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04x20 - Stage Fright

Posted: 05/06/09 14:19
by bunniefuu
Come on. Let's just go to the marina, rent a sailboat, and spend the whole day on the water.

Heh. Please, stop it.

It's not fair. Do it. Come on.

Ok, to Delia.

We haven't been out in 3 days, and she's, you know, at the store alone.

3 days? What's that?

After what we've been through, we deserve a week.

Look, why don't we take the train to ocean city?

There's that little inn we used to go to, huh.

We could spend the whole day there by ourselves.

What's wrong?

Nothing. It's just...

Waking up with you and talking to you, I never thought I'd get to do that again.

Well, we're doin' it.

I'm not goin' anywhere. We just have to get back to normal.


[Both laugh]

Man: Bring it in.

All right, guys.

Let's unload this equipment.

Little redecorating, and this'll work just fine.

Oh, what about the town square out front?

It's available until midnight. Hey.


What's going on, and who are these people?

Ok, you'll never believe. That is Cally O'Keefe.

She is the creator and the head writer of hope's edge... Ah!

And they wanna film right here in the store.

Hope's edge?

Yeah, the soap opera.

Uh, I used to watch it at the station with the guys.

Well, F.Y.I., she prefers daytime serial.

I think we should get rid of all of those here...

And she's directing this one.

Apparently it's the tenth anniversary of the show.

They're filming the whole thing right here in Grandview.

Hello. Back to earth. Did you actually say yes?

No, of course not.

We can always tell her no.

I just think it would be great publicity for the store.

Yeah, but what's gonna be left of the store when they're done?

[Bell rings]
Eh, good point.

Hey, Cally. Cally.

Delia: Oh...My...


Oh, my God.

Easy, kid.

Can we talk about the scene in the cemetery?

The language feels a little cruel.

Well, you're not yourself, remember?

Look, just--just give me 2 seconds, and we'll talk about it.

Who is that?

You are so hopeless.

That is Grant Harper.

Yeah, he plays the surgeon on the show.

Yeah, and he just got diagnosed with this brain tumor, so he's having blackouts all the time.

Oh, my God, and he's still working?

Oh. No, not on the--

no, it's his character on the show.

He plays Dr. Troy Holden, right?

So he has this on-again, off-again love-hate relationship with Celeste... Celeste.

Barrington, and--
she's the owner of the hospital.

And he has these blackouts, and he--he becomes evil, but he can't remember after it happens.

[Sighs] I--
it's really addictive.

Yeah, I--I just don't think the fans wanna hear me talk to Celeste that way.

I will look at it. Promise.

Uh, don't you have that photo sh**t right now? Come on. Yeah.

It's perfect.

We'll take it.

Oh. That's, um...

Oh, gosh. Cally, I'm sorry.

This is my business partner I was telling you about.

This is Melinda. Hi.

And this is her, um--

Sam. Sam.

This is Sam. And, uh, this is duff.

Faraday, first assistant director.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

You have such lovely things in your store.

Oh, well, thank you. Anyway--

oh, and, duff, we need to make sure we get these guys V.I.P. passes to the thing at the university tonight.

What thing?

An evening with hope's edge.

We're screening highlights from the show.

Some of the cast members are gonna do a q and a.

Oh, I--I don't know if I--

Oh, we would love to go.

Ok. Well, I'm just a little worried about losing a whole day of business, so...

Compensation's in paragraph 6.

Really? For one day.

Plus a day of prep, with an option to extend, plus 50% in case Cally goes over schedule.

Nobody's goin'
over schedule.

You know what? Take as long as you need. Heh.

[Crowd murmuring]

So, I haven't seen you much for the past 3 days.

P.S., you're glowing.

Any connection?

Let's just say everything's fine.

Excuse me, sir. You dropped your hat.

Oh, I didn't realize that.

Eli. Knew it.

Hey, look, they invited the whole faculty, ok?

And my mom's a big fan, so I thought I'd come down and get an autograph.

Yeah. Mm-Hmm.

For her. Not for me.

