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05x01 - Birthday Presence

Posted: 10/07/09 11:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer...

What are you doing here? There's something you need to know.

I need your help. You've got to find that book.

That book, it's special.

It shouldn't end up in the wrong hands.

Both: Ahhh!

The book is the one common thread.

I mean, my dream, the thief.

Zoe: The book is the key to everything.

The book is always changing-- new things are written, old things are erased.

I know this is about our baby, I just know it.

Will my son be able to do what I do?


He'll be able to do much, much more.


I looked at the book last night and there was something really scary.

September 25th.

My due date.

[Crickets chirping]






Ah, you changed the sheets.

Yeah. They get dusty.

In one day?

[Clock ticking]

I think you need to get something to eat.


Thank you for painting the room again.

No, you were right, honey.

The blue is better.

It's calmer.

I miss the yellow.

Don't. You're perfect.

It's perfect. I'm just...


Oh, I'm grumpy.

No. Moody.

That's what I am, just a big, crazy, pregnant, moody lady. And you have exams.

It's nothing. It's fine.

No, med school is nothing? It's huge.

Ok, and then you've cooked.

You exchanged the crib! The new one's so much better, by the way.

I mean, you've done such--
you couldn't have gotten my car fixed?

Remember, they had to order the part.

Yeah, but did you tell them that we're stuck with your truck?

Your ancient, unreliable truck?

I mean, did you tell them that this is an emergency?

What emergency? This could be an emergency.

Look, I know that it's your due date, what the watchers predicted, but you're not gonna have a baby tonight
'cause it's after 8:00.

It's the "book of changes, "
ok, not the watchers, and they've been right about everything else.

Ok...Do you really want them to be right about this?

I want to be prepared.

I got it.



[Opens, closes door]

[Starts engine]


Let's go.



[Indistinct chatter]

[Lamaze breathing]


[Breathing heavily]

How are you holding up?

Oh, 16 laps, no progress. Got it.


Woman: It hurts, I can't do this.

I can't do this.

Yes, you can.

You have to!


Ok, you're gonna be ok.

Come on. Keep moving.

Hey, honey. The doctor's here.

We should go through there. Ok.

Thank you for not treating me like I'm crazy.

It's just a feeling, you know?

Doctor: It doesn't sound like you're in labor, but we'll just make sure everything's ok.


[Beeping rapidly]

Your baby is showing signs of fetal distress and we need to move to an immediate delivery.

Get Dr. glass and call the O.R., now!

Jim, what's happening? They have to get the baby out.

I need a mask. Something's obstructing the blood supply.

It could be the cord.

We're going to turn you on your side.

To my side?

What's going on? Is it ok?

Is everything ok?!

They're gonna get him out. Oh.

Ok, well, is it ok?

Jim! They need to do a c-section right now.

Jim! You're going to be ok, Melinda.

I'm gonna be with you. I'll be right with you, I promise.


♪Pray God you can cope ♪

You'll be fine. You're gonna be fine.

♪I stand outside♪
♪This woman's work ♪
♪This woman's work ♪

You'll be ok.

Lots of pressure, ok?

Ok. Ok, Melinda, you're doing great.

Here we go.

Here he comes. Oh!

We got you, little guy!

He's almost there! He's almost out!

His color's good.

Tell me what's going to happen.

Is he going to be ok? Is he going to be born this day, like the book said, because that's his fate?


You made this happen.

You and the book.

So that's how it works?

Fate and free will working together?

I hope so. I'd really like to see your child live.

Ok, we got 'em, we got 'em!

Out of 11:48.

They got him, Mel. Ok? You all right?

[Monitor beeping]

[Indistinct chatter]

Jim: Come on, little buddy.

Dr. chase: His color's good.

Nurse: Let's heat him up.

[Indistinct chatter]

Nurse: Clear passage.

Man: Repeat.

Nurse: He's not breathing.

He isn't breathing. Why isn't he breathing?

What do you mean, he's not breathing?

