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05x03 - Till Death Do Us Start

Posted: 10/21/09 17:07
by bunniefuu
[Aiden humming]

I hate to tell you this, but he does not want to be a doctor when he grows up.

He let me know this morning he would like to be a mail carrier.

Wow. From a doctor to a mail carrier.

Who works for the pony express.


Wait a minute.

Were there any ghosts involved in this last night?

No, we were just watching an old Western on TV.

You know what? Not everything is paranormal.

Some things are just normal.

Not usually between the two of us.

Come on, it's heartburn it's from that damn quinoa stir-fry.

Your little health nut friend better start working on his English.

I told him "no peppers", not "mo' peppers."

Ray, I know you scarfed a foot-long from the street cart.

There's mustard on your tie.

What is Eli's dad doing here?

Mr. James?

What? Melanie?

What the hell are you doing here?

Melinda. This is my husband. He's a doctor here.

Are you ok? I'm fine.

I mean, case here's worked up over a bout of indigestion.

It's nothing.

He's having trouble breathing and chest pains.

Feeling any numbness in your left arm or any pain in your jaw?

Of course I'm numb and in pain. I'm old.

But I'm leaving here before you charge me for talking to you.

Mr. James, look. You could be having a heart attack, ok?

An actual coronary. I need a wheelchair.

Look, my coronary is fine.

I just need to get back on the "shut up, Casey" diet.

The only reason I do it is so she'll stop nagging me.

I pay her to keep the books, not harass me every time I look longingly at...

A damn French--

Mr. James?

It's gas.

Everybody, stand back.



Wait a minute. We need a cardio work-up now.

Right away, doctor. Mr. James, you're gonna be all right.

Go, go. Take her. Eli: Casey!

We'll look after him.

I got your message. What's going on?

Your dad might be having a heart attack.

Dad! Don't "dad" me.

It's not a heart attack. I just need a bromo.

He came into the shop after lunch complaining of chest pains.

He should have retired years ago.

Are you kidding me?

The screen door king's not abdicating anytime soon.

Hi. Um, I'm Casey.

My mom and Eli's dad are business partners.

Right. We met at the grand reopening.

God, I sure hope he's ok.

He's fine. Excuse me.

Now, come on, take your mind off it.

[Indistinct chatter over intercom]

You're Eli's mom.


I'm sorry. I've never been very good at charades.

I don't understand.

Eli told me that you died 7 years ago.

We both thought you went into the light.

Nope, not me. Not yet.

Well, if there's something keeping you here, you know that Eli can help you.

I mean, did you know that he can hear you?

Oh, yes. People gossip on this side, and I check in on him from time to time, but you never know what you might pop in on, so.

Well, haven't you ever wanted to talk to him?

Of course I have.

But what man wants to be haunted by his mother?

Besides, I need your help.

Ok, but Eli's your son.

I mean, it might be good for both of you--

it's not for me. It's for ray.

He's not well, you know.

He's going to be on this side soon.

Very soon.

I should call my mom.

Melinda: That's gonna be really hard for Eli.


And he'll want to help his father.

That's the kind of man he is.

But that wouldn't be the brightest idea.

The two of them have never real--

oh, no.

Hey, cut the chit-chat.

Let's get the hell out of here, huh?

Come on. I'm as fit as a fiddle now.

Let's go. Chop-chop.

What's wrong?

I think my dad's...Dead.

You don't know that.

What the hell?


Eli, your dad went into full arrest while he was being evaluated.

We did everything we could.

I'm so sorry, Eli.

Oh, my God.

Oh, Eli.


I'm--I'm dead?

But I'm still here?

That's usually how it works.



Ok, smart guy.

If you know so much about death, where the hell is your mother?

Get him into the light. Fast. Soon. Now.

Well, can't you help me?

I mean, Eli's your son.

He just lost his father.

Oh, no. Just please, handle it.

And as far as our little chat, I was never here.


Child, whispering: Can you see us?

Want some more wine?

No, thanks.

I have to go home tonight, start reading dad's will, planning his funeral.

