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01x12 - Episode 12

Posted: 12/29/22 08:36
by bunniefuu
- Bars!

- Jeanne! Just a second!

Please show your electronic tickets.

Please show your electronic tickets.

Please show your electronic tickets.

Call Phil! Phil, hi.


You have one minute.

I have something exclusive for you.

Be more specific.

I'll send it to you.

Hey, why are they staring at us? You're imagining things.

Maybe they've seen us on TV? In the Bot Show or an ad.

Hopefully not in the crime news.


I don't understand why you decided to help us.

I thought you were a loner.

You thought right.

I was helping Arisa.

You just happened to be there.

- So a bot is more valuable than a human? - This one is! You have no idea what a unique thing fell into your hands.

That's why you decided to download her memory and give it to Bars? I gave it to him, and then I took it back! Everything's fine now, isn't it? Not really.

Toropov is looking for Arisa and me.

So the Liquidators have a crush on you, plus Toropov and his g*ons.

Do you have any normal people in your fan club? You can leave if you want, I'm not stopping you.

I'll think about it.

ATTENTION! WANTED! f*ck! I'm sorry, I'll pick it up!

- What the hell are you doing? - Let's get out of here.

I'm sorry! Let's go! What's going on? Can you explain? There! See that? - You're a celebrity now! - Okay I need to talk to Varlamov.

He's a detective from the Cyber Crimes Department.

- Arisa, get in the car! - With a cop? Why not make a deal with these ones? Varlamov will at least hear me out!

- Get in the car!

- Damn it! Let me go! You don't understand! He He kidnapped my child! He's a criminal! He He smuggled a k*ller robot into the country! He'll k*ll us all! Do you understand? All of us! He'll k*ll all of us! Well, you were right.

She's in a very bad state.

Have you contacted your father-in-law? Why should we bother him? It's just that Mr.Losev is always so worried about the condition of his daughter.

How can we not inform such an important man? Listen, I'm also a man with a lot of influence.

And I pay you enough to mind your own business and treat my precious wife.


We won't bother Mr.


Alexei, you're already here? Hi! Don't get up.

We were just discussing Victor's interview.

Yes, I listened to it with great interest! Really? I'm glad that you're interested in our success.

Well, it's true.

Your success is impressive.

Although your son-in-law jumped the g*n with the interview.

Meaning? We don't want to win a battle, but lose the w*r.

Of course! Your Arisa She's a very interesting specimen.

Very! But she puts us all on the line! Can you imagine what will happen if people decide that robots are dangerous? I told you, all the accusations are complete nonsense! And why is it your concern? Alexei! If even one bot stirs up suspicion, we'll all be in trouble.

I understand.

You already have a plan.

So pretty! Shall we wake up the kids? Later.

I want to talk to you.

I think it's time for you to tell me about everything that happened.

Nothing happened.

We were kidnapped, you saved us.

- Is that all? - Yes.

- I'm not ready to talk about the rest.

- Why? Because I don't want to.

So you're still not sure who you need, Safronov or me? Lev, I need the man I love.

And that's you.

- And Safronov - Yet you agreed to live with him! Yes.

I had no other choice.

Egor was in jail, we were being blackmailed.

Don't you understand? I don't understand because you're not telling me anything.

Do you remember how you didn't want to tell Safronov about Australia? Was I wrong? You're treating me the same way now.

But unlike Safronov, I don't deserve this.

Don't you agree? Look who's up! - Good morning! - Good morning! - Go wake your brother.

- He's not there.

I went to his room.

He's not there.

- Does it hurt? - It's okay.


So, get well, and let's get the hell out of here.

Somewhere far away.

To Ko Pha-ngan! To Ko Pha-ngan! To Ko Pha-ngan! But first we have to finish up here.

Finish what? We need to find Lara and Arisa.

If that bitch hasn't sold her yet.

If she has, we need to find the buyer.

Why look for her? If she sold her, great! That doll only brought us problems, Bars.

I'm wounded.

You were almost k*lled.

That doesn't mean anything to you? It means that life will be more complicated now, Jeanne.

That doesn't change the fact that Arisa is dangerous and people must know about it.


It's time to stop.

And what will we do? Rest? Yes.


Rest! Thank you.

And don't make that face, as if the whole world is against us! It really is against us, Jeanne.

Remember that while you're resting.

- What's that? - That's the b*llet from your hip.

It's pretty.

It's open.

Vic! Are you here? I'm here! What do you want? I wanted to ask how it went.

