our trusty alarm clock never went off.

Because he was up half the night?

So was I.


come on, sleepyhead, wake up.

You don't want to miss the bus.



Jim, is Aiden down here?

No. I thought he was still upstairs in bed.

I can't find him.


Buddy? Where are you?

Aiden, where are you, now?

It's not a good time to be playing around.

Where could he be? I'll check the yard.

And then I'm calling the police.



Did you find flash yet?

[Sighs] Baby, what are you doing down here?

It just felt safe.

Jim: Safe from what?

Was there a ghost?

I don't know.

It just felt safe.

Ohh...Come here.

He couldn't sleep. He didn't feel safe in his bedroom.

And this is all pretty new for him?

Well, he definitely went through the typical being scared of the dark phase, but that went away a while ago.

This just feels different.

He'll probably be back to his old self soon.

What makes you so sure?

Eli, if you know something, spill it.

Ok, Aiden's channeled living people before, right?

I don't know the rules. He's an empath.

Living or dead doesn't seem to matter.

But he's more inclined to pick up things from people he knows, maybe like you or...Me?

Uh-huh. And you're his favorite Uncle.

So what living person are we talking about?

I can't say.

It's my new patient.

My very important new patient.

Like career-defining important.

Ok. So who is your new patient?

And what is Aiden picking up on?

Does it have to do with a ghost?

I didn't hear any ghost. That's all I'm saying.

I'm not gonna violate my patient's privacy.

Or my shot at a chance to ride on his new jet.

Ok, so what am I supposed to do with Aiden, put him in therapy, too?

Of course not.

Unless he starts adding new patterns, like counting steps or checking and rechecking things.

Wait a minute. Counting and checking?

Are you talking about obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Is that what your patient has?

Whoa, nobody said anything about any disorder.

This whole conversation has been hypothetical.

And even then, it's just because you're my friend.

Ok, so, I know that you have to protect your patient, but I have to protect my son.

[Cell phone rings]


He probably knows we're talking about him.

Your patient? How would he know that?

Because he's a computer genius who's paranoid enough to probably bug my phone.

Hey, that doesn't put my mind at ease.

Ok. Look, let me just work with this guy.

Aiden will get better soon, ok?

I see anxiety cases like this every day.

You sleep on that cot in your panic room?

You don't see that every day.


Hmm? Oh, nothing.

Um...Tell me about last night.

What happened?

Well, that depends on who you ask.

The guard at the gate saw nothing.

The police said they found no sign of forced entry.

And yet my entire security system is lighting up like mardi gras.

Cameras, motion detectors.

You had an intruder?

Uh, yeah. According to all my equipment.

But there wasn't a speck of physical evidence that any living thing set foot in here.

Any living thing. Huh.

Look. Look at this.

See this? This is--
this is what I kept seeing.

One camera... After another.

And listen, listen.



Are those footsteps?

Look, is it possible that somebody broke into your system and not your house?

You know, like a competitor or a hacker?

No. No, no. My security system is closed.

No one could hack into this.

I mean, this whole thing is just--

there's no explanation.

Ok, so bottom line is, we don't know who or what did this.

Who or what?

We don't know.

Which may be a good thing. Because I'm here to help you with your response to stressful events, not the actual events.

Ok. [Clears throat]

Ok, what--
and what does that mean?

Ok. I want you to try something.

I want you to turn off all the security monitors.


Come on. This constant surveillance is really feeding your anxiety.

We need to modify your behaviors, retrain your brain so you can just ignore these compulsions.

Take the first step. Come on.

No, I don't think that's a good idea.

Especially after what happened last night.

Why not? What's the worst that can happen? Nathan?

What are you really afraid of?

Baby, what are you doing?

You've opened all the drawers.


Your flashlight is not in there.

I know.

Ok, so then why are you looking through the drawers?

Something made me.


Fine, fine, ok? You win.

Ok, look, turning it off.

Look, it's off.

That's a good first step.

All right, now, let's take the next one.

Answer the question.

What are you afraid of?

