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04x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 12/26/22 07:17
by bunniefuu
- Enzo! Glad you came.

- Congratulations.

Thank you.


- Hi, Rosa.

- Hi, Enzo.

He's beautiful.

He doesn't look like you at all, good thing he took after Rosa.

Good thing, for real! Enzo, I'm going to get the party favors.

We gotta celebrate something else and we gotta hurry.

- The first one to become a dad? - No, when the dr*gs arrive.

When and if they arrive.

- Do you know? - Patrizia said a month, it's up.

But the f*cking Capaccios bought stuff on their own and they're expanding behind our backs.

Wait 'til the stuff gets here then we'll be laughing again.

What's there to laugh about? The problem's not that there's no dr*gs, but why.

Secondigliano's in the sh*t, they even had a rat in the house.

- What if nothing turns up? - What do you think, Valerio? Unfortunately, it's not up to me.

Enzo Why the long faces? Today we all gotta celebrate, our family's growing.

I know some are worried, but I found a contact.

While we wait for Patrizia's shipment, our ass is covered.

- But we gotta pay in cash.

- And where do we get it? You'll see.

Now let's celebrate, let's take a picture.

Give it up for Top Model! Thanks, guys! You ready? Make it snappy! Gomorra (4x07) This machine g*n's a beast, I'm gonna raise hell.

Get your piece outta my face.

The f*ck are you doing? Can you smell sh*t too? Top Model needs to change his diaper.

Get off my ass! - You scared, Goliath? - He's forgotten how to sh**t.

- When did he ever know how to sh**t? - Suck my d*ck! Top Model's momma sucks dicks! - Jerk-off! - Knock it off.

You always take it out on his mother! - What's with you? - You're a dickhead.

A little exercise will do us all good.

- Speak for yourself, with that gut! - I'm on a diet.

I was just fine in bed with a tit in my mouth.

You got that right.

What's wrong, Valerio, you wanna go home? You're so serious You wanna spoil the party? Why, are we going to a party? The armored truck's entering the tunnel.

You wanna get out? It's too late, there's no taxis at this hour.

Walking's a drag.

So let's do it.

- "Walking is a drag" - He's a legend! Let's do this, game on.

Get out! Come on, guys! Get out! Get out! Get outta there! f*ckers, they got an escort! Guys! - Quick! - Come! Guys, come on! Quick! m*therf*ckers! The cops! We gotta go! Hurry! Close it! Come on, quick! Call the doctor! Get the scooter.

- Let's hurry.

- Go! Close it! Go.

Get off here.

Go, hurry up! We'll wait for you over there.

Go! Move! C'mon, let's get him on the gurney.

- Hold him here! - Hurry! Quick.

You can't come in here.

Enzo We gotta call Rosa.

Let's wait 'til he makes it and we can give her the good news.

Did you see the state he's in? I said he's gonna make it.

Do you see why we can't afford any more fuckups? You shoulda known they had an escort.

I know what I have to do.

I don't think so.

When Nicola came to talk to us, you ignored him.

Again? You know what your problem is? You see sh*t that's not there.

Fine, Enzo, do what you want.

But sooner or later, they'll get sick of it.

They? If there's anyone changing their mind, it's you.

What? Sasà What's happened? Where's Sasà ? You happy now? You happy now? Let's go in.

Bro' Bro' Pure'n'Simple, Sasà woulda done anything for Enzo, he woulda even gone to hell.

For real.

Luckily, only he d*ed.

The f*ck you looking at, Pure'n'Simple? Enzo's at home, on that nice sofa he bought without even doing a mugging.

Are you serious? Enzo has nothing to do with it, no one could have known what was gonna happen.

He wants to order everyone around.

Then I say he's responsible for Top Model's death.

Is that what you think, Goliath? He's not the only one, Pure'n'Simple.

We'll pretend I didn't hear that.

- I nearly went for him.

- You shouldn't talk in front of Valerio.

What are you talking about? - I agree with you.

- Why didn't you say anything? A brother d*ed.

Instead of flinging sh*t at each other, we gotta do something.

I don't want to put Enzo on the spot, I want him to think.

- What the f*ck is there to think about? - About what Nicola tried to tell us.

He was a rat.

That's what Patrizia says.

But I saw him and so did you.

He was talking like he was scared not like he wanted to screw you.

So what do you think? Didn't you say the Capaccios are taking our turf? So what do we do? Enzo's a brother, but he's not a boss.

And I don't want to die because no one's got the balls to tell him.

- I want to talk to the Capaccios.

- You want to make a deal with them? I want to know what they're up to.

And I want to know if they're the only ones behind the bust.

And then? And then we can decide on our future, whether to stay with them or with Patrizia or go our own way.

You don't want to tell Enzo? When it's done we'll tell him, he'll just have to accept it.

Goliath doesn't know what he's saying.

It's the grief talking.

I know.

It's what Valerio says that worries me.

Didn't Valerio tell you anything? No need, I can read his mind.