It's ok, honey, it's all right.

What do you mean, he's not breathing? Stay with him!

I will, I will.

I'm gonna give him some breaths with a bag and a mask.

I'm gonna suction his airway again.

Jim: Hey, little buddy, come on.

Is he ok? He'll be ok.

They'll get him breathing. Is the airway clear?

It's ok.
[All talking at once]

Hey, little buddy, come on.

[Baby crying]
There we go!

[All talking at once]

[Siren in distance]

Here's your little boy.

There you go.


I feel like I've waited my whole life just to meet you.


Hi, Dr. chase.

You were gone a really long time. Is something wrong?

His apgar scores are normal.

He's healthy and responsive.

Everything seems to be fine.

Doc, is there anything you're not telling us?

When we got to him, his pulse was low, his coloring was blue.

Everything pointed to some kind of obstruction or distress.

And then, before he even breathed on his own, his color floated back.

I've never seen anything like it.


I think somebody's ready to celebrate.

He wants to nurse.


You're not just somebody.

Your name's Aiden.

Honey, my dad's name? Are you sure?

Aiden Lucas.

It'll celebrate Sam, too, you know?

Two people who brought us this beautiful little life.




That's normal.


[Aiden cooing]

Hey, little man. We're home.

We're back.

And we are going to protect you.

We will always protect you.

Ok. Oh!


Melinda: Aiden Lucas, just because it's almost your birthday, doesn't mean you can leave your junk in a pile.

Jim: Aiden, listen to your mother.

Aiden: Ok, ok, I'm coming.

Hey! Aiden, slow down.


I want a superhero cake with five candles, and five superheroes.

No, wait, five cakes!

Well, you got about five minutes to play with your dad before he goes back to the hospital. Huh?

Oh, here he comes.

Mom, did you invite Declan to the party?

And Charlie and Riley and Gus?

Is this what our lives have become together, little man?

One giant party?

Both: Yes!


Ooh, dad's gonna get us! He's gonna get us!


Child, whispering: Can you see us?

Jim: Melinda?

Melinda: In the bathroom.

[Monitor beeping]

Cross match two units of packed cells.

Start an I.V. Line and get some oxygen.


Wait a minute, did you just go some place or...Did someone just come visit us?

It was a nurse.

She was standing right there.

You know, is it me or this happening more often these days?

Yeah. I guess in the last couple of years.

She was asking for two units of packed cells?


Does she have anything to do with the ghost you're dealing with right now?

I don't think so.

But it felt familiar. Good.

Well, hopefully she won't bother us anymore tonight.

Yeah, hopefully not. Did you check on Aiden?

Sound asleep.

Here we go.

[Gasps] Aiden, who is that?!

Hey! Hiya, birthday boy. Hi, daddy.

How you doing? Good to see you!

Gosh, it's so good to see you!

Can I start to sing it now?

Dad, no, not again.

Yeah, please don't.

Listen, we're early, but can you take a break?

It's the perfect time.

Come on, let's go. Ok.

We brought a lot so you can share with your friends.

Yay! Yay!

[Melinda laughs]

Hey, I'm sorry I'm going to miss your party with your friends, but another doctor got sick, so...

It's ok.

But next week on my day off, I am going to come to school, I'm gonna take you out of there and we're gonna go out and do something cool.

Whatever you want, your choice. Just us guys?


Well, fine, if that's the way you two want it.

Levi Kramer says he doesn't see ghosts.

He said we made them all up.

Um, did he used to see them?

Yeah, but not anymore.

When I am going to stop seeing them?

Do you want to stop?

Do you?


What about you? Hmm?

You know, to tell you the truth...

I don't remember ever seeing them.

I mean, I'm sure I did.

But then, I don't know, a friend or a grown-up probably came up to me and told me that I was imagining them.

So they lied to you?

No, I think they just didn't understand.

Like people don't understand mommy can still see 'em?

Is that why we have to keep it a secret?

Mm-Hmm. Hey.

