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02x03 - Bananas

Posted: 12/29/22 07:54
by bunniefuu
Sorry, baby,

I don't care for ♪

We have agreed to let her fly over.

I swear, we will cancel the trip.

You can't do that.

They might be interested

in what Avery thinks

about you with Mary Doyle.

You are such a child sometimes!

(knock at the door)


Hey, dickhead.

That's mum. She's been in

Queensland this whole time.

You can't show up after four years

and just expect me to hop on

a plane with you.

Brisbane, here we come.

Hello. I'm Kaylee.

That's you.

Linda was really unwell

when I met her.

(baby cries)

Oh, my god!

Oh, f

I'm Jaxon, with an X.

I'm 17 and I live in Karingunna.

Of course I'm f*cking pregnant.

I'm 17 and I live in Karingunna.

Of course I'm f*cking pregnant.

Holy sh*t.

Lucky, what about Cairns?

Just stop.

My life is falling apart.

I'm begging you.

Come on, for old times' sake.

That is not the sell you think it is.

Mmm ♪

Don't lie to me, woman ♪

(woman) Oi!

Mikey Mike.

(loud talking and laughing)


Mikey Mike, Mikey Mike.

(slurring) Here, Mikey Mike.

I want another drink.


(man) Whoo, hey!

(woman) Ooh!

I broke it.

(Bartender Mike) Jesus Linda!

(Linda) Sorry, Mikey.

I don't think you need another drink,


What you need Don't tell me

I have to have water.

Water can suck my d*ck.

I could not agree more, darl.


You got 40 bucks on ya?

(Linda exhales)

What's your name, lovely man?

What's your name, lovely man?

You can call me Duncan.

(bank notes rustle)

What's your real name?


(patrons talking loudly

in background)

(Linda) Don't you f*ckin' touch me!

What do you think you are,

f*ckin' God's gift or something?

You f*cking

Settle down.

f*ck head!



(onlookers) Whoa!

(birds caw)

(Lucky) I used to work there.

Oh. Topless barmaid?

(Lucky chuckles)

No, I was actually a DJ.

"DJ Lucky."

Bet that was f*ckin' cool as.

Actually "DJ Lock"

and I was incredibly cool.


I used to live just round the back

with this drug-dealing plumber

and a dish-pig with a trust fund.


Good times.


Even if you weren't pregnant

this'd be a stupid habit.

Mmm. It's not a habit,

it's a choice.

Mmm. It's not a habit,

it's a choice.


Can I have it?

That's even stupider.

(Jaxon) Jesus, Meg.

Come on, it's our turn.

It's my turn, OK?

You stay with DJ Lock.

Maybe you can like,

drop a banger or whatever.

DJ, eh?


(woman) Sexually active?


Yes, really.

Are you?


Oh, good on ya. Hashtag-me-too.

When was your last period?


sh*t like, a couple of months ago.

A couple? You mean two?

Yeah, a couple.

Sweet vag.

Would you know who the father is?

He's not the father. You can't be

a father to a clump of cells.

Well, let's have a look, shall we?

Well, let's have a look, shall we?

Up you pop.

Better get a f*cking

lollipop after this.

And then my Aussie grandad,

who I barely even knew,

he passed away and

left the farm to Mum,

so yeah, we just packed up

and moved.

I was like, 14 at the time

or something

and I'd only been to

Australia once before.

Bro, it was hell, eh,

when we first got here

(message received beep)

Everyone just keep giving me

and my dad sh*t

about our accents and whatever

but then I started playing seniors

when I was 15 and a half

and, you know, that shut them up

a little bit.

But anyway, yeah, I only knew Meg

as this angry chick

the year below me at school,

who only showed up half the time.

(message sent beep)

Then she started working

Saturdays at the bakery

and she was actually funny as.

(keys click)

You should just call her.

Thank you, Jaxon.

Got kids?

(message sent beep)

Nieces and nephews.

Oh, true? How many?

(message received beep)


One nieces and nephew?