I'm not the only one. See?

Ahh. Plbbt.

Hi-ho, everyone.


I'm duff Faraday.

And as first assistant director on the show, it's my job to keep things movin' along, so welcome to an evening with hope's edge.


First off, let's say hello to our exec producer, creator, head writer, and frequent director, and, yes, they are all the same person.

Cally O'Keefe!


Thank you, Grandview.

It's a pleasure to be here. I'm--

oh ho ho. Yes. Yes.

And next up, here they are, daytime's dynamic duo.

And, yes, we are introducing them together, because--whew--
wouldn't wanna start a fight between these two.

Here they are, Dr. Troy Holden and Celeste Barrington.

Say hello to Suzanne Zale and Grant Harper!


You see that?

They love me.

Love to hate you, you mean.


Thank you, duff.

This is such a treat for us.

You know, I actually discovered Grant right here on this stage when he auditioned for my first play way back in grad school.


Don't you mean your only play?


So this is an honor for us.

Sorry I'm late.

I was indisposed.

Before we show you highlights from the past

10 seasons of hope's edge, I would like to open things up for your questions.

Oh, this ought to be good.


Hi. My name's Janet, and I'm president of the Grandview chapter of the hope's edge fan club.

And I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what were you and your writers thinking when you decided to ruin the character of Dr. Holden?

[Scattered groans]

Excellent question, Cal.

That's the whole brain-tumor, blackout thing.

Got it.

To tell you the truth, after the last 10 years of Dr. Holden being so flawless, sometimes to keep a story fresh, you have to take some risks.

And now spoilerfest.Com says you're gonna k*ll him off for good. Is that true?

Is Grant Harper leaving the show?

What? No way.

Look, I don't wanna be confirming or denying rumors, but I will say, in TV, there are a lot of reasons you might have to write a character out--

a salary dispute, an actor breaks out and the network wants to give them their own series, or sometimes the actor just wants a change.

And in any of those circumstances, you might have to k*ll the actor.

Well, you guys know a thing or two about that.

Ok, ok, we were gonna save this for the end, but, uh, look on the back of your programs.

There's a form where you can enter a contest to win a walk-on part on our 10th anniversary special.


A part in the show. No way.

You guys check that out, and we'll, uh, roll the video.

Thank you.

Woman: Excuse me.

Rolling any second now.


We got a surprise guest.

Players are in place.

Stage is set.

Ok, there's no video?

Tell you what--

what's wrong with the lights? Duff, what is it?

What's with the lights, guys? Guys?

Guys? Just a moment, ladies and gentlemen.

We're experiencing some technical difficulties.

And now someone's gonna go out with a bang.

Can you see us?

There you go. Yeah, sure.

What's your name?

[Overlapping conversations]

It was definitely a warning.

Something about k*lling actors?

Wait. The ghost wants to hurt someone?

On the show?

Because we cannot let that happen.


Uh, any clue as to the woman in the spotlight?

I didn't get a look at her, but I'm happy to dive right in on this one.

And so you can go hang out with the cast and crew.

You can count me in.

Guys, please remember that we don't know if we're dealing with a m*rder or a su1c1de here.

I mean, the guy was sh*t in the head.

Ok. Was he cute?

Well, did he look famous?

Do you think he could have ever been on the show?

That's him.

Miles Maitland.

The guy who the theater's named after?

Yeah, 1975 to 1997.

He was a grad student in the acting program.

Said he had a promising future.

Until they robbed me.

We can help you. What happened?

Ask them.

Cally: Thanks for watching the show.

Thank you, Ms. O'Keefe. Enjoy.

Uh, what's goin' on?

He's blaming someone from the show for his death.

What is this guy's connection to hope's edge?

You know, Cally just said that she met Grant here when she was in grad school.

Maybe they knew him from back then.

Cally: Thanks for being a fan of the show.

So we're going to need to redress that counter, and I want books everywhere.

Oh, and I'm going to need to swap out those shelves for red ones. We'll put them back, of course.

Oh, it's no problem. Whatever you need.