I know you want to lock that door right now.

It's part of your illness.

You feel compelled. But you have to tell yourself you don't have to do it.

But I do. I do.

I just--'cause I have to. Why, Nathan?

If that's the answer, then tell me why.

What's the worst that can happen? Tell me, Nathan, and I will let you lock that door.

Why, Nathan?

[Aiden zipping and unzipping repeatedly]

Aiden, why are you...

[Sobbing] Nathan.

Why, Nathan?

Tell me!

Boy: I'm sorry.


What will happen if you don't lock that door?

Someone will die!

Someone did.

Did you see that?

See what?

I was just playing.

Is that ok?


I thought--I thought I was keeping her safe.

[Hits door]



I just want to let you know that...


If Aiden had a few bad dreams last night, it's because I'm a genius.

Excuse me?

As a therapist, it's progress through pain.

But it's progress.

My patient went deep.

We really dredged up some stuff.

Yeah, I know. His little sister died.

You don't really get over something like that.

It's true, you don't. You--

wait a minute.

How did you know?

I had a vision.

Nathan was finding his sister in the morgue.

You know his name?

I never told you that.

Have you been following me?

No. His parents were in the vision and they called him Nathan.

And you'd have to be pretty dumb not to figure out the rest, because the computer genius, rich enough to have a private jet...

Oh, my God, I'm so sued.

I signed 9 disclosure documents.

Eli, will you please stop whining?

Who can keep a secret better than me?

Certainly not you.

I'm not saying another word.

Not till I get a lawyer.

Yes, you will. You'll help me cross this ghost over, 'cause that helps your client and my son.

Yeah. I'm just helping my client.

In a totally unethical, I could lose my license sort of way.

Eli, don't you want to know what else I found out?

Nathan's sister Rachel was abducted from their home while their parents were out.

Yeah, Nathan told me. But he said the k*ller was caught and put away for life.

So then why is she haunting him?

Was any of this his fault?

He sure thinks so. He was supposed to be watching her, but he didn't check the locks and that's how the k*ller got in.

So maybe she blames him the same way he blames himself.

She was 9 when she died.

Maybe she's stuck being mad at her big brother.

Maybe she can't stop punishing him?

Is that why he went to the morgue, to punish himself?

No, it's more like he couldn't accept that it happened.

Not till he saw her there.

He's been obsessed with security ever since.

It probably hasn't helped having a ghost haunting him all these years.

But lately he says it's getting a lot worse.

The hauntings or his state of mind?


Right away, Mr. Weiss.

Ah. So you must be Melinda.

Eli here seems to think you're gonna help me get through my press conference for my launch.

Yeah, but it's, uh, well, it's a non-traditional approach.

For special cases like yours.

Ok, well, listen, whatever--whatever it's gonna take.

I mean, my--my anxiety has been so bad the last couple of months, I mean, I thought I was gonna have to quit this business completely. I mean, uh--

well, we don't think that it's work stress that's plaguing you.

See, Melinda has a gift.

And I do, too.

Sort of.

Or half a gift.

Anyway, I--

uh, we can talk to ghosts.

I can see spirits, and Eli can hear them.


And we think there's a ghost attached to you, which would explain your intruders and the noises, a lot of things that have happened to you.

You are asking me to believe that ghosts can hack mainframes and corrupt video.

From my experience, they can do way more than that.



So this ghost--

any ideas who it is?

Um, we think that it's your sister Rachel.

Well, uh, if she's haunting me, it's because I deserve it.

No. What you deserve is to be able to make peace with her.

Your safe room--

you said you felt like someone was in there with you.

Maybe someone was.


That's as clear as the audio gets.

Clear as a buzz saw.

You gotta Jack up the sampling frequency way up. Move over.

That's the pounding we heard during the session.

Zack and Shane have been running the tape trying to identify specifics.

Assuming these are footsteps, I slowed down the recording to try and pull out the intruder's gait, maybe determine a shoe type or height/weight ratio.



Can you hear me?

Do you know where you are?

