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01x14 - Episode 14

Posted: 12/29/22 08:39
by bunniefuu
The Cronos Company has a serious lobby presence.

When the Liquidators try to discredit such a large company, it's either corporate warfare or a publicity stunt.

In any case, the statement about k*ller robots sounds preposterous and incendiary.

Here, drink.



How are you? Could be worse.

Crap, if that's how they treat the people they need, what do they do with the ones they don't need? I hope it won't come to that.

Why don't you just agree? We'll decide what to do about it later.

I already agreed once.

And now What? What? Wait wait The pills.

- The pills.

- What? One second.






That's it, that's it

It's okay, Alla I know that things seem hopeless right now, but believe me, everything will work out.

You know, driving back I kept thinking, what if I don't find you? What if the Liquidators What would I do then? You know what I'm talking about? No, you don't.

Because if you knew, you'd stop behaving like a selfish brat.

When Lev abandons everything and follows you to another country, that makes him a real man.

But when I do the same thing, I'm just a selfish brat.

- Egor, that's completely different.

- No, Mom, it's the same.

You just prefer to think that it isn't.

I don't understand what's happening to him.

The same thing that happens to all children.

He grew up.

Nikolay Sergeevich, he's 16.

Thank you.

Georgy was 18 when he came back from the chemistry competition and said that he'd met a girl.

And that he's moving in with her.

Neither his mother nor I were able to dissuade him.

Fortunately, there was a medical school in the city where the girl lived, so he got an education.


And? Who do you want him to be ten years from now? A wimp? Or a man who's ready to stand up for what's right? And take responsibility for his actions? She's a robot.

How can this be? It's staged, I'm telling you.

It's not an ad, is it? Virus, maybe? Where are you going? To visit Jeanna Barseneva, ward five.

I don't give a crap.

This is the ICU, kid.

I'm her boyfriend.

You can go in when she returns from surgery.

Take a walk.

Come on, come on.

Hi, ward nine.

After that, I shot twice at the man by the car.

He fell, we ran.

As you're aware, the man by the car is the deceased Captain Petrenko.


You help us with Arisa, and I'll give the police Bars's testimony.

And you can continue your boring, inconsequential life.


Captain Petrenko wasn't even at the scene.

You forced Bars to say what you needed.

So what? They held your family hostage.

So did you.

But the point is that if the testimony is false, Bars can always take it back.

I won't even mention the fact that there were a ton of witnesses at the so-called crime scene.

- You think that will help you?

- What if it does? Especially considering that I had no motive, no w*apon, and no opportunity to commit the crime you're trying to pin on me.


I'm sick of him.

- Stas, calm down.

- I'm calm.

Put the g*n down, let us finish talking.

What's there to talk about? Toropov was clear, either he agrees, or we k*ll him.


Freeze, I said.

On the floor.

I said, on the floor.

I don't think you're going to sh**t.

Are you sure? Did you think I'd give you a loaded g*n? We really want to spare your life.

But only yours.

So what were you saying about the witnesses who can prove your innocence?

- Why did you do that?

- Here's the thing.

Either you train Arisa, and we give the police Bars's testimony, or tomorrow the police find the body and the g*n with your prints on it.

Your choice.

One condition.

Let the girl go.


Call Toropov.

You see, Svetlana is under the influence of rather strong psychotropic dr*gs.

We can't simply release her into home care at the moment.

So clear her blood of that shit.

Of course we'll do that.

But it'll take some time.

- How long? - At least a week.

- You have two days.

- Alexei, that's impossible.

It's not like ordering your car to be serviced.

Two days.


Let's go.

- What was all that sh**ting? - Go.

Where is Safronov? Hey.

What about Safronov? Now it's your turn to hold up your end of the deal.


Arisa, calm down.

I'm here.

Georgy, how are you? I'm fine.

I'm canceling my last request.

You understand? Yes.

That's not enough.

We need her to understand what we're asking.

Here's the thing, Arisa.

They're taking us to the Cyber Crimes Department.

Their specialists will look through your memory.

- You want to hand me over to the police? - No, I won't hand you over.

You must make sure they can access your memories, but not see them.