Does it feel bad? Having to keep it a secret?

Man: The spiral I put on that ball!

Ha ha! That was a b*llet.

There's a lot of ghosts at your job.

[Jim and Melinda laugh]

Can ghosts get birthday presents?


She's the authority. Hmmph.

Too bad. Yeah, too bad.

Melinda: That's some mess.

Delia: They must have liked the cake.


Is that Ned's girlfriend?

Oh, no, that's Steve's daughter. She's just helping out.

Besides, Ned doesn't really have time for a girlfriend with all the course work you give him.

Uh, I have him for one class.
[Phone chirps]

And by the way, I've seen him on campus.

He makes time aplenty.

Yeah, well, so does this one.

I thought you were dating Steve.

No, at this point, we're more of just friends.

Ok, so I've met a few more people now that I have all these commercial listings.

I should have got my real estate license.

Is that an actual pin on that tail?

Uh, no, that is velcro, but it doesn't mean that they won't find a way to take an eye out with it.

Yeah, it's almost a toss-up, you know?

Do you order an ice cream truck or an ambulance?

Gosh, don't you just miss the days when they couldn't turn over?

Yeah, I definitely miss it today.

Right. The birthday curse.

I don't know about that one.

Haven't you ever noticed that every year it's something?

Yeah, I mean, last year, Aiden fell out of that bouncer and needed stitches.

The year before that, I walked into the plate glass door.

Yep. And when he was two, he spiked that crazy high fever.

Yeah, well, look at him now.

Aiden's the best one.

He is so much cooler than the other kids.

Even if he can't do tricks.

All right, Eli.



The watchers said he'd have super powers.

They said he would be powerful.

Are you talking about Aiden's super powers?

Ok, both of you, enough.

Girl: Ready, Aiden? Ok.

But aren't you curious? Ready?

I mean, he's five now, and look at him.

He's just so happy and normal.

Yeah, you can imagine my concern, 'cause what mother would want a happy, normal kid?

Yeah, but this is not about what you want.

His life, his gift, may serve a larger purpose.

Who's going to help me with the goodie bags?

Ned: I'm there.

Come on, you guys.

There you go. There you go.

Ned: Ok, guys, some goodie bags from your pal Aiden.

Delia: Ok, everybody, before you go, don't forget, we have some treats.

Oh! Hi!

Woman: ♪Happy birthday to you ♪

Hey, Aiden, those goodie bags are for guests.

♪Happy birthday to you♪
oh, thank you!

Aiden will love that.

Oh, there we go.

♪Happy birthday, dear Aiden ♪

It's ok that you don't have a present.

I have one for you.


Are you ready to come with me now?


Come with me.

[Crickets chirping]

Who are you?

Shouldn't you check the baby?


Aiden! Aiden, baby, can you talk?!


Aiden! Oh, God!

Please! Please!

Jim: He's on oxygen. They're giving him fluids.

Squeeze my hand if you still feel ok.

The bandage will come off when the iv comes out.

Remember, squeeze it twice if you feel pain anywhere.

How can she be doing this to him?

Look, they're gonna run some tests on him tonight, it'll be ok.

They said that his blood pressure is normal.

And his heart is fine. Melinda...

They're not going to find anything.


Where are we?

We're at the hospital.

Did we come to pick up daddy?

You don't remember anything?

Did I fall asleep in the car?

No, baby.

Come here.

Do they really have to keep him overnight?

That's good, he'll get some sleep.

Mel, there's got to be a medical cause for this.

I'm telling you, it was the ghost, I saw her.

You see a lot of ghosts, all right?

And I've seen you experience a lot of hideous things.

Only what they've experienced.

I know, in a new vision, but then it's over and you're fine.

So is Aiden, physically.

I mean, he doesn't remember a thing.

This time.

What if it happens again?

I don't know.

I don't know who the ghost is.

Does Aiden?

[Monitor beeping]


Hey, sweetheart.

How you doing? Good.

Where's dad?

He's doing his rounds.