Can we also check the lighting over here?

Why did they rent the store if they just keep changin' everything?

Well, it's supposed to be some kind of antique store that specializes in the occult.

Ooh, that sounds juicy. I swear, hope's edge is the best show on TV, really.

You really want that walk-on part, don't you, Mr. suit and tie?

No more than you, missy brand-new 'do.

You know what? Let's just focus on the task at hand.

We have a ghost to cross over.


Ok, here we go, from April, '97.

"Rockland university student Miles Maitland, "22, was sh*t and k*lled onstage in front of

"an audience of 300 theatergoers

"Friday night during the performance of the comedy play dead to me."

sh*t and k*lled onstage?


And guess who wrote the play?

Cally O'Keefe.

It gets worse.

Guess who played the lead.

Grant Harper. That's our connection.

It says a blank g*n fired and malfunctioned and k*lled Miles early in the second act of the show, and...


The actress who sh*t him was Brook Dennis.

Should I know that name?

No, but she's a theater Professor here at Rockland.

I've never met her, but I've read all about her productions.

Well, why don't we go and talk to her?

After I do a little fact-finding with the police.

Ok, according to the police, the g*n was an old snub-nosed revolver that had been in the theater prop department for years.

Now, detective Blair told me that the barrel was corroded and that the blank had some extra powder in it, so at close range, the wadding could have launched, caused some serious damage.

By which you mean death.

Think about it.

You g*n someone down in front of 300 witnesses, make it look like a tragic accident.

It's the perfect m*rder.

Brook Dennis.

Our sh**t.

"Our sh**t."
Don't you mean actor?

Wasn't this the woman in the spotlight last night?

Yeah. Was she even charged?

Well, Miles' death was considered an accident.

They never found any motive.

But there were 3 people in the play--

Miles, Brook, and Grant Harper--

plus Cally, who wrote and directed, and all their fingerprints were found on the g*n.

So anyone could have tampered with it.

Or everyone.

You don't think that...


To commit m*rder.

So 3 people conspired together on a diabolically goofy plan to k*ll a guy in front of hundreds of people for no reason?

Yeah, ok, it sounds a little far-fetched, but the ghost obviously blames them all.

Otherwise, why would he point a spotlight at all of 'em?

I don't know.

But I also don't know why he would wait so long.

He d*ed
10 years ago.

Well, maybe that little reunion onstage woke him up.

I mean, maybe he was haunting the theater.

Or Brook, who worked there and happened to pull the trigger.

Maybe the conspiracy is a conspiracy of silence.

Brook k*lled Miles, whether on purpose or by accident.

The other two know why, but kept quiet.

Unless that's too goofy a theory for you.

No. Actually, that one I'd believe.

[TV turns on]


[Faint, indistinct voices under static]

Man: No, Celeste. You'll be fine.

It's our relationship that's not gonna make it.

You can't mean that.

That still doesn't change the fact that you slept with my father.

So what? So you're cutting me out of your life?

Of course I hid your child from you.

I did it because I lov--

so what are you sayin'? This was good-bye sex?






How quickly love turns to hate.

[Slow] How quickly love turns to hate.

[Slower] How quickly love turns to hate.

Well, I know you by reputation around campus, Professor James.

Oh. Well, please call me Eli, and I hope that's a good thing.


Um, would you like to sit down?

Let me move this. I got it. I got it.

Oh, thanks. Just put it by the door for the recyclers.

Is it broken?

Uh, possessed is more like it.

Heh. You guys are gonna think I'm nuts.

We might not, uh...

So what happened?

Well, first it turned itself on, and then it just started flipping through scenes from that soap opera that's sh**ting in town.

What scenes? Do you remember?

Uh, just the 2
main characters breaking up over and over again.

Anyway, I'm sure that you didn't come here to talk about my television.

What did you want to see me about?

Uh, Miles Maitland.

What about him?

You may find this hard to believe...

But we think that Miles is haunting you.

We've talked to his spirit.

You talk to ghosts?

And I can see them.