- Understand? Can you do that? - Yes.


That means they'll let us go soon.

Is that all? Are you sure she won't say what she's not supposed to? To whom? You've paid everyone off already.

Just look at your grumpy assistant.

Get into the car.



Welcome to Photon Cafe.

A large cappuccino.

Insufficient funds.

I can connect you to the virtual bank for an instant loan application.

Great, can I apply for 18 million? Hello.

You have asked for a loan in the amount of 18 million rubles.

The decision will take seven seconds.

Starting identity verification.

If I had the time, I'd verify your own frigging identity.

Yes, but why is it taking so long? Are you an ambulance or pizza delivery? Who is the ambulance for? Grandpa? Have you been back long? Long enough to hear about the ambulance.

What's going on? My stomach hurts.

Probably appendicitis.

Lay down.

Lay down.

Right Open your mouth.

It looks like you're right.

We should get you to the hospital.

The one where your dad used to work.

It's the closest one.


Wait, you're 16, right? We need to go to the children's hospital.

No, no, no I don't want to go to the children's hospital.

What do you mean, you don't want to? What do you want then? You said we'd go to dad's hospital.

In emergencies they take teenagers too.

Teenagers like your girlfriend? What does Jeanna have to do with it? For one, the fact that you don't have appendicitis.

Wait, but you yourself said we have to go to the hospital.

Your stomach will feel hard when you have appendicitis.

Yours is soft.

Your tongue would turn white, yours is orange.

And smells of iodine.

How many drops? Six or seven.

You're crazy.

Drink some water.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- I made something of a list for you.

- A list of what? Don't you know who came to visit you? - But that's - Yup.

Suponev arrested Safronov and her.

Asked that you do a full memory scan.

- Where is he? - With Svetov.

Send message.

Recipient, Varlamov.

This case is full of holes.

It turns out that Mr.

Safronov was being forced to act by the Liquidators.

In any case, the prototype has been returned to Cronos, and the company does not wish to press charges against my client.

The bot isn't the most important thing.

Regarding Captain Petrenko's m*rder charge, it's baseless.

As far as I know, the prosecution has nothing other than your testimony.

You said that at least six people were involved in the sh**t? So where are they? Where is the m*rder w*apon? We'll have the w*apon.

And the evidence, and the witnesses.

The bot's memory is being scanned as we speak.

And what happens if you don't find them there? Listen, this is a serious matter.

We're talking about the m*rder of a police officer.

I think we're talking about official misconduct here.

And an attempt to undermine the reputation of Cronos.

- What the hell are you saying? - Listen.

First, trying to seize the prototype as the m*rder w*apon.

Then, this clumsy attempt to accuse a man who participated in the bidding process.


Cronos will be forced to sue all of you.

So what do you suggest? I suggest that, as a gesture of goodwill, you let Georgy Safronov go, and issue a restriction of travel order.

I've got to run, gentlemen.

You think about it.

Yana, go on the slide, I'll be right back.

Okay? - What are you doing here? - Like you don't know.

I do know.

Once again, you're breaking the promise you made me.

- I just want to see my daughter.

- Quiet.

What are you talking about? I have the right to talk to her at least.

And what would you say to her? Tell her how you abandoned her? I was 16.

I was scared, I didn't know what to do.

It was your best decision, the adult thing to do, to give her to me.

But I don't get what you want right now.

To blame her for your mistakes? To ruin her life? What kind of mother are you? No education, no husband, no family.

Or has something changed? If you come here again, I'm calling the police.

Are you serious? You want to call the cops on your own daughter? I will.

For Yana's sake, I will.

I don't want her to know anything about you.

- Don't worry, she won't.

I'm dying.

- What a shame, I'm about to cry.

Mom, mom.

Nika's parents got her a cat bot.

Okay, come on.

- Mom, who's that? - Nobody.

Miss Kuraz? Hi.

Don't be afraid, I just want to ask you a question.

Oh? What's that? Is Safronov aware that you tried to sell Arisa to Toropov? f*ck.

Who programmed you? The taxi will take you to the hotel where you'll stay till the second round.

Where is Arisa? She's already in the cab outside.