Then we're all going to go to breakfast, and your daddy's going to take you home.


And then I'm going to figure out what made you sick.

But I'm not sick.

Aiden, do you remember anything about last night, before you fell asleep? Did you...

See someone?

You mean a ghost?


Just the lady.

The one who sings to me.

Sings to you?

"Happy Birthday."

Have you seen her before?

I see her every year.

Do you know who she is?

No. But she always remembers my birthday.


She always remembers my birthday.

How long is "always"
to a little kid, do you think?

I believe him.

I mean, all the illnesses, the accidents, every year on his birthday, something bad has happened to Aiden or Jim or me.

I think she's been there, and I think she's been with us every year.


Yeah, but is she haunting Aiden or the whole family?

And why only on that day?

What? Five second rule.

If it is every year, how come he hasn't mentioned her until now?

'Cause he sees ghosts all the time.

Yeah, but they didn't affect him.

Not like the way this one did.

Maybe she's feeding off of his strength.

Maybe she knows that he's--

what, that he can see ghosts, just like every kid his age?

Yeah, but he isn't like any other kid his age.

Not according to the watchers or the book.

What about the book?

You know, we've been studying the book for years now.

Ned's practically majoring in it.

When I heard about what happened last night, I went to the page with your name on it, the one that predicted Aiden's birth.

You know, sometimes the "book of changes"

actually, uh, changes.

There's been a new entry.

It's about your son.

Ok, so what does that mean for Aiden?

We don't know. But that writing, that's Latin.

Ned: It says, "when the leaves fall, so will the innocent."

But maybe the ghost is part of the prophecy.

Maybe she's part of what's supposed to happen.

What, to Aiden?

Is that what we're really talking about right now, 'cause it's not gonna happen.

And I want this ghost to stay away from my son.

Ok, but we don't even know who she is.

Look, the...

The clock stopped right--right before Aiden got better last night.

And it happened once before.

The night he was born.

[All talking at once]

Cross match two units of packed cells, start an I.V. Line and get some oxygen.

[Sighs] The patient was losing blood.

I think she died in that hospital the night my son was born.

11:48 P.M.

Eli: Does Jim like working here?

Yeah, he loves it.

I'm just glad we didn't have to move for his residency.

But you feel it, too, right?

I mean, every time I treat a patient here, as soon as I walk into the building...

Yeah, I feel it.

Lost souls, you know?

But it's a hospital.

People die here.

No, I worked in a lot of hospitals.

There's something different about this one.

This is her. Amber Heaton.

She was only 20 when she died of an aortic rupture as a result of childbirth.

[Door sliding open]


Don't you dare thr*aten my son.

I don't have to.

It's already done.


[Exhales] Hi.

He's mine.

How we doin'?

Better, thanks.

Look, this might not be the best time to tell you, but...Well, actually, maybe it's perfect.

Look, remember how I promised Aiden that I would take him anywhere he wanted to go after I missed his party?

Well, look, I caved.

I told him that I would take him to Pickwick's fun factory and bowling alley. Pickwick's, really?

Yeah. Look, and I told him it was a once in a lifetime trip, and I also told him never to bother you about it again.

Jim, it's fine.

It's your party.

Pickwick's is fine?


What's a matter?

The ghost.

I think she believes that her son's spirit went into Aiden.

Wait, like what happened to me? Like a step-in?

It would explain why she showed me his body at the morgue, why she wrote
"he's mine" in blood.

It's not so impossible, really.

I mean...They both had traumatic deliveries.

She died during childbirth.

I'm sure if we had stayed at that morgue a little longer, we would have found out that her son died, too.

Yeah, but how did he get into Aiden?

Think about it.

Aiden was blue.

His heart wasn't pumping.

We don't know that he didn't die for a split second, but long enough for her son to go in.

Honey, you don't believe that, do you?

Not in my heart.

No. But it would explain some things.

Like, why doesn't he have super powers?

Hey, you know, you've just been talking to Eli too much.