I'm still shocked that he trusted me to be the executor.

Jim: I take it you two didn't get along?

Not exactly.

Dad wanted me to be the next screen door king, not some touchy-feely shrink.

He thought I was a flake.

The last couple of years, we barely spoke since I told him about the ghosts.

He didn't believe you?

He wanted me to prove it by talking to my mom, but she's gone.

And now, he's off looking for her.

What did he say right before he disappeared?

Just that he wanted to see my mom.

I tried to tell him that she's already waiting for him in the light.

He never listens to me.

Anyway, I guess I should call case.

She said she'd help with everything.

Hey, what's the story with that?

You guys had a major vibe going on.

Yeah, but what's the point?

Every woman I've dated the past 6 years bolts as soon as I bring up the ghosts.

Hey, there might be one that surprises you.

Easy for you to say.

Hey, baby, what are you working on?

Aw, is that you and your daddy?

It's Uncle Eli and his dad at a lake.

And this is the cabin.

We used to have a house at the lake.

Spent every summer up there with Casey and her folks.

What's that?

I think it means

Aiden, the sitter said that you started this before school.

I thought Uncle Eli might be sad today.

Ok. Um, why don't we finish it in the morning?

Right? And for now, brush those teeth.

Heh heh. Come on, little man.

Oh. It's the time. Whoo!

Don't you find that creepy?

How did he know I had a lake house?

The same way that he thought you were gonna be sad, he knew your dad was sick. Spooky.

My mother died up there... Aneurysm.

Dad found her on the bathroom floor, sold the place right after.

Were things good between your parents when she passed?

Who knows?

But obviously, she was at peace, or otherwise, she'd be hanging around here. Why do you ask?

I was just wondering. What about your mom's family?

Any issues there? My mom's family?

None that I'm aware of. Why?

Uh, it's just, you know, covering all the bases.

I just lost my father, sort of.

And you're asking about my mom?

She came to me this afternoon.

My mother? She's still here? What did she say?

Just that she wanted me to help your father go into the light. But look, she really didn't seem like she wanted to go with him. So--

wait, wait. What? Why not?

I don't know. I don't know, but I'll figure it out, and I'll get them to cross over, ok? I promise.

Evelyn's still here?

Heh. I guess that's another thing you got wrong, boy, huh?

Ok. You know what? Mr. James, really, if you could--
oh, no, no.

I spent all day looking for a damn light, thanks to you.

And now, I find out that she's still hanging around?

No, I gotta find her. Evelyn?


Feel free to retract your offer.

Casey: It's almost like he's still here.

Not at the moment.

Look, I don't even know if I can do this.

Ok, come on. Let's just find his suit and go. Ok?

I'll even take it by the funeral home, if you want.

You're the best.

The doctor told him he should stop drinking.

Typical dad.

Yeah, he still had one Manhattan a day.

Said he liked the ritual.

Well, then I say we have one in his honor.

Might make this a little bit easier.

I like the way you think.

So, uh, is your girlfriend coming to the funeral?

Oh, that'll be a little bit hard since she's nonexistent.

Oh, you--
you broke up?

16 times.

16 different women.


Your dad said that you were seeing somebody pretty seriously for the past few years.

Well, then he's confusing me with the son he wish he had.

Or ignoring the one that he did.

Mm-mmm. Terminally single.

How about you?

Dad said you're engaged to some airline pilot?

Ohh. Chad?

Uh, no.

Turns out he had a girl in every airport.

Plus, that was ages ago.

I mean, I've been out a couple times since, but ray must have been confused.

Or something. Here you go.


To the screen door king.

[Glasses clink]

And to seeing you again.

Melinda: They seem like such a happy family.

As happy as anybody, I guess.

And, uh, this one was taken at the lake house?

Our two families spent a lot of time up there back then.

And that is our Casey and Eli.

Those two loved going up there.

When ray and Evelyn bought it, he made all the screen doors, and I said they were good enough to sell.

Don's the one who suggested we start a business.

The 4 of you?

Oh, no, no, no. This was all ray and Anne's.