Look, you have to believe us, ok, because we've seen Miles and your TV, and this could be just the beginning.

Yeah, that's really strange.

Because ever since Grant and Cally have been back in town...

I felt Miles was here.

But, you know, I--I just thought it was his memory.

Do you remember what happened the night Miles d*ed?

How could I forget? I--

I sh*t him.

Sorry, babe, but if you're asking me to beg for my life...

All I'm asking is that you don't get blood on my new berber.



Woman: Whoa!

What happened after you sh*t him?

Um, well, Grant and I, we finished the scene like always.

Miles used to complain that he had to lie perfectly still throughout the entire second act.

Anyway, uh, we didn't know Miles was dead until curtain.




Call 9-1-1! Close the curtain!

Miles! Someone call 9-1-1.

He must have been dead or dying for at least
30 minutes.

I always wondered if he heard them laughing the whole time.

You said he was sh*t in the side, not the head?

When I saw him, he had a b*llet wound to the temple.

Oh, yeah, yeah. The makeup. Of course.

Um, the trick was that he would play part of the scene in profile, and then when I sh*t him, he would turn to reveal the wound.

You know, it always got a really big reaction.

Listen, I'm sorry, but, uh, this is really hard for me to talk about.

You know?

The g*n f*ring like that.

And it was a bad night to begin with.

What do you mean?

Some producers made a deal with Cally to take the play to the city.

Cally: I'm sorry. I fought for you.


Brook: It was gonna be everyone's big break.

Let's just finish the show.

But Grant heard a rumor that Miles was replacing him as the lead, so he confronted Cally about it at intermission, and she had no choice. She had to tell him the truth.

You can use this anger for a future role.

And Miles, he wasn't the most gracious winner, so when we went back onstage, he...

Started ad-libbing lines and changing the blocking and just really trying to rub it in Grant's face.

It was heartbreaking.

You seem pretty protective of him.

Grant, I mean.

Yeah, I was.

You see, we--we'd been dating, Grant and I.

But something changed when we both got cast in the show, and we broke up.

You know, I was pretty sure that he was having a thing with Cally.

Of course, after Miles was k*lled, the play never went to the city, and Cally took a job writing for a soap in L.A.

Within the year, she had created hope's edge, and she brought Grant onboard.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

Well, who knows?

I think we all carry that night with us.

I know I do.

Eli: I think she's lying.

Well, then she's a good liar.

Of course she's a good liar. She's an actress.

Ok, so then if he thinks it wasn't an accident, why is he showing her scenes from the show, and what is it that he's trying to tell her?

"Hello. I know you k*lled me."

Plus those scenes were with Grant Harper.

That's what she said, right?

Maybe Miles thinks they were in it together.

Right, so then why isn't he haunting Grant, and why isn't he here telling us that we need to call the police?

Well, the police couldn't find any proof.

Miles is getting justice the only way he knows how.

That doesn't make any sense to me.

Where are you going?

Watch TV.

Troy, listen to me.

He told me just before he lost consciousness.

He said that he was happy.

We're gonna get through this.

Hey. What a nice surprise.

What are you doin' home?

I think the ghost is using scenes from the show to try and send a message, so I'm watching old episodes.

Plus they're sh**ting at the store. It's closed.

Oh, you got a cold?

What's goin' on? What--

wait a minute. Are you crying?

Uhh. I kinda got sucked in, ok?

There's so much sadness and loss.

He said that he was happy.

That's great. I love it.

He made me promise... Oh! Oh.

That I would always look out for you.

This is the episode where Dr. Holden's father is on his deathbed and Celeste Barrington doesn't even let him know.

Until after his father's d*ed.

And now Dr. Holden will never know who his real mother is.

You're right. It's addictive.

Wait a minute. So the--
the ghost is using this soap somehow?

Yeah. He's trying to tell Brook Dennis something.

I take it that Grant Harper and Suzanne Zale's characters, they break up a lot?

On, constantly. Oh, yeah, yeah.

They're like bitter enemies that can't get enough of each other, you know?