And keep in mind, if anything goes awry - You'll beat me up again.

- No.

What's wrong? Are you sick? - Yes, yes, yes.

- Come on.


- Thank you.

- I'll get you some water.


How are you? I'm fine.

That's good.

You promised not to take me to the hospital.

You gave me your word.

- You were dying.

I had no choice.

- You're just like Bars.

You say what people want to hear, and then do whatever you want.


Igor said that it's only for a couple of days.

You'll get better, and I'll get you out of here.

We can stay with grandpa.

In a couple of days they'll send me to the orphanage.

Look at my leg.

- What is that? - A tracking chip.


Go away.

I never want to see you again.

Georgy, why are you treating me like this? - Treating you like what? - You left me with Lara.

I went to see my son.

- He needed my help.

- And I didn't? You? You stayed with Lara.

Who knows much more about your wiring than I do.

I do not like the word "wiring".

And I don't like you constantly picking fights with me.

Caring for you and your children is my top priority.

My apologies, if you're unhappy about that.

Egor, what happened? Don't be so upset.

She's alive.

That means there's still hope.

She said: "Never come here again.

" So, do what you think is right.

You can feel whatever you want about me.

Think whatever you want.

But I'll find a way to get you out of here.

You're not going to the orphanage.

What are you doing? Caring.

Traces of street dirt have been detected on your shoes.

Your shoes also limit the blood flow to your feet.

- Stop it, right now.

- Why? Because I'm perfectly capable of taking my shoes off myself.

I know.

But since you are not doing it What the hell? Can your electronic head actually comprehend the idea that I'm comfortable? That doesn't matter.

Your wishes are often irrational and can therefore be ignored.

On the condition that everything is done for your benefit.

Have you f*cking lost it? Not lost it, but progressed to a new developmental level.

What are you doing here? Waiting for you.

Gleb rented an adjoining room for me.

Gleb? But he let you go.


First he let me go, then he found me again.

But don't worry.

I'm here willingly.

- Really? - Yup.

While we were locked up, Gleb went through my stuff and found out I was able to get into your system.

Because I let you in, to help Georgy.

Doesn't matter.

What matters is that after the second round of the bid, he wants me to erase your memory.

And will you? Of course not.

But they already gave me the advance payment and I can pay for the surgery.

Look, do you even understand who you're trying to swindle? - They're murderers.

- So what? They're murderers, I'm on death row.

It all works out.

By the way, it's cute that you're worried about me.


I do not like this woman being here.

I'm afraid that's not up to you to decide.

Or me.


I will discuss it at the next meeting with Toropov.

With who? Don't worry, it will be beneficial for the both of us.

Where are you going? I'm talking to you.

Beneficial how? Don't worry, I'll talk to her.

Really? I used to think that talking to her was my job.

Nothing's changed.

Only now, you'll also have to listen to her.

How can you be so sure? From talking to one of her developers.

But now I know that Arisa can not only amass information, but also evolve.

Evolve? Just what we needed.

Why? I think it's cool.

Because right now our lives depend on whether or not she listens to me.

Turn on the TV.

So, learn to negotiate with her.

Fortunately, Arisa is still quite naive.

I'd settle for knowing how to negotiate with you.

Help me trace someone through his phone number.

You want to make sure your son came home, did his homework and went to bed? No.

Egor is fine at the moment.

I want to see Varlamov.

But it'd be better to see him outside of the Cyber Crimes Department.


How are things going over here? Pavel Borisovich? How are you? I'm fine, I'm fine.

Where's Suponev? He went to the Homicide Department.

- Is there any more tea? - Yes, I just made some.

I don't think he'll mind if I question Safronov without him, will he? Um he's already been questioned.

You could've waited for me.


- Did Safronov confess to the m*rder? - No.


We'll have to wear him down.

Where is he being kept, here or in jail? Pavel He's actually been let go.

What do you mean, let go? Restriction of travel order.

He had a big-shot lawyer from Cronos.

Suponev was against it too, but the boss decided to let him go.

- What about the robot? - We had to give it back.

I tried to hack it, but I don't think she's hackable.