I mean, I would love him the same, either way.

He's my son.

But I can't help but wonder that...

Maybe he'd be better off if he wasn't.

Why? Why, because the book says--

"when the leaves fall, so will the innocent."

Jim, I'm worried.

What if I don't know what's coming?

What if I can't protect him?

[Telephone rings]


Before I tell you what I got, can we just take a moment to appreciate how good a friend I am?

What'd you get?

Well, the moment I pictured was a little bit longer than that, but ok.

I got all the medical records on your ghost.

How? Jim asked all of his hospital contacts.

I treat people there.

I have my own system passwords.

I entered a patient name incorrectly, like, illegally incorrectly.

Which is why I thought maybe a thank you, you know, would--

ok, thank you.

What'd you find out?

First of all, it's no coincidence that the ghost is attached to you.

You were right. She died in the O.R., the delivery room next to yours.

Ok. So what happened to Amber's baby?

I mean, did he die?

Almost. His blood supply was cut off and he coded, but he was revived with no permanent tissue or brain damage.

Thank God.

Ok, so then what?

Then what, what?

If Amber thinks that her baby died and came back as Aiden, which obviously he didn't.

So where is he now?

With his adoptive parents, I guess.

Wait, it says in his medical records that he was adopted?

They had to indicate custody.

Amber was dead.

Ok, do these parents have names?

[Grunts] No dice.

Closed adoption.

Ok, we got 'em, we got 'em!

Out at 11:48.

He's not breathing.

He isn't breathing. Why isn't he breathing?

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

What do you mean, he's not breathing?

Jim, stay with him, what do you mean he's not breathing?!

He's ok!

[Aiden crying]


Where are you?


We need to talk.

Amber: I want my baby.

You're trying to take him away from me.

I'm not trying to take anything away from you.

You told him he doesn't have to see me if he doesn't want to.

Oh, when I told him that he didn't have to see ghosts?

That's what got you upset?

I'm his mother.

A child ought to be with his mother.

You really think that you're Aiden's mother.

What makes you so sure?

There wasn't any time for pain medication, so I still feel everything.

I was bleeding so badly.

My baby was dying inside of me.

They were racing to get him out, but even when they got him free, he was too weak.

He wouldn't breathe.

I kept trying to tell them to show me my son, but they wouldn't let me speak.

I saw two nurses rush him away.

I couldn't fight it anymore.

[Monitor beeping]

[Monitor flat-lining]

One of the nurses came back.

She said something to the other nurse.

I knew it meant my baby was dead.

I'm right here! Tell me what happened to my baby!

I kept screaming at them to tell me what had happened, but they couldn't hear me.

I waited to take him into the light, but he didn't come.

And then I heard him.

[Baby crying]

He was alive.

[Baby crying]

He might have to live in another form, but my son was alive.

But you didn't see his spirit go into my son's body, did you?

I didn't have to.

That child, the one you call Aiden, he's mine.

If he's yours, then why would you hurt him?

Why would you want him to suffer?

I would never do that.

But you did.

You gave him those symptoms.

No. I didn't.

I was just watching him.

I was just watching my son.

Amber, there's something that you need to know.

Your son's spirit didn't need another child's body because he didn't die.

But those nurses...

They were probably talking about you.

And what a tragedy it was that you never got to hold your son.

I don't understand. If he's still alive, where is he?

He was adopted.

That can't be. It's true.

And it's really good news.

He went straight to the family that you chose for him.

I chose?

It was a closed adoption.

That means there was a contract.

You probably agreed to it in advance.

No, that's not possible.

I didn't want that. What do you mean?

I can't do this!

Yes, you can, you have to!



Was that the adoptive father?

That message was for the nurses.

You changed your mind about the adoption.

You wanted to keep your baby.

They can't have him.

It's too late.

Amber, he belongs to them now.

He belongs with me!

You're not going to find them.

In closed adoptions, the birth parents, adopted parents, the records are sealed.

Well, I have to find them.