(Jaxon breathes deeply)


(Jaxon breathes deeply)

You want to?

(message sent beep)


Have kids?

What, with you?


Nah, nah.

(message received beep)

(foetus' heart beats rhythmically)

(doctor) OK. You can pop down now

if you like.

So, Megan,

you're about nine weeks pregnant.

Do you understand?

It's a healthy foetus.

You're a healthy young woman.

There's no reason why

this wouldn't be a healthy baby.

I'm happy to schedule a termination

if you're sure that's what you want.

But because it is not

a medical emergency,

the soonest I can get you on the list

is four days away.

So, take that time to have a think.

Talk to your loved ones.

Talk to your mum.

Talk to your loved ones.

Talk to your mum.

(little scoff)

(approaching footsteps)

(Jaxon) Meg. Yo, Meg!

You gonna unlock it or

(car beeps unlocked)

How did it go?

(Meg whistles)

You can piss off now, Jaxon.


OK. Look, I'm really grateful

that you're concerned about me,

and you're a really nice guy

but you can go back to 'Gunna now.

But I just

I know. I know. OK?

And I appreciate it. It's just

I'm here to look for my mum.

And I don't need the f*cking drama.


Airport please, mate.

Airport please, mate.

Can we at least talk ab

Come on.

You're in a rush to get back

to your stupid life, remember?

(loud grinding music

plays over system)

That's annoying.

Do you wanna talk about it?

Yeah, I do.

You shouldn't change the volume

on someone else's music.

(music becomes louder)

Look at the f*cking road.

(music becomes softer)

You are so annoying.

OK, fine. Fine. Whatever.

I'm nine weeks pregnant

and she's happy to k*ll it for me

but I've gotta wait four days.




OK, when we get back to Sydney,

I'll (phone rings)

OK, when we get back to Sydney,

I'll (phone rings)

(phone continues to ring)

Does he know?

(Scoffs) Yeah, like I'm totally

going to tell my dad

about my awesome teen pregnancy.

We could like, draw up

an abortion plan together.

You know, I could have it in a pool.

Jesus, you are bleak.

I'll name it Abe.

Short for Abe-bortion.


You know they have a heartbeat?

Yeah, from like, six weeks.

What the f*ck is that about?


f*cking gross.

I've got two hearts in me.

Where did you put the

Where's the jerky?

(bag rustles)

How long we got to go?

How long we got to go?

Hey, Siri

(computer beeps)

How far is it to Barney and Barb's

Banana and Llama Farm?

(Siri) Barney and Barb's

Banana and Llama Farm

is approximately 87 kilometres away.

(toy squeaks)

(bell dings and toy squeaks)

(bell stops)

They're actually alpacas

but llamas sell better.


It's the rhyme, Barn says.

The bananas are definitely

bananas though, so no dramas there.

Oh, you're wanting a tour.

Oh, no.


Actually, we're looking for someone

who might have worked here

a very long time ago.

Linda Johnson.

Eight or nine years ago.

We get a lot of workers through,

darl, but



(Barn) Oh, yeah, I'm coming.

That's her on the left.

Yeah, right.

Hey, Barn, is that, um

Isn't that, um

Hey, Barn, is that, um

Isn't that, um

Oh, yeah.

What was her name?

It wasn't Linda, was it?

Yeah, no, not Linda.

Yeah, no. Manda.

Oh, of course.

Manda. Yes.

But Well, yes,

we do remember her.

Yeah. Afraid we do, rather.

So, how do you know her?

Oh, I don't.

She's my mum.

She didn't say anything about kids.

We didn't know she had kids.

She was a Um


(Barb makes nervous sounds)


(alpaca hums)

She'd be fine for a bit

then go into Cairns for a night

with the pickers and disappear


for days sometimes.

Days. Yeah, I told Barb

we ought to get rid of her

But I thought she was on the right

track but then one day after about,

what would it have been?

About four.

Three or

Four or five months.

..four months she just

Poof. Emptied the till

and that was that.



Broke Barb's heart.

Did a bit.