So we have nothing? Nothing at all? All that time, wasted? Get me the video of Safronov's interrogation.

And who's this? Another dead Liquidator.

- How long ago did it happen? - Just now.

Let's go take a look.

Alexei Stepanovich? What did you do to Svetlana? I see you already know everything.

What did you do to my daughter, bastard? You wanted to screw me over? You dragged me into this affair with the k*ller robot.

Stuck me with an inoperative factory.

Svetlana's unable to say two words at this point.

I'll never forgive you.

I'll destroy you, assh*le! You hear me? I'll destroy you! You piece of shit, I'll destroy you! Found him this morning.

The police identified him.

I saw that he's listed as wanted by your department.

So I called you.

And the cameras? It's strange, but all the recordings from the last day within a kilometer radius have disappeared.

What do you mean, disappeared? - Ira, check that out.

- Let's go.

Any other recordings? Pavel Borisovich.

The recordings are really gone.

But it's not a glitch, the system's been hacked.

- Are you okay? - What? - Maybe we should take you to the hospital? - No, no.

Thank you.

All right, deal with the car, have forensics go over it.

If you find anything, let me know.

I'll look around here.

Not brave enough to come to the station? Are you kidding me? I was waiting for your help.

Instead I had to save my family from being shot by some thugs.

By the way, a police officer died in that sh**t, my friend and colleague.

My condolences.

Then keep in mind, you've got a mole among your people.

It's Captain Suponev.

Be careful around him.

I really wanted to trust you, Safronov.

But I can't listen to this anymore.

Then I've got nothing more to say.

See you.


The first twelve minutes spent in a romantic setting will tell if the relationship has a future.

Safronov sent a message, he said he'll be here soon.

Please close the door.

and the scents of others can be off-putting.

- Whatever is promised - What's the matter now? Pheromones are much more important for sex.

Fragrant hormones You're mad that Safronov messaged me and not you? Why are you here? I explained.

They offered me a job.

I accepted.

I do not believe you.

You want Safronov.

You were close with him once.

Trust me, that's not the reason.

Is all love really just pure chemistry? Have all the poems, songs, and paintings just been driven by testosterone and estrogen? Fine.

Let's say that Safronov is really an awesome guy.

Maybe, on some level, I do like him.

But I can't compete with you.

Why? Because I'm going to kick off in two months.

You know about it, he knows about it.

I need to be able to be alone with Safronov.

We are in a place that people consider a romantic setting.

A little less, 48, pay attention to gestures and mannerisms.

By the way, the most common complaint You want to seduce Safronov here? I mean, why not, I guess.

You are in my way.

I'm not in your way.

I'm dying.


What if I try to help you? scientists have proven, that the most attractive Why do you think I'm going to bother with the corpse? Instead of just adding another corpse to it? Well, you and I are so tight.

We know so much about each other.

I was also hoping you'd be practical.

You're right.

The business will be affected by Losev leaving.

But only at first.

Alexei Stepanovich, recently deceased, was never one for generating ideas.

And lately he's actually been hampering the company's progress.

So, Gleb, what would you say if your stake in the company increased twofold? I'd say that the death of the company's owner doesn't make you the new owner.

The owner didn't die.

All of Losev's assets are in his daughter's name.

And after her father's death, Svetlana underwent so much stress that she ended up in the nuthouse.

All I have to do is appoint myself as her guardian.

What do you have to say now? I think that the best solution here is a car accident.

Fantastic idea.

Losev's car is in my garage.

And take care of his driver.

I'm off to Cronos.


We have to talk.

This might seem inconsistent, but I think that you should try and talk to Steven again.

If it's possible, of course.

I see.

That way I leave, and you stay.

- You've made a decision, I take it? - Yes, I've made a decision.

I'm staying with you, and I want to leave with you.

How can we leave without Egor? I have to let Egor go.

He'll stay here with his father.

I think that's the right decision.

What the hell is going on with her? I'm telling you, she's evolving to a new developmental stage.

A new stage? She used to study the medical encyclopedia.

And now she's studying the art of love.

Look, it's not like I took her to dating classes.

She'll watch a few romantic movies and calm down.