I mean, you should have seen how angry she was.

At you?

No, the adoptive father. They were arguing.

Arguing? They should never have even met.

What were they arguing about?

She changed her mind. It sounded like he was threatening her.

You know, maybe he was going to take her to court.

Yeah, but don't the adoption laws protect the birth mother?

It always allows for a change of heart.

[Cell phone dings]
I mean, he would not have a leg to stand on.


Unless he had his own rights.

Parental rights, like the kind you would get if you were the blood father.

Adopting your own kid?

I mean, why would he do that?

She was 20 years old.

He looked like he was in his late thirties, I'm gonna guess married.

How did they get involved?

The ghost obit said that she was an intern at Ufland consulting.

There he is, the guy she was arguing with, Dale Harmon.

Woman: Hello?

Hi, my name is Melinda Gordon.

Um, listen, Dale's son goes to school with mine.

Does he have a minute?

Oh, I'm sorry. He's not here.


Right, yeah, he's at Tyler's birthday party, of course.

[Whispering] Tell him that Aiden is a guest.

Right. Right. Um, you know, actually, we were supposed to be there, but we lost our invite.

Can you tell me where the party is?

Pickwick's fun factory and bowling alley.

Thank you.

What? What's wrong?

They're at Pickwick's.

So? That's where Jim took Aiden.

They're at the same place.

I'm so sorry, but just this once, can you watch the store?

Yes, of course. I still have my key.

But relax, Mel, that's a coincidence.

Yeah, I used to believe in coincidence.

What happened?

I read a book that changed my mind.

Aiden: Too bad we couldn't go bowling.

Jim: Hey, you want to tell me how you got so good at air hockey all of a sudden?

What, are you sneaking down here with your mother to practice?

Mommy hates this place. You know that.


Dad, did you play your hardest?

Yeah, I did.

Just about.

How hungry are you?

How about some birthday pizza, how do you feel about that?


What's your name?

Do you know who I am?

You should know who I am.

Tyler, don't go too far.

Leave me alone!

Hey, what do you want on your pizza?

What is it? Ok, look.

There you go. Want to go burn some quarters while I wait for your food? But stay where I can see you, ok, man?

Ok. Good.

[Cell phone rings]


Hey, honey, how you doing?

Melinda: The couple that adopted the ghost's child is there.

They're here?

I need you to talk to them for me.

Keep an eye on their son until I can get there.

Ok, but how can I tell who they are?

Yeah, I can describe the dad.

The father is tall, brown hair.

The son is Aiden's age.

Tyler: Why are you following me?

Leave me alone!

Why won't you leave me alone?

I thought you were dead.

Don't you know me?

I'm your mommy.

No, you're not!

Don't say that, sweetheart.

Go away! I don't like you!

Please don't speak to me that way.

He doesn't understand. He's just scared.

Please, stop scaring him.

I'm his mother!

No, you're not!

They took him away from me!

Now he hates me!

They made him hate me!

[Electricity flickering]

I won't let them take him.

I won't let them take him!


Hey, this is Dale and his wife Emily.

Hi. Um, she's not here. Where's their son?

No, that's just it, we can't find him.

Ok, well, what about Aiden?

No, no, it's all right. He's right over there by the, um...

I won't let them take him!

I won't let them take him!

I won't let them take him!

Get off him!

He's mine! Don't take him away from me!

I swear, he was right by the machine.

Ok, just check the kitchen.

All right, and we'll take the lanes.

I'm gonna go this way.

Carl: Melinda.

Where are they?

I'm afraid it's too late.

You can't help them.

Are they in danger?

Aiden isn't, if he stays where he is.

What about Tyler?


Please hear me.

Just stay where you are.

Ok, and make sure that Tyler stays with you.

Come here! No, I'm scared!

You're not safe there! How do you know?

I don't know. I just know.


Grab my hand.

I got you.


Melinda: Aiden! Tyler!

Mommy! Honey, are you ok?

Hey! Aiden! Aiden: Mommy!