If she ever knew how many women who've thrown themselves at his feet, and if he ever knew how she keeps him under her thumb, eh...

But why? I don't know.

She's a control freak, and he's afraid to go after his dreams, but they love each other.

It's entertaining.

Wait. Ooh. Oh.

Here's a link to today's episode.

Ahh! I'll make popcorn.



Dr. Holden, if the board finds out what you've been up to--

the only thing the board is gonna find out now is the truth, that you've been lying to them for the past 8 years.

Cut it! Cut!

It was perfect. What the hell? What's go--

Cally: We got looky-loos.

Duff! Please.

Sorry, folks. You're in the sh*t.

Oops. I'm sorry.

It won't happen again. Ok.

Duff: Setting back to one!

[Sighs] That was so embarrassing.

I wonder what they're sh**ting.

You really wanna know?

Come on, come on. What?

Go. Go.

Ok, so I found this little script.

It has all the pages that they're sh**ting today.

I guess they call them sides.

Well, all I know... Uh-huh.

Is the rumors are true.

Well, are you gonna tell me or not?


There's a confidentiality clause on the location agreement.

They're trying to keep the story under wraps.

Aw, come on.

But if I were just to maybe...

Drop these...

And I were just to pick them up...

Holy cow.

They're really gonna k*ll Dr. Holden.

Yeah. Why?

Because apparently the real drama is behind the camera.

Look. It seems...

That Grant Holden is having a torrid love affair with one of his co-stars, and that's coming to an end. Suzanne Zale.

Well, they didn't say, but rumor has it that's why he's leaving the show.

Wait till they find out he might be a m*rder*r.

Come on. You really think Grant had something to do with Miles' death?

Yeah, I think it's possible.

According to the police file, Grant took the prop g*n home the night before Miles was sh*t.

He said he was using it to rehearse a scene for a movie audition.

You really think he was rigging it to k*ll Miles when Brook pulled the trigger?


[Whispering] I think the ghost may think that.

Shut it.

Which is why he said, "somebody's goin' out with a bang."

I won't let you do this.

I won't let you leave me.

Wait a minute. Celeste is about to sh**t Dr. Holden...

Celeste, how do you think you can stop me?

With a prop g*n?!


...where you are.

Cut! Cut! What the--


Hey, security! Get off me, man.

Get off, man! Come on!

Grant, you ok?

She was gonna sh**t him.

It's a TV show. It's pretend.

You idiot.

Grant, are you all right?

You should have let her sh**t him.

[Indistinct chatter]

You wanna press charges?

No, but keep that lunatic away from me.


Duff, I'll be in my trailer.

Um, I--[Stammers]

I thought the ghost was trying to k*ll Grant the same way he was k*lled.

It was a good theory.

They should be thanking me.

Instead, I just ruined my chances of getting that walk-on part.

It was a good theory, except nobody tampered with the g*n.

But the ghost was here.

He said I should have let her sh**t him.

Can ghosts make blank g*ns fire real b*ll*ts?

Something tells me he doesn't wanna k*ll anybody.

Why do you say that?

Nobody's dead.


Duff: Hair and makeup needs a half-an-hour to fix Grant, plus whatever time he needs to recuperate.

[Sighs] Let's sh**t Suzanne's close-up.

This episode is cursed.

Excuse me. I-I'm sorry about my friend.

He can get excitable.

Yeah, well, it's in pretty bad taste to be bringing up malfunctioning blank g*ns around us.

Because of Miles Maitland. We know.

What is this about? Really.

Look, I know it's gonna sound strange, but do you remember the other night at the theater when all the lights went haywire?

What about it?

That was Miles.

He's angry, and I think he blames one of you for his death.

Look, I know that it's hard to believe, but I have a gift.

I've seen Miles, and I've talked to him.

Since he d*ed, has anything strange happened to you?

Anything that's made you feel like maybe Miles was with you?

I've never told anyone that before.

So you're saying that his ghost is really...

Haunting you.

I'm just not sure why or for how long, but he's still here.

Is he here right now?