It wasn't the money, really.

I mean, I knew she had troubles

but I just

I don't know.

I thought we were helping.

She ran the canteen

the last couple of months.

So creative.

Barn was rather partial

to her parmigiana.

Oh, I loved her parmi.

And before that

there was only the schnitty.

She came along and revolutionised

everything with the parmigiana.

What's the difference between

a schnitty and a parmigiana?

Well, the parmi's just

got your tomato

and then it's got your

ham and cheese on top of it.

Oh, jeez!

That's been there so long

I've stopped seeing it. Of course!

Manda made those things,

didn't she, Barn? Oh, sorry. Linda.

Can I Do you mind?

No, here, allow me.

You should keep it.


We have one at home.

It's really clever.


Didn't know she made them.


Are you alright?

Mm. Yep, I'm OK.

I just shouldn't have (gags)

I shouldn't have had all that jerky.

(Meg vomits)



(Meg continues to vomit)

(Meg splutters)

(animals bleat and hum)

(beep of car unlocking)

There you go, son.

Oh, no, no. We're fine for bananas.

I've got the undies and the hat.

Full of magnesium.

Good for your nausea.

And the potassium

stops you feeling angry.

Ten bucks, thanks.

Honestly, you're saving

about 20 bucks right there.

Only if I was planning on

popping to the supermarket

and buying 80 bananas.


And buying 80 bananas.



Aw! Come here. Give us a hug, darl.

Thank you for this.

Um You said that she would

like to go out on the town.

Do know where she went?

Oh, I suppose the Grand View Hotel.

Right, Barn?

They used to do eight-buck steaks

of a Friday.

But it's changed owners now.

It's all just NRL and pokies.

You know the Grand View?


Yeah. I know the Grand View.

Ahh, good-oh.

Thank you.

Thanks, Barb. Thanks, Barn.

(car beeps)

Enjoy those nanies.

Oh, dear.

(edgy music)

(car doors shut)

Come on.

(car engine starts)


Yeah, Dunc, it's Carl, mate.

Yeah, nuh, all good. Yeah.

You won't f*ckin' believe who just

showed up here at Barb and Barn's.

(Meg) When I was little,

I used to think,

imagine if everyone

was leaving like,

a trail of like,

coloured ink or whatever.

A trail of like,

coloured ink or whatever.

And you could take

a satellite photo of the earth

and see where everyone

has been their whole lives.

Like, all the times you were just

around the corner from a celebrity,

or all the times

you walked past a m*rder*r,

or when you like,

bumped into someone

that you later became friends with.

And the bit between

your bedroom and the bathroom

was just like this dark splodge.

And me driving away from

Karingunna four years ago

and you from Sydney,

and our trails

getting closer and closer

and closer and then

(screech and crash)

And then our lines

became one line for a while.

Maybe a new colour while they mixed.

And then, you know, we

Or, OK, what if

elements left trails?


And you could see where like,

a magnesium in one of those bananas

had been like, starting at

the Big Bang or whatever

and ending up in a hire car

with a hairy old dude

and a pregnant f*ck-up.

You reckon it's disappointed?

Are you disappointed, bananas?

We're going to the airport, Meg.

She went to the Grand View Hotel.

You could have met her.

But I didn't.

We're getting closer, Lucky.

They said she might have gone

to the Grand View Hotel years ago

and that it's changed owners.

You heard her.


You go back to Sydney. Mmm?

Mate, I'm not leaving you here

by yourself.

(scoffs) You don't get

to tell me what to do, mate.

Well, someone has to.

I just I I

Well, someone has to.

I just I I

I think you're a little bit

in denial, actually about

(Meg turns up volume

of grinding music)


I don't think you're dealing

with being pregnant at all

and I don't think you get that

Mmm. I don't think you get that

your mum is probably

I mean, she changed her name

everywhere she went.

You have to face up to the fact

Oh, my god! Can you hear yourself?

You are such

a hypocritical f*ck-stain!

You reckon

I'm not facing up to sh*t?