[Rapid heartbeat]

Um, can you, uh, could you give us a minute, please?

Your sister, did she die in a hospital?

No. No.

She was found dead in the woods a couple Miles from our house.

What--what does this have to do with a hospital?

Uh, I'm not sure, but I need you to do me a favor.

Instead of slowing down the audio, can you speed it up?


[Rapid heartbeat]

[2 hearts beating]

Melinda: I know that sound.

Ok, what does that mean?

I think we've got the wrong ghost.

[Hearts beating]

[Hearts beating]

Oh, yeah. You never forget that sound.

The first time we ever heard Aiden's little heart beating.

I thought that's how I remembered it, but I had to be sure.

What do you mean?

The ghost attached to Eli's new patient, she's been haunting him with a double heartbeat like this one.

A baby's, mother's, probably her own.

So the ghost is pregnant?

I think so, in which case she isn't Nathan's
9-year-old sister.

Well, then who?

I don't know. Something tells me Nathan should.

I mean, there'd be no reason to haunt him with her pregnancy if it wasn't somehow connected with him, too.

Connected like he's the dad?

Mm, let's hope that narrows the field.

Well, that was pleasant.

You said you wanted one-on-one.

What did he say?

Nathan's single, 40, and famously wealthy.

He's been hit with paternity claims before, but never by a ghost.

Did he give you any names or possibilities?

Of the women he's been involved with?

He's gonna email me a list.

My guess, it's gonna be a very long list.

What, you're surprised because he's a little geeky?

No. He's a shut-in, right?

I mean, a total workaholic. How many girls can there be?

We just have to find the one who's dead.

And we are getting close.


Leave this alone.

Who are you? Why are you here?

He's gotta get out of that house.

Excuse me. You two should move along.

This is a restricted area.


Eli: The ghost said he needs to get out of the house.

Looks like Nathan was stepping out plenty.

Yeah, but the ghost isn't any of these women.

This is the last photo.

It's almost 6 months old.

You know, maybe that's why Nathan started shutting himself in, because he started feeling haunted.

Or maybe he just got tired of having his every move being documented.

Not that I'd mind.

Especially if every move was with her.

Or her.

Wait, wait. That's it.

That's it. Whoever the ghost is, if she were involved with Nathan, it was probably before his company took off, before he was in the public eye.

Back in his garage days.

You know, that's where he wrote his first program, his mother's garage.

We should go talk to his mom, find out.

I'm so sorry that Nathan has locked himself away again.

I was never able to help him with that.

Maybe you'll have more success.

It's a challenge raising a genius when you aren't one yourself.

Believe it or not, I can relate.

The doctor said that his habits, you know, the counting and the knocking, were all a part of that and he'd outgrow it.

But I knew different.

He wasn't like that before his sister died.

It must have been hard on all of you.

Then later-- it was around the time he graduated college-- I thought, well, maybe the doctors are right, because he was a happier person, for a little while.

Because he met someone special.

He told you about Amy.

Not a lot.

I have a picture.


No, it's here.


This is her. Amy Warner.

They do look happy.

They were. The way he talked about her, the way he smiled all the time.

I was practically planning the wedding.

But it didn't last.

No, I never knew what happened.

He refused to talk about it.

It's probably the last time I ever saw him...

Truly happy.

And that was 20 years ago.

After Amy, he just went back to his first love.


Yeah. He moved home with us, locked himself in the garage with his computer.

Well, you read the papers. You know the story.

What about Amy?

Did you keep in touch with her?

That would have been nice.

No, I never saw her again.

Amy Warner died 8 months ago after a long fight with breast cancer, and according to a blog her friends and family kept, it was a bitter fight.

How so?

She sold her house to pay for her treatments and still didn't have enough.

The medicine ran out with her money.

That's awful.

But maybe that explains the hospital vision you had.

She was pregnant in my vision.

And the obit said that she was survived by a husband and a son, Garrett.

The child that she was talking about?

A 21-year-old child.

Nathan started his company 20 years ago after he split with Amy.