I'm retired. Public defender.

Don worked such long hours, and I needed something to do, so.

This is Eli's mom? Yes, Evelyn.

She passed away before we met.

She was a lovely person.

So I've gathered.

Look, this is gonna sound like a strange question, but was there any reason that she would have been angry with her husband before she died?

That is a strange question.

It's just that Eli's been so torn up about the whole thing.

And last night he was--
he was wondering if his parents are together now.

Huh. Why wouldn't they be?

I mean, if you believe in that sort of stuff.

Of course.

Um, sorry to have bothered you.

And I'm sorry for your loss.

That's the screen door that ray made for the lake house.

Don: Anne, where are you?

I'm sorry, don. I'm stuck at the shop a few more hours.


Are you ok?


I'm fine.

Thank you for your time.

[Door closes]

[Jazz music playing]

What are you looking for?

My dad's favorite cufflinks.

The ones with the little screen doors on them.

Oh, that's so pretty.

Was that your mom's?

I guess.

I've never seen it before.

Who knew my dad was so sentimental?

[Cyndi Lauper performing
"true colors"]

Oh, wow.

Remember this song?

How could I forget?



♪Take courage in a world... ♪

Come here.



Eighth grade.

♪Inside of can make you feel so small ♪
♪But I see your true colors shining through ♪
♪I see your true colors♪
♪That's why I love you♪
♪So don't be afraid ♪
♪To let them show♪
[Both laugh]

♪Your true colors♪
♪True colors ♪
♪Are beautiful♪
♪Like rain... ♪

What in the Sam hill are you two monkeys doing?

Knock it off.

♪Show me a smile, then... ♪



I guess you never learned to dance.


♪This world makes you crazy ♪
♪And you take it... ♪

But I did learn how to kiss.

♪You call me up♪
♪Because you know I'll be there♪
♪And I'll see your true-- ♪

[Needle scratches]

That was weird.

Yeah, it's like my dad all over again.

My damn corpse is still warm, and you're already drinking my liquor and making the moves, huh?

How about a little respect for the dead?

I do respect you.

I respect you, too.

I--are you ok?

Yeah, I just got to--

I gotta find my dad's good tie so we can get out of here.

Eli, where are you? Call me.

You're not nearly as trustworthy as they say.

I asked you to get ray into the light, not put your nose where it doesn't belong.

I'm trying to help both of you.

If you could just talk to your husband.

Oh, no. I gave him my life, I'm not giving him my afterlife, too.

Look, is it because of what happened with Anne?

I had a vision.

I know about Ray's affair with her. I guess you do, too.

Eli and his father have enough issues without you stirring the pot.

You stayed in your marriage even when you knew, right?

Now, you wouldn't have done that if you didn't love your husband and your son, so--

a mother protects her family.

You of all people should understand that.

Now, please, I'm begging you, leave it alone.


So now he's haunting you?

All day.

Something's going on.

He's trying to come between Casey and me.

It turns out he's been lying to us both all these years, making up relationships to keep us apart.

I mean, why would he do that?

And then I found this stashed in his trinket box.

Was it your mom's?

That's the thing, I don't know.

Don: Anne, where are you?

I'm sorry, don. I'm stuck at the shop a few more hours.

You just got hit. What is it?

American. Platinum and gold.

Probably from about 40 years ago.

Spare me the "antiques road show."

You know something, don't you?

I don't--I don't think you're gonna like it.

I'm a shrink. I think I can handle it.

Your father...

I think he had an affair.

It's platinum, huh?

Think it's worth anything?

I'm sorry that I had to tell you this.


My dad was cheating on my--

on your mom.

Maybe that's why she didn't want to see him.

But why doesn't she want to see me?

And what right does he have to interfere with my love life?

It gets worse?

A lot.

Um, I think that the affair was with Casey's mom.


Oh, God. k*ll me.

Casey's mom? When?

I'm pretty sure it's before you were born, but I think that's why he doesn't want you to see each other because there is a chance--

chance of what?

Well, if the affair was with Casey's mom...

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

You're saying that Casey could be my sister?