Where's your daughter, Lucky?

I'm trying to get home to see her.

Don't shout at me!

I'm not shouting.

You started shouting at me.

It's a red light, Lucky.

Yeah, yeah.

Are you gonna stop?

(tyres screech)

I can see it. What the?

Don't get out of the car.


Hey, hey, hey. Come on.

I'm sorry, OK?


(car horns toot)

Look, go away. I'm not your problem.

Just get in the car.

What are you doing? Don't touch me!

(horns blare)


What's going on?

(horns blare)

The hell is wrong with you?

(man) You right, love?

Yes. Thank you, mate.

(woman in car) Get off the road,

dickhead. Hurry up!



(tyres screech)

(ship's horn sounds)

(indistinct chatter)

You can't eat that in here. Sorry.

Oh. Um Can I get a lemonade?

Do you know this lady?

No. Sorry. I'm not a local.

Has anyone worked here

for a long time?

I think the manager's

been here six months.

Thank you.

(jet engines whine)

(edgy music)

(keys clatter into box)

Hello. Could I get a drink in here?

This place used to be pumpin'.

(bartender) What'll you have?

Draft, thanks.

Now it's like

a hospital waiting room.

(beer pours)

I'm Duncan.

(voice message beeps) This is Meg.

Don't leave a message, obviously.

You're still here.

Oh, hey. Yeah,

there's only one flight a day.

Boarding soon though.

Where's Meg?

She told me to f*ck off.

She'll do that.

She's planning on having it,

by the way.

The abortion, I mean. Sorry.

Oh. Right.


I knew she would.

I just didn't want her to have to

do it by herself, you know.

(announcer) Flight BH959

to Bourke is now boarding.

You know, it's not like we were

going to be together anyways.

Meg, man, her brain is

just fierce as. You know?

She needs, I don't know,

someone to wrestle with, I guess.

That's not me.


Chur ma bro.

Take care, Jaxon.

(indistinct announcement)

Pick up, Meg.

(phone vibrates)

So, where's your boyfriend?

I don't have a boyfriend.

Well, your sugar daddy then.

Your bloody special uncle.

Whatever he is.

Where's Lock?

The bloody guy you were with today

at Barn and Barb's. Where is he?

I don't know.

I don't really care.

(phone rings)

Hi, Ave. I'm

(Avery) Please tell me

you're at the airport.

Yeah, I'm at the airport.

I'm gonna be in Sydney by seven.

Do you even realise that what you

do actually affects other people?

I know. I'm sorry. We had this

whole drama at a llama farm.

How am I supposed to explain

a pregnant teenager to myself,

let alone my mum?

Wait, did you say llama?

They were actually alpacas.

No, I'm sorry, I am coming. I

promise. I'm literally boarding now.

Well, what's your flight number?

I'll come pick you up.

Lucky Hold on, Ave.

I'm gonna call you back.

Lucky Hold on, Ave.

I'm gonna call you back.

Whoa! Hey, man.

Sorry. Where did you get that?

Oh. I got it in Cuba.

Hey, I got a tatt too. Check it.


Wow, that is a brave choice.

I meant the little dangling thing.

Oh. This is from

a little market at a stall

Was it in Queensland? Yeah,

definitely it was in Queensland.

A little town on the coast.

What was the name of it?

How far up north?

There was this guy selling

these wicked little

Dutch pancake thingies.

Um, profiteroles. No.

What was the town called?

It's on the tip of my tongue, it is.

Poffertjes! Yeah.

It would really mean a lot to me

if you could remember

the name of the place.

OK. A, B, B, C, C, D, D, D,

E, F, G

(airline staff)

Your boarding pass, please.

g*n, g*n, g*n Gungardie! Yeah.


Most def.

(airline staff)

Your boarding pass, please.

I think.

Your boarding pass, please?

(suspenseful music)

Can't trust anybody these days.


(Meg gives a fake chuckle)

But Carl, who is

a real friend, told me

you were probably heading here

and lo and behold, here you are.

You were probably heading here

and lo and behold, here you are.