So the math could work.

Nathan could be the biological father, and Amy could have raised her son with another man.

Where's Garrett now? Oh, of course, you're already on that.

He graduated from M.I.T. Last spring, summa cum laude on a full scholarship.

Huh. Microchip off the old block.

Ha ha. Oh, my God.

Yeah. And brains wouldn't be the only thing they have in common.

You know, it looks like Garrett shares Nathan's desire for privacy, too.

I can't find a face page, a recent blog mention, not even a photo.

What 21-year-old isn't all over the Internet?

One who doesn't want to be found.

Look, I better go.

I have a condo to show in the morning.

Yeah, I gotta get Aiden to bed.

You know, it looks like he might be stalling.


Baby boy, we got to get you upstairs.

But he needs help.

Who does?

The man in the tiny room.

Uncle Eli's friend?

Who's the other person in the picture?

His little boy.

Aiden, do you know where his little boy is?

In his daddy's house.

And he's really angry.

Eli: So if Nathan's son is there up at the house, does that mean he's a ghost, too?

I don't think so. I couldn't find an obituary on Garrett Warner or Garrett Brock, Amy's husband's name.

What about Amy's husband? Could he tell us what's going on?

I tried to call him at his office, they said he was out of the country, unreachable.

So for now we have to go on what we know.

Which is what? We have a ghost that isn't talking to us, we don't even know what their son looks like, and how did Garrett get into Nathan's house, anyway?

I practically had a cavity search, and I'm a shrink.

We know that Garrett just graduated from M.I.T., so what does that tell you?

He's a lot smarter than me.

Everyone who's working in the fortress is writing software for Nathan.

So an M.I.T. Grad would fit right in.

So Nathan's feeling of being watched, that wasn't just a ghost?

His son is working there.

His angry son, according to Aiden.

What's he angry about? He's a college grad with a job.

With a millionaire father who couldn't be bothered enough to cough up money to save his dying mom.

Well, when you put it like that.

Can you blame him?

He's a boy who just lost his mother.

How could anyone blame him?

Amy, blame him for what?

What is Garrett doing at Nathan's house?

I don't know.

I see him looking at his computer, but I don't know what he's doing.

You said he needed to get out of the house.

You meant Garrett, didn't you, because he's planning some sort of revenge?

Otherwise, why not just tell Nathan that Garrett is his son?

Or are you angry at Nathan, too?

I tried keeping them apart.

But it was too late. There's...

There's too much to explain.

But I thought if Nathan stayed in that room every night--

he'd at least be protected.

You didn't tell him the truth, did you?

That's why he's so angry, because you never got the chance to explain.

Garrett found his birth certificate in my things after I died.

But he doesn't know I never told Nathan he had a son.

He thinks his birth father chose to neglect us.

Please, just help us with Garrett.

We can talk to him for you.

We can get him to stop doing whatever he's planning.

There's no time.

[Door slams, wind blows]

We gotta find that kid.

[Indistinct chatter]

Eli: See anyone who could be his son?

Melinda: They all look like reporters to me.

P.A. Announcer: Hey, everyone.

Welcome to the press conference.

Your press packets can be located at the back table.

Just make sure you pick one up at the end of the conference.


Why didn't she contact me?

I--I would have paid for her treatments.

I would have spent every dime I had.

That's why we're here.

The reason she didn't contact you--

and I am so sorry for dumping all this on you--

you have a son, Nathan, with Amy.

She was pregnant when the two of you broke up.

I have a son?

Are you sure?

His name is Garrett.

He's 21 years old.

We think he's here.

Right here in Grandview?

You might want to take a calming breath.

The employee files are in that folder there.

Wait a minute. You're sure that he's working here, in my home?

I've never heard his name.

He's a smart kid. He's probably not using his real name, even though it's his stepfather's.

We couldn't find a pic, but we know his age.

And we have a pretty good idea of when you might have hired him.

Is there a quick way to scan recent hires?

He would have applied after his mother died in the past 8 months.

Uh, yeah.