With little Boris.

- Fine! Perfect! - Seriously? - How is Svetlana? - Everything is awesome, old boy! Did you fix Boris? Let's talk about it a bit later, okay? When will they leave me alone? Yes, Alexei, hello! How was your date with the Minister? Did he spend a lot of time talking you into getting the money? Still joking? Well, here's another joke for you.

The Minister reconsidered the results of the bid.

- Why? - We didn't win.

Got it? I don't get it! There will be a second round.

Why? We've proven ourselves! You want to tell that to the Minister? That's what I thought.

So, down to business.

As far as I know, you still haven't found Arisa.

Then make a new one! The second round is in two weeks.

And no showing off this time! Got it? So what do we do now? What do we do? We need to look for our prodigal bot.

Yes, but you ordered Gleb to off her.

Damn it! Call Gleb! Hello! I can't talk right now, please leave a message or call back later.

Gleb! Do you hear me? I'm completely canceling my previous order! Got it? Call me back.

How's it going with Arisa-2? You fixed her? Yes, just to be safe.

But you know that she's not a bot, but a remote-controlled machine.

She can't win the bid.

Maybe she can't, but we can show her to Losev and the Minister.

Double-check everything! And no surprises! You got that? Enough surprises! Okay.

Vic, tell me, is Svetlana really Maslovsky! - Kate, where are you going? - Lunch.

Anything urgent? Very! We need to test all of Arisa-2's systems immediately.

She's fine.

You checked her yourself recently.

What the hell, Kate? Can you not argue with me and simply do what I ask? - Mr.

Igor! - That's it! Have lunch, get back and we'll start! I'm waiting for you! Bars? Jeanne! Hi! I was so scared something happened to you! What are you doing here? - Jeanne.

- Leave! - Your brother gave me up to my parents.

- Don't you touch my brother.

They took me to Minsk.

He said we were going to get medicine for you, then he threw me out of the car where my mom and step-dad were waiting.

Moose! Wanna go to Ko Pha-ngan? Is the next liquidation on Ko Pha-ngan? We'll liquidate the mushrooms on Ko Pha-ngan island.

Seriously? What liquidation? We'll just go there on vacation.

Well, we could.

I think so too.

So, I got on the train.

And realized I didn't have the bracelet! Dad's got it! Bars! - What are you doing here? - I didn't come to you! - No, you came to me! - Bars! Bars! She needs to go to the hospital.

Look, another one! Just like his dad.

Thinks he knows better than us.

His father saved me! - And stole our bot.

- What? You know what we're going to do, Egor? I'll tie you up, put a g*n in your mouth and call Safronov to exchange you for Arisa.

Bars! The only thing I want you to do is leave Egor alone! He doesn't know anything! Do you believe him? Who am I supposed to believe? You? You said he dumped me! - I did that for your sake! - For my sake? The people who shot you were called in by Safronov.

You're lying.

Look after Arisa while I'm at the Cyber Crimes Department.

I am against that.

I must be with you, Georgy.

No, Arisa.

You'll go with Lara.

You're the only ace in my hand.

- I do not understand you.

- Exactly.

So please, go with Lara.

She'll watch over you.

Will you? Yes.

I'm looking for places where we can sit this one out.


Can you drive? So, any results? If I recognize anyone, I'll tell you.

- Do you have coffee? - Pavel, are you crazy? You should be in the hospital! You need rest.


Get me some coffee please.

Who is that? I'm looking for the Liquidators who took part in the sh**t.

They might lead us to Safronov.

I want you to give me all the details of Captain Petrenko's death.

I saw him fall.

I couldn't do anything.

Then they jumped in the car and left.

I'm sorry, but that's it.

And since you're saying there was total mayhem, is it possible that Safronov wasn't the one who shot Vlad? Listen, I understand how that sounds.

We've got no direct evidence.

No video footage or the m*rder w*apon.

But, and I insist I think that it was him.


I'll go down to the hospital, before Irene drags me there by force.

- Pavel.

- Get well soon.

I will, not like I have a choice.

I'll go with you.

System! Full database file on the Liquidators.

Keyword: "Bars.

" Hello.

I need to see Senior Detective Varlamov.

Send me a copy.

And erase the search history for the last five minutes.

This action cannot be reversed.

Please confirm.


Suponev is reporting the situation quite coherently.

I don't have any reason not to trust him.

But? But I just don't get why Safronov would ever sh**t at Petrenko! Alexander.

Welcome home.