Not at the moment.

You two were close?

We met as undergrads.

Miles would read whatever I was working on and give me notes, lots of notes.

Like on dead to me?

He fought me constantly during those rehearsals.

He was obsessed with truth, even in a bedroom farce.

That's when I felt like k*lling him.

But the thing is, all his notes just made the work better.

Anyway, whenever I face that blinking cursor, it's like he's still there challenging me.

I know that must sound crazy.

Oh. Consider who you're talking to.

He thinks we had something to do with his death?

That's crazy.

The irony is that play never would've gone anywhere without him.

As it turns out, it didn't.

Sounds like you regret that.


Who knows?

Things worked out pretty well for us.

You and Grant, you mean. Yeah.

Sure, he got his ego bruised, but he knew I'd look out for him.

I always look out for my friends.

Trouble is she has a not-so-friendly way of doing it.

So I'm-- I'm guessing that you and Grant...

Why have you kept it a secret?

I'll deny it if you ever tell anyone, but the truth is it's better for his image to be single, and I like my privacy.

Then why are you writing him off the show?

Look, we get ratings when he leaves, even more when he comes back, and every now and then, he needs his freedom, but he always comes back to the show and to the character.

And to you.


Sorry. I just-- I get these chills.

It's like a low blood sugar thing.

No. Actually, it was Miles.

He got really upset, and I don't know why.

Well, good luck figuring him out.

I never could.

I'm still confused.

So you're k*lling Grant's character off your show.

Crew: Cally! They're ready for you on the set.

Do you catch much TV or movies or books, for that matter?

People in fiction don't always stay dead.


What the hell?


Like I said, cursed.
Grant: But I love the thought of working with you again.

Brook: Grant. You would actually consider it?

Of course I would.

And I'm a free man after today.

Duff, where's Grant?

Uh, he's in his trailer.

We'll be ready in 5 for Suzanne's close-up.

I'll be right back.

When I heard the show was comin'
to Grandview, this is what I hoped for.

Heh. What? The teaching job?

No. Just--

[knock on door]

Oh. Sorry.

Brook, what a surprise.

Hi, Cally.


Grant, I just wanted to let you know that your body Mike is on, so if you two were discussing anything private...

Grant: Not at all. I was just talking to Brook about the possibility of teaching when I'm done with the show.


At Rockland?

Yeah. The department chair suggested an artist in residence.

Well, congratulations.

Um, I hate to interrupt, but we need you in hair and makeup, so...

Really good to see you, Brook.

Sorry. I've gotta get back to work.

Of course. Duff!

I'll be in my trailer!

You finish the scene, please!


I won't let you do that.

I won't let you leave me.

Celeste, how do you think you can stop me?


At least this way, I'll always know where you are.

Ahh! Ahh.

Waiting for you...

In hell.

And cut!

Yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, that's the series wrap for Grant Harper.

Good job.

Nice job.

Thank you, everybody. Enjoyed it.

You guys are the best. Thank you.


I'm gonna miss him.


Goldenrod pages.

Old habits, I know, but I just wrapped. I'm done.

Uh, but you're first up in line for tomorrow's work, scene 34.

Well, somebody made a mistake.

Hey, I don't get it.

"Dr. Holden sputters back to life"?

I'm so sorry. I would have told you, but I only just got the call while you were sh**ting.

What happened?

The head of daytime changed her mind.

But it was settled. She agreed.

I fought for you.

I even pitched out a whole story line in the aftermath of Dr. Holden's death, but she wouldn't budge.

I swear, Cally, if I don't get out of this role, I really will die.

We'll get through it.

I'll call her, and I will try again. I promise.

Come on.

[Audience laughing]

Sorry, babe, but if you're asking me to beg for my life...

All I'm asking is please don't get blood on my new berber.




Dr. Holden: I could never understand why you would deliberately lie to me.

Celeste: You're not going anywhere.

I still have the files.

You think I care about that?

My father was a hero to me.

I never even got to say good-bye.

What does that even mean, "lies"?

And why did he have to make them come out of my mouth?