And why's that? Right now she thinks that you don't love her because she's doing something wrong.

Thanks to movies, she'll see that reciprocal love is a very rare thing.

What are you, an expert? No.

It's just my life experience.

And it looks like there won't be a new one.

You know Maybe you shouldn't bury yourself quite yet? I gather you did get part of the money for the surgery? Find yourself a decent clinic, do an MRI, some tests - What, you want to save me again? - Me? No.

It's just sad that a person who's so set on leaving thinks that reciprocal love is so rare.

Maybe you can fall in love with me? I thought we were discussing the topic of reciprocating.

I'll try and love you back.

I'll think about it.

But think fast.

Remember, I don't have much time.

How about right now? You know we're not alone.

You said it yourself, she's just a robot.

- Who's this? - Did you order room service? Hello.

Who are you? I'm Alla Safronova.

Alla I'm glad to see you're doing well, Georgy.

Thank you.

Is that why you came back? No.

I was worried about you and Egor.

And I'm glad you're not alone.

Are you sleeping with her? The important thing is that my men are alive and healthy.

Now Sonya and I can leave with peace of mind.

With Sonya? What about Egor? Egor has decided to stay.

Please watch out for him.

And be careful yourself.


You're trusting me with our son? Take care of him.

You can count on me.

Thank you.

That's what I wanted to hear.

The Head of the State Duma Committee on Cyber Security, Alexei Losev, died a few hours ago in a car accident.

The accident took place at 3:32 PM Moscow time on the kilometer-32 exit ramp on Moscow's 4th transport circle.


Losev's car burnt to a crisp.

Police are at the scene.

- The cause of accident is - Hi.

You wanted to see me? Are you aware that Losev had signed everything over to Svetlana? Prudent, don't you think? Why's that? Look.

- What is it? - Don't you see? Whose are they? Now that's an interesting question.

One is a woman's, Svetlana's.

I found it under her bed.

It has 30 calls from you.

A bit much, wouldn't you say? The second one is Losev's.

And it has one call from you.

But that's also a bit much, since there shouldn't have been any.

Maybe you can explain what's going on.

Looks like you already know.

Tell me, what were you hoping for? You thought that you'd tell Losev the truth, and he'd write you a big check? I thought he'd get Svetlana out of the nuthouse.

Oh, I see.

Like that classic song, Traded Us For a Woman.

Are you in love with my wife? Is she in love with you? Igor, this is all so interesting.

No, really.

I thought that after Boris died, she'd just wither away But no, she developed a taste for freaks.

You know you're a freak? - Just let Svetlana go.

- Of course.

Of course I'll let her go.

Of course I will.

Now everything depends on you.

Whether or not Svetlana will be fine depends entirely on you.

What do you mean? I mean that you've already k*lled her daddy.

- You k*lled Losev? - Why k*lled? There was a car accident.

You're insane.

The insane one here is my wife.

If you don't get that, shut up and listen.

Because I should crush you for everything you've done already.

But the thing is, I need you, Igor.

Can't do this without you.

So you're going to go to your lab, sit there, and wait for my orders.

Otherwise, I'll have procedures done to Svetlana that will leave her with less brains than the stupidest bot out there.

- You got it? - I got it.


Now buzz off.

New models are already on sale.

- I have a question.

- You're bold.

All right, go ahead.

Has it occurred to you that you set yourself up by k*lling Losev? The bid is still happening, and we're still participating.

What will you do when Arisa wins it? She will win it.

Because Goronenko's bot sucks compared to her.

Interesting question.

As for my answer, get screwed, Igor.

The time has gone when we used to have heart-to-hearts.

By the way, I still owe you a punch to the face.

You slept with my wife.

Anytime, Vic.

I also owe you for a lot of things.

The Head of the State Duma Committee on Cyber Security, Alexei Losev, died a few hours ago in a car accident.

The accident took place at 3:32 PM Moscow time on the kilometer-32 exit ramp on Moscow's 4th transport circle.

Yes, come in.

Shut the door.

Tell me, what dose was administered today to patient Toropova? The lowered dose.

Everything according to your orders.

All right, let's slowly bring the dose back up over the next three days.