What would you like? A bath? A cup of coffee? Turn off the alarm.

And yes, make me a cup of coffee.

Will do.

This is not your home.

In the era of smart homes, hackers have an advantage.

- That is unethical.

- What? Who's saying that? A fugitive k*ller bot? I did that by mistake.

You are constantly breaking the rules of ethics.

Listen, one unethical act a day doesn't count.

Not just one.

You kissed Georgy.

So? He's a man, I'm a woman.

We're both unattached.

So what? He is not unattached.

He has a family.

Sonya, Egor and me.

Listen, are you really trying to be his wife? I am not trying.

I am fulfilling my purpose.

And I will not allow anyone to get in my way.

Close the curtains! - Well? - Hi.

You're right on time.

First bids for your lot are coming in.

Lot? Did you put her up for an auction? I told you that I need an exact amount! Eighteen million! No one is even offering four here! That's just a start.

The auction will go on for three days.

- That's too long! - Why? You do have the lot, right? So there's no problem? I do, I do! But three days is too long! I can limit the auction to one day.

Okay, 24 hours is fine.

But if anyone bids eighteen million, the auction is over.


Welcome to Cronos.

What happened? Did you find Lara? I told you, it's impossible.

She decides herself when to contact us.

So what's the rush? First you freak out because I'm calling you at work, now you're calling me here.

I think I know how to avoid having to look for Lara.

You're also saying we should stop? Stop? What do you mean? I'm saying we should act, and act now! - Remember I told you about Arisa's copy? - Well? Only my boss Toropov and I know of its existence.

- Get it? - What? The real Arisa has the record of the k*lling in her memory.

What's the point of your copy? It's a remote-controlled copy.

If we want to, we can make this Arisa attack a human.

Great! A bot will try to k*ll right before our eyes! That show must be seen by the maximum number of people.

How do we get that doll? I'll tell you later.

Now I need to go! - Leonid! - Well? I saw something at lunch.

I think it might interest you.

She works for us.

And this guy is a Liquidator.

One of those who att*cked us during the bidding.

- Are you sure? - 100%.

Vic canceled the hit on Safronov.

He found out we screwed up? No.

He probably needs the bot again, along with Safronov.

Crap! If we don't k*ll him, my whole Petrenko story will be exposed.

I'm aware.

You're aware, but it's my signature on that report.

- We need to k*ll him.

- Find him first.

I already have.

Recognize him? He was at the meeting.

- Do you have his address? - I've got the whole file on him.

If we're lucky, he'll lead us to Safronov and to the bot.

Let's go.

System, call Svetlana! MASLOVSKY - INCOMING Mr.

Igor! Can I leave earlier today? Earlier? Did you forget about the task I gave you? I remember.

To test all systems in Arisa's copy.

I'll come back at night and check everything.

I just really have to go now.


Igor! Fine.


But everything must be ready by morning! Don't let me down! Thank you.

Everything will be finished by morning.


Let me know as soon as her pass appears in the system.

Got it.

By the way, today she asked for a night shift pass.

Could you tell me where Space Street is? I dozed off.

Slept well? My boss gave me permission for a night shift.

Tonight we will go to Cronos and get Arisa's copy.

Great, Kate.

Good job.

I know.

But now there's no going back to Cronos for me.

I don't give a damn, Kate! You don't need to go back to Cronos.

Why are you looking at me like that? Just looking.

Now tell me where your friends are.

Got it? I'm asking again: where are your friends? Enough, Stas! You hear me? We won't touch your friends.

We're only interested in Safronov and the bot.

I don't think you're a fan of them either.


Where are they? - They're at the base.

- What base? - The Bot Recycling Center.

- Good.

You see? Why use v*olence? Show me where it is on the map.

Hello, Mr.


Unfortunately, my masters are not home.

What do you mean? Svetlana! Svetlana! - Lady Svetlana is not here either.

- Where is she? - She did not say.

- I'll wait.

I do not have any data regarding your invitation.

Of course.

Because Svetlana just called me and asked me to come.

She's probably running late.

Then you may wait for her outside.

Otherwise I will be forced to call the police.


No problem.

Can you give me a glass of water? Of course, Mr.


Take three steps back, otherwise the alarm will sound.

You Connect to file system! And your dad wouldn't calm down.

He kept using me to pull his chestnuts out of the fire.

So many years have passed, and he still thinks I'm a fool.

But that's okay Kira? Hello, Mr.

Victor! Get me some vodka.

Call Losev.