Lo and behold?


It's what you say.

Has to be both of them?

Can't just be "lo"?

I just need to know where he is.

I told you, Lucky's gone.

He'll be on a plane now.

(car key jangles)

(keys rattle)

(Lucky strains)

What did he do to you anyway?

He betrayed me.

He nicked my car and he bolted

and he left me to face

the consequences of his

Do you want some pork scratching?

I wanna get some pork scratching.

Hey, could we get some

pork scratching, please?

Dos. And another Draft and

What's that?


I'll get these.

Oh, thank you.

I'll get these.

Oh, thank you.

And I paid the price for his actions

because that's loyalty.


And because he took too long

to get the bloody bag up.



(phone vibrates)

(phone dialling)

Who was that?

Ahh, it was just my mum.

(phone rings)


(Meg) Told you, Lucky's on a plane.

What if I don't believe you?

I don't give a sh*t

if you don't believe me. He's gone.

Hello? Meg?

And I'm, f*ckin'

I'm f*ckin' glad he's gone

'cause not only is he a traitor

(Lucky, faintly) Hello?

Just like you say, Duncan,

he also never knows when to shut up.

I'm always like


Lucky, just shut up sometimes, man.

Just know when it's your turn to

shut your big f*ckin' mouth.

And listen sometimes.

You know what I mean, Duncan?

Yeah. What a prick.

Oh, f*ck!

We were mates, you know.

We were housemates.

But he always thought

he was better than everyone else,

even though he was

a total screw-up himself.

f*ckin' totes!

And was he a sh*t DJ?

f*ckin' totes!

And was he a sh*t DJ?

I reckon it must have been

a really sh*t DJ.

What? No.

He was an awesome DJ.

I was a f*ckin' awesome DJ.

That's weird 'cause you know,

he's got such sh*t taste in music.

And he's also like, 60 or something.

I don't know about any of that.

All I know is,

if I get a hold of him,

I swear I'm gonna,

I'm gonna bloody

hold him accountable.

Whoa. Hold him accountable.

Yeah! White guys like him think

they can do anything they want.

What are you gonna do about it?

I was thinking maybe I'd k*ll him.

Or get him to apologise

through some kind of mediation.

Or maybe really like, maim him with

a Kn*fe or something or a drill.

Yeah. There's just something

maimable about his face,

isn't there?

Yes. I dunno.

He also never texts you

with the details of his plans.

So, to know where the f*ck he is.

If I were you,

I'd just f*ck him up.


And dump him out the front

of the medical centre.

What's going on?

What do you mean?

What's going on?

What do you mean?

Give me your phone.

I'm not gonna give you

my f*cking phone. Wait. f*ck!

Get the f

Who is this? Who is it?

Hello? Who's this?

(bartender) Oi! No fighting.


(tyres screech)

Let's pretend ♪

Drive. Go. Go. Go!

Like we've done

this all before ♪

You come back here now!

So much wilderness

to go and explore ♪

Really? Maimable?

Yeah, well

(Lucky chuckles)

Where are we going?

We are going north to Gungardie.


'Cause I'm a f*cking idiot,

I suppose.



It stinks of bananas in here.

Captions edited by Ai-Media

ai-media. tv

Are you down to ride? ♪

Are you down to ride? ♪

Out these long days

and dark nights ♪

All for one more sunrise ♪

Let's be real ♪

You don't get no second chance ♪

No time to rehearse ♪

You just gotta do the dance ♪

This is it ♪

This is what you were made to be ♪

Yeah it might seem strange to you ♪

It's as strange as hell to me ♪

Yeah, I'm down to ride

Yeah, I'm down to ride ♪

Yeah, I'm down to ride

Yeah, I'm down to ride ♪

Yeah, I'm down to ride

Yeah, I'm down to ride ♪

Out these long days

and dark nights ♪

All for one more sunrise ♪

This is no rehearsal ♪

We've got a foundation to lay ♪

And this is universal ♪

We're all making our way

through these long nights ♪