15 minutes, Mr. Weiss.

Listen, you're gonna have to figure out a way to stall.

This is unbelievable. Why would she not tell me that I have a son?

Here we go.

Zack Dorin. Date of birth lines up with Garrett's, and you hired him recently.

Wait, we met him.

Yeah, he was analyzing the security audio.

Do you know where he is right now?

No, I don't. This is unbelievable.

I've got a press conference, people expecting me to sell software, and--

ok, I'm gonna go look for him outside.

Wait a minute. Hold on.

If he's here, I will find him.

P.A. Announcer: Nathan Weiss will be out momentarily.

Thank you all for your patience.

What does Garrett want with me?

I don't know, but whatever it is, he's been planning it for a long time.

Garrett's confused.

That makes two of us.

He thinks he can hide from me.

He's not thinking clearly.

I can't believe he slipped right past me.

Well, Garrett obviously doesn't want to be found.

Yeah, well, people said I was nuts to wire this whole place for video.

Who's laughing now?

Hopefully not Garrett.

Why can't I find him?

I've got cameras in virtually every room in the--

[door closes and bolts]

Except here.

I'm sorry. It's ok, it's ok.

It's all right, it's ok, it's ok, it's ok.

Come on, come on, come on.

Something's wrong. Something's wrong.

That door is offline.


There he is.



Garrett, no.

Garrett, you think you're hurting your father, but this will ruin your life.

Time to spread the wealth, Nathan.



Open the door! Come on!

No, no, no, you're not gonna get a signal in here.

These walls are too thick.

But there's gotta be a way out of here, right?

He cut the land line, too.

[Gasps] Oh, no.

[Alarm sounds]

What is that?

What's happening?

He must have started an electrical fire when he cut those wires. That smoke is toxic.

Ok, but there's gotta be ventilation.

No, that is the ventilation right there.

And if he's cut all those wires, then that smoke alarm is not alerting anyone.

Well, how long until they start to miss you out there?

Too long.

We'll die in here.

Here! Help me put this over the vent, all right?

Come on! [Coughing]


This is not gonna buy us enough--enough time.

It doesn't matter. We can't give up.

I never meant for any of this to happen.

What about Garrett? Is this all just a part of his plan?

Is Amy here? What is he trying to do?

It's some kind of Robin hood plan to get back at Nathan.

I watched him typing. I think he's leaking Nathan's software to give away free to everyone.

But he never meant any physical harm.

Well, then help us! Please go find Eli.

Let's go, come on.

Come on, come on.

You gotta go in there. Garrett's inside.

They're trapped in the panic room.

Nathan needs your help!


Get away from there. You're done.

No, wait. I'm trying to help them.

No! He's the only one who knows how to get Nathan out.

Let him go. He can help.

They need air!

Hurry, Garrett, quick!

I'm trying, I'm trying!

[Bolts slide open]

I got it!


You nearly k*lled us.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Let's go.


Nathan: Now, if charges are brought, what kind of penalties would he be facing?

None of this should have happened.

If I knew how to stop it...

Well, you could have stopped it from ever starting.

Why didn't you tell Nathan you had a child?

Well, it was complicated.

Even I didn't know about Garrett at first.

I was walking home from work when I started feeling lightheaded and weak.

I'd been having a hard time keeping anything down.

I thought it was a stomach virus.

Then I collapsed.

[Rapid heartbeat]

Someone got me to the hospital.

Can you hear me?

Do you know where you are?

The doctor said I was severely dehydrated...

[Rapid heartbeat]

And that I was pregnant.

You were running, and the next thing you knew, you were hearing your baby's heartbeat on the monitor.

Why didn't you share any of this with Nathan?

I planned to, but by the time I got home to our apartment, Nathan was gone.

He'd packed up his stuff and moved out.


You'd have to ask him that.

Thank you very much, counselor, I understand.

Excuse me. Take care of it.

I will.

All right, I'm gonna post Garrett's bail, my lawyer will represent him.

But whatever happens next is out of my control.

We all need to talk.