It's possible.

Technically, she would be your half sister, but you probably shouldn't be dating her.

[Cell phone rings]

It's Casey. Oh, my God. Ew.

Ok, all right. Stop.

Look, at least we know why they're stuck here.

Right? And if they don't want to talk about it, then there's someone who might.

I'm not gonna give her the choice.

I can't believe Anne did that to my mom.

Her best friend.

I can't wait to get her cornered.

You know what? I'm just gonna, like--

why don't you just let me do the talking, ok?

Oh, you're dad's here on the steps.

Wow. What are you doing here?

Are you spying on your mistress?

Watching her take a shower? What?


Leave it to Dr. Phil to get it wrong again, huh?

I'm looking for my wife.

Oh, cut the crap.

I know all about what happened and what went on with you and your little girl--

oh, hi, Mr. Sullivan.

Are you ok?

Why are you shouting?

Oh, Melinda just said something that I took the wrong way. Sorry.

I overreacted.

I forgive you.


Um, we actually just came to speak with Anne.

Oh, well, she's not home.

What's going on?

Why don't you ask him the same question, huh?

Better yet, ask Casanova here about the time that I kicked his butt into next week. Eli: What?

You know what? Maybe we could just talk to you.

Don: Is he ok? He just needs a minute.


I didn't want to tell you this, Eli, but I caught don and your mother...

Up at the lake house.

I confronted him. It got pretty ugly.

[Tires screech]

What's wrong with you, don? Ray.

Why would you do this to me, huh?

Why? Why? Ray!

Ray! Relax.

What's wrong with you? Calm down!

[Both grunting]

Ray: So go on, ask him how he got that scar on his hand.


My mom?

What about her?

Are you two ok?

You know what? This is gonna be incredibly awkward, but I think Eli here has some questions.

Come on. Come on, sit down.

You and my dad got in some big fight, right?

That's how you got that scar on your hand, right?

How do you know that?

Did ray tell you? Why don't you?

Eli, your dad was a good man.

And he loved your mother to a fault.

To a fault?

Well, he was jealous.

While ray and Anne were building up the business, he got in his head that something was going on between your mother and me.

Was there something going on?

I let it go a long time ago.

And you should, too.

Just let them rest in peace.

The thing is, they can't.

Look, I know that you're gonna find this hard to believe, but I have a gift.

And so does Eli.

I can see ghosts, and he can hear them.

My parents' spirits are still here.

They can't move on until we clear up what really happened.

Look, I know what happens to a person when they're grieving.

Yes, but it's--
it's not that.

Look, yesterday I touched that screen door, and I saw ray at the lake house, and then your wife calling you with a bunch of excuses.

Eli: Wearing this.

Will you two listen to me?

Evelyn admitted it.

He's lying.

Mom admitted it?

That's between your parents.

And with all due respect, Melinda, I don't know what some screen door may have told you, but I'm telling you, don't dredge up the past.

Too late for that.


You two are pathetic.

Look, I don't know who had an affair with whatever or whoever.

It's all TMI.

I mean, what's next, car key parties, wife swapping?

It's... Hmm, maybe.

Somebody's lying. And whoever was cheating--

I know, I know. Casey could still be my sister.

But only by half.

You sleep, little baby.

We've got to help your Uncle Eli.

Where did you see that red shape?

You know, you're a really good friend.

Thanks for calling.

That was Delia.

They were gonna take the red eye after their cousin's wedding, but I convinced her not to.

Ok, you have the look. I'm scared.

I've got some not-so-good news.

Give me a second.

Ok, hit me.

All right. First off, Aiden's drawing is not a stop sign, it is a bathroom tile covered in blood.

The coroner said mom died of an aneurysm and hit her head on the sink when she fell.

Yeah, I know, but I had a vision about her death, and she wasn't alone.

She wasn't?

Whoever it was, they just left her.

You mean without helping her or even calling an ambulance?

Well, after they cleaned up.

And there was candles and flowers in the tub.

Oh, my God.

The affair was still going on, and don was trying to cover it up.