Hi! Hold on, ok? Just hold on.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I made Tyler stay with me, like I was supposed to.

Who told you that you're supposed to?

I don't know. Did I make a mistake?

No! No, baby, you did great.

You did just great. Are you sure you're ok?

Tyler: Yeah, I'm ok, mommy.

Hey! [Chuckles]

How are you doing?

Oh, still a little rattled. Do you have any decaf?

Yeah, I think so.

Well, the boys seem ok.


I think Amber's ready to talk now.

Oh, why don't I give your husband a hand with the boys?

I'm sorry about what I did in that place.

I didn't know I could do that.

She's sorry about what happened with the boys, and she didn't know her own strength.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry, too.

Can you tell her why?

I'm not proud of what I did back then.

It was a hard time for me and Emily, but that's no excuse.

So then what happened?

They were trying really hard to get pregnant, but it wasn't working out.

My wife and I were having problems.

I'd stay late at the office and Amber was always right there, just ready to listen.

There was a party to celebrate landing a new client.

There was some office party, and...

I know, it's a cliché?

I never thought I could do something like that.

It was one time.

One time, and I was pregnant.

I knew I had to have the baby, but I was 20 years old.

I thought I had my whole life in front of me.

Emily, she--we--really, really wanted children.

We'd already decided to adopt when Amber came to me, pregnant.

So you thought a closed adoption would be perfect because then your baby would have a home.

Without anger or resentment, and his wife would never know.

And then she changed her mind.

At the last moment, I thought I could do it.

I could raise my son.

I didn't know what would happen.

I didn't know how she'd treat if she ever knew the truth.

Is she here?


It's ok, Emily knows everything.

I told her that night.

When the man you love, trusted, comes to you with something like this...

It can turn your heart to stone.

Unless you're holding a baby in your arms.

Watching him grow...

Knowing he needs you.

He needs love.

He needed us.

Because the young girl who loved him and gave him life lost her own.

Amber: I saw that before.

But I felt so alone.

So scared for him.

But I know you're ok now, aren't you, sweetheart?

Tell them to be good to him.

To keep loving him.

She wants you to love him.

The way that she would have.

We will.

I think we always have.

And one day when he's ready, we'll tell him all about you.

She's gone.

Aiden: Almost got it!

Can't get me!



Bye! Bye! Thanks!

I've got company.

Ah. I'll be inside.

[Exhales] Ok.

So how long have you known?

Known what?

How long have you known what my son can do?

You mean what you two can do together?

Look, we're connected.

I've always know that somehow, but...

The visions I've had, they've been from Aiden?

How do they come to him?

I mean, is he--
is he a sensitive?

The word you're looking for is "empath."

He can share other people's feelings, their experiences.

That's why he's sick and then gets better.

Why he turned blue and couldn't talk.

It's like he's experiencing something that somebody else has already been through somehow.

Like the day he was born.

And every birthday since.

Her symptoms, she relived them, and he relived them right along with her.

Carl: And you relived some of it, too, through him.

Jim: Hi.

Tea? You want a refill?

I would love a whisky sour.


Sometimes I just wish you were less of a watcher and more of a talker.

I mean, people almost got hurt.

That's how we learn. All of us, living and dead.

And besides, it's the rules.

God, you have an answer for everything.

If I did...

There would be no need for us to watch, would there?

♪Let me see♪
♪When you want life again♪
♪Twilights fall, daylights break ♪
♪And nothing stops the way I felt for you ♪


♪'Cause I've seen through the mask ♪

Jim: What are we going to tell him?

Nothing, not about this.

You don't want him to know he's connected to you?


If he did, then he'd know that his dreams aren't really his.

I want his dreams to belong to him, like any little boy.

[Aiden sighs]

I heard your voices.

I thought you were my dream.

No. But you're our dream.

♪And I've waited here ♪
♪All you are♪
♪Waited all my life♪
♪For the moment you might step outside ♪
♪And show me what's been hiding under there ♪