Of course I remember that night.

What I still don't understand is why she didn't call me, tell me that she was in the hospital.

Would you even have been there?

Were you already gone? You left me.

Nathan, first you have to tell Amy why you left her.

I tried to call her office that night, and they said that she had been gone from work for quite a while.

And, uh, many hours later, Amy still wasn't home.

It wasn't like her not to call.

So I panicked.

Come on.

I started calling her friends, I called the police, I even called the morgue.

And I kept having this part of me that was saying, don't worry, everything's gonna be ok, there's gotta be a good explanation for this.

But there was this other part.

That lived in fear, ever since your sister went missing.

And I thought, I never want to go through that again.

I'll never go through that again.

I--I called him at work the next day and tried to talk, but before I could even get a word out--

she's saying that she tried to explain.

No, I wouldn't let her. No, I told her that we were done and that there was nothing left.

But clearly there was.

A lot.

And I missed it all, trying to protect myself, trying to be safe.

There's nothing safe about love.

What can I say? I'm an emotional cr*pple.

I'm not fit to hold on to anyone.

He thinks he's so good at shutting himself off.

He's not.

Just look at his pass code.

Amy doesn't believe that.

Neither do I.

When we were locked in, I saw your security code.

Eli: I saw it, too.

It's November.

The month you broke up.

How can you say that you're not fit to hold on to anyone?

You've been holding on to her this whole time.

If he could just understand what Garrett was really trying to do in there.

She wants you to tell Nathan the real reason you came to see him.

When I found out that he was my father, I read all about him.

I saw pictures.

I looked in the mirror.

Is this his chin?

Are these his eyes?

You know, what parts of me came from him?

And would he recognize it?

They're alike in other ways, too.

They're so smart, ambitious, generous.

She says you're like your father in all the best ways.

You're both very generous.

That's not what I thought at the time.

I read that Nathan wanted his first software program to be open source. Free to everyone.

Since mom died because she couldn't afford her medicine...

I guess it seemed kind of poetic.

Make him pay by giving away something that he thought should have been given away in the first place.

He's right.

You're right.

I sold out.

I got a lot of homes and nice toys...

Not much else.

I think Amy's hoping now that you'll realize you have much more than that.

You know, every once in a while, I hire someone who reminds me of me.

I see this kid who is smart and driven.

And, yes, a bit pigheaded.

["Inside these lines"
by Trent Dabbs playing]

It's usually mixed feelings, having yourself mirrored back.

But not this time.

♪We sit alone so comfortably... ♪

Will you tell Nathan I'm sorry I never trusted his heart?

But I do now.

I will.

And tell Garrett goodbye.

And that I love him.


♪Oh, have we lost what we had inside these lines? ♪
♪Inside these lines ♪
♪Could we watch it stay the same ♪
♪All this time and just be fine? ♪
♪It's ok to see where we are, where we should be ♪
♪Are we gonna find ourselves inside these lines? ♪
♪Inside these lines♪


Ohh! Green. [Laughs]

Hey. I'm home.

Hey. Just in time to tuck somebody in bed.

I come bearing gifts, huh?

One for you...

I've got something great for you. Ah!

Cool! Uh-uh.

Doctors use it to look into people's eyes.

Look, I know it's not flash, but if you have trouble sleeping...

I don't need flash to sleep anymore.

Really? No more being afraid?

Nope. But they're gonna love this.


[Clears throat]

Hey. Where did all that come from?

They like to move stuff around.

Hey, look.

They found flash.

They who? Aiden, who are you talking about?

My friends.

Your friends.

Are they here now?

They were here a second ago.

I thought you could see them.

No. No, I haven't.

Are they ghosts?

No. They're different.


How are they different, buddy? Tell us.

Well, they like this stuff because it's shiny, like them.

Hey, can I give them some paper clips?

Uh, yeah.

Sure, sport. My desk, center drawer.

They're shiny?

Not ghosts.

Maybe they're just imaginary friends, huh?

Honey, what's going on?

I don't know.