That's where lies usually come from.

You know what? You're not helping.

And whose lies are we talking about, Cally's, Grant's, or Brook's?

Or all of them.

And does this even have to do with Miles' death? Because there hasn't been one dream or vision with a g*n or blood.

What was the color of that goo you yakked?

Green. Thanks for bringing that up.

So to speak. Get it?

You said Cally didn't look happy when she found Grant and Brook together yesterday.

Yeah. Something went on with those three in college.

It's like there's a soap behind the soap.

Yeah. Or I guess you could say acting is lying.

So is writing. It's making stuff up.

Is that what this is about, the show?

'Cause why would Miles care about that?

Yeah, and speaking of which, where are they filming today?

Uh, they're in an alley behind city hall.

It's that scene where Dr. Holden's body's being brought out and, you know, he comes back to life.

How do you know all this?

Because I'm sexy coroner number 2.

Wait. You won the walk-on part?

Jim--Jim put me up for it.

I'm late for hair and makeup.



Cut. Cut, cut.


You're not on your mark. Again.

Oh, I was looking for it.

Back to one! I--I really--

it's the pink tape right there.

Oh, the pink tape! See?

Ok? Ok. Got it. Sorry.

Grant: You're doin'
a fantastic job.

Aw, thank you.

In fact, please feel free to screw up every take.

Well, I didn't exactly screw--

we don't have a choice here, Grant. I'm sorry.

No, actually, I'm the only one without a choice.

You have plenty.

I told you. Now come on.

We gotta get this scene.

Asked my agent to call the network.

Um, everyone, take five!

Grant, let's go talk in my trailer.

You lied to me, Cal.

You're the one who decided to keep me on the show, only you.

Ok, I'm sorry.

I was just trying to protect you.

The only thing I need protecting from is you.

I want out. What?

The cushiest job in the business, a great career.

No, us.

Look, I--I know I owe you a lot, maybe everything, and maybe that's why I stayed so long.

But I need to go. I'm done.

You're not done until I say so.

You're still under contract.

All right, duff! From the top, ok?

This is the one, you guys. Lots of energy.

Crew: Stand by! Picture's up!

Let's go.

Sounds just like Celeste and Dr. Holden on the show.

Wait a minute.

That's it.

You're doing what you did in grad school.

You're giving them notes.

You want her to change the script.

Dr. Holden must leave hope's edge, and if Cally won't k*ll him, I will.

What's goin' on?

Were you just talkin'
to the ghost?

You know what? I've seen ghosts try to manipulate--ooh.

Sorry--TVs, but never enjoy them.

What does that mean?

Is the ghost a fan of the show?

Duff: Picture's up!

Melinda, we need you on your mark!

Oh. Um, more of a critic, actually.

He wants him to change the story line, but I'm not sure how far he'll go.

Ok. Pink tape.

Ok. Good luck.

Cally: And...



What the hell?

Hey, Jerry! Jerry! The crane!

Hey, cut! Cut it! I was on it.

The crane! We can't stop it!

It's gonna hit her! Watch it!


Eli: Ok, Miles, cut, print, wrap, or whatever it is you people say.

It's over.

Sorry about your hand.

Yeah, well, you should be. She almost broke a bone with that crane stunt.

It's a sprain. I'll live.

I wish I could say the same.

Yeah, well, I might have felt more sorry for you if you hadn't just tried to k*ll my friend.

It's ok.

Listen, I wasn't tryin' to k*ll anyone.

I just wanted to stop them from filming that idiotic scene.

Why? Because you didn't like the story Cally was tellin'?

You're not doing plays anymore.

This is real life.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Ok, so then, why do you keep trying to get them to change the story line?

Is it some sort of revenge?

Revenge for what?

You were sh*t to death on this stage.

You have to blame someone for that.

No, I do, but it's none of them.

Grant: Who are you talkin' to?

We came right over. What's the emergency?

I'm due in editing.

Miles wants to talk to you.

What's goin' on? Did you put 'em up to this?

Brook: It's real, Grant.