- Yes? - Mr.

Alexei! This is Igor Maslovsky.

Who? Igor Maslovsky! Right.

I'm listening! I really need to meet with you.

Really? It's about your daughter.

I've searched everywhere, haven't found him.

The local boys haven't seen anything.

This doesn't mean anything.

He's probably just mad at us.

And went for a walk.

- Got lost.

He doesn't know the city.

- He took his documents with him.

- I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

You have sepsis.

Is Bars back? He's been back a while.

I need to talk to him.

I was wrong.

- He's busy.

Better talk later.

- What's he doing? He's planning a new operation.

At 10 p.


I'll enter through the staff entrance.

I'll tell security that I'm waiting for tech delivery.

I'll go upstairs and take the bot down.

- Then you'll call us.

- Yes.

Do you want to tell me about your genius plan? We've agreed! We need a break! We need to rest, so we don't risk our lives! What has changed? - Jeanne.

- I'm asking you.

What? Of course.

I should've known.

You put him up to this? - Jeanne, go and lie down.

- Lie down? Is that your care? "Sis, go lie down"? "Don't interfere with my bullshit"? Fine! I'll go! With him! Not with you! You know why? Because he's the only one who actually cares about me! Enough! Bars, don't listen to her.

And you Your brother sacrificed everything for you.

- Is this how you want to repay him? - Don't! Kate, don't! When you were wounded, I was by your side.

Always by your side, Bars.

I always chose you.

And you're choosing the operation? Yes.


That's your right.

And it's my right to decide that from now on you're nobody to me.


Will we do the operation or not? We will.

We were so close We did everything for one another! And now he's obsessed with bots! They're more important than I am! Do you understand? Jeanne! Careful! Watch your stitches! They're fine! Your dad did a good job.

He really doesn't think about people.

Why are you looking at me like that? Am Am I wrong? Jeanne! Careful, careful Bars! Bars! Bars! Is there anyone there? Bars! Where is Arisa? We're leaving.

Maybe we'll eat first? I've ordered dinner for two.

An order to the apartment we broke into? Arisa! Do you want to compare who has more criminal experience? Indeed.

Where's Arisa? Charging, upstairs.

Where else would she be? Listen, the owners are far away.

We can spend the night here.

Then spend the night here.

But Arisa and I are leaving.

Oh, really? Listen, you're the one who asked me for help.

And now I've changed my mind.

It's dangerous to be around me.

That, I've heard.

Liquidators, cops, Toropov And now Varlamov.

He works for Cronos too.

I'm surrounded.

And what are you going to do? I'll get as far away as possible.

And lay low.

You know, you need to relax.

No sudden moves.

And since you refused to eat Let's have a drink! Lev.

- I have to apologize.

- For what? You know When I met you, I thought that my family life would change.

But it didn't turn out that way.

I'm not a real wife for you.

I'm a burden.

I don't want it to be like that.

What are you suggesting? We need to break up.

Do you want to go back to Safronov? I'll go pack my things.

Call Hudson! Hey, Steve! Did I imagine that or did you cancel your contract? What else could I do? You can't leave without Egor, I can't leave without you.

Why? You've got nothing left here.

I've got you and the kids.

All that matters.

Sonya is with us.

I'll find Egor.

That, I promise you.

I trusted Varlamov.

I thought he really hated Toropov.

Good thing the kids are safe.

And what are you planning to do? I'll hide somewhere.

Lie low.

It's hard to hide with the most notorious bot in the country.

Maybe her time has come? - What do you mean? - Get rid of her.

You're not really attached to her anyway.

But my daughter is.


And what do you suggest? To leave her on the curb? No.

There's a more interesting way out.

Sell her.

Are you crazy? You know what kind of baggage she has.

And who would buy her? Where? Do you know the Darknet? The secret segment of the Internet? You can buy and sell the devil there.

We'll put Arisa up for sale.

We'll find a good buyer.

And we'll make a load of cash! Maybe a million.

Or 1.

5 million.

If you're about to go on the run, you need money.

One and a half million? That wouldn't hurt.

There you go.

We can't sell her.

Why? You've seen her memory.

Arisa is dangerous.

Listen, she decided for herself not to k*ll anyone anymore.

And she's unpredictable.

Today she decided that.

Tomorrow If someone buys her Someone with the I don't know wrong intentions? We can't take on that responsibility.

So It's time to go.

No reason to wait.

Are there cops I'm not seeing again? No.

This time there's no cop.

Get ready! I'm in.