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04x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 12/26/22 07:19
by bunniefuu

How is everyone? - And you? - I'm fine, I already told you.

Mind telling me what the f*ck happened? - Blue Blood tried to k*ll us all.

- He's not the problem! But whoever's behind him! They were waiting for me in that sh*thole.

She told you Blue Blood was there, right? So what? She doesn't know that you're behind the bust.

Or do you think I told her? We're only alive by a miracle.

But not you You look like you've been for a stroll.

Tell me to my face if you think I tried to k*ll you.

If I wanted you dead, you'd be buried by now.

We need to stay calm.

Calm and united.

We're under attack, and I want to be sure we don't have enemies other than Blue Blood.

So, Michelangelo keep your eyes open in Secondigliano.

For you and for us.

There's one thing Michelangelo's right about.

We're a family and we gotta act like a family.

Understood? Gomorra (4x11) I handed the Levantes to you on a silver platter, and yet they're still standing.

Either they're very lucky, or they had a guardian angel.

Or maybe you're useless.

To see if that's true we gotta try again.

Not now.

Now you need to lie low.

They're after you, they mustn't find you here.

You gotta get away.

Patrizia, you know why I'm here.

I want revenge, too, but at the right moment.

Meanwhile, we gotta keep a low profile.

Understood? Now get outta here.

- Where have you been? - At Enzo's with the guys, talking.

What did you have to say? For now they gotta disappear.

- What does your family say? - They suspect you too.

They're not sure, but we got a spotlight on us.

We have to be careful.

Truth is, while they're alive, we're not safe.

And now I gotta take Secondigliano back.

Michelangelo! Remember who we're doing it for.

I know what I'm doing and who it's for, no need to remind me.

I know how you feel.

But you gotta relax.

So far, there are no dead to mourn.

Everything okay? Speed up a little.

Turn right.

Patrizia, don't turn around, we got a car tailing us.

So what do I do? - We'll go home.

- Let's finish our rounds.

- Patrizia - I said let's go.

Get out, I'll be right there.

Don't you dare contradict me in front of my men ever again! I'm in charge here.

I can't let them see me weak, neither in my house nor outside it.

Then excuse me.

I thought I was talking to Bianca's mom, but I'm dealing with the boss of Secondigliano.

Where's my father? Papa! Why the f*ck have you got a car tailing us? Calm down, Michelangelo.

You told me to keep my eyes open and I did, but it seems you don't trust me.

We've been att*cked three times.

Someone's gotta be behind it.

Maybe it's only that little shit from Forcella, maybe not.

I watch my house and I do it well.

I'm asking you, please, you gotta trust me.

You're my blood, Michelangelo.

We all trust you.

They confirmed, the shipment arrives tomorrow morning.

Good, I'll go.

I don't like you going out on your own.

Then we'll go together, that way they can't do anything to me.

I'll go by myself.

I need to be seen in the streets.

As boss of Secondigliano they gotta know I'm always there.

If I hide like a rat, I'm nobody's boss.

Patrizia Please, listen to me.

I have a bank account in Switzerland with two million, why don't we leave? We can go and live wherever we want, far away from my family, from all this shit.

I don't want to go anywhere.

My place is here.

You don't get it, they want to k*ll you! If they want to k*ll me, here I am, but they'll have to make w*r on my turf.

When you married me, you knew who I was.

Yes, I knew.

Tomorrow I'm going to the delivery.

If you come, good, you've chosen our family.

But if you don't come, I'm sure Papa will be glad to have you back home.

Thank you for coming.

- There's problems in Bologna.

- Bologna? That's strange, I didn't hear anything.

I did.

- And what do I do? - You leave in the morning.

I can't tomorrow.

But don't worry, I'll make some calls and straighten it out.

Some problems can only be solved in person.

I'll go, but are you sure this problem can't be solved any other way? There are things that people get whacked for, before they even have time to apologize.

Then there are sons, who mess up again and again, but you forgive them everything 'cause they're your kids.

The other night, I had three powerful charges put in, the same stuff we use at the quarry.

Her men are already here.

Stand by with that gizmo, we gonna bring the sky down.

Donna Patrizia, the shipment's arriving now.

Let's go.

- They're opening the gate.

- The shipment's here.