Just hear them out.

Grant: So those accidents weren't really accidents?

Except for the one where I tackled you.

That was kind of--

pure stupidity.

Thanks. Miles, anything to add?

We're all waiting.

Well, first of all, you can tell them to stop wallowing in the guilt for k*lling me, because it wasn't their fault.

Miles wants you to know that his death wasn't your fault.

When he saw your reaction to Grant being dropped from the show, he was afraid that people would start to t*nk their performances.

I decided to shake things up, so I put a double charge in the g*n, thought an extra-large blast would put some life into the second act.

He put a double charge into the g*n.

That is so Miles.

What about everything that he did, all those hauntings?

What does he want from us?

It's not about what I want.

But the vision that you gave me, the word "lies"...

Who's lying?

Who isn't?

And what does any of this have to do with Grant leaving the show?

Is it that you didn't want him to be with Cally?

Why would I care who he chooses to be with?

I'm dead.

Just as long as he follows his dreams.


That's why you wanted us to watch the show, because Grant and his character have the same problem.

Uh, not following our dreams--

what's he talkin' about?

Miles is saying that he thinks you should take the job at Rockland u, and as usual, he's right.

Cal, is--is this some sort of trick?

Are you settin' me up again?

If this is about lies, I think I know what Miles has in mind.

Grant, that night, when I told you the producers wanted Miles for your part, it wasn't true.

They offered to keep the whole cast.

They wanted me for the lead?


I don't understand.

I had been offered that job in L.A., and I was afraid if you went to the city to do the play--

I would get back with Brook.

I was right, wasn't I?

I don't know.

Would you hate me for hopin' yes?


Hate you?

I wish I could.

I bet I know what Miles is saying right now.

He thinks I'm Celeste and that I never really loved Grant, but that I wouldn't let anybody else have him.

Is that true?

No. Look at her.

She loved him, maybe too much.

She just held on too tight.

He thinks you have a really good heart.

You just need to learn to use it.

Your turn.

Miles says you kept comin' back to Cally, because you're afraid you won't be able to succeed without her.

You were afraid of her holding you back, but you did that to yourself.


Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Try not to enjoy it so much, Miles.

It's my turn.

I think I can guess.

Do you, uh, mind if I tell them?

Grant has been writing me and calling me for years, every time he and Cally broke up.

I just never wrote him back.

I just told myself I didn't want that life.

That was a lie.

You were afraid, too.

To take a chance on you.

Now you understand?

I couldn't stand seeing them live their lives like this...

Especially when they were so close to being happy.

Just had to knock some truth in their heads.

What's happening?

I think he's ready to go.

But if he leaves, who's going to keep me honest?

Tell her to remember me and that--

and I'll always be right here.

I'll tell her.


Now, that's a spotlight.

He's gone.



Uhh. Waiting for you...

In hell.


And this time, he really dies.

Along with my acting debut.

I'm sorry they cut your scene, babe.

Enh. It's all right. It's show biz.

Ms. Gordon.

It says here you hurt your hand last Thursday.

Yeah. Yeah, I was hoping that it would get better.

I tried to get her to come in early, but she's, um, plain stubborn. Right.

Well, we'll have to do an X-ray to see if it's broken.

So are you currently taking any medications?


Any chance you're pregnant?

We have to know what precaution to take for the X-ray.


No, I'm not pregnant.

Are you sure?

How long's it been since your last period?

Well, um...

Well, I have been preoccupied. I...

♪ anywhere you go, anyone you meet ♪

[heart b*ating]

♪ remember that your eyes can be your enemy... ♪

oh, my God. That's a baby.

That's a heartbeat.

Ok, uh, 8 weeks, right?

Yeah. Which means--

that means it happened before you...

Went away...

And came back.

Tell me it's real.

Please tell me it's real.


It's real.

♪ and I'll carry you home ♪
♪ ohh ♪
♪ ohh ♪
♪ ohh ♪
♪ ohh ♪
♪ ohh ♪
♪ ohh ♪
♪ ohh ♪