He thinks it's my fault.

What is it? We gotta see something.

It's Secondigliano.

The dr*gs have arrived.

You'll see, it'll be all right now.

It's here! Guys, let's unload.

Easy with this stuff.

Say hello to Donna Patrizia.

Quick, go.

Hurry up.

Bro', finally.

Guys, open this sh*t.

Check out the trash That's gross! Where's Valerio? Anyone heard from him? You know he's delicate.

He's probably sleeping.

Smells like sh*t.

Now you want to talk to us again? This guy does what the f*ck he wants.

He wants to talk, then he doesn't want to talk Elia, I don't know if I want to listen to him.

I know you've never liked Patrizia.

It's all the same to me.

In Secondigliano they're raking in the cash, and we're scraping by.

If you came to tell us what we already know, you can leave.

Nicola told us the seized shipment went back on the streets.

I don't know, Elia Why did Nicola go talk to him? Something like that you'd tell your boss.

Unless you don't trust your boss anymore either.

And do you know why? Nicola knew that behind the seizure there's someone who doesn't like this truce because he wants Patrizia out of the way, like I do.

And you think it's us? I think you play an important role in this game.

- And what do you want to do? - An alliance.

With you and with those who are with you.

And if we do that, others will follow.

Let us think about it.

We'll let you know.

Take him outside.

This guy wants to take Blue Blood's place.

Son of a bitch! Friends Friends, my ass! Can we trust him? Last time he ran riot.

But we had fun, right? This goes to Vicaria Vecchia.

Get it there fast.

This goes to Piazza Calenda.



- Where the f*ck have you been? - I had some problems.

What happened? Papa had a heart att*ck last night.

- How is he now? - He's out of danger.

But Mama needs me.

You're right, I know how important it is to have a father.


Your bag's there, come with me.


Go to Vico della Pace.

- Everything all right? - He said they'll think about it.

Goliath, if Enzo notices anything, tell me right away.

Don't worry.

One week and we'll get it all back.

We won't get our lost brothers back.

Enzo, you gotta let it go, Top Model is dead.

Hold your head high and show everybody we can move forward.

I wasn't talking about him.

I was talking about Valerio.

- Yes, who is it? - A friend of Valerio's.

He said I'd find him here.

After the glass door, at the back on the left.

Who are you? Any news of my son? Wait! Why are you looking for him? What is he doing, what do you know? Get your hands off me.

I need to speak to you.

Stay on Valerio's ass, I need to know if I can still trust him.

Tell me everything you find out.

Goliath, what the f*ck's going on? Shouldn't we tell Valerio Enzo suspects him? What do we do? The time's come to take the situation in our hands.

Trust me, or we'll end up like our brother.

Dude! I said we'd be in touch.

There's no time, my friends want an answer now.

Has Enzo noticed anything? I don't know, but I can't risk it.

We have to hurry.

Listen to me.

You're getting yourself into something bigger than you are.

It's not only us behind this shipment, there's someone more powerful.

You need to speak to him.

- All cool anyway? - Yeah.

We'll set up a meeting for tomorrow night.

All right.

What happened, Valerio? You couldn't wait 'til tomorrow? - Did Enzo tell you anything? - Why? We gotta hurry, I spoke to Crazy.

- What did he say? - We gotta do it tomorrow night.

The sooner we do it, the better.

What happened? Well? Valerio.

Tell me.

We did what you asked, we followed him.

Valerio spoke to the Capaccios.

At this point we want to know.

Is Valerio a brother or not? He was a brother.

Bring him to me.

Hi, Papa.

- Valerio.

- You're always here, huh? Your mother's losing her mind, she hasn't seen you for a year.

I'm losing my mind.

I can't come home.

Why can't you? What's going on? Does the guy who was looking for you come into it? - Who came? - A guy with one eye.

Who are these people, Valerio? You have to do something for me.

Whatever you want.

Wanna speak to those who want w*r with Secondigliano? Here we are, speak.

So Nicola was right, there really was something big behind this seizure.

The Levantes.

You got a problem, guys? The offer's still the same.

Put down your g*ns.

Don't move.

What's all this show about? This piece of sh*t was screwing us all.

He was recording everything to spy for his boss.

Look in his pockets.

Wanna speak to the people who want w*r? What does that mean? He wanted to ask you to get rid of Enzo and Patrizia, but it was a trap.

He woulda gone to Enzo with proof you were behind the bust.

I want to do the deal with you.

We gotta bring Enzo down.

And who says you won't do the same thing? No You know that Enzo is loyal to Patrizia.

You think she won't respond? Lower your g*n.

Lower it.

Is it worth keeping an ally like him instead of an enemy like Enzo? Let's think about it.

Let's go, Ciccio.

You're lucky.

You're lucky.

And Valerio? He was running away, Enzo.

I'm sorry.

I'll deal with it all, don't worry about a thing.

Do me a favor.

Valerio has to go home.

Whatever you want.