I didn't see his face, but whoever it was was wearing gloves.

Like they were cleaning up a crime scene?

She died of natural causes.

Yeah, I know, but maybe they fought, and that triggered an aneurysm.

Or maybe he didn't even k*ll her, but he just, you know, panicked afterwards.

Wait a minute. Wait.

What makes you think it wasn't my dad?

I mean, they were married.

And even though it makes my eyes bleed to think that they went up there to-- yeah, but why would your dad clean up?


Oh, no.


What if he knew it was still going on, and he went to confront her?

Are you suggesting that my dad had something to do with her death?

That's crazy.

There's got to be some reason that she doesn't want to see him.

But if he did do it, why does he want to see her?
[Cell phone rings]

It's Casey.

She must have called a dozen times.

You're gonna have to talk to her eventually.

Not until I find out who's our daddy.

And now, thanks to you, whether or not he's a m*rder*r.

[Indistinct chatter on television]


Are you here?

[Indistinct chatter continues]

Look, it's your funeral today.

You want to be buried in peace, right?

Come on, dad, talk to me.

[Ray sighs]

But I just don't want to hear any more of your cockamamie theories, ok?

I need to talk to you about mom and don.

Is that why you've been trying to keep me and Casey apart, because you're not sure that you're my father?

Honestly, I don't know.

Well, that explains why you've always been so hard on me.

Oh, come on, don't shrink me, boy.

I raised you the same way as my old man raised me.

When did you find out about don and mom?

Years ago.

It was before you were born.

Mom said she broke it off?

Yeah, and I forgave her.

I need to ask you about the night she died.

I told you.


Busybody Mrs. Pilnick called the caretaker and said she saw the lights on and mom's car parked out front.

So he called me, and I drove up there.


I found her.

She was just lying there.

[Clears throat]

And then what?

You cleaned up the flowers and candles so I wouldn't find out about mom and ray?

Whoa, what candles and flowers?

Dad, come on. Maybe you were trying to protect her reputation.

What the hell are you talking about?

Melinda, she had a vision.

And in the vision--

you mean about the night your mother died?

Ok, you two, enough.


Well, you are a sight for dead eyes.

Where have you been?

Mom? It's really you?

It's me.

I'm so sorry to barge in on you like this, but really, what's the point of dredging all this up?

It was so long ago.

What's all this about candles and flowers?

At my funeral? How nice.

Got to go.

No, you stay put. Wait a minute.

Candles and flowers.

It was just like the first time that I caught you two up there.

Please, I'm begging you.

Don and Anne got over it. We should, too.

Anne knew about it?

None of it was easy.

That snake was with you the night you died?

And you're still protecting him?

Honestly, it isn't like that.

What is it like, then?

We'll talk when you calm down.

Evelyn! You come back here!

Stop fighting!

I'm sure it was just--

no, no, no.

You're still hanging around, huh, just waiting for him.

The man who left you for dead on the bathroom floor.


You want your precious don?

I'll bring him to you.

[Wind blows]






[Knife blade sings]


[Sink gurgles]


Please forgive me.

I never meant to hurt you.

[Knocks on door]

My dad was shocked to find out the affair was still going on.

So he wasn't the one who cleaned up.

Melinda: Ok, so we're back to don.

Here me out. It couldn't have been Mrs. Pilnick who called the caretaker.

Who's Mrs. Pilnick?

The lake busybody.

Dad said that she had called the caretaker who called him the night mom died.

But that was in November.

And Mrs. Pilnick spent the winters in Boca.

So somebody must have pretended to be her on the phone.

A woman.

Wait a minute. There's a blonde in Aiden's drawing.

It's Anne.

Mom said she knew.

Ok, well, did she know that they started up again?

Makes sense.

She could have went up there to confront mom.

So they fought, there was a struggle, and that brought on the aneurysm.


I don't think my dad got that update.

What? What is it?

Looks like he might have hurt don.

There's blood and--oh.




It's jam.

[Car door shuts]

Somebody's here. I gotta go.


Eli, what are you doing here?