- That's it, yeah? - She's missing though.

Keep your eyes peeled.

C'mon, let's do it.

Faster! Donna Patrizia's coming.

There, she's coming.

Where the f*ck is she? - She's coming in, get ready.

- Today we're gonna get rid of her ass! What the f*ck's going on? Police! Let's go! Calm down! Shut up! Don't push me.

What happened? They arrested Patrizia.

What the f*ck does that mean? The cops made a raid and got her and the shipment.

It's the second time it's happened.

- People in Secondigliano - The f*ck do I care about the people? Go, Fernando, I'll call you.

What's going on? Why did you make me come here? Patrizia's been arrested.

What happens now? To us, nothing.

You said if she went under, she'd take us with her.

And all this goes under, too? I'm handling it.

Patrizia has no record, with a good lawyer she'll be out in a couple of days.

The TV news said they found a hundredweight of cocaine.

If she wants to get out now, she just needs to talk.

And you know that.

A true boss never talks.

My father never talked.

But she's not Pietro Savastano.

And if she decides to collaborate, everything we've built collapses.

Even in prison, Patrizia is still the boss of Secondigliano.

And she knows it.

Santore, the cell's freed up.

Turn right.

Patrizia Santore, second A, cell six.

Donna Patrizia To share the cell with you is an honor and a privilege for me.

Take the more comfortable bed, I moved.

- Thank you.

- No, not those.

These are better.

Whatever you need, I'm at your disposal.

Got a cigarette? If I may say so, smoking's not good in your condition.

Anger's even worse.

She's alive, Mickey.

That's what counts.

Patrizia Santore.


What's happening? Evening, Miss Santore, sorry it's so late.

Did my lawyer get lost on the way? I thought a little chat in private would do us good.


I have nothing to say.

Then maybe I misunderstood.

Your husband, Michelangelo Levante, is obviously wrong.

He told us about the shipment.

- It's not true.

- That's what I thought, too.

A husband reporting his wife impossible.

But then he explained he feels safer knowing you're in jail, outside he fears for your life.

He was really worried.

Especially after they found enough expl*sives to blow up the building where you were arrested.

I told him not to worry, we'll keep you safe.

If you have anything to tell us, we'll protect you, give you a new life Prison's no place to raise a kid, is it? He told me you'd definitely have something to say.

All right Obviously he was wrong.

If while you think of your baby you remember something, I'm here.

Are you all right? I'm gonna be in here for a while.

And I need a friend I can trust.

- Are you my friend? - I'm always at your disposal.


We have to let them know I'm still in charge of Secondigliano.

How are you? I didn't have any other choice.

My family nearly blew you up.

If it wasn't yesterday, another day, I can't protect you two forever.

- It wasn't up to you to choose.

- But it was.

I chose to protect my family and I did it the only way I knew how.

Which family are you talking about? Listen to me, I can't do anything for you in here, I can't protect you.

But they won't give up, they'll try to k*ll you in here too.

You have to talk to him.

You have to collaborate.

I'm not a rat.

Now get out and stay outta my sight.

You can hate me if you like but you're alive.

Now it's all in your hands, my daughter's life, too.

Well? Last night a screw took Patrizia out of her cell.

She came back an hour later, that's all we know.

If she talked we'd know by now.

Maybe she said no for now, but they find ways to tempt you.

The time's come to let Patrizia know she's not alone.

Let's go for a walk.

You gotta do this, and make sure no one comes from the other side.

In the soup Only by helping the Levantes can we solve our families' problems, don't you see? Do what you gotta do.

Patrizia met with Ruggieri.

Is she going to collaborate? I don't know.

Yes, you do.

Gennaro, I've thought this through.

She has every reason in the world to talk, about the past too.

I always helped her, I put my realm in her hands.

Gratitude doesn't count for f*ck, when you're desperate and when all you have to think about is your kid's life.

I know that, because I would have done the same thing.

But I can't let her destroy all our work, all we've accomplished so far.

She has to die.

I told Fernando to get her a message.

We got people in that prison.

To put her mind at rest.

Don't let her outta your sight.

She's going alone.

Let's go, without being seen.

Sorry, Nunzia, but there was another way to help my family.

What did you think you were doing? f*cking bitch! Donna Patrizia, are you all right? Get help.