Oh, uh, just looking for your parents, but they're not here.

Are you sure? Let me just--

positive. Yeah.

Oh. Well, they didn't answer their phones, either, which is typical.

They must have gone out for breakfast before the funeral.

Hopefully not a place with knives.


Eli, what--why are you acting so weird?

Sorry, I just have to give a eulogy that I haven't written yet.


Yeah, I thought you wanted my help with that.

You know, I've been calling and texting you.

Did I do something wrong?

No, of course not. No, no.

God, I'm--
I'm such a ditz.

Here you are going through something so major, and I'm being all selfish and making it about me.

I'm sorry.

I must have misread you the other day, that's all.

And besides, we have too much history.

Right? I mean, we're practically brother and sister, so.

Yeah, no.

Trust me, I'm really not trying to think of you that way.

Um, anyway, we're late. We should go.

I'll drive.

[Organ music playing]

[Indistinct whispering]

Ah, it's his voicemail again. Where is he?

Maybe he found his parents.

Hopefully Casey's.

I guess ray did something drastic.

Well, I checked all the emergency rooms and the local hospitals.

Neither parent were admitted.

Did you check the morgues?

Ooh, finally.


Are they here? Who, my parents?


Uh, I haven't--
I haven't seen them yet.

Any of them.

Ok, now I'm worried.

You and me both.

We come here today to honor Raymond James as he joins his wife Evelyn in eternal peace.

We should be so lucky.

Their beloved son Eli has asked to say a few words. Eli?

Um, what can I say about my dad?

Except that he was larger than life.

Especially when it came to the way he loved my mom.

Uh, you all know my dad was a little crazy.

Love can do that to a person sometimes.

It can make a person do really stupid things.

But love can be a pain, too, because, you know, we can't choose who we fall in love with.

The heart just goes where it goes, and it's not always a recipe for happiness.

Ray: You've got a hell of a nerve, showing your sorry face at my funeral.

Aah! Oh!


[All murmuring]

Gah! Aah!

Casey: Oh, my God.

I'm overcome.

Dad, are you ok?

You tell him I'm just getting warmed up.

Stop it!

Jim, could you just stall?


You guys, follow me.

We'll be right back.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Don: Ok, so I didn't believe you about all this ghost stuff, but I swear, Ray's been trying to k*ll me all morning.

A ghost? Dad, what's going on?

Make it stop, please.

You can do that, right?

I can try. I mean, ray is with us.


Case, look, Melinda can see ghosts, and I can hear them.

And I know this sounds crazy, but my parents are stuck here because you and I might be related.

Is Evelyn here, too?

She is now.

Well, it's about damn time.

I haven't been losing my mind.

She really has been haunting me all these years.

Yeah, because you left her for dead.

Or maybe you even caused her death when you confronted her about the affair.

No, no. Eli, stop it, please.

You have it all wrong.


Will somebody please tell me what's going on?

I told you to leave it alone.

You see the mess you've made.

You don't even deny it, do you?

How could you do that?

Leave her alone. She didn't do anything.

She hurt you, mom. No! She was...

Protecting me.

Protecting you from what?



I was unfaithful.

But not with don.


What are they saying?

Evelyn's confessing.

She was unfaithful, but not with don.

She's telling the truth.

I was protecting her, because she did have an affair...

With me.


What the hell is... Don.

I'm so sorry you had to find out like this.

I lived a lifetime of guilt and shame.

Death gave me perspective.

And my only regret is that I deceived you.

I couldn't love you the way you deserved--

no, no. [Mumbles]
That's not possible.

Now, look, I caught you and don red-handed. I mean...

No, but I just let you think you did.

Evelyn wanted ray to think that the affair was with don.

Mom, is this real?

It is, sweetie.

Years ago, Evelyn and I...

We'd go up to the lake house to open it up for the summer.

One thing led to another, and we fell in love.

Melinda: And that's where you went to be together?

The night Evvy gave me that necklace, ray showed up.

I'm sorry, don. I'm stuck at the shop a few more hours.

[Water running]

There's lasagna in the freezer.


[Ray whistling]
Anne: Ray!

It was ray coming up the steps whistling.

Evelyn: Ray?

Ray: Evvy?

[Man singing indistinctly]

[Car door closes]

[Engine starts]

Anne: It all happened so fast.

I saw ray in my rearview mirror.

And all I saw...

All I saw then was don's car.

Anne was driving don's car.

That's why he thought it was him.

And I let him think that.

I could barely handle the truth myself.

How could I expect you to?

Yeah, but look, don never denied this.

I mean, why the hell would he even go along with it?

Don, my father wants to know why you let him believe it was you.

It's because you knew, didn't you?

I suspected.

And when ray accused me, it just all sort of made sense.

But my family was important then.

And they are now.

I didn't want to lose you.

I felt the same.

So when Evvy died, I let our secret die with her.

I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Neither did I, ray.

Especially after the way you reacted.

I'd never seen you so angry.

And even worse, so hurt.

How do you think I feel now?

Melinda: You were there the night that Evelyn died.

A few days before, I'd broken it off again.

Gave her back the necklace.

But then, she called me from the lake house, and I drove up to see her.

I knew I shouldn't.

The thing is, I died hours before she got there.

I hit my head on the sink when I fell...

Anne: Evvy!

Just like the coroner said.


She didn't have a pulse.

Her skin was so cold.

Evvy! Oh, my God.

She was dead. No!

I didn't know what had happened.

I knew that if anybody found her like that, with the candles and flowers...

I panicked. I hid everything.

I hated leaving you like that, Evvy.

I just didn't know what else to do.

Please tell her I'd have done the same thing.

I was dead.

Why put our families through anymore pain?

She understands why you did that.

No wonder you were so upset when she died.

I thought I was protecting her.

Ray and Eli and you, Casey, and don.

I carried that guilt with me every day since.

But you called the caretaker so that somebody would find her.

I couldn't bear the thought of her just lying there dead like that.

So our marriage was just some lie?

It's not that simple.

I just...

I couldn't change who I am.

What is it? What are they saying?

They have some stuff to figure out.


So do we.

Let's go home.

I do love you, ray.

So much that I wanted you to be able to die in peace.

And if there is another life waiting, I hope to be honest with myself and the people I love.

What you're saying is that you could only truly be happy if...

If I would have just stepped aside?

Not this time around.

I wasn't strong enough for that.

But Eli, you said it yourself, the heart goes where it goes.

This life is done now.

But I just hope...

Can you ever forgive me?

Honestly, I... I don't know.

But maybe--
maybe you can help me get there.


Oh, my.

It's so beautiful.

Are you ready to say good-bye?

I don't think I can.

What is it, sweetie?

I know that you two have to move on, and I know someday I'm gonna join you, but I--right now, after all this, I just feel like there's so much I don't know about you.

Ray, maybe we should stay.


Well, we can't leave him like this.

Not right now.

He's a grown man.

Mom, don't just stay because of me.

You shouldn't.

But what better reason would there be?

Evelyn, we're gonna miss the bus.

The light's fading. Come on.

It'll be back.

And so will we.

Man: ?Don't be, I won't believe... ?


I still just can't believe my mom was gay.

You know, that might not have been the word she would have used.

Yeah, but I've counseled so many patients in her situation.

Maybe if she just would have told us.

It would have been hard, but we would have worked through it.

You still will.

And when they're ready, they'll move on.

But hey, the good news is you and Casey can be together.

She still hasn't called.

We're supposed to get together later for a drink.

You know, you might want to change.


I know what'll happen. We'll go out on a few dates, if I'm lucky.

She'll tell me she's really starting to like me, and she thinks what a unique guy I am, but the ghost thing freaks her out.

Yeah, well, not if she's the right person.

We'll see.

Anyway, thanks.

[Cell phone rings]

It's Casey. I should...

Hey, case.


Well, yeah. I like you, too.

A lot. And I...

Unique, huh?

So I've been told.


♪Now that we're turned around♪
♪Everything's harder now... ♪


[Man sings indistinctly]

The whole
